Tag Archives: Search

Reverse Searching Netflix’s Federated Graph

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/reverse-searching-netflixs-federated-graph-222ac5d23576

By Ricky Gardiner, Alex Hutter, and Katie Lefevre

Since our previous posts regarding Content Engineering’s role in enabling search functionality within Netflix’s federated graph (the first post, where we identify the issue and elaborate on the indexing architecture, and the second post, where we detail how we facilitate querying) there have been significant developments. We’ve opened up Studio Search beyond Content Engineering to the entirety of the Engineering organization at Netflix and renamed it Graph Search. There are over 100 applications integrated with Graph Search and nearly 50 indices we support. We continue to add functionality to the service. As promised in the previous post, we’ll share how we partnered with one of our Studio Engineering teams to build reverse search. Reverse search inverts the standard querying pattern: rather than finding documents that match a query, it finds queries that match a document.


Tiffany is a Netflix Post Production Coordinator who oversees a slate of nearly a dozen movies in various states of pre-production, production, and post-production. Tiffany and her team work with various cross-functional partners, including Legal, Creative, and Title Launch Management, tracking the progression and health of her movies.

So Tiffany subscribes to notifications and calendar updates specific to certain areas of concern, like “movies shooting in Mexico City which don’t have a key role assigned”, or “movies that are at risk of not being ready by their launch date”.

Tiffany is not subscribing to updates of particular movies, but subscribing to queries that return a dynamic subset of movies. This poses an issue for those of us responsible for sending her those notifications. When a movie changes, we don’t know who to notify, since there’s no association between employees and the movies they’re interested in.

We could save these searches, and then repeatedly query for the results of every search, but because we’re part of a large federated graph, this would have heavy traffic implications for every service we’re connected to. We’d have to decide if we wanted timely notifications or less load on our graph.

If we could answer the question “would this movie be returned by this query”, we could re-query based on change events with laser precision and not impact the broader ecosystem.

The Solution

Graph Search is built on top of Elasticsearch, which has the exact capabilities we require:

Instead of taking a search (like “spanish-language movies shot in Mexico City”) and returning the documents that match (One for Roma, one for Familia), a percolate query takes a document (one for Roma) and returns the searches that match that document, like “spanish-language movies” and “scripted dramas”.

We’ve communicated this functionality as the ability to save a search, called SavedSearches, which is a persisted filter on an existing index.

type SavedSearch {
id: ID!
filter: String
index: SearchIndex!

That filter, written in Graph Search DSL, is converted to an Elasticsearch query and indexed in a percolator field. To learn more about Graph Search DSL and why we created it rather than using Elasticsearch query language directly, see the Query Language section of “How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable (Part 2)”.

We’ve called the process of finding matching saved searches ReverseSearch. This is the most straightforward part of this offering. We added a new resolver to the Domain Graph Service (DGS) for Graph Search. It takes the index of interest and a document, and returns all the saved searches that match the document by issuing a percolate query.

Query for retrieving all the registered saved searches, in a given index,
based on a provided document. The document in this case is an ElasticSearch
document that is generated based on the configuration of the index.
after: String,
document: JSON!,
first: Int!,
index: SearchIndex!): SavedSearchConnection

Persisting a SavedSearch is implemented as a new mutation on the Graph Search DGS. This ultimately triggers the indexing of an Elasticsearch query in a percolator field.

Mutation for registering and updating a saved search. They need to be updated
any time a user adjusts their search criteria.
upsertSavedSearch(input: UpsertSavedSearchInput!): UpsertSavedSearchPayload

Supporting percolator fields fundamentally changed how we provision the indexing pipelines for Graph Search (see Architecture section of How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable). Rather than having a single indexing pipeline per Graph Search index we now have two: one to index documents and one to index saved searches to a percolate index. We chose to add percolator fields to a separate index in order to tune performance for the two types of queries separately.

Elasticsearch requires the percolate index to have a mapping that matches the structure of the queries it stores and therefore must match the mapping of the document index. Index templates define mappings that are applied when creating new indices. By using the index_patterns functionality of index templates, we’re able to share the mapping for the document index between the two. index_patterns also gives us an easy way to add a percolator field to every percolate index we create.

Example of document index mapping

Index pattern — application_*

"order": 1,
"index_patterns": ["application_*"],
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"movieTitle": {
"type": "keyword"
"isArchived": {
"type": "boolean"

Example of percolate index mappings

Index pattern — *_percolate

"order": 2,
"index_patterns": ["*_percolate*"],
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"percolate_query": {
"type": "percolator"

Example of generated mapping

Percolate index name is application_v1_percolate

"application_v1_percolate": {
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"movieTitle": {
"type": "keyword"
"isArchived": {
"type": "boolean"
"percolate_query": {
"type": "percolator"

Percolate Indexing Pipeline

The percolate index isn’t as simple as taking the input from the GraphQL mutation, translating it to an Elasticsearch query, and indexing it. Versioning, which we’ll talk more about shortly, reared its ugly head and made things a bit more complicated. Here is the way the percolate indexing pipeline is set up.

See Data Mesh — A Data Movement and Processing Platform @ Netflix to learn more about Data Mesh.
  1. When SavedSearches are modified, we store them in our CockroachDB, and the source connector for the Cockroach database emits CDC events.
  2. A single table is shared for the storage of all SavedSearches, so the next step is filtering down to just those that are for *this* index using a filter processor.
  3. As previously mentioned, what is stored in the database is our custom Graph Search filter DSL, which is not the same as the Elasticsearch DSL, so we cannot directly index the event to the percolate index. Instead, we issue a mutation to the Graph Search DGS. The Graph Search DGS translates the DSL to an Elasticsearch query.
  4. Then we index the Elasticsearch query as a percolate field in the appropriate percolate index.
  5. The success or failure of the indexing of the SavedSearch is returned. On failure, the SavedSearch events are sent to a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) that can be used to address any failures, such as fields referenced in the search query being removed from the index.

Now a bit on versioning to explain why the above is necessary. Imagine we’ve started tagging movies that have animals. If we want users to be able to create views of “movies with animals”, we need to add this new field to the existing search index to flag movies as such. However, the mapping in the current index doesn’t include it, so we can’t filter on it. To solve for this we have index versions.

Dalia & Forrest from the series Baby Animal Cam

When a change is made to an index definition that necessitates a new mapping, like when we add the animal tag, Graph Search creates a new version of the Elasticsearch index and a new pipeline to populate it. This new pipeline reads from a log-compacted Kafka topic in Data Mesh — this is how we can reindex the entire corpus without asking the data sources to resend all the old events. The new pipeline and the old pipeline run side by side, until the new pipeline has processed the backlog, at which point Graph Search cuts over to the version using Elasticsearch index aliases.

Creating a new index for our documents means we also need to create a new percolate index for our queries so they can have consistent index mappings. This new percolate index also needs to be backfilled when we change versions. This is why the pipeline works the way it does — we can again utilize the log compacted topics in Data Mesh to reindex the corpus of SavedSearches when we spin up a new percolate indexing pipeline.

We persist the user provided filter DSL to the database rather than immediately translating it to Elasticsearch query language. This enables us to make changes or fixes when we translate the saved search DSL to an Elasticsearch query . We can deploy those changes by creating a new version of the index as the bootstrapping process will re-translate every saved search.

Another Use Case

We hoped reverse search functionality would eventually be useful for other engineering teams. We were approached almost immediately with a problem that reverse searching could solve.

The way you make a movie can be very different based on the type of movie it is. One movie might go through a set of phases that are not applicable to another, or might need to schedule certain events that another movie doesn’t require. Instead of manually configuring the workflow for a movie based on its classifications, we should be able to define the means of classifying movies and use that to automatically assign them to workflows. But determining the classification of a movie is challenging: you could define these movie classifications based on genre alone, like “Action” or “Comedy”, but you likely require more complex definitions. Maybe it’s defined by the genre, region, format, language, or some nuanced combination thereof. The Movie Matching service provides a way to classify a movie based on any combination of matching criteria. Under the hood, the matching criteria are stored as reverse searches, and to determine which criteria a movie matches against, the movie’s document is submitted to the reverse search endpoint.

In short, reverse search is powering an externalized criteria matcher. It’s being used for movie criteria now, but since every Graph Search index is now reverse-search capable, any index could use this pattern.

A Possible Future: Subscriptions

Reverse searches also look like a promising foundation for creating more responsive UIs. Rather than fetching results once as a query, the search results could be provided via a GraphQL subscription. These subscriptions could be associated with a SavedSearch and, as index changes come in, reverse search can be used to determine when to update the set of keys returned by the subscription.

Reverse Searching Netflix’s Federated Graph was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Building a Media Understanding Platform for ML Innovations

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/building-a-media-understanding-platform-for-ml-innovations-9bef9962dcb7

By Guru Tahasildar, Amir Ziai, Jonathan Solórzano-Hamilton, Kelli Griggs, Vi Iyengar


Netflix leverages machine learning to create the best media for our members. Earlier we shared the details of one of these algorithms, introduced how our platform team is evolving the media-specific machine learning ecosystem, and discussed how data from these algorithms gets stored in our annotation service.

Much of the ML literature focuses on model training, evaluation, and scoring. In this post, we will explore an understudied aspect of the ML lifecycle: integration of model outputs into applications.

An example of using Machine Learning to find shots of Eleven in Stranger Things and surfacing the results in studio application for the consumption of Netflix video editors.

Specifically, we will dive into the architecture that powers search capabilities for studio applications at Netflix. We discuss specific problems that we have solved using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, review different pain points that we addressed, and provide a technical overview of our new platform.


At Netflix, we aim to bring joy to our members by providing them with the opportunity to experience outstanding content. There are two components to this experience. First, we must provide the content that will bring them joy. Second, we must make it effortless and intuitive to choose from our library. We must quickly surface the most stand-out highlights from the titles available on our service in the form of images and videos in the member experience.

These multimedia assets, or “supplemental” assets, don’t just come into existence. Artists and video editors must create them. We build creator tooling to enable these colleagues to focus their time and energy on creativity. Unfortunately, much of their energy goes into labor-intensive pre-work. A key opportunity is to automate these mundane tasks.

Use cases

Use case #1: Dialogue search

Dialogue is a central aspect of storytelling. One of the best ways to tell an engaging story is through the mouths of the characters. Punchy or memorable lines are a prime target for trailer editors. The manual method for identifying such lines is a watchdown (aka breakdown).

An editor watches the title start-to-finish, transcribes memorable words and phrases with a timecode, and retrieves the snippet later if the quote is needed. An editor can choose to do this quickly and only jot down the most memorable moments, but will have to rewatch the content if they miss something they need later. Or, they can do it thoroughly and transcribe the entire piece of content ahead of time. In the words of one of our editors:

Watchdowns / breakdown are very repetitive and waste countless hours of creative time!

Scrubbing through hours of footage (or dozens of hours if working on a series) to find a single line of dialogue is profoundly tedious. In some cases editors need to search across many shows and manually doing it is not feasible. But what if scrubbing and transcribing dialogue is not needed at all?

Ideally, we want to enable dialogue search that supports the following features:

  • Search across one title, a subset of titles (e.g. all dramas), or the entire catalog
  • Search by character or talent
  • Multilingual search

Use case #2: Visual search

A picture is worth a thousand words. Visual storytelling can help make complex stories easier to understand, and as a result, deliver a more impactful message.

Artists and video editors routinely need specific visual elements to include in artworks and trailers. They may scrub for frames, shots, or scenes of specific characters, locations, objects, events (e.g. a car chasing scene in an action movie), or attributes (e.g. a close-up shot). What if we could enable users to find visual elements using natural language?

Here is an example of the desired output when the user searches for “red race car” across the entire content library.

Screenshot from an internal application where user is shown thumbnail preview of “red race car” results from different titles.
User searching for “red race car”

Use case #3: Reverse shot search

Natural-language visual search offers editors a powerful tool. But what if they already have a shot in mind, and they want to find something that just looks similar? For instance, let’s say that an editor has found a visually stunning shot of a plate of food from Chef’s Table, and she’s interested in finding similar shots across the entire show.

Input image on left side of food on a decorative plate and output images on right side of different food items that look similar to input image.
User provides a sample image to find other similar images

Prior engineering work

Approach #1: on-demand batch processing

Our first approach to surface these innovations was a tool to trigger these algorithms on-demand and on a per-show basis. We implemented a batch processing system for users to submit their requests and wait for the system to generate the output. Processing took several hours to complete. Some ML algorithms are computationally intensive. Many of the samples provided had a significant number of frames to process. A typical 1 hour video could contain over 80,000 frames!

After waiting for processing, users downloaded the generated algo outputs for offline consumption. This limited pilot system greatly reduced the time spent by our users to manually analyze the content. Here is a visualization of this flow.

Sequence diagram showing how different entities interact with each other in case of batch processing system.
On-demand batch processing system flow

Approach #2: enabling online request with pre-computation

After the success of this approach we decided to add online support for a couple of algorithms. For the first time, users were able to discover matches across the entire catalog, oftentimes finding moments they never knew even existed. They didn’t need any time-consuming local setup and there was no delays since the data was already pre-computed.

Sequence diagram showing how different entities interact with each other for online interactive system.
Interactive system with pre-computed data flow

The following quote exemplifies the positive reception by our users:

“We wanted to find all the shots of the dining room in a show. In seconds, we had what normally would have taken 1–2 people hours/a full day to do, look through all the shots of the dining room from all 10 episodes of the show. Incredible!”
Dawn Chenette, Design Lead

This approach had several benefits for product engineering. It allowed us to transparently update the algo data without users knowing about it. It also provided insights into query patterns and algorithms that were gaining traction among users. In addition, we were able to perform a handful of A/B tests to validate or negate our hypotheses for tuning the search experience.

Pain points

Our early efforts to deliver ML insights to creative professionals proved valuable. At the same time we experienced growing engineering pains that limited our ability to scale.

Maintaining disparate systems posed a challenge. They were first built by different teams on different stacks, so maintenance was expensive. Whenever ML researchers finished a new algorithm they had to integrate it separately into each system. We were near the breaking point with just two systems and a handful of algorithms. We knew this would only worsen as we expanded to more use cases and more researchers.

The online application unlocked the interactivity for our users and validated our direction. However, it was not scaling well. Adding new algos and onboarding new use cases was still time consuming and required the effort of too many engineers. These investments in one-to-one integrations were volatile with implementation timelines varying from a few weeks to several months. Due to the bespoke nature of the implementation, we lacked catalog wide searches for all available ML sources.

In summary, this model was a tightly-coupled application-to-data architecture, where machine learning algos were mixed with the backend and UI/UX software code stack. To address the variance in the implementation timelines we needed to standardize how different algorithms were integrated — starting from how they were executed to making the data available to all consumers consistently. As we developed more media understanding algos and wanted to expand to additional use cases, we needed to invest in system architecture redesign to enable researchers and engineers from different teams to innovate independently and collaboratively. Media Search Platform (MSP) is the initiative to address these requirements.

Although we were just getting started with media-search, search itself is not new to Netflix. We have a mature and robust search and recommendation functionality exposed to millions of our subscribers. We knew we could leverage learnings from our colleagues who are responsible for building and innovating in this space. In keeping with our “highly aligned, loosely coupled” culture, we wanted to enable engineers to onboard and improve algos quickly and independently, while making it easy for Studio and product applications to integrate with the media understanding algo capabilities.

Making the platform modular, pluggable and configurable was key to our success. This approach allowed us to keep the distributed ownership of the platform. It simultaneously provided different specialized teams to contribute relevant components of the platform. We used services already available for other use cases and extended their capabilities to support new requirements.

Next we will discuss the system architecture and describe how different modules interact with each other for end-to-end flow.


Architecture diagram showing different sub-modules involved in the system.
System Architecture

Netflix engineers strive to iterate rapidly and prefer the “MVP” (minimum viable product) approach to receive early feedback and minimize the upfront investment costs. Thus, we didn’t build all the modules completely. We scoped the pilot implementation to ensure immediate functionalities were unblocked. At the same time, we kept the design open enough to allow future extensibility. We will highlight a few examples below as we discuss each component separately.

Interfaces – API & Query

Starting at the top of the diagram, the platform allows apps to interact with it using either gRPC or GraphQL interfaces. Having diversity in the interfaces is essential to meet the app-developers where they are. At Netflix, gRPC is predominantly used in backend-to-backend communication. With active GraphQL tooling provided by our developer productivity teams, GraphQL has become a de-facto choice for UI — backend integration. You can find more about what the team has built and how it is getting used in these blog posts. In particular, we have been relying on Domain Graph Service Framework for this project.

During the query schema design, we accounted for future use cases and ensured that it will allow future extensions. We aimed to keep the schema generic enough so that it hides implementation details of the actual search systems that are used to execute the query. Additionally it is intuitive and easy to understand yet feature rich so that it can be used to express complex queries. Users have flexibility to perform multimodal search with input being a simple text term, image or short video. As discussed earlier, search could be performed against the entire Netflix catalog, or it could be limited to specific titles. Users may prefer results that are organized in some way such as group by a movie, sorted by timestamp. When there are a large number of matches, we allow users to paginate the results (with configurable page size) instead of fetching all or a fixed number of results.

Search Gateway

The client generated input query is first given to the Query processing system. Since most of our users are performing targeted queries such as — search for dialogue “friends don’t lie” (from the above example), today this stage performs lightweight processing and provides a hook to integrate A/B testing. In the future we plan to evolve it into a “query understanding system” to support free-form searches to reduce the burden on users and simplify client side query generation.

The query processing modifies queries to match the target data set. This includes “embedding” transformation and translation. For queries against embedding based data sources it transforms the input such as text or image to corresponding vector representation. Each data source or algorithm could use a different encoding technique so, this stage ensures that the corresponding encoding is also applied to the provided query. One example why we need different encoding techniques per algorithm is because there is different processing for an image — which has a single frame while video — which contains a sequence of multiple frames.

With global expansion we have users where English is not a primary language. All of the text-based models in the platform are trained using English language so we translate non-English text to English. Although the translation is not always perfect it has worked well in our case and has expanded the eligible user base for our tool to non-English speakers.

Once the query is transformed and ready for execution, we delegate search execution to one or more of the searcher systems. First we need to federate which query should be routed to which system. This is handled by the Query router and Searcher-proxy module. For the initial implementation we have relied on a single searcher for executing all the queries. Our extensible approach meant the platform could support additional searchers, which have already been used to prototype new algorithms and experiments.

A search may intersect or aggregate the data from multiple algorithms so this layer can fan out a single query into multiple search executions. We have implemented a “searcher-proxy” inside this layer for each supported searcher. Each proxy is responsible for mapping input query to one expected by the corresponding searcher. It then consumes the raw response from the searcher before handing it over to the Results post-processor component.

The Results post-processor works on the results returned by one or more searchers. It can rank results by applying custom scoring, populate search recommendations based on other similar searches. Another functionality we are evaluating with this layer is to dynamically create different views from the same underlying data.

For ease of coordination and maintenance we abstracted the query processing and response handling in a module called — Search Gateway.


As mentioned above, query execution is handled by the searcher system. The primary searcher used in the current implementation is called Marken — scalable annotation service built at Netflix. It supports different categories of searches including full text and embedding vector based similarity searches. It can store and retrieve temporal (timestamp) as well as spatial (coordinates) data. This service leverages Cassandra and Elasticsearch for data storage and retrieval. When onboarding embedding vector data we performed an extensive benchmarking to evaluate the available datastores. One takeaway here is that even if there is a datastore that specializes in a particular query pattern, for ease of maintainability and consistency we decided to not introduce it.

We have identified a handful of common schema types and standardized how data from different algorithms is stored. Each algorithm still has the flexibility to define a custom schema type. We are actively innovating in this space and recently added capability to intersect data from different algorithms. This is going to unlock creative ways of how the data from multiple algorithms can be superimposed on each other to quickly get to the desired results.

Algo Execution & Ingestion

So far we have focused on how the data is queried but, there is an equally complex machinery powering algorithm execution and the generation of the data. This is handled by our dedicated media ML Platform team. The team specializes in building a suite of media-specific machine learning tooling. It facilitates seamless access to media assets (audio, video, image and text) in addition to media-centric feature storage and compute orchestration.

For this project we developed a custom sink that indexes the generated data into Marken according to predefined schemas. Special care is taken when the data is backfilled for the first time so as to avoid overwhelming the system with huge amounts of writes.

Last but not the least, our UI team has built a configurable, extensible library to simplify integrating this platform with end user applications. Configurable UI makes it easy to customize query generation and response handling as per the needs of individual applications and algorithms. The future work involves building native widgets to minimize the UI work even further.


The media understanding platform serves as an abstraction layer between machine learning algos and various applications and features. The platform has already allowed us to seamlessly integrate search and discovery capabilities in several applications. We believe future work in maturing different parts will unlock value for more use cases and applications. We hope this post has offered insights into how we approached its evolution. We will continue to share our work in this space, so stay tuned.

Do these types of challenges interest you? If yes, we’re always looking for engineers and machine learning practitioners to join us.


Special thanks to Vinod Uddaraju, Fernando Amat Gil, Ben Klein, Meenakshi Jindal, Varun Sekhri, Burak Bacioglu, Boris Chen, Jason Ge, Tiffany Low, Vitali Kauhanka, Supriya Vadlamani, Abhishek Soni, Gustavo Carmo, Elliot Chow, Prasanna Padmanabhan, Akshay Modi, Nagendra Kamath, Wenbing Bai, Jackson de Campos, Juan Vimberg, Patrick Strawderman, Dawn Chenette, Yuchen Xie, Andy Yao, and Chen Zheng for designing, developing, and contributing to different parts of the platform.

Building a Media Understanding Platform for ML Innovations was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable (Part 2)

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-content-engineering-makes-a-federated-graph-searchable-part-2-49348511c06c

By Alex Hutter, Falguni Jhaveri, and Senthil Sayeebaba

In a previous post, we described the indexing architecture of Studio Search and how we scaled the architecture by building a config-driven self-service platform that allowed teams in Content Engineering to spin up search indices easily.

This post will discuss how Studio Search supports querying the data available in these indices.

Data consumption from Studio Search DGS


When we say Content Engineering teams are interested in searching against the federated graph, the use-case is mainly focused on known-item search (a user has an item or items in mind they are trying to view or navigate to but need to use an external information system to locate them) and data retrieval (typically the data is structured and there is no ambiguity as to whether a particular record matches the given search criteria except in the case of textual fields where there is limited ambiguity) within a vertical search experience (focus on enabling search for a specific sub-graph within the big federated graph)

Query Language

Given the above scope of the search (vertical search experience with a focus on known-item search and data retrieval), one of the first things we had to design was a language that users can use to easily express their search criteria. With a goal of abstracting users away from the complexity of interacting with Elasticsearch directly, we landed on a custom Studio Search DSL reminiscent of SQL.

The DSL supports specifying the search criteria as comparison expressions or inclusion/exclusion filters. The filter expressions can be combined together through logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) and grouped together through parentheses.

Sample Syntax

For example, to find all comedies from France or Spain, the query would be:

(genre == ‘comedy’) AND (country ANY [‘FR’, ‘SP’])

We used ANTLR to build the grammar for the Query DSL. From the grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can walk the parse tree. By extending the ANTLR generated parse tree visitor, we were able to implement an Elasticsearch Query Builder component with the logic to generate the Elasticsearch query corresponding to the custom search query.

If you are familiar with Elasticsearch, then you might be familiar with how complicated it can be to build up the correct Elasticsearch query for complex queries, especially if the index includes nested JSON documents which add an additional layer of complexity with respect to building nested queries (Incorrectly constructed nested queries can lead to Elasticsearch quietly returning wrong results). By exposing just a generic query language to the users and isolating the complexity to just our Elasticsearch Query Builder, we have been able to empower users to write search queries without requiring familiarity with Elasticsearch. This also leaves the possibility of swapping Elasticsearch with a different search engine in the future.

One other challenge for the users when writing the search queries is to understand the fields that are available in the index and the associated types. Since we index the data as-is from the federated graph, the indexing query itself acts as self-documentation. For example, given the indexing query –

Sample GraphQL query

To find movies based on the actors’ roles, the query filter is simply

`actors.role == ‘actor’`

Text Search

While the search DSL provides a powerful way to help narrow the scope of the search queries, users can also find documents in the index through free form text — either with just the input text or in combination with a filter expression in the search DSL. Behind the scenes during the indexing process, we have configured the Elasticsearch index with the appropriate analyzers to ensure that the most relevant matches for the input text are returned in the results.

Hydration through Federation

Given the wide adoption of the federated gateway within Content Engineering, we decided to implement the Studio Search service as a DGS (Domain Graph Service) that integrated with the federated gateway. The search APIs (besides search, we have other APIs to support faceted search, typeahead suggestions, etc) are exposed as GraphQL queries within the federated graph.

This integration with the federation gateway allows the search DGS to just return the matching entity keys from the search index instead of the whole matching document(s). Through the power of federation, users are then able to hydrate the search results with any data available in the federated graph. This allows the search indices to be lean by indexing only the fields necessary for the search experience and at the same time provides complete flexibility for the users to fetch any data available in the federated graph instead of being restricted to just the data available in the search index.


Sample Search query

In the above example, users are able to fetch the production schedule as part of the search results even though the search index doesn’t hold that data.


With the API to query the data in the search indices in place, the next thing we needed to tackle was figuring out how to secure access to the data in the indices. With several of the indices including sensitive data, and the source teams already having restrictive access policies in place to secure the data they own, the search indices which hosted a secondary copy of the source data needed to be secured as well.

We chose to apply “late binding” (or “query time”) security — on every incoming search query, we make an API call to the centralized access policy server with context including the identity of the caller making the request and the search index they are trying to access. The policy server evaluates the access policies defined by the source teams and returns a set of constraints. Ex. The caller has access to Movies where the type is ‘licensed’ (The caller does not have access to Netflix-produced content, but just the licensed content). The constraints are then translated to a set of filter expressions in the search query DSL format (Ex. movie.type == ‘licensed’) and combined with the user-specified search filter with a logical AND operator to form a new search query that then gets executed against the index.

By adding on the access constraints as additional filters before executing the query, we ensure that the user gets back only the data they have access to from the underlying search index. This also allows source teams to evolve their access policies independently knowing that the correct constraints will be applied at query time.

Customizing Search

With the decision to build Studio Search as a GraphQL service using the DGS framework and relying on federation for hydrating results, onboarding new search indices required updating various portions of the GraphQL schema (the enum of available indices, the union of all federated result types, etc.) manually and registering the updated schema with the federated gateway schema registry before the new index was available for querying through the GraphQL API.

Additionally, there are additional configurations that users can provide while onboarding a new index to customize the search behavior for their applications — including scripts to tune the relevance scoring algorithm, configuring fields for faceted search, and configuration to control the behavior of typeahead suggestions, etc. These configurations were initially stored in our source control repository which meant any changes to the configuration of any index required a deployment for the changes to take effect.

Recently, we automated this process as well by moving all the configurations to a persistence store and leveraging the power of dynamic schemas in the DGS framework. Users can now use an API to create/update search index configuration and we are able to validate the provided configuration, generate the updated DGS schema dynamically and register the updated schema with the federated gateway schema registry immediately. All configuration changes are reflected immediately in subsequent search queries.

Example configuration:

Sample Search configuration

UI Components

While the primary goal of Studio Search was to build an easy-to-use self-service platform to enable searching against the federated graph, another important goal was to help the Content Engineering teams deliver a visually consistent search experience to the users of their tools and workflows. To that end, we partnered with our UI/UX teams to build a robust set of opinionated presentational components. Studio Search’s offering of drop-in UI components based on our Hawkins design system for typeahead suggestion, faceted search, and extensive filtering ensure visual and behavioral consistency across the suite of applications within Content Engineering. Below are a couple of examples.

Typeahead Search Component

Faceted Search Component

What’s Next?

As a config-driven, self-serve platform, Studio Search has already been able to empower Content Engineering teams to quickly enable the functionality to search against the Content federated graph within their suite of applications. But, we are not quite done yet! There are several upcoming features that are in various stages of development including

  • Leveraging the percolate query functionality in Elasticsearch to support a notifications feature (users save their search criteria and are notified when documents are updated in the index that matches their search criteria)
  • Add support for metrics aggregation in our APIs
  • Leverage the managed delivery functionality in Spinnaker to move to a declarative model for onboarding the search indices
  • And, plenty more

If this sounds interesting to you, connect with us on LinkedIn.


Thanks to Anoop Panicker, Bo Lei, Charles Zhao, Chris Dhanaraj, Hemamalini Kannan, Jim Isaacs, Johnny Chang, Kasturi Chatterjee, Kishore Banala, Kevin Zhu, Tom Lee, Tongliang Liu, Utkarsh Shrivastava, Vince Bello, Vinod Viswanathan, Yucheng Zeng

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable (Part 2) was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Service architecture revamp

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/service-architecture-revamp


Prior to 2021, Grab’s search architecture was designed to only support textual matching, which takes in a user query and looks for exact matches within the ecosystem through an inverted index. This legacy system meant that only textual matching results could be fetched.

In the second half of 2021, the Deliveries search team worked on improving this architecture to make it smarter, more scalable and also unlock future growth for different search use cases at Grab. The figure below shows a simplified overview of the legacy architecture.

Point multiplier
Legacy architecture

Problem statement

With the legacy system, we noticed several problems.

Search results were textually matched without considering intention and context

If a user types in a query “Roti Prata” (flatbread), he is likely looking for Roti Prata dishes and those matches with the dish name should be prioritised compared with matches with the merchant-partner’s name or matches with other entities.

In the legacy system, all entities whose names partially matched “Roti Prata” were displayed and ranked according to hard coded weights, and matches with merchant-partner names were always prioritised, even if the user intention was clearly to search for the “Roti Prata” dish itself.  

This problem was more common in Mart, as users often intended to search for items instead of shops. Besides the lack of intention recognition, the search system was also unable to take context into consideration; users searching the same keyword query at different times and locations could have different objectives. E.g. if users search for “Bread” in the day, they may be likely to look for cafes while searches at night could be for breakfast the next day.

Search results from multiple business verticals were not blended effectively

In Grab’s context, results from multiple verticals were often merged. For example, in Mart searches, Ads and Mart organic search results were displayed together; in Food searches, Ads, Food and Mart organic results were blended together.

In the legacy architecture, multiple business verticals were merged on the Deliveries API layer, which resulted in the leak of abstraction and loss of useful data as data from the search recall stage was also not taken into account during the merge stage.

Inability to quickly scale to new search use cases and difficulty in reusing existing components

The legacy code base was not written in a structured way that could scale to new use cases easily. If new search use cases cannot be built on top of an existing system, it can be rather tedious to keep rebuilding the function every time there is a new search use case.


In this section, solutions from both architecture and implementation perspectives are presented to address the above problem statements.


In the new architecture, the flow is extended from lexical recall only to multi-layer including boosting, multi-recall, and ranking. The addition of boosting enables capabilities like intent recognition and query expansion, while the change from single lexical recall to multi-recall opens up the potential for other recall methods, e.g. embedding based and graph based.

These help address the first problem statement. Furthermore, the multi-recall framework enables fetching results from multiple business verticals, addressing the second problem statement. In the new framework, results from different verticals and different recall methods were grouped and ranked together without any leak of abstraction or loss of useful data from search recall stage in ranking.

Point multiplier
Upgraded architecture


We believe that the key to a platform’s success is modularisation and flexible assembling of plugins to enable quick product iteration. That is why we implemented a combination of a framework defined by the platform and plugins provided by service teams. In this implementation, plugins are assembled through configurations, which addresses the third problem statement and has two advantages:

  • Separation of concern. With the main flow abstracted and maintained by the platform, service team developers could focus on the application logic by writing plugins and fitting them into the main flow. In this case, developers without search experience could quickly enable new search flows.
  • Reusing plugins and economies of scale. With more use cases onboarded, more plugins are written by service teams and these plugins are reusable assets, resulting in scale effect. For example, an Ads recall plugin could be reused in Food keyword or non-keyword searches, Mart keyword or non-keyword searches and universal search flows as all these searches contain non-organic Ads. Similarly, a Mart recall plugin could be reused in Mart keyword or non-keyword searches, universal search and Food keyword search flows, as all these flows contain Mart results. With more plugins accumulated on our platform, developers might be able to ship a new search flow by just reusing and assembling the existing plugins.


Our platform now has a smart search with intent recognition and semantic (embedding-based) search. The process of adding new modules is also more straightforward and adds intention recognition to the boosting step as well as embedding as an additional recall to the multi-recall step. These modules can be easily reused by other use cases.

On top of that, we also have a mixed Ads and an organic framework. This means that data in the recall stage is taken into consideration and Ads can now be ranked together with organic results, e.g. text relevance.

With a modularised design and plugins provided by the platform, it is easier for clients to use our platform with a simple onboarding process. Furthermore, plugins can be reused to cater to new use cases and achieve a scale effect.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Search architecture revamp

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/search-architecture-revamp


Prior to 2021, Grab’s search architecture was designed to only support textual matching, which takes in a user query and looks for exact matches within the ecosystem through an inverted index. This legacy system meant that only textual matching results could be fetched.

In the second half of 2021, the Deliveries search team worked on improving this architecture to make it smarter, more scalable and also unlock future growth for different search use cases at Grab. The figure below shows a simplified overview of the legacy architecture.

Point multiplier
Legacy architecture

Problem statement

With the legacy system, we noticed several problems.

Search results were textually matched without considering intention and context

If a user types in a query “Roti Prata” (flatbread), he is likely looking for Roti Prata dishes and those matches with the dish name should be prioritised compared with matches with the merchant-partner’s name or matches with other entities.

In the legacy system, all entities whose names partially matched “Roti Prata” were displayed and ranked according to hard coded weights, and matches with merchant-partner names were always prioritised, even if the user intention was clearly to search for the “Roti Prata” dish itself.  

This problem was more common in Mart, as users often intended to search for items instead of shops. Besides the lack of intention recognition, the search system was also unable to take context into consideration; users searching the same keyword query at different times and locations could have different objectives. E.g. if users search for “Bread” in the day, they may be likely to look for cafes while searches at night could be for breakfast the next day.

Search results from multiple business verticals were not blended effectively

In Grab’s context, results from multiple verticals were often merged. For example, in Mart searches, Ads and Mart organic search results were displayed together; in Food searches, Ads, Food and Mart organic results were blended together.

In the legacy architecture, multiple business verticals were merged on the Deliveries API layer, which resulted in the leak of abstraction and loss of useful data as data from the search recall stage was also not taken into account during the merge stage.

Inability to quickly scale to new search use cases and difficulty in reusing existing components

The legacy code base was not written in a structured way that could scale to new use cases easily. If new search use cases cannot be built on top of an existing system, it can be rather tedious to keep rebuilding the function every time there is a new search use case.


In this section, solutions from both architecture and implementation perspectives are presented to address the above problem statements.


In the new architecture, the flow is extended from lexical recall only to multi-layer including boosting, multi-recall, and ranking. The addition of boosting enables capabilities like intent recognition and query expansion, while the change from single lexical recall to multi-recall opens up the potential for other recall methods, e.g. embedding based and graph based.

These help address the first problem statement. Furthermore, the multi-recall framework enables fetching results from multiple business verticals, addressing the second problem statement. In the new framework, results from different verticals and different recall methods were grouped and ranked together without any leak of abstraction or loss of useful data from search recall stage in ranking.

Point multiplier
Upgraded architecture


We believe that the key to a platform’s success is modularisation and flexible assembling of plugins to enable quick product iteration. That is why we implemented a combination of a framework defined by the platform and plugins provided by service teams. In this implementation, plugins are assembled through configurations, which addresses the third problem statement and has two advantages:

  • Separation of concern. With the main flow abstracted and maintained by the platform, service team developers could focus on the application logic by writing plugins and fitting them into the main flow. In this case, developers without search experience could quickly enable new search flows.
  • Reusing plugins and economies of scale. With more use cases onboarded, more plugins are written by service teams and these plugins are reusable assets, resulting in scale effect. For example, an Ads recall plugin could be reused in Food keyword or non-keyword searches, Mart keyword or non-keyword searches and universal search flows as all these searches contain non-organic Ads. Similarly, a Mart recall plugin could be reused in Mart keyword or non-keyword searches, universal search and Food keyword search flows, as all these flows contain Mart results. With more plugins accumulated on our platform, developers might be able to ship a new search flow by just reusing and assembling the existing plugins.


Our platform now has a smart search with intent recognition and semantic (embedding-based) search. The process of adding new modules is also more straightforward and adds intention recognition to the boosting step as well as embedding as an additional recall to the multi-recall step. These modules can be easily reused by other use cases.

On top of that, we also have a mixed Ads and an organic framework. This means that data in the recall stage is taken into consideration and Ads can now be ranked together with organic results, e.g. text relevance.

With a modularised design and plugins provided by the platform, it is easier for clients to use our platform with a simple onboarding process. Furthermore, plugins can be reused to cater to new use cases and achieve a scale effect.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/how-netflix-content-engineering-makes-a-federated-graph-searchable-5c0c1c7d7eaf

By Alex Hutter, Falguni Jhaveri and Senthil Sayeebaba

Over the past few years Content Engineering at Netflix has been transitioning many of its services to use a federated GraphQL platform. GraphQL federation enables domain teams to independently build and operate their own Domain Graph Services (DGS) and, at the same time, connect their domain with other domains in a unified GraphQL schema exposed by a federated gateway.

As an example, let’s examine three core entities of the graph, each owned by separate engineering teams:

  1. Movie: At Netflix, we make titles (shows, films, shorts etc.). For simplicity, let’s assume each title is a Movie object.
  2. Production: Each Movie is associated with a Studio Production. A Production object tracks everything needed to make a Movie including shooting location, vendors, and more.
  3. Talent: the people working on a Movie are the Talent, including actors, directors, and so on.
Sample GraphQL Schema

Once entities like the above are available in the graph, it’s very common for folks to want to query for a particular entity based on attributes of related entities, e.g. give me all movies that are currently in photography with Ryan Reynolds as an actor.

In a federated graph architecture, how can we answer such a query given that each entity is served by its own service? The Movie service would need to provide an endpoint that accepts a query and filters that may apply to data the service does not own, and use those to identify the appropriate Movie entities to return.

In fact, every entity owning service could be required to do this work.

This common problem of making a federated graph searchable led to the creation of Studio Search.

The Studio Search platform was designed to take a portion of the federated graph, a subgraph rooted at an entity of interest, and make it searchable. The entities of the subgraph can be queried with text input, filtered, ranked, and faceted. In the next section, we’ll discuss how we made this possible.

Introducing Studio Search

When hearing that we want to enable teams to search something, your mind likely goes to building an index of some kind. Ours did too! So we need to build an index of a portion of the federated graph.

How do our users tell us which portion and, even more critically, given that the portion of the graph of interest will almost definitely span data exposed by many services, how do we keep the index current with all these various services?

We chose Elasticsearch as the underlying technology for our index and determined that there were three main pieces of information required to build out an indexing pipeline:

  • A definition of their subgraph of interest rooted at the entity they primarily will be searching for
  • Events to notify the platform of changes to entities in the subgraph
  • Index specific configuration such as whether a field should be used for full text queries or whether a sub-document is nested

In short, our solution was to build an index for the subgraphs of interest. This index needs to be kept up-to-date with the data exposed by the various services in the federated graph in near-real time.

GraphQL gives us a straightforward way to define the subgraph — a single templated GraphQL query that pulls all of the data the user is interested in using in their searches.

Here’s an example GraphQL query template. It’s pulling data for Movies and their related Productions and Talent.

Sample GraphQL query

To keep the index up to date, events are used to trigger a reindexing operation for individual entities when they change. Change Data Capture (CDC) events are the preferred events for triggering these operations — most teams produce them using Netflix’s CDC connectors — however, application events are also supported when necessary.

All data to be indexed is being fetched from the federated graph so all that is needed in the events is an entity id; the id can be substituted into the GraphQL query template to fetch the entity and any related data.

Using the type information present in the GraphQL query template and the user specified index configuration we were able to create an index template with a set of custom Elasticsearch text analyzers that generalized well across domains.

Given these inputs, a Data Mesh pipeline can be created that consists of the user provided CDC event source, a processor to enrich those events using the user provided GraphQL query and a sink to Elasticsearch.


Putting this all together, below you can see a simplified view of the architecture.

Studio Search Indexing Architecture
  1. Studio applications produce events to schematized Kafka streams within Data Mesh.

a. By transacting with a database which is monitored by a CDC connector that creates events, or

b. By directly creating events using a Data Mesh client.

2. The schematized events are consumed by Data Mesh processors implemented in the Apache Flink framework. Some entities have multiple events for their changes so we leverage union processors to combine data from multiple Kafka streams.

a. A GraphQL processor executes the user provided GraphQL query to fetch documents from the federated gateway.

b. The federated gateway, in turn, fetches data from the Studio applications.

3. The documents fetched from the federated gateway are put onto another schematized Kafka topic before being processed by an Elasticsearch sink in Data Mesh that indexes them into Elasticsearch index configured with an indexing template created specifically for the fields and types present in the document.

Reverse lookups

You may have noticed something missing in the above explanation. If the index is being populated based on Movie id events, how does it stay up to date when a Production or Talent changes? Our solution to this is a reverse lookup — when a change to a related entity is made, we need to look up all of the primary entities that could be affected and trigger events for those. We do this by consulting the index itself and querying for all primary entities related to the entity that has changed.

For instance if our index has a document that looks like this:

Sample Elasticsearch document

And the pipeline observes a change to the Production with ptpId “abc”, we can query the index for all documents with production.ptpId == “abc” and extract the movieId. Then, we can pass that movieId down into the rest of the indexing pipeline.

Scaling the Solution

The solution we came up with worked quite well. Teams were easily able to share the requirements for their subgraph’s index via a GraphQL query template and could use existing tooling to generate the events to enable the index to be kept up to date in near real-time. Reusing the index itself to power reverse lookups enabled us to keep all the logic for handling related entities contained within our systems and shield our users from that complexity. In fact it worked so well that we became inundated with requests to integrate with Studio Search — it began to power a significant portion of the user experience for many applications within Content Engineering.

Early on, we did integrations by hand but as adoption of Studio Search took off this did not scale. We needed to build tools to help us automate as much of the provisioning of the pipelines as possible. In order to get there we identified four main problems we needed to solve:

  • How to collect all the required configuration for the pipeline from users.
  • Data Mesh streams are schematized with Avro. In the previous architecture diagram, in 3) there is a stream carrying the results of the GraphQL query to the Elasticsearch sink. The response from GraphQL can contain 10s of fields, often nested. Writing an Avro schema for such a document is time consuming and error prone to do by hand. We needed to make this step much easier.
  • Similarly the generation of the Elasticsearch template was time consuming and error prone. We needed to determine how to generate one based on the users’ configuration.
  • Finally, creating Data Mesh pipelines manually was time consuming and error prone as well due to the volume of configuration required.


For collecting the indexing pipeline configuration from users we defined a single configuration file that enabled users to provide a high level description of their pipeline that we can use to programmatically create the indexing pipeline in Data Mesh. By using this high-level description we were able to greatly simplify the pipeline creation process for users by filling in common yet required configuration for the Data Mesh pipeline.

Sample .yaml configuration

Avro schema & Elasticsearch index template generation

The approach for both schema and index template generation was very similar. Essentially it required taking the user provided GraphQL query template and generating JSON from it. This was done using graphql-java. The steps required are enumerated below:

  • Introspect the federated graph’s schema and use the response to build a GraphQLSchema object
  • Parse and validate the user provided GraphQL query template against the schema
  • Visit the nodes of the query using utilities provided by graphql-java and collect the results into a JSON object — this generated object is the schema/template


The previous steps centralized all the configuration in a single file and provided tools to generate additional configuration for the pipeline’s dependencies. Now all that was required was an entry point for users to provide their configuration file for orchestrating the provisioning of the indexing pipeline. Given our user base was other engineers we decided to provide a command line interface (CLI) written in Python. Using Python we were able to get the first version of the CLI to our users quickly. Netflix provides tooling that makes the CLI auto-update which makes the CLI easy to iterate on. The CLI performs the following tasks:

  • Validates the provided configuration file
  • Calls a service to generate the Avro schema & Elasticsearch index template
  • Assembles the logical plan for the Data Mesh pipeline and creates it using Data Mesh APIs

A CLI is just a step towards a better self-service deployment process. We’re currently exploring options for treating these indices and their pipelines as declarative infrastructure managed within the application that consumes them.

Current Challenges

Using the federated graph to provide the documents for indexing simplifies much of the indexing process but it also creates its own set of challenges. If the challenges below sound exciting to you, come join us!


Bootstrapping a new index for the addition or removal of attributes or refreshing an established index both add considerable additional and spiky load to the federated gateway and the component DGSes. Depending on the cardinality of the index and the complexity of its query we may need to coordinate with service owners and/or run backfills off peak. We continue to manage tradeoffs between reindexing speed and load.

Reverse Lookups

Reverse lookups, while convenient, are not particularly user friendly. They introduce a circular dependency in the pipeline — you can’t create the indexing pipeline without reverse lookups and reverse lookups need the index to function — which we’ve mitigated although it still creates some confusion. They also require the definer of the index to have detailed knowledge of the eventing for related entities they want to include and that may cover many different domains depending on the index — we have one index covering eight domains.

Index consistency

As an index becomes more complex it is likely to depend on more DGSes and the likelihood of errors increases when fetching the required documents from the federated graph. These errors can lead to documents in the index being out of date or even missing altogether. The owner of the index is often required to follow up with other domain teams regarding errors in related entities and be in the unenviable position of not being able to do much to resolve the issues independently. When the errors are resolved, the process of replaying the failed events is manual and there can be a lag when the service is again successfully returning data but the index does not match it.

Stay Tuned

In this post, we described how our indexing infrastructure moves data for any given subgraph of the Netflix Content federated graph to Elasticsearch and keeps that data in sync with the source of truth. In an upcoming post, we’ll describe how this data can be queried without actually needing to know anything about Elasticsearch.


Thanks to Anoop Panicker, Bo Lei, Charles Zhao, Chris Dhanaraj, Hemamalini Kannan, Jim Isaacs, Johnny Chang, Kasturi Chatterjee, Kishore Banala, Kevin Zhu, Tom Lee, Tongliang Liu, Utkarsh Shrivastava, Vince Bello, Vinod Viswanathan, Yucheng Zeng

How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.