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Accelerate security automation using Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/accelerate-security-automation-using-amazon-codewhisperer/

In an ever-changing security landscape, teams must be able to quickly remediate security risks. Many organizations look for ways to automate the remediation of security findings that are currently handled manually. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an artificial intelligence (AI) coding companion that generates real-time, single-line or full-function code suggestions in your integrated development environment (IDE) to help you quickly build software. By using CodeWhisperer, security teams can expedite the process of writing security automation scripts for various types of findings that are aggregated in AWS Security Hub, a cloud security posture management (CSPM) service.

In this post, we present some of the current challenges with security automation and walk you through how to use CodeWhisperer, together with Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda, to automate the remediation of Security Hub findings. Before reading further, please read the AWS Responsible AI Policy.

Current challenges with security automation

Many approaches to security automation, including Lambda and AWS Systems Manager Automation, require software development skills. Furthermore, the process of manually writing code for remediation can be a time-consuming process for security professionals. To help overcome these challenges, CodeWhisperer serves as a force multiplier for qualified security professionals with development experience to quickly and effectively generate code to help remediate security findings.

Security professionals should still cultivate software development skills to implement robust solutions. Engineers should thoroughly review and validate any generated code, as manual oversight remains critical for security.

Solution overview

Figure 1 shows how the findings that Security Hub produces are ingested by EventBridge, which then invokes Lambda functions for processing. The Lambda code is generated with the help of CodeWhisperer.

Figure 1: Diagram of the solution

Security Hub integrates with EventBridge so you can automatically process findings with other services such as Lambda. To begin remediating the findings automatically, you can configure rules to determine where to send findings. This solution will do the following:

  1. Ingest an Amazon Security Hub finding into EventBridge.
  2. Use an EventBridge rule to invoke a Lambda function for processing.
  3. Use CodeWhisperer to generate the Lambda function code.

It is important to note that there are two types of automation for Security Hub finding remediation:

  • Partial automation, which is initiated when a human worker selects the Security Hub findings manually and applies the automated remediation workflow to the selected findings.
  • End-to-end automation, which means that when a finding is generated within Security Hub, this initiates an automated workflow to immediately remediate without human intervention.

Important: When you use end-to-end automation, we highly recommend that you thoroughly test the efficiency and impact of the workflow in a non-production environment first before moving forward with implementation in a production environment.


To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

Implement security automation

In this scenario, you have been tasked with making sure that versioning is enabled across all Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets in your AWS account. Additionally, you want to do this in a way that is programmatic and automated so that it can be reused in different AWS accounts in the future.

To do this, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Generate the remediation script with CodeWhisperer
  2. Create the Lambda function
  3. Integrate the Lambda function with Security Hub by using EventBridge
  4. Create a custom action in Security Hub
  5. Create an EventBridge rule to target the Lambda function
  6. Run the remediation

Generate a remediation script with CodeWhisperer

The first step is to use VS Code to create a script so that CodeWhisperer generates the code for your Lambda function in Python. You will use this Lambda function to remediate the Security Hub findings generated by the [S3.14] S3 buckets should use versioning control.

Note: The underlying model of CodeWhisperer is powered by generative AI, and the output of CodeWhisperer is nondeterministic. As such, the code recommended by the service can vary by user. By modifying the initial code comment to prompt CodeWhisperer for a response, customers can change the corresponding output to help meet their needs. Customers should subject all code generated by CodeWhisperer to typical testing and review protocols to verify that it is free of errors and is in line with applicable organizational security policies. To learn about best practices on prompt engineering with CodeWhisperer, see this AWS blog post.

To generate the remediation script

  1. Open a new VS Code window, and then open or create a new folder for your file to reside in.
  2. Create a Python file called cw-blog-remediation.py as shown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: New VS Code file created called cw-blog-remediation.py

    Figure 2: New VS Code file created called cw-blog-remediation.py

  3. Add the following imports to the Python file.
    import json
    import boto3

  4. Because you have the context added to your file, you can now prompt CodeWhisperer by using a natural language comment. In your file, below the import statements, enter the following comment and then press Enter.
    # Create lambda function that turns on versioning for an S3 bucket after the function is triggered from Amazon EventBridge

  5. Accept the first recommendation that CodeWhisperer provides by pressing Tab to use the Lambda function handler, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: Generation of Lambda handler

    Figure 3: Generation of Lambda handler

  6. To get the recommendation for the function from CodeWhisperer, press Enter. Make sure that the recommendation you receive looks similar to the following. CodeWhisperer is nondeterministic, so its recommendations can vary.
    import json
    import boto3
    # Create lambda function that turns on versioning for an S3 bucket after function is triggered from Amazon EventBridge
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
        bucket = event['detail']['requestParameters']['bucketName']
        response = s3.put_bucket_versioning(
                'Status': 'Enabled'
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps('Versioning enabled for bucket ' + bucket)

  7. Take a moment to review the user actions and keyboard shortcut keys. Press Tab to accept the recommendation.
  8. You can change the function body to fit your use case. To get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket from the EventBridge event, replace the bucket variable with the following line:
    bucket = event['detail']['findings'][0]['Resources'][0]['Id']

  9. To prompt CodeWhisperer to extract the bucket name from the bucket ARN, use the following comment:
    # Take the S3 bucket name from the ARN of the S3 bucket

    Your function code should look similar to the following:

    import json
    import boto3
    # Create lambda function that turns on versioning for an S3 bucket after function is triggered from Amazon EventBridge
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        s3 = boto3.client('s3')
       bucket = event['detail']['findings'][0]['Resources'][0]['Id']
             # Take the S3 bucket name from the ARN of the S3 bucket
       bucket = bucket.split(':')[5]
        response = s3.put_bucket_versioning(
                'Status': 'Enabled'
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps('Versioning enabled for bucket ' + bucket)

  10. Create a .zip file for cw-blog-remediation.py. Find the file in your local file manager, right-click the file, and select compress/zip. You will use this .zip file in the next section of the post.

Create the Lambda function

The next step is to use the automation script that you generated to create the Lambda function that will enable versioning on applicable S3 buckets.

To create the Lambda function

  1. Open the AWS Lambda console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Functions, and then choose Create function.
  3. Select Author from Scratch and provide the following configurations for the function:
    1. For Function name, select sec_remediation_function.
    2. For Runtime, select Python 3.12.
    3. For Architecture, select x86_64.
    4. For Permissions, select Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions.
  4. Choose Create function.
  5. To upload your local code to Lambda, select Upload from and then .zip file, and then upload the file that you zipped.
  6. Verify that you created the Lambda function successfully. In the Code source section of Lambda, you should see the code from the automation script displayed in a new tab, as shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Source code that was successfully uploaded

    Figure 4: Source code that was successfully uploaded

  7. Choose the Code tab.
  8. Scroll down to the Runtime settings pane and choose Edit.
  9. For Handler, enter cw-blog-remediation.lambda_handler for your function handler, and then choose Save, as shown in Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Updated Lambda handler

    Figure 5: Updated Lambda handler

  10. For security purposes, and to follow the principle of least privilege, you should also add an inline policy to the Lambda function’s role to perform the tasks necessary to enable versioning on S3 buckets.
    1. In the Lambda console, navigate to the Configuration tab and then, in the left navigation pane, choose Permissions. Choose the Role name, as shown in Figure 6.
      Figure 6: Lambda role in the AWS console

      Figure 6: Lambda role in the AWS console

    2. In the Add permissions dropdown, select Create inline policy.
      Figure 7: Create inline policy

      Figure 7: Create inline policy

    3. Choose JSON, add the following policy to the policy editor, and then choose Next.
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": "s3:PutBucketVersioning",
                  "Resource": "*"

    4. Name the policy PutBucketVersioning and choose Create policy.

Create a custom action in Security Hub

In this step, you will create a custom action in Security Hub.

To create the custom action

  1. Open the Security Hub console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Settings, and then choose Custom actions.
  3. Choose Create custom action.
  4. Provide the following information, as shown in Figure 8:
    • For Name, enter TurnOnS3Versioning.
    • For Description, enter Action that will turn on versioning for a specific S3 bucket.
    • For Custom action ID, enter TurnOnS3Versioning.
      Figure 8: Create a custom action in Security Hub

      Figure 8: Create a custom action in Security Hub

  5. Choose Create custom action.
  6. Make a note of the Custom action ARN. You will need this ARN when you create a rule to associate with the custom action in EventBridge.

Create an EventBridge rule to target the Lambda function

The next step is to create an EventBridge rule to capture the custom action. You will define an EventBridge rule that matches events (in this case, findings) from Security Hub that were forwarded by the custom action that you defined previously.

To create the EventBridge rule

  1. Navigate to the EventBridge console.
  2. On the right side, choose Create rule.
  3. On the Define rule detail page, give your rule a name and description that represents the rule’s purpose—for example, you could use the same name and description that you used for the custom action. Then choose Next.
  4. Scroll down to Event pattern, and then do the following:
    1. For Event source, make sure that AWS services is selected.
    2. For AWS service, select Security Hub.
    3. For Event type, select Security Hub Findings – Custom Action.
    4. Select Specific custom action ARN(s) and enter the ARN for the custom action that you created earlier.
    Figure 9: Specify the EventBridge event pattern for the Security Hub custom action workflow

    Figure 9: Specify the EventBridge event pattern for the Security Hub custom action workflow

    As you provide this information, the Event pattern updates.

  5. Choose Next.
  6. On the Select target(s) step, in the Select a target dropdown, select Lambda function. Then from the Function dropdown, select sec_remediation_function.
  7. Choose Next.
  8. On the Configure tags step, choose Next.
  9. On the Review and create step, choose Create rule.

Run the automation

Your automation is set up and you can now test the automation. This test covers a partial automation workflow, since you will manually select the finding and apply the remediation workflow to one or more selected findings.

Important: As we mentioned earlier, if you decide to make the automation end-to-end, you should assess the impact of the workflow in a non-production environment. Additionally, you may want to consider creating preventative controls if you want to minimize the risk of event occurrence across an entire environment.

To run the automation

  1. In the Security Hub console, on the Findings tab, add a filter by entering Title in the search box and selecting that filter. Select IS and enter S3 general purpose buckets should have versioning enabled (case sensitive). Choose Apply.
  2. In the filtered list, choose the Title of an active finding.
  3. Before you start the automation, check the current configuration of the S3 bucket to confirm that your automation works. Expand the Resources section of the finding.
  4. Under Resource ID, choose the link for the S3 bucket. This opens a new tab on the S3 console that shows only this S3 bucket.
  5. In your browser, go back to the Security Hub tab (don’t close the S3 tab—you will need to return to it), and on the left side, select this same finding, as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10: Filter out Security Hub findings to list only S3 bucket-related findings

    Figure 10: Filter out Security Hub findings to list only S3 bucket-related findings

  6. In the Actions dropdown list, choose the name of your custom action.
    Figure 11: Choose the custom action that you created to start the remediation workflow

    Figure 11: Choose the custom action that you created to start the remediation workflow

  7. When you see a banner that displays Successfully started action…, go back to the S3 browser tab and refresh it. Verify that the S3 versioning configuration on the bucket has been enabled as shown in figure 12.
    Figure 12: Versioning successfully enabled

    Figure 12: Versioning successfully enabled


In this post, you learned how to use CodeWhisperer to produce AI-generated code for custom remediations for a security use case. We encourage you to experiment with CodeWhisperer to create Lambda functions that remediate other Security Hub findings that might exist in your account, such as the enforcement of lifecycle policies on S3 buckets with versioning enabled, or using automation to remove multiple unused Amazon EC2 elastic IP addresses. The ability to automatically set public S3 buckets to private is just one of many use cases where CodeWhisperer can generate code to help you remediate Security Hub findings.

To sum up, CodeWhisperer acts as a tool that can help boost the productivity of security experts who have coding abilities, assisting them to swiftly write code to address security issues. However, security specialists should continue building their software development capabilities to implement robust solutions. Engineers should carefully review and test any generated code, since human oversight is still vital for security.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan is a Solutions Architect at AWS who works with enterprise customers, providing them with technical guidance and helping them achieve their business goals. He specializes in DevOps and machine learning (ML) technology.

Chris Shea

Chris Shea

Chris is an AWS Solutions Architect serving enterprise customers in the PropTech and AdTech industry verticals, providing guidance and the tools that customers need for success. His areas of interest include AI for DevOps and AI/ML technology.

Tim Manik

Tim Manik

Tim is a Solutions Architect at AWS working with enterprise customers on migrations and modernizations. He specializes in cybersecurity and AI/ML and is passionate about bridging the gap between the two fields.

Angel Tolson

Angel Tolson

Angel is a Solutions Architect at AWS working with small to medium size businesses, providing them with technical guidance and helping them achieve their business goals. She is particularly interested in cloud operations and networking.

Terraform CI/CD and testing on AWS with the new Terraform Test Framework

Post Syndicated from Kevon Mayers original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/terraform-ci-cd-and-testing-on-aws-with-the-new-terraform-test-framework/

Image of HashiCorp Terraform logo and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Logo. Underneath the AWS Logo are the service logos for AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, and Amazon S3. Graphic created by Kevon Mayers

Graphic created by Kevon Mayers


Organizations often use Terraform Modules to orchestrate complex resource provisioning and provide a simple interface for developers to enter the required parameters to deploy the desired infrastructure. Modules enable code reuse and provide a method for organizations to standardize deployment of common workloads such as a three-tier web application, a cloud networking environment, or a data analytics pipeline. When building Terraform modules, it is common for the module author to start with manual testing. Manual testing is performed using commands such as terraform validate for syntax validation, terraform plan to preview the execution plan, and terraform apply followed by manual inspection of resource configuration in the AWS Management Console. Manual testing is prone to human error, not scalable, and can result in unintended issues. Because modules are used by multiple teams in the organization, it is important to ensure that any changes to the modules are extensively tested before the release. In this blog post, we will show you how to validate Terraform modules and how to automate the process using a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline.

Terraform Test

Terraform test is a new testing framework for module authors to perform unit and integration tests for Terraform modules. Terraform test can create infrastructure as declared in the module, run validation against the infrastructure, and destroy the test resources regardless if the test passes or fails. Terraform test will also provide warnings if there are any resources that cannot be destroyed. Terraform test uses the same HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) syntax used to write Terraform modules. This reduces the burden for modules authors to learn other tools or programming languages. Module authors run the tests using the command terraform test which is available on Terraform CLI version 1.6 or higher.

Module authors create test files with the extension *.tftest.hcl. These test files are placed in the root of the Terraform module or in a dedicated tests directory. The following elements are typically present in a Terraform tests file:

  • Provider block: optional, used to override the provider configuration, such as selecting AWS region where the tests run.
  • Variables block: the input variables passed into the module during the test, used to supply non-default values or to override default values for variables.
  • Run block: used to run a specific test scenario. There can be multiple run blocks per test file, Terraform executes run blocks in order. In each run block you specify the command Terraform (plan or apply), and the test assertions. Module authors can specify the conditions such as: length(var.items) != 0. A full list of condition expressions can be found in the HashiCorp documentation.

Terraform tests are performed in sequential order and at the end of the Terraform test execution, any failed assertions are displayed.

Basic test to validate resource creation

Now that we understand the basic anatomy of a Terraform tests file, let’s create basic tests to validate the functionality of the following Terraform configuration. This Terraform configuration will create an AWS CodeCommit repository with prefix name repo-.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description     = "Test repository."

Now we create a Terraform test file in the tests directory. See the following directory structure as an example:

├── main.tf 
└── tests 
└── basic.tftest.hcl

For this first test, we will not perform any assertion except for validating that Terraform execution plan runs successfully. In the tests file, we create a variable block to set the value for the variable repository_name. We also added the run block with command = plan to instruct Terraform test to run Terraform plan. The completed test should look like the following:

# basic.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = "MyRepo"

run "test_resource_creation" {
  command = plan

Now we will run this test locally. First ensure that you are authenticated into an AWS account, and run the terraform init command in the root directory of the Terraform module. After the provider is initialized, start the test using the terraform test command.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_resource_creation"... pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... pass

Our first test is complete, we have validated that the Terraform configuration is valid and the resource can be provisioned successfully. Next, let’s learn how to perform inspection of the resource state.

Create resource and validate resource name

Re-using the previous test file, we add the assertion block to checks if the CodeCommit repository name starts with a string repo- and provide error message if the condition fails. For the assertion, we use the startswith function. See the following example:

# basic.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = "MyRepo"

run "test_resource_creation" {
  command = plan

  assert {
    condition = startswith(aws_codecommit_repository.test.repository_name, "repo-")
    error_message = "CodeCommit repository name ${var.repository_name} did not start with the expected value of ‘repo-****’."

Now, let’s assume that another module author made changes to the module by modifying the prefix from repo- to my-repo-. Here is the modified Terraform module.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("my-repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description = "Test repository."

We can catch this mistake by running the the terraform test command again.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_resource_creation"... fail
│ Error: Test assertion failed
│ on tests/basic.tftest.hcl line 9, in run "test_resource_creation":
│ 9: condition = startswith(aws_codecommit_repository.test.repository_name, "repo-")
│ ├────────────────
│ │ aws_codecommit_repository.test.repository_name is "my-repo-MyRepo"
│ CodeCommit repository name MyRepo did not start with the expected value 'repo-***'.
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... fail

Failure! 0 passed, 1 failed.

We have successfully created a unit test using assertions that validates the resource name matches the expected value. For more examples of using assertions see the Terraform Tests Docs. Before we proceed to the next section, don’t forget to fix the repository name in the module (revert the name back to repo- instead of my-repo-) and re-run your Terraform test.

Testing variable input validation

When developing Terraform modules, it is common to use variable validation as a contract test to validate any dependencies / restrictions. For example, AWS CodeCommit limits the repository name to 100 characters. A module author can use the length function to check the length of the input variable value. We are going to use Terraform test to ensure that the variable validation works effectively. First, we modify the module to use variable validation.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
  validation {
    condition = length(var.repository_name) <= 100
    error_message = "The repository name must be less than or equal to 100 characters."

resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description = "Test repository."

By default, when variable validation fails during the execution of Terraform test, the Terraform test also fails. To simulate this, create a new test file and insert the repository_name variable with a value longer than 100 characters.

# var_validation.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = “this_is_a_repository_name_longer_than_100_characters_7rfD86rGwuqhF3TH9d3Y99r7vq6JZBZJkhw5h4eGEawBntZmvy”

run “test_invalid_var” {
  command = plan

Notice on this new test file, we also set the command to Terraform plan, why is that? Because variable validation runs prior to Terraform apply, thus we can save time and cost by skipping the entire resource provisioning. If we run this Terraform test, it will fail as expected.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_resource_creation”… pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_invalid_var”… fail
│ Error: Invalid value for variable
│ on main.tf line 1:
│ 1: variable “repository_name” {
│ ├────────────────
│ │ var.repository_name is “this_is_a_repository_name_longer_than_100_characters_7rfD86rGwuqhF3TH9d3Y99r7vq6JZBZJkhw5h4eGEawBntZmvy”
│ The repository name must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
│ This was checked by the validation rule at main.tf:3,3-13.
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… fail

Failure! 1 passed, 1 failed.

For other module authors who might iterate on the module, we need to ensure that the validation condition is correct and will catch any problems with input values. In other words, we expect the validation condition to fail with the wrong input. This is especially important when we want to incorporate the contract test in a CI/CD pipeline. To prevent our test from failing due introducing an intentional error in the test, we can use the expect_failures attribute. Here is the modified test file:

# var_validation.tftest.hcl

variables {
  repository_name = “this_is_a_repository_name_longer_than_100_characters_7rfD86rGwuqhF3TH9d3Y99r7vq6JZBZJkhw5h4eGEawBntZmvy”

run “test_invalid_var” {
  command = plan

  expect_failures = [

Now if we run the Terraform test, we will get a successful result.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_resource_creation”… pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl… pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… in progress
run “test_invalid_var”… pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… tearing down
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl… pass

Success! 2 passed, 0 failed.

As you can see, the expect_failures attribute is used to test negative paths (the inputs that would cause failures when passed into a module). Assertions tend to focus on positive paths (the ideal inputs). For an additional example of a test that validates functionality of a completed module with multiple interconnected resources, see this example in the Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS Workshop.

Orchestrating supporting resources

In practice, end-users utilize Terraform modules in conjunction with other supporting resources. For example, a CodeCommit repository is usually encrypted using an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key. The KMS key is provided by end-users to the module using a variable called kms_key_id. To simulate this test, we need to orchestrate the creation of the KMS key outside of the module. In this section we will learn how to do that. First, update the Terraform module to add the optional variable for the KMS key.

# main.tf

variable "repository_name" {
  type = string
  validation {
    condition = length(var.repository_name) <= 100
    error_message = "The repository name must be less than or equal to 100 characters."

variable "kms_key_id" {
  type = string
  default = ""

resource "aws_codecommit_repository" "test" {
  repository_name = format("repo-%s", var.repository_name)
  description = "Test repository."
  kms_key_id = var.kms_key_id != "" ? var.kms_key_id : null

In a Terraform test, you can instruct the run block to execute another helper module. The helper module is used by the test to create the supporting resources. We will create a sub-directory called setup under the tests directory with a single kms.tf file. We also create a new test file for KMS scenario. See the updated directory structure:

├── main.tf
└── tests
├── setup
│ └── kms.tf
├── basic.tftest.hcl
├── var_validation.tftest.hcl
└── with_kms.tftest.hcl

The kms.tf file is a helper module to create a KMS key and provide its ARN as the output value.

# kms.tf

resource "aws_kms_key" "test" {
  description = "test KMS key for CodeCommit repo"
  deletion_window_in_days = 7

output "kms_key_id" {
  value = aws_kms_key.test.arn

The new test will use two separate run blocks. The first run block (setup) executes the helper module to generate a KMS key. This is done by assigning the command apply which will run terraform apply to generate the KMS key. The second run block (codecommit_with_kms) will then use the KMS key ARN output of the first run as the input variable passed to the main module.

# with_kms.tftest.hcl

run "setup" {
  command = apply
  module {
    source = "./tests/setup"

run "codecommit_with_kms" {
  command = apply

  variables {
    repository_name = "MyRepo"
    kms_key_id = run.setup.kms_key_id

  assert {
    condition = aws_codecommit_repository.test.kms_key_id != null
    error_message = "KMS key ID attribute value is null"

Go ahead and run the Terraform init, followed by Terraform test. You should get the successful result like below.

❯ terraform test
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_resource_creation"... pass
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/basic.tftest.hcl... pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "test_invalid_var"... pass
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/var_validation.tftest.hcl... pass
tests/with_kms.tftest.hcl... in progress
run "create_kms_key"... pass
run "codecommit_with_kms"... pass
tests/with_kms.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/with_kms.tftest.hcl... pass

Success! 4 passed, 0 failed.

We have learned how to run Terraform test and develop various test scenarios. In the next section we will see how to incorporate all the tests into a CI/CD pipeline.

Terraform Tests in CI/CD Pipelines

Now that we have seen how Terraform Test works locally, let’s see how the Terraform test can be leveraged to create a Terraform module validation pipeline on AWS. The following AWS services are used:

  • AWS CodeCommit – a secure, highly scalable, fully managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories.
  • AWS CodeBuild – a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software packages.
  • AWS CodePipeline – a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) – an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
Terraform module validation pipeline Architecture. Multiple interconnected AWS services such as AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, and Amazon S3 used to build a Terraform module validation pipeline.

Terraform module validation pipeline

In the above architecture for a Terraform module validation pipeline, the following takes place:

  • A developer pushes Terraform module configuration files to a git repository (AWS CodeCommit).
  • AWS CodePipeline begins running the pipeline. The pipeline clones the git repo and stores the artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • An AWS CodeBuild project configures a compute/build environment with Checkov installed from an image fetched from Docker Hub. CodePipeline passes the artifacts (Terraform module) and CodeBuild executes Checkov to run static analysis of the Terraform configuration files.
  • Another CodeBuild project configured with Terraform from an image fetched from Docker Hub. CodePipeline passes the artifacts (repo contents) and CodeBuild runs Terraform command to execute the tests.

CodeBuild uses a buildspec file to declare the build commands and relevant settings. Here is an example of the buildspec files for both CodeBuild Projects:

# Checkov
version: 0.1
      - echo pre_build starting

      - echo build starting
      - echo starting checkov
      - ls
      - checkov -d .
      - echo saving checkov output
      - checkov -s -d ./ > checkov.result.txt

In the above buildspec, Checkov is run against the root directory of the cloned CodeCommit repository. This directory contains the configuration files for the Terraform module. Checkov also saves the output to a file named checkov.result.txt for further review or handling if needed. If Checkov fails, the pipeline will fail.

# Terraform Test
version: 0.1
      - terraform init
      - terraform validate

      - terraform test

In the above buildspec, the terraform init and terraform validate commands are used to initialize Terraform, then check if the configuration is valid. Finally, the terraform test command is used to run the configured tests. If any of the Terraform tests fails, the pipeline will fail.

For a full example of the CI/CD pipeline configuration, please refer to the Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS workshop. The module validation pipeline mentioned above is meant as a starting point. In a production environment, you might want to customize it further by adding Checkov allow-list rules, linting, checks for Terraform docs, or pre-requisites such as building the code used in AWS Lambda.

Choosing various testing strategies

At this point you may be wondering when you should use Terraform tests or other tools such as Preconditions and Postconditions, Check blocks or policy as code. The answer depends on your test type and use-cases. Terraform test is suitable for unit tests, such as validating resources are created according to the naming specification. Variable validations and Pre/Post conditions are useful for contract tests of Terraform modules, for example by providing error warning when input variables value do not meet the specification. As shown in the previous section, you can also use Terraform test to ensure your contract tests are running properly. Terraform test is also suitable for integration tests where you need to create supporting resources to properly test the module functionality. Lastly, Check blocks are suitable for end to end tests where you want to validate the infrastructure state after all resources are generated, for example to test if a website is running after an S3 bucket configured for static web hosting is created.

When developing Terraform modules, you can run Terraform test in command = plan mode for unit and contract tests. This allows the unit and contract tests to run quicker and cheaper since there are no resources created. You should also consider the time and cost to execute Terraform test for complex / large Terraform configurations, especially if you have multiple test scenarios. Terraform test maintains one or many state files within the memory for each test file. Consider how to re-use the module’s state when appropriate. Terraform test also provides test mocking, which allows you to test your module without creating the real infrastructure.


In this post, you learned how to use Terraform test and develop various test scenarios. You also learned how to incorporate Terraform test in a CI/CD pipeline. Lastly, we also discussed various testing strategies for Terraform configurations and modules. For more information about Terraform test, we recommend the Terraform test documentation and tutorial. To get hands on practice building a Terraform module validation pipeline and Terraform deployment pipeline, check out the Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS Workshop.


Kevon Mayers

Kevon Mayers is a Solutions Architect at AWS. Kevon is a Terraform Contributor and has led multiple Terraform initiatives within AWS. Prior to joining AWS he was working as a DevOps Engineer and Developer, and before that was working with the GRAMMYs/The Recording Academy as a Studio Manager, Music Producer, and Audio Engineer. He also owns a professional production company, MM Productions.

Welly Siauw

Welly Siauw is a Principal Partner Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He spends his day working with customers and partners, solving architectural challenges. He is passionate about service integration and orchestration, serverless and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). He has authored several AWS blog posts and actively leads AWS Immersion Days and Activation Days. Welly spends his free time tinkering with espresso machines and outdoor hiking.

Sequential Testing Keeps the World Streaming Netflix Part 2: Counting Processes

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/sequential-testing-keeps-the-world-streaming-netflix-part-2-counting-processes-da6805341642

Michael Lindon, Chris Sanden, Vache Shirikian, Yanjun Liu, Minal Mishra, Martin Tingley

Have you ever encountered a bug while streaming Netflix? Did your title stop unexpectedly, or not start at all? In the first installment of this blog series on sequential testing, we described our canary testing methodology for continuous metrics such as play-delay. One of our readers commented

What if the new release is not related to a new play/streaming feature? For example, what if the new release includes modified login functionality? Will you still monitor the “play-delay” metric?

Netflix monitors a large suite of metrics, many of which can be classified as counts. These include metrics such as the number of logins, errors, successful play starts, and even the number of customer call center contacts. In this second installment, we describe our sequential methodology for testing count metrics, outlined in the NeurIPS paper Anytime Valid Inference for Multinomial Count Data.

Spot the Difference

Suppose we are about to deploy new code that changes the login behavior. To de-risk the software rollout we A/B test the new code, known also as a canary test. Whenever an event such as a login occurs, a log flows through our real-time backend and the corresponding timestamp is recorded. Figure 1 illustrates the sequences of timestamps generated by devices assigned to the new (treatment) and existing (control) software versions. A question that naturally concerns us is whether there are fewer login events in the treatment. Can you tell?

Figure 1: Timestamps of events occurring in control and treatment

It is not immediately obvious by simple inspection of the point processes in Figure 1. The difference becomes immediately obvious when we visualize the observed counting processes, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Visualizing the counting processes — the number of events observed by time t

The counting processes are functions that increment by 1 whenever a new event arrives. Clearly, there are fewer events occurring in the treatment than in the control. If these were login events, this would suggest that the new code contains a bug that prevents some users from being able to log in successfully.

This is a common situation when dealing with event timestamps. To give another example, if events corresponded to errors or crashes, we would like to know if these are accruing faster in the treatment than in the control. Moreover, we want to answer that question as quickly as possible to prevent any further disruption to the service. This necessitates sequential testing techniques which were introduced in part 1.

Time-Inhomogeneous Poisson Process

Our data for each treatment group is a realization of a one-dimensional point process, that is, a sequence of timestamps. As the rate at which the events arrive is time-varying (in both treatment and control), we model the point process as a time-inhomogeneous Poisson point process. This point process is defined by an intensity function λ: ℝ → [0, ∞). The number of events in the interval [0,t), denoted N(t), has the following Poisson distribution

N(t) ~ Poisson(Λ(t)), where Λ(t) = ∫₀ᵗ λ(s) ds.

We seek to test the null hypothesis H₀: λᴬ(t) = λᴮ(t) for all t i.e. the intensity functions for control (A) and treatment (B) are the same. This can be done semiparametrically without making any assumptions about the intensity functions λᴬ and λᴮ. Moreover, the novelty of the research is that this can be done sequentially, as described in section 4 of our paper. Conveniently, the only data required to test this hypothesis at time t is Nᴬ(t) and Nᴮ(t), the total number of events observed so far in control and treatment. In other words, all you need to test the null hypothesis is two integers, which can easily be updated as new events arrive. Here is an example from a simulated A/A test, in which we know by design that the intensity function is the same for the control (A) and the treatment (B), albeit nonstationary.

Figure 3: (Left) An A/A simulation of two inhomogeneous Poisson point processes. (Right) Confidence sequence on the log-difference of intensity functions, and sequential p-value.

Figure 3 provides an illustration of an A/A setting. The left figure presents the raw data and the intensity functions, and the right figure presents the sequential statistical analysis. The blue and red rug plots indicate the observed arrival timestamps of events from the treatment and control streams respectively. The dashed lines are the observed counting processes. As this data is simulated under the null, the intensity functions are identical and overlay each other. The left axis of the right figure visualizes the evolution of the confidence sequence on the log-difference of intensity functions. The right axis of the right figure visualizes the evolution of the sequential p-value. We can make the two following observations

  • Under the null, the difference of log intensities is zero, which is correctly covered by the 0.95 confidence sequence at all times.
  • The sequential p-value is greater than 0.05 at all times

Now let’s consider an illustration of an A/B setting. Figure 4 shows observed arrival times for treatment and control when the intensity functions differ. As this is a simulation, the true difference between log intensities is known.

Figure 4: (Left) An A/B simulation of two inhomogeneous Poisson point processes. (Right) Confidence sequence on the difference of log of intensity functions, and sequential p-value.

We can make the following observations

  • The 0.95 confidence sequence covers the true log-difference at all times
  • The sequential p-value falls below 0.05 at the same time the 0.95 confidence sequence excludes the null value of zero

Now we present a number of case studies where this methodology has rapidly detected serious problems in a number of count metrics

Case Study 1: Drop in Successful Title Starts

Figure 2 actually presents counts of title start events from a real canary test. Whenever a title starts successfully, an event is sent from the device to Netflix. We have a stream of title start events from treatment devices and a stream of title start events from control devices. Whenever fewer title starts are observed among treatment devices, there is usually a bug in the new client preventing playback.

In this case, the canary test detected a bug that was later determined to have prevented approximately 60% of treatment devices from being able to start their streams. The confidence sequence is shown in Figure 5, in addition to the (sequential) p-value. While the exact units of time have been omitted, this bug was detected at the sub-second level.

Figure 5: 0.99 Confidence sequence on the difference of log-intensities with sequential p-value.

Case Study 2: Increase in Abnormal Shutdowns

In addition to title start events, we also monitor whenever the Netflix client shuts down unexpectedly. As before, we have two streams of abnormal shutdown events, one from treatment devices, and one from control devices. The following screenshots are taken directly from our Lumen dashboards.

Figure 6: Counts of Abnormal Shutdowns over time, cumulative and non-cumulative. Treatment (Black) and Control (Blue)

Figure 6 illustrates two important points. There is clearly nonstationarity in the arrival of abnormal shutdown events. It is also not easy to visibly see any difference between treatment and control from the non-cumulative view. The difference is, however, much easier to see from the cumulative view by observing the counting process. There is a small but visible increase in the number of abnormal shutdowns in the treatment. Figure 7 shows how our sequential statistical methodology is even able to identify such small differences.

Figure 7: Abnormal Shutdowns. (Top Panel) Confidence sequences on λᴮ(t)/λᴬ(t) (shaded blue) with observed counting processes for treatment (black dashed) and control (blue dashed). (Bottom Panel) sequential p-values.

Case Study 3: Increase in Errors

Netflix also monitors the number of errors produced by treatment and control. This is a high cardinality metric as every error is annotated with a code indicating the type of error. Monitoring errors segmented by code helps developers diagnose issues quickly. Figure 8 shows the sequential p-values, on the log scale, for a set of error codes that Netflix monitors during client rollouts. In this example, we have detected a higher volume of 3.1.18 errors being produced by treatment devices. Devices experiencing this error are presented with the following message:

“We’re having trouble playing this title right now”

Figure 8: Sequential p-values for start play errors by error code
Figure 9: Observed error-3.1.18 timestamps and counting processes for treatment (blue) and control (red)

Knowing which errors increased can streamline the process of identifying the bug for our developers. We immediately send developers alerts through Slack integrations, such as the following

Figure 10: Notifications via Slack Integrations

The next time you are watching Netflix and encounter an error, know that we’re on it!

Try it Out!

The statistical approach outlined in our paper is remarkably easy to implement in practice. All you need are two integers, the number of events observed so far in the treatment and control. The code is available in this short GitHub gist. Here are two usage examples:

> counts = [100, 101]
> assignment_probabilities = [0.5, 0.5]
> sequential_p_value(counts, assignment_probabilities)

> counts = [100, 201]
> assignment_probabilities = [0.5, 0.5]
> sequential_p_value(counts, assignment_probabilities)

The code generalizes to more than just two treatment groups. For full details, including hyperparameter tuning, see section 4 of the paper.

Further Reading

Sequential Testing Keeps the World Streaming Netflix Part 2: Counting Processes was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Infrastructure as Code development with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Eric Z. Beard original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/infrastructure-as-code-development-with-amazon-codewhisperer/

At re:Invent in 2023, AWS announced Infrastructure as Code (IaC) support for Amazon CodeWhisperer. CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered productivity tool for the IDE and command line that helps software developers to quickly and efficiently create cloud applications to run on AWS. Languages currently supported for IaC are YAML and JSON for AWS CloudFormation, Typescript and Python for AWS CDK, and HCL for HashiCorp Terraform. In addition to providing code recommendations in the editor, CodeWhisperer also features a security scanner that alerts the developer to potentially insecure infrastructure code, and offers suggested fixes than can be applied with a single click.

In this post, we will walk you through some common scenarios and show you how to get the most out of CodeWhisperer in the IDE. CodeWhisperer is supported by several IDEs, such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains. For the purposes of this post, we’ll focus on Visual Studio Code. There are a few things that you need to follow along with the examples, listed in the prerequisites section below.



Now that you have the toolkit configured, open a new source file with the yaml extension. Since YAML files can represent a wide variety of different configuration file types, it helps to add the AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' header to the file to let CodeWhisperer know that you are editing a CloudFormation file. Just typing the first few characters of that header is likely to result in a recommendation from CodeWhisperer. Press TAB to accept recommendations and Escape to ignore them.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion header

AWSTemplateFormatVersion header

If you have a good idea about the various resources you want to include in your template, include them in a top level Description field. This will help CodeWhisperer to understand the relationships between the resources you will create in the file. In the example below, we describe the stack we want as a “VPC with public and private subnets”. You can be more descriptive if you want, using a multi-line YAML string to add more specific details about the resources you want to create.


Creating a CloudFormation template with a description

After accepting that recommendation for the parameters, you can continue to create resources.


Creating CloudFormation resources

You can also trigger recommendations with inline comments and descriptive logical IDs if you want to create one resource at a time. The more code you have in the file, the more CodeWhisperer will understand from context what you are trying to achieve.


It’s also possible to create CDK code using CodeWhisperer. In the example below, we started with a CDK project using cdk init, wrote a few lines of code to create a VPC in a TypeScript file, and CodeWhisperer proposed some code suggestions using what we started to write. After accepting the suggestion, it is possible to customize the code to fit your needs. CodeWhisperer will learn from your coding style and make more precise suggestions as you add more code to the project.


Create a CDK stack

You can choose whether you want to get suggestions that include code with references with the professional version of CodeWhisperer. If you choose to get the references, you can find them in the Code Reference Log. These references let you know when the code recommendation was a near exact match for code in an open source repository, allowing you to inspect the license and decide if you want to use that code or not.



Terraform HCL

After a close collaboration between teams at Hashicorp and AWS, Terraform HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) is also supported by CodeWhisperer. CodeWhisperer recommendations are triggered by comments in the file. In this example, we repeat a prompt that is similar to what we used with CloudFormation and CDK.


Terraform code suggestion

Security Scanner

In addition to CodeWhisperer recommendations, the toolkit configuration also includes a built in security scanner. Considering that the resulting code can be edited and combined with other preexisting code, it’s good practice to scan the final result to see if there are any best-practice security recommendations that can be applied.

Expand the CodeWhisperer section of the AWS Toolkit to see the “Run Security Scan” button. Click it to initiate a scan, which might take up to a minute to run. In the example below, we defined an S3 bucket that can be read by anyone on the internet.

Security Scanner

Security scanner

Once the security scan completes, the code with issues is underlined and each suggestion is added to the ‘Problems’ tab. Click on any of those to get more details.

Scan results

Scan results

CodeWhisperer provides a clickable link to get more information about the vulnerability, and what you can do to fix it.

Scanner link

Scanner Link


The integration of generative AI tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer are transforming the landscape of cloud application development. By supporting Infrastructure as Code (IaC) languages such as CloudFormation, CDK, and Terraform HCL, CodeWhisperer is expanding its reach beyond traditional development roles. This advancement is pivotal in merging runtime and infrastructure code into a cohesive unit, significantly enhancing productivity and collaboration in the development process. The inclusion of IaC enables a broader range of professionals, especially Site Reliability Engineers (SREs), to actively engage in application development, automating and optimizing infrastructure management tasks more efficiently.

CodeWhisperer’s capability to perform security scans on the generated code aligns with the critical objectives of system reliability and security, essential for both developers and SREs. By providing insights into security best practices, CodeWhisperer enables robust and secure infrastructure management on the AWS cloud. This makes CodeWhisperer a valuable tool not just for developers, but as a comprehensive solution that bridges different technical disciplines, fostering a collaborative environment for innovation in cloud-based solutions.


Eric Beard is a Solutions Architect at AWS specializing in DevOps, CI/CD, and Infrastructure as Code, the author of the AWS Sysops Cookbook, and an editor for the AWS DevOps blog channel. When he’s not helping customers to design Well-Architected systems on AWS, he is usually playing tennis or watching tennis.

Amar Meriche is a Sr Technical Account Manager at AWS in Paris. He helps his customers improve their operational posture through advocacy and guidance, and is an active member of the DevOps and IaC community at AWS. He’s passionate about helping customers use the various IaC tools available at AWS following best practices.

How we sped up AWS CloudFormation deployments with optimistic stabilization

Post Syndicated from Bhavani Kanneganti original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-we-sped-up-aws-cloudformation-deployments-with-optimistic-stabilization/


AWS CloudFormation customers often inquire about the behind-the-scenes process of provisioning resources and why certain resources or stacks take longer to provision compared to the AWS Management Console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). In this post, we will delve into the various factors affecting resource provisioning in CloudFormation, specifically focusing on resource stabilization, which allows CloudFormation and other Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools to ensure resilient deployments. We will also introduce a new optimistic stabilization strategy that improves CloudFormation stack deployment times by up to 40% and provides greater visibility into resource provisioning through the new CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE status.

AWS CloudFormation is an IaC service that allows you to model your AWS and third-party resources in template files. By creating CloudFormation stacks, you can provision and manage the lifecycle of the template-defined resources manually via the AWS CLI, Console, AWS SAM, or automatically through an AWS CodePipeline, where CLI and SAM can also be leveraged or through Git sync. You can also use AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to define cloud infrastructure in familiar programming languages and provision it through CloudFormation, or leverage AWS Application Composer to design your application architecture, visualize dependencies, and generate templates to create CloudFormation stacks.

Deploying a CloudFormation stack

Let’s examine a deployment of a containerized application using AWS CloudFormation to understand CloudFormation’s resource provisioning.

Sample application architecture to deploy an ECS service

Figure 1. Sample application architecture to deploy an ECS service

For deploying a containerized application, you need to create an Amazon ECS service. To set up the ECS service, several key resources must first exist: an ECS cluster, an Amazon ECR repository, a task definition, and associated Amazon VPC infrastructure such as security groups and subnets.
Since you want to manage both the infrastructure and application deployments using AWS CloudFormation, you will first define a CloudFormation template that includes: an ECS cluster resource (AWS::ECS::Cluster), a task definition (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition), an ECR repository (AWS::ECR::Repository), required VPC resources like subnets (AWS::EC2::Subnet) and security groups (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup), and finally, the ECS Service (AWS::ECS::Service) itself. When you create the CloudFormation stack using this template, the ECS service (AWS::ECS::Service) is the final resource created, as it waits for the other resources to finish creation. This brings up the concept of Resource Dependencies.

Resource Dependency:

In CloudFormation, resources can have dependencies on other resources being created first. There are two types of resource dependencies:

  • Implicit: CloudFormation automatically infers dependencies when a resource uses intrinsic functions to reference another resource. These implicit dependencies ensure the resources are created in the proper order.
  • Explicit: Dependencies can be directly defined in the template using the DependsOn attribute. This allows you to customize the creation order of resources.

The following template snippet shows the ECS service’s dependencies visualized in a dependency graph:

Template snippet:

    DependsOn: [PublicRoute] #Explicit Dependency
    Type: 'AWS::ECS::Service'
      ServiceName: cfn-service
      Cluster: !Ref ECSCluster #Implicit Dependency
      DesiredCount: 2
      LaunchType: FARGATE
          AssignPublicIp: ENABLED
            - !Ref SecurityGroup #Implicit Dependency
            - !Ref PublicSubnet #Implicit Dependency
      TaskDefinition: !Ref TaskDefinition #Implicit Dependency

Dependency Graph:

CloudFormation’s dependency graph for a containerized application

Figure 2. CloudFormation’s dependency graph for a containerized application

Note: VPC Resources in the above graph include PublicSubnet (AWS::EC2::Subnet), SecurityGroup (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup), PublicRoute (AWS::EC2::Route)

In the above template snippet, the ECS Service (AWS::ECS::Service) resource has an explicit dependency on the PublicRoute resource, specified using the DependsOn attribute. The ECS service also has implicit dependencies on the ECSCluster, SecurityGroup, PublicSubnet, and TaskDefinition resources. Even without an explicit DependsOn, CloudFormation understands that these resources must be created before the ECS service, since the service references them using the Ref intrinsic function. Now that you understand how CloudFormation creates resources in a specific order based on their definition in the template file, let’s look at the time taken to provision these resources.

Resource Provisioning Time:

The total time for CloudFormation to provision the stack depends on the time required to create each individual resource defined in the template. The provisioning duration per resource is determined by several time factors:

  • Engine Time: CloudFormation Engine Time refers to the duration spent by the service reading and persisting data related to a resource. This includes the time taken for operations like parsing and interpreting the CloudFormation template, and for the resolution of intrinsic functions like Fn::GetAtt and Ref.
  • Resource Creation Time: The actual time an AWS service requires to create and configure the resource. This can vary across resource types provisioned by the service.
  • Resource Stabilization Time: The duration required for a resource to reach a usable state after creation.

What is Resource Stabilization?

When provisioning AWS resources, CloudFormation makes the necessary API calls to the underlying services to create the resources. After creation, CloudFormation then performs eventual consistency checks to ensure the resources are ready to process the intended traffic, a process known as resource stabilization. For example, when creating an ECS service in the application, the service is not readily accessible immediately after creation completes (after creation time). To ensure the ECS service is available to use, CloudFormation performs additional verification checks defined specifically for ECS service resources. Resource stabilization is not unique to CloudFormation and must be handled to some degree by all IaC tools.

Stabilization Criteria and Stabilization Timeout

For CloudFormation to mark a resource as CREATE_COMPLETE, the resource must meet specific stabilization criteria called stabilization parameters. These checks validate that the resource is not only created but also ready for use.

If a resource fails to meet its stabilization parameters within the allowed stabilization timeout period, CloudFormation will mark the resource status as CREATE_FAILED and roll back the operation. Stabilization criteria and timeouts are defined uniquely for each AWS resource supported in CloudFormation by the service, and are applied during both resource create and update workflows.

AWS CloudFormation vs AWS CLI to provision resources

Now, you will create a similar ECS service using the AWS CLI. You can use the following AWS CLI command to deploy an ECS service using the same task definition, ECS cluster and VPC resources created earlier using CloudFormation.


aws ecs create-service \
    --cluster CFNCluster \
    --service-name service-cli \
    --task-definition task-definition-cfn:1 \
    --desired-count 2 \
    --launch-type FARGATE \
    --network-configuration "awsvpcConfiguration={subnets=[subnet-xxx],securityGroups=[sg-yyy],assignPublicIp=ENABLED}" \
    --region us-east-1

The following snippet from the output of the above command shows that the ECS Service has been successfully created and its status is ACTIVE.

Snapshot of the ECS service API call's response

Figure 3. Snapshot of the ECS service API call

However, when you navigate to the ECS console and review the service, tasks are still in the Pending state, and you are unable to access the application.

ECS tasks status in the AWS console

Figure 4. ECS console view

You have to wait for the service to reach a steady state before you can successfully access the application.

ECS service events from the AWS console

Figure 5. ECS service events from the AWS console

When you create the same ECS service using AWS CloudFormation, the service is accessible immediately after the resource reaches a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in the stack. This reliable availability is due to CloudFormation’s resource stabilization process. After initially creating the ECS service, CloudFormation waits and continues calling the ECS DescribeServices API action until the service reaches a steady state. Once the ECS service passes its consistency checks and is fully ready for use, only then will CloudFormation mark the resource status as CREATE_COMPLETE in the stack. This creation and stabilization orchestration allows you to access the service right away without any further delays.

The following is an AWS CloudTrail snippet of CloudFormation performing DescribeServices API calls during Stabilization:

Snapshot of AWS CloudTrail event for DescribeServices API call

Figure 6. Snapshot of AWS CloudTrail event

By handling resource stabilization natively, CloudFormation saves you the extra coding effort and complexity of having to implement custom status checks and availability polling logic after resource creation. You would have to develop this additional logic using tools like the AWS CLI or API across all the infrastructure and application resources. With CloudFormation’s built-in stabilization orchestration, you can deploy the template once and trust that the services will be fully ready after creation, allowing you to focus on developing your application functionality.

Evolution of Stabilization Strategy

CloudFormation’s stabilization strategy couples resource creation with stabilization such that the provisioning of a resource is not considered COMPLETE until stabilization is complete.

Historic Stabilization Strategy

For resources that have no interdependencies, CloudFormation starts the provisioning process in parallel. However, if a resource depends on another resource, CloudFormation will wait for the entire resource provisioning operation of the dependency resource to complete before starting the provisioning of the dependent resource.

CloudFormation’s historic stabilization strategy

Figure 7. CloudFormation’s historic stabilization strategy

The diagram above shows a deployment of some of the ECS application resources that you deploy using AWS CloudFormation. The Task Definition (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition) resource depends on the ECR Repository (AWS::ECR::Repository) resource, and the ECS Service (AWS::ECS:Service) resource depends on both the Task Definition and ECS Cluster (AWS::ECS::Cluster) resources. The ECS Cluster resource has no dependencies defined. CloudFormation initiates creation of the ECR Repository and ECS Cluster resources in parallel. It then waits for the ECR Repository to complete consistency checks before starting provisioning of the Task Definition resource. Similarly, creation of the ECS Service resource begins only when the Task Definition and ECS Cluster resources have been created and are ready. This sequential approach ensures safety and stability but causes delays. CloudFormation strictly deploys dependent resources one after the other, slowing down deployment of the entire stack. As the number of interdependent resources grows, the overall stack deployment time increases, creating a bottleneck that prolongs the whole stack operation.

New Optimistic Stabilization Strategy

To improve stack provisioning times and deployment performance, AWS CloudFormation recently launched a new optimistic stabilization strategy. The optimistic strategy can reduce customer stack deployment duration by up to 40%. It allows dependent resources to be created in parallel. This concurrent resource creation helps significantly improve deployment speed.

CloudFormation’s new optimistic stabilizationstrategy

Figure 8. CloudFormation’s new optimistic stabilization strategy

The diagram above shows deployment of the same 4 resources discussed in the historic strategy. The Task Definition (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition) resource depends on the ECR Repository (AWS::ECR::Repository) resource, and the ECS Service (AWS::ECS:Service) resource depends on both the Task Definition and ECS Cluster (AWS::ECS::Cluster) resources. The ECS Cluster resource has no dependencies defined. CloudFormation initiates creation of the ECR Repository and ECS Cluster resources in parallel. Then, instead of waiting for the ECR Repository to complete consistency checks, it starts creating the Task Definition when the ECR Repository completes creation, but before stabilization is complete. Similarly, creation of the ECS Service resource begins after Task Definition and ECS Cluster creation. The change was made because not all resources require their dependent resources to complete consistency checks before starting creation. If the ECS Service fails to provision because the Task Definition or ECS Cluster resources are still undergoing consistency checks, CloudFormation will wait for those dependencies to complete their consistency checks before attempting to create the ECS Service again.

CloudFormation’s new stabilization strategy with the retry capability

Figure 9. CloudFormation’s new stabilization strategy with the retry capability

This parallel creation of dependent resources with automatic retry capabilities results in faster deployment times compared to the historical linear resource provisioning strategy. The Optimistic stabilization strategy currently applies only to create workflows with resources that have implicit dependencies. For resources with an explicit dependency, CloudFormation leverages the historic strategy in deploying resources.

Improved Visibility into Resource Provisioning

When creating a CloudFormation stack, a resource can sometimes take longer to provision, making it appear as if it’s stuck in an IN_PROGRESS state. This can be because CloudFormation is waiting for the resource to complete consistency checks during its resource stabilization step. To improve visibility into resource provisioning status, CloudFormation has introduced a new “CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE” event. This event is emitted at both the individual resource level and the overall stack level during create workflow when resource(s) creation or configuration is complete, but stabilization is still in progress.

CloudFormation stack events of the ECS Application

Figure 10. CloudFormation stack events of the ECS Application

The above diagram shows the snapshot of stack events of the ECS application’s CloudFormation stack named ECSApplication. Observe the events from the bottom to top:

  • At 10:46:08 UTC-0600, ECSService (AWS::ECS::Service) resource creation was initiated.
  • At 10:46:09 UTC-0600, the ECSService has CREATE_IN_PROGRESS status in the Status tab and CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE status in the Detailed status tab, meaning the resource was successfully created and the consistency check was initiated.
  • At 10:46:09 UTC-0600, the stack ECSApplication has CREATE_IN_PROGRESS status in the Status tab and CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE status in the Detailed status tab, meaning all the resources in the ECSApplication stack are successfully created and are going through stabilization. This stack level CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE status can also be viewed in the stack’s Overview tab.
CloudFormation Overview tab for the ECSApplication stack

Figure 11. CloudFormation Overview tab for the ECSApplication stack

  • At 10:47:09 UTC-0600, the ECSService has CREATE_COMPLETE status in the Status tab, meaning the service is created and completed consistency checks.
  • At 10:47:10 UTC-0600, ECSApplication has CREATE_COMPLETE status in the Status tab, meaning all the resources are successfully created and completed consistency checks.


In this post, I hope you gained some insights into how CloudFormation deploys resources and the various time factors that contribute to the creation of a stack and its resources. You also took a deeper look into what CloudFormation does under the hood with resource stabilization and how it ensures the safe, consistent, and reliable provisioning of resources in critical, high-availability production infrastructure deployments. Finally, you learned about the new optimistic stabilization strategy to shorten stack deployment times and improve visibility into resource provisioning.

About the authors:

Picture of author Bhavani Kanneganti

Bhavani Kanneganti

Bhavani is a Principal Engineer at AWS Support. She has over 7 years of experience solving complex customer issues on the AWS Cloud pertaining to infrastructure-as-code and container orchestration services such as CloudFormation, ECS, and EKS. She also works closely with teams across AWS to design solutions that improve customer experience. Outside of work, Bhavani enjoys cooking and traveling.

Picture of author Idriss Laouali Abdou

Idriss Laouali Abdou

Idriss is a Senior Product Manager AWS, working on delivering the best experience for AWS IaC customers. Outside of work, you can either find him creating educational content helping thousands of students, cooking, or dancing.

Creating a User Activity Dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from David Ernst original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/creating-a-user-activity-dashboard-for-amazon-codewhisperer/

Maximizing the value from Enterprise Software tools requires an understanding of who and how users interact with those tools. As we have worked with builders rolling out Amazon CodeWhisperer to their enterprises, identifying usage patterns has been critical.

This blog post is a result of that work, builds on Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard blog and Amazon CloudWatch metrics and enables customers to build dashboards to support their rollouts. Note that these features are only available in CodeWhisperer Professional plan.

Organizations have leveraged the existing Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard to gain insights into developer usage. This blog explores how we can supplement the existing dashboard with detailed user analytics. Identifying leading contributors has accelerated tool usage and adoption within organizations. Acknowledging and incentivizing adopters can accelerate a broader adoption.

he architecture diagram outlines a streamlined process for tracking and analyzing Amazon CodeWhisperer user login events. It begins with logging these events in CodeWhisperer and AWS CloudTrail and then forwarding them to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. To set up the CloudTrail, you will use Amazon S3 and AWS Key Management Service (KMS). An AWS Lambda function sifts through the logs, extracting user login information. The findings are then displayed on a CloudWatch Dashboard, visually representing users who have logged in and inactive users. This outlines how an organization can dive into CodeWhisperer's usage.

The architecture diagram outlines a streamlined process for tracking and analyzing Amazon CodeWhisperer usage events. It begins with logging these events in CodeWhisperer and AWS CloudTrail and then forwarding them to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Configuring AWS CloudTrail involves using Amazon S3 for storage and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for log encryption. An AWS Lambda function analyzes the logs, extracting information about user activity. This blog also introduces a AWS CloudFormation template that simplifies the setup process, including creating the CloudTrail with an S3 bucket KMS key and the Lambda function. The template also configures AWS IAM permissions, ensuring the Lambda function has access rights to interact with other AWS services.

Configuring CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer User Tracking

This section details the process for monitoring user interactions while using Amazon CodeWhisperer. The aim is to utilize AWS CloudTrail to record instances where users receive code suggestions from CodeWhisperer. This involves setting up a new CloudTrail trail tailored to log events related to these interactions. By accomplishing this, you lay a foundational framework for capturing detailed user activity data, which is crucial for the subsequent steps of analyzing and visualizing this data through a custom AWS Lambda function and an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.

Setup CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer

1. Navigate to AWS CloudTrail Service.

2. Create Trail

3. Choose Trail Attributes

a. Click on Create Trail

b. Provide a Trail Name, for example, “cwspr-preprod-cloudtrail”

c. Choose Enable for all accounts in my organization

d. Choose Create a new Amazon S3 bucket to configure the Storage Location

e. For Trail log bucket and folder, note down the given unique trail bucket name in order to view the logs at a future point.

f. Check Enabled to encrypt log files with SSE-KMS encryption

j. Enter an AWS Key Management Service alias for log file SSE-KMS encryption, for example, “cwspr-preprod-cloudtrail”

h. Select Enabled for CloudWatch Logs

i. Select New

j. Copy the given CloudWatch Log group name, you will need this for the testing the Lambda function in a future step.

k. Provide a Role Name, for example, “CloudTrailRole-cwspr-preprod-cloudtrail”

l. Click Next.

This image depicts how to choose the trail attributes within CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer User Tracking.

4. Choose Log Events

a. Check “Management events“ and ”Data events“

b. Under Management events, keep the default options under API activity, Read and Write

c. Under Data event, choose CodeWhisperer for Data event type

d. Keep the default Log all events under Log selector template

e. Click Next

f. Review and click Create Trail

This image depicts how to choose the log events for CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer User Tracking.

Please Note: The logs will need to be included on the account which the management account or member accounts are enabled.

Gathering Application ARN for CodeWhisperer application

Step 1: Access AWS IAM Identity Center

1. Locate and click on the Services dropdown menu at the top of the console.

2. Search for and select IAM Identity Center (SSO) from the list of services.

Step 2: Find the Application ARN for CodeWhisperer application

1. In the IAM Identity Center dashboard, click on Application Assignments. -> Applications in the left-side navigation pane.

2. Locate the application with Service as CodeWhisperer and click on it

An image displays where you can find the Application in IAM Identity Center.

3. Copy the Application ARN and store it in a secure place. You will need this ID to configure your Lambda function’s JSON event.

An image shows where you will find the Application ARN after you click on you AWS managed application.

User Activity Analysis in CodeWhisperer with AWS Lambda

This section focuses on creating and testing our custom AWS Lambda function, which was explicitly designed to analyze user activity within an Amazon CodeWhisperer environment. This function is critical in extracting, processing, and organizing user activity data. It starts by retrieving detailed logs from CloudWatch containing CodeWhisperer user activity, then cross-references this data with the membership details obtained from the AWS Identity Center. This allows the function to categorize users into active and inactive groups based on their engagement within a specified time frame.

The Lambda function’s capability extends to fetching and structuring detailed user information, including names, display names, and email addresses. It then sorts and compiles these details into a comprehensive HTML output. This output highlights the CodeWhisperer usage in an organization.

Creating and Configuring Your AWS Lambda Function

1. Navigate to the Lambda service.

2. Click on Create function.

3. Choose Author from scratch.

4. Enter a Function name, for example, “AmazonCodeWhispererUserActivity”.

5. Choose Python 3.11 as the Runtime.

6. Click on ‘Create function’ to create your new Lambda function.

7. Access the Function: After creating your Lambda function, you will be directed to the function’s dashboard. If not, navigate to the Lambda service, find your function “AmazonCodeWhispererUserActivity”, and click on it.

8. Copy and paste your Python code into the inline code editor on the function’s dashboard. The lambda function code can be found here.

9. Click ‘Deploy’ to save and deploy your code to the Lambda function.

10. You have now successfully created and configured an AWS Lambda function with our Python code.

This image depicts how to configure your AWS Lambda function for tracking user activity in CodeWhisperer.

Updating the Execution Role for Your AWS Lambda Function

After you’ve created your Lambda function, you need to ensure it has the appropriate permissions to interact with other AWS services like CloudWatch Logs and AWS Identity Store. Here’s how you can update the IAM role permissions:

Locate the Execution Role:

1. Open Your Lambda Function’s Dashboard in the AWS Management Console.

2. Click on the ‘Configuration’ tab located near the top of the dashboard.

3. Set the Time Out setting to 15 minutes from the default 3 seconds

4. Select the ‘Permissions’ menu on the left side of the Configuration page.

5. Find the ‘Execution role’ section on the Permissions page.

6. Click on the Role Name to open the IAM (Identity and Access Management) role associated with your Lambda function.

7. In the IAM role dashboard, click on the Policy Name under the Permissions policies.

8. Edit the existing policy: Replace the policy with the following JSON.

9. Save the changes to the policy.

} Your AWS Lambda function now has the necessary permissions to execute and interact with CloudWatch Logs and AWS Identity Store. This image depicts the permissions after the Lambda policies are updated. 

Testing Lambda Function with custom input

1. On your Lambda function’s dashboard.

2. On the function’s dashboard, locate the Test button near the top right corner.

3. Click on Test. This opens a dialog for configuring a new test event.

4. In the dialog, you’ll see an option to create a new test event. If it’s your first test, you’ll be prompted automatically to create a new event.

5. For Event name, enter a descriptive name for your test, such as “TestEvent”.

6. In the event code area, replace the existing JSON with your specific input:

"log_group_name": "{Insert Log Group Name}",
"start_date": "{Insert Start Date}",
"end_date": "{Insert End Date}",
"codewhisperer_application_arn": "{Insert Codewhisperer Application ARN}", 
"identity_store_region": "{Insert Region}", 
"codewhisperer_region": "{Insert Region}"

7. This JSON structure includes:

a. log_group_name: The name of the log group in CloudWatch Logs.

b. start_date: The start date and time for the query, formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”.

c. end_date: The end date and time for the query, formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”.

e. codewhisperer_application_arn: The ARN of the Code Whisperer Application in the AWS Identity Store.

f. identity_store_region: The region of the AWS Identity Store.

f. codewhisperer_region: The region of where Amazon CodeWhisperer is configured.

8. Click on Save to store this test configuration.

This image depicts an example of creating a test event for the Lambda function with example JSON parameters entered.

9. With the test event selected, click on the Test button again to execute the function with this event.

10. The function will run, and you’ll see the execution result at the top of the page. This includes execution status, logs, and output.

11. Check the Execution result section to see if the function executed successfully.

This image depicts what a test case that successfully executed looks like.

Visualizing CodeWhisperer User Activity with Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard

This section focuses on effectively visualizing the data processed by our AWS Lambda function using a CloudWatch dashboard. This part of the guide provides a step-by-step approach to creating a “CodeWhispererUserActivity” dashboard within CloudWatch. It details how to add a custom widget to display the results from the Lambda Function. The process includes configuring the widget with the Lambda function’s ARN and the necessary JSON parameters.

1.Navigate to the Amazon CloudWatch service from within the AWS Management Console

2. Choose the ‘Dashboards’ option from the left-hand navigation panel.

3. Click on ‘Create dashboard’ and provide a name for your dashboard, for example: “CodeWhispererUserActivity”.

4. Click the ‘Create Dashboard’ button.

5. Select “Other Content Types” as your ‘Data sources types’ option before choosing “Custom Widget” for your ‘Widget Configuration’ and then click ‘Next’.

6. On the “Create a custom widget” page click the ‘Next’ button without making a selection from the dropdown.

7. On the ‘Create a custom widget’ page:

a. Enter your Lambda function’s ARN (Amazon Resource Name) or use the dropdown menu to find and select your “CodeWhispererUserActivity” function.

b. Add the JSON parameters that you provided in the test event, without including the start and end dates.

"log_group_name": "{Insert Log Group Name}",
“codewhisperer_application_arn”:”{Insert Codewhisperer Application ARN}”,
"identity_store_region": "{Insert identity Store Region}",
"codewhisperer_region": "{Insert Codewhisperer Region}"

This image depicts an example of creating a custom widget.

8. Click the ‘Add widget’ button. The dashboard will update to include your new widget and will run the Lambda function to retrieve initial data. You’ll need to click the “Execute them all” button in the upper banner to let CloudWatch run the initial Lambda retrieval.

This image depicts the execute them all button on the upper right of the screen.

9. Customize Your Dashboard: Arrange the dashboard by dragging and resizing widgets for optimal organization and visibility. Adjust the time range and refresh settings as needed to suit your monitoring requirements.

10. Save the Dashboard Configuration: After setting up and customizing your dashboard, click ‘Save dashboard’ to preserve your layout and settings.

This image depicts what the dashboard looks like. It showcases active users and inactive users, with first name, last name, display name, and email.

CloudFormation Deployment for the CodeWhisperer Dashboard

The blog post concludes with a detailed AWS CloudFormation template designed to automate the setup of the necessary infrastructure for the Amazon CodeWhisperer User Activity Dashboard. This template provisions AWS resources, streamlining the deployment process. It includes the configuration of AWS CloudTrail for tracking user interactions, setting up CloudWatch Logs for logging and monitoring, and creating an AWS Lambda function for analyzing user activity data. Additionally, the template defines the required IAM roles and permissions, ensuring the Lambda function has access to the needed AWS services and resources.

The blog post also provides a JSON configuration for the CloudWatch dashboard. This is because, at the time of writing, AWS CloudFormation does not natively support the creation and configuration of CloudWatch dashboards. Therefore, the JSON configuration is necessary to manually set up the dashboard in CloudWatch, allowing users to visualize the processed data from the Lambda function. The CloudFormation template can be found here.

Create a CloudWatch Dashboard and import the JSON below.

            "endpoint":"{Insert ARN of Lambda Function}",
               "log_group_name":"{Insert Log Group Name}",
               "codewhisperer_application_arn":"{Insert Codewhisperer Application ARN}",
               "identity_store_region":"{Insert identity Store Region}",
               "codewhisperer_region":"{Insert Codewhisperer Region}"


In this blog, we detail a comprehensive process for establishing a user activity dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer to deliver data to support an enterprise rollout. The journey begins with setting up AWS CloudTrail to log user interactions with CodeWhisperer. This foundational step ensures the capture of detailed activity events, which is vital for our subsequent analysis. We then construct a tailored AWS Lambda function to sift through CloudTrail logs. Then, create a dashboard in AWS CloudWatch. This dashboard serves as a central platform for displaying the user data from our Lambda function in an accessible, user-friendly format.

You can reference the existing CodeWhisperer dashboard for additional insights. The Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard offers a view summarizing data about how your developers use the service.

Overall, this dashboard empowers you to track, understand, and influence the adoption and effective use of Amazon CodeWhisperer in your organizations, optimizing the tool’s deployment and fostering a culture of informed data-driven usage.

About the authors:

David Ernst

David Ernst is an AWS Sr. Solution Architect with a DevOps and Generative AI background, leveraging over 20 years of IT experience to drive transformational change for AWS’s customers. Passionate about leading teams and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, David excels in architecting and managing cloud-based solutions, emphasizing automation, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/delivery.

Riya Dani

Riya Dani is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), responsible for helping Enterprise customers on their journey in the cloud. She has a passion for learning and holds a Bachelor’s & Master’s degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. In her free time, she enjoys staying active and reading.

Vikrant Dhir

Vikrant Dhir is a AWS Solutions Architect helping systemically important financial services institutions innovate on AWS. He specializes in Containers and Container Security and helps customers build and run enterprise grade Kubernetes Clusters using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS). He is an avid programmer proficient in a number of languages such as Java, NodeJS and Terraform.

AWS CodePipeline adds support for Branch-based development and Monorepos

Post Syndicated from Michael Ohde original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/aws-codepipeline-adds-support-for-branch-based-development-and-monorepos/

AWS CodePipeline is a managed continuous delivery service that automates your release pipelines for application and infrastructure updates. Today, CodePipeline adds triggers and new execution modes to support teams with various delivery strategies. These features give customers more choice in the pipelines they build.

In this post, I am going to show you how to use triggers and pipeline execution modes together to create three pipeline designs. These examples are requested by customers that practice branch-based development or manage multiple projects within a monorepo.

  • Pipeline #1: Create a GitFlow (multi-branch) release pipeline.
  • Pipeline #2: Run a pipeline on all pull requests (PRs).
  • Pipeline #3: Run a pipeline on a single folder within a monorepo.

As I walkthrough each of the pipelines you will learn more about these features and how to use them. After completing the blog, you can use triggers and execution modes to adapt these examples to your pipeline needs.

Pipeline #1 – Create a GitFlow (multi-branch) release pipeline

GitFlow is a development model that manages large projects with parallel development and releases using long-running branches. GitFlow uses two permanent branches, main and develop, along with supporting feature, release, and hotfix branches. Since I will cover triggering a pipeline from multiple branches, these concepts can be applied to simplify other multi-branch pipeline strategies such as GitHub flow.

I can create pipelines using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS CloudFormation, or by writing code that calls the CodePipeline CreatePipeline API. In this blog, I will keep things simple by creating two pipelines, a release pipeline and a feature development pipeline. I start by navigating to the CodePipeline console and choosing Create pipeline.

In the first step, Pipeline settings, as per Figure 1 below, you will now see options for the newly added Execution modesQueued and Parallel.

Example GitFlow release pipeline settings for Queued execution mode.
Figure 1. Example GitFlow release pipeline settings for Queued execution mode.

The execution mode of the pipeline determines the handling of multiple executions:

  • Superseded – an execution that started more recently can overtake one that began earlier. Before today, CodePipeline only supported Superseded execution mode.
  • Queued – the executions wait and do not overtake executions that have already started. Executions are processed one by one in the order that they are queued.
  • Parallel – the executions are independent of one another and do not wait for other executions to complete before starting.

The first pipeline, release pipeline, will trigger for main, develop, hotfix, and release branches. I select Queued, since I want to run every push to these branches in the order triggered by the pipeline. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.

Example source connection and repository.
Figure 2. Example source connection and repository.

In step two, Add source stage, I select my Source provider, Connection, Repository name, and Default branch. I need to use a source provider that uses a connection to my external code repository, in this example I’m using GitHub so I select Connect to GitHub. Connections authorize and establish configurations that associate a third-party provider such as GitHub with CodePipeline.

Now that I have my Source setup, I’m going to configure a Trigger. Triggers define the event type that starts the pipeline, such as a code push or pull request. I select the Specify filter from the Trigger types, since I want to add a filtered trigger.

For this pipeline, I select Push for the Event type. A push trigger starts a pipeline when a change is pushed to the source repository. The execution uses the files in the branch that is pushed to, the destination branch. Next, I select the Filter type of Branch. The branch filter type specifies the branches in GitHub connected repository that the trigger monitors in order to know when to start an execution.

There are two types of branch filters:

  • Include – the trigger will start a pipeline if the branch name matches the pattern.
  • Exclude – the trigger will NOT start a pipeline if the branch name matches the pattern.

Note: If Include and Exclude both have the same pattern, then the default is to exclude the pattern.

Branching patterns are entered in the glob format, detailed in Working with glob patterns in syntax, to specify the branch I want to trigger, I enter main,develop,hotfix/**,release/** in Include and I leave Exclude empty.

Example GitFlow release pipeline for push event type and branch filters.
Figure 3. Example GitFlow release pipeline for push event type and branch filters.

I am done configuring the filters and I click Next.

To keep the focus of the blog on the pipeline and not the application, I will skip ahead to Create pipeline. If you are curious about by my application and build step, I followed the example in AWS CodeBuild adds support for AWS Lambda compute mode.

Next, I create the feature development pipeline. The feature development pipeline will trigger for feature branches. This time, I select the Parallel Execution mode, as developers should not be blocked by their peers working in other feature branches. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.

Example GitFlow feature pipeline settings for Queued execution mode.
Figure 4. Example GitFlow feature pipeline settings for Queued execution mode.

In Step 2, the source provider and connection is setup the same as per the previous release pipeline, see Figure 2 above. Once the Source step is complete, I configure my Trigger with an Event type of Push, but this time I only enter feature/** for Include.

Example GitFlow feature pipeline for push event type and branch filters.
Figure 5. Example GitFlow feature pipeline for push event type and branch filters.

I am done configuring the filters and I skip forward to Create pipeline.

After the pipeline is finished creating, I can now see both of the pipelines I created – the release pipeline and the feature development pipeline.

Example GitFlow pipelines.
Figure 6. Example GitFlow pipelines.

To verify my pipeline setup, I create and merge multiple code changes to feature branches and to the release branches – develop, release, and main. The Pipeline view now displays the executions that have been triggered by the matching branches. Note how these executions have been successfully added to the queue by the pipeline.

Example GitFlow release executions queued.
Figure 7. Example GitFlow release executions queued.

I have now implemented a GitFlow release pipeline. By using Branch filter types and Push event triggers, you can now extend this example to meet your branch-based development needs.

Pipeline #2 – Run a pipeline on all pull requests (PRs)

Before proceeding, I recommend you review the concepts covered in Pipeline #1, as you will build on that knowledge.

Triggering a pipeline on a pull request (PR) is a common continuous integration pattern to catch build and test failures before the PR is merged into the branch. A PR pipeline is often faster and lighter than the full release by limiting tests like security scans, validation tests, or performance tests to the changes in the PR rather than running them on every commit. Having a single pipeline triggered for all PRs allows reviewing and validating any proposed changes to the repository before merging.

To start I create a new pipeline, by clicking Create Pipeline. I change the Execution mode to Parallel. I choose Parallel because the development team will be working on multiple features at the same time and it is wasteful to wait for other executions to finish. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.

Example PR pipeline settings for Parallel execution mode.
Figure 8. Example PR pipeline settings for Parallel execution mode.

As per the previous pipeline, the Source provider and connection is setup as show in Figure 2 above. Once the Source step is setup, I configure my Pull Request Trigger.

For this pipeline, I select Pull Request for the Event type. A pull request trigger starts a pipeline when a pull request is opened, updated, or closed in the source repository. The execution will use the files in the branch that the change is being pulled from, the source branch. Next, I select Pull request is created and New revision is made to pull request for Events for pull request. To match pull requests for all branches, I enter ** under Include for Branches and leave Exclude empty.

Example PR pipeline for pull request event type.
Figure 9. Example PR pipeline for pull request event type.

I will fast-forward to the Create pipeline, skipping the details of the build and deploy steps, similar to what I did in Pipeline #1.

Once the pipeline has finished creating, I open a few PRs in my GitHub repository as a test. Back in CodePipeline when I click on my pipeline, I notice the pipeline takes me straight to the Execution history view. The reason I’m redirected to the execution history is the pipeline execution mode is Parallel and all executions are independent. From this view, I see the Trigger column displaying details about each pull request that has triggered the pipeline.

Example PR pipeline with executions in parallel.
Figure 10. Example PR pipeline with executions in parallel.

Note: To view an individual execution Pipeline, click the Execution ID.

I have now implemented a PR validation pipeline for all PRs across branches. By using Pull request event triggers and Branch filter types, you can now extend this example to meet your PR pipeline needs.

Pipeline #3 – Run a pipeline on a single folder within a monorepo

Before proceeding, I recommend you review the concepts covered in Pipeline #1, as you will build on that knowledge.

A monorepo is a software-development strategy where a single repository is used to contain the code for multiple projects. Running pipelines for each project contained in the monorepo on every commit can be inefficient, especially when each project requires different pipelines. For this pipeline example, I want to limit pipeline executions to only changes inside the infrastructure folder in the main branch. This can reduce cost, speed up deployments, and optimize resource usage.

To start, I create a new pipeline by clicking Create Pipeline. For this example, I keep the default Execution mode as Suspended, since I do not have any specific execution mode requirements. I make sure the Pipeline type chosen is V2 and I click Next.

As per the previous pipeline, the Source provider and connection is setup as per Figure 2 above. Once the Source step is complete, I configure my Trigger to focus on the infrastructure folder in the main branch.

For this pipeline, I select Push for the Event type. Next, I select the Filter type of Branch.  To match pushes to only main, I enter main under Include for Branches and leave Exclude empty. Under File paths, for Include, I enter infrastructure/** and I leave Exclude empty. The file paths filter type specifies file path names in the source repository that the trigger monitors in order to know when to start an execution. Similar to branch filters, I can specify file path name patterns in glob format under Include and Exclude.

Example monorepo pipeline for push event type and file path filters.
Figure 11. Example monorepo pipeline for push event type and file path filters.

I click Next, since I am done configuring the filters.

I will jump ahead to the Create pipeline, omitting the details of the build and deploy steps, like I did in Pipeline #1.

Once the pipeline has been created, I can test the pipeline Trigger in GitHub by making changes on the main branch inside and outside the infrastructure folder. To verify it is only invoking the pipelines inside the infrastructure folder, I open the History for the pipeline in CodePipeline. I confirm that only the changes I’m expecting are running.

Example monorepo pipeline with only infrastructure executions.
Figure 12. Example monorepo pipeline with only infrastructure executions.

I have now selectively invoked a pipeline based on repository changes in a monorepo. By using File paths filter types, you can now extend this example to meet your monorepo release pipelines.


AWS CodePipeline’s new triggers and execution modes unlock new patterns for building pipelines on AWS. In this post, I discussed the new features and three popular pipeline patterns you can build. If you are creating GitFlow or your own multi-branch strategy, CodePipeline simplifies managing release pipelines for multi-branch models. Whether you are using File path filter types for monorepos or leveraging Parallel execution mode to unblock developers, CodePipeline accelerates the delivery of your software. Check out the AWS CodePipeline User Guide and hands-on tutorials to automate your delivery workflows today.

Michael Ohde

Michael Ohde is a Senior Solutions Architect from Long Beach, CA. As a Product Acceleration Solution Architect at AWS, he currently assists Independent Software Vendor (ISVs) in the GovTech and EdTech sectors, by building modern applications using practices like serverless, DevOps, and AI/ML.

Fulfilling the promise of single-vendor SASE through network modernization

Post Syndicated from Michael Keane http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/michael-keane/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/single-vendor-sase-announcement-2024

As more organizations collectively progress toward adopting a SASE architecture, it has become clear that the traditional SASE market definition (SSE + SD-WAN) is not enough. It forces some teams to work with multiple vendors to address their specific needs, introducing performance and security tradeoffs. More worrisome, it draws focus more to a checklist of services than a vendor’s underlying architecture. Even the most advanced individual security services or traffic on-ramps don’t matter if organizations ultimately send their traffic through a fragmented, flawed network.

Single-vendor SASE is a critical trend to converge disparate security and networking technologies, yet enterprise “any-to-any connectivity” needs true network modernization for SASE to work for all teams. Over the past few years, Cloudflare has launched capabilities to help organizations modernize their networks as they navigate their short- and long-term roadmaps of SASE use cases. We’ve helped simplify SASE implementation, regardless of the team leading the initiative.

Announcing (even more!) flexible on-ramps for single-vendor SASE

Today, we are announcing a series of updates to our SASE platform, Cloudflare One, that further the promise of a single-vendor SASE architecture. Through these new capabilities, Cloudflare makes SASE networking more flexible and accessible for security teams, more efficient for traditional networking teams, and uniquely extend its reach to an underserved technical team in the larger SASE connectivity conversation: DevOps.

These platform updates include:

  • Flexible on-ramps for site-to-site connectivity that enable both agent/proxy-based and appliance/routing-based implementations, simplifying SASE networking for both security and networking teams.
  • New WAN-as-a-service (WANaaS) capabilities like high availability, application awareness, a virtual machine deployment option, and enhanced visibility and analytics that boost operational efficiency while reducing network costs through a “light branch, heavy cloud” approach.
  • Zero Trust connectivity for DevOps: mesh and peer-to-peer (P2P) secure networking capabilities that extend ZTNA to support service-to-service workflows and bidirectional traffic.

Cloudflare offers a wide range of SASE on- and off-ramps — including connectors for your WAN, applications, services, systems, devices, or any other internal network resources — to more easily route traffic to and from Cloudflare services. This helps organizations align with their best fit connectivity paradigm, based on existing environment, technical familiarity, and job role.

We recently dove into the Magic WAN Connector in a separate blog post and have explained how all our on-ramps fit together in our SASE reference architecture, including our new WARP Connector. This blog focuses on the main impact those technologies have for customers approaching SASE networking from different angles.

More flexible and accessible for security teams

The process of implementing a SASE architecture can challenge an organization’s status quo for internal responsibilities and collaboration across IT, security, and networking. Different teams own various security or networking technologies whose replacement cycles are not necessarily aligned, which can reduce the organization’s willingness to support particular projects.

Security or IT practitioners need to be able to protect resources no matter where they reside. Sometimes a small connectivity change would help them more efficiently protect a given resource, but the task is outside their domain of control. Security teams don’t want to feel reliant on their networking teams in order to do their jobs, and yet they also don’t need to cause downstream trouble with existing network infrastructure. They need an easier way to connect subnets, for instance, without feeling held back by bureaucracy.

Agent/proxy-based site-to-site connectivity

To help push these security-led projects past the challenges associated with traditional siloes, Cloudflare offers both agent/proxy-based and appliance/routing-based implementations for site-to-site or subnet-to-subnet connectivity. This way, networking teams can pursue the traditional networking concepts with which they are familiar through our appliance/routing-based WANaaS — a modern architecture vs. legacy SD-WAN overlays. Simultaneously, security/IT teams can achieve connectivity through agent/proxy-based software connectors (like the WARP Connector) that may be more approachable to implement. This agent-based approach blurs the lines between industry norms for branch connectors and app connectors, bringing WAN and ZTNA technology closer together to help achieve least-privileged access everywhere.

Agent/proxy-based connectivity may be a complementary fit for a subset of an organization’s total network connectivity. These software-driven site-to-site use cases could include microsites with no router or firewall, or perhaps cases in which teams are unable to configure IPsec or GRE tunnels like in tightly regulated managed networks or cloud environments like Kubernetes. Organizations can mix and match traffic on-ramps to fit their needs; all options can be used composably and concurrently.

Our agent/proxy-based approach to site-to-site connectivity uses the same underlying technology that helps security teams fully replace VPNs, supporting ZTNA for apps with server-initiated or bidirectional traffic. These include services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) traffic, Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Active Directory (AD) domain replication, and as detailed later in this blog, DevOps workflows.

This new Cloudflare on-ramp enables site-to-site, bidirectional, and mesh networking connectivity without requiring changes to underlying network routing infrastructure, acting as a router for the subnet within the private network to on-ramp and off-ramp traffic through Cloudflare.

More efficient for networking teams

Meanwhile, for networking teams who prefer a network-layer appliance/routing-based implementation for site-to-site connectivity, the industry norms still force too many tradeoffs between security, performance, cost, and reliability. Many (if not most) large enterprises still rely on legacy forms of private connectivity such as MPLS. MPLS is generally considered expensive and inflexible, but it is highly reliable and has features such as quality of service (QoS) that are used for bandwidth management.

Commodity Internet connectivity is widely available in most parts of the inhabited world, but has a number of challenges which make it an imperfect replacement to MPLS. In many countries, high speed Internet is fast and cheap, but this is not universally true. Speed and costs depend on the local infrastructure and the market for regional service providers. In general, broadband Internet is also not as reliable as MPLS. Outages and slowdowns are not unusual, with customers having varying degrees of tolerance to the frequency and duration of disrupted service. For businesses, outages and slowdowns are not tolerable. Disruptions to network service means lost business, unhappy customers, lower productivity and frustrated employees. Thus, despite the fact that a significant amount of corporate traffic flows have shifted to the Internet anyway, many organizations face difficulty migrating away from MPLS.

SD-WAN introduced an alternative to MPLS that is transport neutral and improves networking stability over conventional broadband alone. However, it introduces new topology and security challenges. For example, many SD-WAN implementations can increase risk if they bypass inspection between branches. It also has implementation-specific challenges such as how to address scaling and the use/control (or more precisely, the lack of) a middle mile. Thus, the promise of making a full cutover to Internet connectivity and eliminating MPLS remains unfulfilled for many organizations.  These issues are also not very apparent to some customers at the time of purchase and require continuing market education.

Evolution of the enterprise WAN

Cloudflare Magic WAN follows a different paradigm built from the ground up in Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud; it takes a “light branch, heavy cloud” approach to augment and eventually replace existing network architectures including MPLS circuits and SD-WAN overlays. While Magic WAN has similar cloud-native routing and configuration controls to what customers would expect from traditional SD-WAN, it is easier to deploy, manage, and consume. It scales with changing business requirements, with security built in. Customers like Solocal agree that the benefits of this architecture ultimately improve their total cost of ownership:

“Cloudflare’s Magic WAN Connector offers a centralized and automated management of network and security infrastructure, in an intuitive approach. As part of Cloudflare’s SASE platform, it provides a consistent and homogeneous single-vendor architecture, founded on market standards and best practices. Control over all data flows is ensured, and risks of breaches or security gaps are reduced. It is obvious to Solocal that it should provide us with significant savings, by reducing all costs related to acquiring, installing, maintaining, and upgrading our branch network appliances by up to 40%. A high-potential connectivity solution for our IT to modernize our network.”
– Maxime Lacour, Network Operations Manager, Solocal

This is quite different from other single-vendor SASE vendor approaches which have been trying to reconcile acquisitions that were designed around fundamentally different design philosophies. These “stitched together” solutions lead to a non-converged experience due to their fragmented architectures, similar to what organizations might see if they were managing multiple separate vendors anyway. Consolidating the components of SASE with a vendor that has built a unified, integrated solution, versus piecing together different solutions for networking and security, significantly simplifies deployment and management by reducing complexity, bypassed security, and potential integration or connectivity challenges.

Magic WAN can automatically establish IPsec tunnels to Cloudflare via our Connector device, manually via Anycast IPsec or GRE Tunnels initiated on a customer’s edge router or firewall, or via Cloudflare Network Interconnect (CNI) at private peering locations or public cloud instances. It pushes beyond “integration” claims with SSE to truly converge security and networking functionality and help organizations more efficiently modernize their networks.

New Magic WAN Connector capabilities

In October 2023, we announced the general availability of the Magic WAN Connector, a lightweight device that customers can drop into existing network environments for zero-touch connectivity to Cloudflare One, and ultimately used to replace other networking hardware such as legacy SD-WAN devices, routers, and firewalls. Today, we’re excited to announce new capabilities of the Magic WAN Connector including:

  • High Availability (HA) configurations for critical environments: In enterprise deployments, organizations generally desire support for high availability to mitigate the risk of hardware failure. High availability uses a pair of Magic WAN Connectors (running as a VM or on a supported hardware device) that work in conjunction with one another to seamlessly resume operation if one device fails. Customers can manage HA configuration, like all other aspects of the Magic WAN Connector, from the unified Cloudflare One dashboard.
  • Application awareness: One of the central differentiating features of SD-WAN vs. more traditional networking devices has been the ability to create traffic policies based on well-known applications, in addition to network-layer attributes like IP and port ranges. Application-aware policies provide easier management and more granularity over traffic flows. Cloudflare’s implementation of application awareness leverages the intelligence of our global network, using the same categorization/classification already shared across security tools like our Secure Web Gateway, so IT and security teams can expect consistent behavior across routing and inspection decisions – a capability not available in dual-vendor or stitched-together SASE solutions.
  • Virtual machine deployment option: The Magic WAN Connector is now available as a virtual appliance software image, that can be downloaded for immediate deployment on any supported virtualization platform / hypervisor. The virtual Magic WAN Connector has the same ultra-low-touch deployment model and centralized fleet management experience as the hardware appliance, and is offered to all Magic WAN customers at no additional cost.
  • Enhanced visibility and analytics: The Magic WAN Connector features enhanced visibility into key metrics such as connectivity status, CPU utilization, memory consumption, and device temperature. These analytics are available via dashboard and API so operations teams can integrate the data into their NOCs.

Extending SASE’s reach to DevOps

Complex continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline interaction is famous for being agile, so the connectivity and security supporting these workflows should match. DevOps teams too often rely on traditional VPNs to accomplish remote access to various development and operational tools. VPNs are cumbersome to manage, susceptible to exploit with known or zero-day vulnerabilities, and use a legacy hub-and-spoke connectivity model that is too slow for modern workflows.

Of any employee group, developers are particularly capable of finding creative workarounds that decrease friction in their daily workflows, so all corporate security measures need to “just work,” without getting in their way. Ideally, all users and servers across build, staging, and production environments should be orchestrated through centralized, Zero Trust access controls, no matter what components and tools are used and no matter where they are located. Ad hoc policy changes should be accommodated, as well as temporary Zero Trust access for contractors or even emergency responders during a production server incident.

Zero Trust connectivity for DevOps

ZTNA works well as an industry paradigm for secure, least-privileged user-to-app access, but it should extend further to secure networking use cases that involve server-initiated or bidirectional traffic. This follows an emerging trend that imagines an overlay mesh connectivity model across clouds, VPCs, or network segments without a reliance on routers. For true any-to-any connectivity, customers need flexibility to cover all of their network connectivity and application access use cases. Not every SASE vendor’s network on-ramps can extend beyond client-initiated traffic without requiring network routing changes or making security tradeoffs, so generic “any-to-any connectivity” claims may not be what they initially seem.

Cloudflare extends the reach of ZTNA to ensure all user-to-app use cases are covered, plus mesh and P2P secure networking to make connectivity options as broad and flexible as possible. DevOps service-to-service workflows can run efficiently on the same platform that accomplishes ZTNA, VPN replacement, or enterprise-class SASE. Cloudflare acts as the connectivity “glue” across all DevOps users and resources, regardless of the flow of traffic at each step. This same technology, i.e., WARP Connector, enables admins to manage different private networks with overlapping IP ranges — VPC & RFC1918, support server-initiated traffic and P2P apps (e.g., SCCM, AD, VoIP & SIP traffic) connectivity over existing private networks, build P2P private networks (e.g., CI/CD resource flows), and deterministically route traffic. Organizations can also automate management of their SASE platform with Cloudflare’s Terraform provider.

The Cloudflare difference

Cloudflare’s single-vendor SASE platform, Cloudflare One, is built on our connectivity cloud — the next evolution of the public cloud, providing a unified, intelligent platform of programmable, composable services that enable connectivity between all networks (enterprise and Internet), clouds, apps, and users. Our connectivity cloud is flexible enough to make “any-to-any connectivity” a more approachable reality for organizations implementing a SASE architecture, accommodating deployment preferences alongside prescriptive guidance. Cloudflare is built to offer the breadth and depth needed to help organizations regain IT control through single-vendor SASE and beyond, while simplifying workflows for every team that contributes along the way.

Other SASE vendors designed their data centers for egress traffic to the Internet. They weren’t designed to handle or secure East-West traffic, providing neither middle mile nor security services for traffic passing from branch to HQ or branch to branch. Cloudflare’s middle mile global backbone supports security and networking for any-to-any connectivity, whether users are on-prem or remote, and whether apps are in the data center or in the cloud.

To learn more, read our reference architecture, “Evolving to a SASE architecture with Cloudflare,” or talk to a Cloudflare One expert.

Import entire applications into AWS CloudFormation

Post Syndicated from Dan Blanco original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/import-entire-applications-into-aws-cloudformation/

AWS Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables customers to manage, model, and provision infrastructure at scale. You can declare your infrastructure as code in YAML or JSON by using AWS CloudFormation, in a general purpose programming language using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), or visually using Application Composer. IaC configurations can then be audited and version controlled in a version control system of your choice. Finally, deploying AWS IaC enables deployment previews using change sets, automated rollbacks, proactive enforcement of resource compliance using hooks, and more. Millions of customers enjoy the safety and reliability of AWS IaC products.

Not every resource starts in IaC, however. Customers create non-IaC resources for various reasons: they didn’t know about IaC, or they prefer to work in the CLI or management console. In 2019, we introduced the ability to import existing resources into CloudFormation. While this feature proved integral for bringing resources into IaC on an individual basis, the process of manually creating templates to match those resources wasn’t ideal. Customers were required to look up documentation on resources and painstakingly copy values manually. Customers also told us they traditionally engaged with applications (that is, groupings of related resources), so dealing with individual resources didn’t match that experience. We set out to create a more holistic flow for managing resources and their relations.

Recently, we announced the IaC generator and CDK Migrate, an end-to-end experience that enables customers to create an IaC configuration based off a resource as well as its relationships. This works by scanning an AWS account and using the CloudFormation resource type schema to find relationships between resources. Once this configuration is created, you can use it to either import those resources into an existing stack, or create a brand new stack from scratch. It’s now possible to bring entire applications into a managed CloudFormation stack without having to recreate any resources!

In this post, I’ll explore a common use case we’ve seen and expect the IaC generator to solve: an existing network architecture, created outside of any IaC tool, needs to be managed by CloudFormation.

IaC generator in Action

Consider the following scenario:

As a new hire to an organization that’s just starting its cloud adoption journey, you’ve been tasked with continuing the development of the team’s shared Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources. These are actively in use by the development teams. As you dig around, you find out that these resources were created without any form of IaC. There’s no documentation, and the person who set it up is no longer with the team. Confounding the problem, you have multiple VPCs and their related resources, such subnets, route tables, and internet gateways.

You understand the benefits of IaC – repeatability, reliability, auditability, and safety. Bringing these resources under CloudFormation management will extend these benefits to your existing resources. You’ve imported resources into CloudFormation before, so you set about the task of finding all related resources manually to create a template. You quickly discover, however, that this won’t be a simple task. VPCs don’t store relations to items; instead, relations are reversed – items know which VPC they belong to, but VPCs don’t know which items belong to them. In order to find all the resources that are related to a VPC, you’ll have to manually go through all the VPC-related resources and scan to see which vpc-id they belong to. You’ll have to be diligent, as it’s very easy to miss a resource because you weren’t aware that it existed or it may even be different class of resource altogether! For example, some resources may use an elastic network interface (ENI) to attach to the VPC, like an Amazon Relational Database Service instance.

You, however, recently learned about the IaC generator. The generator works by running a scan of your account and creating an up-to-date inventory of resources. CloudFormation will then leverage the resource type schema to find relationships between resources. For example, it can determine that a subnet has a relationship to a VPC via a vpc-id property. Once these relationships have been determined, you can then select the top-level resources you want to generate a template for. Finally, you’ll be able to leverage the wizard to create a stack from this existing template.

You can navigate to the IaC generator page in the Amazon Management Console and start a scan on your account. Scans last for 30 days, and you can run three scans per day in an account.

Scan account button and status

Once the scan completes, you create a template by selecting the Create Template button. After selecting Start from a new template, you fill out the relevant details about the stack, including the Template name and any stack policies. In this case, you leave it as Retain.

Create template section with "Start from a new template" selected

On the next page, you’ll see all the scanned resources. You can add filters to the resource such as tags to view a subset of scanned resources. This example will only use a Resource type prefix filter. More information on filters can be found here. Once you find the VPC, you can select it from the list.

A VPC selected in the scanned resources list]

On the next page, you’ll see the list of resources that CloudFormation has determined to have a link to this VPC. You see this includes a myriad of networking related resource. You keep these all selected to create a template from them.

A list of related resources, all selected

At this point, you select Create template and CloudFormation will generate a template from the existing resources. Since you don’t have an existing stack to import these resource into, you must create a new stack. You now select this template and then select the Import to stack button.

The template detail page with an import to stack button

After entering the Stack name, you can then enter any Parameters your template needs.

The specify stack details page, with a stack name of "networking" entered

CloudFormation will create a change set for your new stack. Change sets allow you to see the changes CloudFormation will apply to a stack. In this example, all of the resources will have the Import status. You see the resources CloudFormation found, and once you’re satisfied, you create the stack.

A change set indicating the previously found resources will be created

At this point, the create stack operation will proceed as normal, going through each resource and importing it into the stack. You can report back to your team that you have successfully imported your entire networking stack! As next steps, you should source this template in a version control system. We recently announced a new feature to keep CloudFormation templates synced with popular version control systems. Finally, make sure to make any changes through CloudFormation to avoid a configuration drift between the stated configuration and the existing configuration.

This example was primarily CloudFormation-based, but CDK customers can use CDK Migrate to import this configuration into a CDK application.

Available Now

The IaC generator is now available in all regions where CloudFormation is supported. You can access the IaC generator using the console, CLI, and SDK.


In this post, we explored the new IaC generator feature of CloudFormation. We walked through a scenario of needing to manage previously existing resources and using the IaC generator’s provided wizard flow to generate a CloudFormation template. We then used that template and created a stack to manage these resources. These resources will now enjoy the safety and repeatability that IaC provides. Though this is just one example, we foresee other use cases for this feature, such as enabling a console-first development experience. We’re really excited to hear your thoughts about the feature. Please let us know how you feel!

About the author

Dan Blanco

Dan is a senior AWS Developer Advocate based in Atlanta for the AWS IaC team. When he’s not advocating for IaC tools, you can either find him in the kitchen whipping up something delicious or flying in the Georgia sky. Find him on twitter (@TheDanBlanco) or in the AWS CloudFormation Discord.

Announcing CDK Migrate: A single command to migrate to the AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Adam Keller original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/announcing-cdk-migrate-a-single-command-to-migrate-to-the-aws-cdk/

Today we’re excited to announce the general availability of CDK Migrate, a component of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This feature enables users to migrate AWS CloudFormation templates, previously deployed CloudFormation stacks, or resources created outside of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) into a CDK application. This feature is being launched in tandem with the CloudFormation IaC Generator, which helps customers import resources created outside of CloudFormation into a template, and into a newly generated, fully managed CloudFormation stack. To read more on this feature, check out the launch post.

There are various ways to create and manage resources in AWS, whether that be via “ClickOps” (creating and updating via the AWS Console), via AWS API’s, or using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). While it’s a good and recommended practice to manage the lifecycle of resources using IaC, there can be an on-ramp to getting started. For those that aren’t ready to use IaC, it is likely that they use the console to create the resources and update them accordingly. While this can be acceptable for smaller use cases or for testing out a new service, it becomes more challenging as the complexity of the environment grows. This is further exacerbated when there is a need to re-deploy the exact configuration to other accounts, environments, or regions, as the process becomes very error prone when trying to replicate it. IaC is built to help solve this problem by allowing users to define once and deploy everywhere. For those who have been putting off the move to IaC, now is the time to take the plunge with the IaC generator functionality and CDK migrate, which can accelerate and simplify the move.

Getting Started

The first step when migrating resources into the AWS CDK is to understand the best mechanism for how the users would prefer to interact with their IaC.

  • For users that are looking to define their IaC declaratively (manage resources via a configuration language like YAML), it is recommended that they look at IaC generator, which can generate a CloudFormation template as well as manage the existing resources in a CloudFormation stack.
  • For users that are looking to manage their IaC via a higher level programming language as well as build on top of those templates with higher level abstractions and automation, the AWS Cloud Development Kit and CDK migrate serve as an excellent option,

There is also functionality in the CDK CLI to import resources into an existing CDK application. Let’s review the use cases for when to use CDK migrate vs when to use CDK import.

CDK Migrate

  • Users are looking to migrate one or many resources into a new CDK application.
    • Examples of existing resources in the AWS region to be migrated:
      • Resources created outside of IaC
      • A deployed CloudFormation Stack
  • Users want to migrate from CloudFormation templates into a new CDK application
  • Users are looking for a managed experience to generate CDK code from existing resources and/or CloudFormation templates.
  • While the CDK migrate feature is designed to help accelerate those users looking to use the AWS CDK, it’s important to understand that there are limitations. For more information on the limitations, please review the documentation.

CDK Import

  • Users have an existing CDK application and want to import one or many resources that were created outside of the CDK.
    • Examples of existing resources in the AWS region to be migrated:
      • Resources created outside of IaC (via ClickOps)
      • A deployed CloudFormation Stack
    • The user must define the resources in their CDK app on their own, and ensure that the resources defined in the CDK code map directly to the resource as it exists in the account. There is a multi-step process to follow when using this feature, for more information see here.

This post will walk through an example of how to take a local CloudFormation template and convert it into a new CDK application.


To start, take the CloudFormation template below that will be converted to a CDK application. The template creates an AWS Lambda Function, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and an Amazon S3 Bucket along with some parameters to help make some of the inputs dynamic. Below is the template in full:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: AWS CDK Migrate Demo Template
    Description: Response message from the Lambda function
    Type: String
    Default: Hello World
    Description: The tag value of the S3 bucket
    Type: String
    Default: ChangeMe
    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
              Service: lambda.amazonaws.com
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
    Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
      Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn
        ZipFile: |
          import os
          def lambda_handler(event, context):
            function_response = os.getenv('FUNCTION_RESPONSE')
            return {
              "statusCode": 200,
              "body": function_response
      Handler: index.lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.11
          FUNCTION_RESPONSE: !Ref FunctionResponse
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
        BlockPublicAcls: true
        BlockPublicPolicy: true
        IgnorePublicAcls: true
        RestrictPublicBuckets: true
          - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:
              SSEAlgorithm: AES256
        - Key: Application
          Value: Git-Sync-Demo
        - Key: DynamicTag
          Value: !Ref BucketTag
    Description: The name of the S3 bucket
    Value: !Ref S3Bucket
      Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-S3BucketName

This is the template that you will use when running the migration command. As a reminder, this demo migrates a CloudFormation template to a CDK application, but you can also migrate a previously deployed stack or non IaC created resources.


The migration from the CloudFormation template to the CDK is done with a single command: cdk migrate. Simply point to the local CloudFormation template file (let’s call it demo-template.yaml), and watch as the CLI converts the template into a CDK application. The output and result from running the command will be a directory comprised of the CDK code and dependencies, but will not deploy the stack.

cdk migrate --stack-name CDK-Local-Template-Migrate-Demo --language typescript --from-path ../demoTemplate.yaml

CDK Migrate command

In the above command, you’re instructing the CDK CLI to consume the CloudFormation template file using the --from-path parameter, and choose the language as the output for the CDK application. The CDK CLI will convert the template as well as create a project folder along with the required dependencies for the CDK application.

When the migration is complete, the CDK application along with the project structure and files are available and ready to use, but have not yet been deployed. Below is the file structure of what was generated:

cdk app directory structure

The above output represents the scaffold for your CDK Typescript application, ready for deployment. The two directories that house the CDK code are bin and lib. Within the bin directory you’ll find the code that creates our CDK app and calls the CDK Stack class. The name of the files will match the input that was passed into the –stack-name parameter when running the migrate command, so in this case the file is named: bin/cdk-local-template-migrate-demo.ts. Below is the generated code:

CDK App Code

The CdkLocalTemplateMigrateDemoStack is imported and then instantiated. This is where the code that was converted from the existing CloudFormation template (or stack, or resources) resides. Again, similar to how the file was named above, the filename and location for the CDK stack code is lib/cdk-local-template-migrate-demo-stack.ts. Let’s look at the code that was converted.

CDK Stack Code

Comparing the above auto generated code to the original CloudFormation template, the definitions of the resources look similar. This is because the migrate command is generating the CDK code using L1 constructs, which represent all resources available in CloudFormation. For more information on CDK constructs and the various levels of abstraction they offer, check out this video.

The CloudFormation parameters were converted to properties inside of an interface, which are passed in to the Stack class. Inside of the Stack class code, it honors the defaults set in the properties based on the defaults were set in the original CloudFormation parameters. If you wanted to override those defaults, you could pass those properties into the CDK stack as follows:

CDK App Code Cleaned Up

With your newly created CDK application, you’re ready to deploy it to your AWS account.


If this is the first time that you are using the CDK in the account and region, you will need to run the cdk bootstrap command, which creates assets required for the CDK to properly deploy resources to the region and account. For more information see here. Assuming the bootstrap process has happened, you can proceed to deployment.

The Infrastructure as Code is ready to deploy, but prior to deploying you should run a cdk diff to see what will be deployed. Running the diff command creates a change set and surfaces the changes being proposed (in this case it is a brand new stack with new resources).

Cdk Diff command

From the output you can see that all new resources are being created. If the cdk diff command was run against existing resources or stacks, assuming nothing changed (like above where I updated the properties), the diff would show no changes to the existing resources.

Next, deploy the stack (by running the cdk deploy command) and once the deployment is complete, head over to the AWS console and find your Lambda function. Run a test on your lambda function, and the response should match the functionResponse property that was updated as “CDK Migrate Demo Blog”.Lambda test execution output

Wrapping up

In this post, we discussed how the CDK migrate command can help you move your resources to the CDK to manage your infrastructure as code, whether it’s from a CloudFormation template, previously deployed CloudFormation stack, or from importing resources via the CloudFormation IaC generator feature. As always, we encourage you to test this feature and provide feedback and/or feature requests in our GitHub repo. In addition, if you’re new to the CDK there are some resources that can help you get started.

A new and improved AWS CDK construct for Amazon DynamoDB tables

Post Syndicated from Anirudh Sharma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/a-new-and-improved-aws-cdk-construct-for-amazon-dynamodb-tables/

Recently, we launched a new AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) construct for Amazon DynamoDB tables, known as TableV2. This construct provides a number of new features in addition to what the original construct offered, enabling CDK authors to create global tables, simplifying the configuration of global secondary indexes and auto scaling, as well as supporting AWS CloudFormation drift detection and import operations. We believe that this new construct will make it easier for organizations to build and manage their DynamoDB tables at scale, in addition to providing more flexibility and control over the configuration of tables.

AWS CDK is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. Developers can use any of the supported programming languages to define reusable cloud components known as Constructs. A construct is a reusable and programmable component that represents AWS resources. CDK translates the high-level constructs defined by you into equivalent AWS CloudFormation templates. CloudFormation provisions the resources specified in the template, streamlining the usage of Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) on AWS.

In this post we’ll explore:

  • The reasoning behind the creation of a new L2 construct for DynamoDB tables.
  • Features of new L2 constructs along with examples.
  • The benefits of leveraging this new construct in terms of scalability, flexibility, and simplicity.

By understanding the reasons behind its development and exploring its capabilities through practical examples, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how this new L2 construct can enhance their DynamoDB experience. Let’s dive in.


The original DynamoDB L2 Table construct is a powerful and versatile tool for creating and managing DynamoDB tables. It allows you to easily define the schema of your table, as well as the provisioned throughput and replicas. It also supports features like global tables, secondary indexes, and streams.

However, the Table construct uses a custom resource to add replicas to the primary table. This means that a separate Lambda function is created as the resource provider in addition to the Table resources (primary table and any replicas). This can be cumbersome to manage and can lead to drift detection issues.

The new TableV2 construct is an abstraction built on top of the GlobalTable L1 construct. It uses the CloudFormation resource AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable to create and manage DynamoDB tables. This has two important benefits:

  1. CloudFormation is in control and aware of all replicas that make up the Global Table, which means you will experience drift detection across all the replicas. With the original table construct, CloudFormation was not aware of any replicas since this was being handled through the Lambda function being used as a resource provider.
  2. No extra resource (Lambda function) is created when replicas are configured with TableV2. This eliminates the need to manage an extra resource and the risk of troubleshooting issues that may arise with the custom resource. TableV2 simplifies the setup and maintenance of DynamoDB tables by using native CloudFormation constructs to directly manage replicas, without the need for a Lambda function. This results in a more efficient and streamlined experience for users.

The new TableV2 construct provides more fine-grained control to customers over the replicas created as part of the Global Table. Specifically, customers can specify properties like contributor insights, deletion protection, point-in-time recovery, table class, read capacity, and global secondary index options on a per-replica basis.

This means that customers can tailor their table setup to meet their specific needs and optimize their overall experience with the Global Table feature. For example, a customer might want to enable contributor insights for all replicas, but only enable deletion protection for the primary replica. Or, a customer might want to use a different table class for each replica, depending on the expected workload.

The new TableV2 construct also offers greater flexibility and customization options by allowing customers to specify these properties on a per-replica basis. This can be helpful for customers who need to have different configurations for their replicas, or who want to fine-tune the performance and availability of their tables.

In the next section, we will explore each of these properties in more detail and how they can be specified in the new construct.

Features Walk-through

The new TableV2 construct is the recommended CDK DynamoDB construct for creating both single tables and global tables. In this section, we will review some specific aspects of the TableV2 construct and how they can be implemented. The walkthrough will cover features like Replicas, Billing, and Encryption, providing a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities.


One of the most important benefits of the new L2 construct is the ability to configure properties on a per-replica basis. For example, the following code creates a global DynamoDB table with contributor insights and point-in-time recovery enabled for the table:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as dynamodb from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';

const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'Stack', { env: { region: 'us-west-2' } });

const globalTable = new dynamodb.TableV2(stack, 'GlobalTable', {
  partitionKey: { name: 'pk', type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING },
  contributorInsights: true,
  pointInTimeRecovery: true,
  replicas: [
      region: 'us-east-1',
      tableClass: dynamodb.TableClass.STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS,
      pointInTimeRecovery: false,
      region: 'us-east-2',
      contributorInsights: false,

// This is an ITableV2 instance for the replica table in us-east-1
const replica = globalTable.replica('us-east-1');

This code creates two replicas, one in the us-east-1 region and one in the us-east-2 region. For the replica in the us-east-1 region, we disable point-in-time recovery and set the table class to STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS. For the replica in the us-east-2 region, we disable contributor insights. The TableV2 construct also enables users to work with individual instances of the replicas in a global table via the replica() method. We see how this can be utilized from the above code where an ITableV2 instance representing the replica in us-east-1 is returned.

This is particularly useful for the grant() and metric() methods. For example, the following code gives a user write access to a replica in us-east-1 region:

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { ITableV2, TableV2 } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import { AttributeType } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam';

class FooStack extends Stack {
  public readonly globalTable: TableV2;

  public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    this.globalTable = new TableV2(this, 'GlobalTable', {
      partitionKey: { name: 'pk', type: AttributeType.STRING },
      replicas: [
        { region: 'us-east-1' },
        { region: 'us-east-2' },

interface BarStackProps extends StackProps {
  readonly replicaTable: ITableV2;

class BarStack extends Stack {
  public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: BarStackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    const user = new iam.User(this, 'User')

    // user is given grantWriteData permissions to replica in us-east-1

const app = new App();

const fooStack = new FooStack(app, 'FooStack', { env: { region: 'us-west-2', account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT } });
const barStack = new BarStack(app, 'BarStack', {
  replicaTable: fooStack.globalTable.replica('us-east-1'),
  env: { region: 'us-east-1', account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT },

Before the replica() method was introduced, grant methods on the original Table construct applied to the primary table and all replicas. This was because there was no way to pull out a specific replica. This limited a user’s ability to grant a specific principal read, write, or read/write permission to a specific replica. The replica() method enables granting specific permissions to individual replicas in a global table. It maintains consistent behavior across all methods in the ITableV2 interface, including grants and metrics.


Table billing is easily configured using the onDemand() or provisioned() static methods of the Billing class. If provisioned billing is configured, the user must provide read and write capacity, which can be easily configured using the fixed() or autoscaled() static methods of the Capacity class.

For example, to configure on-demand billing:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { AttributeType, Billing, TableClass, TableV2 } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';

export class DynamodbStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    new TableV2(this, 'DynamoDBTable', {
      partitionKey: { name: 'id', type: AttributeType.STRING},
      replicas: [
        {region: 'us-east-2'},
        {region: 'us-west-1'}
      billing: Billing.onDemand(),
      tableClass: TableClass.STANDARD

To configure provisioned billing:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { AttributeType, Billing, Capacity, TableClass, TableV2 } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';

export class DynamodbStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    new TableV2(this, 'DynamoDBTable', {
      partitionKey: { name: 'id', type: AttributeType.STRING},
      replicas: [
        {region: 'us-east-2'},
        {region: 'us-west-1'}
      billing: Billing.provisioned({
        readCapacity: Capacity.fixed(5),
        writeCapacity: Capacity.autoscaled({maxCapacity: 10})
      tableClass: TableClass.STANDARD

Note that with the previous Table construct, users had to set a billingMode property and configure readCapacity and writeCapacity as separate properties. Additionally, configuring autoscaled capacity required calling the autoScaleReadCapacity() or autoScaleWriteCapacity() method on an instance of the Table construct. Lastly, since readCapacity, writeCapacity, and billingMode were all individual properties, a user had to know not to provision read and write capacity for a table with PAY_PER_REQUEST billing mode. With the new Billing class, the user is guided into providing necessary properties via the onDemand() and provisioned() static methods.


The TableEncryptionV2 class allows you to provide your own KMS keys for each replica instead of using the default AWS owned keys, thus encrypting every replica with a custom KMS key. This provides more granular control over the encryption of your DynamoDB tables.

Here is an example of how to use the TableEncryptionV2 class to encrypt each replica of a global table with a custom KMS key:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { AttributeType, Billing, BillingMode, Capacity, TableBaseV2, TableEncryptionV2, TableV2 } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
import { IKey, Key } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-kms';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';

interface KMSkeys extends cdk.StackProps {
  kmsuswest1: IKey;
  kmsuseast2: IKey;

export class GlobalTableStack extends cdk.Stack {
  //public readonly globalTable: TableV2;
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: KMSkeys) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    const replicaTableKeys = {
      "us-west-1": props.kmsuswest1.keyArn,
      "us-east-2": props.kmsuseast2.keyArn
    const TableKMSKey=new Key(this, 'TableKMSKey', {
      alias: 'KMSuswest2Stack',

    new TableV2(this, 'GlobalTable', {
    tableName: 'FooTableFour',
    encryption: TableEncryptionV2.customerManagedKey(TableKMSKey,replicaTableKeys),

    partitionKey: {
    name: 'FooHashKey',
    type: AttributeType.STRING,
    replicas: [
      region: 'us-west-1',  
      region: 'us-east-2',

The ability to provide custom KMS keys for each replica can help to improve the security of your DynamoDB tables. It also gives you more control over the encryption of your data. This can help you to meet specific compliance requirements.


In this post, I introduced the new AWS CDK TableV2 construct, highlighting its advantages over the original construct. Notably, TableV2 enables drift detection for replica tables and eliminates the need for an extra Lambda function custom resource. I delved into practical implementations, focusing on three key aspects: Replicas, Billing, and Encryption.

To summarize, TableV2 marks a substantial improvement over the original construct. Its user experience provides significant improvement over the original construct in several ways, such as:

  • Direct support for global tables: TableV2 makes it easy to create and manage global DynamoDB tables.
  • Easier configuration of global secondary indexes and Autoscaling: TableV2 provides a simplified and streamlined process for configuring global secondary indexes and Autoscaling.
  • More granular control over replicas: TableV2 allows you to configure properties on a per-replica basis, giving you more control over the performance and availability of your tables.
  • Improved API design and user experience: TableV2 improves the API design and user experience by implementing new classes for billing, capacity, and encryption.

Overall, TableV2 is a powerful and flexible construct that makes it easier to build and manage DynamoDB tables at scale. It is the preferred CDK DynamoDB construct for creating both single tables and global tables. If you are looking for a powerful and flexible way to build and manage DynamoDB tables, TableV2 is the perfect choice for you.

If you’re new to CDK and eager to get started, we highly recommend checking out the CDK documentation and the CDK workshop.

Anirudh Sharma

Anirudh is a Cloud Support Engineer 2 with an extensive background in DevOps offerings at AWS, and he is also a Subject Matter Expert in AWS ElasticBeanstalk and AWS CodeDeploy services. He loves helping customers and learning new services and technologies. He also loves travelling and has a goal to visit Japan someday. He is a Golden State Warriors fan and loves spending time with his family.

Announcing Generative AI CDK Constructs

Post Syndicated from Michael Tran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/announcing-generative-ai-cdk-constructs/

Announced by Werner Vogels in his 2023 re:Invent Keynote, Generative AI CDK Constructs, an open-source extension of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), provides well-architected multi-service patterns to quickly and efficiently create repeatable infrastructure required for generative AI projects on AWS. Our initial release includes five CDK constructs enabling key generative AI capabilities like question and answering, summarization, data ingestion for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and model deployment capabilities.

Simplify and Accelerate the Development of Applications with Generative AI

Developing generative AI applications is particularly challenging due to the rapidly evolving nature of the underlying technologies. As a result, developers are faced with the challenge of keeping up with changing paradigms and best practices. This often leads to varied and disjointed patterns as developers try crafting their own solutions from scratch. For instance, there are already hundreds of implementations of patterns like retrieval augmented generation(RAG), summarization, or chatbots.

AWS introduced the Cloud Development Kit (CDK), an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. CDK empowers developers to use high-level construct libraries that encapsulate AWS best practices, allowing for the creation of cloud applications without needing to know every detail of the AWS services.

A ‘construct‘ in CDK terminology is a building block that represents an AWS resource or a combination of AWS resources configured together. These constructs can range from low-level (individual resources) to high-level (complete architectures), enabling developers to compose and share their cloud application models as code.

Our library harnesses the power of CDK, offering pre-built constructs designed to expedite the deployment of generative AI applications. These constructs use LLMs/FMs available in Amazon Bedrock facilitating easier modeling and rapid deployment of cloud architectures tailored for generative AI. With these constructs available in both Python and Typescript, developers can leverage AWS services to build industry-agnostic solutions swiftly, regardless of their expertise level in generative AI. The constructs are designed to integrate smoothly with existing CDK applications, offering a scalable approach to enhancing generative AI capabilities across various business verticals.

Getting Started with the Constructs


You can install the CDK constructs in your preferred language:

  • Typescript app: npm i @cdklabs/generative-ai-cdk-constructs
  • Python app: pip install cdklabs.generative-ai-cdk-constructs

Within your existing CDK application, import the new library and get access to available constructs:

  • Typescript app: import * as genai from '@cdklabs/generative-ai-cdk-constructs';
  • Python app: import cdklabs.generative-ai-cdk-constructs as genai


aws-qa-appsync-opensearch is one of the constructs available in the generative-ai-cdk-constructs library. This construct provides a question answering workflow using Amazon Bedrock and a provisioned Amazon OpenSearch cluster. Amazon Cognito is required to authenticate calls to the AWS AppSync GraphQL API created by the construct.

Typescript app:

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as os from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-opensearchservice';
import * as cognito from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cognito';
import { QaAppsyncOpensearch, QaAppsyncOpensearchProps } from '@cdklabs/generative-ai-cdk-constructs';

class MyStack extends Stack {
    // get an existing OpenSearch provisioned cluster
    const osDomain = os.Domain.fromDomainAttributes(this, 'osdomain', {
        domainArn: 'arn:aws:es:us-east-1:XXXXXX',
        domainEndpoint: 'https://XXXXX.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com'
    // get an existing userpool 
    const cognitoPoolId = 'us-east-1_XXXXX';
    const userPoolLoaded = cognito.UserPool.fromUserPoolId(this, 'myuserpool', cognitoPoolId);
    // Create a QA Appsync OpenSearch construct 
    const ragSource = new QaAppsyncOpensearch(
            existingOpensearchDomain: osDomain,
            openSearchIndexName: 'demoindex',
            cognitoUserPool: userPoolLoaded

Python app:

from aws_cdk import (
    aws_opensearchservice as os,
    aws_cognito as cognito
from constructs import Construct
from cdklabs.generative_ai_cdk_constructs import QaAppsyncOpensearch

class MyStack(Stack):
    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)

        # Get an existing OpenSearch provisioned cluster
        os_domain = os.Domain.from_domain_attributes(self, 'osdomain',

        # Get an existing user pool
        cognito_pool_id = 'us-east-1_XXXXX'
        user_pool_loaded = cognito.UserPool.from_user_pool_id(self, 'myuserpool', cognito_pool_id)

        # Create a QA Appsync OpenSearch construct
        rag_source = QaAppsyncOpensearch(

Refer to the documentation for additional guidance on a particular construct: Catalog

Currently, the following constructs that are available:

Feature Description
Data ingestion pipeline Ingestion pipeline providing a RAG (retrieval augmented generation) source for storing documents in a knowledge base.
Question answering Question answering with a large language model (Anthropic Claude V2) using a RAG (retrieval augmented generation) source and/or long context.
Summarization Document summarization with a large language model (Anthropic Claude V2).
Lambda layer Python Lambda layer providing dependencies and utilities to develop generative AI applications on AWS.
SageMaker model deployment Deploy a foundation model from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, Hugging Face, or an S3 location to an Amazon SageMaker endpoint.

Explore More Constructs

The library includes constructs for data ingestion pipelines, question answering workflows, document summarization, Lambda layer for generative AI applications, and SageMaker model deployment.

Next Steps

Visit the Generative AI CDK Constructs GitHub repository for a full list of constructs and documentation. For practical examples, check out the AWS samples repository. Your feedback and contributions are welcome on our GitHub repository to enhance the capabilities of Generative AI CDK Constructs.

Alain Krok

Alain Krok is a Senior Solutions Architect with a passion for emerging technologies. His past experience includes designing and implementing IIoT solutions for the oil and gas industry and working on robotics projects. He enjoys pushing the limits and indulging in extreme sports when he is not designing software.

Dinesh Sajwan

Dinesh Sajwan is a Senior Solutions Architect. His passion for emerging technologies allows him to stay on the cutting edge and identify new ways to apply the latest advancements to solve even the most complex business problems. His diverse expertise and enthusiasm for both technology and adventure position him as a uniquely creative problem-solver.

Michael Tran

Michael Tran is a Sr. Solutions Architect with Prototyping Acceleration team at Amazon Web Services. He provides technical guidance and helps customers innovate by showing the art of the possible on AWS. He specializes in building prototypes in the AI/ML space. You can contact him @Mike_Trann on Twitter.


Deploy CloudFormation Hooks to an Organization with service-managed StackSets

Post Syndicated from Kirankumar Chandrashekar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/deploy-cloudformation-hooks-to-an-organization-with-service-managed-stacksets/

This post demonstrates using AWS CloudFormation StackSets to deploy CloudFormation Hooks from a centralized delegated administrator account to all accounts within an Organization Unit(OU). It provides step-by-step guidance to deploy controls at scale to your AWS Organization as Hooks using StackSets. By following this post, you will learn how to deploy a hook to hundreds of AWS accounts in minutes.

AWS CloudFormation StackSets help deploy CloudFormation stacks to multiple accounts and regions with a single operation. Using service-managed permissions, StackSets automatically generate the IAM roles required to deploy stack instances, eliminating the need for manual creation in each target account prior to deployment. StackSets provide auto-deploy capabilities to deploy stacks to new accounts as they’re added to an Organizational Unit (OU) in AWS Organization. With StackSets, you can deploy AWS well-architected multi-account solutions organization-wide in a single click and target stacks to selected accounts in OUs. You can also leverage StackSets to auto deploy foundational stacks like networking, policies, security, monitoring, disaster recovery, billing, and analytics to new accounts. This ensures consistent security and governance reflecting AWS best practices.

AWS CloudFormation Hooks allow customers to invoke custom logic to validate resource configurations before a CloudFormation stack create/update/delete operation. This helps enforce infrastructure-as-code policies by preventing non-compliant resources. Hooks enable policy-as-code to support consistency and compliance at scale. Without hooks, controlling CloudFormation stack operations centrally across accounts is more challenging because governance checks and enforcement have to be implemented through disjointed workarounds across disparate services after the resources are deployed. Other options like Config rules evaluate resource configurations on a timed basis rather than on stack operations. And SCPs manage account permissions but don’t include custom logic tailored to granular resource configurations. In contrast, CloudFormation hooks allows customer-defined automation to validate each resource as new stacks are deployed or existing ones updated. This enables stronger compliance guarantees and rapid feedback compared to asynchronous or indirect policy enforcement via other mechanisms.

Follow the later sections of this post that provide a step-by-step implementation for deploying hooks across accounts in an organization unit (OU) with a StackSet including:

  1. Configure service-managed permissions to automatically create IAM roles
  2. Create the StackSet in the delegated administrator account
  3. Target the OU to distribute hook stacks to member accounts

This shows how to easily enable a policy-as-code framework organization-wide.

I will show you how to register a custom CloudFormation hook as a private extension, restricting permissions and usage to internal administrators and automation. Registering the hook as a private extension limits discoverability and access. Only approved accounts and roles within the organization can invoke the hook, following security best practices of least privilege.

StackSets Architecture

As depicted in the following AWS StackSets architecture diagram, a dedicated Delegated Administrator Account handles creation, configuration, and management of the StackSet that defines the template for standardized provisioning. In addition, these centrally managed StackSets are deploying a private CloudFormation hook into all member accounts that belong to the given Organization Unit. Registering this as a private CloudFormation hook enables administrative control over the deployment lifecycle events it can respond to. Private hooks prevent public usage, ensuring the hook can only be invoked by approved accounts, roles, or resources inside your organization.

Architecture for deploying CloudFormation Hooks to accounts in an Organization

Diagram 1: StackSets Delegated Administration and Member Account Diagram

In the above architecture, Member accounts join the StackSet through their inclusion in a central Organization Unit. By joining, these accounts receive deployed instances of the StackSet template which provisions resources consistently across accounts, including the controlled private hook for administrative visibility and control.

The delegation of StackSet administration responsibilities to the Delegated Admin Account follows security best practices. Rather than having the sensitive central Management Account handle deployment logistics, delegation isolates these controls to an admin account with purpose-built permissions. The Management Account representing the overall AWS Organization focuses more on high-level compliance governance and organizational oversight. The Delegated Admin Account translates broader guardrails and policies into specific infrastructure automation leveraging StackSets capabilities. This separation of duties ensures administrative privileges are restricted through delegation while also enabling an organization-wide StackSet solution deployment at scale.

Centralized StackSets facilitate account governance through code-based infrastructure management rather than manual account-by-account changes. In summary, the combination of account delegation roles, StackSet administration, and joining through Organization Units creates an architecture to allow governed, infrastructure-as-code deployments across any number of accounts in an AWS Organization.

Sample Hook Development and Deployment

In the section, we will develop a hook on a workstation using the AWS CloudFormation CLI, package it, and upload it to the Hook Package S3 Bucket. Then we will deploy a CloudFormation stack that in turn deploys a hook across member accounts within an Organization Unit (OU) using StackSets.

The sample hook used in this blog post enforces that server-side encryption must be enabled for any S3 buckets and SQS queues created or updated on a CloudFormation stack. This policy requires that all S3 buckets and SQS queues be configured with server-side encryption when provisioned, ensuring security is built into our infrastructure by default. By enforcing encryption at the CloudFormation level, we prevent data from being stored unencrypted and minimize risk of exposure. Rather than manually enabling encryption post-resource creation, our developers simply enable it as a basic CloudFormation parameter. Adding this check directly into provisioning stacks leads to a stronger security posture across environments and applications. This example hook demonstrates functionality for mandating security best practices on infrastructure-as-code deployments.


On the AWS Organization:

On the workstation where the hooks will be developed:

In the Delegated Administrator account:

Create a hooks package S3 bucket within the delegated administrator account. Upload the hooks package and CloudFormation templates that StackSets will deploy. Ensure the S3 bucket policy allows access from the AWS accounts within the OU. This access lets AWS CloudFormation access the hooks package objects and CloudFormation template objects in the S3 bucket from the member accounts during stack deployment.

Follow these steps to deploy a CloudFormation template that sets up the S3 bucket and permissions:

  1. Click here to download the admin-cfn-hook-deployment-s3-bucket.yaml template file in to your local workstation.
    Note: Make sure you model the S3 bucket and IAM policies as least privilege as possible. For the above S3 Bucket policy, you can add a list of IAM Role ARNs created by the StackSets service managed permissions instead of AWS: “*”, which allows S3 bucket access to all the IAM entities from the accounts in the OU. The ARN of this role will be “arn:aws:iam:::role/stacksets-exec-” in every member account within the OU. For more information about equipping least privilege access to IAM policies and S3 Bucket Policies, refer IAM Policies and Bucket Policies and ACLs! Oh, My! (Controlling Access to S3 Resources) blog post.
  2. Execute the following command to deploy the template admin-cfn-hook-deployment-s3-bucket.yaml using AWS CLI. For more information see Creating a stack using the AWS Command Line Interface. If using AWS CloudFormation console, see Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.
    To get the OU Id, see Viewing the details of an OU. OU Id starts with “ou-“. To get the Organization Id, see Viewing details about your organization. Organization Id starts with “o-

    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name hooks-asset-stack \
    --template-body file://admin-cfn-deployment-s3-bucket.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=OrgId,ParameterValue="&lt;Org_id&gt;" \
  3. After deploying the stack, note down the AWS S3 bucket name from the CloudFormation Outputs.

Hook Development

In this section, you will develop a sample CloudFormation hook package that will enforce encryption for S3 Buckets and SQS queues within the preCreate and preDelete hook. Follow the steps in the walkthrough to develop a sample hook and generate a zip package for deploying and enabling them in all the accounts within an OU. While following the walkthrough, within the Registering hooks section, make sure that you stop right after executing the cfn submit --dry-run command. The --dry-run option will make sure that your hook is built and packaged your without registering it with CloudFormation on your account. While initiating a Hook project if you created a new directory with the name mycompany-testing-mytesthook, the hook package will be generated as a zip file with the name mycompany-testing-mytesthook.zip at the root your hooks project.

Upload mycompany-testing-mytesthook.zip file to the hooks package S3 bucket within the Delegated Administrator account. The packaged zip file can then be distributed to enable the encryption hooks across all accounts in the target OU.

Note: If you are using your own hooks project and not doing the tutorial, irrespective of it, you should make sure that you are executing the cfn submit command with the --dry-run option. This ensures you have a hooks package that can be distributed and reused across multiple accounts.

Hook Deployment using CloudFormation Stack Sets

In this section, deploy the sample hook developed previously across all accounts within an OU. Use a centralized CloudFormation stack deployed from the delegated administrator account via StackSets.

Deploying hooks via CloudFormation requires these key resources:

  1. AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion: Publishes a new hook version to the CloudFormation registry
  2. AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion: Specifies the default hook version for the AWS account and region
  3. AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig: Defines the hook configuration
  4. AWS::IAM::Role #1: Task execution role that grants the hook permissions
  5. AWS::IAM::Role #2: (Optional) role for CloudWatch logging that CloudFormation will assume to send log entries during hook execution
  6. AWS::Logs::LogGroup: (Optional) Enables CloudWatch error logging for hook executions

Follow these steps to deploy CloudFormation Hooks to accounts within the OU using StackSets:

  1. Click here to download the hooks-template.yaml template file into your local workstation and upload it into the Hooks package S3 bucket in the Delegated Administrator account.
  2. Deploy the hooks CloudFormation template hooks-template.yaml to all accounts within an OU using StackSets. Leverage service-managed permissions for automatic IAM role creation across the OU.
    To deploy the hooks template hooks-template.yaml across OU using StackSets, click here to download the CloudFormation StackSets template hooks-stack-sets-template.yaml locally, and upload it to the hooks package S3 bucket in the delegated administrator account. This StackSets template contains an AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet resource that will deploy the necessary hooks resources from hooks-template.yaml to all accounts in the target OU. Using SERVICE_MANAGED permissions model automatically handle provisioning the required IAM execution roles per account within the OU.
  3. Execute the following command to deploy the template hooks-stack-sets-template.yaml using AWS CLI. For more information see Creating a stack using the AWS Command Line Interface. If using AWS CloudFormation console, see Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console.To get the S3 Https URL for the hooks template, hooks package and StackSets template, login to the AWS S3 service on the AWS console, select the respective object and click on Copy URL button as shown in the following screenshot:s3 download https url
    Diagram 2: S3 Https URL

    To get the OU Id, see Viewing the details of an OU. OU Id starts with “ou-“.
    Make sure to replace the <S3BucketName> and then <OU_Id> accordingly in the following command:

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name hooks-stack-set-stack \
    --template-url https://<S3BucketName>.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hooks-stack-sets-template.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=OuId,ParameterValue="<OU_Id>" \
    ParameterKey=HookTypeName,ParameterValue="MyCompany::Testing::MyTestHook" \
    ParameterKey=s3TemplateURL,ParameterValue="https://<S3BucketName>.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hooks-template.yaml" \
  4. Check the progress of the stack deployment using the aws cloudformation describe-stack command. Move to the next section when the stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE.
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name hooks-stack-set-stack
  5. If you navigate to the AWS CloudFormation Service’s StackSets section in the console, you can view the stack instances deployed to the accounts within the OU. Alternatively, you can execute the AWS CloudFormation list-stack-instances CLI command below to list the deployed stack instances:
    aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name MyTestHookStackSet

Testing the deployed hook

Deploy the following sample templates into any AWS account that is within the OU where the hooks was deployed and activated. Follow the steps in the Creating a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console. If using AWS CloudFormation CLI, follow the steps in the Creating a stack using the AWS Command Line Interface.

  1. Provision a non-compliant stack without server-side encryption using the following template:
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: |
      This CloudFormation template provisions an S3 Bucket
        Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
        Properties: {}

    The stack deployment will not succeed and will give the following error message

    The following hook(s) failed: [MyCompany::Testing::MyTestHook] and the hook status reason as shown in the following screenshot:

    stack deployment failure due to hooks execution
    Diagram 3: S3 Bucket creation failure with hooks execution

  2. Provision a stack using the following template that has server-side encryption for the S3 Bucket.
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: |
      This CloudFormation template provisions an encrypted S3 Bucket. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon S3 bucket and a KMS key that you will be charged for. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.
        Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
          BucketName: !Sub "encryptedbucket-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}"
              - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:
                  SSEAlgorithm: "aws:kms"
                  KMSMasterKeyID: !Ref EncryptionKey
                BucketKeyEnabled: true
        Type: "AWS::KMS::Key"
        DeletionPolicy: Retain
        UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain
          Description: KMS key used to encrypt the resource type artifacts
          EnableKeyRotation: true
            Version: 2012-10-17
              - Sid: Enable full access for owning account
                Effect: Allow
                  AWS: !Ref "AWS::AccountId"
                Action: "kms:*"
                Resource: "*"
        Value: !Ref EncryptedS3Bucket

    The deployment will succeed as it will pass the hook validation with the following hook status reason as shown in the following screenshot:

    stack deployment pass due to hooks executionDiagram 4: S3 Bucket creation success with hooks execution

Updating the hooks package

To update the hooks package, follow the same steps described in the Hooks Development section to change the hook code accordingly. Then, execute the cfn submit --dry-run command to build and generate the hooks package file with the registering the type with the CloudFormation registry. Make sure to rename the zip file with a unique name compared to what was previously used. Otherwise, while updating the CloudFormation StackSets stack, it will not see any changes in the template and thus not deploy updates. The best practice is to use a CI/CD pipeline to manage the hook package. Typically, it is good to assign unique version numbers to the hooks packages so that CloudFormation stacks with the new changes get deployed.


Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console on the Delegated Administrator account, and note down the Hooks package S3 bucket name and empty its contents. Refer to Emptying the Bucket for more information.

Delete the CloudFormation stacks in the following order:

  1. Test stack that failed
  2. Test stack that passed
  3. StackSets CloudFormation stack. This has a DeletionPolicy set to Retain, update the stack by removing the DeletionPolicy and then initiate a stack deletion via CloudFormation or physically delete the StackSet instances and StackSets from the Console or CLI by following: 1. Delete stack instances from your stack set 2. Delete a stack set
  4. Hooks asset CloudFormation stack

Refer to the following documentation to delete CloudFormation Stacks: Deleting a stack on the AWS CloudFormation console or Deleting a stack using AWS CLI.


Throughout this blog post, you have explored how AWS StackSets enable the scalable and centralized deployment of CloudFormation hooks across all accounts within an Organization Unit. By implementing hooks as reusable code templates, StackSets provide consistency benefits and slash the administrative labor associated with fragmented and manual installs. As organizations aim to fortify governance, compliance, and security through hooks, StackSets offer a turnkey mechanism to efficiently reach hundreds of accounts. By leveraging the described architecture of delegated StackSet administration and member account joining, organizations can implement a single hook across hundreds of accounts rather than manually enabling hooks per account. Centralizing your hook code-base within StackSets templates facilitates uniform adoption while also simplifying maintenance. Administrators can update hooks in one location instead of attempting fragmented, account-by-account changes. By enclosing new hooks within reusable StackSets templates, administrators benefit from infrastructure-as-code descriptiveness and version control instead of one-off scripts. Once configured, StackSets provide automated hook propagation without overhead. The delegated administrator merely needs to include target accounts through their Organization Unit alignment rather than handling individual permissions. New accounts added to the OU automatically receive hook deployments through the StackSet orchestration engine.

About the Author


Kirankumar Chandrashekar is a Sr. Solutions Architect for Strategic Accounts at AWS. He focuses on leading customers in architecting DevOps, modernization using serverless, containers and container orchestration technologies like Docker, ECS, EKS to name a few. Kirankumar is passionate about DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, modernization and solving complex customer issues. He enjoys music, as well as cooking and traveling.

Strengthen the DevOps pipeline and protect data with AWS Secrets Manager, AWS KMS, and AWS Certificate Manager

Post Syndicated from Magesh Dhanasekaran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/strengthen-the-devops-pipeline-and-protect-data-with-aws-secrets-manager-aws-kms-and-aws-certificate-manager/

In this blog post, we delve into using Amazon Web Services (AWS) data protection services such as Amazon Secrets Manager, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to help fortify both the security of the pipeline and security in the pipeline. We explore how these services contribute to the overall security of the DevOps pipeline infrastructure while enabling seamless integration of data protection measures. We also provide practical insights by demonstrating the implementation of these services within a DevOps pipeline for a three-tier WordPress web application deployed using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

DevOps pipelines involve the continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of cloud infrastructure and applications, which can store and process sensitive data. The increasing adoption of DevOps pipelines for cloud infrastructure and application deployments has made the protection of sensitive data a critical priority for organizations.

Some examples of the types of sensitive data that must be protected in DevOps pipelines are:

  • Credentials: Usernames and passwords used to access cloud resources, databases, and applications.
  • Configuration files: Files that contain settings and configuration data for applications, databases, and other systems.
  • Certificates: TLS certificates used to encrypt communication between systems.
  • Secrets: Any other sensitive data used to access or authenticate with cloud resources, such as private keys, security tokens, or passwords for third-party services.

Unintended access or data disclosure can have serious consequences such as loss of productivity, legal liabilities, financial losses, and reputational damage. It’s crucial to prioritize data protection to help mitigate these risks effectively.

The concept of security of the pipeline encompasses implementing security measures to protect the entire DevOps pipeline—the infrastructure, tools, and processes—from potential security issues. While the concept of security in the pipeline focuses on incorporating security practices and controls directly into the development and deployment processes within the pipeline.

By using Secrets Manager, AWS KMS, and ACM, you can strengthen the security of your DevOps pipelines, safeguard sensitive data, and facilitate secure and compliant application deployments. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to establish a secure DevOps environment, providing the integrity of your pipeline infrastructure and protecting your organization’s sensitive data throughout the software delivery process.

Sample application architecture overview

WordPress was chosen as the use case for this DevOps pipeline implementation due to its popularity, open source nature, containerization support, and integration with AWS services. The sample architecture for the WordPress application in the AWS cloud uses the following services:

  • Amazon Route 53: A DNS web service that routes traffic to the correct AWS resource.
  • Amazon CloudFront: A global content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data and videos to users with low latency and high transfer speeds.
  • AWS WAF: A web application firewall that protects web applications from common web exploits.
  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM): A service that provides SSL/TLS certificates to enable secure connections.
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB): Routes traffic to the appropriate container in Amazon EKS.
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS): A scalable and highly available Kubernetes cluster to deploy containerized applications.
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS): A managed relational database service that provides scalable and secure databases for applications.
  • AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS): A key management service that allows you to create and manage the encryption keys used to protect your data at rest.
  • AWS Secrets Manager: A service that provides the ability to rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials.
  • AWS CodePipeline: A fully managed continuous delivery service that helps to automate release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
  • AWS CodeBuild: A fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software packages.
  • AWS CodeCommit: A secure, highly scalable, fully managed source-control service that hosts private Git repositories.

Before we explore the specifics of the sample application architecture in Figure 1, it’s important to clarify a few aspects of the diagram. While it displays only a single Availability Zone (AZ), please note that the application and infrastructure can be developed to be highly available across multiple AZs to improve fault tolerance. This means that even if one AZ is unavailable, the application remains operational in other AZs, providing uninterrupted service to users.

Figure 1: Sample application architecture

Figure 1: Sample application architecture

The flow of the data protection services in the post and depicted in Figure 1 can be summarized as follows:

First, we discuss securing your pipeline. You can use Secrets Manager to securely store sensitive information such as Amazon RDS credentials. We show you how to retrieve these secrets from Secrets Manager in your DevOps pipeline to access the database. By using Secrets Manager, you can protect critical credentials and help prevent unauthorized access, strengthening the security of your pipeline.

Next, we cover data encryption. With AWS KMS, you can encrypt sensitive data at rest. We explain how to encrypt data stored in Amazon RDS using AWS KMS encryption, making sure that it remains secure and protected from unauthorized access. By implementing KMS encryption, you add an extra layer of protection to your data and bolster the overall security of your pipeline.

Lastly, we discuss securing connections (data in transit) in your WordPress application. ACM is used to manage SSL/TLS certificates. We show you how to provision and manage SSL/TLS certificates using ACM and configure your Amazon EKS cluster to use these certificates for secure communication between users and the WordPress application. By using ACM, you can establish secure communication channels, providing data privacy and enhancing the security of your pipeline.

Note: The code samples in this post are only to demonstrate the key concepts. The actual code can be found on GitHub.

Securing sensitive data with Secrets Manager

In this sample application architecture, Secrets Manager is used to store and manage sensitive data. The AWS CloudFormation template provided sets up an Amazon RDS for MySQL instance and securely sets the master user password by retrieving it from Secrets Manager using KMS encryption.

Here’s how Secrets Manager is implemented in this sample application architecture:

  1. Creating a Secrets Manager secret.
    1. Create a Secrets Manager secret that includes the Amazon RDS database credentials using CloudFormation.
    2. The secret is encrypted using an AWS KMS customer managed key.
    3. Sample code:
          Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
      		ManageMasterUserPassword: true
              		KmsKeyId: !Ref RDSMySqlSecretEncryption

    The ManageMasterUserPassword: true line in the CloudFormation template indicates that the stack will manage the master user password for the Amazon RDS instance. To securely retrieve the password for the master user, the CloudFormation template uses the MasterUserSecret parameter, which retrieves the password from Secrets Manager. The KmsKeyId: !Ref RDSMySqlSecretEncryption line specifies the KMS key ID that will be used to encrypt the secret in Secrets Manager.

    By setting the MasterUserSecret parameter to retrieve the password from Secrets Manager, the CloudFormation stack can securely retrieve and set the master user password for the Amazon RDS MySQL instance without exposing it in plain text. Additionally, specifying the KMS key ID for encryption adds another layer of security to the secret stored in Secrets Manager.

  2. Retrieving secrets from Secrets Manager.
    1. The secrets store CSI driver is a Kubernetes-native driver that provides a common interface for Secrets Store integration with Amazon EKS. The secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-aws is a specific provider that provides integration with the Secrets Manager.
    2. To set up Amazon EKS, the first step is to create a SecretProviderClass, which specifies the secret ID of the Amazon RDS database. This SecretProviderClass is then used in the Kubernetes deployment object to deploy the WordPress application and dynamically retrieve the secrets from the secret manager during deployment. This process is entirely dynamic and verifies that no secrets are recorded anywhere. The SecretProviderClass is created on a specific app namespace, such as the wp namespace.
    3. Sample code:
      apiVersion: secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io/v1
      kind: SecretProviderClass
        provider: aws
          objects: |
              - objectName: 'rds!db-0x0000-0x0000-0x0000-0x0000-0x0000'

When using Secrets manager, be aware of the following best practices for managing and securing Secrets Manager secrets:

  • Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity policies to define who can perform specific actions on Secrets Manager secrets, such as reading, writing, or deleting them.
  • Secrets Manager resource policies can be used to manage access to secrets at a more granular level. This includes defining who has access to specific secrets based on attributes such as IP address, time of day, or authentication status.
  • Encrypt the Secrets Manager secret using an AWS KMS key.
  • Using CloudFormation templates to automate the creation and management of Secrets Manager secrets including rotation.
  • Use AWS CloudTrail to monitor access and changes to Secrets Manager secrets.
  • Use CloudFormation hooks to validate the Secrets Manager secret before and after deployment. If the secret fails validation, the deployment is rolled back.

Encrypting data with AWS KMS

Data encryption involves converting sensitive information into a coded form that can only be accessed with the appropriate decryption key. By implementing encryption measures throughout your pipeline, you make sure that even if unauthorized individuals gain access to the data, they won’t be able to understand its contents.

Here’s how data at rest encryption using AWS KMS is implemented in this sample application architecture:

  1. Amazon RDS secret encryption
    1. Encrypting secrets: An AWS KMS customer managed key is used to encrypt the secrets stored in Secrets Manager to ensure their confidentiality during the DevOps build process.
    2. Sample code:
          Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
            ManageMasterUserPassword: true
              KmsKeyId: !Ref RDSMySqlSecretEncryption
          Type: "AWS::KMS::Key"
              Id: rds-mysql-secret-encryption
                - Sid: Allow administration of the key
                  Effect: Allow
                  "Action": [
                - Sid: Allow use of the key
                  Effect: Allow
                  "Action": [

  2. Amazon RDS data encryption
    1. Enable encryption for an Amazon RDS instance using CloudFormation. Specify the KMS key ARN in the CloudFormation stack and RDS will use the specified KMS key to encrypt data at rest.
    2. Sample code:
          Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
        KmsKeyId: !Ref RDSMySqlDataEncryption
              StorageEncrypted: true
          Type: "AWS::KMS::Key"
              Id: rds-mysql-data-encryption
                - Sid: Allow administration of the key
                  Effect: Allow
                  "Action": [
                - Sid: Allow use of the key
                  Effect: Allow
                  "Action": [

  3. Kubernetes Pods storage
    1. Use encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes to store configuration data. Create a managed encrypted Amazon EBS volume using the following code snippet, and then deploy a Kubernetes pod with the persistent volume claim (PVC) mounted as a volume.
    2. Sample code:
      kind: StorageClass
      provisioner: ebs.csi.aws.com
        csi.storage.k8s.io/fstype: xfs
        encrypted: "true"
      kind: Deployment
            - name: persistent-storage
                claimName: ebs-claim

  4. Amazon ECR
    1. To secure data at rest in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), enable encryption at rest for Amazon ECR repositories using the AWS Management Console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). ECR uses AWS KMS to encrypt the data at rest.
    2. Create a KMS key for Amazon ECR and use that key to encrypt the data at rest.
    3. Automate the creation of encrypted ECR repositories and enable encryption at rest using a DevOps pipeline, use CodePipeline to automate the deployment of the CloudFormation stack.
    4. Define the creation of encrypted Amazon ECR repositories as part of the pipeline.
    5. Sample code:
          Type: AWS::ECR::Repository
              EncryptionType: KMS
              KmsKey: !Ref ECREncryption
          Type: AWS::KMS::Key
              Id: ecr-encryption-key
                - Sid: Allow administration of the key
                  Effect: Allow
                  "Action": [
                - Sid: Allow use of the key
                  Effect: Allow
                  "Action": [

AWS best practices for managing encryption keys in an AWS environment

To effectively manage encryption keys and verify the security of data at rest in an AWS environment, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Use separate AWS KMS customer managed KMS keys for data classifications to provide better control and management of keys.
  • Enforce separation of duties by assigning different roles and responsibilities for key management tasks, such as creating and rotating keys, setting key policies, or granting permissions. By segregating key management duties, you can reduce the risk of accidental or intentional key compromise and improve overall security.
  • Use CloudTrail to monitor AWS KMS API activity and detect potential security incidents.
  • Rotate KMS keys as required by your regulatory requirements.
  • Use CloudFormation hooks to validate KMS key policies to verify that they align with organizational and regulatory requirements.

Following these best practices and implementing encryption at rest for different services such as Amazon RDS, Kubernetes Pods storage, and Amazon ECR, will help ensure that data is encrypted at rest.

Securing communication with ACM

Secure communication is a critical requirement for modern environments and implementing it in a DevOps pipeline is crucial for verifying that the infrastructure is secure, consistent, and repeatable across different environments. In this WordPress application running on Amazon EKS, ACM is used to secure communication end-to-end. Here’s how to achieve this:

  1. Provision TLS certificates with ACM using a DevOps pipeline
    1. To provision TLS certificates with ACM in a DevOps pipeline, automate the creation and deployment of TLS certificates using ACM. Use AWS CloudFormation templates to create the certificates and deploy them as part of infrastructure as code. This verifies that the certificates are created and deployed consistently and securely across multiple environments.
    2. Sample code:
          Type: AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate
            DomainName: !Ref DNSDomainName
            ValidationMethod: 'DNS'
          Description: dns domain name 
          TypeM: String
          Default: "example.com"

  2. Provisioning of ALB and integration of TLS certificate using AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
    1. Use a DevOps pipeline to create and configure the TLS certificates and ALB. This verifies that the infrastructure is created consistently and securely across multiple environments.
    2. Sample code:
      kind: Ingress
          alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
          alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:000000000000:certificate/0x0000-0x0000-0x0000-0x0000-0x0000
          alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTPS":443}]'
          alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/security-groups:  sg-0x00000x0000,sg-0x00000x0000
        ingressClassName: alb

  3. CloudFront and ALB
    1. To secure communication between CloudFront and the ALB, verify that the traffic from the client to CloudFront and from CloudFront to the ALB is encrypted using the TLS certificate.
    2. Sample code:
          Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
                - DomainName: !Ref ALBDNSName
                  Id: !Ref ALBDNSName
                    HTTPSPort: '443'
                    OriginProtocolPolicy: 'https-only'
                      - LSv1
      AcmCertificateArn: !Sub 'arn:aws:acm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:certificate/${ACMCertificateIdentifier}'
                  SslSupportMethod:  'sni-only'
                  MinimumProtocolVersion: 'TLSv1.2_2021'
          Description: alb dns name
          Type: String
          Default: "k8s-wp-ingressw-x0x0000x000-x0x0000x000.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com"

  4. ALB to Kubernetes Pods
    1. To secure communication between the ALB and the Kubernetes Pods, use the Kubernetes ingress resource to terminate SSL/TLS connections at the ALB. The ALB sends the PROTO metadata http connection header to the WordPress web server. The web server checks the incoming traffic type (http or https) and enables the HTTPS connection only hereafter. This verifies that pod responses are sent back to ALB only over HTTPS.
    2. Additionally, using the X-Forwarded-Proto header can help pass the original protocol information and help avoid issues with the $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] variable in WordPress.
    3. Sample code:
      define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
      if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false) {
          $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';

  5. Kubernetes Pods to Amazon RDS
    1. To secure communication between the Kubernetes Pods in Amazon EKS and the Amazon RDS database, use SSL/TLS encryption on the database connection.
    2. Configure an Amazon RDS MySQL instance with enhanced security settings to verify that only TLS-encrypted connections are allowed to the database. This is achieved by creating a DB parameter group with a parameter called require_secure_transport set to ‘1‘. The WordPress configuration file is also updated to enable SSL/TLS communication with the MySQL database. Then enable the TLS flag on the MySQL client and the Amazon RDS public certificate is passed to ensure that the connection is encrypted using the TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 protocol. The sample code that follows focuses on enhancing the security of the RDS MySQL instance by enforcing encrypted connections and configuring WordPress to use SSL/TLS for communication with the database.
    3. Sample code:
          Type: 'AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup'
            DBParameterGroupName: 'rds-tls-custom-mysql'
              require_secure_transport: '1'
          Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
            DBName: 'wordpress'
            DBParameterGroupName: !Ref RDSDBParameterGroup
      // Enable SSL/TLS between WordPress and MYSQL database
      define('MYSQL_CLIENT_FLAGS', MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL);//This activates SSL mode
      define('MYSQL_SSL_CA', '/usr/src/wordpress/amazon-global-bundle-rds.pem');

In this architecture, AWS WAF is enabled at CloudFront to protect the WordPress application from common web exploits. AWS WAF for CloudFront is recommended and use AWS managed WAF rules to verify that web applications are protected from common and the latest threats.

Here are some AWS best practices for securing communication with ACM:

  • Use SSL/TLS certificates: Encrypt data in transit between clients and servers. ACM makes it simple to create, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates across your infrastructure.
  • Use ACM-issued certificates: This verifies that your certificates are trusted by major browsers and that they are regularly renewed and replaced as needed.
  • Implement certificate revocation: Implement certificate revocation for SSL/TLS certificates that have been compromised or are no longer in use.
  • Implement strict transport security (HSTS): This helps protect against protocol downgrade attacks and verifies that SSL/TLS is used consistently across sessions.
  • Configure proper cipher suites: Configure your SSL/TLS connections to use only the strongest and most secure cipher suites.

Monitoring and auditing with CloudTrail

In this section, we discuss the significance of monitoring and auditing actions in your AWS account using CloudTrail. CloudTrail is a logging and tracking service that records the API activity in your AWS account, which is crucial for troubleshooting, compliance, and security purposes. Enabling CloudTrail in your AWS account and securely storing the logs in a durable location such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with encryption is highly recommended to help prevent unauthorized access. Monitoring and analyzing CloudTrail logs in real-time using CloudWatch Logs can help you quickly detect and respond to security incidents.

In a DevOps pipeline, you can use infrastructure-as-code tools such as CloudFormation, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild to create and manage CloudTrail consistently across different environments. You can create a CloudFormation stack with the CloudTrail configuration and use CodePipeline and CodeBuild to build and deploy the stack to different environments. CloudFormation hooks can validate the CloudTrail configuration to verify it aligns with your security requirements and policies.

It’s worth noting that the aspects discussed in the preceding paragraph might not apply if you’re using AWS Organizations and the CloudTrail Organization Trail feature. When using those services, the management of CloudTrail configurations across multiple accounts and environments is streamlined. This centralized approach simplifies the process of enforcing security policies and standards uniformly throughout the organization.

By following these best practices, you can effectively audit actions in your AWS environment, troubleshoot issues, and detect and respond to security incidents proactively.

Complete code for sample architecture for deployment

The complete code repository for the sample WordPress application architecture demonstrates how to implement data protection in a DevOps pipeline using various AWS services. The repository includes both infrastructure code and application code that covers all aspects of the sample architecture and implementation steps.

The infrastructure code consists of a set of CloudFormation templates that define the resources required to deploy the WordPress application in an AWS environment. This includes the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), subnets, security groups, Amazon EKS cluster, Amazon RDS instance, AWS KMS key, and Secrets Manager secret. It also defines the necessary security configurations such as encryption at rest for the RDS instance and encryption in transit for the EKS cluster.

The application code is a sample WordPress application that is containerized using Docker and deployed to the Amazon EKS cluster. It shows how to use the Application Load Balancer (ALB) to route traffic to the appropriate container in the EKS cluster, and how to use the Amazon RDS instance to store the application data. The code also demonstrates how to use AWS KMS to encrypt and decrypt data in the application, and how to use Secrets Manager to store and retrieve secrets. Additionally, the code showcases the use of ACM to provision SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication between the CloudFront and the ALB, thereby ensuring data in transit is encrypted, which is critical for data protection in a DevOps pipeline.


Strengthening the security and compliance of your application in the cloud environment requires automating data protection measures in your DevOps pipeline. This involves using AWS services such as Secrets Manager, AWS KMS, ACM, and AWS CloudFormation, along with following best practices.

By automating data protection mechanisms with AWS CloudFormation, you can efficiently create a secure pipeline that is reproducible, controlled, and audited. This helps maintain a consistent and reliable infrastructure.

Monitoring and auditing your DevOps pipeline with AWS CloudTrail is crucial for maintaining compliance and security. It allows you to track and analyze API activity, detect any potential security incidents, and respond promptly.

By implementing these best practices and using data protection mechanisms, you can establish a secure pipeline in the AWS cloud environment. This enhances the overall security and compliance of your application, providing a reliable and protected environment for your deployments.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Magesh Dhanasekaran

Magesh Dhanasekaran

Magesh has significant experience in the cloud security space especially in data protection, threat detection and security governance, risk & compliance domain. Magesh has a track record in providing Information Security consulting service to financial industry and government agencies in Australia. He is using his extensive experience in cloud security architecture, digital transformation, and secure application development practice to provide security advisory on AWS products and services to WWPS Federal Financial Customers. Magesh currently holds cybersecurity industry certifications such as ISC2’s CISSP, ISACA’s CISM, CompTIA Security+ and AWS Solution Architect / Security Specialty Certification.

Karna Thandapani

Karna Thandapani

Karna is a Cloud Consultant with extensive experience in DevOps/DevSecOps and application development activities as a Developer. Karna has in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in the major AWS services (Cloudformation, EC2, Lambda, Serverless, Step Functions, Glue, API Gateway, ECS, EKS, LB, AutoScaling, Route53, etc.,)and holding Developer Associate, Solutions Architect Associate, and DevOps Engineer Professional.

Looking beyond code coverage with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Saurabh Kumar original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/looking-beyond-code-coverage-with-amazon-codewhisperer/

Code coverage is a code quality metric leveraging unit tests. Coming up with test cases with every combination of parameters requires developer’s time, which is already scarce. Developers’ focus is (mis)directed at just meeting the coverage threshold. In doing so, quality of code may be compromised and resulting code may still result in unexpected outcomes.

In this blog, we will walk you through a Java application and demonstrate how to look beyond code coverage by leveraging Amazon CodeWhisperer, an AI coding companion, for generating a combination of test cases, including boundary conditions which are often overlooked due to time and resource constraints. Taking this approach, you can improve code quality as well as improve your productivity.


  1. Create an AWS Account. If you don’t already have an AWS account, you’ll need to create one in order to follow the steps outlined to AWS Management Console. For this, it is recommended to create a new user.
  2. To set up CodeWhisperer for your development environment, follow the setup instructions AWS Toolkit.
  3. Download and set up Java: Install the Java SE Development Kit.
  4. Install Maven.
  5. You can use any IDE of your choice such as Eclipse, Spring Tools, VS Code or IntelliJ. For this blog, we have used IntelliJ community edition which you can download from here. You can use IntelliJ Ultimate if you have a license for it.
  6. Clone repo: Looking beyond code coverage with CodeWhisperer.
  7. Import cloned project in IntelliJ following importing-a-project guide.

Following the above steps, you would have setup the project locally. Figure1 below shows how the initial project should look after you have imported it as maven project in your IDE:

Figure1. initial Java project

Figure1. initial Java project

The following screen recording shows how you can use CodeWhisperer to generate code for ‘add’ method using the comment “//method for adding two numbers”.

ScreenRecording 1. Initial application code generation

ScreenRecording 1. Initial application code generation

Now let’s generate one simple test case using CodeWhisperer as shown in the ScreenRecording 2. First test case generation:

ScreenRecording 2. First test case generation

ScreenRecording 2. First test case generation

Let’s run the test case with code coverage. In figure2. “First test with code coverage”, you can see that we have achieved 100% coverage on the Calculator class. If we just go by the coverage, we can conclude that the code is ready.

Figure2. First test with code coverage

Figure2. First test with code coverage

Just one unit test is not sufficient to ensure quality and side-effect-free code. Next, you will see how CodeWhisperer can assist in generating additional test cases. As soon as you begin typing a comment like, “// Test,” it provides suggestions for new test cases, such as “// test with one negative number,” “// test with two negative numbers,” “Test with one zero number,” etc. This feature, as shown in the ScreenRecording 3 titled ‘Generating additional test cases’ below, makes the task of generating a variety of test cases easier and enables developers to create more tests in a shorter amount of time.

ScreenRecording 3. Generating additional test cases

ScreenRecording 3. Generating additional test cases

So far, we have generated test cases with different arguments and still have 100% code coverage. Let’s now turn our focus towards safety of the code and think about different arguments that can lead to unexpected outcomes. Each argument should fall within the range of -2,147,483,648 (the minimum value of type int) to 2,147,483,647 (the maximum value of type int). Let’s use CodeWhisperer to generate additional test cases to challenge code safety as shown in the screen recording below:

ScreenRecording 4. Generating test for boundary conditions

ScreenRecording 4. Generating test for boundary conditions

Here, CodeWhisperer first generated a test case which adds 1 to maximum value of integer. We have also added a statement to print the result to console so that we can see the actual value ‘add’ method returns when this use case is executed. Point to note here: the generated test case is expecting the output to be the MINIMUM value of type int. Upon execution, the test case prints something unexpected. Because of the way signed integer operations work, adding 1 to max int results in the min value.

Let’s consider this in more practical terms. Imagine using the ‘add’ method in a banking system, where every time a customer deposits money into their bank account, you add up the recent deposit to calculate the final amount in their account. Now, imagine a customer’s reaction when they find their balance to be negative after depositing $2.14 billion, and they now owe huge overdraft charges.

This example demonstrates that even code with 100% coverage has unexpected side effects. The focus should be identifying combinations of parameters which can potentially produce unexpected outcomes so that code can be corrected before it manifests this behavior in production.

Now, let’s use CodeWhisperer to generate another test case that could create an unexpected result: “add -1 to the minimum value of ‘int’”. Again, adding -1 to the minimum int value results in the MAXIMUM value. Using the same example as above, a customer would be more than happy to notice that they still have money in their bank account, even after withdrawing $2.14 billion.

Again, the point is that developers should focus on ensuring that the code doesn’t have unwanted, unexpected consequences, rather than chasing a coverage target.

Now that we have seen that the add methods runs into integer overflow in certain conditions, let’s improve the code using CodeWhisperer using comment “check a and b for integer overflow”:

ScreenRecording 5. Code improvement- overflow check

ScreenRecording 5. Code improvement- overflow check

After adding the safety checks, the test cases are not resulting in unexpected outcomes and resulting in ArithmaticException as shown in the above screen recording. However, the test cases are failing, and failing test cases can interrupt the CI/CD pipeline. So, let’s refactor these test cases to expect this runtime exception and pass the test case as shown in the screen recording below.

ScreenRecording 6. Test case improvement- overflow checks

ScreenRecording 6. Test case improvement- overflow checks

Having rerun the test cases with coverage, you can see that the test cases are not only passing, but also have 100% code coverage.

For this blog, the majority of the code and its corresponding test cases are generated by CodeWhisperer, an AI coding companion. This tool enables us to enhance code by easily exploring libraries. In our example, this led us to the ‘Math.addExact’ method, which provides checks for boundary conditions relevant to our task. Let’s refactor the code to utilize this method, as shown below in Figure 3 final code.

Figure 3. Final code

Figure 3. Final code

If we rerun the test suite with coverage, we find that all the test cases are passing and coverage is also maintained at 100%.

Figure 4. Final tests with coverage

Figure 4. Final tests with coverage


Through this blog post, we have demonstrated that high code coverage alone does not guarantee high quality code. Tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer can boost developer productivity by generating code and as well as corresponding test suite, including boundary conditions. This frees up developers to concentrate on business logic and to learn new frameworks and libraries, thereby resulting in overall improvement in quality and safety of code.

While our example focused on Java, this concept applies to other programming languages as well. Checkout the complete list of programming languages and IDEs supported by CodeWhisperer in the FAQs.

Try out CodeWhisperer Individual Tier for free to see how it can help you write high-quality code more efficiently using CodeWhisperer getting started guides.

Happy coding!

Saurabh Kumar's picture

Saurabh Kumar

Saurabh Kumar is a Solutions Architect at AWS based out of Raleigh, NC. He is passionate about helping customers solve their business challenges and technical problems from migration to modernization and optimization. Outside of work, he likes gardening and spending time with his family.

Bineesh Ravindran's picture

Bineesh Ravindran

Bineesh is Solutions Architect at Amazon Webservices (AWS) who is passionate about technology and love to help customers solve problems. Bineesh has over 20 years of experience in designing and implementing enterprise applications. He works with AWS partners and customers to provide them with architectural guidance for building scalable architecture and execute strategies to drive adoption of AWS services. When he’s not working, he enjoys biking, aqua scaping and playing badminton.

Best Practices for Prompt Engineering with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/best-practices-for-prompt-engineering-with-amazon-codewhisperer/

Generative AI coding tools are changing the way developers accomplish day-to-day development tasks. From generating functions to creating unit tests, these tools have helped customers accelerate software development. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered productivity tools for the IDE and command line that helps improve developer productivity by providing code recommendations based on developers’ natural language comments and surrounding code. With CodeWhisperer, developers can simply write a comment that outlines a specific task in plain English, such as “create a lambda function to upload a file to S3.”

When writing these input prompts to CodeWhisperer like the natural language comments, one important concept is prompt engineering. Prompt engineering is the process of refining interactions with large language models (LLMs) in order to better refine the output of the model. In this case, we want to refine our prompts provided to CodeWhisperer to produce better code output.

In this post, we’ll explore how to take advantage of CodeWhisperer’s capabilities through effective prompt engineering in Python. A well-crafted prompt lets you tap into the tool’s full potential to boost your productivity and help generate the correct code for your use case. We’ll cover prompt engineering best practices like writing clear, specific prompts and providing helpful context and examples. We’ll also discuss how to iteratively refine prompts to produce better results.

Prompt Engineering with CodeWhisperer

We will demonstrate the following best practices when it comes to prompt engineering with CodeWhisperer.

  • Keep your prompt specific and concise
  • Additional context in prompts
  • Utilizing multiple comments
  • Context taken from comments and code
  • Generating unit tests with cross file context
  • Prompts with cross file context


The following prerequisites are required to experiment locally:

CodeWhisperer User Actions

Reference the following user actions documentation for CodeWhisperer user actions according to your IDE. In this documentation, you will see how to accept a recommendation, cycle through recommendation options, reject a recommendation, and manually trigger CodeWhisperer.

Keep prompts specific & concise

In this section, we will cover keeping your prompt specific and concise. When crafting prompts for CodeWhisperer, conciseness while maintaining objectives in your prompt is important.  Overly complex prompts lead to poor results. A good prompt contains just enough information to convey the request clearly and concisely. For example, if you prompt CodeWhisperer “create a function that eliminates duplicates lines in a text file”. This is an example of a specific and concise prompt. On the other hand, a prompt such as “create a function to look for lines of code that are seen multiple times throughout the file and delete them” may be unclear and overly wordy. In summary, focused, straightforward prompts helps CodeWhisperer understand exactly what you want and provide better outputs.

In this example, we would like to write a function in Python that will open a CSV file and store the contents into a dictionary. We will use the following simple and concise prompt that will guide CodeWhisperer to generate recommendations. Please use the left/right arrow key to cycle through the various recommendations before you hit tab to accept the recommendation.

Example 1:

Sample comment:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary

Sample solution:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary
import csv
def csv_to_dict(csv_file):
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        return list(reader)

Simple and concise prompts are crucial in prompt engineering because they help CodeWhisperer understand the key information without confusion from extraneous details. Simplicity and brevity enable faster iteration and allow prompts to maximize impact within character limits.

Additional context in prompts

In this section, we will cover how additional context can aid in prompt engineering. While specific and concise prompts are crucial, some additional context can aid CodeWhisperer comprehension. Concrete examples also guide CodeWhisperer if it struggles to infer expectations from just a brief prompt.

In this example, we would like to add additional context to Example 1 where we stored the CSV file content into a dictionary. Now, we have additional requirements to store the csv file content in alphabetical order and return the list keys from the dictionary. Take a look at the sample prompt below. Judicious context helps CodeWhisperer to produce higher-quality, tailored results.

Example 2:

Sample comment:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary in alphabetical order and return the list of keys

Sample solution:

#load the csv file content in a dictionary in alphabetical order and return the list of keys
import csv
def csv_to_dict(file_name):
    def read_csv_file(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as csv_file:
        csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
        csv_dict = {}
        for row in csv_reader:
            csv_dict[row['name']] = row
            return csv_dict

Providing additional context through background details and examples can be beneficial when crafting prompts for CodeWhisperer, as long as the extra information adds useful clarity rather than obscuring the core request. The right balance of brevity and pointed contextual signals can help CodeWhisperer generate more tailored, high-quality results.

Utilizing multiple comments

In this section, we will cover how multiple comments can be a useful technique in prompt engineering. When used strategically, multiple comments allow prompt engineers to offer more context without sacrificing brevity or cluttering the prompt.

Say we would like to open a CSV file and return the list of lines in alphabetical order, remove duplicate lines, and insert a period at the end of each line from the CSV file. Take a look at the sample CodeWhisperer prompt below. Notice how you can break up multiple requirements into separate comments.

Example 3:

Sample comment:

#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Remove duplicate lines
#Insert a period at the end of each line

Sample solution:

#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Remove duplicate lines
#Insert a period at the end of each line
def open_csv(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = list(set(lines))
        lines = sorted(lines)
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip() + '.'
    return lines

Multiple comments allow prompt engineers to add extended context and guidance for CodeWhisperer while keeping prompts succinct.

Context taken from comments and code

In this section, we will cover how CodeWhisperer’s context goes beyond just your comment and also looks at the surrounding code, including other functions, imports, and more. This broader context helps guide CodeWhisperer towards implementing the use case you intend with your comment.

We will now see how additional code in our project affects the responses. This time around, we will import the Pandas library to see how it effects our recommendation as compared to the previous section.

Example 4:

Sample Comment:

import pandas as pd
#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Insert a period at the end of each line
#Replace duplicate lines with a single line

Sample solution:

import pandas as pd
#open a csv file and return a list of lines in alphabetical order
#Insert a period at the end of each line
#Replace duplicate lines with a single line
def open_csv(filename):
    df = pd.read_csv(filename)
    df = df.sort_values(by='line')
    df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='line')
    df['line'] = df['line'] + '.'
    return df['line'].tolist()

By seeing Pandas imported, CodeWhisperer understands our intent is likely to leverage it in the solution. This allows it to provide a more relevant recommendation using Pandas functions like read_csv(), sort_values(), and drop_duplicates().

Overall, surrounding code context gives CodeWhisperer additional clues for the implementation you have in mind with your high-level instructions.

Prompts with cross file context

In the previous section, we saw how we were able to utilize the surrounding code that CodeWhisperer takes in as context to generate a function for our use case. In this section, we will use that same concept to generate unit tests for the function we’ve built utilizing CodeWhisperers cross file context capability. This section will demonstrate how we can use cross file context with our prompts for use cases like test driven development.

In this example, we will prompt CodeWhisperer to write a comment referencing the open_csv function in order to write unit tests. In this case, there will be a new python file in the project directory for unit testing. We will assume the file we have been working out of is “example4.py”, and the new file is “unittest.py”. We will incorporate the following comments in “unittest.py”.

Example 5:

Sample Comment in unittest.py:

#create unit tests for the open_csv function from example4.py file

Sample solution in unittest.py:

#create unit tests for the open_csv function from example4.py file
class TestOpenCsv(unittest.TestCase):
   def test_open_csv(self):
       self.assertEqual(open_csv('example4.csv'), ['a.', 'b.', 'c.'])
       self.assertEqual(open_csv('example4.csv'), ['a.', 'b.', 'c.', 'd.'])

Notice how CodeWhisperer is using context from one file to generate code recommendation in another file. By specifying the open_csv function within the comment of the “unittest.py”, CodeWhisperer was able to analyze the function, understand its purpose and interface, and generate a set of basic unit tests to validate it. With our prompts, we were able to utilize CodeWhisperers cross file context to help us generate unit tests.

Chain of thought prompting

Chain of thought prompting is a prompt engineering technique that allows large language models (LLMs) to have more natural, contextual outputs by linking multiple prompts together to solve a complex problem. In regard to CodeWhisperer, we can use this technique to break a very complex coding task down into smaller steps, allowing CodeWhisperer to provide more accurate suggestions to the use case.

In this example, we will examine a code snippet generated by CodeWhisperer that contains multiple comments. Our intention is to prompt the user to input a filename, ensure it’s a csv and alphanumeric, then process it with the logging.info method. We will analyze the output using both the chain of thought approach and a single comment.

Example 6:

Chain of thought prompt approach:

Comment 1 – “Take a user’s input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename”

import logging
# Take a users input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename
filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

Comment 2 – create a function that will take a filename as an input

import logging
# Take a users input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename
filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

#create a function that will take a filename as an input
def open_file(filename):

Comment 3 – validate the input using the isalnum() method and ensure the file ends in .csv then process the file using logging.info()

import logging
# Take a users input using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename
filename = input("Enter the name of the file you want to read: ")

#create a function that will take a filename as an input
def open_file(filename):
    #validate the input using the isalnum() method and ensure the file ends in .csv then process the file using logging.info() 
    if filename.isalnum() and filename.endswith('.csv'):
        lines = open_csv(filename)
        return lines
        print('Invalid file name')
        return None

Single prompt approach:

import logging
Using the input() function and store it in a variable called filename and create a function 
that will validate the input using the isalnum() method and ensure the file ends in .csv then process 
the file accordingly. 
def validate_file(filename):
    if filename.isalnum() and filename.endswith('.csv'):
        return True
        return False

When analyzing these side-by-side, we see that with the chain of thought prompt approach, we used multiple comments to allow CodeWhisperer to implement all our requirements including the user input, input validation, .csv verification, and logging as we broke it down into steps for CodeWhisperer to implement. On the other hand, in the case where we had a single comment implementing multiple requirements, it didn’t take all the requirements into account for this slightly more complex problem.

In conclusion, chain of thought prompting allows large language models like CodeWhisperer to produce more accurate code pertaining to the use case by breaking down complex problems into logical steps. Guiding the model through comments and prompts helps it focus on each part of the task sequentially. This results in code that is more accurate to the desired functionality compared to a single broad prompt.


Effective prompt engineering is key to getting the most out of powerful AI coding assistants like Amazon CodeWhisperer. Following prompt best practices, we’ve covered like using clear language, providing context, and iteratively refining prompts can help CodeWhisperer generate high-quality code tailored to your specific needs. Analyzing all the code options CodeWhisperer provides you flexibility to select the optimal approach.

About the authors:

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) working with Enterprise AWS customers providing them with technical guidance and helping achieve their business goals. He has an area of specialization in DevOps and Machine Learning technology.

Riya Dani

Riya Dani is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), responsible for helping Enterprise customers on their journey in the cloud. She has a passion for learning and holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Virginia Tech in Computer Science with focus in Deep Learning. In her free time, she enjoys staying active and reading.

Best practices for scaling AWS CDK adoption within your organization

Post Syndicated from David Hessler original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/best-practices-for-scaling-aws-cdk-adoption-within-your-organization/

Enterprises are constantly seeking ways to accelerate their journey to the cloud. Infrastructure as code (IaC) is crucial for automating and managing cloud resources efficiently. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) lets you define your cloud infrastructure as code in your favorite programming language and deploy it using AWS CloudFormation. In this post, we will discuss strategies and best practices for accelerating CDK adoption within your organization. Our discussion begins after your organization has successfully completed a pilot. In this post, you will learn how to scale the lessons learned from the pilot project across your organization through platform engineering. You will learn how to reduce complexity through building reusable components, deploy with speed and safety via builder tooling, and accelerate project startup with an internal developer portal (IDP). We will conclude by discussing ways to participate in and benefit from the broader CDK community.

Before we dive in, let’s briefly discuss a new trend in technology: Platform Engineering. DevOps practices have helped IT organizations deliver software to customers more frequently and with higher quality. A recent evolution in DevOps is the introduction of platform engineering teams to build services, toolchains, and documentation to support workload teams. An important responsibility of the platform engineering team is governance of the software delivery process.

At Amazon, we have a long and storied history of leveraging platform engineering to accelerate deployments. This is why we are able to maintain 143 different compliance certifications and attestations while deploying 150 million times per year. Platform engineering increases productivity, reduces friction between ideas and implementation, and improves agility by accelerating the delivery of workloads via a secure, scalable, and reusable set of resources and components through self-service portals and developer tools. Platform Engineering is comprised of seven capabilities: Platform Architecture, Data Architecture, Platform Product Engineering, Data Engineering, Provisioning & Orchestration, Modern App Development and CI/CD. For more information on platform engineering visit the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework.

Establishing these capabilities takes several platform and workload teams working together. From an operating model standpoint, a workload team interacts with Platform Engineering in one of the three following ways (for more information, see Building a Cloud Operating Model):

Image describes a three different cloud operating models. The first model is a transitional model where Application Engineering and Application Operations teams both supported by Cloud Platform Engineering. The second model is strategic where Application Engineering and Cloud Platform Engineering equally own the responsibility. The third model is also strategic where Application Engineering and Cloud Platform Engineering jointly own responsibility but Application Engineering owns most of the responsibility.

Reduce Builder Complexity and Cognitive load with Reusable Components

So, how can the platform team incorporate CDK to accomplish their goals? One of the common objectives of the Platform Engineering team is to publish and curate reusable patterns called Constructs. Constructs provide a mechanism to create reusable, extensible, and common components that can be shared across multiple teams and projects.

Many customers write their own implementations for constructs to enforce security best practices such as encryption and specific AWS Identity and Access Management policies. For example, you might create a MyCompanyBucket that implements your organizations security requirements in place of the default Amazon S3 Bucket construct. This bucket configuration can be implemented and extended by multiple teams to ensure they are using components that are validated by your security and compliance teams.

For customers focused on data governance, CDK constructs can automatically add in best practices for recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives by ensuring backups and architecture meet an organization’s resilience policies. For advance customers looking to enforce data lifecycle policies, create uniform access controls, or emit required KPIs, CDK constructs can provide avenues to create safe and secure configuration by default. Applying CDK constructs to DataOps, customers can benefit from templated ETL pipelines that ensure data lineage metadata is maintained and data cleansing occurs.

Customers also build constructs for non-AWS resources. Teams can build Constructs for third-party builder tooling, observability systems, testing apparatuses and more. In this way, workload teams can codify AWS and non-AWS resources in one code base. There is a balance required when writing your own constructs between ensuring standardization and providing the freedom and flexibility of taking advantage of the growing ecosystems of CDK packages. Examples of this balance include AWS Solutions Constructs, as these are typically built upon standard constructs. Without extending standard constructs, the constructs you build will be harder for consumer to integrate with the larger CDK ecosystem since it uses standardize interfaces.

Construct Hub is a central destination for discovering and sharing cloud application design patterns and reference architectures defined for CDK, that are built and published by the AWS community. While AWS provides a public Construct Hub, enterprises can maintain their private Construct Hub inside their own AWS accounts (see construct-hub, the GitHub repository, or the CDK Workshop for more details). The primary objective in either case remains consistent: to provide shared libraries that can be readily utilized by different workload teams. This approach ensures enhanced consistency, reusability, and ultimately leads to cost reduction and faster development timelines.

One of the pitfalls customers often have with leveraging this approach is that Platform Engineering cannot keep up building reusable components to leverage the latest technology enhancements. This is where leveraging the lessons learned from a pilot really can help. A pilot team works with platform engineering to research and implement security best practices. Some customers have the platform engineering team act as approvers for new constructs in addition to authors of new constructs. In this model, a pilot team works to build construct(s) for a new technology. The platform engineers approve the new construct(s). Platform engineers ensure the pilot team meets required standards such as enforcing encryption at rest, encryption in transit, and least privilege. When approval occurs, the pilot team can publish the new construct(s) to Construct Hub. In this way, platform engineering can enable experimentation and innovation, rather than become a gatekeeper. Additionally, platform engineering teams can encourage and curate an inner-sourcing model for construct creation rather than being the sole creator of constructs.

Deploy Applications Using DevSecOps Best Practices

Application builders are most productive when their expertise is channeled towards writing code that directly addresses business challenges. While creating applications is a skill well within the grasp of many software developers, the complex task of deploying and operating these applications in line with organizational standards can be overwhelming, especially for those new to a team. This complexity often acts as a bottleneck, slowing down the experimentation process and delaying the realization of value from new application initiatives.

A solution to this challenge lies in automating the deployment pipeline and operational model. By employing thoroughly tested CDK (Cloud Development Kit) components that are shared across teams and validated through a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process, the burden on developers is significantly reduced. They no longer need to delve into the complexities of the organization’s deployment strategies, allowing them to concentrate on writing unique, innovative code. This approach not only streamlines the development process but also bridges the gap between development and operations, leading to more cohesive teams and faster, more efficient releases.

One key to high-quality software delivery is to have a proper Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process in place. You can see CDK Pipelines: Continuous delivery for AWS CDK applications for practical examples. This high-level construct, powered by AWS CodePipeline, comes in handy when you need to go beyond test deployments with the cdk deploy command and build automated pipelines for production deployments to multiple environments in different regions and/or accounts.

Whenever you commit your AWS CDK app’s source code into AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository, AWS CDK Pipelines automatically builds, tests, and deploys a new version of the application. This pipeline automatically reconfigures itself to deploy as the resources in stacks changes or the environments being deployed to change. For GitHub Actions users, see CDK Pipelines for GitHub Workflows.

A number of teams are extending these pipelines and adding their own stages to ensure deployed code meets the organization’s quality, security, risk, compliance and cloud financial management criteria. For best practices of what automation to put inside the pipeline, see the AWS Deployment Pipeline Reference Architecture. By creating fully functional pipelines, platform engineering teams can reduce the cognitive load place on development teams and increase the developer experience. This strategy has two implementations: QuickStart pipelines and golden pipelines.

In QuickStart pipelines, these pipelines are created as a construct in your Construct Hub and treated similar to the above discussion on reusable components. While these pipelines offer simplified interfaces and a reduction in cognitive load, workload teams remain in control of the pipeline and are free to modify it. As a result, quality gates such as security or compliance tooling can be disabled by workload teams and controls inside the pipeline aren’t provable. This is suboptimal for organizations looking to reduce costs of compliance and audit. As the number of versions of the construct grows, teams can have difficulty governing which versions are used to ensure teams consume.

In golden pipelines, the pipelines are created as constructs, but deployed via a centralized team. Workload teams cannot control or modify these pipelines, so quality gates such as security and compliance tooling cannot be disabled. These controls become provable to stakeholders in security, risk and compliance such as auditors. Removing permissions from workload teams comes with costs. With golden pipelines, platform engineering teams often spend a majority of their time troubleshooting workload teams’ deployments. With so much time spent on troubleshooting, teams have little time to introduce new tooling to raise the security and quality standard, improve environment setup and organizational consistency, or improve audit evidence and enforcement.

Two mechanisms can augment these strategies. Traditional change control boards (CCB) can provide provability in situations where gathering evidence and enforcement are difficult. CCBs can benefit from CDK constructs that integrate IT Service Management (ITSM) approvals and fleet management processes into the pipeline and account creation processes. Alternatively, there is an emerging story with Software Supply Chain Level Artifacts (SLSA). These artifacts can be used as digital proof. In the Kubernetes space, we see this pattern with tools like Tekton chains where attestations associated with OCI images and Kyverno is used for to enforcement the presence of attestations (see Protect the pipe! Secure CI/CD pipelines with a policy-based approach using Tekton and Kyverno for details).

Multi-account and cross-region deployment with CDK

DevOps best practices suggest multiple stages of deployment and testing before deploying to production. On top of that, AWS recommends a dedicated account for each stage to simplify resource isolation and access control. This multi-account strategy helps organizations make best use of AWS resources and provides fine-grain controls (see Recommended OUs and accounts).

Often, you will have a designated AWS account, where all CI/CD pipelines reside. A deployment is executed by these pipelines to publish to other AWS accounts, which may correspond to development, staging, or production stages. For more information about a cross-account strategy in reference to CI/CD pipelines on AWS, see Building a Secure Cross-Account Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

Automated Governance

Many enterprise customers leverage CDK to enforce security controls and policies and can prevent security issues before deployment with tooling to analyze code as part of the deployment pipeline. Using the industry standard tooling of cdk-nag, many teams check applications for best practices using a combination of available rule packs. We are also seeing enterprises build their own Aspects to enforce additional requirements such as tagging requirements to manage and organize their deployed resources.

Customers can create CDK synthesized CloudFormation and add additional checkpoints with CloudFormation Guard to verify the output using policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) rules. Platform Engineering teams can build the rules and workload team can consume rules and run CloudFormation Guard inside the pipeline. There is an official construct that supports makes it easy to add CloudFormation Guard checks to your application.

With AWS CDK, infrastructure is code. So, the standard tooling you already use to ensure quality and improve the builder experience should be used with CDK. If your organization has a code quality program, treat CDK applications no differently than web applications or microservices. Similarly, with Amazon CodeGuru Security and Amazon CodeWhisperer, builders can get actionable recommendations on how to improve both the security and quality on their CDK code as they would with any other type of application.

With Aspects, cdk-nag, and code quality tools, organizations can prevent security issues before they are deployed. However, it is also important to create controls that work after a deployment occurs. AWS CloudFormation Hooks allow customers to inspect resources prior to create, update, or delete CloudFormation Stacks or CDK Applications. With CloudFormation Hooks, Platform Engineering teams can provide warnings or prevent provisioning resources for non-compliant resources. These hooks can be created via CDK (see Build and Deploy CloudFormation Hooks using A CI/CD Pipeline for details).

Finally, you can deploy AWS Config’s conformance packs via CDK. These collections of rules you’re your organization insist on security standards at scale. If your organization wishes to build custom rules, teams can build reactive controls using higher level constructs for AWS Config Rules. While many of these patterns existed prior to CDK, CDK helps accelerate building and deploying cloud applications and controls by leveraging reusable components that are shared within the enterprise or by the community at large.

Operate the Application using Observability

The open-source community provides high-level construct libraries that expand basic monitoring capabilities for CDK applications. The cdk-monitoring-constructs project makes it easy to monitor CDK apps. Similarly, Cdk-wakeful takes that a step further, adding many additional services and provides easily configurable interfaces to automatically be notified by AWS System Manager Incident Manager, AWS Chatbot, or Amazon Simple Notification Service. By leveraging prebuilt solutions from the open-source community, you can focus on creating custom metrics and thresholds around your business logic. Platform Engineering teams can modify and extends 1open-source projects to help workload teams simplify their operations and emit health and status to centralized systems.

Accelerate New Project Startup with an Internal Developer Platform

An Internal Developer Platform (IDP) is built by platform engineering teams to build golden paths and enable developer self-service. These golden paths are expressed as a series of templates that the structure of a source control repository and files stored inside the repository. When the IDP uses these templates to create source code repositories, the resultant repository contains the following:

  • A getting-started tutorial (usually in a README.md)
  • Reference documentation
  • Skeleton source code
  • Dependency Management
  • CI/CD pipeline template
  • IaC template
  • Observability configuration

With CDK, the CI/CD pipeline, IaC template, and observability configuration can all be a part of a single CDK application.

Platform engineering teams build golden paths and expose them using tools like Backstage, Humanitec, or Port. When building golden paths, there are two common approaches to the underlying project structure. Some organizations choose the approach where their IaC code repository is separate from the application code. Others choose to include everything in one repository. There is a healthy tension between how much to place inside a golden path vs a reusable component. In both strategies, platform engineering teams can avoid code duplication by leveraging CDK. The approach your organization chooses will dictate how you organize your reusable components. Below, we will walk through both options and the implications on reusable constructs.

Option 1: Everything in one repository

In this approach, all the code is contained in one repository: infrastructure, application, configuration, and deployment. This approach enables builders to collaborate, build features, and innovate together quickly, which is why it is the recommended approach. For more details, refer to the Best practices documentation. For examples, see AWS Deployment Reference Architecture for Applications.

This approach works best in teams that are “value-stream aligned.” Value-stream aligned teams have development and operations capabilities within the same team. These teams are organized around solving problems for customers rather than technical capabilities. Within the project, teams can organize around logical units such as application tier (API, database, etc.) or business capabilities (order management, product catalog, delivery services, etc.). In organizations that are value stream aligned, larger, highly conventionalized reusable components are better. An extreme example of this type of constructs is a single construct that contains all the code for an entire microservice. In these teams, the cognitive load focuses on the customer problem, so reducing the complexity of developing applications is critical to success.

Option 2: Separated application code pipeline

In this alternative approach, you can decouple your application code from your infrastructure by storing them in separate repositories and having separate pipelines. Separating the pipelines often leads to siloes and less collaboration between workload builders, who shift focus to developing features, and infrastructure engineers, who limit their efforts to building the infrastructure on which those applications run.

This approach works best in teams that are “matrixed.” A matrix organization is structured around technical capabilities (development, operations, security, business, etc.). In these cases, more modular constructs work better than constructs that are highly conventionalized. Experts from each organization can use CDK constructs as mechanisms to share their expertise across the entire organization. Examples of these types of constructs are monitoring, alerting, or security constructs prebuilt with hooks to plug in to centralized monitoring.

Building a Community of Practice with Platform Engineering

Scaling any new technology within a large organization requires the creation and enablement of a community that fosters collaboration, establishes best practices, and stays up to date with the changes in the ecosystem. In order to enable the creation of these communities of practice within your organization, AWS supports multiple public communities centered around the creation of content to educate and enable CDK users. Members of your organization’s community of practice can connect with other CDK development teams around the world through these public AWS supported communities.

Communities of Practice

A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people with shared interest who come together to learn, collaborate and develop expertise in a specific domain through informal interactions and knowledge sharing. Within your organization, establishing communities of practice around CDK has been proven to enable mentorship, problem solving, and reusable assets. To get started, your platform engineering team – the creators of reusable constructs and builder tooling with CDK – become early content creators for the community of practice. This establishes a feedback loop where CDK creators publicize their achievements via the CoP and consumers can ask questions and provide direct guidance to creators. Once the CoP has sustainably expanded by the initial group that established it, the CoP can start to add hack-a-thons or game days within your organization, which can bring innovation and solve organization-wide challenges. Fully mature communities of practices own curated wikis or databases of knowledge. They use mechanisms such as townhalls, office hours, newsletters, and chat channels to keep the community up to date. In this way, CDK expertise is diffused across the organization. At AWS, this diffusion of expertise has led to teams other than platform engineering becoming creators of reusable constructs. By expanding who can create reusable constructs, we are able to accelerate our own innovation.


There is a growing community that supports CDK, with many different platforms available providing content, code, examples and meetups. CDK is currently maintained by AWS with support from the community on AWS CDK GitHub page where you can contribute to the platform, raise issues, see the backlog and join discussions with active community members.

CDK.dev is the community driven hub around the CDK ecosystem. This site brings together all the latest blogs, videos, and educational content. It also provides links to join the community Slack platform.

CDK Patterns houses an open source collection of AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. These patterns are sources via AWS Community Builders / AWS Heroes.

Finally, AWS re:Post provides a question-and-answer portal for the community to resolve.

The AWS Community Builders program offers technical resources, education, and networking opportunities to AWS technical enthusiasts and emerging thought leaders who are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting with the technical community.

Communities of practice can leverage AWS public communities like cdk.dev to fill gaps in knowledge. Townhalls can benefit from speakers from AWS Heroes or community builders, frequent contributors to GitHub or re:Post, or speakers from CDK Day. Newsletters can aggregate and summarize the latest news from across all AWS channels. Once your community of practice establishes CDK competencies, this collaboration can also be bidirectional. For example, experts in your organization’s community can become AWS Heroes. Success stories can be shared via CDK Day, guest blog posts, and you might even speak at one of our major events such as AWS Summits, AWS re:Invent, AWS re:Inforce, or AWS re:Mars.

Final Thoughts

As we’ve said throughout this blog, with CDK, Infrastructure is code. This has enabled a paradigm shift in the infrastructure management space. Today, we see many customers such as Liberty Mutual, Scenario, Checkmarx, and Registers of Scotland establishing mature ecosystems using CDK. With an active open-source community, an AWS dev team for long term support, and multiple platforms for knowledge sharing, your builders can quickly learn, build, and innovate. Due to successful pilots, many organizations adopt CDK, become more agile, and innovate faster. This is exactly what happened at Amazon, where CDK is the first choice for building new services.

Organizations often scale and reduce complexity through platform engineering. These teams build higher level constructs by applying best practices, and provide CI/CD pipelines to accelerate deployments. Your deployment is safer using unit testing on your infrastructure as code and through robust security controls to provide guidance to builders at every stage: from author to operate.

Finally, establishing a community enables your organization to build its own mature ecosystem. Through both internal and open-source communities your builders can connect, discover, and grow.

Photo of David Hessler

David Hessler

Prior to joining AWS, David spent a decade serving as a principal technologist and establishing Platform Engineering and SRE teams for the United States government. Since joining AWS in 2020, David has spent his time helping customers accelerate deployment speed and safety for some of AWS’s largest commercial and public sector customers. Today, as a part of the DevSecOps team within Global Services Security, he is building the next generation of DevSecOps tooling for AWS customers.

Amritha Shetty

Amritha Shetty

Amritha is a Solutions architect at AWS. She works with public sector customers to help migrate and modernize in the cloud. She loves helping citizens get more from public sector institutions through rapid innovation in the cloud. She brings over twelve years of software design and development experience and passionate about helping customers implement the next-generation development experience.

Photo of Chris Scudder

Chris Scudder

Chris is a Senior Solutions Architect with the UK Public Sector team. His primary focus is helping Public Sector customers adopt cloud technologies for their workloads, helping them streamline their development and operational processes. He has a background in application development and has created multiple Industry Solutions for UK Local Government. He has an interesting in Machine Learning and delivers AWS DeepRacer events alongside his day-to-day role.

Photo of Kumar Karra

Kumar Karra

Kumar Karra is a Senior Field Solutions Architect for AWS Small and Medium Business Customers. He has a strong background in designing and developing applications for small consumer facing customers to large mission critical applications for enterprises. He specialized in NextGen Developer Experience tools and enjoys helping customer shorten their time to value by guiding them on strategies to implement fast, repeatable, testable, and scalable tools and architectures.

Blue/Green Deployments with Amazon ECS using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Hareesh Iyer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/blue-green-deployments-with-amazon-ecs-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a modern software development service that empowers teams to deliver software on AWS easily and quickly. Amazon CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan, code, and build, test, and deploy your container applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

In this post, we will walk-through how you can configure Blue/Green and canary deployments for your container workloads within Amazon CodeCatalyst.


To follow along with the instructions, you’ll need:

  • An AWS account. If you don’t have one, you can create a new AWS account.
  • An Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) service using the Blue/Green deployment type. If you don’t have one, follow the Amazon ECS tutorial and complete steps 1-5.
  • An Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository named codecatalyst-ecs-image-repo. Follow the Amazon ECR user guide to create one.
  • An Amazon CodeCatalyst space, with an empty Amazon CodeCatalyst project named codecatalyst-ecs-project and an Amazon CodeCatalyst environment called codecatalyst-ecs-environment. Follow the Amazon CodeCatalyst tutorial to set these up.
  • Follow the Amazon CodeCatalyst user guide to associate your account to the environment.


Now that you have setup an Amazon ECS cluster and configured Amazon CodeCatalyst to perform deployments, you can configure Blue/Green deployment for your workload. Here are the high-level steps:

  • Collect details of the Amazon ECS environment that you created in the prerequisites step.
  • Add source files for the containerized application to Amazon CodeCatalyst.
  • Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Workflow.
  • Validate the setup.

Step 1: Collect details from your ECS service and Amazon CodeCatalyst role

In this step, you will collect information from your prerequisites that will be used in the Blue/Green Amazon CodeCatalyst configuration further down this post.

If you followed the prerequisites tutorial, below are AWS CLI commands to extract values that are used in this post. You can run this on your local workstation or with AWS CloudShell in the same region you created your Amazon ECS cluster.


ECSCLUSTERARN=$(aws ecs describe-clusters --clusters $ECSCLUSTER --query 'clusters[*].clusterArn' --output text)
ECSSERVICENAME=$(aws ecs describe-services --services $ECSSERVICE --cluster $ECSCLUSTER  --query 'services[*].serviceName' --output text)
TASKDEFARN=$(aws ecs describe-services --services $ECSSERVICE --cluster $ECSCLUSTER  --query 'services[*].taskDefinition' --output text)
TASKROLE=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition tutorial-task-def --query 'taskDefinition.executionRoleArn' --output text)
ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)

echo Account_ID value: $ACCOUNT
echo EcsRegionName value: $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
echo EcsClusterArn value: $ECSCLUSTERARN
echo EcsServiceName value: $ECSSERVICENAME
echo TaskDefinitionArn value: $TASKDEFARN
echo TaskExecutionRoleArn value: $TASKROLE

Note down the values of Account_ID, EcsRegionName, EcsClusterArn, EcsServiceName, TaskDefinitionArn and TaskExecutionRoleArn. You will need these values in later steps.

Step 2: Add Amazon IAM roles to Amazon CodeCatalyst

In this step, you will create a role called CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spacename to provide Amazon CodeCatalyst service permissions to build and deploy applications. This role is only recommended for use with development accounts and uses the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy, giving it full access to create new policies and resources in this AWS account.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your space. Choose the Settings tab.
  • In the Navigation page, select AWS accounts. A list of account connections appears. Choose the account connection that represents the AWS account where you created your build and deploy roles.
  • Choose Manage roles from AWS management console.
  • The Add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space page appears. You might need to sign in to access the page.
  • Choose Create CodeCatalyst development administrator role in IAM. This option creates a service role that contains the permissions policy and trust policy for the development role.
  • Note down the role name. Choose Create development role.

Step 3: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository

In this step, you will create a source repository in CodeCatalyst. This repository stores the tutorial’s source files, such as the task definition file.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
  • Choose Add repository, and then choose Create repository.
  •  In Repository name, enter:


  • Choose Create.

Step 4: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

In this step, you will create a Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev environment to work on the sample application code and configuration in the codecatalyst-advanced-deployment repository. Learn more about Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environments in Amazon CodeCatalyst user guide.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
  • Choose the source repository for which you want to create a dev environment.
  • Choose Create Dev Environment.
  • Choose AWS Cloud9 from the drop-down menu.
  • In Create Dev Environment and open with AWS Cloud9 page (Figure 1), choose Create to create a Cloud9 development environment.

Create Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst

Figure 1: Create Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst

AWS Cloud9 IDE opens on a new browser tab. Stay in AWS Cloud9 window to continue with Step 5.

Step 5: Add Source files to Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository

In this step, you will add source files from a sample application from GitHub to Amazon CodeCatalyst repository. You will be using this application to configure and test blue-green deployments.

  • On the menu bar at the top of the AWS Cloud9 IDE, choose Window, New Terminal or use an existing terminal window.
  • Download the Github project as a zip file, un-compress it and move it to your project folder by running the below commands in the terminal.

cd codecatalyst-advanced-deployment
wget -O SampleApp.zip https://github.com/build-on-aws/automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst/zipball/main/
unzip SampleApp.zip
mv build-on-aws-automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst-*/SampleApp/* .
rm -rf build-on-aws-automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst-*
rm SampleApp.zip

  • Update the task definition file for the sample application. Open task.json in the current directory. Find and replace “<arn:aws:iam::<account_ID>:role/AppRole> with the value collected from step 1: <TaskExecutionRoleArn>.
  • Amazon CodeCatalyst works with AWS CodeDeploy to perform Blue/Green deployments on Amazon ECS. You will create an Application Specification file, which will be used by CodeDeploy to manage the deployment. Create a file named appspec.yaml inside the codecatalyst-advanced-deployment directory. Update the <TaskDefinitionArn> with value from Step 1.
version: 0.0
  - TargetService:
      Type: AWS::ECS::Service
        TaskDefinition: "<TaskDefinitionArn>"
          ContainerName: "MyContainer"
          ContainerPort: 80
        PlatformVersion: "LATEST"
  • Commit the changes to Amazon CodeCatalyst repository by following the below commands. Update <your_email> and <your_name> with your email and name.

git config user.email "<your_email>"
git config user.name "<your_name>"
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push

Step 6: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Workflow

In this step, you will create the Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow which will automatically build your source code when changes are made. A workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. A workflow defines a series of steps, or actions, to take during a workflow run.

  • In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.
  • Choose Create workflow. Select codecatalyst-advanced-deployment from the Source repository dropdown.
  • Choose main in the branch. Select Create (Figure 2). The workflow definition file appears in the Amazon CodeCatalyst console’s YAML editor.
    Create workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Figure 2: Create workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

  • Update the workflow by replacing the contents in the YAML editor with the below. Replace <Account_ID> with your AWS account ID. Replace <EcsRegionName>, <EcsClusterArn>, <EcsServiceName> with values from Step 1. Replace <CodeCatalyst-Dev-Admin-Role> with the Role Name from Step 3.
Name: BuildAndDeployToECS
SchemaVersion: "1.0"

# Set automatic triggers on code push.
  - Type: Push
      - main

    Identifier: aws/build@v1
        - WorkflowSource
        - Name: region
          Value: <EcsRegionName>
        - Name: registry
          Value: <Account_ID>.dkr.ecr.<EcsRegionName>.amazonaws.com
        - Name: image
          Value: codecatalyst-ecs-image-repo
        Enabled: false
        - IMAGE
      Type: EC2
        - Role: <CodeCatalystPreviewDevelopmentAdministrator role>
          Name: "<Account_ID>"
      Name: codecatalyst-ecs-environment
        - Run: export account=`aws sts get-caller-identity --output text | awk '{ print $1 }'`
        - Run: aws ecr get-login-password --region ${region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${registry}
        - Run: docker build -t appimage .
        - Run: docker tag appimage ${registry}/${image}:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}
        - Run: docker push --all-tags ${registry}/${image}
        - Run: export IMAGE=${registry}/${image}:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}
    Identifier: aws/ecs-render-task-definition@v1
      image: ${Build_application.IMAGE}
      container-name: MyContainer
      task-definition: task.json
        - Name: TaskDefinition
            - task-definition*
      - Build_application
        - WorkflowSource
    Identifier: aws/ecs-deploy@v1
      task-definition: /artifacts/DeploytoAmazonECS/TaskDefinition/${RenderAmazonECStaskdefinition.task-definition}
      service: <EcsServiceName>
      cluster: <EcsClusterArn>
      region: <EcsRegionName>
      codedeploy-appspec: appspec.yaml
      codedeploy-application: tutorial-bluegreen-app
      codedeploy-deployment-group: tutorial-bluegreen-dg
      codedeploy-deployment-description: "Blue-green deployment for sample app"
      Type: EC2
      Fleet: Linux.x86-64.Large
        - Role: <CodeCatalyst-Dev-Admin-Role>
        # Add account id within quotes. Eg: "12345678"
          Name: "<Account_ID>"
      Name: codecatalyst-ecs-environment
      - RenderAmazonECStaskdefinition
        - TaskDefinition
        - WorkflowSource

The workflow above does the following:

  • Whenever a code change is pushed to the repository, a Build action is triggered. The Build action builds a container image and pushes the image to the Amazon ECR repository created in Step 1.
  • Once the Build stage is complete, the Amazon ECS task definition is updated with the new ECR repository image.
  • The DeploytoECS action then deploys the new image to Amazon ECS using Blue/Green Approach.

To confirm everything was configured correctly, choose the Validate button. It should add a green banner with The workflow definition is valid at the top.

Select Commit to add the workflow to the repository (Figure 3)

Commit Workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst
Figure 3: Commit workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

The workflow file is stored in a ~/.codecatalyst/workflows/ folder in the root of your source repository. The file can have a .yml or .yaml extension.

Let’s review our work, using the load balancer’s URL that you created during prerequisites, paste it into your browser. Your page should look similar to (Figure 4).

Sample Application (Blue Version)
Figure 4: Sample Application (Blue version)

Step 7: Validate the setup

To validate the setup, you will make a small change to the sample application.

  • Open Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environment that you created in Step 4.
  • Update your local copy of the repository. In the terminal run the command below.

git pull

  • In the terminal, navigate to /templates folder. Open index.html and search for “Las Vegas”. Replace the word with “New York”. Save the file.
  • Commit the change to the repository using the commands below.

git add .
git commit -m "Updating the city to New York"
git push

After the change is committed, the workflow should start running automatically. You can monitor of the workflow run in Amazon CodeCatalyst console (Figure 5)
Blue/Green Deployment Progress on Amazon CodeCatalyst

Figure 5: Blue/Green Deployment Progress on Amazon CodeCatalyst

You can also see the deployment status on the AWS CodeDeploy deployment page (Figure 6)

  • Going back to the AWS console.
  • In the upper left search bar, type in “CodeDeploy”.
  • In the left hand menu, select Deployments.

Blue/Green Deployment Progress on AWS CodeDeploy
Figure 6: Blue/Green Deployment Progress on AWS CodeDeploy

Let’s review our update, using the load balancer’s URL that you created during pre-requisites, paste it into your browser. Your page should look similar to (Figure 7).
Sample Application (Green version)

Figure 7: Sample Application (Green version)


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges.

  • Delete the Amazon ECS service and Amazon ECS cluster from AWS console.
  • Manually delete Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environment, source repository and project from your CodeCatalyst Space.
  • Delete the AWS CodeDeploy application through console or CLI.


In this post, we demonstrated how you can configure Blue/Green deployments for your container workloads using Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows. The same approach can be used to configure Canary deployments as well. Learn more about AWS CodeDeploy configuration for advanced container deployments in AWS CodeDeploy user guide.

William Cardoso

William Cardoso is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in South Florida area. He has 20+ years of experience in designing and developing enterprise systems. He leverages his real world experience in IT operations to work with AWS customers providing architectural and best practice recommendations for new and existing solutions. Outside of work, William enjoys woodworking, walking and cooking for friends and family.

Piyush Mattoo

Piyush Mattoo is a Solution Architect for enterprises at Amazon Web Services. He is a software technology leader with over 15 years of experience building scalable and distributed software systems that require a combination of broad T-shaped skills across multiple technologies. He has an educational background in Computer Science with a Masters degree in Computer and Information Science from University of Massachusetts. He is based out of Southern California and current interests include outdoor camping and nature walks.

Hareesh Iyer

Hareesh Iyer is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers build scalable, secure, resilient and cost-efficient architectures on AWS. He is passionate about cloud-native patterns, containers and microservices.

Introducing IAM Access Analyzer custom policy checks

Post Syndicated from Mitch Beaumont original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/introducing-iam-access-analyzer-custom-policy-checks/

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer was launched in late 2019. Access Analyzer guides customers toward least-privilege permissions across Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using analysis techniques, such as automated reasoning, to make it simpler for customers to set, verify, and refine IAM permissions. Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of IAM Access Analyzer custom policy checks, a new IAM Access Analyzer feature that helps customers accurately and proactively check IAM policies for critical permissions and increases in policy permissiveness.

In this post, we’ll show how you can integrate custom policy checks into builder workflows to automate the identification of overly permissive IAM policies and IAM policies that contain permissions that you decide are sensitive or critical.

What is the problem?

Although security teams are responsible for the overall security posture of the organization, developers are the ones creating the applications that require permissions. To enable developers to move fast while maintaining high levels of security, organizations look for ways to safely delegate the ability of developers to author IAM policies. Many AWS customers implement manual IAM policy reviews before deploying developer-authored policies to production environments. Customers follow this practice to try to prevent excessive or unwanted permissions finding their way into production. Depending on the volume and complexity of the policies that need to be reviewed; these reviews can be intensive and take time. The result is a slowdown in development and potential delay in deployment of applications and services. Some customers write custom tooling to remove the manual burden of policy reviews, but this can be costly to build and maintain.

How do custom policy checks solve that problem?

Custom policy checks are a new IAM Access Analyzer capability that helps security teams accurately and proactively identify critical permissions in their policies. Custom policy checks can also tell you if a new version of a policy is more permissive than the previous version. Custom policy checks use automated reasoning, a form of static analysis, to provide a higher level of security assurance in the cloud. For more information, see Formal Reasoning About the Security of Amazon Web Services.

Custom policy checks can be embedded in a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline so that checks can be run against policies without having to deploy the policies. In addition, developers can run custom policy checks from their local development environments and get fast feedback about whether or not the policies they are authoring are in line with your organization’s security standards.

How to analyze IAM policies with custom policy checks

In this section, we provide step-by-step instructions for using custom policy checks to analyze IAM policies.


To complete the examples in our walkthrough, you will need the following:

  1. An AWS account, and an identity that has permissions to use the AWS services, and create the resources, used in the following examples. For more information, see the full sample code used in this blog post on GitHub.
  2. An installed and configured AWS CLI. For more information, see Configure the AWS CLI.
  3. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). For installation instructions, refer to Install the AWS CDK.

Example 1: Use custom policy checks to compare two IAM policies and check that one does not grant more access than the other

In this example, you will create two IAM identity policy documents, NewPolicyDocument and ExistingPolicyDocument. You will use the new CheckNoNewAccess API to compare these two policies and check that NewPolicyDocument does not grant more access than ExistingPolicyDocument.

Step 1: Create two IAM identity policy documents

  1. Use the following command to create ExistingPolicyDocument.
    cat << EOF > existing-policy-document.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "aws:ResourceTag/Owner": "\${aws:username}"

  2. Use the following command to create NewPolicyDocument.
    cat << EOF > new-policy-document.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*"

Notice that ExistingPolicyDocument grants access to the ec2:StartInstances and ec2:StopInstances actions if the condition key aws:ResourceTag/Owner resolves to true. In other words, the value of the tag matches the policy variable aws:username. NewPolicyDocument grants access to the same actions, but does not include a condition key.

Step 2: Check the policies by using the AWS CLI

  1. Use the following command to call the CheckNoNewAccess API to check whether NewPolicyDocument grants more access than ExistingPolicyDocument.
    aws accessanalyzer check-no-new-access \
    --new-policy-document file://new-policy-document.json \
    --existing-policy-document file://existing-policy-document.json \
    --policy-type IDENTITY_POLICY

After a moment, you will see a response from Access Analyzer. The response will look similar to the following.

    "result": "FAIL",
    "message": "The modified permissions grant new access compared to your existing policy.",
    "reasons": [
            "description": "New access in the statement with index: 1.",
            "statementIndex": 1

In this example, the validation returned a result of FAIL. This is because NewPolicyDocument is missing the condition key, potentially granting any principal with this identity policy attached more access than intended or needed.

Example 2: Use custom policy checks to check that an IAM policy does not contain sensitive permissions

In this example, you will create an IAM identity-based policy that contains a set of permissions. You will use the CheckAccessNotGranted API to check that the new policy does not give permissions to disable AWS CloudTrail or delete any associated trails.

Step 1: Create a new IAM identity policy document

  • Use the following command to create IamPolicyDocument.
    cat << EOF > iam-policy-document.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": ["*"] 

Step 2: Check the policy by using the AWS CLI

  • Use the following command to call the CheckAccessNotGranted API to check if the new policy grants permission to the set of sensitive actions. In this example, you are asking Access Analyzer to check that IamPolicyDocument does not contain the actions cloudtrail:StopLogging or cloudtrail:DeleteTrail (passed as a list to the access parameter).
    aws accessanalyzer check-access-not-granted \
    --policy-document file://iam-policy-document.json \
    --access actions=cloudtrail:StopLogging,cloudtrail:DeleteTrail \
    --policy-type IDENTITY_POLICY

Because the policy that you created contains both cloudtrail:StopLogging and cloudtrail:DeleteTrail actions, Access Analyzer returns a FAIL.

    "result": "FAIL",
    "message": "The policy document grants access to perform one or more of the listed actions.",
    "reasons": [
            "description": "One or more of the listed actions in the statement with index: 0.",
            "statementIndex": 0

Example 3: Integrate custom policy checks into the developer workflow

Building on the previous two examples, in this example, you will automate the analysis of the IAM policies defined in an AWS CloudFormation template. Figure 1 shows the workflow that will be used. The workflow will initiate each time a pull request is created against the main branch of an AWS CodeCommit repository called my-iam-policy (the commit stage in Figure 1). The first check uses the CheckNoNewAccess API to determine if the updated policy is more permissive than a reference IAM policy. The second check uses the CheckAccessNotGranted API to automatically check for critical permissions within the policy (the validation stage in Figure 1). In both cases, if the updated policy is more permissive, or contains critical permissions, a comment with the results of the validation is posted to the pull request. This information can then be used to decide whether the pull request is merged into the main branch for deployment (the deploy stage is shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1: Diagram of the pipeline that will check policies

Figure 1: Diagram of the pipeline that will check policies

Step 1: Deploy the infrastructure and set up the pipeline

  1. Use the following command to download and unzip the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) project associated with this blog post.
    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/access-analyzer-automated-policy-analysis-blog.git
    cd ./access-analyzer-automated-policy-analysis-blog

  2. Create a virtual Python environment to contain the project dependencies by using the following command.
    python3 -m venv .venv

  3. Activate the virtual environment with the following command.
    source .venv/bin/activate

  4. Install the project requirements by using the following command.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Use the following command to update the CDK CLI to the latest major version.
    npm install -g aws-cdk@2 --force

  6. Before you can deploy the CDK project, use the following command to bootstrap your AWS environment. Bootstrapping is the process of creating resources needed for deploying CDK projects. These resources include an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for storing files and IAM roles that grant permissions needed to perform deployments.
    cdk bootstrap

  7. Finally, use the following command to deploy the pipeline infrastructure.
    cdk deploy --require-approval never

    The deployment will take a few minutes to complete. Feel free to grab a coffee and check back shortly.

    When the deployment completes, there will be two stack outputs listed: one with a name that contains CodeCommitRepo and another with a name that contains ConfigBucket. Make a note of the values of these outputs, because you will need them later.

    The deployed pipeline is displayed in the AWS CodePipeline console and should look similar to the pipeline shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild Management Console view

    Figure 2: AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild Management Console view

    In addition to initiating when a pull request is created, the newly deployed pipeline can also be initiated when changes to the main branch of the AWS CodeCommit repository are detected. The pipeline has three stages, CheckoutSources, IAMPolicyAnalysis, and deploy. The CheckoutSource stage checks out the contents of the my-iam-policy repository when the pipeline is triggered due to a change in the main branch.

    The IAMPolicyAnalysis stage, which runs after the CheckoutSource stage or when a pull request has been created against the main branch, has two actions. The first action, Check no new access, verifies that changes to the IAM policies in the CloudFormation template do not grant more access than a pre-defined reference policy. The second action, Check access not granted, verifies that those same updates do not grant access to API actions that are deemed sensitive or critical. Finally, the Deploy stage will deploy the resources defined in the CloudFormation template, if the actions in the IAMPolicyAnalysis stage are successful.

    To analyze the IAM policies, the Check no new access and Check access not granted actions depend on a reference policy and a predefined list of API actions, respectively.

  8. Use the following command to create the reference policy.
    cd ../ 
    cat << EOF > cnna-reference-policy.json
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "*",
                "Resource": "*"
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "Action": "iam:PassRole",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/*"

    This reference policy sets out the maximum permissions for policies that you plan to validate with custom policy checks. The iam:PassRole permission is a permission that allows an IAM principal to pass an IAM role to an AWS service, like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or AWS Lambda. The reference policy says that the only way that a policy is more permissive is if it allows iam:PassRole on this group of sensitive resources: arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/*”.

    Why might a reference policy be useful? A reference policy helps ensure that a particular combination of actions, resources, and conditions is not allowed in your environment. Reference policies typically allow actions and resources in one statement, then deny the problematic permissions in a second statement. This means that a policy that is more permissive than the reference policy allows access to a permission that the reference policy has denied.

    In this example, a developer who is authorized to create IAM roles could, intentionally or unintentionally, create an IAM role for an AWS service (like EC2 for AWS Lambda) that has permission to pass a privileged role to another service or principal, leading to an escalation of privilege.

  9. Use the following command to create a list of sensitive actions. This list will be parsed during the build pipeline and passed to the CheckAccessNotGranted API. If the policy grants access to one or more of the sensitive actions in this list, a result of FAIL will be returned. To keep this example simple, add a single API action, as follows.
    cat << EOF > sensitive-actions.file

  10. So that the CodeBuild projects can access the dependencies, use the following command to copy the cnna-reference-policy.file and sensitive-actions.file to an S3 bucket. Refer to the stack outputs you noted earlier and replace <ConfigBucket> with the name of the S3 bucket created in your environment.
    aws s3 cp ./cnna-reference-policy.json s3://<ConfgBucket>/cnna-reference-policy.json
    aws s3 cp ./sensitive-actions.file s3://<ConfigBucket>/sensitive-actions.file

Step 2: Create a new CloudFormation template that defines an IAM policy

With the pipeline deployed, the next step is to clone the repository that was created and populate it with a CloudFormation template that defines an IAM policy.

  1. Install git-remote-codecommit by using the following command.
    pip install git-remote-codecommit

    For more information on installing and configuring git-remote-codecommit, see the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

  2. With git-remote-codecommit installed, use the following command to clone the my-iam-policy repository from AWS CodeCommit.
    git clone codecommit://my-iam-policy && cd ./my-iam-policy

    If you’ve configured a named profile for use with the AWS CLI, use the following command, replacing <profile> with the name of your named profile.

    git clone codecommit://<profile>@my-iam-policy && cd ./my-iam-policy

  3. Use the following command to create the CloudFormation template in the local clone of the repository.
    cat << EOF > ec2-instance-role.yaml
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: CloudFormation Template to deploy base resources for access_analyzer_blog
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
            Version: 2012-10-17
            - Effect: Allow
                Service: ec2.amazonaws.com
              Action: sts:AssumeRole
          Path: /
          - PolicyName: my-application-permissions
              Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                  - 'ec2:RunInstances'
                  - 'lambda:CreateFunction'
                  - 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
                  - 'dynamodb:Scan'
                  - 'dynamodb:Query'
                  - 'dynamodb:UpdateItem'
                  - 'dynamodb:GetItem'
                Resource: '*'
              - Effect: Allow
                  - iam:PassRole 
                Resource: "arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-custom-role"
        Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
          Path: /
            - !Ref EC2Role

The actions in the IAMPolicyValidation stage are run by a CodeBuild project. CodeBuild environments run arbitrary commands that are passed to the project using a buildspec file. Each project has already been configured to use an inline buildspec file.

You can inspect the buildspec file for each project by opening the project’s Build details page as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: AWS CodeBuild console and build details

Figure 3: AWS CodeBuild console and build details

Step 3: Run analysis on the IAM policy

The next step involves checking in the first version of the CloudFormation template to the repository and checking two things. First, that the policy does not grant more access than the reference policy. Second, that the policy does not contain any of the sensitive actions defined in the sensitive-actions.file.

  1. To begin tracking the CloudFormation template created earlier, use the following command.
    git add ec2-instance-role.yaml 

  2. Commit the changes you have made to the repository.
    git commit -m 'committing a new CFN template with IAM policy'

  3. Finally, push these changes to the remote repository.
    git push

  4. Pushing these changes will initiate the pipeline. After a few minutes the pipeline should complete successfully. To view the status of the pipeline, do the following:
    1. Navigate to https://<region>.console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codepipeline/pipelines (replacing <region> with your AWS Region).
    2. Choose the pipeline called accessanalyzer-pipeline.
    3. Scroll down to the IAMPolicyValidation stage of the pipeline.
    4. For both the check no new access and check access not granted actions, choose View Logs to inspect the log output.
  5. If you inspect the build logs for both the check no new access and check access not granted actions within the pipeline, you should see that there were no blocking or non-blocking findings, similar to what is shown in Figure 4. This indicates that the policy was validated successfully. In other words, the policy was not more permissive than the reference policy, and it did not include any of the critical permissions.
    Figure 4: CodeBuild log entry confirming that the IAM policy was successfully validated

    Figure 4: CodeBuild log entry confirming that the IAM policy was successfully validated

Step 4: Create a pull request to merge a new update to the CloudFormation template

In this step, you will make a change to the IAM policy in the CloudFormation template. The change deliberately makes the policy grant more access than the reference policy. The change also includes a critical permission.

  1. Use the following command to create a new branch called add-new-permissions in the local clone of the repository.
    git checkout -b add-new-permissions

  2. Next, edit the IAM policy in ec2-instance-role.yaml to include an additional API action, dynamodb:Delete* and update the resource property of the inline policy to use an IAM role in the /my-sensitive-roles/*” path. You can copy the following example, if you’re unsure of how to do this.
    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
    Description: CloudFormation Template to deploy base resources for access_analyzer_blog
        Type: AWS::IAM::Role
            Version: 2012-10-17
            - Effect: Allow
                Service: ec2.amazonaws.com
              Action: sts:AssumeRole
          Path: /
          - PolicyName: my-application-permissions
              Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                  - 'ec2:RunInstances'
                  - 'lambda:CreateFunction'
                  - 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
                  - 'dynamodb:Scan'
                  - 'dynamodb:Query'
                  - 'dynamodb:UpdateItem'
                  - 'dynamodb:GetItem'
                  - 'dynamodb:Delete*'
                Resource: '*'
              - Effect: Allow
                  - iam:PassRole 
                Resource: "arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/my-custom-admin-role"
        Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
          Path: /
            - !Ref EC2Role

  3. Commit the policy change and push the updated policy document to the repo by using the following commands.
    git add ec2-instance-role.yaml 
    git commit -m "adding new permission and allowing my ec2 instance to assume a pass sensitive IAM role"

  4. The add-new-permissions branch is currently a local branch. Use the following command to push the branch to the remote repository. This action will not initiate the pipeline, because the pipeline only runs when changes are made to the repository’s main branch.
    git push -u origin add-new-permissions

  5. With the new branch and changes pushed to the repository, follow these steps to create a pull request:
    1. Navigate to https://console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codecommit/repositories (don’t forget to the switch to the correct Region).
    2. Choose the repository called my-iam-policy.
    3. Choose the branch add-new-permissions from the drop-down list at the top of the repository screen.
      Figure 5: my-iam-policy repository with new branch available

      Figure 5: my-iam-policy repository with new branch available

    4. Choose Create pull request.
    5. Enter a title and description for the pull request.
    6. (Optional) Scroll down to see the differences between the current version and new version of the CloudFormation template highlighted.
    7. Choose Create pull request.
  6. The creation of the pull request will Initiate the pipeline to fetch the CloudFormation template from the repository and run the check no new access and check access not granted analysis actions.
  7. After a few minutes, choose the Activity tab for the pull request. You should see a comment from the pipeline that contains the results of the failed validation.
    Figure 6: Results from the failed validation posted as a comment to the pull request

    Figure 6: Results from the failed validation posted as a comment to the pull request

Why did the validations fail?

The updated IAM role and inline policy failed validation for two reasons. First, the reference policy said that no one should have more permissions than the reference policy does. The reference policy in this example included a deny statement for the iam:PassRole permission with a resource of /my-sensitive-role/*. The new created inline policy included an allow statement for the iam:PassRole permission with a resource of arn:aws:iam::*:role/my-sensitive-roles/my-custom-admin-role. In other words, the new policy had more permissions than the reference policy.

Second, the list of critical permissions included the dynamodb:DeleteTable permission. The inline policy included a statement that would allow the EC2 instance to perform the dynamodb:DeleteTable action.


Use the following command to delete the infrastructure that was provisioned as part of the examples in this blog post.

cdk destroy 


In this post, I introduced you to two new IAM Access Analyzer APIs: CheckNoNewAccess and CheckAccessNotGranted. The main example in the post demonstrated one way in which you can use these APIs to automate security testing throughout the development lifecycle. The example did this by integrating both APIs into the developer workflow and validating the developer-authored IAM policy when the developer created a pull request to merge changes into the repository’s main branch. The automation helped the developer to get feedback about the problems with the IAM policy quickly, allowing the developer to take action in a timely way. This is often referred to as shifting security left — identifying misconfigurations early and automatically supporting an iterative, fail-fast model of continuous development and testing. Ultimately, this enables teams to make security an inherent part of a system’s design and architecture and can speed up product development workflow.

You can find the full sample code used in this blog post on GitHub.

To learn more about IAM Access Analyzer and the new custom policy checks feature, see the IAM Access Analyzer documentation.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Mitch Beaumont

Mitch Beaumont

Mitch is a Principal Solutions Architect for AWS, based in Sydney, Australia. Mitch works with some of Australia’s largest financial services customers, helping them to continually raise the security bar for the products and features that they build and ship. Outside of work, Mitch enjoys spending time with his family, photography, and surfing.


Matt Luttrell

Matt is a Principal Solutions Architect on the AWS Identity Solutions team. When he’s not spending time chasing his kids around, he enjoys skiing, cycling, and the occasional video game.

Your DevOps and Developer Productivity guide to re:Invent 2023

Post Syndicated from Anubhav Rao original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/your-devops-and-developer-productivity-guide-to-reinvent-2023/

Your DevOps and Developer Productivity guide to re:Invent 2023

ICYMI – AWS re:Invent is less than a week away! We can’t wait to join thousands of builders in person and virtually for another exciting event. Still need to save your spot? You can register here.

With so much planned for the DevOps and Developer Productivity (DOP) track at re:Invent, we’re highlighting the most exciting sessions for technology leaders and developers in this post. Sessions span intermediate (200) through expert (400) levels of content in a mix of interactive chalk talks, hands-on workshops, and lecture-style breakout sessions.

You will experience the future of efficient development at the DevOps and Developer Productivity track and get a chance to talk to AWS experts about exciting services, tools, and new AI capabilities that optimize and automate your software development lifecycle. Attendees will leave re:Invent with the latest strategies to accelerate development, use generative AI to improve developer productivity, and focus on high-value work and innovation.

How to reserve a seat in the sessions

Reserved seating is available for registered attendees to secure seats in the sessions of their choice. Reserve a seat by signing in to the attendee portal and navigating to Event, then Sessions.

Do not miss the Innovation Talk led by Vice President of AWS Generative Builders, Adam Seligman. In DOP225-INT Build without limits: The next-generation developer experience at AWS, Adam will provide updates on the latest developer tools and services, including generative AI-powered capabilities, low-code abstractions, cloud development, and operations. He’ll also welcome special guests to lead demos of key developer services and showcase how they integrate to increase productivity and innovation.

DevOps and Developer Productivity breakout sessions

What are breakout sessions?

AWS re:Invent breakout sessions are lecture-style and 60 minutes long. These sessions are delivered by AWS experts and typically reserve 10–15 minutes for Q&A at the end. Breakout sessions are recorded and made available on-demand after the event.

Level 200 — Intermediate

DOP201 | Best practices for Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI can create new content and ideas, including conversations, stories, images, videos, and music. Learning how to interact with generative AI effectively and proficiently is a skill worth developing. Join this session to learn about best practices for engaging with Amazon CodeWhisperer, which uses an underlying foundation model to radically improve developer productivity by generating code suggestions in real time.

DOP202 | Realizing the developer productivity benefits of Amazon CodeWhisperer Developers spend a significant amount of their time writing undifferentiated code. Amazon CodeWhisperer radically improves productivity by generating code suggestions in real time to alleviate this burden. In this session, learn how CodeWhisperer can “write” much of this undifferentiated code, allowing developers to focus on business logic and accelerate the pace of their innovation.

DOP205 | Accelerate development with Amazon CodeCatalyst In this session, explore the newest features in Amazon CodeCatalyst. Learn firsthand how these practical additions to CodeCatalyst can simplify application delivery, improve team collaboration, and speed up the software development lifecycle from concept to deployment.

DOP206 | AWS infrastructure as code: A year in review AWS provides services that help with the creation, deployment, and maintenance of application infrastructure in a programmatic, descriptive, and declarative way. These services help provide rigor, clarity, and reliability to application development. Join this session to learn about the new features and improvements for AWS infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation and AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and how they can benefit your team.

DOP207 | Build and run it: Streamline DevOps with machine learning on AWS While organizations have improved how they deliver and operate software, development teams still run into issues when performing manual code reviews, looking for hard-to-find defects, and uncovering security-related problems. Developers have to keep up with multiple programming languages and frameworks, and their productivity can be impaired when they have to search online for code snippets. Additionally, they require expertise in observability to successfully operate the applications they build. In this session, learn how companies like Fidelity Investments use machine learning–powered tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer and Amazon DevOps Guru to boost application availability and write software faster and more reliably.

DOP208 | Continuous integration and delivery for AWS AWS provides one place where you can plan work, collaborate on code, build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. In this session, learn about how to create end-to-end CI/CD pipelines using infrastructure as code on AWS.

DOP209 | Governance and security with infrastructure as code In this session, learn how to use AWS CloudFormation and the AWS CDK to deploy cloud applications in regulated environments while enforcing security controls. Find out how to catch issues early with cdk-nag, validate your pipelines with cfn-guard, and protect your accounts from unintended changes with CloudFormation hooks.

DOP210 | Scale your application development with Amazon CodeCatalyst Amazon CodeCatalyst brings together everything you need to build, deploy, and collaborate on software into one integrated software development service. In this session, discover the ways that CodeCatalyst helps developers and teams build and ship code faster while spending more time doing the work they love.

DOP211 | Boost developer productivity with Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI is transforming the way that developers work. Writing code is already getting disrupted by tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer, which enhances developer productivity by providing real-time code completions based on natural language prompts. In this session, get insights into how to evaluate and measure productivity with the adoption of generative AI–powered tools. Learn from the AWS Disaster Recovery team who uses CodeWhisperer to solve complex engineering problems by gaining efficiency through longer productivity cycles and increasing velocity to market for ongoing fixes. Hear how integrating tools like CodeWhisperer into your workflows can boost productivity.

DOP212 | New AWS generative AI features and tools for developers Explore how generative AI coding tools are changing the way developers and companies build software. Generative AI–powered tools are boosting developer and business productivity by automating tasks, improving communication and collaboration, and providing insights that can inform better decision-making. In this session, see the newest AWS tools and features that make it easier for builders to solve problems with minimal technical expertise and that help technical teams boost productivity. Walk through how organizations like FINRA are exploring generative AI and beginning their journey using these tools to accelerate their pace of innovation.

DOP220 | Simplify building applications with AWS SDKs AWS SDKs play a vital role in using AWS services in your organization’s applications and services. In this session, learn about the current state and the future of AWS SDKs. Explore how they can simplify your developer experience and unlock new capabilities. Discover how SDKs are evolving, providing a consistent experience in multiple languages and empowering you to do more with high-level abstractions to make it easier to build on AWS. Learn how AWS SDKs are built using open source tools like Smithy, and how you can use these tools to build your own SDKs to serve your customers’ needs.

DevOps and Developer Productivity chalk talks

What are chalk talks?

Chalk Talks are highly interactive sessions with a small audience. Experts lead you through problems and solutions on a digital whiteboard as the discussion unfolds. Each begins with a short lecture (10–15 minutes) delivered by an AWS expert, followed by a 45- or 50-minute Q&A session with the audience.

Level 300 — Advanced

DOP306 | Streamline DevSecOps with a complete software development service Security is not just for application code—the automated software supply chains that build modern software can also be exploited by attackers. In this chalk talk, learn how you can use Amazon CodeCatalyst to incorporate security tests into every aspect of your software development lifecycle while maintaining a great developer experience. Discover how CodeCatalyst’s flexible actions-based CI/CD workflows streamline the process of adapting to security threats.

DOP309-R | AI for DevOps: Modernizing your DevOps operations with AWS As more organizations move to microservices architectures to scale their businesses, applications increasingly have become distributed, requiring the need for even greater visibility. IT operations professionals and developers need more automated practices to maintain application availability and reduce the time and effort required to detect, debug, and resolve operational issues. In this chalk talk, discover how you can use AWS services, including Amazon CodeWhisperer, Amazon CodeGuru and Amazon DevOps Guru, to start using AI for DevOps solutions to detect, diagnose, and remedy anomalous application behavior.

DOP310-R | Better together: GitHub Actions, Amazon CodeCatalyst, or AWS CodeBuild Learn how combining GitHub Actions with Amazon CodeCatalyst or AWS CodeBuild can maximize development efficiency. In this chalk talk, learn about the tradeoffs of using GitHub Actions runners hosted on Amazon EC2 or Amazon ECS with GitHub Actions hosted on CodeCatalyst or CodeBuild. Explore integration with other AWS services to enhance workflow automation. Join this talk to learn how GitHub Actions on AWS can take your development processes to the next level.

DOP311 | Building infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudFormation helps you manage your AWS infrastructure as code, increasing automation and supporting infrastructure-as-code best practices. In this chalk talk, learn the fundamentals of CloudFormation, including templates, stacks, change sets, and stack dependencies. See a demo of how to describe your AWS infrastructure in a template format and provision resources in an automated, repeatable way.

DOP312 | Creating custom constructs with AWS CDK Join this chalk talk to get answers to your questions about creating, publishing, and sharing your AWS CDK constructs publicly and privately. Learn about construct levels, how to test your constructs, how to discover and use constructs in your AWS CDK projects, and explore Construct Hub.

DOP313-R | Multi-account and multi-Region deployments at scale Many AWS customers are implementing multi-account strategies to more easily manage their cloud infrastructure and improve their security and compliance postures. In this chalk talk, learn about various options for deploying resources into multiple accounts and AWS Regions using AWS developer tools, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, and Amazon CodeCatalyst.

DOP314 | Simplifying cloud infrastructure creation with the AWS CDK The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. In this chalk talk, get an introduction to the AWS CDK and see a demo of how it can simplify infrastructure creation. Through code examples and diagrams, see how the AWS CDK lets you use familiar programming languages for declarative infrastructure definition. Also learn how it provides higher-level abstractions and constructs over native CloudFormation.

DOP317 | Applying Amazon’s DevOps culture to your team In this chalk talk, learn how Amazon helps its developers rapidly release and iterate software while maintaining industry-leading standards on security, reliability, and performance. Learn about the culture of two-pizza teams and how to maintain a culture of DevOps in a large enterprise. Also, discover how you can help build such a culture at your own organization.

DOP318 | Testing for resilience with AWS Fault Injection Simulator As cloud-based systems grow in scale and complexity, there is increased need to test distributed systems for resiliency. AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) allows you to stress test your applications to understand failure modes and build more resilient services. Through code examples and diagrams, see how to set up and run fault injection experiments on AWS. By the end of this session, understand how FIS helps identify weaknesses and validate improvements to build more resilient cloud-based systems.

DOP319-R | Zero-downtime deployment strategies AWS services support a wealth of deployment options to meet your needs, ranging from in-place updates to blue/green deployment to continuous configuration with feature flags. In this chalk talk, hear about multiple options for deploying changes to Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, and AWS Lambda compute platforms using AWS CodeDeploy, AWS AppConfig, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), and Amazon CodeCatalyst.

DOP320 | Build a path to production with Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprints Amazon CodeCatalyst uses blueprints to configure your software projects in the service. Blueprints instruct CodeCatalyst on how to set up a code repository with working sample code, define cloud infrastructure, and run pre-configured CI/CD workflows for your project. In this session, learn how blueprints in CodeCatalyst can give developers a compliant software service they’ll want to use on AWS.

DOP321-R | Code faster with Amazon CodeWhisperer Traditionally, building applications requires developers to spend a lot of time manually writing code and trying to learn and keep up with new frameworks, SDKs, and libraries. In the last three years, AI models have grown exponentially in complexity and sophistication, enabling the creation of tools like Amazon CodeWhisperer that can generate code suggestions in real time based on a natural language description of the task. In this session, learn how CodeWhisperer can accelerate and enhance your software development with code generation, reference tracking, security scans, and more.

DOP324 | Accelerating application development with AWS client-side tools Did you know AWS has more than just services? There are dozens of AWS client-side tools and libraries designed to make developing quality applications easier. In this chalk talk, explore some of the tools available in your development workspace. Learn more about command line tooling (AWS CLI), libraries (AWS SDK), IDE integrations, and application frameworks that can accelerate your AWS application development. The audience helps set the agenda so there’s sure to be something for every builder.

DevOps and Developer Productivity workshops

What are workshops?

Workshops are two-hour interactive learning sessions where you work in small group teams to solve problems using AWS services. Each workshop starts with a short lecture (10–15 minutes) by the main speaker, and the rest of the time is spent working as a group.

Level 300 — Advanced

DOP301 | Boost your application availability with AIOps on AWS As applications become increasingly distributed and complex, developers and IT operations teams can benefit from more automated practices to maintain application availability and reduce the time and effort spent detecting, debugging, and resolving operational issues manually. In this workshop, learn how AWS AIOps solutions can help you make the shift toward more automation and proactive mechanisms so your IT team can innovate faster. The workshop includes use cases spanning multiple AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon RDS, and Amazon EKS. Learn how you can reduce MTTR and quickly identify issues within your AWS infrastructure. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP302 | Build software faster with Amazon CodeCatalyst In this workshop, learn about creating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using Amazon CodeCatalyst. CodeCatalyst is a unified software development service on AWS that brings together everything teams need to plan, code, build, test, and deploy applications with continuous CI/CD tools. You can utilize AWS services and integrate AWS resources into your projects by connecting your AWS accounts. With all of the stages of an application’s lifecycle in one tool, you can deliver quality software quickly and confidently. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP303-R | Continuous integration and delivery on AWS In this workshop, learn to create end-to-end continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Review the fundamental concepts of continuous integration, continuous deployment, and continuous delivery. Then, using TypeScript/Python, define an AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeCommit workflow. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP304 | Develop AWS CDK resources to deploy your applications on AWS In this workshop, learn how to build and deploy applications using infrastructure as code with AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). Create resources using AWS CDK and learn maintenance and operations tips. In addition, get an introduction to building your own constructs. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP305 | Develop AWS CloudFormation templates to manage your infrastructure In this workshop, learn how to develop and test AWS CloudFormation templates. Create CloudFormation templates to deploy and manage resources and learn about CloudFormation language features that allow you to reuse and extend templates for many scenarios. Explore testing tools that can help you validate your CloudFormation templates, including cfn-lint and CloudFormation Guard. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP307-R | Hands-on with Amazon CodeWhisperer In this workshop, learn how to build applications faster and more securely with Amazon CodeWhisperer. The workshop begins with several examples highlighting how CodeWhisperer incorporates your comments and existing code to produce results. Then dive into a series of challenges designed to improve your productivity using multiple languages and frameworks. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP308 | Enforcing development standards with Amazon CodeCatalyst In this workshop, learn how Amazon CodeCatalyst can accelerate the application development lifecycle within your organization. Discover how your cloud center of excellence (CCoE) can provide standardized code and workflows to help teams get started quickly and securely. In addition, learn how to update projects as organization standards evolve. You must bring your laptop to participate.

Level 400 — Expert

DOP401 | Get better at building AWS CDK constructs In this workshop, dive deep into how to design AWS CDK constructs, which are reusable and shareable cloud components that help you meet your organization’s security, compliance, and governance requirements. Learn how to build, test, and share constructs representing a single AWS resource, as well as how to create higher-level abstractions that include built-in defaults and allow you to provision multiple AWS resources. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DevOps and Developer Productivity builders’ sessions

What are builders’ sessions?

These 60-minute group sessions are led by an AWS expert and provide an interactive learning experience for building on AWS. Builders’ sessions are designed to create a hands-on experience where questions are encouraged.

Level 300 — Advanced

DOP322-R | Accelerate data science coding with Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI removes the heavy lifting that developers experience today by writing much of the undifferentiated code, allowing them to build faster. Helping developers code faster could be one of the most powerful uses of generative AI that we will see in the coming years—and this framework can also be applied to data science projects. In this builders’ session, explore how Amazon CodeWhisperer accelerates the completion of data science coding tasks with extensions for JupyterLab and Amazon SageMaker. Learn how to build data processing pipeline and machine learning models with the help of CodeWhisperer and accelerate data science experiments in Python. You must bring your laptop to participate.

Level 400 — Expert

DOP402-R | Manage dev environments at scale with Amazon CodeCatalyst Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environments are cloud-based environments that you can use to quickly work on the code stored in the source repositories of your project. They are automatically created with pre-installed dependencies and language-specific packages so you can work on a new or existing project right away. In this session, learn how to create secure, reproducible, and consistent environments for VS Code, AWS Cloud9, and JetBrains IDEs. You must bring your laptop to participate.

DOP403-R | Hands-on with Amazon CodeCatalyst: Automating security in CI/CD pipelines In this session, learn how to build a CI/CD pipeline with Amazon CodeCatalyst and add the necessary steps to secure your pipeline. Learn how to perform tasks such as secret scanning, software composition analysis (SCA), static application security testing (SAST), and generating a software bill of materials (SBOM). You must bring your laptop to participate.

DevOps and Developer Productivity lightning talks

What are lightning talks?

Lightning talks are short, 20-minute demos led from a stage.

DOP221 | Amazon CodeCatalyst in real time: Deploying to production in minutes In this follow-up demonstration to DOP210, see how you can use an Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprint to build a production-ready application that is set up for long-term success. See in real time how to create a project using a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment and deploy it to production using a CodeCatalyst workflow.

DevOps and Developer Productivity code talks

What are code talks?

Code talks are 60-minute, highly-interactive discussions featuring live coding. Attendees are encouraged to dig in and ask questions about the speaker’s approach.

DOP203 | The future of development on AWS This code talk includes a live demo and an open discussion about how builders can use the latest AWS developer tools and generative AI to build production-ready applications in minutes. Starting at an Amazon CodeCatalyst blueprint and using integrated AWS productivity and security capabilities, see a glimpse of what the future holds for developing on AWS.

DOP204 | Tips and tricks for coding with Amazon CodeWhisperer Generative AI tools that can generate code suggestions, such as Amazon CodeWhisperer, are growing rapidly in popularity. Join this code talk to learn how CodeWhisperer can accelerate and enhance your software development with code generation, reference tracking, security scans, and more. Learn best practices for prompt engineering, and get tips and tricks that can help you be more productive when building applications.

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