Tag Archives: Partners

Why I joined Cloudflare as Chief Partner Officer

Post Syndicated from Tom Evans original https://blog.cloudflare.com/tom-evans-chief-partnership-officer

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the decision to join a company is not just about making a career move. Instead, it’s about finding a mission, a community, and a platform to make a meaningful impact. Cloudflare’s remarkable technology and incredibly driven teams are two reasons why I’m excited to join the team.

Joining Cloudflare as the Chief Partner Officer is my commitment to driving innovation and impact across the Internet through our channel partnerships. In each conversation throughout the interview process, I found myself getting more and more excited about the opportunity. Several former trusted colleagues who have recently joined Cloudflare repeatedly told me how amazing the people and company culture are. A positive culture driven by people that are passionate about their work is key. We work too hard not to have fun while doing it.

When it comes to partnerships, I see the immense value that partners can provide. My philosophy revolves around fostering collaborative, value-driven partnerships. It is about building ecosystems where we jointly navigate challenges, innovate together, and collectively thrive in a rapidly evolving global marketplace where the success of our channel partners directly influences our collective achievements. It also involves investing in their growth through tailored programs and providing strategic guidance and ongoing support. In doing so, we strengthen our most competitive advantage: our partners.

Partners are integral to our success in extending critical solutions to our customers, to fully connect and secure businesses, and in turn, the Internet at large. There are unique aspects to Cloudflare that I believe will be especially appealing as we grow this part of our business.

Innovation at the forefront

From edge computing to cybersecurity solutions, Cloudflare is renowned for its innovative technologies that are reshaping the Internet itself. As someone who is deeply passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and driving innovation, joining a company like Cloudflare was a clear choice. I am eager to be part of a team that is at the forefront of technological advancements, constantly striving to make the Internet faster, safer, and more reliable for its billions of users worldwide.

Impactful mission

Cloudflare’s mission of helping to build a better Internet resonates deeply with me. In an age where digital connectivity is more crucial than ever, Cloudflare’s commitment to helping make the Internet more secure, accessible, and resilient is both inspiring and necessary. By joining Cloudflare, I see an opportunity to contribute to a larger cause by empowering our partner ecosystem to help with this mission.

Culture of collaboration

One of the most compelling aspects of Cloudflare is its culture of collaboration and inclusivity. From my first conversation, I have been impressed by the genuine sense of camaraderie and teamwork that permeates the organization. In all my conversations, both internally and externally, I get a real sense that Cloudflare fosters an environment where diverse perspectives are celebrated, and where every individual is empowered to make a difference. I am excited to be part of a community that values transparency, empathy, and continuous learning.

Global reach and impact

With a global network that puts it within 50 milliseconds of around 95% of the online population, Cloudflare has a far-reaching impact on the digital economy. Joining Cloudflare means being part of a truly global team, working with all different partners from all corners of the world. This global perspective not only presents exciting opportunities for collaboration and growth but also underscores the significance of Cloudflare’s mission on a global scale.

Endless opportunities for growth

Cloudflare’s tried and tested technology delivers value at massive scale. This presents immense opportunities for partners to achieve significant growth and foster a true partnership together to better serve our customers.

What’s ahead

Working with channel partners over the years, fostering meaningful relationships, and gaining insights into unique perspectives is what I find the most enjoyment in. The constant exchange of ideas and learning within these relationships acts as a catalyst for innovation and continuous improvement.

Since my early days as a sales account manager, I experienced the immense value partners provide first-hand, and leaned into this. As an integral part of my success, I found myself crafting comprehensive sales strategies that aligned our partners’ capabilities with my business objectives. I focused on developing value-driven partnerships that transcend a purely transactional mindset, which led me to a role managing partners and eventually leading channel sales and distribution teams.

Cloudflare embodies everything I personally look for in a company. I am eager to be part of the talented team here and partner with organizations around the world to drive meaningful change by contributing to the mission of helping build a better Internet for all. The future is bright, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of it.

If you’re interested in joining Cloudflare’s Partner Program, you can learn more here: https://www.cloudflare.com/partners/.

Improving Cloudflare Workers and D1 developer experience with Prisma ORM

Post Syndicated from Jon Harrell (Guest Author) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/prisma-orm-and-d1

Working with databases can be difficult. Developers face increasing data complexity and needs beyond simple create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. Unfortunately, these issues also compound on themselves: developers have a harder time iterating in an increasingly complex environment. Cloudflare Workers and D1 help by reducing time spent managing infrastructure and deploying applications, and Prisma provides a great experience for your team to work and interact with data.  

Together, Cloudflare and Prisma make it easier than ever to deploy globally available apps with a focus on developer experience. To further that goal, Prisma Object Relational Mapper (ORM) now natively supports Cloudflare Workers and D1 in Preview. With version 5.12.0 of Prisma ORM you can now interact with your data stored in D1 from your Cloudflare Workers with the convenience of the Prisma Client API. Learn more and try it out now.

What is Prisma?

From writing to debugging, SQL queries take a long time and slow developer productivity. Even before writing queries, modeling tables can quickly become unwieldy, and migrating data is a nerve-wracking process. Prisma ORM looks to resolve all of these issues by providing an intuitive data modeling language, an automated migration workflow, and a developer-friendly and type-safe client for JavaScript and TypeScript, allowing developers to focus on what they enjoy: developing!

Prisma is focused on making working with data easy. Alongside an ORM, Prisma offers Accelerate and Pulse, products built on Cloudflare that cover needs from connection pooling, to query caching, to real-time type-safe database subscriptions.

How to get started with Prisma ORM, Cloudflare Workers, and D1

To get started with Prisma ORM and D1, first create a basic Cloudflare Workers app. This guide will start with the ”Hello World” Worker example app, but any Workers example app will work. If you don’t have a project yet, start by creating a new one. Name your project something memorable, like my-d1-prisma-app and select “Hello World” worker and TypeScript. For now, we will choose to not deploy and will wait until after we have set up D1 and Prisma ORM.

npm create cloudflare@latest

Next, move into your newly created project and make sure that dependencies are installed:

cd my-d1-prisma-app && npm install

After dependencies are installed, we can move on to the D1 setup.

First, create a new D1 database for your app.

npx wrangler d1 create prod-prisma-d1-app

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "prod-prisma-d1-app"
database_id = "<unique-ID-for-your-database>"

The section starting with [[d1_databases]] is the binding configuration needed in your wrangler.toml for your Worker to communicate with D1. Add that now:

// wrangler.toml
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2024-03-20"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "prod-prisma-d1-app"
database_id = "<unique-ID-for-your-database>"

Your application now has D1 available! Next, add Prisma ORM to manage your queries, schema and migrations! To add Prisma ORM, first make sure the latest version is installed. Prisma ORM versions 5.12.0 and up support Cloudflare Workers and D1.

npm install prisma@latest @prisma/client@latest @prisma/adapter-d1

Now run npx prisma init in order to create the necessary files to start with. Since D1 uses SQLite’s SQL dialect, we set the provider to be sqlite.

npx prisma init --datasource-provider sqlite

This will create a few files, but the one to look at first is your Prisma schema file, available at prisma/schema.prisma

// schema.prisma
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url  = env("DATABASE_URL")

Before you can create any models, first enable the driverAdapters Preview feature. This will allow the Prisma Client to use an adapter to communicate with D1.

// schema.prisma
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"
+ previewFeatures = ["driverAdapters"]

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Now you are ready to create your first model! In this app, you will be creating a “ticker”, a mainstay of many classic Internet sites.

Add a new model to your schema, Visit, which will track that an individual visited your site. A Visit is a simple model that will have a unique ID and the time at which an individual visited your site.

// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["driverAdapters"]

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

+ model Visit {
+   id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
+   visitTime DateTime @default(now())
+ }

Now that you have a schema and a model, let’s create a migration. First use wrangler to generate an empty migration file and prisma migrate to fill it. If prompted, select “yes” to create a migrations folder at the root of your project.

npx wrangler d1 migrations create prod-prisma-d1-app init
 ⛅️ wrangler 3.36.0
✔ No migrations folder found. Set `migrations_dir` in wrangler.toml to choose a different path.
Ok to create /path/to/your/project/my-d1-prisma-app/migrations? … yes
✅ Successfully created Migration '0001_init.sql'!

The migration is available for editing here
npx prisma migrate diff --script --from-empty --to-schema-datamodel ./prisma/schema.prisma >> migrations/0001_init.sql

The npx prisma migrate diff command takes the difference between your database (which is currently empty) and the Prisma schema. It then saves this difference to a new file in the migrations directory.

// 0001_init.sql
-- Migration number: 0001 	 2024-03-21T22:15:50.184Z
-- CreateTable

Now you can migrate your local and remote D1 database instances using wrangler and re-generate your Prisma Client to begin making queries.

npx wrangler d1 migrations apply prod-prisma-d1-app --local
npx wrangler d1 migrations apply prod-prisma-d1-app --remote
npx prisma generate

Make sure to import PrismaClient and PrismaD1, define the binding for your D1 database, and you’re ready to use Prisma in your application.

// src/index.ts
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { PrismaD1 } from "@prisma/adapter-d1";

export interface Env {
  DB: D1Database,

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    const adapter = new PrismaD1(env.DB);
    const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter });
    const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

    if (pathname === '/') {
      const numVisitors = await prisma.visit.count();
      return new Response(
        `You have had ${numVisitors} visitors!`

    return new Response('');

You may notice that there’s always 0 visitors. Add another route to create a new visitor whenever someone visits the /visit route

// src/index.ts
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { PrismaD1 } from "@prisma/adapter-d1";

export interface Env {
  DB: D1Database,

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    const adapter = new PrismaD1(env.DB);
    const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter });
    const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

    if (pathname === '/') {
      const numVisitors = await prisma.visit.count();
      return new Response(
        `You have had ${numVisitors} visitors!`
    } else if (pathname === '/visit') {
      const newVisitor = await prisma.visit.create({ data: {} });
      return new Response(
        `You visited at ${newVisitor.visitTime}. Thanks!`

    return new Response('');

Your app is now set up to record visits and report how many visitors you have had!

Summary and further reading

We were able to build a simple app easily with Cloudflare Workers, D1 and Prisma ORM, but the benefits don’t stop there! Check the official documentation for information on using Prisma ORM with D1 along with workflows for migrating your data, and even extending the Prisma Client for your specific needs.

Simpler migration from Netskope and Zscaler to Cloudflare: introducing Deskope and a Descaler partner update

Post Syndicated from Corey Mahan original https://blog.cloudflare.com/deskope-program-and-asdp-for-desclaer

Today, Cloudflare is launching early access to the Deskope Program, a new set of tooling to help migrate existing Netskope customers to Cloudflare One for a faster and easier security experience. In addition, we’re also thrilled to announce the expansion of the Descaler Program to Authorized Service Delivery Partners, who will now have exclusive access to the Descaler toolkit to help customers move safely and quickly to Cloudflare.

Introducing Deskope — Migrate from Netskope to Cloudflare One

To set the stage, Cloudflare One is our Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) platform that combines network connectivity services with Zero Trust security on one of the fastest, most resilient, and most composable global networks. The Descaler Program was announced in early 2023 as a frictionless path to migrate existing Zscaler customers to Cloudflare One. Today, we are announcing the Deskope Program as a new and equally effortless path to migrate existing Netskope customers to Cloudflare One.

The Deskope Program follows the same approach as the Descaler process, including the tools, process, and partners you need for a frictionless technical migration. This program is completed through architecture workshops, technical migration tooling, and when requested, trusted partner engagements.

Deskope’s approach is based on minimizing manual effort and reducing the potential for error, allowing for a migration experience that is both fast and reliable. Combining automated tools and expert support, we ensure that your Netskope configurations are accurately translated and optimized for Cloudflare’s environment. Following an extract, transform, and load sequence using API calls to your current Netskope account, the Deskope toolkit will export your current Netskope Next Gen Secure Web Gateway (SWG) configuration and transform it to be Cloudflare One-compatible before migrating it into a new Cloudflare One account (or an existing one, if you’d prefer).

Drawing from the success of the Descaler process and migrating customers in just a few hours, Cloudflare is now expanding the offering to customers who wish to migrate from Netskope to Cloudflare One.

Why Deskope? Speed and simplicity

When it comes to speed, Cloudflare Gateway, our secure web gateway, is simply faster.

During 2023’s Speed Week, we published a blog called Spotlight on Zero Trust: we’re fastest and here’s the proof comparing secure web gateway products. This data shows that Cloudflare’s Gateway is faster to more websites from more places than any of our competitors. To quote from the blog:

“In one exercise we pitted the Cloudflare Gateway and WARP client against Zscaler, Netskope, and Palo Alto which all have products that perform the same functions. Cloudflare users benefit from Gateway and Cloudflare’s network being embedded deep into last mile networks close to users, being peered with over 12,000 networks. That heightened connectivity shows because Cloudflare Gateway is the fastest network in 42% of tested scenarios:”

But speed without control can be dangerous. The good news is that all the speed is easy to manage and deploy.

When it comes to simplicity, Cloudflare One is a unified, cloud-native platform that is easy to set up and manage, with a single onboarding wizard that further streamlines setup for both policy and the single-agent deployment to endpoints. This is in contrast to Netskope, where the policy creation process can slow administrators down as they have to first build reusable objects from scratch, so even a basic Secure Web Gateway policy requires many different elements to get started. Cloudflare’s Gateway policy builder is streamlined to allow administrators to quickly set a policy’s scope by defining conditions for Gateway to match traffic against. Traffic, identity, and even device posture conditions can be joined with logical operators ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ to easily manage what would otherwise be complex filtering controls.

Cloudflare is equally committed to making the migration process as cost-effective as possible using flexible financial options for customers wanting to migrate over.

As we introduce the Deskope Program, we are equally excited to accelerate Descaler even further by inviting Authorized Service Delivery Partners to leverage the Descaler toolkit to help more customers move to Cloudflare One.

Welcome Authorized Service Delivery Partners to Descaler

In a May 2023 blog post detailing our global services partner strategy and the momentum of our Authorized Service Delivery Partner program, we showcased our partnership with service providers all around the world, highlighting the strategic importance of the program in delivering unparalleled Cloudflare solutions through our trusted network of service providers.

We are thrilled to announce that our Authorized Service Delivery Partners now have the option to access the Descaler toolkit, along with training and support materials we have developed from our global experience with key customers. This initiative is designed to empower our authorized partners, complementing their existing skills and unique service offerings.

With access to the Descaler tool, our partners will be even better equipped to assist with your critical migration requirements to Cloudflare. Plans are underway to launch exclusive Descaler training for our partners in March 2024. Access to this training, as well as the Descaler tool itself, will be by invitation only, extended to our authorized partners.

How to get started Deskoping (or Descaling)

For customers and prospects, joining the Descaler or early access Deskope Programs are as easy as signing up using the link below. From there, the Cloudflare team will reach out to you for further enrollment details. By providing details about your current SSE deployment, ongoing challenges, and future Zero Trust or SASE goals, we’ll be able to hit the ground running. To get started, sign up here.

For partners, to get detailed information and to express interest in participating, connect with your assigned Channel Account Manager or Partner Service Delivery Manager. We look forward to supporting our partners in delivering high-quality services and enhancing their capability to meet the evolving needs of the market. If you are a partner with experience in delivering Cloudflare services and would like to become an Authorized Service Delivery Partner, please use this checklist to get started.

Enhancing security analysis with Cloudflare Zero Trust logs and Elastic SIEM

Post Syndicated from Corey Mahan original https://blog.cloudflare.com/enhancing-security-analysis-with-cloudflare-zero-trust-logs-and-elastic-siem

Today, we are thrilled to announce new Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboards on Elastic. Shared customers using Elastic can now use these pre-built dashboards to store, search, and analyze their Zero Trust logs.

When organizations look to adopt a Zero Trust architecture, there are many components to get right. If products are configured incorrectly, used maliciously, or security is somehow breached during the process, it can open your organization to underlying security risks without the ability to get insight from your data quickly and efficiently.

As a Cloudflare technology partner, Elastic helps Cloudflare customers find what they need faster, while keeping applications running smoothly and protecting against cyber threats. “I’m pleased to share our collaboration with Cloudflare, making it even easier to deploy log and analytics dashboards. This partnership combines Elastic’s open approach with Cloudflare’s practical solutions, offering straightforward tools for enterprise search, observability, and security deployment,” explained Mark Dodds, Chief Revenue Officer at Elastic.

Value of Zero Trust logs in Elastic

With this joint solution, we’ve made it easy for customers to seamlessly forward their Zero Trust logs to Elastic via Logpush jobs. This can be achieved directly via a Restful API or through an intermediary storage solution like AWS S3 or Google Cloud. Additionally, Cloudflare’s integration with Elastic has undergone improvements to encompass all categories of Zero Trust logs generated by Cloudflare.

Here are detailed some highlights of what the integration offers:

  • Comprehensive Visibility: Integrating Cloudflare Logpush into Elastic provides organizations with a real-time, comprehensive view of events related to Zero Trust. This enables a detailed understanding of who is accessing resources and applications, from where, and at what times. Enhanced visibility helps detect anomalous behavior and potential security threats more effectively, allowing for early response and mitigation.
  • Field Normalization: By unifying data from Zero Trust logs in Elastic, it’s possible to apply consistent field normalization not only for Zero Trust logs but also for other sources. This simplifies the process of search and analysis, as data is presented in a uniform format. Normalization also facilitates the creation of alerts and the identification of patterns of malicious or unusual activity.
  • Efficient Search and Analysis: Elastic provides powerful data search and analysis capabilities. Having Zero Trust logs in Elastic enables quick and precise searching for specific information. This is crucial for investigating security incidents, understanding workflows, and making informed decisions.
  • Correlation and Threat Detection: By combining Zero Trust data with other security events and data, Elastic enables deeper and more effective correlation. This is essential for detecting threats that might go unnoticed when analyzing each data source separately. Correlation aids in pattern identification and the detection of sophisticated attacks.
  • Prebuilt Dashboards: The integration provides out-of-the-box dashboards offering a quick start to visualizing key metrics and patterns. These dashboards help security teams visualize the security landscape in a clear and concise manner. The integration not only provides the advantage of prebuilt dashboards designed for Zero Trust datasets but also empowers users to curate their own visualizations.

What’s new on the dashboards

One of the main assets of the integration is the out-of-the-box dashboards tailored specifically for each type of Zero Trust log. Let’s explore some of these dashboards in more detail to find out how they can help us in terms of visibility.

Gateway HTTP

This dashboard focuses on HTTP traffic and allows for monitoring and analyzing HTTP requests passing through Cloudflare’s Secure Web Gateway.

Here, patterns of traffic can be identified, potential threats detected, and a better understanding gained of how resources are being used within the network.

Every visualization in the stage is interactive. Therefore, the whole dashboard adapts to enabled filters, and they can be pinned across dashboards for pivoting. For instance, if clicking on one of the sections of the donut showing the different actions, a filter is automatically applied on that value and the whole dashboard is oriented around it.


Following with a different perspective, the CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker) dashboard provides visibility over cloud applications used by users. Its visualizations are targeted to detect threats effectively, helping in the risk management and regulatory compliance.

These examples illustrate how dashboards in the integration between Cloudflare and Elastic offer practical and effective data visualization for Zero Trust. They enable us to make data-driven decisions, identify behavioral patterns, and proactively respond to threats. By providing relevant information in a visual and accessible manner, these dashboards strengthen security posture and allow for more efficient risk management in the Zero Trust environment.

How to get started

Setup and deployment is simple. Use the Cloudflare dashboard or API to create Logpush jobs with all fields enabled for each dataset you’d like to ingest on Elastic. There are eight account-scoped datasets available to use today (Access Requests, Audit logs, CASB findings, Gateway logs including DNS, Network, HTTP; Zero Trust Session Logs) that can be ingested into Elastic.

Setup Logpush jobs to your Elastic destination via one of the following methods:

  • HTTP Endpoint mode – Cloudflare pushes logs directly to an HTTP endpoint hosted by your Elastic Agent.
  • AWS S3 polling mode – Cloudflare writes data to S3 and Elastic Agent polls the S3 bucket by listing its contents and reading new files.
  • AWS S3 SQS mode – Cloudflare writes data to S3, S3 pushes a new object notification to SQS, Elastic Agent receives the notification from SQS, and then reads the S3 object. Multiple Agents can be used in this mode.

Enabling the integration in Elastic

  1. In Kibana, go to Management > Integrations
  2. In the integrations search bar type Cloudflare Logpush.
  3. Click the Cloudflare Logpush integration from the search results.
  4. Click the Add Cloudflare Logpush button to add Cloudflare Logpush integration.
  5. Enable the Integration with the HTTP Endpoint, AWS S3 input or GCS input.
  6. Under the AWS S3 input, there are two types of inputs: using AWS S3 Bucket or using SQS.
  7. Configure Cloudflare to send logs to the Elastic Agent.

What’s next

As organizations increasingly adopt a Zero Trust architecture, understanding your organization’s security posture is paramount. The dashboards help with necessary tools to build a robust security strategy, centered around visibility, early detection, and effective threat response.  By unifying data, normalizing fields, facilitating search, and enabling the creation of custom dashboards, this integration becomes a valuable asset for any cybersecurity team aiming to strengthen their security posture.

We’re looking forward to continuing to connect Cloudflare customers with our community of technology partners, to help in the adoption of a Zero Trust architecture.

Explore this new integration today.

Shaping the future: Cloudflare’s service partner strategy

Post Syndicated from Anil Erduran http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/anil/ original https://blog.cloudflare.com/shaping-the-future-cloudflares-service-partner-strategy

Introduction and partner landscape

Cloudflare’s global network spans over 310 cities in more than 120 countries, and interconnects with 13,000 networks globally, including major ISPs, cloud services, and enterprises. This network serves as a globally distributed foundation from which Cloudflare offers a broad product portfolio spanning everything from core Internet services like security, performance, and reliability — to web development, AI, corporate access management, creative products, and more.

The diversity of our products is reflected in our millions of customers, who span a dizzying array of industries and institutions in nearly every country around the world. This incredible diversity has meant a lot of specialisation, as Cloudflare’s adaptable product suite is fitted for each use case. Many customers are keen to have a partner to help them ensure they are getting everything they can out of Cloudflare. And they’d like to do it in the language of their choice, with partners who are familiar with the industries and regions they operate in.

This is why Cloudflare has for many years invested in our Partner Services programs, and has made a concerted effort to scout and partner with the world’s leading service providers who can deliver Cloudflare solutions to the highest standard. These firms and consultancies combine technical expertise using Cloudflare’s platform with fluency in an array of different specialities.

The launch of the Authorized Service Delivery Partner (ASDP) program stands as a testament to this initiative. Through this program, we have successfully onboarded a select number of partners, each an expert in their respective fields, ensuring a diverse and robust service delivery landscape. As a result of these efforts, we are proud to showcase our current roster of ASDP partners. These organizations have been specifically authorized by Cloudflare to operate in distinct domains, reflecting our commitment to diversity and excellence in service delivery:

Partner Name Country Coverage ASDP Category
MegazoneCloud APJC – Korea Application Services
Global Security Experts (GSX) APJC – Japan Zero Trust
AZ Asia Pacific APJC – ASEAN Zero Trust
Classmethod APJC – Japan Application Services
Omni International APJC – Taiwan Application Services & Zero Trust
Master Concept International APJC – Hong Kong Application Services & Zero Trust
TechDirect APJC – Singapore Application Services
Primary Guard APJC – Malaysia & Indonesia Zero Trust
FPT Tech APJC – Vietnam Application Services
CentCloud APJC – China Application Services
Cloud Hong Kong East Asia APJC – China Application Services
Airowire Networks APJC – India Zero Trust
Valuepoint APJC – India Application Services & Zero Trust
The Missing Link APJC – ANZ Application Services
BespinGlobal APJC – Korea Application Services
CDS EMEA – UK&I Application Services & Zero Trust
Layer8 EMEA – Spain, Portugal, Italy & Greece Application Services & Zero Trust
Bouvet EMEA – Nordics Zero Trust
Bakotech EMEA – Central and East Europe + Russia + Israel Application Services
Focus Group EMEA – UK&I Zero Trust
DGI Tech Group EMEA – Central and East Europe + Russia + Israel Application Services
Cronos Group EMEA – Benelux Application Services
Opticca AMER Zero Trust
Optiv AMER Application Services & Zero Trust
Serviops AMER Application Services & Migration
Novacoast AMER Application Services & Zero Trust
Adapture AMER Application Services & Zero Trust & Migration

We also place significant emphasis on our strategic alliances with Global System Integrators (GSIs) like Accenture, NTT, and Kyndryl. GSIs are key players in the tech industry, offering extensive technology and business solutions across various sectors worldwide. The value of these partnerships have not only broadened our reach but have also enriched our ecosystem with a range of bespoke service offerings tailored to the nuanced needs of our clients. You can read in this blog post how Kydnryl partnered with Cloudflare to deliver managed network transformation services.

Alongside our collaborations with Global System Integrators, we place equal importance on the role of Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are vital in guiding customers through every step of their digital journey, working hand-in-hand with them from initial onboarding and integration to managing day-to-day operations and optimizing performance. Recognizing this critical role that Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play in the customer lifecycle, we have streamlined our MSP specialization under the partner program. This refinement was carried out with the clear objective of making it more straightforward for MSPs to integrate and innovate within the Cloudflare ecosystem. By doing so, we have empowered them to deliver comprehensive, end-to-end solutions that drive customer success and operational excellence.

The Cloudflare Global Partner Services Team is dedicated to supporting a diverse set of service partners, including Value Added Resellers (VARs), boutique consultancies, regional Systems Integrators (SIs), Global Systems Integrators (GSIs), and Managed Service Providers (MSPs), each playing a unique role in our collective success.

Our vision and strategy

We envision a future where our partners go beyond traditional roles to become pivotal in shaping the digital ecosystem. Our strategic intent is to empower these partners to be at the heart of innovation and digital transformation, ensuring they are equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

In alignment with this vision, our ongoing strategy includes a continuous evolution of our services partner programs. We are committed to expanding our portfolio of partners, carefully curating a network that not only grows in number but also in the diversity of expertise and services offered. This expansion is coupled with a focus on service delivery quality. To provide a clearer insight, here’s a comprehensive overview of the key services offered by our authorized partners globally:

Supporting our partners: the role of partner service delivery managers & technical services manager

In Cloudflare’s partner ecosystem, our internal teams of Partner Service Delivery Managers (SDMs) and Partner Technical Services Managers (TSMs) play crucial roles in supporting our partners. SDMs concentrate on growing our services partner network through active engagement and onboarding processes. They ensure that each partner is in alignment with Cloudflare’s strategic direction and maintains our high standards. Meanwhile, TSMs are pivotal in securing the technical success of these partnerships, offering specialized technical guidance and support.

Cloudflare Partner SDMs are the architects behind the expansion of our services partner network, working tirelessly to identify, engage, and onboard potential partners. They collaborate to ensure that each partnership meets Cloudflare’s high standards and strategic direction, aiming for mutual success. Post onboarding, the SDM becomes a partner’s compass, guiding them through the different stages of their journey. They are committed to improving these relationships by providing continuous support and access to growth opportunities, they play a crucial role in offering development, aiding partners in refining and enhancing their service offerings to stay in lockstep with Cloudflare’s solutions and evolving market demands.

To illustrate the impact of a Partner Service Delivery Manager (SDM), consider a prospective partner with ambition to establish a network transformation practice, with managed service offerings built upon Cloudflare technology. The Partner SDM would embark with them on this journey with a systematic and strategic approach. Initially, they would work closely with the new partner to grasp the market needs, identifying areas where Cloudflare’s technology can fill gaps and create value. They would then assist in pinpointing the necessary skills and expertise needed to deliver these services effectively. Following this, the SDM would guide the packaging and bundling of these offerings, ensuring they not only align with Cloudflare’s suite of solutions but also resonate with customer demands and market trends.

Partner Technical Services Managers (TSM) are critical to ensure a partner’s technical service delivery success, by ensuring they have the in-depth technical support they need. They provide insights into the best practices for service delivery, from initial deployment to ongoing management. This end-to-end guidance ensures that the journey from concept to successful service delivery is coherent, strategic, and aligned with both your and Cloudflare’s business objectives.

Engagement models: harmonizing Cloudflare services with partner expertise

At Cloudflare, we understand that nothing is more important than the success of our customers. We pride ourselves in being flexible and engaging customers in the manner they prefer. While we have cultivated a robust internal Professional Services (PS) organization, we recognize the invaluable role our partners play in multiplying our reach and capabilities.

Cloudflare Service Partners, with their deep customer relationships, local presence and regional expertise, are instrumental in tailoring our offerings to the nuanced needs of customers worldwide. These external partners supplement our internal PS team with a large pool of experts who combine a deep technical understanding of Cloudflare’s solutions with direct experience spanning a multitude of customers and industries. Their integration expertise is particularly crucial when it comes to blending Cloudflare solutions with an array of third-party tools such as Okta, Crowdstrike, Intune, and Microsoft Active directory, ensuring a seamless technological symphony.

Our partners are also adept at providing Managed Services and Strategic Transformation Experience, which extends beyond the technical deployment. We realize that change management, ongoing support and proactive services are critical to our customers’ success. This is where Global System Integrators (GSIs) become a cornerstone of our strategy, complementing Cloudflare’s offerings with their specialized, transformative expertise.

In addition to our established engagement models, Cloudflare embraces a Hybrid Model approach, catering to customers who prefer a blend of Cloudflare’s expertise and the specialized skills of our authorized service partners. This model ensures seamless integration of expertise, providing tailored solutions that leverage the best of both Cloudflare’s  and our partners’ capabilities.

Opportunities for partners:

In a recent market survey, McKinsey and company survey reveals a $2 trillion market opportunity for cybersecurity technology and service providers which is mainly driven by these factors:

  • A proliferation of cyber attacks targeting SMBs and midmarket companies, who must adopt a strong security posture
  • Regulatory requirements
  • More visibility into security logs, detection, and analysis
  • Shortage of talent and service offerings
  • Demand for higher level of customer engagements

According to Forbes.com, MSPs’ proactive managed service model allows Service Providers to provide relevant services on a subscription basis. With the global cybersecurity market set to rise 13% annually up to 2025, driven by regulatory frameworks such as GDPR and increasing privacy concerns, there is currently an even more lucrative opportunity for MSPs to enter the cybersecurity space. Some key areas where MSPs can contribute include:

  • Security Assessments and overall cyber security Strategy
  • Managed Security Services
  • Incident response and remediation
  • Compliance and regulatory support

With a $2 trillion market opportunity in cybersecurity, it presents a significant growth potential for services partners to grow and expand their business to include Cloudflare portfolio of technology. We are looking for partners to expand our Services Partner Network globally. If you are keen to join, please use the ASDP form, Partner Portal or reach out to your Cloudflare Channel Account Manager.

The road ahead:

As we move into 2024, we’ll ensure the enhancement of our service partner program with several key expansions:

  • Expanding our ASDP Partner Portfolio: Initially launched with a focus on application and Zero Trust (ZT) categories, in 2024, we’re excited to expand into networking and edge service categories. We’re actively seeking partners with deep expertise in network transformation and serverless edge development.
  • New Specialization for MSPs: In 2024, Cloudflare is launching a new specialization for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) as part of our enhanced partner program. This initiative, aligning with industry standards, is designed to integrate Cloudflare seamlessly into MSPs’ managed security services.
  • Solution Factory featuring Service Blueprints: To develop innovation among our partners, we’re establishing a solution factory. This initiative aims to share Cloudflare’s best practices, offering specific service offering blueprints to aid partners in launching new services built on top of the Cloudflare portfolio.
  • Partner SkillBoost Program: Enhancing our hybrid model, the SkillBoost program aims to create more opportunities for partners to learn directly from Cloudflare’s service delivery experts, promoting on-the-job learning and expertise development.
  • Elevating Service Quality: We’ll continue to develop new training modules for our services partners. These modules are aimed at enhancing their capabilities and ensuring they are well-equipped to deliver top-tier service quality in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

As Cloudflare’s physical network of data centers grows, our strategic network of channel partners mirrors this expansion, whom we trust to deliver critical services that customers may require as part of their Cloudflare deployments. We are committed to providing required support and ensuring our partners are equipped with all necessary resources to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Celebrating Excellence: Alex Page Recognized As a CRN 2024 Channel Chief

Post Syndicated from Rapid7 original https://blog.rapid7.com/2024/02/06/celebrating-excellence-alex-page-recognized-as-a-crn-2024-channel-chief/

Celebrating Excellence: Alex Page Recognized As a CRN 2024 Channel Chief

Congratulations to Rapid7’s Vice President of Global Channel Sales, Alex Page, who is named among the newly-announced CRN 2024 Channel Chiefs!

Alex, who also received this prestigious accolade in 2023, has been recognized for his outstanding contributions and expertise in driving strategic initiatives and shaping the channel agenda for both Rapid7 and the wider partner community.

The Channel Chiefs list, released annually by CRN, showcases the top leaders throughout the IT channel ecosystem who work tirelessly to ensure mutual success with their partners and customers.

“These channel evangelists are dedicated to supporting solution providers and achieving growth by implementing robust partner programs and unique business strategies,” said Jennifer Follett, VP, US Content, and Executive Editor, CRN, at The Channel Company.

“Their efforts are instrumental in helping partners bring essential solutions to market. The Channel Company is pleased to acknowledge these prominent channel leaders and looks forward to chronicling their achievements throughout the year.”

Under Alex’s leadership, Rapid7 has matured its channel approach to create a win-win-win scenario for all parties — most importantly, the end customer. This includes an obsessive focus on “being easy to do business with” for both partners and customers, and empowering our partners to participate in the full customer journey with us.

In Alex’s words: “Focus matters. You cannot try to be all things to all people, in general – but this very much applies to the channel. Find the partners who best fit your goals as a company, and can help make your customers most successful, and go deep with a small group of them. Your focus will drive more results. Your focus will also be very much felt and appreciated by the partner.”

We are proud to have Alex leading the charge, and of this recognition, which reinforces Rapid7’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and strong partnerships.

Learn more about Rapid7 global partnerships here.

Building a Partner Program: The Zabbix Advantage

Post Syndicated from Michael Kammer original https://blog.zabbix.com/building-a-partner-program-the-zabbix-advantage/27164/

At Zabbix, our emphasis on high performance, functionality, and reliability has led to the creation of one of the most popular monitoring solutions on the market. It’s so popular, in fact, that we get near-constant requests for Zabbix professional consulting, advice, support, and training from almost every corner of the world.

That’s why we created the Zabbix Partner Program. Our partner program was designed with one goal in mind – to get our services to the widest possible audience of qualified buyers by allowing customers to purchase them through a network of verified Zabbix partners as well as from Zabbix directly.

Our partners create high value for thousands of customers who would not otherwise enjoy access to Zabbix services by providing complete localization in terms of linguistic and cultural compatibility, availability across time zones, in-person access, and flexibility around currencies and payments.

To do that as effectively as possible, we’ve divided our partners into 3 categories:

Resellers. These are companies that promote and resell Zabbix services. Their job is to locate leads, present and promote Zabbix products and services, consult the leads regarding their ideal solutions, and arrange the contracts. At that point, Zabbix steps in and provides the services. Resellers are a great resource for customers who are limited by local regulations when it comes to buying Zabbix services in their local currency or from companies registered in their own country.

Certified Partners. Certified partners can also promote and resell Zabbix services, but they’re also officially authorized to deliver selected Zabbix services and solutions in their local languages. The ease of access and a common language allows certified partners to stay in close contact with customers. They can also sell their own value-adding services alongside Zabbix services.

Premium Partners. A premium partner has the same authorization as certified partners, but premium partner status is reserved for partners with the highest expertise and experience. Premium partners can participate in highly sophisticated Zabbix implementation, integration, and support projects.

Building a winning partner program has taught us a few things about the process, so without further ado, we’d like to share 6 best practices that we adhere to when it comes to cultivating and expanding our network of partners.

Set realistic goals

Years of running a partner program have taught us that success is impossible without clearly defined goals and success metrics. Setting firm, realistic goals for a program is the only way to measure its effectiveness and ROI. After a few quarters, it should be possible to compare performance to goals and see whether changes need to be made.

Accordingly, we make sure that Zabbix executives, sales teams, and partners are aware that getting a new program up and running (or making changes to an existing program) takes time. Expecting instant results is not realistic – we’ve learned that a ramp-up period of a few months is usually reasonable.

Make expectations clear

Nothing kills momentum faster than confusion. That’s why it’s important to make sure that partners have a solid understanding of everything that’s being asked of them. We’ve learned to give partners concise goals and objectives so that everyone is on the same page. We also create annual business plans for all three partnership programs, review them quarterly, and reward success.

Having the same KPIs as partners is also important. When different metrics for success exist, we run the risk of our partners being less enthusiastic about taking actions that will increase the success of Zabbix but may do less for them. In our experience, it’s better to build partnerships around a joint success target so that when partners win, we win.

Support your partners

At Zabbix, supporting our partners means providing outstanding sales, marketing, and technical support, all of which shows that we’re invested in their success as much as our own. Our partnership team helps partners with all presales-related questions, organizes demo calls, manages the deal registration to protect partner deals, patriciates in joint calls with customers, and helps with all possible legal questions and certifications.

Apart from day-to-day pre-sales support, we organize and participate in joint Zabbix marketing events of different formats together with our partners. These meetups, meetings, conferences, and external events organized by other vendors around the globe are designed to spread the word about Zabbix solutions and services while helping our partners generate new leads. During these events, our partners demonstrate their recent use-cases and serve as experts for the rest of the partner network and the wider Zabbix community.

Build Trust

Trust is the foundation of all partnerships, and we find that our partners trust us because we deliver the support and tools they need to be successful. It’s why we work hard to keep our partners updated with product developments and industry trends, and we continuously educate them on how to sell and overcome roadblocks.

We even allow some of our partners to conduct official Zabbix trainings, provided they have a certified trainer available. When an existing partner wants to become a training partner, we discuss their needs and plan their training certification together.

Measure and monitor

Whether launching a new program or scaling up an existing one, measuring the right key performance indicators (KPIs) can mean the difference between growth and chaos. If a business doesn’t know what to measure and optimize for their partner program, they won’t know what to improve if growth stalls out, and you’ll struggle to explain how partnerships contribute value.

It’s impossible to get far on the road to success without measuring progress along the way. That’s why we review goals and metrics with our partners every quarter, assess what’s working well and what’s missing the mark, and adapt and adjust if needed. We’ve learned not to change things up too often, but we’re always open to making tweaks that will amplify success.

Communicate effectively

One of the most important ingredients of any successful partner program is communication. It’s essential to keep partners informed about new products, promotions, and other important updates. That involves knowing the audience and understanding what each partner type and their respective employees are interested in and when.

A cornerstone of the Zabbix Partner Program is our ability to actively listen to our partners’ feedback. Our experience is that getting ahead of issues and concerns strengthens relationships, maintains trust, and guarantees that our partners feel supported and valued.


Becoming a Zabbix Partner is an ideal way to get recognized by potential customers and increase the visibility of your business, while also getting a leg up on your competitors by using technical support according to a professional service-level agreement.

In addition, you can count on discounts on all Zabbix services, the ability to access pre-sale consulting services, and participation in joint marketing events.

To find out more about our partner program and sign up, visit the Zabbix Partners page.

The post Building a Partner Program: The Zabbix Advantage appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

How Prisma saved 98% on distribution costs with Cloudflare R2

Post Syndicated from Pierre-Antoine Mills (Guest Author) original http://blog.cloudflare.com/how-prisma-saved-98-percent-on-distribution-costs-with-cloudflare-r2/

How Prisma saved 98% on distribution costs with Cloudflare R2

How Prisma saved 98% on distribution costs with Cloudflare R2

The following is a guest post written by Pierre-Antoine Mills, Miguel Fernández, and Petra Donka of Prisma. Prisma provides a server-side library that helps developers read and write data to the database in an intuitive, efficient and safe way.

Prisma’s mission is to redefine how developers build data-driven applications. At its core, Prisma provides an open-source, next-generation TypeScript Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library that unlocks a new level of developer experience thanks to its intuitive data model, migrations, type-safety, and auto-completion.

Prisma ORM has experienced remarkable growth, engaging a vibrant community of developers. And while it was a great problem to have, this growth was causing an explosion in our AWS infrastructure costs. After investigating a wide range of alternatives, we went with Cloudflare’s R2 storage — and as a result are thrilled that our engine distribution costs have decreased by 98%, while delivering top-notch performance.

It was a natural fit: Prisma is already a proud technology partner of Cloudflare’s, offering deep database integration with Cloudflare Workers. And Cloudflare products provide much of the underlying infrastructure for Prisma Accelerate and Prisma Pulse, empowering user-focused product development. In this post, we’ll dig into how we decided to extend our ongoing collaboration with Cloudflare to the Prisma ORM, and how we migrated from AWS S3 + CloudFront to Cloudflare R2, with zero downtime.

Distributing the Prisma ORM and its engines

Prisma ORM simplifies data access thanks to its type-safe Prisma Client, and enables efficient database management via the Prisma CLI, so that developers can focus on product development.

Both the Prisma Client and the Prisma CLI rely on the Prisma Engines, which are implemented in Rust and distributed as platform-specific compiled binaries. The Prisma Engines perform a variety of tasks ranging from providing information about the schema for type generation, or migrating the database, to transforming Prisma queries into SQL, and executing those queries against the database. Think of the engines as the layer in the Prisma ORM that talks to the database.

How Prisma saved 98% on distribution costs with Cloudflare R2

As a developer, one of the first steps to get started with Prisma is to install Prisma Client and the Prisma CLI from npm. Once installed, these packages need the Prisma Engines to be able to function. These engines have complex target-platform rules and were originally envisioned to be distributed separately from the npm package, so they can be used outside of the Node.js ecosystem. As a result, they are downloaded on demand by the Prisma CLI, only downloading what is strictly required for a given project.

As of mid-2023, the engines account for 100 million downloads a month and 250 terabytes of egress data transfer, with a continuous month-over-month increase as our user base grows. This highlights the importance of a highly available, global, and scalable infrastructure that provides low latency engine downloads to Prisma users all around the world.

Our original solution: AWS S3 & CloudFront

During the early development of the Prisma ORM, our engineering team looked for tools to build the CDN for engine distribution. With extensive AWS experience, we went with the obvious: S3 blob storage for the engine files and CloudFront to cache contents closer to the user.

How Prisma saved 98% on distribution costs with Cloudflare R2
A simplified representation of how the Prisma Engines flow from our CI where they are built and uploaded, to the Prisma CLI downloading the correct engine for a given environment when installing Prisma, all the way to the user being able to use it.

We were happy with AWS for the most part, and it was able to scale with our demands. However, as our user base continued to grow, so did the costs. At our scale of traffic, data transfer became a considerable cost item that we knew would only continue to grow.

The continuously increasing cost of these services prompted us to explore alternative options that could better accommodate our needs while at least maintaining the same level of performance and reliability. Prisma is committed to providing the best products and solutions to our users, and an essential part of that commitment is being intentional about the allocation of our resources, including sensible spending to enable us to serve our growing user base in the best way possible.

Exploring distribution options

We extensively explored different technologies and services that provided both reliable and fast engine distribution, while being cost-effective.

Free solutions: GitHub & npm

Because Prisma ORM is an open-source solution, we have explored various ways to distribute the engines through our existing distribution channels, at no cost. In this area, we had both GitHub Releases and npm as candidates to host and distribute our engine files. We dismissed GitHub Releases early on as the quality of service was not guaranteed, which was a requirement for us towards our users, so we can be sure to provide a good developer experience under all circumstances.

We also looked at npm, and confirmed that hosting the engine files would be in agreement with their Terms of Service. This made npm a viable option, but also meant we would have to change our engine download and upload logic to accommodate a different system. Additionally, this implied that we would have to update many past Prisma CLI versions, requiring our users to upgrade to take advantage of the new solution.

We then considered only replacing CloudFront, which accounted for 97% of our distribution costs, while retaining S3 as the origin. When we evaluated different CDNs, we found that alternatives could lead to an estimated 70% cost reduction.

We also explored Cloudflare’s offerings and were impressed by Cloudflare R2, an alternative to AWS S3 + CloudFront. It offers robust blob storage compatible with S3 and leverages Cloudflare’s network for global low-latency distribution. Additionally, it has no egress costs, and is solely priced based on the total volume of data stored and operations on that data. Given our reliance on Cloudflare’s product portfolio for our Data Platform, and extensive experience with their Workers platform, we already had high trust in the quality of Cloudflare’s products.

To finalize our decision, we implemented a test to confirm our intuitions about Cloudflare’s quality of service. We deployed a script to 50 cities across the globe, representative of our incoming traffic, to measure download latencies for our engine files (~15MB). The test was run multiple times, with latencies for the different cache statuses recorded and compared against our previous AWS-based solution. The results confirmed that Cloudflare R2's reliability and performance were at least on par with AWS S3 + CloudFront. And because R2 is compatible with S3, we wouldn’t need to make substantial changes to our software in order to move over to Cloudflare. These were great results, and we couldn’t wait to switch!

Our solution: moving to Cloudflare’s R2

In order to move our engine file distribution to Cloudflare, we needed to ensure we could make the switch without any disruption or impact to our users.

While R2 URLs match S3's format, Prisma CLI uses a fixed domain to point to the engine file distribution. This fixed domain enabled us to transition without making any changes to the code of older Prisma versions, and simply point the existing URLs to R2. However, to make the transition, we needed to change our DNS configuration to point to Cloudflare. While this seems trivial, potential issues like unexpected DNS propagation challenges, or certificate validation problems when connecting via TLS, required us to plan ahead in order to proceed confidently and safely.

We modified the Prisma ORM release pipeline to upload assets to both S3 and R2, and used the R2 Super Slurper for migrating past engine versions to R2. This ensured all Prisma releases, past and future, existed in both places. We also established Grafana monitoring checks to pull engine files from R2, using a DNS and TLS configuration similar to our desired production setup, but via an experimental domain. Those monitoring checks were later reused during the final traffic cutover to ensure that there was no service disruption.

As ensuring no impact or disruption to our users was of utmost importance, we proceeded with a gradual rollout of the DNS changes using DNS load balancing, a method where a group of alias records assigned to a domain are weighted differently. This meant that the DNS resolver directed more traffic to heavier-weighted records. We began with a load balancing configuration simulating our old setup, with one record (the control) pointing to AWS CloudFront, and the other (the candidate) pointing to R2. Initially, all weight was on the control, effectively preserving the old routing to CloudFront. We also set the lowest TTL possible, so changes in the record weights took effect as soon as possible, creating more control over DNS propagation. Additionally, we implemented a health check that would redirect all traffic to the control if download latencies were significantly higher, or if errors were detected, ensuring a stable fallback.

At this point, everything was in place and we could start the rollout.

How Prisma saved 98% on distribution costs with Cloudflare R2
Our DNS load balancing setup during the rollout. We assigned increasing weights to route traffic to Cloudflare R2. The health check that would fail over to AWS CloudFront never fired.

The rollout began with a gradual increase in R2's DNS weight, and our monitoring dashboards showed that Cloudflare downloads were proportional to the weight assigned to R2. With as little as 5% traffic routed to Cloudflare, cache hit ratios neared 100%, as expected. Latencies matched the control, so the health checks were all good, and our fallback never activated. Over the duration of an hour, we gradually increased R2's DNS weight to manage 25%, 50%, and finally 100% of traffic, without any issues. The cutover could not have gone any smoother.

After monitoring for an additional two days, we simplified the DNS topology and routed to Cloudflare exclusively. We were extremely satisfied with the change, and started seeing our infrastructure costs drop considerably, as expected, not to mention the zero downtime and zero reported issues from users.

A success

Transitioning to Cloudflare R2 was easy thanks to their great product and tooling, intuitive platform and supportive team. We've had an excellent experience with their service, with consistently great uptime, performance and latency. Cloudflare proved once again to be a valuable partner to help us scale.

We are thrilled that our engine distribution costs have decreased by 98%. Cloudflare's cost-effective solution has not only delivered top-notch performance but has also brought significant savings to our operations. An all around success!

To learn more about how Prisma is building Data DX solutions with Cloudflare, take a look at Developer Experience Redefined: Prisma & Cloudflare Lead the Way to Data DX.

And if you want to see Prisma in action, get started with the Quickstart guide.

Cloudflare Integrations Marketplace introduces three new partners: Sentry, Momento and Turso

Post Syndicated from Tanushree Sharma original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-integrations-marketplace-new-partners-sentry-momento-turso/

Cloudflare Integrations Marketplace introduces three new partners: Sentry, Momento and Turso

Cloudflare Integrations Marketplace introduces three new partners: Sentry, Momento and Turso

Building modern full-stack applications requires connecting to many hosted third party services, from observability platforms to databases and more. All too often, this means spending time doing busywork, managing credentials and writing glue code just to get started. This is why we’re building out the Cloudflare Integrations Marketplace to allow developers to easily discover, configure and deploy products to use with Workers.

Earlier this year, we introduced integrations with Supabase, PlanetScale, Neon and Upstash. Today, we are thrilled to introduce our newest additions to Cloudflare’s Integrations Marketplace – Sentry, Turso and Momento.

Let's take a closer look at some of the exciting integration providers that are now part of the Workers Integration Marketplace.

Improve performance and reliability by connecting Workers to Sentry

When your Worker encounters an error you want to know what happened and exactly what line of code triggered it. Sentry is an application monitoring platform that helps developers identify and resolve issues in real-time.

The Workers and Sentry integration automatically sends errors, exceptions and console.log() messages from your Worker to Sentry with no code changes required. Here’s how it works:

  1. You enable the integration from the Cloudflare Dashboard.
  2. The credentials from the Sentry project of your choice are automatically added to your Worker.
  3. You can configure sampling to control the volume of events you want sent to Sentry. This includes selecting the sample rate for different status codes and exceptions.
  4. Cloudflare deploys a Tail Worker behind the scenes that contains all the logic needed to capture and send data to Sentry.
  5. Like magic, errors, exceptions, and log messages are automatically sent to your Sentry project.

In the future, we’ll be improving this integration by adding support for uploading source maps and stack traces so that you can pinpoint exactly which line of your code caused the issue. We’ll also be tying in Workers deployments with Sentry releases to correlate new versions of your Worker with events in Sentry that help pinpoint problematic deployments. Check out our developer documentation for more information.

Develop at the Data Edge with Turso + Workers

Turso is an edge-hosted, distributed database based on libSQL, an open-source fork of SQLite. Turso focuses on providing a global service that minimizes query latency (and thus, application latency!). It’s perfect for use with Cloudflare Workers – both compute and data are served close to users.

Turso follows the model of having one primary database with replicas that are located globally, close to users. Turso automatically routes requests to a replica closest to where the Worker was invoked. This model works very efficiently for read heavy applications since read requests can be served globally. If you’re running an application that has heavy write workloads, or want to cut down on replication costs, you can run Turso with just the primary instance and use Smart Placement to speed up queries.

The Turso and Workers integration automatically pulls in Turso API credentials and adds them as secrets to your Worker, so that you can start using Turso by simply establishing a connection using the libsql SDK. Get started with the Turso and Workers Integration today by heading to our developer documentation.

Cache responses from data stores with Momento

Momento Cache is a low latency serverless caching solution that can be used on top of relational databases, key-value databases or object stores to get faster load times and better performance. Momento abstracts details like scaling, warming and replication so that users can deploy cache in a matter of minutes.

The Momento and Workers integration automatically pulls in your Momento API key using an OAuth2 flow. The Momento API key is added as a secret in Workers and, from there, you can start using the Momento SDK in Workers. Head to our developer documentation to learn more and use the Momento and Workers integration!

Try integrations out today

We want to give you back time, so that you can focus less on configuring and connecting third party tools to Workers and spend more time building. We’re excited to see what you build with integrations. Share your projects with us on Twitter (@CloudflareDev) and stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to grow our Integrations Marketplace!

If you would like to build an integration with Cloudflare Workers, fill out the integration request form and we’ll be in touch.

Protecting data on Apple devices with Cloudflare and Jamf

Post Syndicated from Mythili Prabhu original http://blog.cloudflare.com/protecting-data-on-apple-devices-with-cloudflare-and-jamf/

Protecting data on Apple devices with Cloudflare and Jamf

Protecting data on Apple devices with Cloudflare and Jamf

Today we’re excited to announce Cloudflare’s partnership with Jamf to extend Cloudflare’s Zero Trust Solutions to Jamf customers. This unique offering will enable Jamf customers to easily implement network Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Remote Browser Isolation (RBI), and SaaS Tenancy Controls from Cloudflare to prevent sensitive data loss from their Apple devices.

Jamf is a leader in protecting Apple devices and ensures secure, consumer-simple technology for 71,000+ businesses, schools and hospitals. Today Jamf manages ~30 million Apple devices with MDM, and our partnership extends powerful policy capabilities into the network.

“One of the most unforgettable lines I’ve heard from an enterprise customer is their belief that ‘Apple devices are like walking USB sticks that leave through the business’s front door every day.’ It doesn’t have to be that way! We are on a mission at Jamf to help our customers achieve the security and compliance controls they need to confidently support Apple devices at scale in their complex environments. While we are doing everything we can to reach this future, we can’t do it alone. I’m thrilled to be partnering with Cloudflare to deliver a set of enterprise-grade compliance controls in a novel way that leverages our combined next-generation cloud-native infrastructures to deliver a fast, highly-available end user experience.”
Matt Vlasach, VP Product, Jamf

Integrated access with Jamf Security Cloud

Jamf’s Apple-first Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) agent, Jamf Trust, is designed to seamlessly deploy via Jamf Pro with rich identity, endpoint security, and networking integrations that span the Jamf platform. All of these components work together as part of Jamf Security Cloud to protect laptop and mobile endpoints from network and endpoint threats while enabling fast, least-privilege access to company resources in the cloud or behind the firewall.

Through this partnership, Jamf customers can now dynamically steer select traffic to Cloudflare’s network using Magic WAN. This enables customers to unlock rich DLP capabilities, Remote Browser Isolation, and SaaS Tenancy Controls in a cloud-first, cloud-native architecture that works great on Apple devices.

Protecting data on Apple devices with Cloudflare and Jamf

Seamless integration to protect company data

While content inspection policies can be created, they cannot be applied to HTTPS traffic since content payloads are encrypted. This is a problem for organizations as it is common for sensitive data to live within an encrypted payload and bypass IT content inspection policies. 99.7% of all requests use HTTPS today and the usage has been seeing a steady increase.

To address this visibility gap, organizations can decrypt packets using HTTPS inspection. With Cloudflare Gateway, SSL/TLS decryption can be performed to inspect HTTPS traffic for security risks. When TLS decryption is enabled, Gateway will decrypt all traffic sent over HTTPS, apply your HTTP policies, and then re-encrypt the request with a user-side certificate. Jamf is able to seamlessly enable this process on managed devices.

Protect sensitive data with Data Loss Prevention

With the corporate network and employees being boundless, it is harder than ever to keep data secure. Sensitive data such as customer credit card information, social security numbers, API tokens, or confidential Microsoft Office documents are easily shared beyond your network boundary, intentionally or otherwise. This is made worse as attackers are increasingly tricking well-intentioned employees to inadvertently share sensitive data with hackers. Such data leaks are not uncommon and usually result in costly reputational and compliance damages.

Protecting data on Apple devices with Cloudflare and Jamf

Cloudflare’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) allows for policies to be built in with ease to keep highly sensitive data secure. Cloudflare also provides predefined profiles for detecting financial information such as credit card numbers and national identifiers such as social security numbers or tax file numbers in addition to credentials and secrets such as GCP keys, AWS keys, Azure API keys, and SSH keys. On top of that, Cloudflare DLP allows for the creation of expanded regex profiles to detect custom keywords and phrases.

Steps to implement Cloudflare DLP with Jamf:

  1. In Jamf’s Security Cloud portal, configure a Magic WAN interconnect to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Create an access policy to route traffic for DLP inspection via your Cloudflare Magic WAN interconnect
    • Traffic may be matched by hostname, domain, or IP address/CIDR block
    • To route all traffic for inspection, define * for hostnames and for IPs in the access policy. Note: this will be treated as the “gateway of last resort”, with other access policies matching first.
    • Optionally, enable “Restrict access when Jamf Trust is disabled” under the Security tab of the policy to prevent bypassing of DLP inspection for these resources.
  3. Configure a DLP policy in your Cloudflare One portal.
  4. In Jamf Pro, create a new Configuration Profile with the Cloudflare Gateway Root Certificate Authority and scope it to your target Apple devices.

Using Activation Profiles in Jamf Security Cloud, deploy Jamf Trust and supporting mobile configuration profiles to your end users to enable access to organization resources while enforcing DLP policies.

Isolate browser threats to thwart known and zero-day exploits

Firewalls, VPNs, network access controls help protect against attacks directed at internal networks. However, many attackers focus on exploiting web browsers due to their ubiquity and frequent use. Remote Browser Isolation aims to reduce an organization’s risk exposure by allowing access to any destination on the Internet, but protecting endpoints by using an isolated cloud environment to load content.

Protecting data on Apple devices with Cloudflare and Jamf

This works by actually loading web pages – and all of their potentially dangerous scripts and code – in a headless Chromium browser in Cloudflare’s global network. The visual and interactive elements that are loaded remotely are sent back to the user’s device via “draw” commands, essentially rendering visual objects in the browser as the user would expect. If a known or zero-day exploit is loaded, the user’s device is completely protected.

Another benefit of Remote Browser Isolation is granular, browser-specific Data Loss Prevention controls. This includes restricting download, upload, copy-paste, keyboard input, and printing functions on all or specific websites.

Steps to implement Remote Browser Isolation:

  1. In Jamf’s Security Cloud portal, configure a Magic WAN interconnect to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Configure an Access policy and specify the domains or hostnames to be rendered via remote browser isolation in the Cloudflare network
    • Be sure to include *.browser.run as a hostname in your Jamf access policy.
    • Configure the access policy to route traffic via the Cloudflare MagicWAN interconnect you configured above.
    • If you would like to subject all traffic that doesn't match another Jamf Access Policy, define * as the hostname to route all remaining traffic to RBI.
    • Optionally, enable “Restrict access when Jamf Trust is disabled” under the Security tab of the policy to prevent bypassing of RBI routing for the defined destinations.
  3. In your Cloudflare One console, enable Non-identity on-ramps in your Cloudflare One portal.
  4. Configure a Remote Browser Isolation policy in your Cloudflare One portal.
  5. In Jamf Pro, create a new Configuration Profile with the Cloudflare Gateway Root Certificate Authority and scope it to your target Apple devices.

Using Activation Profiles in Jamf Security Cloud, deploy Jamf Trust and supporting mobile configuration profiles to your end users to enable access to organization resources while enforcing remote browser isolation routing.

Safeguarding data with SaaS Tenancy Control for cloud services

Companies often rely on platforms like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 for business collaboration and productivity, while individuals use these services for their personal use.

Allowing users to access these cloud services with both business and personal credentials from the same corporate endpoint poses a significant risk for unauthorized data access and loss. Imagine a scenario where an employee can log in into the corporate account of a SaaS application, download sensitive files, and then login into their personal account on the same company device to upload the stolen files to their personal SaaS application account.

Cloudflare's Gateway HTTP policies provide SaaS Tenancy Control to ensure that users can only log in to admin-defined SaaS provider tenants with their enterprise credentials, effectively blocking login ability to personal accounts or other business tenants within the defined SaaS provider.

Jamf's Access Policies serve as the initial assessment, determining if the users are authorized for the targeted cloud application and if they are requesting access from a company-sanctioned device.

Cloudflare's Gateway HTTP policy then processes the requests forwarded from Jamf to define the domains that are permitted to log in to that SaaS provider.

Steps to implement SaaS Tenancy Control:

  1. In Jamf’s Security Cloud portal, configure a Magic WAN interconnect to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Configure one or more Access policies that define the SaaS providers for which you would like to enable tenant controls. Use the below pre-defined SaaS app access policy templates for the respective SaaS provider:
    • “Microsoft Authentication” for Microsoft 365
    • “Google Apps” for Google Workspace
    • “Dropbox” for Dropbox and Dropbox for Business
    • “Slack” for Slack
  3. To ensure these policies are enforced on any network, enable “Restrict access when Jamf Trust is disabled” under the Security tab of the policy to prevent bypassing of these tenancy controls.
  4. Configure SaaS Tenant Control in your Cloudflare One portal.
  5. In Jamf Pro, create a new Configuration Profile with the Cloudflare Gateway Root Certificate Authority and scope it to your target Apple devices.
  6. Using Activation Profiles in Jamf Security Cloud, deploy Jamf Trust and supporting mobile configuration profiles to your end users to enable access to organization resources while enforcing remote browser isolation routing.

How to get started

If you are a Cloudflare customer and are interested in using this integration, please reach out to your account team with your questions and feedback.

If you are new to Cloudflare or Jamf and interested in using this integration with the Cloudflare Zero Trust product suite, please fill up this form and someone from our team will contact you.

Alerting Rules!: InsightIDR Raises the Bar for Visibility and Coverage

Post Syndicated from Rapid7 original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/07/06/alerting-rules-insightidr-raises-the-bar-for-visibility-and-coverage/

Alerting Rules!: InsightIDR Raises the Bar for Visibility and Coverage

By George Schneider, Information Security Manager at Listrak

I’ve worked in cybersecurity for over two decades, so I’ve seen plenty of platforms come and go—some even crash and burn. But Rapid7, specifically InsightIDR, has consistently performed above expectations. In fact, InsightIDR has become an essential resource for maintaining my company’s cybersecurity posture.

Alerting Rules!

Back in the early days, a SIEM didn’t come with a bunch of standardized alerting rules. We had to write all of our own rules to actually find what we were looking for. Today, instead of spending six hours a day hunting for threats, InsightIDR does a lot of the work for the practitioner. Now, we spend a maximum of one hour a day responding to alerts.

In addition to saving time, the out-of-the-box rules are very effective; they find things that our other security products can’t detect. This is a key reason I’ve been 100% happy with Rapid7. As a user, I just know it’s functional. It’s clear that InsightIDR is designed by and for users—there’s no fluff, and the kinks are already ironed out. Not only am I saving time and company resources, the solution is a joy to use.

Source Coverage

When scouting SIEM options, we wanted a platform that could ingest a lot of different log sources. Rapid7 covered all of the elements we use in the big platforms and various security appliances we have—and some in the cloud too. InsightIDR can ingest logs from all sources and correlate them (a key to any high-functioning SIEM) on day one.

Trust the Process

I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve ever used a product that adds new features and functionality every single quarter. It’s not just a new pretty interface either, Rapid7 consistently adds capabilities that move the product forward.

What’s also wonderful is that Rapid7 listens to customers, especially their feedback. Not to toot my own horn, but they’ve even released a handful of feature requests that I submitted over the years. So I can say with absolute sincerity that these improvements actually benefit SOC teams. They make us better at detecting the stuff that we’re most concerned about.

Visibility and Coverage, Thanks, Insight Agent!

If you’re not familiar with Insight Agent, it’s time to get acquainted. Insight Agent is critical for running forensics on a machine. If I have a machine that gets flagged for something through an automated alert, I can quickly jump in without delay because of the Insight Agent. I get lots of worthwhile information that helps me consistently finish investigations in a timely manner. I know in pretty short order whether an alert is nefarious or just a false positive.

And this is all built into the Rapid7 platform—it doesn’t require customization or installations to get up and running. You truly have a single pane of glass to do all of this, and it’s somehow super intuitive as well. Using the endpoint agent, I don’t have to switch over to something else to do additional work. It’s all right there.

“Customer support at Rapid7 is outstanding. It’s the gold standard that I now use to evaluate all other customer support.”

Thinking Outside the Pane

I also have to give a shout out to the Rapid7 community. The community at discuss.rapid7.com/ and the support I get from our Rapid7 account team cannot be overlooked. When I have a question about how to use something, my first step is to visit Discuss to see if somebody else has already posted some information about it—often saving me valuable time. If that doesn’t answer my question, the customer support at Rapid7 is outstanding. It’s the gold standard that I now use to evaluate all other customer support.

The Bottom Line

My bottom line? I love this product (and the people). To say it’s useful is an understatement. I would never recommend a product that I didn’t think was outstanding. I firmly believe in the Rapid7InsightIDR and experience how useful it is every day. So does my team.

To learn more about InsightIDR, our industry-leading cloud-native SIEM solution, watch this on-demand demo.

Rapid7 Solutions for Partners

Post Syndicated from Tom Caiazza original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/06/28/rapid7-solutions-for-partners/

Rapid7 Solutions for Partners

Central to our mission at Rapid7 is building long-term relationships with partners who deliver valuable security solutions to customers. As customers increasingly seek managed services to meet their security needs, we’ve eagerly expanded our partner ecosystem to support a rapidly growing body of Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) partners.

As a unified security operations (SecOps) technology platform, Rapid7 makes it easy for MSSPs to build services around an array of solutions, including detection and response, vulnerability management, cloud security, external threat intelligence, and more.

Rapid7’s Insight platform is designed with an obsessive focus on the practitioner experience. This includes the following special considerations for the MSSP security operations center (SOC) analyst.


Multi-tenancy and customer data separation is foundational to the MSSP product experience. We understand there are strict regulatory requirements necessitating data separation across all end-customers. Ensuring partners leverage multi-tenancy across all core components of their portfolio is critical to optimal service delivery for end-customers.

Single Pane of Glass (Introducing Multi-Customer Investigations)

Whereas other vendors may require partners to individually manage investigations and security posture for each customer independently, we realize this is not an optimal experience for a partner who may have tens, hundreds, or even thousands of end-customers. Our solution offers a single pane of glass for aggregated data visibility across all customers in one place.

One example of this is our multi-customer investigations experience which we launched in April. With this capability, MSSPs are empowered to conduct investigations at scale across their customer bases. After a few months, feedback on this experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Early users of the capability say this has yielded up to a 20 percent decrease in time spent investigating workflows.

And this is just the beginning. The multi-customer investigations functionality represents just the first step in a larger cross-portfolio product strategy to unlock operational efficiencies for MSSPs – no matter where they are in their security journey.

Easy deployment

Whether a partner is more of a managed service provider (MSP) with emerging security workflows or a mature MSSP with an established way of working, we’ve heard a consistent message: Partners need fast time-to-value for end-customers. That’s why we’ve made it easy for MSSPs to rapidly deploy new customers across all solution offerings. We understand security solutions are most valuable when partners deliver value quickly, and that starts with speedy deployment across the Insight platform.

A dedicated support experience

When partners encounter issues, it’s critical they are resolved quickly. It’s equally important to easily generate cases, track tickets, and escalate as needed. That’s why we introduced an exclusive support experience. Partners can easily navigate to this new experience via a dedicated tile in the Rapid7 partner portal. From there, creating a case is easy and intuitive. Support staff has also been trained to handle partner-specific use cases—such as multi-customer investigations—to ensure issues are resolved efficiently.

One platform to support many service offerings

Our mission is to be the ideal SecOps platform of choice for partners. This means it needs to be easy to navigate the different solutions available for partners. Many partners have started their journeys with Rapid7 detection and response capabilities and, as their needs have grown, evolved into delivering a comprehensive security suite that includes forensic analysis, vulnerability management, cloud security, and threat intelligence solutions. API support also enables partners to integrate Rapid7 with their own technology stacks.

Today, partners leverage Rapid7’s detection, assessment, and response capabilities to service hundreds of end-customers with an eye towards scaling rapidly. We look forward to continually growing this program alongside our partners and their meaningful feedback. Learn more about becoming a partner.

Introducing our first Authorized Service Delivery Partners for Cloudflare One

Post Syndicated from Anil Erduran original https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-our-first-authorized-service-delivery-partners-for-cloudflare-one/

Introducing our first Authorized Service Delivery Partners for Cloudflare One

Introducing our first Authorized Service Delivery Partners for Cloudflare One

Cloudflare’s commitment to building the most compelling and easy-to-use SASE platform on the market has led to significant growth over the past year. Cloudflare One services have seen the fastest adoption among our customers, with a 3x increase in partner bookings and a 70% YoY increase in transacting partners. Partners consistently cite the simplicity of our platform, our innovation, and our global network as key differentiators that are driving strong customer demand.

To continue building on this momentum and deliver required services that our customers may require, we previously announced the creation of our new specialization track for Authorized Services Delivery Partners (ASDP) as part of our efforts to continue growing our partnership program.

Cloudflare’s Authorized Services Delivery Partner track is designed to authorize partners that meet our high standards for professional services delivery around Cloudflare One. Partners who undergo the rigorous technical validation process and meet the criteria for security, performance, and reliability of their services delivery capabilities are designated as Cloudflare Authorized Service Delivery Partners. This designation provides a variety of benefits, including access to Cloudflare One sourced opportunities requiring services, access to named Cloudflare One Service Delivery Managers, and access to special partner incentive funds designed to ensure that authorized partner services are actively used in Cloudflare One customer engagements.

In addition, we’re pleased to announce that our authorized partners, with their deep skills and capabilities, will play a critical role in the Descaler Program. Authorized partners will work closely with customers to understand their unique needs and goals, and provide strategic consultation and technical expertise throughout the migration journey. Authorized partners will also have the opportunity to leverage the Descaler toolkit to automatically export settings and configurations of deployed Zscaler products to be migrated into Cloudflare, enabling a frictionless transition to Cloudflare One.

Since launch, Cloudflare One’s Authorized Services Delivery Partner track is having a notable impact on our partner ecosystem, providing a framework for partners to showcase their expertise in Cloudflare One services and delivering high-quality professional and managed services to customers. The program has attracted a diverse range of partners who bring different skillsets and expertise to the table, including Zero Trust security assessments, network transformation, and advisory and migration services, among others. By authorizing partners who meet our high standards for services delivery, we are providing customers with a clear path to trusted advisors who can help them navigate their journey to a cloud-delivered SASE architecture.

We are thrilled to now announce the first partners who have achieved the ASDP designation.


CDS enables strategic change by partnering with best-in-class technology providers like Cloudflare, delivering the professional services wrap that ensures that organisations get the best value from their chosen technology including strategic guidance, implementation, architectural governance and for clients with complex needs, a managed service. CDS’ approach ensures Cloudflare services are continuously optimised to the highest standards and that clients achieve the fullest value from their licence. CDS offers a Cloudflare certified team of experts with genuine market experience, who can solve significant security challenges while allowing clients to see their projects from multiple angles, encouraging more secure, creative and innovative solutions

Miguel Ferreira, Head of Cloud Services for CDS says:

“We are thrilled to be one of the first partners in EMEA to achieve Cloudflare’s ‘Authorized Service Delivery Partner’ status. Being a part of this program is critical for us because it validates our commitment to excellence and provides us with the tools and support we need to deliver successful engagements. At CDS, we consider ourselves to be the champions of our clients, helping them to navigate and enable change. Part of this is giving our clients confidence to make significant technology decisions that could make or break their aspirations for digital transformation. Being able to rely on a professional services partner with, in this case, Cloudflare Authorized Services Delivery Partner status, significantly reduces the risk associated with these types of decisions. We look forward to working closely with the Cloudflare team to deliver innovative solutions and exceptional customer experiences.”

Primary Guard (APJC)

Primary Guard provides a leading-edge cybersecurity solution that specializes in IT & network security services in Southeast Asia, delivering fast and secured websites through tailor-made solutions that comply with cybersecurity best practices and performance requirements such as DDoS protection and DDoS mitigation, business endpoint protection, and access control management. They are the award winner for 2020 Cloudflare APJC Partner Champions under Partner System Engineer of the Year category. Being a leader in cybersecurity service provider in ASEAN region, their Lead Security Consultant is also awarded as Cloudflare Community MVP for 2021-2023.

Commenting on their designation as an Authorized Service Partner, Johary Mustapha, CEO of Primary Guard says:

“We are thrilled to be a part of the Authorized Service Delivery Partners program which recognizes Primary Guard’s expertise in zero-trust solutions and adherence to industry best practices. Being a part of this program truly validates our commitment to excellence and provides us with the tools and support we need to deliver successful client engagements across industries and of all sizes. We look forward to working closely with the Cloudflare team to deliver more innovative cybersecurity solutions and exceptional customer experiences.”


AZ Asia-Pacific is a full-fledged Cyber Security Distribution Services Hub headquartered in Singapore with offices and operations in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, China and Hong Kong that works with the best of breed System Integrators and Service Providers across the Asia-Pacific Region. AZ AP focus is on delivering quality Solutions and Services in Cyber Security Technology, which includes Zero Trust Network Architecture, Application Security, Cloud and Network Security.

According to Jeremy Woo – Founder & CEO of AZ-AP:

“We are honored to be included in the prestigious Authorized Service Delivery Partners program. This recognition reflects our proficiency in zero trust solutions and our dedication to upholding industry standards, while also providing us with invaluable access to exclusive benefits and resources that will enable us to better support our partners. Joining this program is essential for us because it validates our unwavering commitment to providing outstanding service and equips us with the necessary tools and support to deliver successful engagements. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with the Cloudflare team to deliver ground breaking solutions and unparalleled customer experiences.”

Layer8 (EMEA)

LAYER8 is a company fully focused on the business of information security and compliance management. With more than 80 highly specialized professionals, they deliver solutions that add value to the business and simplify the adoption of information security in organizations around the world. Cloudflare Zero Trust Platform embodies these qualities with its simple and flexible yet highly secure architecture.

Fernando Cardoso, COO at Layer8 says:

“Being part of the Authorized Service Delivery Partners program not only acknowledges our proficiency in zero trust solutions but also equips us with the necessary resources and support to carry out successful projects, enabling us to serve our clients more effectively. This partnership with Cloudflare will certainly strengthen our focus on innovation and business value creation activities.”

Opticca Security (AMER)

Opticca Security is a boutique consulting firm specialized in Edge, Cloud, DevOps and Application Security. Supporting Mid, Large and Enterprise organizations across North America integrate & automate security controls across multiple facets of their IT architecture and software development pipelines. Opticca Security has been a certified Cloudflare Solution reseller and Services partner since 2019 and continues to benefit from Cloudflare’s innovative technology stack, coupled with Opticca Security’s expertise regarding Application Modernization and DevSecOps enablement.

Managing Director Joey Campione from Opticca Security offers their perspective on their achievement, stating that:

“We are very excited to be involved with Cloudflare’s Authorized Services Delivery Partner program, as it will permit us to continue to drive superior security and performance to our existing and future clients. Cloudflare’s continuous investments in platform innovation and the partner ecosystems is allowing us to help our customers be more efficient and competitive by modern standards”.

These partners have demonstrated their expertise in Cloudflare One services and their commitment to delivering high-quality services to customers. We congratulate them on this achievement and look forward to continuing to work with them to deliver exceptional value to our mutual customers.


As of today, Authorized Service Delivery Partner Program has two specializations: ASDP Zero Trust Services and ASDP Application Services. We are also planning to launch two additional specializations in the near future: ASDP Network Services and ASDP Edge Developer Services. Our goal is to work closely with our partners to develop comprehensive solutions that deliver real value to our customers. The launch of additional specializations will provide even more opportunities for our partners to differentiate themselves in the market.

Introducing our first Authorized Service Delivery Partners for Cloudflare One


At Cloudflare, we remain committed to building a strong and strategic network of channel partners who can help us deliver the best possible services and solutions to our customers. We are excited to continue growing our partnership program and to work with our ASDP partners to deliver exceptional value and results. If you are a prospective partner interested in the ASDP track, please see our Cloudflare Authorized Service Delivery Partner validation checklist for details on the application process. If you are an existing Cloudflare partner, please reach out to your named Channel Account Manager for additional information.

How Cloudflare and IBM partner to help build a better Internet

Post Syndicated from David McClure original https://blog.cloudflare.com/ibm-keyless-bots/

How Cloudflare and IBM partner to help build a better Internet

How Cloudflare and IBM partner to help build a better Internet

In this blog post, we wanted to highlight some ways that Cloudflare and IBM Cloud work together to help drive product innovation and deliver services that address the needs of our mutual customers. On our blog, we often discuss exciting new product developments and how we are solving real-world problems in our effort to make the internet better and many of our customers and partners play an important role.

IBM Cloud and Cloudflare have been working together since 2018 to integrate Cloudflare application security and performance products natively into IBM Cloud. IBM Cloud Internet Services (CIS) has customers across a wide range of industry verticals and geographic regions but they also have several specialist groups building unique service offerings.

The IBM Cloud team specializes in serving clients in highly regulated industries, aiming to ensure their resiliency, performance, security and compliance needs are met. One group that we’ve been working with recently is IBM Cloud for Financial Services. This group extends the capabilities of IBM Cloud to help serve the complex security and compliance needs of banks, financial institutions and fintech companies.

Bot Management

As malicious bot attacks get more sophisticated and manual mitigations become more onerous, a dynamic and adaptive solution is required for enterprises running Internet facing workloads. With Cloudflare Bot Management on IBM Cloud Internet Services, we aim to help IBM clients protect their Internet properties from targeted application abuse such as account takeover attacks, inventory hoarding, carding abuse and more. Bot Management will be available in the second quarter of 2023.

Threat actors specifically target financial services entities with Account Takeover Attacks, and this is where Cloudflare can help. As much as 71% of login requests we see come from bots (Source: Cloudflare Data) Cloudflare’s Bot Management is powered by a global machine learning model that analyses an average of 45 million HTTP requests a second to track botnets across our network. Cloudflare’s Bot Management solution has the potential to benefit all IBM CIS customers.

Supporting banks, financial institutions, and fintechs

IBM Cloud has been a leader when it comes to providing solutions for the financial services industry and has developed several key management solutions that are designed so clients only need to store their private keys in custom built devices.

The IBM CIS team wants to incorporate the right mix of security and performance, which necessitates the use of cloud-based DDoS, WAF, and Bot Management. Specifically, they wanted to incorporate the powerful security tools that were offered through IBM’s Enterprise-level Cloud Internet Services offerings. When using a cloud solution, it is necessary to proxy traffic which can create a potential challenge when it comes to managing private keys. While Cloudflare adopts strict controls to protect these keys, organizations in highly regulated industries may have security policies and compliance requirements that prevent them from sharing these private keys.

Enter Cloudflare’s Keyless SSL solution.

Cloudflare built Keyless SSL to allow customers to have total control over exactly where private keys are stored. With Keyless SSL and IBM’s key storage solutions, we aim to help enterprises benefit from the robust application protections available through Cloudflare’s WAF, including Cloudflare Bot Management, while still retaining control of their private keys.

“We aim to ensure our clients meet their resiliency, performance, security and compliance needs. The introduction of Keyless SSL and Bot Management security capabilities can further our collaborative accomplishments with Cloudflare and help enterprises, including those in regulated industries, to leverage cloud-native security and adaptive threat mitigation tools.”
Zane Adam, Vice President, IBM Cloud.

“Through our collaboration with IBM Cloud Internet Services, we get to draw on the knowledge and experience of IBM teams, such as the IBM Cloud for Financial Services team, and combine it with our incredible ability to innovate, resulting in exciting new product and service offerings.”
David McClure, Global Alliance Manager, Strategic Partnerships

If you want to learn more about how IBM leverages Cloudflare to protect their customers, visit: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/cloudflare

IBM experts are here to help you if you have any additional questions.

Cloudflare’s Channel Partner Award winners of 2022

Post Syndicated from Matthew Harrell original https://blog.cloudflare.com/partner-award-winners-2022/

Cloudflare’s Channel Partner Award winners of 2022

Cloudflare’s Channel Partner Award winners of 2022

We are thrilled to announce Cloudflare’s worldwide 2022 Channel Partner Award winners. Each of these partner companies and individuals went above and beyond, demonstrating outstanding commitment to working closely with Cloudflare to build technical competencies and to deliver compelling, integrated security and performance solutions for customers around the globe.

This past year was another milestone year, with record-setting growth for Cloudflare and our partners. The Cloudflare Channel and Alliances Partner Program received the highest, 5-star rating in CRN’s Partner Program Guide. New customer bookings acquired through partners jumped over 28% year over year.

In June, we announced the Cloudflare One Partner Specialization, with tailored enablement and new partner go-to-market resources for Cloudflare One, our SASE solution which includes the industry’s first, 100% Cloud-native Zero Trust platform. More than 1,600 partner sellers and technical sellers have completed Cloudflare Zero Trust training courses, enabling them to deliver the most comprehensive security needed in today’s connect-from-anywhere economy.The Cloudflare Channel Partner Network contributed to the significant market traction we’ve seen for Cloudflare One, including partner-sourced pipeline for Cloudflare One growing 240% from Q1 through Q4 of 2022.

As organizations across industries and the public sector require a fast and secure path to Zero Trust architectures, going forward Cloudflare partners will play an even more strategic role in Cloudflare’s growth.  We look to our partners to deliver not only Cloudflare solutions but the managed or professional services customers need to help them. For instance, to conduct Zero Trust assessments, migrate from legacy products, integrate with existing technology stacks, and provide ongoing services and support. As notable a year as 2022 was, we are even more excited about what we’ll achieve together with our partners in 2023!

Congratulations to our Partner Award winners, and thank you to all our partners for your dedication and commitment to delivering a faster, more secure, and more reliable Internet for customers and their users globally.

Americas Partner Awards

Cloudflare’s Channel Partner Award winners of 2022

Master Agent of the Year:  AVANT
Honors the top performing Master Agent that has best represented Cloudflare and enabled partners to secure sales and growth revenue streams.

Partner of the Year:  Optiv
Honors the top performing partner that has demonstrated phenomenal sales achievement in 2022.

Growth Partner of the Year:  Verinext
Honors the partner who made substantial investments to grow our shared business, achieving not only full certification compliance but also exceeding revenue targets.

Technical Excellence Award:  Syntax
Honors the partner company whose Solutions Engineers (SEs) demonstrated great knowledge and expertise in leading the customer’s Cloudflare presales and POC experience.

Partner Solutions Engineers Champions of the Year: Niko O’Hara and Stephen Semmelroth (AVANT)
Honors the individual partner SEs who have demonstrated depth of knowledge and expertise in Cloudflare solutions and went above and beyond in delivering the Cloudflare experience for our joint customers.

APJC Partner Awards

Cloudflare’s Channel Partner Award winners of 2022

Distributor of the Year: Softdebut Co., Ltd.
Honors the top performing Distributor that has best represented Cloudflare and enabled partners to secure sales and growth revenue streams.

Partner of the Year: Kingsoft Cloud
Honors the top performing partner that has demonstrated phenomenal sales achievement in 2022.

New Partner of the Year: Anchor Systems Pty Ltd
Honors the partner who, although new to the Cloudflare Partner Network in 2022, has already made substantial investments to grow our shared business achieving not only full certification compliance but also exceeding revenue targets.

Partner Win of the Year: Union Victory Technologies Development Limited
Honors the partner who has brought in the largest, most strategic deal and deployed a comprehensive end-to-end security, performance, and reliability solution to a customer.

Technical Excellence Award: Omni Intelligent Services
Honors the partner company whose SEs demonstrated great knowledge and expertise in leading the customer’s Cloudflare presales and POC experience.

Certification Champion of the Year: Tokyo Electron Device Ltd
Honors partner companies whose teams earned the highest total number of Cloudflare certifications.

Partner SE Champion of the Year: Leo Liu and Mia Chen (Shanghai Yunceng Technology Ltd)

Honors the individual partner SEs who have demonstrated depth of knowledge and expertise in Cloudflare solutions and went above and beyond in delivering the Cloudflare experience for our joint customers.

Marketing Partner of the Year: PT. Helios Informatika Nusantara
Honors the partner company who demonstrated outstanding collaboration and business outcomes in marketing Cloudflare solutions.

Services Partner of the Year: Megazone Cloud Corporation
Honors the top performing services solution provider.

Most Valuable Player of the Year by Country or Market:
Australia/New Zealand: Anchor Systems Pty Ltd
ASEAN: Softdebut Co., Ltd.
India: Valuepoint Techsol Private Limited
Korea: Megazone Cloud Corporation
Japan: Classmethod, Inc.
Greater China: Union Victory Technologies Development Limited
Singapore (iGaming): Kingsoft Cloud

Honors top partner achievers who not only provided stellar service to our joint customers, but also built new business value by tapping into the power of network, relationships, and ecosystems.

EMEA Partner Awards

Cloudflare’s Channel Partner Award winners of 2022

Distributor of the Year: V-Valley
Honors the top performing Distributor that has best represented Cloudflare and enabled partners to secure sales and growth revenue streams.

Partner of the Year: Datacentrix PTY LTD
Honors the top performing partner that has demonstrated phenomenal sales achievement in 2022.

New Partners of the Year: KAEMI GmbH and Liquid C2
Honors the partners who, although new to the Cloudflare Partner Network in 2022, have already made substantial investments to grow our shared business achieving not only full certification compliance but also exceeding revenue targets.

Rising Star Award: David Sanchez (V-Valley)
Honors individual partner representatives who, although new to our collaboration, have already made a significant, positive contribution both to our partnership and to driving outcomes for our customers.

Partner Win of the Year: Rackspace Technology
Honors the partner who has brought in the largest, most strategic deal and deployed a comprehensive end-to-end security, performance and reliability solution to a customer.

Technical Excellence Award: Shawn Gradwell (Datacentrix PTY LTD), Yogesh Padharia (IBM Security Services Netherlands) and Sven Launspach (KAEMI GmbH)
Honors the partner company whose SEs demonstrated great knowledge and expertise in leading the customer’s Cloudflare presales and POC experience.

Partner SE Champion of the Year: Lee Kazaz (Nanosek)
Honors the individual partner SE who demonstrated depth of knowledge and expertise in Cloudflare solutions and went above and beyond in delivering the Cloudflare experience for our joint customers.

Certification Champion of the Year: Liquid C2
This award honors the Partner whose teams earned the highest total number of Cloudflare certifications during 2022.

Marketing Champion of the Year: V-Valley and Concat AG
Honors partner companies who have demonstrated outstanding collaboration and business outcomes in marketing Cloudflare solutions.

Most Valuable Player of the Year: Nanosek
Honors the top partner achiever who not only provided stellar service to our joint customers, but also built new business value by tapping into the power of network, relationships, and ecosystems.

MSP of the Year: Castelis
Honors the top performing managed services solutions provider.

GSI of the Year: Wipro Limited
Honors the top performing SI partner.

For more information on Cloudflare’s Channel and Alliances Partner Program, go here. Apply to become a Cloudflare Partner on our Partner Portal.

Zero Trust security with Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access

Post Syndicated from Deeksha Lamba original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-ping/

Zero Trust security with Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access

Zero Trust security with Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access

In today’s digital landscape, traditional perimeter based security models are no longer enough to protect sensitive data and applications. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, it’s essential to adopt a security approach that assumes that all access is unauthorized, rather than relying on network perimeter-based security.

Zero Trust is a security model that requires all users and devices to be authenticated and authorized before being granted access to applications and data. This approach offers a comprehensive security solution that is particularly effective in today’s distributed and cloud-based environments. In this context, Cloudflare Access and Ping Identity offer a powerful solution for organizations looking to implement Zero Trust security controls to protect their applications and data.

Enforcing strong authentication and access controls

Web applications provide businesses with enhanced scalability, flexibility, and cost savings, but they can also create vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access can be used together to secure applications by enforcing strong authentication and access controls.

One of the key features of Ping Identity is its ability to provide single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, allowing users to log in once and be granted access to all applications they are authorized to use. This feature streamlines the authentication process, reducing the risk of password fatigue and making it easier for organizations to manage access to multiple applications.

Cloudflare Access, on the other hand, provides Zero Trust access to applications, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information. With Cloudflare Access, policies can be easily created and managed in one place, making it easier to ensure clear and consistent policy enforcement across all applications. Policies can include specific types of MFA, device posture and even custom logic.

Zero Trust security with Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access

Securing custom applications with Access and Ping

Legacy applications pose a significant security risk to organizations as they may contain vulnerabilities that are no longer patched or updated. However, businesses can use Cloudflare and Ping Identity to help secure legacy applications and reduce the risk of cyberattacks.

Legacy applications may not support modern authentication methods, such as SAML or OIDC, which makes security controls like MFA easier to enforce, making them vulnerable to unauthorized access. By integrating Ping Identity with Cloudflare Access, businesses can enforce MFA and SSO for users accessing legacy applications. This can help ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and reduce the risk of credential theft and account takeover.

For example, many organizations have legacy applications that lack modern security features like MFA or SSO. This is because direct code modifications were previously required to implement modern security features. Code modifications of legacy applications can be risky, difficult or even impossible in some situations. By integrating these applications with Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access, organizations can enforce stronger security controls, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access to sensitive information. All while not requiring underlying changes to the application itself.

Full integration support for PingOne and PingFederate customers

We are excited to announce that Cloudflare is now offering full integration support for PingOne customers. This means that Ping Identity customers can now easily integrate their identity management solutions with Cloudflare Access to provide a comprehensive security solution for their applications.

Zero Trust security with Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access

User and group synchronization via SCIM

In addition to this announcement, we are also excited to share our plans to add user and group synchronization via SCIM in the near future. This will allow organizations to easily synchronize user and group data between Ping Identity and Cloudflare Access, streamlining access management and improving the overall user experience.

“A cloud-native Zero Trust security model has become an absolute necessity as enterprises continue to adopt a cloud-first strategy. Cloudflare and Ping Identity have robust product integrations in place to help security and IT leaders prevent attacks proactively and increase alignment with zero trust best practices.”
Loren Russon, SVP of Product & Technology, Ping Identity

A powerful solution for Zero Trust security controls

We believe that these integrations will provide a powerful solution for organizations looking to implement Zero Trust security controls to protect their applications and data. By combining Ping Identity’s identity management capabilities with Cloudflare Access’s Zero Trust access controls and MFA capabilities, organizations can ensure that only authorized users are granted access to sensitive information. This approach provides a comprehensive security solution that is particularly effective in today’s distributed and cloud-based environments.

We look forward to continuing to improve our integration capabilities with Ping Identity and other identity management solutions, to provide organizations with the best possible security solution for their applications and data.

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

Post Syndicated from Abhi Das original https://blog.cloudflare.com/expanding-our-collaboration-with-microsoft-proactive-and-automated-zero-trust-security/

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

As CIOs navigate the complexities of stitching together multiple solutions, we are extending our partnership with Microsoft to create one of the best Zero Trust solutions available. Today, we are announcing four new integrations between Azure AD and Cloudflare Zero Trust that reduce risk proactively. These integrated offerings increase automation allowing security teams to focus on threats versus implementation and maintenance.

What is Zero Trust and why is it important?

Zero Trust is an overused term in the industry and creates a lot of confusion. So, let’s break it down. Zero Trust architecture emphasizes the “never trust, always verify” approach. One way to think about it is that in the traditional security perimeter or “castle and moat” model, you have access to all the rooms inside the building (e.g., apps) simply by having access to the main door (e.g., typically a VPN).  In the Zero Trust model you would need to obtain access to each locked room (or app) individually rather than only relying on access through the main door. Some key components of the Zero Trust model are identity e.g., Azure AD (who), apps e.g., a SAP instance or a custom app on Azure (applications), policies e.g. Cloudflare Access rules (who can access what application), devices e.g. a laptop managed by Microsoft Intune (the security of the endpoint requesting the access) and other contextual signals.

Zero Trust is even more important today since companies of all sizes are faced with an accelerating digital transformation and an increasingly distributed workforce. Moving away from the castle and moat model, to the Internet becoming your corporate network, requires security checks for every user accessing every resource. As a result, all companies, especially those whose use of Microsoft’s broad cloud portfolio is increasing, are adopting a Zero Trust architecture as an essential part of their cloud journey.

Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform provides a modern approach to authentication for internal and SaaS applications. Most companies likely have a mix of corporate applications – some that are SaaS and some that are hosted on-premise or on Azure. Cloudflare’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) product as part of our Zero Trust platform makes these applications feel like SaaS applications, allowing employees to access them with a simple and consistent flow. Cloudflare Access acts as a unified reverse proxy to enforce access control by making sure every request is authenticated, authorized, and encrypted.

Cloudflare Zero Trust and Microsoft Azure Active Directory

We have thousands of customers using Azure AD and Cloudflare Access as part of their Zero Trust architecture. Our partnership with Microsoft  announced last year strengthened security without compromising performance for our joint customers. Cloudflare’s Zero Trust platform integrates with Azure AD, providing a seamless application access experience for your organization’s hybrid workforce.

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

As a recap, the integrations we launched solved two key problems:

  1. For on-premise legacy applications, Cloudflare’s participation as Azure AD secure hybrid access partner enabled customers to centrally manage access to their legacy on-premise applications using SSO authentication without incremental development. Joint customers now easily use Cloudflare Access as an additional layer of security with built-in performance in front of their legacy applications.
  2. For apps that run on Microsoft Azure, joint customers can integrate Azure AD with Cloudflare Zero Trust and build rules based on user identity, group membership and Azure AD Conditional Access policies. Users will authenticate with their Azure AD credentials and connect to Cloudflare Access with just a few simple steps using Cloudflare’s app connector, Cloudflare Tunnel, that can expose applications running on Azure. See guide to install and configure Cloudflare Tunnel.

Recognizing Cloudflare’s innovative approach to Zero Trust and Security solutions, Microsoft awarded us the Security Software Innovator award at the 2022 Microsoft Security Excellence Awards, a prestigious classification in the Microsoft partner community.

But we aren’t done innovating. We listened to our customers’ feedback and to address their pain points are announcing several new integrations.

Microsoft integrations we are announcing today

The four new integrations we are announcing today are:

1. Per-application conditional access: Azure AD customers can use their existing Conditional Access policies in Cloudflare Zero Trust.

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

Azure AD allows administrators to create and enforce policies on both applications and users using Conditional Access. It provides a wide range of parameters that can be used to control user access to applications (e.g. user risk level, sign-in risk level, device platform, location, client apps, etc.). Cloudflare Access now supports Azure AD Conditional Access policies per application. This allows security teams to define their security conditions in Azure AD and enforce them in Cloudflare Access.

For example, customers might have tighter levels of control for an internal payroll application and hence will have specific conditional access policies on Azure AD. However, for a general info type application such as an internal wiki, customers might enforce not as stringent rules on Azure AD conditional access policies. In this case both app groups and relevant Azure AD conditional access policies can be directly plugged into Cloudflare Zero Trust seamlessly without any code changes.

2. SCIM: Autonomously synchronize Azure AD groups between Cloudflare Zero Trust and Azure AD, saving hundreds of hours in the CIO org.

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

Cloudflare Access policies can use Azure AD to verify a user’s identity and provide information about that user (e.g., first/last name, email, group membership, etc.). These user attributes are not always constant, and can change over time. When a user still retains access to certain sensitive resources when they shouldn’t, it can have serious consequences.

Often when user attributes change, an administrator needs to review and update all access policies that may include the user in question. This makes for a tedious process and an error-prone outcome.

The SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) specification ensures that user identities across entities using it are always up-to-date. We are excited to announce that joint customers of Azure AD and Cloudflare Access can now enable SCIM user and group provisioning and deprovisioning. It will accomplish the following:

  • The IdP policy group selectors are now pre-populated with Azure AD groups and will remain in sync. Any changes made to the policy group will instantly reflect in Access without any overhead for administrators.

  • When a user is deprovisioned on Azure AD, all the user’s access is revoked across Cloudflare Access and Gateway. This ensures that change is made in near real time thereby reducing security risks.

3. Risky user isolation: Helps joint customers add an extra layer of security by isolating high risk users (based on AD signals) such as contractors to browser isolated sessions via Cloudflare’s RBI product.

Expanding our Microsoft collaboration: proactive and automated Zero Trust security for customers

Azure AD classifies users into low, medium and high risk users based on many data points it analyzes. Users may move from one risk group to another based on their activities. Users can be deemed risky based on many factors such as the nature of their employment i.e. contractors, risky sign-in behavior, credential leaks, etc. While these users are high-risk, there is a low-risk way to provide access to resources/apps while the user is assessed further.

We now support integrating Azure AD groups with Cloudflare Browser Isolation. When a user is classified as high-risk on Azure AD, we use this signal to automatically isolate their traffic with our Azure AD integration. This means a high-risk user can access resources through a secure and isolated browser. If the user were to move from high-risk to low-risk, the user would no longer be subjected to the isolation policy applied to high-risk users.

4. Secure joint Government Cloud customers: Helps Government Cloud customers achieve better security with centralized identity & access management via Azure AD, and an additional layer of security by connecting them to the Cloudflare global network, not having to open them up to the whole Internet.

Via Secure Hybrid Access (SHA) program, Government Cloud (‘GCC’) customers will soon be able to integrate Azure AD with Cloudflare Zero Trust and build rules based on user identity, group membership and Azure AD conditional access policies. Users will authenticate with their Azure AD credentials and connect to Cloudflare Access with just a few simple steps using Cloudflare Tunnel that can expose applications running on Microsoft Azure.

“Digital transformation has created a new security paradigm resulting in organizations accelerating their adoption of Zero Trust. The Cloudflare Zero Trust and Azure Active Directory joint solution has been a growth enabler for Swiss Re by easing Zero Trust deployments across our workforce allowing us to focus on our core business. Together, the joint solution enables us to go beyond SSO to empower our adaptive workforce with frictionless, secure access to applications from anywhere. The joint solution also delivers us a holistic Zero Trust solution that encompasses people, devices, and networks.”
– Botond Szakács, Director, Swiss Re

A cloud-native Zero Trust security model has become an absolute necessity as enterprises continue to adopt a cloud-first strategy. Cloudflare has and Microsoft have jointly developed robust product integrations with Microsoft to help security and IT leaders CIO teams prevent attacks proactively, dynamically control policy and risk, and increase automation in alignment with Zero Trust best practices.
– Joy Chik, President, Identity & Network Access, Microsoft

Try it now

Interested in learning more about how our Zero Trust products integrate with Azure Active Directory? Take a look at this extensive reference architecture that can help you get started on your Zero Trust journey and then add the specific use cases above as required. Also, check out this joint webinar with Microsoft that highlights our joint Zero Trust solution and how you can get started.

What next

We are just getting started. We want to continue innovating and make the Cloudflare Zero Trust and Microsoft Security joint solution to solve your problems. Please give us feedback on what else you would like us to build as you continue using this joint solution.

Announcing the Authorized Partner Service Delivery Track for Cloudflare One

Post Syndicated from Matthew Harrell original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one-authorized-services-delivery-partner-track/

Announcing the Authorized Partner Service Delivery Track for Cloudflare One

This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Deutsch, Français, Español.

Announcing the Authorized Partner Service Delivery Track for Cloudflare One

In this Sunday’s Welcome to CIO Week blog, we talked about the value for CIOs in finding partners for long term digital transformation initiatives. As the adage goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”

As Cloudflare has expanded into new customer segments and emerging market categories like SASE and Zero Trust, we too have increasingly focused on expanding our relationship with go-to-market partners (e.g. service providers, implementation / consulting firms, system integrators, and more). Because security and network transformation can feel inherently daunting, customers often need strategic advice and practical support when implementing Cloudflare One – our SASE platform of Zero Trust security and networking services. These partners play a pivotal role in easing customer adoption by helping them assess, implement, and manage our services.

This blog is primarily intended for prospective and current Cloudflare go-to-market channel partners and highlights how we have grown our partnership program over the past year and will continue to, going forward.

Cloudflare One: fastest growing portfolio among Cloudflare partners

Over the past year, adoption of Cloudflare One services has been the fastest area of growth among our customer base. Investments we have made to our channel ecosystem have helped us capitalize on increased customer demand for SASE platforms, including Zero Trust security and cloud-delivered networking.

In the last year alone, we’ve seen a 3x increase in Cloudflare One partner bookings. At the same time, the number of transacting partners has increased 70% YoY.

Partners repeatedly cite the simplicity of our platform to deploy and manage, our pace of innovation to give them confidence in our roadmap, and our global network to ensure scale, speed, and resilience as key differentiators that are fueling strong customer demand for Cloudflare One services.

Migrating from legacy, on-premise appliance to a cloud-delivered SASE architecture is a journey. For most customers, partners help break that journey into two categories, broadly defined: network layer transformation and Zero Trust security modernization.

Transforming the network layer

Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud architecture are increasingly the norm. As enterprises embrace this approach, their networking infrastructure will likewise need to adapt to be able to easily connect to a variety of cloud environments.

Organizations that have traditionally relied on SD-WAN and MPLS based technologies will turn to cloud-based network-as-a-service (NaaS) offerings like Cloudflare’s Magic WAN (part of our Cloudflare One platform) to increase flexibility and reduce costs. This will also drive revenue opportunities for a new generation of cloud networking experts and advisors who have the skills to help organizations migrate from traditional on-premise hardware to a NaaS architecture.

For some organizations, transforming the network may in fact be a more attractive, initial entry point than beginning a Zero Trust security migration, as NaaS allows organizations to maintain their existing security tools while still providing a strategic path towards a full perimeter-less architecture with cloud-delivered protection in the future.

Implementing a Zero Trust architecture

For many organizations today, modernizing security for employees, devices, data, and offices with Zero Trust best practices is an equally critical priority. Trends towards hybrid and remote working have put additional pressure on IT and security teams to re-imagine how they secure access to corporate resources and move away from traditional ‘castle-and-moat’ architectures. Zero Trust promises enhanced visibility, more granular controls, and identity-aware protection across all traffic, regardless of origin or destination.

While the benefits of moving to a Zero Trust architecture are undeniable, implementing a full Zero Trust architecture is a journey that often requires the help of third parties. According to a recent report by iVanti, while 73% of companies plan to move to a cloud based architecture over the next 18 months, 46% of these companies IT security teams lack the confidence in their ability to apply a Zero Trust model on their own which is why 34% reportedly are relying on third party security providers to help them implement Zero Trust.1 This is where partners can help.

Announcing the Authorized Services Delivery Partner Track for Cloudflare One

Cloudflare is hyper focused on building the most compelling and easy-to-use SASE platform on the market to help accelerate how organizations can transform their network and security architectures. The scale and resiliency of our global network – which spans across 275+ cities in 100+ countries and has 172+ Tbps of network capacity – ensures that we can deliver our protections reliably and with high speed, regardless of where customers are around the world.

Just as our physical network of data centers continues to expand, so too does our strategic network of channel partners, who we rely on to deliver professional and managed services that customers may require as part of their Cloudflare One deployment. Cloudflare is actively working with partners worldwide to build advisory, migration, and managed services with the goal of wrapping partner services expertise around Cloudflare One engagements to ensure 100% customer adoption and satisfaction.

To help partners develop their Cloudflare One services expertise and distinguish themselves in the marketplace, today we are excited to announce the limited availability of a new specialization track for Authorized Services Delivery Partners (ASDP). This track is designed to authorize partners that meet Cloudflare’s high standards for professional services delivery around Cloudflare One.

To become an Authorized Partner, partners will need to go through a rigorous technical validation process and will be assessed on the merits of the security, performance, and reliability of their services delivery capabilities. Partners that achieve the Authorized Service Partner designation will receive a variety of benefits, such as:

  • Engagement in Cloudflare One sourced opportunities requiring services
  • Access to named Cloudflare One partner service delivery managers who can assist partners in the building of their services practices
  • Access to special partner incentive funds designed to ensure that authorized partner services are actively used in Cloudflare One customer engagements.
Announcing the Authorized Partner Service Delivery Track for Cloudflare One

To support this new partner track, we are also announcing advanced enablement and training paths that will be available in both instructor-led training and online formats via our partner portal, as well as advanced lab environments designed to help partners learn how to implement and support Cloudflare One deployments. Partners that successfully complete the ADSP requirements will also be given opportunities to shadow customer deployments to further their capabilities and expertise.

For current and prospective Cloudflare partners interested in this track, we are launching a new Cloudflare Authorized Service Delivery Partner Validation checklist, which includes details on the application process.

If you are an existing Cloudflare partner, you can also reach out to your named Channel Account Manager for additional information.

1iVanti 2021 Zero Trust Progress Report

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

Post Syndicated from João Tomé original https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-enable-private-access-tokens-in-ios-16-and-stop-seeing-captchas/

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

You go to a website or service, but before access is granted, there’s a visual challenge that forces you to select bikes, buses or traffic lights in a set of images. That can be an exasperating experience. Now, if you have iOS 16 on your iPhone, those days could be over and are just a one-time toggle enabled away.

CAPTCHA = “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”

In 2021, we took direct steps to end the madness that wastes humanity about 500 years per day called CAPTCHAs, that have been making sure you’re human and not a bot. In August 2022, we announced Private Access Tokens. With that, we’re able to eliminate CAPTCHAs on iPhones, iPads and Macs (and more to come) with open privacy-preserving standards.

On September 12, iOS 16 became generally available (iPad 16 and macOS 13 should arrive in October) and on the settings of your device there’s a toggle that can enable the Private Access Token (PAT) technology that will eliminate the need for those CAPTCHAs, and automatically validate that you are a real human visiting a site. If you already have iOS 16, here’s what you should do to confirm that the toggle is “on” (usually it is):

Settings > Apple ID > Password & Security > Automatic Verification (should be enabled)

How to enable Private Access Tokens in iOS 16 and stop seeing CAPTCHAs

What will you get? A completely invisible, private way to validate yourself, and for a website, a way to automatically verify that real users are visiting the site without the horrible CAPTCHA user experience.

Visitors using operating systems that support these tokens, including the upcoming versions of iPad and macOS, can now prove they’re human without completing a CAPTCHA or giving up personal data.

Let’s recap from our August 2022 announcement blog post what this means for different users:

If you’re an Internet user:

  • We’re helping make your mobile web experience more pleasant and more private.
  • You won’t see a CAPTCHA on a supported iOS or Mac device (other devices coming soon!) accessing the Cloudflare network.

If you’re a web or application developer:

  • You’ll know your users are humans coming from an authentic device and signed application, verified by the device vendor directly.
  • And you’ll validate users without maintaining a cumbersome SDK.

If you’re a Cloudflare customer:

  • You don’t have to do anything! Cloudflare will automatically ask for and use Private Access Tokens when using Managed Challenge.
  • Your visitors won’t see a CAPTCHA.

It’s all about simplicity, without compromising on privacy. The work done over a year was a collaboration between Cloudflare and Apple, Google, and other industry leaders to extend the Privacy Pass protocol with support for a new cryptographic token.

These tokens simplify application security for developers and security teams, and obsolete legacy, third-party SDK-based approaches for determining if a human is using a device. They work for browsers, APIs called by browsers, and APIs called within apps. After Apple announced in August that PATs would be incorporated into iOS 16, iPad 16, and macOS 13, the process of ending CAPTCHAs got a big boost. And we expect additional vendors to announce support in the near future.

Cloudflare has already incorporated PATs into our Managed Challenge platform, so any customer using this feature will automatically take advantage of this new technology to improve the browsing experience for supported devices.

In our August in-depth blog post about PATs, you can learn more about how CAPTCHAs don’t work in mobile environments and PATs remove the need for them, and how when sites can’t challenge a visitor with a CAPTCHA, they collect private data.

Improved privacy

In that blog post, we also explain how Private Access Tokens vastly improve privacy by validating without fingerprinting. So, by partnering with third parties like device manufacturers, who already have the data that would help us validate a device, we are able to abstract portions of the validation process, and confirm data without actually collecting, touching, or storing that data ourselves. Rather than interrogating a device directly, we ask the device vendor to do it for us.

Most customers won’t have to do anything to utilize Private Access Tokens. Why? To take advantage of PATs, all you have to do is choose Managed Challenge rather than Legacy CAPTCHA as a response option in a Firewall rule. More than 65% of Cloudflare customers are already doing this.

Now, if you have iOS 16 on your iPhone, it’s your turn.

New partner program for SMB agencies & hosting partners now in closed beta

Post Syndicated from Dan Hollinger original https://blog.cloudflare.com/self-serve-partners-beta/

New partner program for SMB agencies & hosting partners now in closed beta

A fundamental principle here at Cloudflare has always been that we want to serve everyone – from individual developers to small businesses to large corporations. In the earliest days, we provided services to hosting partners and resellers around the globe, who helped bring Cloudflare to thousands of domains with free caching and DDoS protection for shared infrastructures.

Today, we want to reinforce our commitment to our hosting ecosystem and small business partners that leverage Cloudflare to help bring a better Internet experience to their customers. We’ve been building a robust multi-tenant partner platform that we will begin to open up to everyone searching for a faster, safer, and better Internet experience. This platform will come in the form of a Self Serve Partner program that will allow SMB agencies & hosting partners to create accounts for all their customers under one dashboard, consolidate billing, and provide discounted plans to our partners.

Deprecation of our legacy APIs

To make way for the new, we first must discuss the end-of-life of some of Cloudflare’s earliest APIs. Built and launched in 2011, our Hosting and Optimized Partner Programs allowed our initial CDN and DDoS solutions to expand to brand-new audiences around the globe. These APIs were essential for fueling growth in the earliest days of Cloudflare supporting reseller partners, hosting partners, and external plugins that helped make implementing Cloudflare easier than ever.
On November 1, 2022 – Cloudflare will be discontinuing support for our Host and Reseller APIs. After this date:

  • Management of zones, users, and configurations via the Host or Reseller API will be disabled.
  • Any plugins leveraging these APIs will no longer be functional. This includes our legacy cPanel, Plesk and WHMCS plugins. We recommend partners and users begin to work directly within the Cloudflare dashboard for any future configuration management.
  • Any domains created by these APIs will continue to function and traffic will not be impacted after the depreciation period. Customer traffic will not be impacted during the deprecation, and we’ve been working closely with our partners to ensure these domains are transitioned to customer-management where preferred or migrated when appropriate to the new partner platform.
  • Any active specialized subscriptions will be mapped to our current zone plans.
    We are grateful for all of our earliest partners that trusted Cloudflare to increase the security and improve performance for their customer’s domains. All of our partners still leveraging our APIs should have received a communication with our deprecation schedule and next steps. And if there are any additional questions, they can be directed to [email protected].
New partner program for SMB agencies & hosting partners now in closed beta

Our New Partner Platform

As our solution offering and network grew, these early APIs were not well-equipped to scale with them. Cloudflare has continued to grow its network to over 275 cities and expand well beyond just web performance and security. With a full portfolio of Application Services, Zero Trust Services, Developer and Network solutions, our specialized plans and APIs quickly began to limit our partners instead of empowering them. Cloudflare announced our revamped partner platform a few years ago, and it has since been used with some of our largest integration and service partners supporting our newest SASE and Zero Trust offerings.

Self-serve partnerships in closed beta

With the deprecation of our legacy APIs, we are opening up our Partner Platform to a broader base of partners with a Self-Serve Partner program. Working in tandem with our Self-Serve teams, we’ve been ramping up initial test partners since late last year. Now, we’re excited to announce a path forward for agencies, regional MSPs, and hosting providers that still rely on Cloudflare to help their customers experience a better, faster, and safer Internet:

  • Multi-Tenant Account Support
    • Partners will have the ability to create individual customer accounts and manage individual user access to each one from our dashboard or via our Tenant API.
  • Centralized Self-Serve Billing
    • Partners will have the ability to own self-serve billing across each account with a single billing profile, ensuring subscription management is seamless across every account.

New partner program for SMB agencies & hosting partners now in closed beta

  • Access to full catalog of Cloudflare Self-Serve Products & Add-Ons
    • Every feature and add-on that Cloudflare has built will now be available to self-serve partners via the dashboard and API. End-customers will be able to implement load-balancing, Spectrum for TCP/UDP applications, and Workers for deploying code at the edge. Our partner platform ensures partners and customers are getting the most of their Cloudflare solution.
  • Self-Service Plan Discounting
    • We want to reward our partners for working with us and developing expertise across our solution. As part of our program commitments, we are offering volume discounts across all subscription renewals.
  • No Upfront Commitments
    • We’ve heard from many of you that you enjoy working with Cloudflare, but cannot support some minimums for our Enterprise partner programs. This program is built to help you get started, with no upfront commitments for qualified partners.

Comparing our partner programs

Self-Serve Partner Program New Cloudflare One Partner Program Enterprise Reseller & Services Program
Status Closed Beta Early Access General Access
Tiers N/A N/A Select Advanced Elite
Discount Beta Discount – 20% 25-50% 30-40%
Revenue Commitment No No Yes
Training & Enablement Self-Serve Cloudflare University Specialized Training Cloudflare University Specialized Training In-Person Training
Partner Account Resources No – Self Serve Yes – Tier Dependent Yes – Tier Dependent

Sign Up Now

If you want to start using our partner platform, sign up for the closed beta: we plan to start enabling access throughout this year. We’re looking forward to collecting feedback from each of you and learning how we can improve your end-customers experience with our global platform.

Ain’t seen nothing yet…

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. We know we cannot do that alone, and we treasure all of our partners that have worked with us to accomplish that mission across our technical, channel and alliance relationships. Throughout 2022 and 2023, we look to continue to grow our Partner Platform across a few key areas to make it easier to use and seamless to integrate into your current offering across CDN, DDoS, Zero Trust, Workers and more.

  • Enhanced Partner Dashboard
  • Expanded Zero Trust Bundles for Partners
  • Additional Partner Service Opportunities
  • Select training and other Partner-only benefits

More Information:

Become an Enterprise Partner: Partner Portal

Sign Up for the Self-Serve Partner Program

Reach out to [email protected]