All posts by Vasil Kolev

2024-06-04 нова marla, нов tyler, миграции

Post Syndicated from Vasil Kolev original

И дойде време за подмяна на хардуера. последно е подменяна през 2016, и имаше нужда от refresh.

За разлика от предишните, новата е 1U. Сега е AMD EPYC 7303P, 128 GiB RAM, и три броя 7.68TB NVMe-та в RAID5. В сравнение с предишната направо лети.

Хардуерната част беше по-лесната. Машината беше още на Debian 9, с купчина ръчно компилирани неща, с разни стари услуги и какви ли не странности. За миграцията имах 40тина неща за подготвяне, и план за самата миграция план от 45 точки какво има да се пусне/спре/мигрира и т.н.. От по-забавните:

– Не ми се занимаваше да мигрирам до maiman3, така че си build-нах пакет за mailman2, с python2 и всичко останало. Тва ще живее в миналото, докато не събера желание да пренеса миграцията до нещо по-модерно. Също, никак не ме радва идеята разни пакети да мислят, че да се счупи миграцията от версия 2 към версия 3 е добра идея, и обвинявам Python-а, че даде лош пример на света.
– Трябваше да си build-на ircd-то и services с моите patch-ове за UTF-8 support и подобни неща. В момента ircd-ratbox го няма никъде в debian и трябва да помисля за миграция към някой от наследниците.
– Ползвам packetbl за филтриране на пакети на база на RBL, та му направих по-нормален начин за пускане и пакетиране за текущата ситуация.
– И разбира се купчини сайтове, PHP-та, бази и какво ли не още.

Подготовката беше няколко седмици, от които може би 2 дни бяха rsync на всички данни през интернетите, за да пренеса повечето информация, разни дебели видео архиви и подобни работи. После едни колеги пренесоха желязото физически до 3dc, пъхнаха го в rack-а, и аз след ден-два направих самия switch, в рамките на няколко часа. Помогна и monitoring-а, да покаже какво не е светнало и какво има да се досветне.

Имаше няколко fail-а, които се оправяха в последствие, но като цяло нещата минаха добре, и в момента желязото си клати краката, щото предишния load изобщо не може да се сравни с какво може. Следва да се качи още натоварване 🙂

И това беше лесната част. Като допълнение, исках да махна стария tyler (който е по-предната marla, купувана 2010та), и да го пренеса на старата marla. Което щеше да е доста по-проста задача, ако не беше това:

u0    RAID-5    DEGRADED       -       -       64K     2793.94   RiW    ON    
VPort Status         Unit Size      Type  Phy Encl-Slot    Model
p0    OK             u0   1.82 TB   SATA  0   -            ST2000DM008-2UB102 
p1    OK             u0   1.82 TB   SATA  1   -            ST2000DM008-2UB102 
p2    DEGRADED       u0   1.82 TB   SATA  2   -            ST2000DM008-2UB102 
p3    ECC-ERROR      u0   1.82 TB   SATA  3   -            ST2000DM008-2UB102 

Това е RAID5 масив с един изпаднал диск и един, който дава грешки, или в човешка терминология, “life sucks and then you die”. Открих го, когато започнах да планирам миграцията, и се наложи да го планирам малко по-форсмажорно. Файловите системи вече даваха грешки, така че в общи линии една нощ преточвах каквото можеше, и в една ранна сутрин с dd през netcat преточих root partition-а на другото желязо и boot-нах.

Най-голямото упражнение беше да го направя без ходене на място, понеже да се boot-не нещо на желязо с толкова стар IPMI се оказа забавно, и загубих 4-5 часа да се опитвам да намеря java, която да може да направи закачането на block device отсреща (в което се провалих изцяло). Накрая (понеже все пак имах ipmi) написах едно sysrescuecd на един partition на диска и просто boot-нах от него, за да мога спокойно да overwrite-вам root-а.
(след което имаше разни други проблеми с разлики в GRUB версии и т.н., като цяло в GRUB prompt не бях изкарвал толкова време доста отдавна)

Доста неща са пострадали. Спасих си netbox-а, но е със заминала база, там няма спасение, та който е имал account, ще трябва да си прави пак. Jabber сървъра също е пострадал, и ще видя там какво мога да направя в следващите дни.

Цялата работа ми показа основно колко ме е разглезил StorPool с тия виртуални машини, snapshot-и, end-to-end checksum-и, live миграции… Ако събера бюджет, някой ден ще си вдигна нещо подобно. От друга страна, човек определено трябва да си припомня как се правят по-криви неща от време на време 🙂

2024-03-05 The failed live migration case

Post Syndicated from Vasil Kolev original

There’s a purpose in everyone’s life. Some days, it seems like mine is to show people what not to do.

I’ve written this explanation to show my mistakes and that, hopefully, other people don’t (there’s no hope for me). What follows is most of my debugging process, and it could be helpful to other people to see it (and point out what is wrong with it).

This happens in a StorPool deployment for a customer who runs a public cloud service. We provide the shared storage via some drivers of our own, and the customer uses OpenNebula to control Linux/KVM hypervisors. It’s all integrated very nicely and is used for our internal clouds.

KVM VMs are a qemu process in the Linux userspace with multiple threads.

The case started with a customer complaining that after an update we did to the storage software, the live migrations of his VMs started failing (the VMs would fail to move but would continue working on the original host). The problem was narrowed down to VMs started before a specific date (when we did the update mentioned above), and initially, it seemed to be contained to VMs that had QEMU CPU set (i.e., the least performant one).

At this point, I asked – can’t they restart all such VMs? This CPU type is mainly contributing to global warming anyway.
The reply was, “Are you insane? These are 900 VMs. We’ll reboot them, but we really don’t want to do that now”.
Fair point.

Then, some further tests showed that any VMs, not just the ones with the QEMU CPU, were failing the migration. Finally, someone looked into the (not easy to find) logs of qemu and found the following:

2024-02-20T09:46:41.938285Z qemu-kvm-one: qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy_non_iterable: bdrv_inactivate_all() failed (-1)

(seriously. Trying to trace anything via the logs in OpenNebula/libvirt/qemu feels like interrogating prisoners who don’t speak your language.)

Two mistakes above that would’ve saved a day or two – I should’ve looked into the issue immediately myself instead of relying on hearsay and building the wrong picture (based on assumptions) in my head. I did not expect that the (routine) update we did could have any such effect.

I specifically checked if the same problem existed in our labs and test environments, where we had done the same routine update, and it didn’t exist.

Now, this was weird. The only mention of the above error was in when the storage device on the originating side was broken. This was not the case here.

My first step was to get permission to use one VM at the customer for tests, and after I had that, I ran strace on it while migrating.

What I was able to see in the thread that performed the migration was:

prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "live_migration")    = 0
sendmsg(99, {msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base="..."..., iov_len=32768}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 32768
sendmsg(99, {msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base="..."..., iov_len=32768}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 32768
write(2, "2024-02-15T07:00:23.057678Z ", 28) = 28
write(2, "qemu-kvm-one:", 13)           = 13
write(2, " ", 1)                        = 1
write(2, "qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy_non_iterable: bdrv_inactivate_all() failed (-1)", 82) = 82
write(2, "\n", 1)                       = 1
futex(0x55586af89640, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1
sendmsg(20, {msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base="{\"timestamp\": {\"seconds\": 1707980423, \"microseconds\": 57880}, \"event\": \"MIGRATION\", \"data\": {\"status\": \"failed\"}}\r\n", iov_len=115}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 115
futex(0x55586af89640, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
sendmsg(20, {msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base="{\"timestamp\": {\"seconds\": 1707980423, \"microseconds\": 58133}, \"event\": \"RESUME\"}\r\n", iov_len=82}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 82

Some digging showed that 99 was the file descriptor with the connection to the remote qemu. This was the memory transfer, followed almost immediately by writing out the error and nothing in between.

So, being somewhat lost, I looked up debug symbols for qemu to see if I could trace this further. The usual tooling told me there weren’t:

[root@somewhere str3]# gdb /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
GNU gdb (GDB) Rocky Linux 8.2-20.el8.0.1
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm...Reading symbols from .gnu_debugdata for /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Missing separate debuginfos, use: yum debuginfo-install qemu-kvm-core-6.2.0-33.module+el8.8.0+1454+0b2cbfb8.x86_64
(gdb) quit

[root@somewhere str3]# yum debuginfo-install qemu-kvm-core-6.2.0-33.module+el8.8.0+1454+0b2cbfb8.x86_64
Repository storpool-contrib is listed more than once in the configuration
enabling epel-debuginfo repository
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 - Debug                                                                                                                                                                                            4.0 MB/s | 6.1 MB     00:01    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:02 ago on Thu Feb 15 16:26:34 2024.
Could not find debuginfo package for the following installed packages: qemu-kvm-core-15:6.2.0-33.module+el8.8.0+1454+0b2cbfb8.x86_64
Could not find debugsource package for the following installed packages: qemu-kvm-core-15:6.2.0-33.module+el8.8.0+1454+0b2cbfb8.x86_64
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

(I can already hear people saying, “You’re an idiot”; someone had to point that out to me)

Then, the colleague in communication with the customer said, “BTW, do you remember that at that time we did the other update, to migrate from one-type-of-volume-name to the-other-type-of-volume-name”? Of course, I didn’t. We ran the same migration in our lab, and the issue was reproduced immediately.

The mistake was that I did not collect all available information (or even most of it), still relying on assumptions.

I could deploy the latest qemu for AlmaLinux (almost the same as what the customer was using), download debug symbols, and start digging. Yay.

On strace, the issue looked the same – lots of sending to the socket and then just the error. So, I started digging with gdb by attaching, adding a breakpoint, continuing the process, and then running a live migration to see how the situation looked like at different points of the program. I had something like this primed and pasted when I ran gdb -p xxxx (some comments added to explain what these are):

set print pretty			# the usual gdb print is hard to read
set pagination off			# pagination is annoying in this regard, my terminal can scroll
handle SIGUSR1 nostop pass		# qemu uses SIGUSR1 a lot
break block/block-backend.c:253		# stop here
cont					# continue execution
bt full					# print me a full backtrace with local variables when stopped

It took some time to read through the relevant code and ensure there wasn’t something obvious (which took many wrong turns). The issue looked like that bdrv_inactivate_recurse() was trying to remove write permissions from the devices and was failing for some reason.

6523     /* Inactivate this node */
6524     if (bs->drv->bdrv_inactivate) {
6525         ret = bs->drv->bdrv_inactivate(bs);
6526         if (ret < 0) {
6527             return ret;
6528         }
6529     }
6531     QLIST_FOREACH(parent, &bs->parents, next_parent) {
6532         if (parent->klass->inactivate) {
6533             ret = parent->klass->inactivate(parent);
6534             if (ret < 0) {
6535                 return ret;
6536             }
6537         }
6538     }
6540     bdrv_get_cumulative_perm(bs, &cumulative_perms,
6541                              &cumulative_shared_perms);
6542     if (cumulative_perms & (BLK_PERM_WRITE | BLK_PERM_WRITE_UNCHANGED)) {
6543         /* Our inactive parents still need write access. Inactivation failed. */
6544         return -EPERM;
6545     }

This is the code in question, and in bdrv_get_cumulative_perms(), there were some devices that still had r/w set even after the stuff between lines 6531 and 6533 had passed:

bdrv_inactivate_recurse (bs=0x556e00221530) at ../block.c:6534
6534                if (ret < 0) {
6531        QLIST_FOREACH(parent, &bs->parents, next_parent) {
6540        bdrv_get_cumulative_perm(bs, &cumulative_perms,
6542        if (cumulative_perms & (BLK_PERM_WRITE | BLK_PERM_WRITE_UNCHANGED)) {
bdrv_inactivate_all () at ../block.c:6591
6591            if (ret < 0) {
6592                bdrv_next_cleanup(&it);

The inactivate() function above was in block/block-backend.c and looks like this:

 250 static int blk_root_inactivate(BdrvChild *child)
 251 {
 252     BlockBackend *blk = child->opaque;
 254     if (blk->disable_perm) {
 255         return 0;
 256     }
 258     if (!blk_can_inactivate(blk)) {
 259         return -EPERM;
 260     }
 262     blk->disable_perm = true;
 263     if (blk->root) {
 264         bdrv_child_try_set_perm(blk->root, 0, BLK_PERM_ALL, &error_abort);
 265     }
 267     return 0;
 268 }

and what was happening was:

258         if (!blk_can_inactivate(blk)) {
262         blk->disable_perm = true;
263         if (blk->root) {
264             bdrv_child_try_set_perm(blk->root, 0, BLK_PERM_ALL, &error_abort);
bdrv_inactivate_recurse (bs=0x556e00221530) at ../block.c:6534

So qemu is calling it, and that was all OK.

Here, a few times, I had missed what this was trying to do. Here’s bdrv_child_try_set_perm():

2518 int bdrv_child_try_set_perm(BdrvChild *c, uint64_t perm, uint64_t shared,
2519                             Error **errp)
2520 {
2521     Error *local_err = NULL;
2522     Transaction *tran = tran_new();
2523     int ret;
2525     bdrv_child_set_perm(c, perm, shared, tran);
2527     ret = bdrv_refresh_perms(c->bs, &local_err);
2529     tran_finalize(tran, ret);
2531     if (ret < 0) {
2532         if ((perm & ~c->perm) || (c->shared_perm & ~shared)) {
2533             /* tighten permissions */
2534             error_propagate(errp, local_err);
2535         } else {
2536             /*
2537              * Our caller may intend to only loosen restrictions and
2538              * does not expect this function to fail.  Errors are not
2539              * fatal in such a case, so we can just hide them from our
2540              * caller.
2541              */
2542             error_free(local_err);
2543             ret = 0;
2544         }
2545     }
2547     return ret;
2548 }

So that 0 being passed is “remove all permissions”, but at some time late in the day, you can’t see it…

And now, I break into that one and try to see what happens:

(gdb) n
2197        *s = (BdrvChildSetPermState) {
(gdb) print *(local_err)
No symbol "local_err" in current context.
No symbol "local_err" in current context.
(gdb) n
2203        c->perm = perm;
(gdb) print *(local_err)
No symbol "local_err" in current context.
(gdb) n
2204        c->shared_perm = shared;
(gdb) print *(local_err)
No symbol "local_err" in current context.
(gdb) n
2206        tran_add(tran, &bdrv_child_set_pem_drv, s);
(gdb) n
bdrv_child_try_set_perm (c=0x556e002e1730, perm=perm@entry=0, shared=shared@entry=31, errp=0x556dfeb99258 <error_abort>) at ../block.c:2527
2527        ret = bdrv_refresh_perms(c->bs, &local_err);
(gdb) print *(local_err)
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
(gdb) n
2529        tran_finalize(tran, ret);
(gdb) print *(local_err)
$1 = {
  msg = 0x7f25a4041b70 "Could not open '/var/lib/one//datastores/0/310/disk.0': No such file or directory", 
  src = 0x556dfe63ca2a "../util/osdep.c", 
  func = 0x556dfe63cbc0 <__func__.26488> "qemu_open_internal", 
  line = 359, 
  hint = 0x0
(gdb) q

Now, I see it going through the function, and I’m trying to look at that local_err if there’s something in it. Finally, I get the actual error; it has happened somewhere and is not propagated – but qemu has tried opening a file, and that doesn’t exist.

Two things here:
– This file does exist (it’s a symlink to a symlink to a block device, and I can access it with the permissions of the process);
– Why isn’t this error logged or propagated? I should probably send a patch for that…
– This was not in what strace showed, so what the hell.

So, I break at util/osdep.c in qemu_open_internal(), to see what happens. I pass through that a few times, trying to see where that error comes from, because I still think there is no syscall there, and glibc is screwing with me. This goes to show that you shouldn’t debug when tired because glibc returning ENOENT on its own is a lot less likely than strace missing one syscall.

I’m going to leave out a lot of unsuccessful attempts and show you how I got to the next clue in one large gdb session (commends with #):

(gdb) break util/osdep.c:312
Breakpoint 1 at 0x556dfe2c5c71: file ../util/osdep.c, line 312.
(gdb) handle SIGUSR1 nostop pass
Signal        Stop      Print   Pass to program Description
SIGUSR1       No        Yes     Yes             User defined signal 1
(gdb) set print pretty
(gdb) set pagination off
(gdb) cont
[New Thread 0x7f259c9ba700 (LWP 1798462)]
[New Thread 0x7f259c1b9700 (LWP 1798463)]

Thread 5 "CPU 0/KVM" received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.

Thread 5 "CPU 0/KVM" received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.

Thread 5 "CPU 0/KVM" received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
[Switching to Thread 0x7f259c1b9700 (LWP 1798463)]

Thread 8 "live_migration" hit Breakpoint 1, qemu_open_internal (name=name@entry=0x556e0021b241 "/var/lib/one//datastores/0/310/disk.0", flags=16384, mode=mode@entry=0, errp=errp@entry=0x7f259c1b85e0) at ../util/osdep.c:318
318         if (strstart(name, "/dev/fdset/", &fdset_id_str)) {
(gdb) bt full# nothing interesting in the backtrace
(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function qemu_open_internal:
   0x0000556dfe2c5c40 <+0>:     push   %r15
   0x0000556dfe2c5c42 <+2>:     push   %r14
   0x0000556dfe2c5c44 <+4>:     mov    %rcx,%r14
   0x0000556dfe2c5c47 <+7>:     push   %r13
   0x0000556dfe2c5c49 <+9>:     mov    %edx,%r13d
   0x0000556dfe2c5c4c <+12>:    push   %r12
   0x0000556dfe2c5c4e <+14>:    mov    %esi,%r12d
   0x0000556dfe2c5c51 <+17>:    lea    0x376dad(%rip),%rsi        # 0x556dfe63ca05
   0x0000556dfe2c5c58 <+24>:    push   %rbp
   0x0000556dfe2c5c59 <+25>:    mov    %rdi,%rbp
   0x0000556dfe2c5c5c <+28>:    push   %rbx
   0x0000556dfe2c5c5d <+29>:    sub    $0x28,%rsp
   0x0000556dfe2c5c61 <+33>:    mov    %fs:0x28,%rax
   0x0000556dfe2c5c6a <+42>:    mov    %rax,0x18(%rsp)
   0x0000556dfe2c5c6f <+47>:    xor    %eax,%eax
=> 0x0000556dfe2c5c71 <+49>:    lea    0x10(%rsp),%rdx
   0x0000556dfe2c5c76 <+54>:    callq  0x556dfe2c6a30 <strstart>
   0x0000556dfe2c5c7b <+59>:    test   %eax,%eax
   0x0000556dfe2c5c7d <+61>:    je     0x556dfe2c5cd8 <qemu_open_internal+152>
   0x0000556dfe2c5c7f <+63>:    mov    0x10(%rsp),%rdi
   0x0000556dfe2c5c84 <+68>:    callq  0x556dfe2c79b0 <qemu_parse_fd>
   0x0000556dfe2c5c89 <+73>:    movslq %eax,%rdi
   0x0000556dfe2c5c8c <+76>:    mov    %rdi,%rbx
   0x0000556dfe2c5c8f <+79>:    cmp    $0xffffffffffffffff,%rdi
   0x0000556dfe2c5c93 <+83>:    je     0x556dfe2c5d7c <qemu_open_internal+316>
   0x0000556dfe2c5c99 <+89>:    mov    %r12d,%esi
   0x0000556dfe2c5c9c <+92>:    callq  0x556dfe101b60 <monitor_fdset_dup_fd_add>
   0x0000556dfe2c5ca1 <+97>:    mov    %eax,%ebx
   0x0000556dfe2c5ca3 <+99>:    cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax
   0x0000556dfe2c5ca6 <+102>:   je     0x556dfe2c5db3 <qemu_open_internal+371>
   0x0000556dfe2c5cac <+108>:   mov    0x18(%rsp),%rcx
   0x0000556dfe2c5cb1 <+113>:   xor    %fs:0x28,%rcx
   0x0000556dfe2c5cba <+122>:   mov    %ebx,%eax
   0x0000556dfe2c5cbc <+124>:   jne    0x556dfe2c5dd3 <qemu_open_internal+403>
   0x0000556dfe2c5cc2 <+130>:   add    $0x28,%rsp
   0x0000556dfe2c5cc6 <+134>:   pop    %rbx
   0x0000556dfe2c5cc7 <+135>:   pop    %rbp
   0x0000556dfe2c5cc8 <+136>:   pop    %r12
   0x0000556dfe2c5cca <+138>:   pop    %r13
   0x0000556dfe2c5ccc <+140>:   pop    %r14
   0x0000556dfe2c5cce <+142>:   pop    %r15
   0x0000556dfe2c5cd0 <+144>:   retq   
   0x0000556dfe2c5cd1 <+145>:   nopl   0x0(%rax)
   0x0000556dfe2c5cd8 <+152>:   mov    %r12d,%esi
   0x0000556dfe2c5cdb <+155>:   mov    %r13d,%edx
   0x0000556dfe2c5cde <+158>:   mov    %rbp,%rdi
   0x0000556dfe2c5ce1 <+161>:   xor    %eax,%eax
   0x0000556dfe2c5ce3 <+163>:   or     $0x80000,%esi
   0x0000556dfe2c5ce9 <+169>:   callq  0x556dfdf0f190 <open64@plt>


I am not good at reading assembly, so if I’m doing this, I’m desperate (the colleague talking to the client was sitting next to me and asking why I was digging in the assembly). I see that it should call open64@plt, which looks like the syscall open to me.

I spend some time stepping instruction by instruction and trying to understand (and failing) what /usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h is doing with the macros there, but instruction by instruction I get to this:

(gdb) si
__libc_open64 (file=file@entry=0x556e0021b241 "/var/lib/one//datastores/0/310/disk.0", oflag=oflag@entry=540672) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/open64.c:37
37      {
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a401d4      37      {
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a401d8      37      {
(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function __libc_open64:
   0x00007f25d7a401d0 <+0>:     endbr64 
   0x00007f25d7a401d4 <+4>:     sub    $0x68,%rsp
=> 0x00007f25d7a401d8 <+8>:     mov    %esi,%r10d
   0x00007f25d7a401db <+11>:    mov    %rdx,0x40(%rsp)
   0x00007f25d7a401e0 <+16>:    mov    %fs:0x28,%rax
   0x00007f25d7a401e9 <+25>:    mov    %rax,0x28(%rsp)
   0x00007f25d7a401ee <+30>:    xor    %eax,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a401f0 <+32>:    and    $0x40,%r10d
   0x00007f25d7a401f4 <+36>:    jne    0x7f25d7a40248 <__libc_open64+120>
   0x00007f25d7a401f6 <+38>:    mov    %esi,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a401f8 <+40>:    and    $0x410000,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a401fd <+45>:    cmp    $0x410000,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a40202 <+50>:    je     0x7f25d7a40248 <__libc_open64+120>
   0x00007f25d7a40204 <+52>:    mov    0x20d236(%rip),%eax        # 0x7f25d7c4d440 <__pthread_multiple_threads>
   0x00007f25d7a4020a <+58>:    test   %eax,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a4020c <+60>:    jne    0x7f25d7a40273 <__libc_open64+163>
   0x00007f25d7a4020e <+62>:    mov    %esi,%edx
   0x00007f25d7a40210 <+64>:    mov    $0x101,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a40215 <+69>:    mov    %rdi,%rsi
   0x00007f25d7a40218 <+72>:    mov    $0xffffff9c,%edi
   0x00007f25d7a4021d <+77>:    syscall 
   0x00007f25d7a4021f <+79>:    cmp    $0xfffffffffffff000,%rax
   0x00007f25d7a40225 <+85>:    ja     0x7f25d7a402c8 <__libc_open64+248>
   0x00007f25d7a4022b <+91>:    mov    0x28(%rsp),%rcx
   0x00007f25d7a40230 <+96>:    xor    %fs:0x28,%rcx
   0x00007f25d7a40239 <+105>:   jne    0x7f25d7a402f1 <__libc_open64+289>
   0x00007f25d7a4023f <+111>:   add    $0x68,%rsp

And that, at 0x00007f25d7a4021d <+77>: is obviously the entry point to the kernel (the syscall). So…

(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a40289      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a4028d      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a40290      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a40295      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a4029a      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a4029c      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a4029f      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a402a4      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) si
0x00007f25d7a402a6      48        return SYSCALL_CANCEL (openat, AT_FDCWD, file, oflag | EXTRA_OPEN_FLAGS,
(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function __libc_open64:
… 			# omitted
   0x00007f25d7a40285 <+181>:   mov    0xc(%rsp),%esi
   0x00007f25d7a40289 <+185>:   mov    (%rsp),%rdi
   0x00007f25d7a4028d <+189>:   mov    %eax,%r8d
   0x00007f25d7a40290 <+192>:   mov    0x8(%rsp),%r10d
   0x00007f25d7a40295 <+197>:   mov    $0x101,%eax
   0x00007f25d7a4029a <+202>:   mov    %esi,%edx
   0x00007f25d7a4029c <+204>:   mov    %rdi,%rsi
   0x00007f25d7a4029f <+207>:   mov    $0xffffff9c,%edi
   0x00007f25d7a402a4 <+212>:   syscall 
=> 0x00007f25d7a402a6 <+214>:   cmp    $0xfffffffffffff000,%rax
   0x00007f25d7a402ac <+220>:   ja     0x7f25d7a402de <__libc_open64+270>

Maybe not the one I expected, but by stepping instruction by instruction, I obviously called a syscall here. So qemu asks the kernel about the file, and the kernel says it’s not there.

So for the hell of it I run strace -e trace=open,openat -p PIDFILE, and

[root@a8onekvm1 ~]# strace -f -p 1463232 -o -s 255 -e trace=open,openat
strace: Process 1463232 attached with 6 threads
strace: Process 1832488 attached
strace: Process 1832489 attached
^Cstrace: Process 1463232 detached
strace: Process 1463236 detached
strace: Process 1463237 detached
strace: Process 1463240 detached
strace: Process 1463242 detached
strace: Process 1463245 detached

[root@a8onekvm1 ~]# grep open 
1832489 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/var/lib/one//datastores/0/310/disk.0", O_RDONLY|O_DIRECT|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

So, now strace sees it, but otherwise doesn’t?

Cue 5 minutes of me, yelling about strace betraying me, then checking that the file exists, writing a small C program to execute the exact same syscall with the permissions of the process, and (being late Friday afternoon and being tired) complaining to other people. And someone says, “this is most probably mount namespaces issue”.

And what do you know, it is:

[root@a8onekvm1 1463232]# nsenter -m -t 1463232 ls -l /var/lib/one//datastores/0/310/disk.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oneadmin oneadmin 28 Feb 16 11:02 /var/lib/one//datastores/0/310/disk.0 -> /dev/storpool-byid/fir.b.f2g
[root@a8onekvm1 1463232]# nsenter -m -t 1463232 ls -l /dev/storpool-byid
ls: cannot access '/dev/storpool-byid': No such file or directory

Sooo… what we have done is replace the symlink from pointing to /dev/storpool/XXX to /dev/storpool-byid/YYY. The namespace for qemu doesn’t have the second directory, it was not in use when the process was started, and we have just screwed it by moving the symlink.

So, happy with that, on Monday I wrote a lousy script to recreate the links, which one of my colleagues made into a good script that people won’t be ashamed to show, for example, replacing

virsh dumpxml one-316 |grep 'source dev.*datastores' | cut -d ' ' -f 2


xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//devices/disk/source' -v '@dev' -n "${DOMXML}" 2>/dev/null

Then, we apply this to the live environment to one VM, and happily tell the customer to try a live migration.

It fails with the same error.
(cut some time for swearing at the world and all broken software)

So I’m back to square one, as I try strace-ing the process in the live environment with -e trace=open,openat, and there is no such call. I also tried ltrace, but the only difference was that it was slower and didn’t show anything more.

Then, a colleague says, “You know, these debuginfo packages should exist, they’re not that old”, goes looking in the mirrors, and FINDS THEM. For some reason, google doesn’t index that part, and I could not find them the lazy way.

Here’s the obvious error that you should look for yourself. It would’ve been even easier if I logged in to the local mirror we have for Rocky Linux and ran a find for myself.

Armed with debug symbols, I get the test VM again, attach to it, add a breakpoint at qemu_internal_open(), and nothing happens. It doesn’t get hit. It looks like strace wasn’t lying here.

I go back to the blk_root_inactivate() function and I notice:

Thread 8 "live_migration" hit Breakpoint 1, blk_root_inactivate (child=0x55586bf47c00) at ../block/block-backend.c:252
252         BlockBackend *blk = child->opaque;
(gdb) bt
#0  blk_root_inactivate (child=0x55586bf47c00) at ../block/block-backend.c:252
#1  0x000055586a5e8162 in bdrv_inactivate_recurse (bs=0x55586b297760) at ../block.c:6533
#2  0x000055586a5e963f in bdrv_inactivate_all () at ../block.c:6590
#3  0x000055586a37b535 in qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy_non_iterable (f=0x55586c05d500, in_postcopy=<optimized out>, inactivate_disks=</optimized><optimized out>) at ../migration/savevm.c:1441
#4  0x000055586a37b622 in qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy (f=0x55586c05d500, iterable_only=iterable_only@entry=false, inactivate_disks=inactivate_disks@entry=true) at ../migration/savevm.c:1493
#5  0x000055586a374236 in migration_completion (s=0x55586b207000) at ../migration/migration.c:3260
#6  migration_iteration_run (s=0x55586b207000) at ../migration/migration.c:3672
#7  migration_thread (opaque=0x55586b207000) at ../migration/migration.c:3908
#8  0x000055586a6d9dc4 in qemu_thread_start (args=0x55586c0ee6c0) at ../util/qemu-thread-posix.c:585
#9  0x00007f4a951d11ca in start_thread () from target:/lib64/
#10 0x00007f4a94e3de73 in clone () from target:/lib64/
(gdb) n
254         if (blk->disable_perm) {
(gdb) n
bdrv_inactivate_recurse (bs=0x55586b297760) at ../block.c:6534

blk->disable_perm is already set, so it looks like in this version of qemu (a bit older than what I initially used), when the live migration fails, this flag doesn’t get reset. I made a diff between the two versions, and that part has enough changes to warrant this idea. So, VMs that didn’t fail the migration would be fine.

Now, what about this one and a few more? They seem to be in a corrupt state. I read a bit more code, then bite the bullet and change the variable live:

Thread 7 "live_migration" hit Breakpoint 1, blk_root_inactivate (child=0x55586bf47c00) at ../block/block-backend.c:254
254         if (blk->disable_perm) {
(gdb) bt
#0  blk_root_inactivate (child=0x55586bf47c00) at ../block/block-backend.c:254
#1  0x000055586a5e8162 in bdrv_inactivate_recurse (bs=0x55586b297760) at ../block.c:6533
#2  0x000055586a5e963f in bdrv_inactivate_all () at ../block.c:6590
#3  0x000055586a37b535 in qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy_non_iterable (f=0x55586c05d500, in_postcopy=</optimized><optimized out>, inactivate_disks=</optimized><optimized out>) at ../migration/savevm.c:1441
#4  0x000055586a37b622 in qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy (f=0x55586c05d500, iterable_only=iterable_only@entry=false, inactivate_disks=inactivate_disks@entry=true) at ../migration/savevm.c:1493
#5  0x000055586a374236 in migration_completion (s=0x55586b207000) at ../migration/migration.c:3260
#6  migration_iteration_run (s=0x55586b207000) at ../migration/migration.c:3672
#7  migration_thread (opaque=0x55586b207000) at ../migration/migration.c:3908
#8  0x000055586a6d9dc4 in qemu_thread_start (args=0x55586c2325e0) at ../util/qemu-thread-posix.c:585
#9  0x00007f4a951d11ca in start_thread () from target:/lib64/
#10 0x00007f4a94e3de73 in clone () from target:/lib64/
(gdb) print ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->disable_perm
$1 = true
(gdb) print ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->perm
$2 = 3
(gdb) set: variable ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->disable_perm = false
No symbol "false" in current context.	# arghhhh
(gdb) set variable ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->disable_perm = 0
(gdb) cont

Thread 7 "live_migration" hit Breakpoint 1, blk_root_inactivate (child=0x55586bf51850) at ../block/block-backend.c:254
254         if (blk->disable_perm) {
(gdb) print ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->disable_perm
$3 = false
(gdb) print ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->perm
$4 = 1
(gdb) cont
[Thread 0x7f4999ffb700 (LWP 144024) exited]
[Thread 0x7f499a7fc700 (LWP 144025) exited]

Thread 1 "qemu-kvm-one" received signal SIGTERM, Terminated.	# oops?
[Switching to Thread 0x7f4a985a6e40 (LWP 3460894)]
0x00007f4a94f28036 in ppoll () from target:/lib64/
(gdb) q

(imagine this being done live and as quickly as possible, as the VM is hanging. You also see two devices, OpenNebula adds a context image to all VMs, and it’s a CD-ROM device that the migration didn’t get to corrupt)

Then I see SIGTERM and think, “crap, I killed it”. Then I look at the logs, and it has actually migrated successfully.

So, finally, with some pointers (“the command in gdb is command” 🙂 ) I write the following:

set print pretty
set pagination off
handle SIGUSR1 nostop pass
handle SIGTERM nostop pass
break block/block-backend.c:253
print ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->disable_perm
print ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->perm
set variable ( (BlockBackend *) (child->opaque))->disable_perm = 0

and it works like a charm on the 10-or-something VMs with a corrupt state.

A list of errors and lessons learned:

– Don’t assume that because there’s something not right, it’s the cause of the problem you’re looking at (QEMU processor for the VMs);
– Collect all relevant information (and maybe even irrelevant) – I keep telling people that it’s easier to work with too much information than with not enough. I should listen to myself one of these days;
– strace can hide syscalls and shouldn’t be fully trusted;
– If you’re searching for debuginfo (or anything like that), do your legwork, and don’t trust a single search engine;
– testing the wrong software version can reveal only a part of the problem (or a different one).

2023-12-25 равносметъчно

Post Syndicated from Vasil Kolev original

– Децата са добре. Проведохме даже експеримент – големия ходи с майка си за 2 седмици до Ню Йорк, и ние с малкия си изкарахме много добре, типично по ергенски, с печене на пържоли и други такива;
– Успял съм да напиша 7 blog post-а през годината (без този). Има какво да се желае още, определено;
– FOSDEM 2023 се случи, направихме видео за последна година със стария хардуер, и се получи добре;
– Продължаваме да борим новия setup за FOSDEM 2024, пълно е с “интересни” проблеми;
– OpenFest 2023 се случи без мен. Догодина предавам фондацията, и ще съм приключил;
– Опитите ми за баланс на колко се натоварвам не са от най-успешните, въпреки махането на някакви задачи, трябва да се постарая малко повече за догодина.

Мисля да последвам традицията от миналата година и да не си правя планове за идващата.

2023-12-09 OpenFest 2023

Post Syndicated from Vasil Kolev original

Голяма лудница ми е, та все не стигам да напиша тия няколко реда (и щяха да останат за равносметката), но държа да кажа:

OpenFest 2023 се случи без мен.

Правих някакви дребни неща, но не съм бил в организацията, нещата се случиха някакси, аз бях там само за да си тествам setup-а за FOSDEM. Да съм честен, най-трудното ми беше да не давам нареждания, щото навикът е страшна работа…

Та, по някое време догодина като направим събрание на фондацията да я предам, ще съм приключил с тая си част от живота. Екип се намира да движи нещата, та съм спокоен 🙂

п.с. по предишната тема за junior администраторите ще пиша отделно.

2023-11-11 откъде започват в наши дни junior администраторите?

Post Syndicated from Vasil Kolev original

От време на време задавам тоя въпрос (и си мислех, че вече съм го блогвал, ама не откривам къде) – в наши дни, откъде започват junior системните администратори? Говорим за съвсем начинаещи, първа работа, горе-долу знаят как се държи клавиатура, и имат желание…

Едно време се започваше от support в близкото ISP. Там имаше всякакви мрежови и клиентски проблеми, човек научаваше, че user-ите лъжат (особено като ги питаш “нещо променяно ли е”), и малко по малко се попиваше от по-старшите и админите, така че да може да се научи къде да рови, какво да очаква и как да оправя разни по-дълбоки проблеми. Понеже работата никога не беше малко, почваха да се дават на човека по-сложни и по-сложни задачи, и така.
(“наградата за добре свършената работа е още работа” не е нещо лошо 🙂 )

Също имаше достатъчно места (малки фирмички на някой роднина/познат на роднини), дето имаше нужда някой да им поддържа компютрите и където имаше достатъчно потребители, на чиито гръб да се научиш.

В наши дни май не е така, или поне аз не знам. Има от време на време някакви junior обяви, но като съм имал някакви такива интервюта и разговори, не мога да кажа на хората къде е добре за тях да отидат, ако нямат предишен опит.
(support-а в isp-тата в наши дни са хора, дето четат сценарий стъпка по стъпка и ако не беше толкова модерно заменянето на хора с AI, щяха да са ги заменили със shell script)

Една идея, която давам на хората, е да правят неща сами вкъщи. Може би аз съм в някаква изкривена среда, но повечето ми колеги имат нещо вкъщи, с което си играят, едно-две-три съвърчета, малка мрежа, собственоръчно правен rack… Това дава доста възможности да се научат някакви неща, основно на собствен гръб (или на хората, живеещи с човека).
От друга страна, не всички имат възможност, и не всички могат съвсем самостоятелно да започнат. До някакъв момент си мислех, че всички хора са/трябва да са такива, но с годините се поразубедих (и няма как да очаквам, че всички биха били като мен).

Липсва ми и това, че при мен няма такъв вариант. Естеството на работата за момента изглежда такова, че няма как да учим някой от нулата – няма капацитет и подходяща работа. От нещата, които искам да променя е, само дето още не съм измислил как…

Та, откъде в наши дни могат да почнат junior администраторите, дайте идея.


Post Syndicated from Vasil Kolev original

Има дни, които започват с намирането, ремонтирането и report-ването на бъг в мобилното приложение на rocketchat, минават през срещи и гасене на 3 пожара паралелно, и завършват с

MariaDB [opennebula]> update vm_pool set short_body=replace(short_body,'80','33') where oid=39;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.002 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

Един ден трябва да направя лекция за opennebula и за кандидатурата им за най-невъзможна за докарване в консистентно състояние база данни на тоя свят. Онова по-горе (редактиране на XML в базата със string операции, което теорията твърди, че е идиотщина, и аз съм съгласен) се налага, понеже има същите данни в 2 различни полета на същата таблица, с малка редакция, и понякога не са синхронизирани.

Имам чувството, че съм почнал да гледам на целия свят като някакъв проблем за дебъгване.