Tag Archives: ransomware

What’s Wrong With Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive? More Than You Think

Post Syndicated from Vinodh Subramanian original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/whats-wrong-with-google-drive-dropbox-and-onedrive-more-than-you-think/

Cloud drives like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive have become the go-to data management solution for countless individuals and organizations. Their appeal lies in the initial free storage offering, user-friendly interface, robust file-sharing, and collaboration tools, making it easier to access files from anywhere with an internet connection. 

However, recent developments in the cloud drives space have posed significant challenges for businesses and organizations. Both Google and Microsoft, leading providers in this space, have announced the discontinuation of their unlimited storage plans.

Additionally, it’s essential to note that cloud drives, which are primarily sync services, do not offer comprehensive data protection. Today, we’re exploring how organizations can recognize the limitations of cloud drives and strategize accordingly to safeguard their data without breaking the bank. 

Attention Higher Ed

Higher education institutions have embraced platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive to store vast amounts of data—sometimes reaching into the petabytes. With unlimited plans out the window, they now face the dilemma of either finding alternative storage solutions or deleting data to avoid steep fees. In fact, the education sector reported the highest rates of ransomware attacks with 80% of secondary education providers and 79% of higher education providers hit by ransomware in 2023. If you manage IT for a

Sync vs. Backup: Why Cloud Drives Fall Short on Full Data Security

Cloud Sync

Cloud drives offer users an easy way to store and protect files online, and it might seem like these services back up your data. But, they don’t. These services sync (short for “synchronize”) files or folders on your computer to your other devices running the same application, ensuring that the same and most up-to-date information is merged across each device.

The “live update” feature of cloud drives is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it ensures you’re always working on the latest version of a document. On the other, if you need to go back to a specific version of a file from two weeks ago, you might be out of luck unless you’ve manually saved that version elsewhere. 

Another important item to note is that if cloud drives are shared with others, often they can make changes to the content which can result in the data changing or being deleted and without notifying other users. With the complexity of larger organizations, this presents a potential vulnerability, even with well-meaning users and proactive management of drive permissions. 

Cloud Backup

Unlike cloud sync tools, backup solutions are all about historical data preservation. They utilize block-level backup technology, which offers granular protection of your data. After an initial full backup, these systems only save the incremental changes that occur in the dataset. This means if you need to recover a file (or an entire system) as it existed at a specific point in time, you can do so with precision. This approach is not only more efficient in terms of storage space but also crucial for data recovery scenarios.

For organizations where data grows exponentially but is also critically important and sensitive, the difference between sync and backup is a crucial divide between being vulnerable and being secure. While cloud drives offer ease of access and collaboration, they fall short in providing the comprehensive data protection that comes from true backup solutions, highlighting the need to identify the gap and choose a solution that better fits your data storage and security goals. A full-scale backup solution will typically include backup software like Veeam, Commvault, and Rubrik, and a storage destination for that data. The backup software allows you to configure the frequency and types of backups, and the backup data is then stored on-premises and/or off-premises. Ideally, at least one copy is stored in the cloud, like Backblaze B2, to provide true off-site, geographically distanced protection.

Lack of Protection Against Ransomware

Ransomware payments hit a record high $1 billion in 2023. It shouldn’t be news to anyone in IT that you need to defend against the evolving threat of ransomware with immutable backups now more than ever. However, cloud drives fall short when it comes to protecting against ransomware.

The Absence of Object Lock

Object Lock serves as a digital vault, making data immutable for a specified period. It creates a virtual air gap, protecting data from modification, manipulation, or deletion, effectively shielding it from ransomware attacks that seek to encrypt files for ransom. Unfortunately, most cloud drives do not incorporate this technology. 

Without Object Lock, if a piece of data or a document becomes infected with ransomware before it’s uploaded to the cloud, the version saved on a cloud drive can be compromised as well. This replication of infected files across the cloud environment can escalate a localized ransomware attack into a widespread data disaster. 

Other Security Shortcomings

Beyond the absence of Object Lock, cloud drives may also lag in other critical security measures. While many offer some level of encryption, the robustness of this encryption and its effectiveness in protecting data at reset and in transit can vary significantly. Additionally, the implementation of 2FA and other access control measures is not always standard. These gaps in security protocols can leave the door open for unauthorized access and data breaches.

Navigating the Shared Responsibility Model

The shared responsibility model of cloud computing outlines who is responsible for what when it comes to cloud security. However, this model often leads to a sense of false security. Under this model, cloud drives typically take responsibility for the security “of” the cloud, including the infrastructure that runs all of the services offered in the cloud. On the other hand, the customers are responsible for security “in” the cloud. This means customers must manage the security of their own data. 

What’s the difference? Let’s use an example. If a user inadvertently uploads a ransomware-infected file to a cloud drive, the service might protect the integrity of the cloud infrastructure, ensuring the malware doesn’t spread to other users. However, the responsibility to prevent the upload of the infected file in the first place, and managing its consequences, falls directly on the user. In essence, while cloud drives provide a platform for storing your data, relying solely on them without understanding the nuances of the shared responsibility model could leave gaps in your data protection strategy. 

It’s also important to understand that Google, Microsoft, and Dropbox may not back up your data as often as you’d like, in the format you need, or provide timely, accessible recovery options. 

The Limitations of Cloud Drives in Computer Failures

Cloud drives, such as iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, synchronize your files across multiple devices and the cloud, ensuring that the latest version of a file is accessible from anywhere. However, this synchronization does not equate to a full backup of your computer’s data. In the event of a computer failure, only the files you’ve chosen to sync would be recoverable. Other data stored on the computer (but not in the sync folder) would be lost. 

While some cloud drives offer versioning, which allows you to recover previous versions of files, this features are often limited in scope and time. It’s not designed to recover all types of files after a hardware failure, which a comprehensive backup solution would allow. 

Additionally, users often have to select which folders of files are synchronized, potentially overlooking important data. This selective sync means that not all critical information is protected automatically, unlike with a backup solution that can be set to automatically back up all data.

The Challenges of Data Sprawl in Cloud Drives

Cloud drives make it easy to provision storage for a wide array of end users. From students and faculty in education institutions to teams in corporations, the ease with which users can start storing data is unparalleled. However, this convenience comes with its own set of challenges—and one of the most notable culprits is data sprawl. 

Data sprawl refers to the rapid expansion and scattering of data without a cohesive management strategy. It is the accumulation of vast amounts of data to the point where organizations no longer know what data they have or what is happening with that data. Organizations often struggle to get a clear picture of who is storing what, how much space it’s taking up, and whether certain data remains accessed or has become redundant. This can lead to inefficient use of storage resources, increased costs, and potential security risks as outdated or unnecessary information piles up. The lack of sophisticated tools within cloud drive platforms for analyzing and understanding storage usage can significantly complicate data governance and compliance efforts. 

The Economic Hurdles of Cloud Drive Pricing

The pricing structure of cloud drive solutions present a significant barrier to achieving both cost efficiency and operational flexibility. The sticker price is only the tip of the iceberg, especially for sprawling organizations like higher education institutions or large enterprises with unique challenges that make the standard pricing models of many cloud drive services less than ideal. Some of the main challenges are: 

  1. User-Based Pricing: Cloud drive platforms base their pricing on the number of users, an approach that quickly becomes problematic for large institutions and businesses. With staff and end user turnover, predicting the number of active users at any given time can be a challenge. This leads to overpaying for unused accounts or constantly adjusting pricing tiers to match the current headcount, both of which are administrative headaches. 
  2. The High Cost of Scaling: The initial promise of free storage tiers or low-cost entry points fades quickly as institutions hit their storage limits. Beyond these thresholds, prices can escalate dramatically, making budget planning a nightmare. This pricing model is particularly problematic for businesses where data is continually growing. As these data sets expand, the cost to store them grows exponentially, straining already tight budgets. 
  3. Limitations of Storage and Users: Most cloud drive platforms come with limits on storage capacity and a cap on the number of users. Upgrading to higher tier plans to accommodate more users or additional storage can be expensive. This often forces organizations into a cycle of constant renegotiation and plan adjustments. 

We’re Partial to an Alternative: Backblaze

While cloud drives excel in collaboration and file sharing, they often fall short in delivering the comprehensive data security and backup that businesses and organizations need. However, you are not without options. Cloud storage platforms like Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage secure business and educational data and budgets with immutable, set-and-forget, off-site backups and archives at a fraction of the cost of legacy providers. And, with Universal Data Migration, you can move large amounts of data from cloud drives or any other source to B2 Cloud Storage at no cost to you. 

For those who appreciate the user-friendly interfaces of services like Dropbox or Google Drive, Backblaze provides integrations that deliver comparable front-end experiences for ease of use without compromising on security. However, if your priority lies in securing data against threats like ransomware, you can integrate Backblaze B2 with popular backup tools including Veeam, Rubrik, and Commvault, for immutable, virtually air-gapped backups to defend against cyber threats. Backblaze also offers  free egress for up to three times your data stored—or unlimited free egress between many of our compute or CDN partners—which means you don’t have to worry about the costs of downloading data from the cloud when necessary. 

Beyond Cloud Drives: A Secure, Cost-Effective Approach to Data Storage

In summary, cloud drives offer robust file sharing and collaboration tools, yet businesses and organizations looking for a more secure, reliable, and cost-effective data storage solution have options. By recognizing the limitations of cloud drives and by leveraging the advanced capabilities of cloud backup services, organizations can not only safeguard their data against emerging threats but also ensure it remains accessible and within budget. 

The post What’s Wrong With Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive? More Than You Think appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware

Post Syndicated from Anna Širokova original https://blog.rapid7.com/2024/02/05/exploring-the-not-so-secret-code-of-blackhunt-ransomware-2/

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware

It seems like every week, the cybersecurity landscape sees the emergence of yet another ransomware variant, with Black Hunt being one of the latest additions. Initially reported by cybersecurity researchers in 2022, this new threat has quickly made its presence known. In a recent incident, Black Hunt ransomware wreaked havoc by compromising around 300 companies in Paraguay.

Rapid7 Labs consistently monitors emerging threats, and this new ransomware variant caught our attention for several reasons. The behavior and potential impact of this new variant raised concerns among our team, prompting us to conduct a thorough analysis to better understand its capabilities and potential risks.

During our analysis we found notable similarities between Black Hunt ransomware and LockBit, which suggested that it uses leaked code of Lockbit. In addition, it uses some techniques similar to REvil ransomware.

Technical Analysis

In this analysis we examined the Black Hunt sample shared on X (formerly Twitter), by MalwareHunterTeam. In our investigation we found some interesting techniques and features used by this malware. The recent Black Hunt sample is a C++ executable, which widely reuses the leaked Lockbit ransomware code and shares similarities with several other recently spotted ransomware families.The execution of the ransomware on an infected machine starts with a check for a file named Vaccine.txt under directory C:\ProgramData path

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 1 – Check for the existence of Vaccine.txt file

If the file is found, malware terminates its execution. This file detection acts as an anti-exploitation flag for the ransomware. As this is not a well-known anti-sandbox/anti-VM technique, we assume that this file is in use by the threat actor (TA) itself. It is either created by the victim which is instructed to create it after the ransom is paid or dropped by the decryptor, if one is sent to the victim to decrypt the encrypted data. Adding that check is logical if the ransomware operators consider scenarios where their persistence mechanism and the ransomware binary remain on the system even after the ransom is paid and files are decrypted. Moreover, the fact that all files dropped by the ransomware are placed in the C:\ProgramData  directory further supports our assessment that this file is associated with the Black Hunt operation.

Next, the malware adjusts the following privileges to processes Access Token by using the `AdjustTokenPrivileges` API function:

Privilege Setting Description
SeDebugPrivilege Monitor and manipulate other processes.
SeRestorePrivilege Bypass file system security to restore files.
SeBackupPrivilege Read any file, regardless of permissions.
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege Take control of critical system resources.
SeAuditPrivilege Manipulate security audit logs.
SeSecurityPrivilege Modify security settings of objects.
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege Gives service privilege to increase scheduling priority.

After modifying process privileges, the malware hides its window by invoking the `ShowWindow` function with the `nCmdShow` parameter set to 0, which corresponds to `SW_HIDE`. This action ensures that the malware’s window is not visible to the user, allowing it to operate stealthily in the background without drawing attention.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 3 – Malware hiding its present from the user

The execution flow continues as the malware invokes the `GetCommandLineW` function. This function retrieves the command-line string for the current process, including the program name and any arguments passed during startup. This function is commonly used by malware and helps to gather information about command-line flags. Following this, another function call is made to `CMD_ARGS`.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 4

The function processes a command-line string and checks if any of the following arguments were passed:

Argument Description
-local If passed, the ransomware will skip shared or network drives encryption.
-network If passed, the ransomware will encrypt only the network drives
-biggame If passed, the ransomware will only encrypt the files that contain .4dd, .4dl, .accdb, .accdc, .accde, .accdr, .accdt, .accft, .adb, .ade, .adf, .adp, .arc, .ora, .alf, .ask, .btr, .bdf, .cat, .cdb, .ckp, .cma, .cpd, .dacpac, .dad, .dadiagrams, .daschema, .db, .db-shm, .db-wal, .db3, .dbc, .dbf, .dbs, .dbt ,.dbv, .dbx, .dcb, .dct, .dcx, .ddl ,.dlis, .dp1 ,.dqy, .dsk, .dsn, .dtsx, .dxl, .eco, .ecx, .edb, .epim, .exb, .fcd, .fdb, .fic, .fmp, .fmp12, .fmpsl, .fol, .fp3, .fp4, .fp5, .fp7, .fpt, .frm, .gdb, .grdb, .gwi, .hdb, .his, .ib, .idb, .ihx, .itdb, .itw, .jet, .jtx, .kdb, .kexi, .kexic, .kexis, .lgc, .lwx, .maf, .maq, .mar, .mas, .mav, .mdb, .mdf, .mpd, .mrg, .mud, .mwb, .myd, .ndf, .nnt, .nrmlib, .ns2, .ns3, .ns4, .nsf, .nv, .nv2, .nwdb, .nyf, .odb, .oqy, .orx, .owc, .p96, .p97, .pan, .pdb, .pdm, .pnz, .qry, .qvd, .rbf, .rctd, .rod, .rodx, .rpd, .rsd, .sas7bdat, .sbf, .scx, .sdb, .sdc, .sdf, .sis, .spq, .sql, .sqlite, .sqlite3, .sqlitedb, .te, .temx, .tmd, .tps, .trc, .trm, .udb, .udl, .usr, .v12, .vis, .vpd, .vvv, .wdb, .wmdb, .wrk, .xdb, .xld, .xmlff, .abcddb, .abs, .abx, .accdw, .adn, .db2, .fm5, .hjt, .icg, .icr, .kdb, .lut, .maw, .mdn, .mdt extensions.
-backup If passed, the ransomware will only encrypt the files with .000, .cab, .zip and .rar extensions.
-noencrypt if passed, the malware will skip encryption.
-p If passed, specifies a path to be encrypted
-nologs If passed – If the flag is not set, the ransomware creates a log file named #BlackHunt_Logs.txt under C:\ProgramData directory. Otherwise no log files will be created.
-status If passed, sets the ransomware console windows to ‘SW_SHOW’ and shows the encryption status in the ransomware console window. The status information contains the System ID, running time, the amount of encrypted files and encrypted volume, as well as errors, alive workers and the code location. The status window constantly updated by the ransomware as long as it runs
-update If passed, the ransomware shows a fake Window Update screen
-kill If passed, the ransomware terminates processes from hardcoded process list and stops services from hardcoded service list
-scanner If passed, the ransomware scans for network shares
-cipher If passed, when all the encryption process is completed the ransomware uses Windows tool Cipher.exe on all drives to overwrite the deleted data. Same capability was utilized by Vohuk ransomware.
-restart if set in the end of encryption the following command will be executed to restart the pc ‘shutdown /r /t 15 /f’

The ransomware accepts additional arguments that modify its behavior, including disabling spreading capabilities, adjusting encryption speed, thread count for encryption, skipping mutex creation, and enabling debug mode to collect more information in the log file.

After verifying passed arguments and ensuring the absence of the -nomutex flag, the ransomware proceeds to create a `BLACK_HUNT_MUTEX`. Next, it elevates its process priority to `HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS` using the `SetPriorityClass` API function.

The ransomware made 200 attempts to load `Fake.dll`, likely as a tactic to slow up/evade the execution in the sandbox. Following this, it employs the `IsDebuggerPresent` API call to detect if debugging is in progress. If a debugger is detected, the ransomware terminates.

Further analysis revealed that Black Hunt maintains a whitelist of 15 countries, as detailed in the table below.

Language Code Language Country
2092 Azeri (Cyrillic) Azerbaijan
1068 Azeri (Latin) Azerbaijan
1067 Armenian Armenia
1059 Belarusian Belarus
1079 Georgian Georgia
1071 Macedonian North Macedonia
1088 Kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan
2073 Moldovan Moldova (Russian language)
1064 Tajik (Cyrillic) Tajikistan
1090 Turkmen Turkmenistan
2115 Uzbek (Cyrillic) Uzbekistan
1091 Uzbek (Latin) Uzbekistan
1058 Ukrainian Ukraine
1065 Persian Iran
1055 Turkish Turkey

The malware uses the `GetSystemDefaultUILanguage` function to identify one of 15 hardcoded languages. If it detects any of these languages, it terminates execution.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 5 – Hardcoded list of languages

Following language detection, the malware attempts to establish an internet connection by calling the `getaddrinfo` function to resolve the domain ip-api.com.

The ransomware checks if `BlackKeys` mutex exists, and if not, it creates it by using `CreateMutexA` API.

Next,the malware begins a key initialization process. First, it attempts to load a key by using `CryptImportKey` with a buffer containing the key. It looks for the key in files named C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_Public.key and C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_Private.key, and also verifies the presence of C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_ID.txt. If the key loading fails, the malware switches to generating a 128-bit RSA key pair.

After initializing encryption keys, the ransomware creates a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\.Hunt2 registry key to define settings for files with `.Hunt2` extension.It adds a `DefaultIcon` registry key under `.Hunt2` and assigns a default value to the dropped icon file.

Next, the ransomware creates a new {2C5F9FCC-F266-43F6-838DAE269E11} value under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key and sets it data to C:\ProgramData\#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta that will make the `.hta` file be executed on reboot.This file is a Black Hunt ransom note. Here we can notice additional proof of reuse of Lockbit ransomware code by BlackHunt operators, the value name is identical to the one LockBit 2.0 used in their attacks.

The Black Hunt ransomware makes several modifications to the Windows registry to disable security measures, alter system functionality, and potentially limit user control over the system. Below are the commands used

Command Action
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes.Hunt2" /f" Adds a registry key .Hunt2 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes.Hunt2\DefaultIcon" /ve /t REG_SZ /d
"C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_Icon.ico" /f");
Sets the default icon for .Hunt2 files to C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_Icon.ico
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Hunt2" /f"); Adds a registry key Hunt2 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Adds an entry to the Windows startup registry key to run C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta
/c reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
/v "{2C5F9FCC-F266-43F6-BFD7-838DAE269E11}"
/t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta" /f");
Adds an entry to the Windows startup registry key to run C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta
SHChangeNotify(0x8000000, 0, 0, 0); Notifies the system of changes that might require refreshing icons or interface elements

The list of modified registries can be found in the IOC section or on the Rapid7 Labs GitHub page.

Afterward, the malware checks for various command-line arguments, and its execution flow depends on which arguments are set.

`-p` flag

If set, it proceeds to sets persistence by creating scheduled tasks to execute the malware upon system startup using the command /c SCHTASKS.exe /Create /RU “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” /sc onstart /TN “Windows Critical Update” /TR “%s” /F.

`-safemode` flag

If it is, the malware configures the safe mode setting to ensure its execution after the system boots in safe mode, after which it restarts the machine. For more information on that technique check the Safe Mode section of this article.

If the `-safemode` flag is not set, the malware creates ransom note, primary and secondary contact emails `[email protected]` and `[email protected]`, respectively, a placeholder ID for infected machines, and the Tor address http[:]//sdif9821kjsdvcjlksaf2kjhlksvvnktyoiasuc921f.

`-update`  flag

If set, the malware drops `#BlackHunt_Update.hta` to the C:\ProgramData directory and executes it. The purpose of that flag is to create a fake Windows Update screen while encrypting the victim’s data. After that, the malware empties the recycle bin by calling `SHEmptyRecycleBinW`.

`-kill` flag

If set, the malware enumerates running processes and terminates 130 predefined processes and services. The full list of processes and services can be found in the IOC section or on the Rapid7 Labs GitHub page.

After completing its service termination routine, the malware tries to access the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, known for storing system policies such as User Account Control (UAC) settings. If successful, it modifies two registry values: `EnableLUA` and `EnableLinkedConnections`.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 6-UAC settings modification

By setting`EnableLUA` to 0, the malware effectively disables this security feature, granting itself elevated privileges without user intervention. Additionally, the malware sets the `EnableLinkedConnections` registry key, allowing any user to see network drives that were mapped for other users. This gives ransomware the ability to gain access to sensitive network resources.The malware invokes the `RefreshPolicyEx` API function to enforce the modifications made.

Next, the malware manipulates shadow storage. For conventional disk types, such as DRIVE_FIXED, it executes commands like /c vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=C:\ /on=C:\ /maxsize=401MB. For disk types not explicitly specified, such as DRIVE_RAMDISK, it uses /c vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=C:\ /on=C:\

Afterwards , the malware removes the shadow copies using vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /all /quiet and disables automatic repair by executing bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 7- Shadow storage manipulation

Next, the attackers execute a sequence of commands to clean up the system and implement critical modifications.

Command Description
bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy IgnoreAllFailures Adjusts boot status policy for normal booting despite failures, blocking access to System Image Recovery
fsutil.exe usn deletejournal /disks (D and C) Deletes Volume USN Journal on disks D and C, disrupting file system change tracking
wbadmin.exe delete catalog -quiet Silently removes backup catalogs, erasing backup data
Disables System Restore tasks with sc Halts System Restore functionality, limiting recovery options

If the  `-scanner` flag is set the ransomware will attempt to retrieve the ARP cache table and scan the addresses using the servername as a parameter. This function utilizes `NetShareEnum` to gather information about network shares on a given server.

Finally,  the encryption routine starts. Encrypted files renamed with  `.Hunt2` extension. After the encryption, the ransomware deletes itself, and the ransom note is displayed to the user.

Exploring the (Not So) Secret Code of Black Hunt Ransomware
Figure 8 – Black Hunt ransomware note

Additional functionality

Spreading mechanism

Ransomware tries to enumerate shares on the localhost ( using  `NetShareEnum`. If shares are found and no error occurs, the malware tries to process  drive paths. It checks each path for specific conditions met and that the path is not a remote path. If these conditions are met, it processes the argument as a local drive path by extracting the drive letter and formatting it as \{drive_letter}.

The malware attempts to locate a NAS server and paths to files on removable drives. Additionally, it searches for shared folders and attempts to spread by enumerating local shared folders using `NetShareEnum`. If a network share is found, it copies itself to the share using `CopyFileW`. After spreading, it clears setup event logs by executing cmd /c wevtutil.exe.

Safe mode

If the `-safemode` argument is set, the malware executes the encryption process in Safe Mode. To ensure execution after rebooting in Safe Mode, the malware sets up the system as follows:

1) Obtains a user environment variable.

2) Executes the net user username `Black_Hunt_2.0` command to set a new user password.

3) Adds a new `AutoAdminLog` value under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and sets it to 1, enabling auto login in Windows.

4) Creates a `DefaultUserName` value under the same registry key and sets it.

5) Creates a `DefaultPassword` registry value and sets it to the changed password.

6) Executes the /c bootcfg /raw /a /safeboot:network /id 1 and /c bcdedit /set {current} safeboot network commands to force the computer to boot into Safe Mode with Networking.

7) Creates a new`BackToNormal` value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce and sets it to bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot” /f.

8) Sets an additional value under the `RunOnce` key named `BlackHunt` and sets it to the current malware running path.

9) Finally, restarts the system by executing shutdown /r /t 7 /f

Rapid7 Customers

For Rapid7 MDR and InsightIDR customers, the following Attacker Behavior Analytics (ABA) rules are currently deployed and alerting on the activity described in this blog:

  • Suspicious Process – Delete File Shadow Copies With PowerShell
  • Attacker Technique – Rundll32 Running DLL in Root of ProgramData
  • Suspicious Process – Regsvr32.exe Registering DLL in ProgramData
  • Persistence – Run Key Added by Reg.exe
  • Suspicious Registry Event – Unusual Registry Run Keys
  • Attacker Technique – Disabling UAC Remote Restrictions
  • Suspicious Registry Edit – Shell\Open\Command Edited, Possible UAC Bypass
  • Attacker Technique – Reg.exe disabling the User Access Control (UAC) remote restriction
  • Suspicious Process – Possible UAC Bypass via MMC.exe
  • Attacker Technique – Svchost.exe Spawns cmd.exe Executing Scheduled Task
  • Persistence – SchTasks Creating A Task Pointed At Users Temp Or Roaming Directory
  • Ransomware – LockBit Command-Line Arguments
  • Suspicious Process – VSSADMIN List and Create Shadow Commands (MVD detection)
  • Suspicious Registry Event – BCDEDIT Safeboot Minimal
  • UAC Bypass – Notepad Launching CMD or PowerShell
  • Defense Evasion – Disabling Multiple Security or Backup Products (MVD detection)
  • Suspicious Process – Diskshadow (Windows Server) Delete Shadow Copies

MITRE ATT&CK Techniques


Tactic Technique **Details
Execution Native API (T1106) The ransomware may execute its malicious activities by interacting with system APIs.
Persistence Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task (T1053.005 ) Black Hunt sets persistence by creating scheduled tasks to execute the malware upon system startup using the command
Persistence Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder (T1547.001) Modifies the Windows Registry to establish persistence, ensuring it runs automatically upon system startup.
Privilege Escalation Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control (T1548.002 ) Black Hunt grants itself elevated privileges without user intervention by modifying registry values: EnableLUA and EnableLinkedConnections.
Defense Evasion, Privilege Escalation Access Token Manipulation (T1134) Black Hunt manipulate access tokens, granting itself privileges to perform various actions on the system
Defense Evasion Modify Registry (T1112) Modifies registry keys to disable security features, alter system configurations, and establish persistence.
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools (T1562.001) Black Hunt disables security tools to avoid possible detection of their malware/tools and activities
Defense Evasion File Deletion ( T1070.004 ) Black Hunt empties the Windows Recycle Bin to permanently delete files and prevent recovery attempts.
Defense Evasion Indicator Removal on Host: Clear Windows Event Logs (T1070.001) The ransomware clears Windows Event Logs to erase evidence.
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Safe Mode Boot (T1562.009) Black Hunt disable endpoint defenses
Defense Evasion Hide Artifacts: Hidden Window (T1564.003) Black Hunt uses a hidden window to conceal malicious activity from the plain sight of users.
Discovery Network Service Discovery (T1046) Black Hunt lists services running on the local network
Discovery System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery (T1614.001) Black Hunt gather information about the system language of a host in order to infer the geographical location of that host
Discovery Network Share Discovery (T1135) Black Hunt enumerates shared network drives and folders to access other systems
Discovery File and Directory Discovery (T1083) Black Hunt enumerates files and directories to identify whether certain objects should be encrypted
Discovery Process Discovery (T1057) Black Hunt performs process discovery/enumeration to terminate processes that could interfere with the encryption process.
Impact Inhibit System Recovery (T1490) Deletes backups, volume shadow copies, and disables automatic repair and recovery features.
Impact Data Encrypted for Impact (T1486) Black Hunt is capable for encrypting victim’s files
Impact Service Stop (T1489) Stops certain services, such as those related to backup, security software, and others


Attribute Value Description
mutex BLACK_HUNT Mutex used by the ransomware
mutex BaseNamedObjects\BlackKeys Mutex used by the ransomware
sha256 C25F7B30D224D999CE337A13224C1CDE9FFB3F415D7113548DE9914A1BB3F123 #BlackHunt_Update.hta file
primary email Teikobest@gmail dot com Primary contact email for ransom
secondary email Loxoclash@gmail dot com Secondary contact email for ransom
Tor address http[://]sdif9821kjsdvcjlksaf2kjhlksvvnktyoiasuc921f
sha256 74df3452a6b9dcdba658af7a9cf5afb09cce51534f9bc63079827bf73075243b Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 35619594724871138875db462eda6cf24f2a462e1f812ff27d79131576cd73ab Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 32877793a1e0d72235e9e785e1f55592c32c9f08b73729815b8103b09a54065f Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 7eea62dcae4e2e5091dd89959529ae047071415a890dda507db4c53b6dcab28b Black Hunt ransomware
sha256 13a5c3b72f81554e04b56d960d3a503a4b08ec77abb43756932a68b98dac1479 Black Hunt ransomware

Registry Modified by Black Hunt Ransomware

Registry Modification Description
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run {2C5F9FCC-F266-43F6-BFD7-838DAE269E11} REG_SZ C:\ProgramData#BlackHunt_ReadMe.hta Adds a startup entry to run a file at system startup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender DisableAntiSpyware REG_DWORD 1 Disables Windows Defender anti-spyware protection
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection DisableRealtimeMonitoring REG_DWORD 1 Disables Windows Defender real-time monitoring
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet SubmitSamplesConsent REG_DWORD 2 Sets the consent level for submitting samples to Microsoft
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Threats Threats_ThreatSeverityDefaultAction REG_DWORD 1 Sets default actions for threats detected by Windows Defender
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Threats\ThreatSeverityDefaultAction Low, Medium, High, Severe REG_DWORD 6 Sets default actions for threats of different severities
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\UX Configuration Notification_Suppress REG_DWORD 1 Suppresses Windows Defender notifications
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoClose, StartMenuLogOff REG_DWORD 1 Disables the ability to close the Start Menu and log off
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System DisableChangePassword, DisableLockWorkstation, NoLogoff, DisableTaskMgr REG_DWORD 1 Disables various system functionalities such as changing password, locking workstation, logging off, and task manager
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\SystemRestore DisableConfig, DisableSR REG_DWORD 1 Disables System Restore configuration and functionality
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRE DisableSetup REG_DWORD 1 Disables Windows Recovery Environment setup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Backup\Client DisableBackupLauncher, DisableRestoreUI, DisableSystemBackupUI, DisableBackupUI REG_DWORD 1 Disables various backup client functionalities
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoRun REG_DWORD 1 Disables the ability to run programs






Rapid7 Labs GitHub


2023 Ransomware Stats: A Look Back To Plan Ahead

Post Syndicated from Christiaan Beek original https://blog.rapid7.com/2024/01/12/2023-ransomware-stats-a-look-back-to-plan-ahead/

2023 Ransomware Stats: A Look Back To Plan Ahead

2023 Ransomware Stats: A Look Back To Plan Ahead

Last year was not a year for the faint of heart. Organizations of every size found themselves faced with ransomware attacks at varying levels of sophistication, yet every one of them was damaging. And as we step into 2024, the first victims of ransomware attacks are already being reported. What can the 2023 ransomware stats tell us about the year that was, and how can we use them to plan for the year ahead?

In this blog we will dissect the multifaceted dimensions of ransomware attacks observed in 2023, providing insights and looking a bit forward to what 2024 might bring. For our data analytics, we make use of publicly available data (like posts from the ransomware groups themselves) and 2023 ransomware incident data from our MDR team, both of which we’ve enriched with context from the data gathered in Rapid7 Labs.

The 2023 Ransomware Landscape

Most ransomware groups have leak sites where they announce victims of their campaigns. These leak sites are a tactic to put more pressure on their victims to pay the ransom; if the ransom is not paid, they will leak the compromised data via that site. The frequency of posts is a good indicator of how often and which groups are active, but the ransomware landscape is larger than that.

The number of unique ransomware families these groups utilized in 2023 decreased by more than half, from 95 new families in 2022 to 43 in 2023. This tells us that the “current” ransomware families and models are working/profitable and there’s no need to develop something brand new.

Our combined sources uncovered nearly 5200 reported ransomware cases throughout the course of 2023. In reality, we believe that number was actually higher because it doesn’t account for the many attacks that likely went unreported.

Coveware, a security consulting firm, found that the average ransom payment for Q3 2023 was $850,700 USD. That is only the amount paid for the ransom; the real costs for recovering of a ransomware incident are based on a range of factors that include:

  • Downtime
  • Damage to reputation
  • Lost business
  • Labour hours
  • Increased insurance coverage costs
  • Legal counseling and settlement fees

The same report mentioned a staggering 41% of victims opted to pay the ransom.

The below scatter plot shows the number of ransomware incidents attributed to the top 20 ransomware groups for 2023, based on leak site communications, public disclosures, and Rapid7 incident response data.

2023 Ransomware Stats: A Look Back To Plan Ahead

Zooming in on the most active groups (supported by a large ecosystem of initial access brokers), the top 5 groups we identified are:

  • Alphv aka BlackCat ransomware
  • BianLian
  • Cl0P
  • Lockbit(3)
  • Play

The below polar-bar chart visualizes these groups’ frequency of postings per month on their leak sites:

2023 Ransomware Stats: A Look Back To Plan Ahead

2023 Ransomware Attacks

Rapid7 Labs conducted an analysis of the 2023 ransomware attacks using data sourced from both external and internal reports. We compared the modus operandi of these attacks and mapped them out against the MITRE ATT&CK model. The results are visualized in the following diagram:

2023 Ransomware Stats: A Look Back To Plan Ahead

This diagram effectively encapsulates the common patterns and methodologies observed in the majority of ransomware attacks. It serves as a visual representation, outlining the sequence of steps typically followed by attackers from initial breach to final ransom demand. In our statistics, exploiting a public facing application and having a valid account are the top initial attack vectors we observed in ransomware-focused attacks in 2023.

Ransomware Groups That Came and Went

In 2023, several ransomware groups ceased their operations or underwent significant transformations. Hive ransomware marked the year’s start with its disruption in January. BlackByte, after briefly reappearing with a new white logo, went offline for the last two months of 2023.

Royal ransomware rebranded itself as Black Suit, as evidenced by the matching binaries.They took down their victim portal and started posting more on their Black Suit leak site.

Vice Society, another group, became inactive for over three months, taking down their main and backup leak sites.

NoEscape, previously known as Avaddon, executed an exit scam, further indicating the volatile and shifting landscape of ransomware groups in 2023. An “exit scam” is a fraudulent scheme where a business or individual collects funds or assets from customers or investors and then suddenly ceases operations, disappearing with the collected funds.

Who To Watch For in 2024

We anticipate that the top 5 groups mentioned will still be active in 2024; however, during the course of 2023, new groups surfaced that are interesting to watch. In random order: Cactus, Rhysida, 8base, Hunters International, Akira, and the recently surfaced Werewolves group are those to keep an eye out for.

Digging Deeper Into Object Lock

Post Syndicated from Pat Patterson original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/digging-deeper-into-object-lock/

A decorative image showing data inside of a vault.

Using Object Lock for your data is a smart choice—you can protect your data from ransomware, meet compliance requirements, beef up your security policy, or preserve data for legal reasons. But, it’s not a simple on/off switch, and accidentally locking your data for 100 years is a mistake you definitely don’t want to make.

Today we’re taking a deeper dive into Object Lock and the related legal hold feature, examining the different levels of control that are available, explaining why developers might want to build Object Lock into their own applications, and showing exactly how to do that. While the code samples are aimed at our developer audience, anyone looking for a deeper understanding of Object Lock should be able to follow along.

I presented a webinar on this topic earlier this year that covers much the same ground as this blog post, so feel free to watch it instead of, or in addition to, reading this article. 

Check Out the Docs

For even more information on Object Lock, check out our Object Lock overview in our Technical Documentation Portal as well as these how-tos about how to enable Object Lock using the Backblaze web UI, Backblaze B2 Native API, and the Backblaze S3 Compatible API:

What Is Object Lock?

In the simplest explanation, Object Lock is a way to lock objects (aka files) stored in Backblaze B2 so that they are immutable—that is, they cannot be deleted or modified, for a given period of time, even by the user account that set the Object Lock rule. Backblaze B2’s implementation of Object Lock was originally known as File Lock, and you may encounter the older terminology in some documentation and articles. For consistency, I’ll use the term “object” in this blog post, but in this context it has exactly the same meaning as “file.”

Object Lock is a widely offered feature included with backup applications such as Veeam and MSP360, allowing organizations to ensure that their backups are not vulnerable to deliberate or accidental deletion or modification for some configurable retention period.

Ransomware mitigation is a common motivation for protecting data with Object Lock. Even if an attacker were to compromise an organization’s systems to the extent of accessing the application keys used to manage data in Backblaze B2, they would not be able to delete or change any locked data. Similarly, Object Lock guards against insider threats, where the attacker may try to abuse legitimate access to application credentials.

Object Lock is also used in industries that store sensitive or personal identifiable information (PII) such as banking, education, and healthcare. Because they work with such sensitive data, regulatory requirements dictate that data be retained for a given period of time, but data must also be deleted in particular circumstances. 

For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an important component of the EU’s privacy laws and an international regulatory standard that drives best practices, may dictate that some data must be deleted when a customer closes their account. A related use case is where data must be preserved due to litigation, where the period for which data must be locked is not fixed and depends on the type of lawsuit at hand. 

To handle these requirements, Backblaze B2 offers two Object Lock modes—compliance and governance—as well as the legal hold feature. Let’s take a look at the differences between them.

Compliance Mode: Near-Absolute Immutability

When objects are locked in compliance mode, not only can they not be deleted or modified while the lock is in place, but the lock also cannot be removed during the specified retention period. It is not possible to remove or override the compliance lock to delete locked data until the lock expires, whether you’re attempting to do so via the Backblaze web UI or either of the S3 Compatible or B2 Native APIs. Similarly, Backblaze Support is unable to unlock or delete data locked under compliance mode in response to a support request, which is a safeguard designed to address social engineering attacks where an attacker impersonates a legitimate user.

What if you inadvertently lock many terabytes of data for several years? Are you on the hook for thousands of dollars of storage costs? Thankfully, no—you have one escape route, which is to close your Backblaze account. Closing the account is a multi-step process that requires access to both the account login credentials and two-factor verification (if it is configured) and results in the deletion of all data in that account, locked or unlocked. This is a drastic step, so we recommend that developers create one or more “burner” Backblaze accounts for use in developing and testing applications that use Object Lock, that can be closed if necessary without disrupting production systems.

There is one lock-related operation you can perform on compliance-locked objects: extending the retention period. In fact, you can keep extending the retention period on locked data any number of times, protecting that data from deletion until you let the compliance lock expire.

Governance Mode: Override Permitted

In our other Object Lock option, objects can be locked in governance mode for a given retention period. But, in contrast to compliance mode, the governance lock can be removed or overridden via an API call, if you have an application key with appropriate capabilities. Governance mode handles use cases that require retention of data for some fixed period of time, with exceptions for particular circumstances.

When I’m trying to remember the difference between compliance and governance mode, I think of the phrase, “Twenty seconds to comply!”, uttered by the ED-209 armed robot in the movie “RoboCop.” It turned out that there was no way to override ED-209’s programming, with dramatic, and fatal, consequences.

ED-209: as implacable as compliance mode.

Legal Hold: Flexible Preservation

While the compliance and governance retention modes lock objects for a given retention period, legal hold is more like a toggle switch: you can turn it on and off at any time, again with an application key with sufficient capabilities. As its name suggests, legal hold is ideal for situations where data must be preserved for an unpredictable period of time, such as while litigation is proceeding.

The compliance and governance modes are mutually exclusive, which is to say that only one may be in operation at any time. Objects locked in governance mode can be switched to compliance mode, but, as you might expect from the above explanation, objects locked in compliance mode cannot be switched to governance mode until the compliance lock expires.

Legal hold, on the other hand, operates independently, and can be enabled and disabled regardless of whether an object is locked in compliance or governance mode.

How does this work? Consider an object that is locked in compliance or governance mode and has legal hold enabled:

  • If the legal hold is removed, the object remains locked until the retention period expires.
  • If the retention period expires, the object remains locked until the legal hold is removed.

Object Lock and Versioning

By default, Backblaze B2 Buckets have versioning enabled, so as you upload successive objects with the same name, previous versions are preserved automatically. None of the Object Lock modes prevent you from uploading a new version of a locked object; the lock is specific to the object version to which it was applied.

You can also hide a locked object so it doesn’t appear in object listings. The hidden version is retained and can be revealed using the Backblaze web UI or an API call.

As you might expect, locked object versions are not subject to deletion by lifecycle rules—any attempt to delete a locked object version via a lifecycle rule will fail.

How to Use Object Lock in Applications

Now that you understand the two modes of Object Lock, plus legal hold, and how they all work with object versions, let’s look at how you can take advantage of this functionality in your applications. I’ll include code samples for Backblaze B2’s S3 Compatible API written in Python, using the AWS SDK, aka Boto3, in this blog post. You can find details on working with Backblaze B2’s Native API in the documentation.

Application Key Capabilities for Object Lock

Every application key you create for Backblaze B2 has an associated set of capabilities; each capability allows access to a specific functionality in Backblaze B2. There are seven capabilities relevant to object lock and legal hold. 

Two capabilities relate to bucket settings:

  1. readBucketRetentions 
  2. writeBucketRetentions

Three capabilities relate to object settings for retention: 

  1. readFileRetentions 
  2. writeFileRetentions 
  3. bypassGovernance

And, two are specific to Object Lock: 

  1. readFileLegalHolds 
  2. writeFileLegalHolds 

The Backblaze B2 documentation contains full details of each capability and the API calls it relates to for both the S3 Compatible API and the B2 Native API.

When you create an application key via the web UI, it is assigned capabilities according to whether you allow it access to all buckets or just a single bucket, and whether you assign it read-write, read-only, or write-only access.

An application key created in the web UI with read-write access to all buckets will receive all of the above capabilities. A key with read-only access to all buckets will receive readBucketRetentions, readFileRetentions, and readFileLegalHolds. Finally, a key with write-only access to all buckets will receive bypassGovernance, writeBucketRetentions, writeFileRetentions, and writeFileLegalHolds.

In contrast, an application key created in the web UI restricted to a single bucket is not assigned any of the above permissions. When an application using such a key uploads objects to its associated bucket, they receive the default retention mode and period for the bucket, if they have been set. The application is not able to select a different retention mode or period when uploading an object, change the retention settings on an existing object, or bypass governance when deleting an object.

You may want to create application keys with more granular permissions when working with Object Lock and/or legal hold. For example, you may need an application restricted to a single bucket to be able to toggle legal hold for objects in that bucket. You can use the Backblaze B2 CLI to create an application key with this, or any other set of capabilities. This command, for example, creates a key with the default set of capabilities for read-write access to a single bucket, plus the ability to read and write the legal hold setting:

% b2 create-key --bucket my-bucket-name my-key-name listBuckets,readBuckets,listFiles,readFiles,shareFiles,writeFiles,deleteFiles,readBucketEncryption,writeBucketEncryption,readBucketReplications,writeBucketReplications,readFileLegalHolds,writeFileLegalHolds

Enabling Object Lock

You must enable Object Lock on a bucket before you can lock any objects therein; you can do this when you create the bucket, or at any time later, but you cannot disable Object Lock on a bucket once it has been enabled. Here’s how you create a bucket with Object Lock enabled:


Once a bucket’s settings have Object Lock enabled, you can configure a default retention mode and period for objects that are created in that bucket. Only compliance mode is configurable from the web UI, but you can set governance mode as the default via an API call, like this:

        'ObjectLockEnabled': 'Enabled',
        'Rule': {
            'DefaultRetention': {
                'Mode': 'GOVERNANCE',
                'Days': 7

You cannot set legal hold as a default configuration for the bucket.

Locking Objects

Regardless of whether you set a default retention mode for the bucket, you can explicitly set a retention mode and period when you upload objects, or apply the same settings to existing objects, provided you use an application key with the appropriate writeFileRetentions or writeFileLegalHolds capability.

Both the S3 PutObject operation and Backblaze B2’s b2_upload_file include optional parameters for specifying retention mode and period, and/or legal hold. For example:

    Body=open('/path/to/local/file', mode='rb'),
        2023, 9, 7, hour=10, minute=30, second=0

Both APIs implement additional operations to get and set retention settings and legal hold for existing objects. Here’s an example of how you apply a governance mode lock:

        'Mode': 'GOVERNANCE',  # Required, even if mode is not changed
        'RetainUntilDate': datetime(
            2023, 9, 5, hour=10, minute=30, second=0

The VersionId parameter is optional: the operation applies to the current object version if it is omitted.

You can also use the web UI to view, but not change, an object’s retention settings, and to toggle legal hold for an object:

A screenshot highlighting where to enable Object Lock via the Backblaze web UI.

Deleting Objects in Governance Mode

As mentioned above, a key difference between the compliance and governance modes is that it is possible to override governance mode to delete an object, given an application key with the bypassGovernance capability. To do so, you must identify the specific object version, and pass a flag to indicate that you are bypassing the governance retention restriction:

# Get object details, including version id of current version
object_info = s3_client.head_object(

# Delete the most recent object version, bypassing governance

There is no way to delete an object in legal hold; the legal hold must be removed before the object can be deleted.

Protect Your Data With Object Lock and Legal Hold

Object Lock is a powerful feature, and with great power… you know the rest. Here are some of the questions you should ask when deciding whether to implement Object Lock in your applications:

  • What would be the impact of malicious or accidental deletion of your application’s data?
  • Should you lock all data according to a central policy, or allow users to decide whether to lock their data, and for how long?
  • If you are storing data on behalf of users, are there special circumstances where a lock must be overridden?
  • Which users should be permitted to set and remove a legal hold? Does it make sense to build this into the application rather than have an administrator use a tool such as the Backblaze B2 CLI to manage legal holds?

If you already have a Backblaze B2 account, you can start working with Object Lock today; otherwise, create an account to get started.

The post Digging Deeper Into Object Lock appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Ransomware Gang Files SEC Complaint

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/11/ransomware-gang-files-sec-complaint.html

A ransomware gang, annoyed at not being paid, filed an SEC complaint against its victim for not disclosing its security breach within the required four days.

This is over the top, but is just another example of the extreme pressure ransomware gangs put on companies after seizing their data. Gangs are now going through the data, looking for particularly important or embarrassing pieces of data to threaten executives with exposing. I have heard stories of executives’ families being threatened, of consensual porn being identified (people regularly mix work and personal email) and exposed, and of victims’ customers and partners being directly contacted. Ransoms are in the millions, and gangs do their best to ensure that the pressure to pay is intense.

GhostLocker – A “Work In Progress” RaaS

Post Syndicated from Natalie Zargarov original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/11/08/ghostlocker-a-work-in-progress-raas/

Executive Summary

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS

In recent years, there has been a noticeable uptick in threat actors venturing into the realm of Ransom-as-a-Service (RaaS). Some have emerged as significant threats, while others have faded into obscurity. What makes the current landscape unusual is the entry of hacktivist groups into this domain. One such group, GhostSec, has introduced a novel Ransom-as-a-Service encryptor known as GhostLocker. GhostSec’s focus has predominantly been on well-established telecommunications companies, surveillance systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

GhostLocker is being marketed as a groundbreaking, enterprise-grade locking software that prioritizes safety and effectiveness above all else. Initially priced at $999 for the first 15 affiliates, GhostSec anticipates raising this fee to $4,999 in the future. This executive summary provides a snapshot of our investigation and key findings pertaining to this emerging ransomware variant.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 1 – GhostLocker announcement

GhostLocker RaaS was announced on October 8th, 2023 and since then several updates were made to the encryptor. Rapid7 researchers obtained several new GhostLocker samples and took a quick look at them. This blog — based on one of the first publicly available samples — and the analysis led us to the conclusion that the encryptor is still under development and lacks the basic capability to encrypt files.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 2 – GhostLocker update timeline

Technical Analysis

Announced by GhostSec, the new GhostLocker encryptor’s major features include:

  1. Military-grade encryption on runtime
  2. Undetectability by using a polymorphic stub, and guaranteeing zero detections out of all major antivirus (AV) solutions
  3. Protection against reverse engineering
  4. Self-delete
  5. Killing services
  6. Automatic privilege escalation
  7. Persistence mechanism
  8. Watchdog process
  9. Delayed encryption

GhostSec is also offering their affiliates a fully functional statistics and negotiation platform.

GhostSec used Python to create their encryptor. The first sample spotted by Rapid7 was a PyInstaller executable. PyInstaller is used to package Python code into standalone executable applications for various operating systems. It takes a Python script and generates a single executable file that contains all the necessary dependencies and can be run on computers that do not have Python installed. This allows for easy distribution and deployment of Python applications, as the user does not need to have Python and any required modules installed on their system in order to run the application. We extracted the python scripts from the installer. Most of the extracted files were legitimate public python libraries and the only one that caught our attention is the main.py script.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 3 – Main function of main.py

Main.py script seems to contain a hard-coded affiliate panel IP address and the fully implemented function that sends the infected machine name to the panel. The IP address is of a hosting company from which we have observed ransomware activity this year.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 4 – Hard-coded URL and the victim’s data sending function

By checking the main function we can follow the exact attack flow of the GhostLocker encryptor. First, the encryption key will be created by using a Fernet encryption module which uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt data. The generate_key() method from the Fernet library is used to create a 32-byte URL-safe base64-encoded key, which is later used in the AES encryption procedure.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 5 – Fernet key generation

Next, it will generate the victim ID and retrieve the victim’s username by using getpass Python library. The function getpass.getuser() is used to return the “login name” of the user. After all key generation is done, GhostLocker will send a json data containing the victim’s ID, encryption key, and the victim’s PC name to the attacker’s panel. And here is the first hint of ‘work in progress’ encryptor: the ‘pcname’ passed is hard-coded ‘hi’:

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 6 – Hard-coded ‘hi’ pcname

The victim’s information and encryption key are sent in clear text via HTTP protocol, as shown in the image below:

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 7 – From GhostLocker pcap

After sending the victim info to the attacker’s panel, the GhostLocker is supposed to start the encryption process; however, in the sample we analyzed, the encryption function was not implemented:

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 8 – File encryption function

After the supposed encryption is done, GhostLocker will drop a ransom note to the Document folder:

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 9 – Ransom note content in the main.py file

The ransom note html file name is Imao which is an acronym to ‘Laughing My Ass Off’, although there is nothing funny for the victim in that note. It is either the attacker is meant to be laughing at the victim or that name is used just for the developer’s checks and will be changed in the future. The ransom note is pretty straightforward; it explains to the victim what happened to their files and how to contact the attacker. Weirdly, it dropped only to the `Documents` folder which makes it difficult to notice. It was observed that the attackers employed an end-to-end encrypted messaging platform, Session, as a source of communication between victims and the ransomware developers. The link to this messenger is embedded into the body of the ransom note, providing victims with a direct path to download the application.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 10 – Imao.html ransom note

After a closer look at the ransom note written in HTML format, it became evident that the ransom note was handcrafted rather than generated, as it contained syntax errors. A clear example of such an error can be seen in the word “paty” instead of “party,” showing that most likely a human wrote it: “DO NOT try to decrypt your data using third paty software, it may cause permanent data loss.”

Additionally, the main.py contains the sendWebhook(msg) function. That function is designed to send a message or data to a Discord Webhook. The webhook URL is hardcoded in the code; however, we did not see the function being called and what kind of message is being sent to the attacker’s discord channel. Though being fully implemented, this function was never called.

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Figure 11 – Unused sendWebhook function

When executed for the first time, several embedded files are dropped into a new folder created in the user’s temp directory. One of the files is a second stage executable that is executed as a child process of the installer. The installer waits until the child process exits by using WaitForSingleObject API call. When the child process exits, the installer implements the self delete feature and deletes all the dropped files.

The newer versions of GhostLocker are compiled with Nuitka. Nuitka compiles a Python program to a C binary — not by packaging the CPython runtime with the program bytecode, but by translating Python instructions into C. Compiling the malware with Nuitka makes it harder to investigate.

Rapid7 Customers

For Rapid7 MDR and InsightIDR customers, all executed binaries will undergo comprehensive analysis against the hash reputation service to determine if it is a known malicious file and will alert on malicious hashes. Additionally, through our behavior-based detection rules we will be able to recognize patterns of activity associated with these threat actors in order to provide customers coverage and alerts to safeguard their systems before ransomware gets deployed.

MITRE ATT&CK Techniques

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
Table 1. File Characteristics Table

GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS
GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS


GhostLocker - A “Work In Progress” RaaS






New York Increases Cybersecurity Rules for Financial Companies

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/11/new-york-increases-cybersecurity-rules-for-financial-companies.html

Another example of a large and influential state doing things the federal government won’t:

Boards of directors, or other senior committees, are charged with overseeing cybersecurity risk management, and must retain an appropriate level of expertise to understand cyber issues, the rules say. Directors must sign off on cybersecurity programs, and ensure that any security program has “sufficient resources” to function.

In a new addition, companies now face significant requirements related to ransom payments. Regulated firms must now report any payment made to hackers within 24 hours of that payment.

Ransomware-as-a-Service cheat sheet

Post Syndicated from Rapid7 original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/08/22/ransomware-as-a-service-cheat-sheet/

Ransomware-as-a-Service cheat sheet

Ransomware-as-a-Service, or RaaS, has taken the threat landscape by storm — so much so that in 2023, the White House re-classified ransomware as a national security threat. How has RaaS taken the impact of ransomware attacks to this next level of federal concern? By allowing potential cybercriminals to launch a ransomware attack regardless of their experience with programming or technical sophistication.

According to Cybersecurity Ventures, ransomware might cost companies nearly $265 billion annually by the end of 2031. Meanwhile, bad actors get a lot of bang for their buck with Ransomware-as-a-Service. RaaS kit subscriptions can be as little as $40 per month.

That said, security professionals shouldn’t roll over or wave the white flag. Implementing a few key strategies can minimize the effect and decrease the likelihood of falling victim to a RaaS attack.

What is RaaS?

Organizations should clearly understand what RaaS is to make their security strategies specific to the needs of ransomware defense.

So, what is Ransomware-as-a-Service? It’s a business model designed by larger, more sophisticated ransomware groups. These groups utilize their technical expertise to create portable ransomware packages — or kits — that they then sell to buyers aiming to launch their own ransomware attacks.

Basically, ransomware operators turn their processes into a program or software usable by other threat actors. RaaS packages are often advertised on forums on the dark web, and they can also come with downloadable features, bundled offers, and 24/7 support staff. Well-known examples of groups that produce RaaS kits include:

RaaS kits aren’t developed out of the goodness of ransomware groups’ hearts. As noted above, these kits operate similarly to SaaS business models in that users follow some type of payment plan with the original ransomware operators.

These plans might look like:

  • A one-time licensing fee
  • A monthly subscription fee
  • An affiliate program fee — which typically entitles a chunk of the profits to the ransomware group
  • Pure profit sharing

Defending against RaaS attacks

When it comes to Ransomware-as-a-Service, the best method of defense follows a pretty consistent cybersecurity theme: Prevention is protection. Ransomware attacks are extremely costly and time-consuming for security teams to retroactively address. So, implementing security strategies aimed at stopping RaaS users in their tracks should be considered essential.

However, RaaS attacks are evolving faster than ever, so it can be tough for security teams to know where to start. Here’s a cheat sheet of three easy ways to defend your organization from RaaS attacks — well before they even strike.

1. Patch, patch, and patch again

Patching is a critical part of cybersecurity maintenance. Ransomware operators are looking out for new vulnerabilities to exploit around the clock — after all, that’s their full-time job. So, it’s critical for organizations to amp up their vulnerability management strategy and stay on top of the growing list of critical vulnerability exploits (CVEs) that bad actors use to breach sensitive systems and assets. A rigorous patching program will go a long way in keeping the latest RaaS kits at bay.

RaaS Hack: Keep tabs on what vulnerabilities your organization might have by checking up on CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog. This federal resource includes a bulletin that security teams can subscribe to, as well as downloadable versions in CSV and JSON formats.

2. Segment networks to prevent widespread environment proliferation

One of the biggest problems with RaaS attacks is that they move fast. Once RaaS users find an “in,” they can swiftly move into other connected environments — which can lead to an organization getting completely infested by ransomware.

To prevent the RaaS ripple effect, organizations should segment their networks. Network segmentation compartmentalizes one larger network into sub-networks, which allows security teams to devise security controls unique to each smaller network. Sub-networks not only make network security more manageable, they also make network security more diverse — mitigating the damage of one exploited vulnerability.

3. Build and maintain a culture of security

An organization is only as strong as its weakest link — and more often than not, humans are the weakest link. IBM’s 2023 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index found that successful phishing campaigns caused 41% of all security incidents. That means a critical remedy for RaaS attacks is providing organization-wide education on attempts via phishing, business email compromise, or other attack methods reliant on human error.

RaaS Hack: If your organization has limited resources for cybersecurity, leveraging managed services can implement cybersecurity “training wheels.” Managed services vendors can help educate your teams — and by proxy, your whole organization — on best practices for protection against RaaS attacks.

Next steps for RaaS defense

RaaS attacks are growing more frequent and more sophisticated, and it can be tough to match and meet bad actors where they’re at when you are inundated with a laundry list of other daily tasks.

That’s why we built Managed Threat Complete, an always-on MDR with vulnerability management in a single subscription that helps take the load off your security teams so they have space to innovate and strategize. Leverage the skill of our world-class cybersecurity experts and learn how to implement robust RaaS defense in your organization today.

NAS Ransomware Guide: How to Protect Your NAS From Attacks

Post Syndicated from Vinodh Subramanian original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/nas-ransomware-guide-how-to-protect-your-nas-from-attacks/

A decorative image showing a NAS device locked up with chains. The title reads NAS Ransomware.

You probably invested in a network attached storage (NAS) device to centralize your storage, manage data more efficiently, and implement on-site backups. So, keeping that data safe is important to you. Unfortunately, as NAS devices have risen in popularity, cybercriminals have taken notice.  

Recent high-profile ransomware campaigns have targeted vast numbers of NAS devices worldwide. These malicious attacks can lock away users’ NAS data, holding it hostage until a ransom is paid—or the user risks losing all their data. 

If you are a NAS user, learning how to secure your NAS device against ransomware attacks is critical if you want to protect your data. In this guide, you’ll learn why NAS devices are attractive targets for ransomware and how to safeguard your NAS device from ransomware attacks. Let’s get started.

What Is Ransomware?

To begin, let’s quickly understand what ransomware actually is. Ransomware is a type of malicious software or malware that infiltrates systems and encrypts files. Upon successful infection, ransomware denies users access to their files or systems, effectively holding data hostage. 

Its name derives from its primary purpose—to demand a “ransom” from the victim in exchange for restoring access to their data. Ransomware actors often threaten to delete, sell, or leak data if the ransom is not paid. 

Ransomware threat messages often imitate law enforcement agencies, claiming that the user violated laws and must pay a fine. Other times, it’s a blunt threat—pay or lose your data forever. This manipulative strategy preys on fears and urgency, often pressuring the unprepared victims into paying the ransom. 

The consequences of a ransomware attack can be severe. The most immediate impact is data loss, which can be catastrophic if the encrypted files contain sensitive or critical information. There’s also the financial loss from the ransom payment itself which can range from a few hundred dollars to several million dollars. 

Moreover, an attack can cause significant operational downtime, with systems unavailable while the malware is removed and data is restored. For businesses, especially the unprepared, the downtime can be disastrous, leading to substantial revenue loss. 

A picture of Earth from space with light-up areas around cities.
Cybersecurity Ventures expects that by 2031, businesses will fall victim to a ransomware attack every other second. Source.

However, the damage doesn’t stop there. The reputational damage caused by a ransomware attack can make customers, partners, and stakeholders lose trust in a business that falls victim to such an attack, especially if it results in a data breach. 

As you can see, ransomware is not just malicious code that disrupts your business, it can cause significant harm on multiple fronts. Therefore, it’s important to understand the basics of ransomware as the first step in building a robust defense strategy for your NAS device.

Types of Ransomware

While the modus operandi of ransomware—to deny access to users’ data and demand ransom—remains relatively constant, there are multiple ransomware variants, each with unique characteristics. 

Some of the most common types of ransomware include:

Locker Ransomware

Locker ransomware takes an all-or-nothing approach. It locks users out of their entire system, preventing them from accessing any files, applications, or even the operating system itself. 

The only thing the users can access is a ransomware note, demanding payment in exchange for restoring access to their system. 

Crypto Ransomware

As its name suggests, crypto ransomware encrypts the users’ files and makes them inaccessible. This type of ransomware does not lock the entire system, but rather targets specific file types such as documents, spreadsheets, and multimedia files. The victims can still use their system but cannot access or open the encrypted files without the encryption key. 

Ransomware as a Service (RaaS)

RaaS represents a new business model in the dark world of cybercrime. It is essentially a cloud-based platform where ransomware developers sell or rent their ransomware codes to other cybercriminals, who then distribute and manage the ransomware attacks. The ransomware developers receive a cut of the ransom payments.  


Leakware steals sensitive or confidential information and threatens to publicize them if ransom is not paid. This type of ransomware is particularly damaging as even if the ransom is paid and the data is not leaked, the mere fact that the data was accessed can have significant legal and reputational implications. 

A decorative image showing several stacked cubes with some of them breaking apart.
Only 4% of victims who paid ransoms actually got all of their data back. Source.


Scareware uses social engineering to trick victims into believing that their system is infected with viruses or other malware. They scare people into visiting spoofed or infected websites or downloading malicious software (malware). While not as directly damaging as other forms of ransomware, scareware can be used as the gateway to a more intricate cyberattack and may not be an attack in and of itself. 

Can Ransomware Attack NAS?

Yes, ransomware can and frequently does target NAS devices. These storage solutions, while highly effective and efficient, have certain characteristics that make them attractive to cybercriminals. 

Let’s explore some of these reasons in more detail below.

Centralized Storage

NAS devices act as centralized storage locations with all data stored in one place. This makes them an attractive target for ransomware attacks. By infiltrating a single NAS device, bad actors can gain access to a significant amount of company data, maximizing the impact of their attack and the potential ransom.

Security Vulnerabilities

Unlike traditional PCs or servers, NAS devices often lack robust security measures. Most NAS systems may not have an antivirus installed, leaving them exposed to various forms of malware including ransomware. Additionally, outdated firmware can further weaken the device’s defenses, offering potential loopholes for attackers to exploit. 

Always Online

NAS devices are designed to be continuously online, allowing for convenient and seamless data access. However, this also means they are constantly exposed to the internet, making them a target for online threats around the clock. 

Default Configuration Settings

NAS devices, like many other hardware devices, often come with default configurations that prioritize ease of access over security. For example, they may have simple, easy-to-guess default passwords or open access permissions for all users. Not changing these default settings can leave the devices vulnerable to attacks. 

Risk Factors: The Human Element

NAS devices are an easy-to-use, accessible way to expand on-site storage and manage data, making them attractive for people without an IT background to use. However, novice users, and even many of your smartest power users, may not know to follow key best practices to prevent ransomware. As humans, all of us are vulnerable to error. In addition to NAS devices having some unique characteristics that make them prime targets for cybercriminals, you can’t discount the human element in ransomware protection. Understanding the following risks can help you shore up your defenses: 

Lack of User Awareness

There is often a lack of awareness among NAS users about the potential security risks associated with these devices. Most users may not realize the importance of regularly updating their NAS systems or implementing security measures. This can result in NAS devices being unprotected, making them easy prey for ransomware attacks. 

Insufficient Backup Practices

While NAS devices provide local data storage, it has to be noted that they are not a full 3-2-1 backup solution. Data on NAS devices needs to be backed up off-site to protect against hardware failures, theft, natural disasters, and ransomware attacks. If users don’t have an off-site backup, they risk losing all their data or paying a huge ransom to get access to their NAS data. 

Lack of Regular Audits

Conducting regular security checks and audits can help identify and rectify any potential vulnerabilities. But, most NAS users take regular security audits as an afterthought and let security gaps go unnoticed and unaddressed.

Uncontrolled User Access

In some organizations, NAS devices may be accessed by numerous employees, some of whom may not be trained in security best practices. This can increase the chances of ransomware attacks via tactics like phishing emails.

An image of a computer with a lock in front of it. Several phishing hooks are attacking from all angles.
Up to 70% of phishing emails are opened by the recipient. Source.

Neglected Software Updates

NAS device manufacturers often release software updates that include patches for security vulnerabilities. If users neglect to regularly update the software on their NAS devices, they can leave the devices exposed to ransomware attacks that exploit those vulnerabilities.

How Do I Protect My NAS From Ransomware?

Now that you understand the NAS devices vulnerabilities and threats that expose them to ransomware attacks, let’s take a look at some of the practical measures that you can take to protect your NAS from these attacks.

  1. Update regularly: One of the most straightforward yet effective measures you can take is to keep your NAS devices’ applications up-to-date. This includes applying patches, firmware, and operating system updates as soon as they’re available and released by your NAS device manufacturer or backup application provider. These updates often contain security enhancements and fixes for vulnerabilities that could otherwise be exploited by ransomware.
  2. Use strong credentials: Make sure all user accounts, especially admin accounts, are protected by strong, unique passwords. Strong credentials are a simple but effective way to avoid falling victim to brute force attacks that use a trial and error method to crack passwords.
  3. Disable default admin accounts: Like we discussed above, most NAS devices come with default admin accounts with well-known usernames and passwords, making them easy targets for attackers. It’s a good idea to disable all these default accounts or change their credentials. 
  4. Limit access to NAS: Most businesses provide wide open access to all their users to access NAS data. However, chances are that not every user needs access to every file on your NAS. Limiting access based on user roles and responsibilities can minimize the potential impact in case of a ransomware attack. 
  5. Create different user access levels: Along the same lines of limiting access, consider creating different levels of user access. This can prevent a ransomware infection from spreading if a user with a lower level of access falls victim to an attack. 
  6. Block suspicious IP addresses: Consider utilizing network security tools to monitor and block IP addresses that have made multiple failed login attempts and/or seem suspicious. This can help prevent brute force attacks. 
  7. Implement a firewall and intrusion detection system: Firewalls can prevent unauthorized access to your NAS, while intrusion detection systems can alert you to any potential security breaches. Both can be crucial ways of defense against ransomware. 
  8. Adopt the 3-2-1 backup rule with Object Lock: Like we discussed above, NAS devices offer a centralized storage solution that is local, fast, and easy to share. However, NAS is not a backup solution as it doesn’t protect your data from theft, natural disasters, or hardware failures. Therefore, it’s essential to implement a 3-2-1 backup strategy, where three copies of your data is stored on two different types of storage with one copy stored off-site. This can ensure that you have a secure and uninfected backup even if your NAS is hit by ransomware. The Object Lock feature, available with cloud storage providers such as Backblaze, prevents data from being deleted, ensuring your backup remains intact even in the event of a ransomware attack.

The Role of Cybersecurity Training

While technical measures are a crucial part of NAS ransomware protection, they are only as effective as the people who use them. Human error is often cited as one of the leading causes of successful cyber-attacks, including ransomware. 

This is where cybersecurity training comes in, playing an important role in helping individuals identify and avoid threats. 

A photo of network cables.
Studies have shown that in 93% of cases, an external attacker can breach an organizations network perimeter and gain access to local network resources. Source.

So, what kind of training can you do to help your staff avoid threats?

  • Identification training: Provide staff members with the knowledge and tools they need to recognize potential threats. This includes identifying suspicious emails, websites, or software, and understanding the dangers of clicking on unverified links or downloading unknown attachments, and also knowing how to handle and report a suspected threat when one arises. 
  • Understanding human attack vendors: Cybercriminals often target individuals within an organization, exploiting common human weaknesses such as lack of awareness or curiosity. By understanding how these attacks work, employees can be better equipped to avoid falling victim to them. 
  • Preventing attacks: Ultimately, the goal of cyber security training is to prevent attacks. By training staff on how to recognize and respond to potential threats, businesses can drastically reduce their risk of a successful ransomware attack. This not only helps the company’s data but also its reputation and financial well-being. 

Also, it is important to remember that cybersecurity training should not be a one-time event. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so regular training is necessary to ensure that staff members are aware of the latest threats and the best practices for dealing with them.

Protecting Your NAS Data From Threats

Ransomware is an ever evolving threat in our digital world and NAS devices are no exception. With the rising popularity of NAS devices among businesses, cybercriminals have been targeting NAS devices with high profile ransomware campaigns. 

Having a comprehensive understanding of the basics of ransomware to recognize why NAS devices are attractive targets is the first step toward protecting your NAS devices from these attacks. By keeping systems and applications updated, enforcing robust credentials, limiting access, employing proactive network security measures, and backing up data, you can create a strong defense line against ransomware attacks.

Additionally, investing in regular cybersecurity training for all users can significantly decrease the risk of an attack being successful due to human error. Remember, cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but a continuous process of learning, adapting, and implementing best practices. Stay informed about the latest NAS ransomware types and tactics, maintain regular audits of your NAS devices, and continuously reevaluate and improve your security measures. 

Every step you take towards better security not only protects your NAS data, but sends a strong message to cybercriminals and contributes towards a safer digital ecosystem for all. 

The post NAS Ransomware Guide: How to Protect Your NAS From Attacks appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Guide to How to Recover and Prevent a Ransomware Attack

Post Syndicated from original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/complete-guide-ransomware/

A decorative image with the title "The Complete Guide to Ransomware."

This post was originally published during April of 2019 and updated in July of 2022 and July of 2023. Unfortunately, ransomware continues to proliferate. We’ve updated the post to reflect the current state of ransomware and to help individuals and businesses protect their data.

In today’s interconnected world, where our professional lives revolve around technology, the threat of ransomware looms large. It is a profitable business for cybercriminals, causing billions of dollars in damages. You might not have been subject to a ransomware attack yet, but that may not always be the case—unfortunately, the odds are against you.

This comprehensive guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to prevent and recover from ransomware attacks. With preparation and the latest cybersecurity insights, you can safeguard your digital world.

This post is a part of our ongoing coverage of ransomware. Take a look at our other posts for more information on how businesses can defend themselves against a ransomware attack, and more.

In their 2023 Ransomware Trends Report, Veeam found that only 16% of organizations attacked by ransomware were able to recover without paying a ransom. That means, despite almost every business having backups of some kind, only one in six of them were able to use their backups to resume business operations after an attack. As a cloud storage company where many customers store backups, we think that number should be closer to 100%. That’s why we created this guide—getting that number closer to 100% starts with knowing what you’re up against and putting strategies in place to protect your business. 

The Ransomware Threat

In 2022, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center received 2,385 ransomware complaints with adjusted losses of more than $34.3 million, and those are just the ones that got reported. Cybersecurity Ventures expects that, by 2031, businesses will fall victim to a ransomware attack every other second, up from every 11 seconds in 2021, every 14 seconds in 2019, and every 40 seconds in 2016. This exponential rise in victims translates to nearly $265 billion in ransomware damages by 2031 according to Cybersecurity Ventures.

Individual and average ransom amounts are also reaching new heights. In Q1 2023, the average ransom payment was $327,883, up 55% from Q1 of 2022 ($211,529) according to Coveware, a cyber extortion incident response firm. And, 45% of attacks had an initial demand over $1 million. 

A graph showing ransomware payments by quarter through Q1 2023.

Ransomware affects all industries, from the public sector (state and local government and educational institutions) to healthcare and technology. No group is immune, as seen in the chart below.

A pie chart showing which industries are affected by ransomware as of Q1 2023.

Ransomware continues to be a major threat to businesses in all sectors, but the greatest impact continues to be leveled at small and medium businesses (SMBs). As the table below notes, a vast majority (66.9%) of all the companies impacted by ransomware attacks are SMBs with between 11 and 1,000 employees.  

A pie chart showing ransomware impact by company size.

Regardless of your firm’s size, you’ll want to understand how ransomware works, including ransomware as a service (RaaS), as well as how recent developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are changing the ransomware landscape.

Ransomware as a Service

Ransomware as a Service has emerged as a game changer in the world of cybercrime, revolutionizing the ransomware landscape and amplifying the scale and reach of malicious attacks. The RaaS business model allows even novice cybercriminals to access and deploy ransomware with relative ease, leading to a surge in the frequency and sophistication of ransomware attacks worldwide. 

Traditionally, ransomware attacks required a high level of technical expertise and resources, limiting their prevalence to skilled cybercriminals or organized cybercrime groups. However, the advent of RaaS platforms has lowered the barrier to entry, making ransomware accessible to a broader range of individuals with nefarious intent. These platforms provide aspiring cybercriminals with ready-made ransomware toolkits, complete with user-friendly interfaces, step-by-step instructions, and even customer support. In essence, RaaS operates on a subscription or profit-sharing model, allowing criminals to distribute ransomware and share the ransom payments with the RaaS operators.

The rise of RaaS has led to a proliferation of ransomware attacks, with cybercriminals exploiting the anonymity of the dark web to collaborate, share resources, and launch large-scale campaigns. The RaaS model not only facilitates the distribution of ransomware but it also provides criminals with analytics dashboards to track the performance of their campaigns, enabling them to optimize their strategies for maximum profit.

One of the most significant impacts of RaaS is the exponential growth in the number and variety of ransomware strains. RaaS platforms continuously evolve and introduce new ransomware variants, making it increasingly challenging for cybersecurity experts to develop effective countermeasures. The availability of these diverse strains allows cybercriminals to target different industries, geographical regions, and vulnerabilities, maximizing their chances of success. 

The profitability of RaaS has attracted a new breed of cybercriminals, leading to an underground economy where specialized roles have emerged. Ransomware developers create and sell their malicious code on RaaS platforms, while affiliates or “distributors” spread the ransomware through various means, such as phishing emails, exploit kits, or compromised websites. This division of labor allows criminals to focus on their specific expertise, while RaaS operators facilitate the monetization process and collect a share of the ransoms.

The impact of RaaS extends beyond the immediate financial and operational consequences for targeted entities. The widespread availability of ransomware toolkits has also resulted in a phenomenon known as “ransomware commoditization,” where cybercriminals compete to offer their services at lower costs or even engage in price wars. This competition drives innovation and the continuous evolution of ransomware, making it a persistent and ever-evolving threat.

To combat the growing influence of RaaS, organizations and individuals require a multilayered approach to cybersecurity. Furthermore, organizations should prioritize data backups and develop comprehensive incident response plans to ensure quick recovery in the event of a ransomware attack. Regularly testing backup restoration processes is essential to maintain business continuity and minimize the impact of potential ransomware incidents.

Ransomware as a Service has profoundly transformed the ransomware landscape, democratizing access to malicious tools and fueling the rise of cybercrime. The ease of use, scalability, and profitability of RaaS platforms have contributed to a surge in ransomware attacks across industries and geographic locations.

Generative AI and Ransomware

The rise of generative AI has been a boon for cybercriminals in helping them automate attacks. If you’ve ever been through any kind of cybersecurity training, you’ll know that spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and awkward writing are some of the most obvious signs of a phishing email. With generative AI, the cybercriminals’ job just got that much easier, and their phishing emails that more convincing.

Now, a cybercriminal just needs to punch a prompt into ChatGPT, and it spits out an error-free, well-written, convincing email that the cybercriminal can use to target victims. It has also been a force multiplier for helping cybercriminals translate that email into different languages or target it to specific industries or even companies. Text generated by models like ChatGPT help cybercriminals create very personalized messages that are more likely to have the desired effect of getting a target to click a malicious link or download a malicious payload.

How Does Ransomware Work?

A ransomware attack starts when a machine on your network becomes infected with malware. Cybercriminals have a variety of methods for infecting your machine, whether it’s an attachment in an email, a link sent via spam, or even through sophisticated social engineering campaigns. As users become more savvy to these attack vectors, cybercriminals’ strategies evolve. Once that malicious file has been loaded onto an endpoint, it spreads to the network, locking every file it can access behind strong encryption controlled by cybercriminals. If you want that encryption key, you’ll have to pay the price.

When we say ‘hacker,’ it’s not some kid in his basement. They’re stealthy, professional crime organizations. They attack slowly and methodically. They can monitor your network for months, until they have the keys to the kingdom—including backups—then they pull the trigger.

—Gregory Tellone, CEO, Continuity Centers

Encrypting ransomware or cryptoware is by far the most common variety of ransomware. Other types that might be encountered are:

  • Non-encrypting ransomware or lock screens, which restrict access to files and data, but do not encrypt them.
  • Ransomware that encrypts a drive’s master boot record (MBR) or Microsoft’s NTFS, which prevents victims’ computers from being booted up in a live operating system (OS) environment.
  • Leakware or extortionware, which steals compromising or damaging data that the attackers then threaten to release if ransom is not paid.
  • Mobile device ransomware which infects cell phones through drive-by downloads or fake apps.

What Happens During a Typical Attack?

The typical steps in a ransomware attack are:

  1. Infection: Ransomware gains entry through various means such as phishing emails, physical media like thumb drives, or alternative methods. It then installs itself on a single endpoint or network device, granting the attacker access.
  2. Secure Key Exchange: Once installed, the ransomware communicates with the perpetrator’s central command and control server, triggering the generation of cryptographic keys required to lock the system securely.
  3. Encryption: With the cryptographic lock established, the ransomware initiates the encryption process, targeting files both locally and across the network, rendering them inaccessible without the decryption keys.
  4. Extortion: Having gained secure and impenetrable access to your files, the ransomware displays an explanation of the next steps, including the ransom amount, instructions for payment, and the consequences of noncompliance.
  5. Recovery Options: At this stage, the victim can attempt to remove infected files and systems while restoring from a clean backup, or they may consider paying the ransom. 

It’s never advised to pay the ransom. According to Veeam’s 2023 Ransomware Trends Report, 21% of those who paid the ransom still were not able to recover their data. There’s no guarantee the decryption keys will work, and paying the ransom only further incentivizes cybercriminals to continue their attacks. 

Who Gets Attacked?

Data has shown that ransomware attacks target firms of all sizes, and no business—from small and medium-sized business to large coprorations—is immune. According to the Veeam 2023 Data Protection Trends Report, 85% of organizations suffered at least one cyberattack in the preceding twelve months. Attacks are on the rise in every sector and in every size of business. This leaves small to medium-sized businesses particularly vulnerable, as they may not have the resources needed to shore up their defenses. 

Recent attacks where cybercriminals leaked sensitive photos of patients in a medical facility prove that no organization is out of bounds and no victim is off limits. These attempts indicate that organizations which often have weaker controls and out-of-date or unsophisticated IT systems should take extra precautions to protect themselves and their data.

The U.S. consistently ranks highest in ransomware attacks, followed by the U.K. and Germany. Windows computers are the main targets, but ransomware strains exist for Macintosh and Linux, as well.

The unfortunate truth is that ransomware has become so widespread that most companies will certainly experience some degree of a ransomware or malware attack. The best they can do is be prepared and understand the best ways to minimize the impact of ransomware.

Ransomware is more about manipulating vulnerabilities in human psychology than the adversary’s technological sophistication.”

—James Scott, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

How to Combat Ransomware

So, you’ve been attacked by ransomware. Depending on your industry and legal requirements (which, as we have seen, are ever-changing), you may be obligated to report the attack first. Otherwise, your immediate footing should be one of damage control. So what should you do next?

  1. Isolate the Infection. Swiftly isolate the infected endpoint from the rest of your network and any shared storage to halt the spread of the ransomware.
  2. Identify the Infection. With numerous ransomware strains in existence, it’s crucial to accurately identify the specific type you’re dealing with. Conduct scans of messages, files, and utilize identification tools to gain a clearer understanding of the infection.
  3. Report the Incident. While legal obligations may vary, it is advisable to report the attack to the relevant authorities. Their involvement can provide invaluable support and coordination for countermeasures.
  4. Evaluate Your Options. Assess the available courses of action to address the infection. Consider the most suitable approach based on your specific circumstances.
  5. Restore and Rebuild. Utilize secure backups, trusted program sources, and reliable software to restore the infected computer or set up a new system from scratch.

1. Isolate the Infection

Depending on the strain of ransomware you’ve been hit with, you may have little time to react. Fast-moving strains can spread from a single endpoint across networks, locking up your data as it goes, before you even have a chance to contain it.

The first step, even if you just suspect that one computer may be infected, is to isolate it from other endpoints and storage devices on your network. Disable Wi-Fi, disable Bluetooth, and unplug the machine from both any local area network (LAN) or storage device it might be connected to. This not only contains the spread but also keeps the ransomware from communicating with the attackers. 

Know that you may be dealing with more than just one “patient zero.” The ransomware could have entered your system through multiple vectors, particularly if someone has observed your patterns before they attacked your company. It may already be laying dormant on another system. Until you can confirm, treat every connected and networked machine as a potential host to ransomware.

2. Identify the Infection

Just as there are bad guys spreading ransomware, there are good guys helping you fight it. Sites like ID Ransomware and the No More Ransom! Project help identify which strain you’re dealing with. And knowing what type of ransomware you’ve been infected with will help you understand how it propagates, what types of files it typically targets, and what options, if any, you have for removal and disinfection. You’ll also get more information if you report the attack to the authorities (which you really should).

3. Report to the Authorities

It’s understood that sometimes it may not be in your business’s best interest to report the incident. Maybe you don’t want the attack to be public knowledge. Maybe the potential downside of involving the authorities (lost productivity during investigation, etc.) outweighs the amount of the ransom. But reporting the attack is how you help everyone avoid becoming victimized and help combat the spread and efficacy of ransomware attacks in the future. With every attack reported, the authorities get a clearer picture of who is behind attacks, how they gain access to your system, and what can be done to stop them. 

You can file a report with the FBI at the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

There are other ways to report ransomware, as well.

4. Evaluate Your Options

The good news is, you have options. The bad news is that the most obvious option, paying up, is a terrible idea.

Simply giving into cybercriminals’ demands may seem attractive to some, especially in those previously mentioned situations where paying the ransom is less expensive than the potential loss of productivity. Cybercriminals are counting on this.

However, paying the ransom only encourages attackers to strike other businesses or individuals like you. Paying the ransom not only fosters a criminal environment but also leads to civil penalties—and you might not even get your data back.

The other option is to try and remove it.

5. Restore and Rebuild—or Start Fresh

There are several sites and software packages that can potentially remove the ransomware from your system, including the No More Ransom! Project. Other options can be found, as well.

Whether you can successfully and completely remove an infection is up for debate. A working decryptor doesn’t exist for every known ransomware. The nature of the beast is that every time a good guy comes up with a decryptor, a bad guy writes new ransomware. To be safe, you’ll want to follow up by either restoring your system or starting over entirely.

Why Starting Over Using Your Backups Is the Better Idea

The surest way to confirm ransomware has been removed from a system is by doing a complete wipe of all storage devices and reinstalling everything from scratch. Formatting the hard disks in your system will ensure that no remnants of the ransomware remain.

To effectively combat the ransomware that has infiltrated your systems, it is crucial to determine the precise date of infection by examining file dates, messages, and any other pertinent information. Keep in mind that the ransomware may have been dormant within your system before becoming active and initiating significant alterations. By identifying and studying the specific characteristics of the ransomware that targeted your systems, you can gain valuable insights into its functionality, enabling you to devise the most effective strategy for restoring your systems to their optimal state.

Select a backup or backups that were made prior to the date of the initial ransomware infection. If you’ve been following a sound backup strategy, you should have copies of all your documents, media, and important files right up to the time of the infection. With both local and off-site backups, you should be able to use backup copies that you know weren’t connected to your network after the time of attack, and hence, protected from infection. Backup drives that were completely disconnected should be safe, as are files stored in the cloud, especially if you use Object Lock to make them immutable.

How Object Lock Protects Your Data

Object Lock functionality for backups allows you to store objects using a write once, read many (WORM) model, meaning that after it’s written, data cannot be modified. Using Object Lock, no one can encrypt, tamper with, or delete your protected data for a specified period of time, creating a solid line of defense against ransomware attacks.

Object Lock creates a virtual air gap for your data. The term air gap comes from the world of LTO tape. When backups are written to tape, the tapes are then physically removed from the network, creating a literal gap of air between backups and production systems. In the event of a ransomware attack, you can just pull the tapes from the previous day to restore systems. Object Lock does the same thing, but it all happens in the cloud. Instead of physically isolating data, Object Lock virtually isolates the data.

Object Lock is valuable in a few different use cases:

  1. To replace an LTO tape system: Most folks looking to migrate from tape are concerned about maintaining the security of the air gap that tape provides. With Object Lock, you can create a backup that’s just as secure as air-gapped tape without the need for expensive physical infrastructure.
  2. To protect and retain sensitive data: If you work in an industry that has strong compliance requirements—for instance, if you’re subject to HIPAA regulations or if you need to retain and protect data for legal reasons—Object Lock allows you to easily set appropriate retention periods to support regulatory compliance.
  3. As part of a disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity plan: The last thing you want to worry about in the event you are attacked by ransomware is whether your backups are safe. Being able to restore systems from backups stored with Object Lock can help you minimize downtime and interruptions, comply with cyber insurance requirements, and achieve recovery time objectives (RTO) easier. By making critical data immutable, you can quickly and confidently restore uninfected data from your backups, deploy them, and return to business without interruption.

Ransomware attacks can be incredibly disruptive. By adopting the practice of creating immutable, air-gapped backups using Object Lock functionality, you can significantly increase your chances of achieving a successful recovery. This approach brings you one step closer to regaining control over your data and mitigating the impact of ransomware attacks.

So, Why Not Just Run a System Restore?

While it might be tempting to rely solely on a system restore point to restore your system’s functionality, it is not the best solution for eliminating the underlying virus or ransomware responsible for the initial problem. Malicious software tends to hide within various components of a system, making it impossible for system restore to eradicate all instances. 

Another critical concern is that ransomware has the capability to encrypt local backups. If your computer is infected with ransomware, there is a high likelihood that your local backup solution will also suffer from data encryption, just like everything else on the system.

With a good backup solution that is isolated from your local computers, you can easily obtain the files you need to get your system working again. This will also give you the flexibility to determine which files to restore from a particular date and how to obtain the files you need to restore your system.

Human Attack Vectors

Often, the weak link in your security protocol is the ever-elusive X factor of human error. Cybercriminals know this and exploit it through social engineering. In the context of information security, social engineering is the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. In other words, the weakest point in your system is usually somewhere between the keyboard and the chair.

Common human attack vectors include:

1. Phishing

Phishing uses seemingly legitimate emails to trick people into clicking on a link or opening an attachment, unwittingly delivering the malicious payload. The email might be sent to one person or many within an organization, but sometimes the emails are targeted to help them seem more credible. This targeting takes a little more time on the attackers’ part, but the research into individual targets can make their email seem even more legitimate, not to mention the advent of generative AI models like ChatGPT. They might disguise their email address to look like the message is coming from someone the sender knows, or they might tailor the subject line to look relevant to the victim’s job. This highly personalized method is called “spear phishing.” 

2. SMSishing

As the name implies, SMSishing uses text messages to get recipients to navigate to a site or enter personal information on their device. Common approaches use authentication messages or messages that appear to be from a financial or other service provider. Even more insidiously, some SMSishing ransomware variants attempt to propagate themselves by sending themselves to all contacts in the device’s contact list.

3. Vishing

In a similar manner to email and SMS, vishing uses voicemail to deceive the victim, leaving a message with instructions to call a seemingly legitimate number which is actually spoofed. Upon calling the number, the victim is coerced into following a set of instructions which are ostensibly to fix some kind of problem. In reality, they are being tricked into installing ransomware on their own computer. Like so many other methods of phishing, vishing has become increasingly sophisticated with sound effects and professional diction that make the initial message and follow-up call seem more legitimate. And like spear phishing, it has become highly targeted.

4. Social Media

Social media can be a powerful vehicle to convince a victim to open a downloaded image from a social media site or take some other compromising action. The carrier might be music, video, or other active content that, once opened, infects the user’s system.

5. Instant Messaging

Between them, IM services like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Snapchat have more than four billion users, making them an attractive channel for ransomware attacks. These messages can seem to come from trusted contacts and contain links or attachments that infect your machine and sometimes propagate across your contact list, furthering the spread.

Machine Attack Vectors

The other type of attack vector is machine to machine. Humans are involved to some extent, as they might facilitate the attack by visiting a website or using a computer, but the attack process is automated and doesn’t require any explicit human cooperation to invade your computer or network.

1. Drive-By

The drive-by vector is particularly malicious, since all a victim needs to do is visit a website carrying malware within the code of an image or active content. As the name implies, all you need to do is cruise by and you’re a victim.

2. System Vulnerabilities

Cybercriminals learn the vulnerabilities of specific systems and exploit those vulnerabilities to break in and install ransomware on the machine. This happens most often to systems that are not patched with the latest security releases.

3. Malvertising

Malvertising is like drive-by, but uses ads to deliver malware. These ads might be placed on search engines or popular social media sites in order to reach a large audience. A common host for malvertising is adults-only sites.

4. Network Propagation

Once a piece of ransomware is on your system, it can scan for file shares and accessible computers and spread itself across the network or shared system. Companies without adequate security might have their company file server and other network shares infected as well. From there, the malware will propagate as far as it can until it runs out of accessible systems or meets security barriers.

5. Propagation Through Shared Services

Online services such as file sharing or syncing services can be used to propagate ransomware. If the ransomware ends up in a shared folder on a home machine, the infection can be transferred to an office or to other connected machines. If the service is set to automatically sync when files are added or changed, as many file sharing services are, then a malicious virus can be widely propagated in just milliseconds.

It’s important to be careful and consider the settings you use for systems that automatically sync, and to be cautious about sharing files with others unless you know exactly where they came from.

Security experts suggest several precautionary measures for preventing a ransomware attack.

  1. Use antivirus and antimalware software or other security policies to block known payloads from launching.
  2. Make frequent, comprehensive backups of all important files and isolate them from local and open networks.
  3. Immutable backup options such as Object Lock offer users a way to maintain truly air-gapped backups. The data is fixed, unchangeable, and cannot be deleted within the time frame set by the end-user. 
  4. Keep offline data backups stored in locations that are air-gapped or inaccessible from any potentially infected computer, such as disconnected external storage drives or the cloud, which prevents the ransomware from accessing them.
  5. Keep your security up-to-date through trusted vendors of your OS and applications. Remember to patch early and patch often to close known vulnerabilities in operating systems, browsers, and web plugins.
  6. Consider deploying security software to protect endpoints, email servers, and network systems from infection.
  7. Exercise good cyber hygiene, exercising caution when opening email attachments and links.
  8. Segment your networks to keep critical computers isolated and to prevent the spread of ransomware in case of an attack. Turn off unneeded network shares.
  9. Operate on the principle of least privilege. Turn off admin rights for users who don’t require them. Give users the lowest system permissions they need to do their work.
  10. Restrict write permissions on file servers as much as possible.
  11. Educate yourself and your employees in best practices to keep ransomware out of your systems. Update everyone on the latest email phishing scams and human engineering aimed at turning victims into abettors.

➔ Download The Complete Guide to Ransomware E-book

It’s clear that the best way to respond to a ransomware attack is to avoid having one in the first place. Other than that, making sure your valuable data is backed up and unreachable to a ransomware infection will ensure that your downtime and data loss will be minimal if you ever fall prey to an attack.

Have you endured a ransomware attack or have a strategy to keep you from becoming a victim? Please let us know in the comments.

The post Guide to How to Recover and Prevent a Ransomware Attack appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

1,700 Attacks in Three Years: How LockBit Ransomware Wreaks Havoc

Post Syndicated from Mark Potter original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/1700-attacks-in-three-years-how-lockbit-ransomware-wreaks-havoc/

A decorative image displaying the words Ransomware Updates: LockBit Q2 2023.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a joint ransomware advisory last Wednesday, reporting that LockBit ransomware has proven to be the most popular ransomware variant in the world after executing at least 1,700 attacks and raking in $91 million in ransom payments. 

Today, I’m recapping the advisory and sharing some best practices for protecting your business from this prolific threat.

What Is LockBit?

LockBit is a ransomware variant that’s sold as ransomware as a service (RaaS). The RaaS platform requires little to no skill to use and provides a point and click interface for launching ransomware campaigns. That means the barrier to entry for would-be cybercriminals is staggeringly low—they can simply use the software as affiliates and execute it using LockBit’s tools and infrastructure. 

LockBit either gets an up-front fee, subscription payments, a cut of the profits from attacks, or a combination of all three. Since there are a wide range of affiliates with different skill levels and no connection to one another other than their use of the same software, no LockBit attack is the same. Observed tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) vary which makes defending against LockBit particularly challenging.

Who Is Targeted by LockBit?

LockBit victims range across industries and sectors, including critical infrastructure, financial services, food and agriculture, education, energy, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. Attacks have been carried out against organizations large and small. 

What Operating Systems (OS) Are Targeted by LockBit?

By skimming the advisory, you may think that this only impacts Windows systems, but there are variants available through the LockBit RaaS platform that target Linux and VMware ESXi.

How Do Cybercriminals Gain Access to Execute LockBit?

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) Exploited section lists some of the ways bad actors are able to get in to drop a malicious payload. Most of the vulnerabilities listed are older, but it’s worth taking a moment to familiarize yourself with them and make sure your systems are patched if they affect you.

In the MITRE ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques section, you’ll see the common methods of gaining initial access. These include:

  • Drive-By Compromise: When a user visits a website that cybercriminals have planted with LockBit during normal browsing.
  • Public-Facing Applications: LockBit cybercriminals have used vulnerabilities like Log4J and Log4Shell to gain access to victims’ systems.
  • External Remote Services: LockBit affiliates exploit remote desktop procedures (RDP) to gain access to victims’ networks.
  • Phishing: LockBit affiliates have used social engineering tactics like phishing, where they trick users into opening an infected email.
  • Valid Accounts: Some LockBit affiliates have been able to obtain and abuse legitimate credentials to gain initial access.

How to Prevent a LockBit Attack

CISA provides a list of mitigations that aim to enhance your cybersecurity posture and defend against LockBit. These recommendations align with the Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs) developed by CISA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The CPGs are based on established cybersecurity frameworks and guidance, targeting common threats, tactics, techniques, and procedures. Here are some of the key mitigations organized by MITRE ATT&CK tactic (this is not an exhaustive list):

Initial Access:

  • Implement sandboxed browsers to isolate the host machine from web-borne malware.
  • Enforce compliance with NIST standards for password policies across all accounts.
  • Require longer passwords with a minimum length of 15 characters.
  • Prevent the use of commonly used or compromised passwords.
  • Implement account lockouts after multiple failed login attempts.
  • Disable password hints and refrain from frequent password changes.
  • Require multifactor authentication (MFA). 


  • Develop and update comprehensive network diagrams.
  • Control and restrict network connections using a network flow matrix.
  • Enable enhanced PowerShell logging and configure PowerShell instances with the latest version and logging enabled.
  • Configure Windows Registry to require user account control (UAC) approval for PsExec operations.

Privilege Escalation:

  • Disable command-line and scripting activities and permissions.
  • Enable Credential Guard to protect Windows system credentials.
  • Implement Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) if using older Windows OS versions.

Defense Evasion:

  • Apply local security policies (e.g., SRP, AppLocker, WDAC) to control application execution.
  • Establish an application allowlist to allow only approved software to run.

Credential Access:

  • Restrict NTLM usage with security policies and firewalling.


  • Disable unused ports and close unused RDP ports.

Lateral Movement:

  • Identify and eliminate critical Active Directory control paths.
  • Use network monitoring tools to detect abnormal activity and potential ransomware traversal.

Command and Control:

  • Implement a tiering model and trust zones for sensitive assets.
  • Reconsider virtual private network (VPN) access and move towards zero trust architectures.


  • Block connections to known malicious systems using a TLS Proxy.
  • Use web filtering or a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) to restrict or monitor access to public-file sharing services.


  • Develop a recovery plan and maintain multiple copies of sensitive data in a physically separate and secure location.
  • Maintain offline backups of data with regular backup and restoration practices.
  • Encrypt backup data, make it immutable, and cover the entire data infrastructure.

By implementing these mitigations, organizations can significantly strengthen their cybersecurity defenses and reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber threats like LockBit. It is crucial to regularly review and update these measures to stay resilient in the face of evolving threats.

Ransomware Resources

Take a look at our other posts on ransomware for more information on how businesses can defend themselves against an attack, and more.

And, don’t forget that we offer a thorough walkthrough of ways to prepare yourself and your business for ransomware attacks—free to download below.

Download the Ransomware Guide ➔ 

The post 1,700 Attacks in Three Years: How LockBit Ransomware Wreaks Havoc appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

From Response to Recovery: Developing a Cyber Resilience Framework

Post Syndicated from Kari Rivas original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/from-response-to-recovery-developing-a-cyber-resilience-framework/

A decorative image showing a globe icon surrounded by a search icon, a backup icon, a cog, a shield with a checkmark, and a checklist.

If you’re responsible for securing your company’s data, you’re likely well-acquainted with the basics of backups. You may be following the 3-2-1 rule and may even be using cloud storage for off-site backup of essential data.

But there’s a new model of iterative, process-improvement driven outcomes to improve business continuity, and it’s called cyber resilience. What is cyber resilience and why does it matter to your business? That’s what we’ll talk about today.

Join Us for Our Upcoming Webinar

Learn more about how to strengthen your organization’s cyber resilience by protecting systems, responding to incidents, and recovering with minimal disruption at our upcoming webinar “Build Your Company’s Cyber Resilience: Protect, Respond, and Recover from Security Incidents” on Friday, June 9 at 10 a.m. PT/noon CT.

Join Us June 9 ➔

Plus, see a demo of Instant Business Recovery, an on-demand, fully managed disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) solution that works seamlessly with Veeam. Deploy and recover via a simple web interface or a phone call to instantly begin recovering critical servers and Veeam backups.

The Case for Cyber Resilience

The advance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, geopolitical tensions, and the ever-present threat of ransomware have all fundamentally changed the approach businesses must take to data security. In fact, the White House has prioritized cybersecurity by announcing a new cybersecurity strategy because of the increased risks of cyberattacks and the threat to critical infrastructure. And, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023, business continuity (67%) and reputational damage (65%) concern organization leaders more than any other cyber risk.

Cyber resilience assumes that it’s not if a security incident will occur, but when

Being cyber resilient means that a business is able to not only identify threats and protect against them, but also withstand attacks as they’re happening, respond effectively, and bounce back better—so that the business is better fortified against future incidents. 

What Is Cyber Resilience?

Cyber resilience is ultimately a holistic and continuous view of data protection; it implies that businesses can build more robust security practices, embed those throughout the organization, and put processes into place to learn from security threats and incidents in order to continuously shore up defenses. In the cyber resilience model, improving data security is no longer a finite series of checkbox items; it is not something that is ever “done.”

Unlike common backup strategies like 3-2-1 or grandfather-father-son that are well defined and understood, there is no singular model for cyber resilience. The National Institute of Standards and Technology defines cyber resiliency as the ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to incidents that compromise systems. You’ll often see the cyber resilience model depicted in a circular fashion because it is a cycle of continuous improvement. While cyber resilience frameworks may vary slightly from one another, they all typically focus on similar stages, including:

  • Identify: Stay informed about emerging security threats, especially those that your systems are most vulnerable to. Share information throughout the organization when employees need to install critical updates and patches. 
  • Protect: Ensure systems are adequately protected with cybersecurity best practices like multi-factor authentication (MFA), encryption at rest and in transit, and by applying the principle of least privilege. For more information on how to shore up your data protection, including data protected in cloud storage, check out our comprehensive checklist on cyber insurance best practices. Even if you’re not interested in cyber insurance, this checklist still provides a thorough resource for improving your cyber resilience.
  • Detect: Proactively monitor your network and system to ensure you can detect any threats as soon as possible.
  • Respond and Recover: Respond to incidents in the most effective way and ensure you can sustain critical business operations even while an incident is occurring. Plan your recovery in advance so your executive and IT teams are prepared to execute on it when the time comes.
  • Adapt: This is the key part. Run postmortems to understand what happened, what worked and what didn’t, and how it can be prevented in the future. This is how you truly build resilience.

Why Is Cyber Resilience Important?

Traditionally, IT leaders have excelled at thinking through backup strategy, and more and more IT administrators understand the value of next level techniques like using Object Lock to protect copies of data from ransomware. But, it’s less common to give attention to creating a disaster recovery (DR) plan, or thinking through how to ensure business continuity during and after an incident. 

In other words, we’ve been focusing too much on the time before an incident occurs and not enough on time on what to do during and after an incident. Consider the zero trust principle, which assumes that a breach is happening and it’s happening right now: taking such a viewpoint may seem negative, but it’s actually a proactive, not reactive, way to increase your business’ cyber resilience. When you assume you’re under attack, then your responsibility is to prove you’re not, which means actively monitoring your systems—and if you happen to discover that you are under attack, then your cybersecurity readiness measures kick in. 

How Is Cyber Resilience Different From Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a set of practices on what to do before an incident occurs. Cyber resilience asks businesses to think more thoroughly about recovery processes and what comes after. Hence, cybersecurity is a component of cyber resilience, but cyber resilience is a much bigger framework through which to think about your business.

How Can I Improve My Business’ Cyber Resilience?

Besides establishing a sound backup strategy and following cybersecurity best practices, the biggest improvement that data security leaders can make is likely in helping the organization to shift its culture around cyber resilience.

  • Reframe cyber resilience. It is not solely a function of IT. Ensuring business continuity in the face of cyber threats can and should involve operations, legal, compliance, finance teams, and more.
  • Secure executive support now. Don’t wait until an incident occurs. Consider meeting on a regular basis with stakeholders to inform them about potential threats. Present if/then scenarios in terms that executives can understand: impact of risks, potential trade-offs, how incidents might affect customers or external partners, expected costs for mitigation and recovery, and timelines.
  • Practice your disaster recovery scenarios. Your business continuity plans should be run as fire drills. Ensure you have all stakeholders’ emergency/after hours contact information. Run tabletop exercises with any teams that need to be involved and conduct hypothetical retrospectives to determine how you can respond more efficiently if a given incident should occur.

It may seem overwhelming to try and adopt a cyber resiliency framework for your business, but you can start to move your organization in this direction by helping your internal stakeholders first shift their thinking. Acknowledging that a cyber incident will occur is a powerful way to realign priorities and support for data security leaders, and you’ll find that the momentum behind the effort will naturally help advance your security agenda.

Cyber Resilience Resources

Interested in learning more about how to improve business cyber resilience? Check out the free Backblaze resources below.

Looking for Support to Help Achieve Your Cyber Resilience Goals?

Backblaze provides end-to-end security and recovery solutions to ensure you can safeguard your systems with enterprise-grade security, immutability, and options for redundancy, plus fully-managed, on-demand disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS)—all at one-fifth the cost of AWS. Get started today or contact Sales for more information on B2 Reserve, our all-inclusive capacity-based pricing that includes premium support and no egress fees.

The post From Response to Recovery: Developing a Cyber Resilience Framework appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Announcing the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Ware original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/announcing-the-aws-blueprint-for-ransomware-defense/

In this post, Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduces the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense, a new resource that both enterprise and public sector organizations can use to implement preventative measures to protect data from ransomware events. The AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense provides a mapping of AWS services and features as they align to aspects of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls). This information can be used to help customers assess and protect their data from ransomware events.

The following is background on ransomware, CIS, and the initiatives that led to the publication of this new blueprint.

The Ransomware Task Force

In April of 2021, the U.S. government launched the Ransomware Task Force (RTF), which has the mission of uniting key stakeholders across industry, government, and civil society to create new solutions, break down silos, and find effective new methods of countering the ransomware threat. The RTF has since launched several progress reports with specific recommendations, including the development of the RTF Blueprint for Ransomware Defense, which provides a framework with practical steps to mitigate, respond to, and recover from ransomware. AWS is a member of the RTF, and we have taken action to create our own AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense that maps actionable and foundational security controls to AWS services and features that customers can use to implement those controls. The AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense is based on the CIS Controls framework.

Center for Internet Security

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a community-driven nonprofit, globally recognized for establishing best practices for securing IT systems and data. To help establish foundational defense mechanisms, a subset of the CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) have been identified as important first steps in the implementation of a robust program to prevent, respond to, and recover from ransomware events. This list of controls was established to provide safeguards against the most impactful and well-known internet security issues. The controls have been further prioritized into three implementation groups (IGs), to help guide their implementation. IG1, considered “essential cyber hygiene,” provides foundational safeguards. IG2 builds on IG1 by including the controls in IG1 plus a number of additional considerations. Finally, IG3 includes the controls in IG1 and IG2, with an additional layer of controls that protect against more sophisticated security issues.

CIS recommends that organizations use the CIS IG1 controls as basic preventative steps against ransomware events. We’ve produced a mapping of AWS services that can help you implement aspects of these controls in your AWS environment. Ransomware is a complex event, and the best course of action to mitigate risk is to apply a thoughtful strategy of defense in depth. The mitigations and controls outlined in this mapping document are general security best practices, but are a non-exhaustive list.

Because data is often vital to the operation of mission-critical services, ransomware can severely disrupt business processes and applications that depend on this data. For this reason, many organizations are looking for effective security controls that will improve their security posture against these types of events. We hope you find the information in the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense helpful and incorporate it as a tool to provide additional layers of security to help keep your data safe.

Let us know if you have any feedback through the AWS Security Contact Us page. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to add to the usefulness of the blueprint or if you have any additional questions on security and compliance. You can find more information from the IST (Institute for Security and Technology) describing ransomware and how to protect yourself on the IST website.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Jeremy Wave

Jeremy Ware

Jeremy is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on Identity and Access Management. Jeremy and his team enable AWS customers to implement sophisticated, scalable, and secure IAM architecture and Authentication workflows to solve business challenges. With a background in Security Engineering, Jeremy has spent many years working to raise the Security Maturity gap at numerous global enterprises. Outside of work, Jeremy loves to explore the mountainous outdoors, and participate in sports such as snowboarding, wakeboarding, and dirt bike riding.


Megan O’Neil

Megan is a Principal Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on Threat Detection and Incident Response. Megan and her team enable AWS customers to implement sophisticated, scalable, and secure solutions that solve their business challenges. Outside of work, Megan loves to explore Colorado, including mountain biking, skiing, and hiking.

Luis Pastor

Luis Pastor

Luis is a Senior Security Solutions Architect focused on infrastructure security at AWS. Before AWS, he worked with both large and boutique system integrators, helping clients in an array of industries to improve their security posture and reach and maintain compliance in hybrid environments. Luis enjoys keeping active, cooking, and eating spicy food—especially Mexican cuisine.

6 Cybersecurity Strategies to Help Protect Your Small Business in 2023

Post Syndicated from Molly Clancy original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/6-cybersecurity-strategies-to-help-protect-your-small-business-in-2023/

Cybersecurity is a major concern for individuals as well as small businesses, and there are several strategies bad actors use to exploit small businesses and their employees. In fact, around 60% of small businesses that experienced a data breach were forced to close their doors within six months of being hacked. 

From monitoring your network endpoints to routinely educating your employees, there are several proactive steps you can take to protect against cyber attacks. In this article, we’ll share six cybersecurity protection strategies to help protect your small business.

1. Implement Layered Security

According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Report, the cost of cybercrimes to small businesses reached $2.4 billion in 2021. Yet, many small business owners believe they are not in danger of an attack. Robust and layered security allows small businesses to contend with the barrage of hackers after their information.

According to IBM, there four main layers of security need to be addressed:

  1. System Level Security. This is the security of the system you are using. For instance, many systems require a password to access their files. 
  2. Network Level Security. This layer is where the system connects to the internet. Typically, a firewall is used to filter network traffic and halt suspicious activity
  3. Application Level Security. Security is needed for any applications you choose to use to run your business, and should include safeguards for both the internal and the client side. 
  4. Transmission Level Security. Data when it travels from network to network also needs to be protected. Virtual private networks (VPNs) can be used to safeguard information.

As a business, you should always operate on the principle of least privilege. This ensures that access at each of these levels of security is limited to only those necessary to do the task at hand and reduces the potential for breaches. It also can “limit the blast radius” in the event of a breach.

The Human Element: Employee Training Is Your First Defense

The most common forms of cyberattack leverage social engineering, particularly in phishing attacks. This means that they target employees, often during busy times of the year, and attempt to gain their trust and get them to lower their guard. Training employees to spot potential phishing red flags—like incorrect domains, misspelling information, and falsely urgent requests—is a powerful tool in your arsenal.

Additionally, you’ll note that most of the things on this list just don’t work unless your employees understand how, why, and when to use them. In short, an educated staff is your best defense against cyberattacks.

2. Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has become increasingly common, and many organizations now require it. So what is it? Multi-factor authentication requires at least two different forms of user verification to access a program, system, or application. Generally, a user must input their password. Then, they will be prompted to enter a code they receive via email or text. Push notifications may substitute email or text codes, while biometrics like fingerprints can substitute a password. 

The second step prevents unauthorized users from gaining entry even if login credentials have been compromised. Moreover, the code or push notification alerts the user of a potential breach—if you receive a notification when you did not initiate a login attempt, then you know your account has a vulnerability. 

3. Make Sure Your Tech Stack Is Configured Properly

When systems are misconfigured, they are vulnerable. Some examples of misconfiguration are when passwords are left as their system default, software is outdated, or security settings are not properly enabled. As businesses scale and upgrade their tools, they naturally add more complexity to their tech stacks. 

It’s important to run regular audits to make sure that IT best practices are being followed, and to make sure that all of your tools are working in harmony. (Bonus: regular audits of this type can result in OpEx savings since you may identify tools you no longer use in the process.)

4. Encrypt Your Data

Encryption uses an algorithm to apply a cipher to your data. The most commonly used algorithm is known as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES can be used in authenticating website servers from both the server end and the client end, as well as to encrypt transferred files between users. This can also be extended to include digital documents, messaging histories, and so on. Using encryption is often necessary to meet compliance standards, some of which are stricter based on your or your customers’ geographic location or industry

Once it’s encrypted properly, data can only be accessed with an encryption key. There are two main types of encryption key: symmetric (private) and asymmetric (public).

Symmetric (Private) Encryption Keys

In this model, you use one key to both encode and decode your data. This means that it’s particularly important to keep this key secret—if it were obtained by a bad actor, they could use it to decrypt your data.

Asymmetric (Public) Encryption Keys

Using this method, you use one key to encrypt your data and another to decrypt it. You then make the decryption key public. This is a widely-used method, and makes internet security protocols like SSL and HTTPS possible.

Server Side Encryption (SSE)

Some providers are now offering a service known as server side encryption (SSE). SSE encrypts your data as it is stored, so stolen data is unable to be read or viewed, and even your data storage provider doesn’t have access to sensitive client information.  To make data even more secure when stored, you can also make it immutable by enabling Object Lock. This means you can set periods of time that the data cannot be changed—even by those who set the object lock rules. 

Combined with SSE, you can see how it would be key to protecting against a ransomware attack: Cyberattackers may access data, but it would be difficult to decrypt with SSE, and with object lock, they wouldn’t be able to delete or modify data.

5. Have a Breach Plan

Unfortunately, as cybercrime has increased, breaches have become nearly inevitable. To mitigate damage, it is paramount to have a disaster recovery (DR) plan in place. 

This plan starts with robust and layered security. For example, a cybercriminal may gain a user’s login information, but having MFA enabled would help ensure that they don’t gain access to the account. Or, if they do gain access to an account, by operating on the principle of least privilege, you have limited the amount of information the user can access or breach. Finally, if they do gain access to your data, SSE and Object Lock can prevent sensitive data from being read, modified, or deleted. 

Hopefully, you’ve set things up so that you have all the protections you need in place before an attack, but once you’re or in the midst of an attack (or you’ve discovered a previous breach), it’s important that everyone knows what to do. Here are a few best practices to help you develop your DR plan:

Back Up Regularly and Test Your Backups

The most important thing to do is to make sure that you can reconstitute your data to continue business operations as normal—and that means that you have a solid backup plan in place, and that you’ve tested your backups and your DR plan ahead of time.

Establish Procedures for Immediate Action

First and foremost, employees should immediately inform IT of suspicious activity. The old adage “if you see something, say something,” very much applies to security. And, there should also be clear discovery and escalation procedures in effect to both evaluate and address the incident. 

Change Credentials and Monitor Accounts

Next, it is crucial to change all passwords, and identify where and how the issue occurred. Each issue is unique, so this step takes careful information gathering. Having monitoring tools set up in advance of a breach will help you gain insight into what happened.

Support Employees

It may sound out of place to consider this, but given that employees are your first line of defense and the most targeted security vulnerability, there is a measurable impact from the stress of ransomware attacks. Once the dust has settled and your business is back online, good recovery includes both insightful and responsive training as well as employee support.

Is Cyber Insurance Worth It?

You may want to consider cyber insurance as you’re thinking through different disaster recovery scenarios. Cyber insurance is still a growing field, and it can cover things like your legal fees, business expenses related to recovery, and potential liability costs. Still, even the process of preparing your business for cyber insurance coverage can be beneficial to improving your business’ overall security procedures.

6. Use Trusted Services

Every business needs to rely on other businesses to operate smoothly, but it can also expose your business to risk if you don’t perform your due diligence. Whether it is a credit card processor, bank, supplier, or another support, you will need to select reliable, reputable, and businesses that also employ good security practices. Evaluating new tools should be a multi-faceted process that engages teams with different expertises, including the stakeholder teams, security, IT, finance, and anyone else who you deem appropriate. 

And, remember that more tools are being created all the time! Often, they make things easier on employees while also solving security conundrums. Some good examples are single sign on (SSO) services, password management tools, specialized vendors that evaluate harmful links, automatic workstation backup that runs in the background, and more. Staying up-to-date on the new frontier of tools can solve long-standing problems in innovative ways.

Cybersecurity Is An Ongoing Process

The prevalence of cyber crime means it is not a matter of if a breach will happen, but when a breach will happen. These prevention measures can reduce your risk of becoming the victim of a successful attack, but you should still be prepared for when one occurs. 

Bear in mind, cybersecurity is an ongoing process. Your strategies will need to be reviewed routinely, passwords need to be changed, and software and systems will need to be updated. Lastly, knowing what types of scams are prevalent and their signs will help keep you, your business, your employees, and your clients safe.

The post 6 Cybersecurity Strategies to Help Protect Your Small Business in 2023 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Announcing Instant Business Recovery, a Joint Solution by Continuity Centers

Post Syndicated from Elton Carneiro original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/announcing-instant-business-recovery-a-joint-solution-by-continuity-centers/

Business disruptions can be devastating, as any business owner who has been through one will tell you. This stat isn’t meant to stoke fear, but the Atlas VPN research team found that 31% of businesses in the U.S. are forced to close for a period of time as a consequence of falling victim to ransomware attacks.

It’s likely some, if not most, of those businesses had backups in place. But, having backups alone won’t necessarily save your business if it takes you days or weeks to restore operations from those backups. And true disaster recovery means more than simply having backups and a plan to restore: It means testing that plan regularly to make sure you can bring your business back online.

Today, we’re sharing news of a new disaster recovery service built on Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage that’s aimed to help businesses restore faster and more affordably: Continuity Centers’ Cloud Instant Business Recovery (Cloud IBR) which instantly recovers Veeam backups from the Backblaze B2 Storage Cloud.

Helping Businesses Recover After a Disaster

We launched the first generation version of this solution—Instant Recovery in Any Cloud—in May of 2022 to help businesses complete their disaster recovery playbook. And now, we’re building on that original infrastructure as code (IaC) package, to bring you Cloud IBR.

Cloud IBR is a second generation solution that further simplifies disaster recovery plans. The easy-to-use interface and affordability make Cloud IBR an ideal disaster recovery solution designed for small and medium size businesses (SMBs) who are typically priced out of enterprise-scale disaster recovery solutions.

How Does Cloud IBR Work?

Continuity Centers combines the automation-driven Veeam REST API calls with phoenixNAP Bare Metal Cloud platform into a unified system, and completely streamlines the user experience.

The fully-automated service deploys a recovery process through a simple web UI, and, in the background, uses phoenixNAP’s Bare Metal Cloud servers to import Veeam backups stored in Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, and fully restores the customer’s server infrastructure. The solution hides the complexity of dealing with automation scripts and APIs and offers a simple interface to stand up an entire cloud infrastructure when you need it. Best of all, you pay for the service only for the period of time that you need.

Cloud IBR gives small and mid-market companies the highest level of business continuity available, against disasters of all types. It’s a simple and accessible solution for SMBs to embrace. We developed this solution with affordability and availability in mind, so that businesses of all sizes can benefit from our decades of disaster recovery experience, which is often financially out of reach for the SMB.

—Gregory Tellone, CEO of Continuity Centers.

Right-Sized Disaster Recovery

Previously, mid-market businesses were underserved by disaster recovery and business continuity planning because the requirements and efforts to create a disaster recovery (DR) plan are often foregone in favor of more immediate business demands. Additionally, many disaster recovery solutions are designed for larger size companies and do not meet the specific needs for SMBs. Cloud IBR allows businesses of all sizes to instantly stand up their entire server infrastructure in the cloud, at a moment’s notice and with a single click, making it easy to plan for and easy to execute.

Learn more about Cloud IBR at the Cloud IBR website.

Access Cloud IBR Through B2 Reserve

In addition to being a stand-alone offering that can be purchased alongside pay-as-you-go cloud storage, the Cloud IBR Silver Package will be offered at no cost for one year to any Veeam customers that purchase Backblaze through our capacity-based cloud storage packages, B2 Reserve. Those customers can activate Cloud IBR within 30 days of purchasing Backblaze’s B2 Reserve service.

The post Announcing Instant Business Recovery, a Joint Solution by Continuity Centers appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

A Cyber Insurance Checklist: Learn How to Lower Risk to Better Secure Coverage

Post Syndicated from Kari Rivas original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/a-cyber-insurance-checklist-learn-how-to-lower-risk-to-better-secure-coverage/

A decorative image showing a cyberpig on a laptop with a shield blocking it from accessing a server.

If your business is looking into cyber insurance to protect your bottom line against security incidents, you’re in good company. The global market for cybersecurity insurance is projected to grow from 11.9 billion in 2022 to 29.2 billion by 2027.

But you don’t want to go into buying cyber security insurance blind. We put together this cyber insurance readiness checklist to help you strengthen your cyber resilience stance in order to better secure a policy and possibly a lower premium. (And even if you decide not to pursue cyber insurance, simply following some of these best practices will help you secure your company’s data.)

What is Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance is a specialty insurance product that is useful for any size business, but especially those dealing with large amounts of data. Before you buy cyber insurance, it helps to understand some fundamentals. Check out our post on cyber insurance basics to get up to speed.

Once you understand the basic choices available to you when securing a policy, or if you’re already familiar with how cyber insurance works, read on for the checklist.

Cyber Insurance Readiness Checklist

Cybersecurity insurance providers use their questionnaire and assessment period to understand how well-situated your business is to detect, limit, or prevent a cyber attack. They have requirements, and you want to meet those specific criteria to be covered at the most reasonable cost.

Your business is more likely to receive a lower premium if your security infrastructure is sound and you have disaster recovery processes and procedures in place. Though each provider has their own requirements, use the checklist below to familiarize yourself with the kinds of criteria a cyber insurance provider might look for. Any given provider may not ask about or require all these precautions; these are examples of common criteria. Note: Checking these off means your cyber resilience score is attractive to providers, though not a guarantee of coverage or a lower premium.

General Business Security

  • A business continuity/disaster recovery plan that includes a formal incident response plan is in place.
  • There is a designated role, group, or outside vendor responsible for information security.
  • Your company has a written information security policy.
  • Employees must complete social engineering/phishing training.
  • You set up antivirus software and firewalls.
  • You monitor the network in real-time.
  • Company mobile computing devices are encrypted.
  • You use spam and phishing filters for your email client.
  • You require two-factor authentication (2FA) for email, remote access to the network, and privileged user accounts.
  • You have an endpoint detection and response system in place.

Cloud Storage Security

  • Your cloud storage account is 2FA enabled. Note: Backblaze accounts have 2FA via SMS or via authentication apps using ToTP.
  • You encrypt data at rest and in transit. Note: Backblaze B2 provides server-side encryption (encryption at rest), and many of our partner integration tools, like Veeam, MSP360, and Archiware, offer encryption in transit.
  • You follow the 3-2-1 or 3-2-1-1-0 backup strategies and keep an air-gapped copy of your backup data (that is, a copy that’s not connected to your network).
  • You run backups frequently. You might consider implementing grandfather-father-son strategy for your cloud backups to meet this requirement.
  • You store backups off-site and in a geographically separate location. Note: Even if you keep a backup off-site, your cyber insurance provider may not consider this secure enough if your off-site copy is in the same geographic region or held at your own data center.
  • Your backups are protected from ransomware with object lock for data immutability.

AcenTek Adopts Cloud for Cyber Insurance Requirement

Learn how Backblaze customer AcenTek secured their data with B2 Cloud Storage to meet their cyber insurance provider’s requirement that backups be secured in a geographically distanced location.

By adding features like SSE, 2FA, and object lock to your backup security, insurance companies know you take data security seriously.

Cyber insurance provides the peace of mind that, when your company is faced with a digital incident, you will have access to resources with which to recover. And there is no question that by increasing your cybersecurity resilience, you’re more likely to find an insurer with the best coverage at the right price.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to ensure you have a robust backup strategy and security protocols in place. Even if you hope to never have to access your backups (because that might mean a security breach), it’s always smart to consider how fast you can restore your data should you need to, keeping in mind that hot storage is going to give you a faster recovery time objective (RTO) without any delays like those seen with cold storage like Amazon Glacier. And, with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage offering hot cloud storage at cold storage prices, you can afford to store all your data for as long as you need—at one-fifth the price of AWS.

Get Started With Backblaze

Get started today with pay-as-you-go pricing, or contact our Sales Team to learn more about B2 Reserve, our all-inclusive, capacity-based bundles starting at 20TB.

The post A Cyber Insurance Checklist: Learn How to Lower Risk to Better Secure Coverage appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Micro-Star International Signing Key Stolen

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/05/micro-star-international-signing-key-stolen.html

Micro-Star International—aka MSI—had its UEFI signing key stolen last month.

This raises the possibility that the leaked key could push out updates that would infect a computer’s most nether regions without triggering a warning. To make matters worse, Matrosov said, MSI doesn’t have an automated patching process the way Dell, HP, and many larger hardware makers do. Consequently, MSI doesn’t provide the same kind of key revocation capabilities.

Delivering a signed payload isn’t as easy as all that. “Gaining the kind of control required to compromise a software build system is generally a non-trivial event that requires a great deal of skill and possibly some luck.” But it just got a whole lot easier.

What Is Cyber Insurance?

Post Syndicated from Kari Rivas original https://www.backblaze.com/blog/what-is-cyber-insurance/

A decorative image with a pig typing on a computer, then directional lines moving from the computer to a lock icon. One the right of the image is a dollar sign, a shield with a check mark, and a box with four asterisks.

Cybersecurity insurance was once a niche product for companies with the highest risk profiles. But recently, it has found its way into the mainstream as more and more businesses face data disasters that can cause loss of revenue, extended downtime, and compliance violations if sensitive data gets leaked.

You may have considered cybersecurity insurance (also called cyber insurance) but maybe you weren’t sure if it was right for your business. In the meantime, you prioritized reducing vulnerability to cyber incidents that threaten business continuity, like accidental or malicious data breaches, malware, phishing, and ransomware attacks.

Pat yourself on the back: By strengthening your company’s prevention, detection, and response to cyber threats, you’re also more attractive to cyber insurance providers. Being cyber resilient can save you money on cyber insurance if you decide it’s right for you.

Today, I’m breaking down the basics of cyber insurance: What is it? How much will it cost? And how do you get it?

Do I Need Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance has become more common as part of business continuity planning. Like many things in the cybersecurity world, it can be a bit hard to measure precise adoption numbers because most historical data is self reported. But, reports from the Government Accountability Office indicate that major insurance brokers have seen uptake nearly double from 2016 to 2020. During and following the pandemic, enterprises saw a sharp rise in cyberattacks and data breaches, and, while data collection and analysis is still ongoing, experts anticipate the cyber insurance industry to expand in response. Take a look at these three data points in cybersecurity risk:

  1. In the U.S., recovering from a cyberattack cost twice as much in 2019 as it did in 2016.
  2. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in the U.S. is $9.44M versus $4.35M globally.
  3. For small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), recovery is more challenging—60% of SMBs fold in the six months following a cyberattack.

Whether your company is a 10 person software as a service (SaaS) startup or a global enterprise, cyber insurance could be the difference between a minor interruption of business services and closing up for good. However, providers don’t opt to provide coverage for every business that applies for cyber insurance. If you want coverage (and there are plenty of reasons why you would), it helps to prepare by making your company as attractive (meaning low-risk) as possible to cyber insurers.

What Is Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance protects your business from losses resulting from a digital attack. This can include business income loss, but it also includes coverage for unforeseen expenses, including:

  • Forensic post-breach review expenses.
  • Additional monitoring outflows.
  • The expenditure for notifying parties of a breach.
  • Public relations service expenses.
  • Litigation fees.
  • Accounting expenses.
  • Court-ordered judgments.
  • Claims disbursements.

Cyber insurance policies may also cover ransom payments. However, according to expert guidance, it is never advisable or prudent to pay the ransom, even if it’s covered by insurance. Ultimately, the most effective way to undermine the motivation of these criminal groups is to reduce the potential for profit. For this reason, the Administration strongly discourages the payment of ransoms.

There are a few reasons for this:

  1. It’s not guaranteed that cybercriminals will provide a decryption key to recover your data. They’re criminals after all.
  2. It’s not guaranteed that, even with a decryption key, you’ll be able to recover your data. This could be intentional, or simply poor design on the part of cybercriminals. Ransomware code is notoriously buggy.
  3. Paying the ransom encourages cybercriminals to keep plying their trade, and can even result in businesses that pay being hit by the same ransomware demand twice.

Types of Cyber Insurance

What plans cover and how much they cost can vary. Typically, you can choose between first-party coverage, third-party coverage, or both.

First-party coverage protects your own data and includes coverage for business expenses related to things like recovery of lost or stolen data, lost revenue due to business interruption, and legal counsel, and other types of expenses.

Third-party coverage protects your business from liability claims brought by someone outside the company. This type of policy might cover things like payments to consumers affected by a data breach, costs for litigation brought by third parties, and losses related to defamation.

Depending on how substantial a digital attack’s losses could be to your business, your best choice may be both first- and third-party coverage.

Cyber Insurance Policy Coverage Considerations

Cyber insurance protects your company’s bottom line by helping you pay for costs related to recovering lost or stolen data and cover costs incurred by affected third parties (if you have third-party coverage).

As you might imagine, cyber insurance policies vary. When reviewing cyber insurance policies, it’s important to ask these questions:

  1. Does this policy cover a variety of digital attacks, especially the ones we’re most susceptible to?
  2. Can we add services, if needed, such as active monitoring, incident response support, defense against liability lawsuits, and communication intermediaries?
  3. What are the policy’s exclusions? For example, unlikely circumstances like acts of war or terrorism and well-known, named viruses may not be covered in the policy.
  4. How much do the premiums and deductibles cost for the coverage we need?
  5. What are the coverage (payout) amounts or limitations?

Keep in mind that choosing the company with the lowest premiums may not be the best strategy. For further reading, the Federal Trade Commission offers a helpful checklist of additional considerations for choosing a cyber insurance policy.

Errors & Omissions (E & O) Coverage

Technology errors and omissions (E & O) coverage isn’t technically cyber insurance, but could be part of a comprehensive policy. This type of coverage protects your business from expenses that may be incurred if/when your product or service fails to deliver or doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. This can be confused with cyber insurance coverage because it protects your business in the case your technology product or service fails. The difference is that E & O coverage comes into effect when that failure is due to the business’ own negligence.

You may want to pay the upcharge for E & O coverage to protect against harm caused if/when your product or service fails to deliver or work as intended. E & O also offers coverage for data loss stemming from employee errors or employee negligence in following data safeguards already in place. Consider whether you also need this type of protection and ask your cyber insurer if they offer E & O policies.

Premiums, Deductibles, and Coverage—Oh, My!

What are the average premium costs, deductible amounts, and liability coverage for a business like yours? The answer to that question turns out to be more complex than you’d think.

How Are Premiums Determined?

Every insurance provider is different, but here are common factors that affect cyber insurance premiums:

  • Your industry (e.g., education, healthcare, and financial industries are higher risk).
  • Your company size (e.g., more employees increase risk).
    Amount and sensitivity of your data (e.g., school districts with student and faculty personal identifiable information are at higher risk).
  • Your revenue (e.g., a profitable bank will be more attractive to cybercriminals).
  • Your investment in cybersecurity (e.g., lower premiums go to companies with dedicated resources and policies around cybersecurity).
  • Coverage limit (e.g., the cost per incident will decrease with a lower liability limit).
  • Deductible (e.g., the more you pay per incident, the less your plan’s premium).

What Does the Average Premium Cost?

These days, it’s challenging to estimate the true cost of an attack because historical data haven’t been widely shared. The U.S. Government Accountability Office reported that the rising “frequency, severity, and cost of cyberattacks” increases cyber insurance premiums.

But, generally speaking, if you are willing to cover more of the cost of a data breach, your deductible rises, and your premium falls. Data from 43 insurance companies in the U.S. reveal that cyber insurance premiums range between $650-$2,357 for businesses with $1,000,000 in revenue for policies with $1,000,000 in liability and a $10,000 deductible.

How Do I Get Cyber Insurance?

Most companies start with an online quote from a cyber insurance provider, but many will eventually need to compile more detailed and specific information in order to get the most accurate figures.

If you’re a small business owner, you may have all the information you need at hand, but for mid-market and enterprise companies, securing a cyber insurance policy should be a cross-functional effort. You’ll need information from finance, legal, and compliance departments, IT, operations, and perhaps other divisions to ensure cyber insurance coverage and policy terms meet your company’s needs.

Before the quote, an insurance company will perform a risk assessment of your business in order to determine the cost to insure you. A typical cyber insurance questionnaire might include specific, detailed questions in the areas of organizational structure, legal and compliance requirements, business policies and procedures, and questions about your technical infrastructure. Here are some questions you might encounter:

  • Organizational: What kind of third-party data do you store or process on your computer systems?
  • Legal & Compliance: Are you aware of any disputes over your business website address and domain name?
  • Policies & Procedures: Do you have a business continuity plan in place?
  • Technical: Do you utilize a cloud provider to store data or host applications?

Cyber Insurance Readiness

Now that you know the basics of cyber insurance, you can be better prepared when the time comes to get insured. As I mentioned in the beginning, shoring up your vulnerability to cyber incidents goes a long way toward helping you acquire cyber insurance and get the best premiums possible. One great way to get started is to establish a solid backup strategy with an offsite, immutable backup. And you can do all of that with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage as the storage backbone for your backup plan. Get started today safeguarding your backups in Backblaze B2.

Stay Tuned: More to Come

I’ll be digging into more specific steps you can take to get cyber insurance ready in an upcoming post, so stay tuned for more, including a checklist to help make your cyber resilience stance more attractive to providers.

The post What Is Cyber Insurance? appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Mass Ransomware Attack

Post Syndicated from Bruce Schneier original https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/03/mass-ransomware-attack.html

A vulnerability in a popular data transfer tool has resulted in a mass ransomware attack:

TechCrunch has learned of dozens of organizations that used the affected GoAnywhere file transfer software at the time of the ransomware attack, suggesting more victims are likely to come forward.

However, while the number of victims of the mass-hack is widening, the known impact is murky at best.

Since the attack in late January or early February—the exact date is not known—Clop has disclosed less than half of the 130 organizations it claimed to have compromised via GoAnywhere, a system that can be hosted in the cloud or on an organization’s network that allows companies to securely transfer huge sets of data and other large files.