Tag Archives: streaming

The Making of VES: the Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/the-making-of-ves-the-cosmos-microservice-for-netflix-video-encoding-946b9b3cd300

Liwei Guo, Vinicius Carvalho, Anush Moorthy, Aditya Mavlankar, Lishan Zhu

This is the second post in a multi-part series from Netflix. See here for Part 1 which provides an overview of our efforts in rebuilding the Netflix video processing pipeline with microservices. This blog dives into the details of building our Video Encoding Service (VES), and shares our learnings.

Cosmos is the next generation media computing platform at Netflix. Combining microservice architecture with asynchronous workflows and serverless functions, Cosmos aims to modernize Netflix’s media processing pipelines with improved flexibility, efficiency, and developer productivity. In the past few years, the video team within Encoding Technologies (ET) has been working on rebuilding the entire video pipeline on Cosmos.

This new pipeline is composed of a number of microservices, each dedicated to a single functionality. One such microservice is Video Encoding Service (VES). Encoding is an essential component of the video pipeline. At a high level, it takes an ingested mezzanine and encodes it into a video stream that is suitable for Netflix streaming or serves some studio/production use case. In the case of Netflix, there are a number of requirements for this service:

  • Given the wide range of devices from mobile phones to browsers to Smart TVs, multiple codec formats, resolutions, and quality levels need to be supported.
  • Chunked encoding is a must to meet the latency requirements of our business needs, and use cases with different levels of latency sensitivity need to be accommodated.
  • The capability of continuous release is crucial for enabling fast product innovation in both streaming and studio spaces.
  • There is a huge volume of encoding jobs every day. The service needs to be cost-efficient and make the most use of available resources.

In this tech blog, we will walk through how we built VES to achieve the above goals and will share a number of lessons we learned from building microservices. Please note that for simplicity, we have chosen to omit certain Netflix-specific details that are not integral to the primary message of this blog post.

Building Video Encoding Service on Cosmos

A Cosmos microservice consists of three layers: an API layer (Optimus) that takes in requests, a workflow layer (Plato) that orchestrates the media processing flows, and a serverless computing layer (Stratum) that processes the media. These three layers communicate asynchronously through a home-grown, priority-based messaging system called Timestone. We chose Protobuf as the payload format for its high efficiency and mature cross-platform support.

To help service developers get a head start, the Cosmos platform provides a powerful service generator. This generator features an intuitive UI. With a few clicks, it creates a basic yet complete Cosmos service: code repositories for all 3 layers are created; all platform capabilities, including discovery, logging, tracing, etc., are enabled; release pipelines are set up and dashboards are readily accessible. We can immediately start adding video encoding logic and deploy the service to the cloud for experimentation.


As the API layer, Optimus serves as the gateway into VES, meaning service users can only interact with VES through Optimus. The defined API interface is a strong contract between VES and the external world. As long as the API is stable, users are shielded from internal changes in VES. This decoupling is instrumental in enabling faster iterations of VES internals.

As a single-purpose service, the API of VES is quite clean. We defined an endpoint encodeVideo that takes an EncodeRequest and returns an EncodeResponse (in an async way through Timestone messages). The EncodeRequest object contains information about the source video as well as the encoding recipe. All the requirements of the encoded video (codec, resolution, etc.) as well as the controls for latency (chunking directives) are exposed through the data model of the encoding recipe.

//protobuf definition 

message EncodeRequest {
VideoSource video_source = 1;//source to be encoded
Recipe recipe = 2; //including encoding format, resolution, etc.

message EncodeResponse {
OutputVideo output_video = 1; //encoded video
Error error = 2; //error message (optional)

message Recipe {
Codec codec = 1; //including codec format, profile, level, etc.
Resolution resolution = 2;
ChunkingDirectives chunking_directives = 3;

Like any other Cosmos service, the platform automatically generates an RPC client based on the VES API data model, which users can use to build the request and invoke VES. Once an incoming request is received, Optimus performs validations, and (when applicable) converts the incoming data into an internal data model before passing it to the next layer, Plato.

Like any other Cosmos service, the platform automatically generates an RPC client based on the VES API data model, which users can use to build the request and invoke VES. Once an incoming request is received, Optimus performs validations, and (when applicable) converts the incoming data into an internal data model before passing it to the next layer, Plato.


The workflow layer, Plato, governs the media processing steps. The Cosmos platform supports two programming paradigms for Plato: forward chaining rule engine and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). VES has a linear workflow, so we chose DAG for its simplicity.

In a DAG, the workflow is represented by nodes and edges. Nodes represent stages in the workflow, while edges signify dependencies — a stage is only ready to execute when all its dependencies have been completed. VES requires parallel encoding of video chunks to meet its latency and resilience goals. This workflow-level parallelism is facilitated by the DAG through a MapReduce mode. Nodes can be annotated to indicate this relationship, and a Reduce node will only be triggered when all its associated Map nodes are ready.

For the VES workflow, we defined five Nodes and their associated edges, which are visualized in the following graph:

  • Splitter Node: This node divides the video into chunks based on the chunking directives in the recipe.
  • Encoder Node: This node encodes a video chunk. It is a Map node.
  • Assembler Node: This node stitches the encoded chunks together. It is a Reduce node.
  • Validator Node: This node performs the validation of the encoded video.
  • Notifier Node: This node notifies the API layer once the entire workflow is completed.

In this workflow, nodes such as the Notifier perform very lightweight operations and can be directly executed in the Plato runtime. However, resource-intensive operations need to be delegated to the computing layer (Stratum), or another service. Plato invokes Stratum functions for tasks such as encoding and assembling, where the nodes (Encoder and Assembler) post messages to the corresponding message queues. The Validator node calls another Cosmos service, the Video Validation Service, to validate the assembled encoded video.


The computing layer, Stratum, is where media samples can be accessed. Developers of Cosmos services create Stratum Functions to process the media. They can bring their own media processing tools, which are packaged into Docker images of the Functions. These Docker images are then published to our internal Docker registry, part of Titus. In production, Titus automatically scales instances based on the depths of job queues.

VES needs to support encoding source videos into a variety of codec formats, including AVC, AV1, and VP9, to name a few. We use different encoder binaries (referred to simply as “encoders”) for different codec formats. For AVC, a format that is now 20 years old, the encoder is quite stable. On the other hand, the newest addition to Netflix streaming, AV1, is continuously going through active improvements and experimentations, necessitating more frequent encoder upgrades. ​​To effectively manage this variability, we decided to create multiple Stratum Functions, each dedicated to a specific codec format and can be released independently. This approach ensures that upgrading one encoder will not impact the VES service for other codec formats, maintaining stability and performance across the board.

Within the Stratum Function, the Cosmos platform provides abstractions for common media access patterns. Regardless of file formats, sources are uniformly presented as locally mounted frames. Similarly, for output that needs to be persisted in the cloud, the platform presents the process as writing to a local file. All details, such as streaming of bytes and retrying on errors, are abstracted away. With the platform taking care of the complexity of the infrastructure, the essential code for video encoding in the Stratum Function could be as simple as follows.

ffmpeg -i input/source%08d.j2k -vf ... -c:v libx264 ... output/encoding.264

Encoding is a resource-intensive process, and the resources required are closely related to the codec format and the encoding recipe. We conducted benchmarking to understand the resource usage pattern, particularly CPU and RAM, for different encoding recipes. Based on the results, we leveraged the “container shaping” feature from the Cosmos platform.

We defined a number of different “container shapes”, specifying the allocations of resources like CPU and RAM.

# an example definition of container shape
group: containerShapeExample1
numCpus: 2
memoryInMB: 4000
networkInMbp: 750
diskSizeInMB: 12000

Routing rules are created to assign encoding jobs to different shapes based on the combination of codec format and encoding resolution. This helps the platform perform “bin packing”, thereby maximizing resource utilization.

An example of “bin-packing”. The circles represent CPU cores and the area represents the RAM. This 16-core EC2 instance is packed with 5 encoding containers (rectangles) of 3 different shapes (indicated by different colors).

Continuous Release

After we completed the development and testing of all three layers, VES was launched in production. However, this did not mark the end of our work. Quite the contrary, we believed and still do that a significant part of a service’s value is realized through iterations: supporting new business needs, enhancing performance, and improving resilience. An important piece of our vision was for Cosmos services to have the ability to continuously release code changes to production in a safe manner.

Focusing on a single functionality, code changes pertaining to a single feature addition in VES are generally small and cohesive, making them easy to review. Since callers can only interact with VES through its API, internal code is truly “implementation details” that are safe to change. The explicit API contract limits the test surface of VES. Additionally, the Cosmos platform provides a pyramid-based testing framework to guide developers in creating tests at different levels.

After testing and code review, changes are merged and are ready for release. The release pipeline is fully automated: after the merge, the pipeline checks out code, compiles, builds, runs unit/integration/end-to-end tests as prescribed, and proceeds to full deployment if no issues are encountered. Typically, it takes around 30 minutes from code merge to feature landing (a process that took 2–4 weeks in our previous generation platform!). The short release cycle provides faster feedback to developers and helps them make necessary updates while the context is still fresh.

Screenshot of a release pipeline run in our production environment

When running in production, the service constantly emits metrics and logs. They are collected by the platform to visualize dashboards and to drive monitoring/alerting systems. Metrics deviating too much from the baseline will trigger alerts and can lead to automatic service rollback (when the “canary” feature is enabled).

The Learnings:

VES was the very first microservice that our team built. We started with basic knowledge of microservices and learned a multitude of lessons along the way. These learnings deepened our understanding of microservices and have helped us improve our design choices and decisions.

Define a Proper Service Scope

A principle of microservice architecture is that a service should be built for a single functionality. This sounds straightforward, but what exactly qualifies a “single functionality”? “Encoding video” sounds good but wouldn’t “encode video into the AVC format” be an even more specific single-functionality?

When we started building the VES, we took the approach of creating a separate encoding service for each codec format. While this has advantages such as decoupled workflows, quickly we were overwhelmed by the development overhead. Imagine that a user requested us to add the watermarking capability to the encoding. We needed to make changes to multiple microservices. What is worse, changes in all these services are very similar and essentially we are adding the same code (and tests) again and again. Such kind of repetitive work can easily wear out developers.

The service presented in this blog is our second iteration of VES (yes, we already went through one iteration). In this version, we consolidated encodings for different codec formats into a single service. They share the same API and workflow, while each codec format has its own Stratum Functions. So far this seems to strike a good balance: the common API and workflow reduces code repetition, while separate Stratum Functions guarantee independent evolution of each codec format.

The changes we made are not irreversible. If someday in the future, the encoding of one particular codec format evolves into a totally different workflow, we have the option to spin it off into its own microservice.

Be Pragmatic about Data Modeling

In the beginning, we were very strict about data model separation — we had a strong belief that sharing equates to coupling, and coupling could lead to potential disasters in the future. To avoid this, for each service as well as the three layers within a service, we defined its own data model and built converters to translate between different data models.

We ended up creating multiple data models for aspects such as bit-depth and resolution across our system. To be fair, this does have some merits. For example, our encoding pipeline supports different bit-depths for AVC encoding (8-bit) and AV1 encoding (10-bit). By defining both AVC.BitDepth and AV1.BitDepth, constraints on the bit-depth can be built into the data models. However, it is debatable whether the benefits of this differentiation power outweigh the downsides, namely multiple data model translations.

Eventually, we created a library to host data models for common concepts in the video domain. Examples of such concepts include frame rate, scan type, color space, etc. As you can see, they are extremely common and stable. This “common” data model library is shared across all services owned by the video team, avoiding unnecessary duplications and data conversions. Within each service, additional data models are defined for service-specific objects.

Embrace Service API Changes

This may sound contradictory. We have been saying that an API is a strong contract between the service and its users, and keeping an API stable shields users from internal changes. This is absolutely true. However, none of us had a crystal ball when we were designing the very first version of the service API. It is inevitable that at a certain point, this API becomes inadequate. If we hold the belief that “the API cannot change” too dearly, developers would be forced to find workarounds, which are almost certainly sub-optimal.

There are many great tech articles about gracefully evolving API. We believe we also have a unique advantage: VES is a service internal to Netflix Encoding Technologies (ET). Our two users, the Streaming Workflow Orchestrator and the Studio Workflow Orchestrator, are owned by the workflow team within ET. Our teams share the same contexts and work towards common goals. If we believe updating API is in the best interest of Netflix, we meet with them to seek alignment. Once a consensus to update the API is reached, teams collaborate to ensure a smooth transition.

Stay Tuned…

This is the second part of our tech blog series Rebuilding Netflix Video Pipeline with Microservices. In this post, we described the building process of the Video Encoding Service (VES) in detail as well as our learnings. Our pipeline includes a few other services that we plan to share about as well. Stay tuned for our future blogs on this topic of microservices!

The Making of VES: the Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Rebuilding Netflix Video Processing Pipeline with Microservices

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/rebuilding-netflix-video-processing-pipeline-with-microservices-4e5e6310e359

Liwei Guo, Anush Moorthy, Li-Heng Chen, Vinicius Carvalho, Aditya Mavlankar, Agata Opalach, Adithya Prakash, Kyle Swanson, Jessica Tweneboah, Subbu Venkatrav, Lishan Zhu

This is the first blog in a multi-part series on how Netflix rebuilt its video processing pipeline with microservices, so we can maintain our rapid pace of innovation and continuously improve the system for member streaming and studio operations. This introductory blog focuses on an overview of our journey. Future blogs will provide deeper dives into each service, sharing insights and lessons learned from this process.

The Netflix video processing pipeline went live with the launch of our streaming service in 2007. Since then, the video pipeline has undergone substantial improvements and broad expansions:

  • Starting with Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) at Standard-Definitions, we expanded the encoding pipeline to 4K and High Dynamic Range (HDR) which enabled support for our premium offering.
  • We moved from centralized linear encoding to distributed chunk-based encoding. This architecture shift greatly reduced the processing latency and increased system resiliency.
  • Moving away from the use of dedicated instances that were constrained in quantity, we tapped into Netflix’s internal trough created due to autoscaling microservices, leading to significant improvements in computation elasticity as well as resource utilization efficiency.
  • We rolled out encoding innovations such as per-title and per-shot optimizations, which provided significant quality-of-experience (QoE) improvement to Netflix members.
  • By integrating with studio content systems, we enabled the pipeline to leverage rich metadata from the creative side and create more engaging member experiences like interactive storytelling.
  • We expanded pipeline support to serve our studio/content-development use cases, which had different latency and resiliency requirements as compared to the traditional streaming use case.

Our experience of the last decade-and-a-half has reinforced our conviction that an efficient, flexible video processing pipeline that allows us to innovate and support our streaming service, as well as our studio partners, is critical to the continued success of Netflix. To that end, the Video and Image Encoding team in Encoding Technologies (ET) has spent the last few years rebuilding the video processing pipeline on our next-generation microservice-based computing platform Cosmos.

From Reloaded to Cosmos


Starting in 2014, we developed and operated the video processing pipeline on our third-generation platform Reloaded. Reloaded was well-architected, providing good stability, scalability, and a reasonable level of flexibility. It served as the foundation for numerous encoding innovations developed by our team.

When Reloaded was designed, we focused on a single use case: converting high-quality media files (also known as mezzanines) received from studios into compressed assets for Netflix streaming. Reloaded was created as a single monolithic system, where developers from various media teams in ET and our platform partner team Content Infrastructure and Solutions (CIS)¹ worked on the same codebase, building a single system that handled all media assets. Over the years, the system expanded to support various new use cases. This led to a significant increase in system complexity, and the limitations of Reloaded began to show:

  • Coupled functionality: Reloaded was composed of a number of worker modules and an orchestration module. The setup of a new Reloaded module and its integration with the orchestration required a non-trivial amount of effort, which led to a bias towards augmentation rather than creation when developing new functionalities. For example, in Reloaded the video quality calculation was implemented inside the video encoder module. With this implementation, it was extremely difficult to recalculate video quality without re-encoding.
  • Monolithic structure: Since Reloaded modules were often co-located in the same repository, it was easy to overlook code-isolation rules and there was quite a bit of unintended reuse of code across what should have been strong boundaries. Such reuse created tight coupling and reduced development velocity. The tight coupling among modules further forced us to deploy all modules together.
  • Long release cycles: The joint deployment meant that there was increased fear of unintended production outages as debugging and rollback can be difficult for a deployment of this size. This drove the approach of the “release train”. Every two weeks, a “snapshot” of all modules was taken, and promoted to be a “release candidate”. This release candidate then went through exhaustive testing which attempted to cover as large a surface area as possible. This testing stage took about two weeks. Thus, depending on when the code change was merged, it could take anywhere between two and four weeks to reach production.

As time progressed and functionalities grew, the rate of new feature contributions in Reloaded dropped. Several promising ideas were abandoned owing to the outsized work needed to overcome architectural limitations. The platform that had once served us well was now becoming a drag on development.


As a response, in 2018 the CIS and ET teams started developing the next-generation platform, Cosmos. In addition to the scalability and the stability that the developers already enjoyed in Reloaded, Cosmos aimed to significantly increase system flexibility and feature development velocity. To achieve this, Cosmos was developed as a computing platform for workflow-driven, media-centric microservices.

The microservice architecture provides strong decoupling between services. Per-microservice workflow support eases the burden of implementing complex media workflow logic. Finally, relevant abstractions allow media algorithm developers to focus on the manipulation of video and audio signals rather than on infrastructural concerns. A comprehensive list of benefits offered by Cosmos can be found in the linked blog.

Building the Video Processing Pipeline in Cosmos

Service Boundaries

In the microservice architecture, a system is composed of a number of fine-grained services, with each service focusing on a single functionality. So the first (and arguably the most important) thing is to identify boundaries and define services.

In our pipeline, as media assets travel through creation to ingest to delivery, they go through a number of processing steps such as analyses and transformations. We analyzed these processing steps to identify “boundaries” and grouped them into different domains, which in turn became the building blocks of the microservices we engineered.

As an example, in Reloaded, the video encoding module bundles 5 steps:

1. divide the input video into small chunks

2. encode each chunk independently

3. calculate the quality score (VMAF) of each chunk

4. assemble all the encoded chunks into a single encoded video

5. aggregate quality scores from all chunks

From a system perspective, the assembled encoded video is of primary concern while the internal chunking and separate chunk encodings exist in order to fulfill certain latency and resiliency requirements. Further, as alluded to above, the video quality calculation provides a totally separate functionality as compared to the encoding service.

Thus, in Cosmos, we created two independent microservices: Video Encoding Service (VES) and Video Quality Service (VQS), each of which serves a clear, decoupled function. As implementation details, the chunked encoding and the assembling were abstracted away into the VES.

Video Services

The approach outlined above was applied to the rest of the video processing pipeline to identify functionalities and hence service boundaries, leading to the creation of the following video services².

  1. Video Inspection Service (VIS): This service takes a mezzanine as the input and performs various inspections. It extracts metadata from different layers of the mezzanine for downstream services. In addition, the inspection service flags issues if invalid or unexpected metadata is observed and provides actionable feedback to the upstream team.
  2. Complexity Analysis Service (CAS): The optimal encoding recipe is highly content-dependent. This service takes a mezzanine as the input and performs analysis to understand the content complexity. It calls Video Encoding Service for pre-encoding and Video Quality Service for quality evaluation. The results are saved to a database so they can be reused.
  3. Ladder Generation Service (LGS): This service creates an entire bitrate ladder for a given encoding family (H.264, AV1, etc.). It fetches the complexity data from CAS and runs the optimization algorithm to create encoding recipes. The CAS and LGS cover much of the innovations that we have previously presented in our tech blogs (per-title, mobile encodes, per-shot, optimized 4K encoding, etc.). By wrapping ladder generation into a separate microservice (LGS), we decouple the ladder optimization algorithms from the creation and management of complexity analysis data (which resides in CAS). We expect this to give us greater freedom for experimentation and a faster rate of innovation.
  4. Video Encoding Service (VES): This service takes a mezzanine and an encoding recipe and creates an encoded video. The recipe includes the desired encoding format and properties of the output, such as resolution, bitrate, etc. The service also provides options that allow fine-tuning latency, throughput, etc., depending on the use case.
  5. Video Validation Service (VVS): This service takes an encoded video and a list of expectations about the encode. These expectations include attributes specified in the encoding recipe as well as conformance requirements from the codec specification. VVS analyzes the encoded video and compares the results against the indicated expectations. Any discrepancy is flagged in the response to alert the caller.
  6. Video Quality Service (VQS): This service takes the mezzanine and the encoded video as input, and calculates the quality score (VMAF) of the encoded video.

Service Orchestration

Each video service provides a dedicated functionality and they work together to generate the needed video assets. Currently, the two main use cases of the Netflix video pipeline are producing assets for member streaming and for studio operations. For each use case, we created a dedicated workflow orchestrator so the service orchestration can be customized to best meet the corresponding business needs.

For the streaming use case, the generated videos are deployed to our content delivery network (CDN) for Netflix members to consume. These videos can easily be watched millions of times. The Streaming Workflow Orchestrator utilizes almost all video services to create streams for an impeccable member experience. It leverages VIS to detect and reject non-conformant or low-quality mezzanines, invokes LGS for encoding recipe optimization, encodes video using VES, and calls VQS for quality measurement where the quality data is further fed to Netflix’s data pipeline for analytics and monitoring purposes. In addition to video services, the Streaming Workflow Orchestrator uses audio and timed text services to generate audio and text assets, and packaging services to “containerize” assets for streaming.

For the studio use case, some example video assets are marketing clips and daily production editorial proxies. The requests from the studio side are generally latency-sensitive. For example, someone from the production team may be waiting for the video to review so they can decide the shooting plan for the next day. Because of this, the Studio Workflow Orchestrator optimizes for fast turnaround and focuses on core media processing services. At this time, the Studio Workflow Orchestrator calls VIS to extract metadata of the ingested assets and calls VES with predefined recipes. Compared to member streaming, studio operations have different and unique requirements for video processing. Therefore, the Studio Workflow Orchestrator is the exclusive user of some encoding features like forensic watermarking and timecode/text burn-in.

Where we are now

We have had the new video pipeline running alongside Reloaded in production for a few years now. During this time, we completed the migration of all necessary functionalities from Reloaded, began gradually shifting over traffic one use case at a time, and completed the switchover in September of 2023.

While it is still early days, we have already seen the benefits of the new platform, specifically the ease of feature delivery. Notably, Netflix launched the Advertising-supported plan in November 2022. Processing Ad creatives posed some new challenges: media formats of Ads are quite different from movie and TV mezzanines that the team was familiar with, and there was a new set of media processing requirements related to the business needs of Ads. With the modularity and developer productivity benefits of Cosmos, we were able to quickly iterate the pipeline to keep up with the changing requirements and support a successful product launch.


Rebuilding the video pipeline was a huge undertaking for the team. We are very proud of what we have achieved, and also eager to share our journey with the technical community. This blog has focused on providing an overview: a brief history of our pipeline and the platforms, why the rebuilding was necessary, what these new services look like, and how they are being used for Netflix businesses. In the next blog, we are going to delve into the details of the Video Encoding Service (VES), explaining step-by-step the service creation, and sharing lessons learned (we have A LOT!). We also plan to cover other video services in future tech blogs. Follow the Netflix Tech Blog to stay up to date.


A big shout out to the CIS team for their outstanding work in building the Cosmos platform and their receptiveness to feedback from service developers.

We want to express our appreciation to our users, the Streaming Encoding Pipeline team, and the Video Engineering team. Just like our feedback helps iron out the platform, the feedback from our users has been instrumental in building high-quality services.

We also want to thank Christos Bampis and Zhi Li for their significant contributions to video services, and our two former team members, Chao Chen and Megha Manohara for contributing to the early development of this project.


  1. Formerly known as Media Cloud Engineering/MCE team.
  2. The actual number of video services is more than listed here. Some of them are Netflix-specific and thus omitted from this blog.

Rebuilding Netflix Video Processing Pipeline with Microservices was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Building In-Video Search

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/building-in-video-search-936766f0017c

Boris Chen, Ben Klein, Jason Ge, Avneesh Saluja, Guru Tahasildar, Abhishek Soni, Juan Vimberg, Elliot Chow, Amir Ziai, Varun Sekhri, Santiago Castro, Keila Fong, Kelli Griggs, Mallia Sherzai, Robert Mayer, Andy Yao, Vi Iyengar, Jonathan Solorzano-Hamilton, Hossein Taghavi, Ritwik Kumar


Today we’re going to take a look at the behind the scenes technology behind how Netflix creates great trailers, Instagram reels, video shorts and other promotional videos.

Suppose you’re trying to create the trailer for the action thriller The Gray Man, and you know you want to use a shot of a car exploding. You don’t know if that shot exists or where it is in the film, and you have to look for it it by scrubbing through the whole film.

Exploding cars — The Gray Man (2022)

Or suppose it’s Christmas, and you want to create a great instagram piece out all the best scenes across Netflix films of people shouting “Merry Christmas”! Or suppose it’s Anya Taylor Joy’s birthday, and you want to create a highlight reel of all her most iconic and dramatic shots.

Making these comes down to finding the right video clips amongst hundreds of thousands movies and TV shows to find the right line of dialogue or the right visual elements (objects, scenes, emotions, actions, etc.). We have built an internal system that allows someone to perform in-video search across the entire Netflix video catalog, and we’d like to share our experience in building this system.

Building in-video search

To build such a visual search engine, we needed a machine learning system that can understand visual elements. Our early attempts included object detection, but found that general labels were both too limiting and too specific, yet not specific enough. Every show has special objects that are important (e.g. Demogorgon in Stranger Things) that don’t translate to other shows. The same was true for action recognition, and other common image and video tasks.

The Approach

We found that contrastive learning between images and text pairs work well for our goals because these models are able to learn joint embedding spaces between the two modalities. This approach is also able to learn about objects, scenes, emotions, actions, and more in a single model. We also found that extending contrastive learning to videos and text provided a substantial improvement over frame-level models.

In order to train the model on internal training data (video clips with aligned text descriptions), we implemented a scalable version on Ray Train and switched to a more performant video decoding library. Lastly, the embeddings from the video encoder exhibit strong zero or few-shot performance on multiple video and content understanding tasks at Netflix and are used as a starting point in those applications.

The recent success of large-scale models that jointly train image and text embeddings has enabled new use cases around multimodal retrieval. These models are trained on large amounts of image-caption pairs via in-batch contrastive learning. For a (large) batch of N examples, we wish to maximize the embedding (cosine) similarity of the N correct image-text pairs, while minimizing the similarity of the other N²-N paired embeddings. This is done by treating the similarities as logits and minimizing the symmetric cross-entropy loss, which gives equal weighting to the two settings (treating the captions as labels to the images and vice versa).

Consider the following two images and captions:

Images are from Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)

Once properly trained, the embeddings for the corresponding images and text (i.e. captions) will be close to each other and farther away from unrelated pairs.

Typically embedding spaces are hundred/thousand dimensional.

At query time, the input text query can be mapped into this embedding space, and we can return the closest matching images.

The query may have not existed in the training set. Cosine similarity can be used as a similarity measure.

While these models are trained on image-text pairs, we have found that they are an excellent starting point to learning representations of video units like shots and scenes. As videos are a sequence of images (frames), additional parameters may need to be introduced to compute embeddings for these video units, although we have found that for shorter units like shots, an unparameterized aggregation like averaging (mean-pooling) can be more effective. To train these parameters as well as fine-tune the pretrained image-text model weights, we leverage in-house datasets that pair shots of varying durations with rich textual descriptions of their content. This additional adaptation step improves performance by 15–25% on video retrieval tasks (given a text prompt), depending on the starting model used and metric evaluated.

On top of video retrieval, there are a wide variety of video clip classifiers within Netflix that are trained specifically to find a particular attribute (e.g. closeup shots, caution elements). Instead of training from scratch, we have found that using the shot-level embeddings can give us a significant head start, even beyond the baseline image-text models that they were built on top of.

Lastly, shot embeddings can also be used for video-to-video search, a particularly useful application in the context of trailer and promotional asset creation.

Engineering and Infrastructure

Our trained model gives us a text encoder and a video encoder. Video embeddings are precomputed on the shot level, stored in our media feature store, and replicated to an elastic search cluster for real-time nearest neighbor queries. Our media feature management system automatically triggers the video embedding computation whenever new video assets are added, ensuring that we can search through the latest video assets.

The embedding computation is based on a large neural network model and has to be run on GPUs for optimal throughput. However, shot segmentation from a full-length movie is CPU-intensive. To fully utilize the GPUs in the cloud environment, we first run shot segmentation in parallel on multi-core CPU machines, store the result shots in S3 object storage encoded in video formats such as mp4. During GPU computation, we stream mp4 video shots from S3 directly to the GPUs using a data loader that performs prefetching and preprocessing. This approach ensures that the GPUs are efficiently utilized during inference, thereby increasing the overall throughput and cost-efficiency of our system.

At query time, a user submits a text string representing what they want to search for. For visual search queries, we use the text encoder from the trained model to extract an text embedding, which is then used to perform appropriate nearest neighbor search. Users can also select a subset of shows to search over, or perform a catalog wide search, which we also support.

If you’re interested in more details, see our other post covering the Media Understanding Platform.


Finding a needle in a haystack is hard. We learned from talking to video creatives who make trailers and social media videos that being able to find needles was key, and a big pain point. The solution we described has been fruitful, works well in practice, and is relatively simple to maintain. Our search system allows our creatives to iterate faster, try more ideas, and make more engaging videos for our viewers to enjoy.

We hope this post has been interesting to you. If you are interested in working on problems like this, Netflix is always hiring great researchers, engineers and creators.

Building In-Video Search was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/migrating-critical-traffic-at-scale-with-no-downtime-part-2-4b1c8c7155c1

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2

Shyam Gala, Javier Fernandez-Ivern, Anup Rokkam Pratap, Devang Shah

Picture yourself enthralled by the latest episode of your beloved Netflix series, delighting in an uninterrupted, high-definition streaming experience. Behind these perfect moments of entertainment is a complex mechanism, with numerous gears and cogs working in harmony. But what happens when this machinery needs a transformation? This is where large-scale system migrations come into play. Our previous blog post presented replay traffic testing — a crucial instrument in our toolkit that allows us to implement these transformations with precision and reliability.

Replay traffic testing gives us the initial foundation of validation, but as our migration process unfolds, we are met with the need for a carefully controlled migration process. A process that doesn’t just minimize risk, but also facilitates a continuous evaluation of the rollout’s impact. This blog post will delve into the techniques leveraged at Netflix to introduce these changes to production.

Sticky Canaries

Canary deployments are an effective mechanism for validating changes to a production backend service in a controlled and limited manner, thus mitigating the risk of unforeseen consequences that may arise due to the change. This process involves creating two new clusters for the updated service; a baseline cluster containing the current version running in production and a canary cluster containing the new version of the service. A small percentage of production traffic is redirected to the two new clusters, allowing us to monitor the new version’s performance and compare it against the current version. By collecting and analyzing key performance metrics of the service over time, we can assess the impact of the new changes and determine if they meet the availability, latency, and performance requirements.

Some product features require a lifecycle of requests between the customer device and a set of backend services to drive the feature. For instance, video playback functionality on Netflix involves requesting URLs for the streams from a service, calling the CDN to download the bits from the streams, requesting a license to decrypt the streams from a separate service, and sending telemetry indicating the successful start of playback to yet another service. By tracking metrics only at the level of service being updated, we might miss capturing deviations in broader end-to-end system functionality.

Sticky Canary is an improvement to the traditional canary process that addresses this limitation. In this variation, the canary framework creates a pool of unique customer devices and then routes traffic for this pool consistently to the canary and baseline clusters for the duration of the experiment. Apart from measuring service-level metrics, the canary framework is able to keep track of broader system operational and customer metrics across the canary pool and thereby detect regressions on the entire request lifecycle flow.

Sticky Canary

It is important to note that with sticky canaries, devices in the canary pool continue to be routed to the canary throughout the experiment, potentially resulting in undesirable behavior persisting through retries on customer devices. Therefore, the canary framework is designed to monitor operational and customer KPI metrics to detect persistent deviations and terminate the canary experiment if necessary.

Canaries and sticky canaries are valuable tools in the system migration process. Compared to replay testing, canaries allow us to extend the validation scope beyond the service level. They enable verification of the broader end-to-end system functionality across the request lifecycle for that functionality, giving us confidence that the migration will not cause any disruptions to the customer experience. Canaries also provide an opportunity to measure system performance under different load conditions, allowing us to identify and resolve any performance bottlenecks. They enable us to further fine-tune and configure the system, ensuring the new changes are integrated smoothly and seamlessly.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a widely recognized method for verifying hypotheses through a controlled experiment. It involves dividing a portion of the population into two or more groups, each receiving a different treatment. The results are then evaluated using specific metrics to determine whether the hypothesis is valid. The industry frequently employs the technique to assess hypotheses related to product evolution and user interaction. It is also widely utilized at Netflix to test changes to product behavior and customer experience.

A/B testing is also a valuable tool for assessing significant changes to backend systems. We can determine A/B test membership in either device application or backend code and selectively invoke new code paths and services. Within the context of migrations, A/B testing enables us to limit exposure to the migrated system by enabling the new path for a smaller percentage of the member base. Thereby controlling the risk of unexpected behavior resulting from the new changes. A/B testing is also a key technique in migrations where the updates to the architecture involve changing device contracts as well.

Canary experiments are typically conducted over periods ranging from hours to days. However, in certain instances, migration-related experiments may be required to span weeks or months to obtain a more accurate understanding of the impact on specific Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics. Additionally, in-depth analyses of particular business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) may require longer experiments. For instance, envision a migration scenario where we enhance the playback quality, anticipating that this improvement will lead to more customers engaging with the play button. Assessing relevant metrics across a considerable sample size is crucial for obtaining a reliable and confident evaluation of the hypothesis. A/B frameworks work as effective tools to accommodate this next step in the confidence-building process.

In addition to supporting extended durations, A/B testing frameworks offer other supplementary capabilities. This approach enables test allocation restrictions based on factors such as geography, device platforms, and device versions, while also allowing for analysis of migration metrics across similar dimensions. This ensures that the changes do not disproportionately impact specific customer segments. A/B testing also provides adaptability, permitting adjustments to allocation size throughout the experiment.

We might not use A/B testing for every backend migration. Instead, we use it for migrations in which changes are expected to impact device QoE or business KPIs significantly. For example, as discussed earlier, if the planned changes are expected to improve client QoE metrics, we would test the hypothesis via A/B testing.

Dialing Traffic

After completing the various stages of validation, such as replay testing, sticky canaries, and A/B tests, we can confidently assert that the planned changes will not significantly impact SLAs (service-level-agreement), device level QoE, or business KPIs. However, it is imperative that the final rollout is regulated to ensure that any unnoticed and unexpected problems do not disrupt the customer experience. To this end, we have implemented traffic dialing as the last step in mitigating the risk associated with enabling the changes in production.

A dial is a software construct that enables the controlled flow of traffic within a system. This construct samples inbound requests using a distribution function and determines whether they should be routed to the new path or kept on the existing path. The decision-making process involves assessing whether the distribution function’s output aligns within the range of the predefined target percentage. The sampling is done consistently using a fixed parameter associated with the request. The target percentage is controlled via a globally scoped dynamic property that can be updated in real-time. By increasing or decreasing the target percentage, traffic flow to the new path can be regulated instantaneously.


The selection of the actual sampling parameter depends on the specific migration requirements. A dial can be used to randomly sample all requests, which is achieved by selecting a variable parameter like a timestamp or a random number. Alternatively, in scenarios where the system path must remain constant with respect to customer devices, a constant device attribute such as deviceId is selected as the sampling parameter. Dials can be applied in several places, such as device application code, the relevant server component, or even at the API gateway for edge API systems, making them a versatile tool for managing migrations in complex systems.

Traffic is dialed over to the new system in measured discrete steps. At every step, relevant stakeholders are informed, and key metrics are monitored, including service, device, operational, and business metrics. If we discover an unexpected issue or notice metrics trending in an undesired direction during the migration, the dial gives us the capability to quickly roll back the traffic to the old path and address the issue.

The dialing steps can also be scoped at the data center level if traffic is served from multiple data centers. We can start by dialing traffic in a single data center to allow for an easier side-by-side comparison of key metrics across data centers, thereby making it easier to observe any deviations in the metrics. The duration of how long we run the actual discrete dialing steps can also be adjusted. Running the dialing steps for longer periods increases the probability of surfacing issues that may only affect a small group of members or devices and might have been too low to capture and perform shadow traffic analysis. We can complete the final step of migrating all the production traffic to the new system using the combination of gradual step-wise dialing and monitoring.

Migrating Persistent Stores

Stateful APIs pose unique challenges that require different strategies. While the replay testing technique discussed in the previous part of this blog series can be employed, additional measures outlined earlier are necessary.

This alternate migration strategy has proven effective for our systems that meet certain criteria. Specifically, our data model is simple, self-contained, and immutable, with no relational aspects. Our system doesn’t require strict consistency guarantees and does not use database transactions. We adopt an ETL-based dual-write strategy that roughly follows this sequence of steps:

  • Initial Load through an ETL process: Data is extracted from the source data store, transformed into the new model, and written to the newer data store through an offline job. We use custom queries to verify the completeness of the migrated records.
  • Continuous migration via Dual-writes: We utilize an active-active/dual-writes strategy to migrate the bulk of the data. As a safety mechanism, we use dials (discussed previously) to control the proportion of writes that go to the new data store. To maintain state parity across both stores, we write all state-altering requests of an entity to both stores. This is achieved by selecting a sampling parameter that makes the dial sticky to the entity’s lifecycle. We incrementally turn the dial up as we gain confidence in the system while carefully monitoring its overall health. The dial also acts as a switch to turn off all writes to the new data store if necessary.
  • Continuous verification of records: When a record is read, the service reads from both data stores and verifies the functional correctness of the new record if found in both stores. One can perform this comparison live on the request path or offline based on the latency requirements of the particular use case. In the case of a live comparison, we can return records from the new datastore when the records match. This process gives us an idea of the functional correctness of the migration.
  • Evaluation of migration completeness: To verify the completeness of the records, cold storage services are used to take periodic data dumps from the two data stores and compared for completeness. Gaps in the data are filled back with an ETL process.
  • Cut-over and clean-up: Once the data is verified for correctness and completeness, dual writes and reads are disabled, any client code is cleaned up, and read/writes only occur to the new data store.
Migrating Stateful Systems


Clean-up of any migration-related code and configuration after the migration is crucial to ensure the system runs smoothly and efficiently and we don’t build up tech debt and complexity. Once the migration is complete and validated, all migration-related code, such as traffic dials, A/B tests, and replay traffic integrations, can be safely removed from the system. This includes cleaning up configuration changes, reverting to the original settings, and disabling any temporary components added during the migration. In addition, it is important to document the entire migration process and keep records of any issues encountered and their resolution. By performing a thorough clean-up and documentation process, future migrations can be executed more efficiently and effectively, building on the lessons learned from the previous migrations.

Parting Thoughts

We have utilized a range of techniques outlined in our blog posts to conduct numerous large, medium, and small-scale migrations on the Netflix platform. Our efforts have been largely successful, with minimal to no downtime or significant issues encountered. Throughout the process, we have gained valuable insights and refined our techniques. It should be noted that not all of the techniques presented are universally applicable, as each migration presents its own unique set of circumstances. Determining the appropriate level of validation, testing, and risk mitigation requires careful consideration of several factors, including the nature of the changes, potential impacts on customer experience, engineering effort, and product priorities. Ultimately, we aim to achieve seamless migrations without disruptions or downtime.

In a series of forthcoming blog posts, we will explore a selection of specific use cases where the techniques highlighted in this blog series were utilized effectively. They will focus on a comprehensive analysis of the Ads Tier Launch and an extensive GraphQL migration for various product APIs. These posts will offer readers invaluable insights into the practical application of these methodologies in real-world situations.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2 was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Native Frame Rate Playback

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/native-frame-rate-playback-6c87836a948

by Akshay Garg, Roger Quero


Maximizing immersion for our members is an important goal for the Netflix product and engineering teams to keep our members entertained and fully engaged in our content. Leveraging a good mix of mature and cutting-edge client device technologies to deliver a smooth playback experience with glitch-free in-app transitions is an important step towards achieving this goal. In this article we explain our journey towards productizing a better viewing experience for our members by utilizing features and capabilities in consumer streaming devices.

If you have a streaming device connected to your TV, such as a Roku Set Top Box (STB) or an Amazon FireTV Stick, you may have come across an option in the device display setting pertaining to content frame rate. Device manufacturers often call this feature “Match Content Frame Rate”, “Auto adjust display refresh rate” or something similar. If you’ve ever wondered what these features are and how they can improve your viewing experience, keep reading — the following sections cover the basics of this feature and explain the details of how the Netflix application uses it.


Netflix’s content catalog is composed of video captured and encoded in one of various frame rates ranging from 23.97 to 60 frames per second (fps). When a member chooses to watch a movie or a TV show on a source device (ex. Set-top box, Streaming stick, Game Console, etc…) the content is delivered and then decoded at its native frame rate, which is the frame rate it was captured and encoded in. After the decode step, the source device converts it to the HDMI output frame rate which was configured based on the capabilities of the HDMI input port of the connected sink device (TV, AVR, Monitor etc). In general, the output frame rate over HDMI is automatically set to 50fps for PAL regions and 60fps for NTSC regions.

Netflix offers limited high frame rate content (50fps or 60fps), but the majority of our catalog and viewing hours can be attributed to members watching 23.97 to 30fps content. This essentially means that most of the time, our content goes through a process called frame rate conversion (aka FRC) on the source device which converts the content from its native frame rate to match the HDMI output frame rate by replicating frames. Figure 1 illustrates a simple FRC algorithm that converts 24fps content to 60fps.

Figure 1 : 3:2 pulldown technique to convert 24FPS content to 60FPS

Converting the content and transmitting it over HDMI at the output frame rate sounds logical and straightforward. In fact, FRC works well when the output frame rate is an integer multiple of the native frame rate ( ex. 24→48, 25→50, 30→60, 24→120, etc…). On the other hand, FRC introduces a visual artifact called Judder when non-integer multiple conversion is required (ex. 24→60, 25→60, etc…), which manifests as choppy video playback as illustrated below:

With Judder
Without Judder

It is important to note that the severity of the judder depends on the replication pattern. For this reason, judder is more prominent in PAL regions because of the process of converting 24fps content to 50fps over HDMI (see Figure 2):

  • Total of 50 frames must be transmitted over HDMI per second
  • Source device must replicate the original 24 frames to fill in the missing 26 frames
  • 50 output frames from 24 original frames are derived as follows:
  • 22 frames are duplicated ( total of 44 frames )
  • 2 frames are repeated three times ( total of 6 frames )
Figure 2: Example of a 24 to 50fps frame rate conversion algorithm

As a review, judder is more pronounced when the frequency of the number of repeated frames is inconsistent and spread out e.g. in the scenario mentioned above, the frame replication factor varies between 2 and 3 resulting in a more prominent judder.

Judder Mitigation Solutions

Now that we have a better understanding of the issue, let’s review the solutions that Netflix has invested in. Due to the fragmented nature of device capabilities in the ecosystem, we explored multiple solutions to address this issue for as many devices as possible. Each unique solution leverages existing or new source device capabilities and comes with various tradeoffs.

Solution #1: Match HDMI frame rate to content Native Frame Rate

The first solution we explored and recently enabled leverages the capability of existing source & sink devices to change the outgoing frame rate on the HDMI link. Once this feature is enabled in the system settings, devices will match the HDMI output frame rate with the content frame rate, either exactly or an integer multiple, without user intervention.

While this sounds like the perfect solution, devices that support older HDMI technologies e.g. HDMI v<2.1, can’t change the frame rate without also changing the HDMI data rate. This results in what is often referred as an “HDMI bonk” which causes the TV to display a blank screen momentarily. Not only is this a disruptive experience for members, but the duration of the blank screen varies depending on how fast the source and sink devices can resynchronize. Figure 3 below is an example of how this transition looks:

Figure 3: Native frame rate experience with screen blanking

Solution #2 : Match HDMI frame rate to content Native Frame Rate w/o screen blanking

Improvements in the recent HDMI standards (HDMI 2.1+) now allow a source device to send the video content at its native frame rate without needing an HDMI resynchronization. This is possible through an innovative technology called Quick Media Switching (QMS) which is an extension of Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) targeted for content playback scenarios. QMS allows a source device to maintain a constant data rate on the HDMI link even during transmission of content with different frame rates. It does so by adjusting the amount of non-visible padding data while keeping the amount of visible video data constant. Due to the constant HDMI data rate, the HDMI transmitter and receiver don’t need to resynchronize, leading to a seamless/glitch-free transition as illustrated in Figure 4.

HDMI QMS is positioned to be the ideal solution to address the problem we are presenting. Unfortunately, at present, this technology is relatively new and adoption into source and sink devices will take time.

Figure 4: Native frame rate experience without screen blanking using HDMI QMS

Solution #3: Frame Rate Conversion within Netflix Application

Apart from the above HDMI specification dependent solutions, it is possible for an application like Netflix to manipulate the presentation time stamp value of each video frame to minimize the effect of judder i.e. the application can present video frames to the underlying source device platform at a cadence that can help the source device to minimize the judder associated with FRC on the HDMI output link.

Let us understand this idea with the help of an example. Let’s go back to the same 24 to 50 fps FRC scenario that was covered earlier. But, instead of thinking about the FRC rate per second (24 ⇒ 50 fps), let’s expand the FRC calculation time period to 3 seconds (24*3 = 72 ⇒50*3 = 150 fps). For content with a native frame rate of 24 fps, the source device needs to get 72 frames from the streaming application in a period of 3 seconds. Now instead of sending 24 frames per second at a regular per second cadence, for each 3 second period the Netflix application can decide to send 25 frames in the first 2 seconds (25 x 2 = 50) and 22 frames in the 3rd second thereby still sending a total of 72 (50+22) frames in 3 seconds. This approach creates an even FRC in the first 2 seconds (25 frames replicated twice evenly) and in the 3rd second the source device can do a 22 to 50 fps FRC which will create less visual judder compared to the 24->50 fps FRC given a more even frame replication pattern. This concept is illustrated in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: FRC Algorithm from Solution#3 for 24 to 50 fps conversion

NOTE: This solution was developed by David Zheng in the Partner Experience Technology team at Netflix. Watch out for an upcoming article going into further details of this solution.

How the Netflix Application Uses these Solutions

Given the possible solutions available to use and the associated benefits and limitations, the Netflix application running on a source device adapts to use one of these approaches based on factors such as source and sink device capabilities, user preferences and the specific use case within the Netflix application. Let’s walk through each of these aspects briefly.

Device Capability

Every source device that integrates the Netflix application is required to let the application know if it and the connected sink device have the ability to send and receive video content at its native frame rate. In addition, a source device is required to inform whether it can support QMS and perform a seamless playback start of any content at its native frame rate on the connected HDMI link.

As discussed in the introduction section, the presence of a system setting like “Match Content Frame Rate” typically indicates that a source device is capable of this feature.

User Preference

Even if a source device and the connected sink can support Native content frame rate streaming (seamless or non-seamless), a user might have selected not to do this via the source device system settings e.g. “Match Content Frame Rate” set to “Never”. Or they might have indicated a preference of doing this only when the native content frame rate play start can happen in a seamless manner e.g. “Match Content Frame Rate” set to “Seamless”.

The Netflix application needs to know this user selection in order to honor their preference. Hence, source devices are expected to relay this user preference to the Netflix application to help with this run-time decision making.

Netflix Use Case

In spite of source device capability and the user preferences collectively indicating that the Native Content Frame Rate streaming should be enabled, the Netflix application can decide to disable this feature for specific member experiences. As an example, when the user is browsing Netflix content in the home UI, we cannot play Netflix trailers in their Native frame rate due to the following reasons:

  • If using Solution # 1, when the Netflix trailers are encoded in varying content frame rates, switching between trailers will result in screen blanking, thereby making the UI browsing unusable.
  • If using Solution # 2, sending Netflix trailers in their Native frame rate would mean that the associated UI components (movement of cursor, asset selection etc) would also be displayed at the reduced frame rate and this will result in a sluggish UI browsing experience. This is because on HDMI output from the source device, both graphics (Netflix application UI) and video components will go out at the same frame rate (native content frame rate of the trailer) after being blended together on the source device.

To handle these issues we follow an approach as shown in Figure 6 below where we enable the Native Frame Rate playback experience only when the user selects a title and watches it in full screen with minimal graphical UI elements.

Figure 6: Native Frame Rate usage within Netflix application


This article presented features that aim to improve the content playback experience on HDMI source devices. The breadth of available technical solutions, user selectable preferences, device capabilities and the application of each of these permutations in the context of various in-app member journeys represent a typical engineering and product decision framework at Netflix. Here at Netflix, our goal is to maximize immersion for our members through introduction of new features that will improve their viewing experience and keep them fully engaged in our content.


We would like to acknowledge the hard work of a number of teams that came together to deliver the features being discussed in this document. These include Core UI and JS Player development, Netflix Application Software development, AV Test and Tooling (earlier article from this team), Partner Engineering and Product teams in the Consumer Engineering organization and our data science friends in the Data Science and Engineering organization at Netflix. Diagrams in this article are courtesy of our Partner Enterprise Platform XD team.

Native Frame Rate Playback was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 1

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/migrating-critical-traffic-at-scale-with-no-downtime-part-1-ba1c7a1c7835

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 1

Shyam Gala, Javier Fernandez-Ivern, Anup Rokkam Pratap, Devang Shah

Hundreds of millions of customers tune into Netflix every day, expecting an uninterrupted and immersive streaming experience. Behind the scenes, a myriad of systems and services are involved in orchestrating the product experience. These backend systems are consistently being evolved and optimized to meet and exceed customer and product expectations.

When undertaking system migrations, one of the main challenges is establishing confidence and seamlessly transitioning the traffic to the upgraded architecture without adversely impacting the customer experience. This blog series will examine the tools, techniques, and strategies we have utilized to achieve this goal.

The backend for the streaming product utilizes a highly distributed microservices architecture; hence these migrations also happen at different points of the service call graph. It can happen on an edge API system servicing customer devices, between the edge and mid-tier services, or from mid-tiers to data stores. Another relevant factor is that the migration could be happening on APIs that are stateless and idempotent, or it could be happening on stateful APIs.

We have categorized the tools and techniques we have used to facilitate these migrations in two high-level phases. The first phase involves validating functional correctness, scalability, and performance concerns and ensuring the new systems’ resilience before the migration. The second phase involves migrating the traffic over to the new systems in a manner that mitigates the risk of incidents while continually monitoring and confirming that we are meeting crucial metrics tracked at multiple levels. These include Quality-of-Experience(QoE) measurements at the customer device level, Service-Level-Agreements (SLAs), and business-level Key-Performance-Indicators(KPIs).

This blog post will provide a detailed analysis of replay traffic testing, a versatile technique we have applied in the preliminary validation phase for multiple migration initiatives. In a follow-up blog post, we will focus on the second phase and look deeper at some of the tactical steps that we use to migrate the traffic over in a controlled manner.

Replay Traffic Testing

Replay traffic refers to production traffic that is cloned and forked over to a different path in the service call graph, allowing us to exercise new/updated systems in a manner that simulates actual production conditions. In this testing strategy, we execute a copy (replay) of production traffic against a system’s existing and new versions to perform relevant validations. This approach has a handful of benefits.

  • Replay traffic testing enables sandboxed testing at scale without significantly impacting production traffic or user experience.
  • Utilizing cloned real traffic, we can exercise the diversity of inputs from a wide range of devices and device application software versions in production. This is particularly important for complex APIs that have many high cardinality inputs. Replay traffic provides the reach and coverage required to test the ability of the system to handle infrequently used input combinations and edge cases.
  • This technique facilitates validation on multiple fronts. It allows us to assert functional correctness and provides a mechanism to load test the system and tune the system and scaling parameters for optimal functioning.
  • By simulating a real production environment, we can characterize system performance over an extended period while considering the expected and unexpected traffic pattern shifts. It provides a good read on the availability and latency ranges under different production conditions.
  • Provides a platform to ensure that essential operational insights, metrics, logging, and alerting are in place before migration.

Replay Solution

The replay traffic testing solution comprises two essential components.

  1. Traffic Duplication and Correlation: The initial step requires the implementation of a mechanism to clone and fork production traffic to the newly established pathway, along with a process to record and correlate responses from the original and alternative routes.
  2. Comparative Analysis and Reporting: Following traffic duplication and correlation, we need a framework to compare and analyze the responses recorded from the two paths and get a comprehensive report for the analysis.
Replay Testing Framework

We have tried different approaches for the traffic duplication and recording step through various migrations, making improvements along the way. These include options where replay traffic generation is orchestrated on the device, on the server, and via a dedicated service. We will examine these alternatives in the upcoming sections.

Device Driven

In this option, the device makes a request on the production path and the replay path, then discards the response on the replay path. These requests are executed in parallel to minimize any potential delay on the production path. The selection of the replay path on the backend can be driven by the URL the device uses when making the request or by utilizing specific request parameters in routing logic at the appropriate layer of the service call graph. The device also includes a unique identifier with identical values on both paths, which is used to correlate the production and replay responses. The responses can be recorded at the most optimal location in the service call graph or by the device itself, depending on the particular migration.

Device Driven Replay

The device-driven approach’s obvious downside is that we are wasting device resources. There is also a risk of impact on device QoE, especially on low-resource devices. Adding forking logic and complexity to the device code can create dependencies on device application release cycles that generally run at a slower cadence than service release cycles, leading to bottlenecks in the migration. Moreover, allowing the device to execute untested server-side code paths can inadvertently expose an attack surface area for potential misuse.

Server Driven

To address the concerns of the device-driven approach, the other option we have used is to handle the replay concerns entirely on the backend. The replay traffic is cloned and forked in the appropriate service upstream of the migrated service. The upstream service calls the existing and new replacement services concurrently to minimize any latency increase on the production path. The upstream service records the responses on the two paths along with an identifier with a common value that is used to correlate the responses. This recording operation is also done asynchronously to minimize any impact on the latency on the production path.

Server Driven Replay

The server-driven approach’s benefit is that the entire complexity of replay logic is encapsulated on the backend, and there is no wastage of device resources. Also, since this logic resides on the server side, we can iterate on any required changes faster. However, we are still inserting the replay-related logic alongside the production code that is handling business logic, which can result in unnecessary coupling and complexity. There is also an increased risk that bugs in the replay logic have the potential to impact production code and metrics.

Dedicated Service

The latest approach that we have used is to completely isolate all components of replay traffic into a separate dedicated service. In this approach, we record the requests and responses for the service that needs to be updated or replaced to an offline event stream asynchronously. Quite often, this logging of requests and responses is already happening for operational insights. Subsequently, we use Mantis, a distributed stream processor, to capture these requests and responses and replay the requests against the new service or cluster while making any required adjustments to the requests. After replaying the requests, this dedicated service also records the responses from the production and replay paths for offline analysis.

Dedicated Replay Service

This approach centralizes the replay logic in an isolated, dedicated code base. Apart from not consuming device resources and not impacting device QoE, this approach also reduces any coupling between production business logic and replay traffic logic on the backend. It also decouples any updates on the replay framework away from the device and service release cycles.

Analyzing Replay Traffic

Once we have run replay traffic and recorded a statistically significant volume of responses, we are ready for the comparative analysis and reporting component of replay traffic testing. Given the scale of the data being generated using replay traffic, we record the responses from the two sides to a cost-effective cold storage facility using technology like Apache Iceberg. We can then create offline distributed batch processing jobs to correlate & compare the responses across the production and replay paths and generate detailed reports on the analysis.


Depending on the nature of the system being migrated, the responses might need some preprocessing before being compared. For example, if some fields in the responses are timestamps, those will differ. Similarly, if there are unsorted lists in the responses, it might be best to sort them before comparing. In certain migration scenarios, there may be intentional alterations to the response generated by the updated service or component. For instance, a field that was a list in the original path is represented as key-value pairs in the new path. In such cases, we can apply specific transformations to the response on the replay path to simulate the expected changes. Based on the system and the associated responses, there might be other specific normalizations that we might apply to the response before we compare the responses.


After normalizing, we diff the responses on the two sides and check whether we have matching or mismatching responses. The batch job creates a high-level summary that captures some key comparison metrics. These include the total number of responses on both sides, the count of responses joined by the correlation identifier, matches and mismatches. The summary also records the number of passing/ failing responses on each path. This summary provides an excellent high-level view of the analysis and the overall match rate across the production and replay paths. Additionally, for mismatches, we record the normalized and unnormalized responses from both sides to another big data table along with other relevant parameters, such as the diff. We use this additional logging to debug and identify the root cause of issues driving the mismatches. Once we discover and address those issues, we can use the replay testing process iteratively to bring down the mismatch percentage to an acceptable number.


When comparing responses, a common source of noise arises from the utilization of non-deterministic or non-idempotent dependency data for generating responses on the production and replay pathways. For instance, envision a response payload that delivers media streams for a playback session. The service responsible for generating this payload consults a metadata service that provides all available streams for the given title. Various factors can lead to the addition or removal of streams, such as identifying issues with a specific stream, incorporating support for a new language, or introducing a new encode. Consequently, there is a potential for discrepancies in the sets of streams used to determine payloads on the production and replay paths, resulting in divergent responses.

A comprehensive summary of data versions or checksums for all dependencies involved in generating a response, referred to as a lineage, is compiled to address this challenge. Discrepancies can be identified and discarded by comparing the lineage of both production and replay responses in the automated jobs analyzing the responses. This approach mitigates the impact of noise and ensures accurate and reliable comparisons between production and replay responses.

Comparing Live Traffic

An alternative method to recording responses and performing the comparison offline is to perform a live comparison. In this approach, we do the forking of the replay traffic on the upstream service as described in the `Server Driven` section. The service that forks and clones the replay traffic directly compares the responses on the production and replay path and records relevant metrics. This option is feasible if the response payload isn’t very complex, such that the comparison doesn’t significantly increase latencies or if the services being migrated are not on the critical path. Logging is selective to cases where the old and new responses do not match.

Replay Traffic Analysis

Load Testing

Besides functional testing, replay traffic allows us to stress test the updated system components. We can regulate the load on the replay path by controlling the amount of traffic being replayed and the new service’s horizontal and vertical scale factors. This approach allows us to evaluate the performance of the new services under different traffic conditions. We can see how the availability, latency, and other system performance metrics, such as CPU consumption, memory consumption, garbage collection rate, etc, change as the load factor changes. Load testing the system using this technique allows us to identify performance hotspots using actual production traffic profiles. It helps expose memory leaks, deadlocks, caching issues, and other system issues. It enables the tuning of thread pools, connection pools, connection timeouts, and other configuration parameters. Further, it helps in the determination of reasonable scaling policies and estimates for the associated cost and the broader cost/risk tradeoff.

Stateful Systems

We have extensively utilized replay testing to build confidence in migrations involving stateless and idempotent systems. Replay testing can also validate migrations involving stateful systems, although additional measures must be taken. The production and replay paths must have distinct and isolated data stores that are in identical states before enabling the replay of traffic. Additionally, all different request types that drive the state machine must be replayed. In the recording step, apart from the responses, we also want to capture the state associated with that specific response. Correspondingly in the analysis phase, we want to compare both the response and the related state in the state machine. Given the overall complexity of using replay testing with stateful systems, we have employed other techniques in such scenarios. We will look at one of them in the follow-up blog post in this series.


We have adopted replay traffic testing at Netflix for numerous migration projects. A recent example involved leveraging replay testing to validate an extensive re-architecture of the edge APIs that drive the playback component of our product. Another instance included migrating a mid-tier service from REST to gRPC. In both cases, replay testing facilitated comprehensive functional testing, load testing, and system tuning at scale using real production traffic. This approach enabled us to identify elusive issues and rapidly build confidence in these substantial redesigns.

Upon concluding replay testing, we are ready to start introducing these changes in production. In an upcoming blog post, we will look at some of the techniques we use to roll out significant changes to the system to production in a gradual risk-controlled way while building confidence via metrics at different levels.

Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 1 was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Improved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/improved-alerting-with-atlas-streaming-eval-e691c60dc61e

Ruchir Jha, Brian Harrington, Yingwu Zhao


  • Streaming alert evaluation scales much better than the traditional approach of polling time-series databases.
  • It allows us to overcome high dimensionality/cardinality limitations of the time-series database.
  • It opens doors to support more exciting use-cases.

Engineers want their alerting system to be realtime, reliable, and actionable. While actionability is subjective and may vary by use-case, reliability is non-negotiable. In other words, false positives are bad but false negatives are the absolute worst!

A few years ago, we were paged by our SRE team due to our Metrics Alerting System falling behind — critical application health alerts reached engineers 45 minutes late! As we investigated the alerting delay, we found that the number of configured alerts had recently increased dramatically, by 5 times! The alerting system queried Atlas, our time series database on a cron for each configured alert query, and was seeing an elevated throttle rate and excessive retries with backoffs. This, in turn, increased the time between two consecutive checks for an alert, causing a global slowdown for all alerts. On further investigation, we discovered that one user had programmatically created tens of thousands of new alerts. This user represented a platform team at Netflix, and their goal was to build alerting automation for their users.

While we were able to put out the immediate fire by disabling the newly created alerts, this incident raised some critical concerns around the scalability of our alerting system. We also heard from other platform teams at Netflix who wanted to build similar automation for their users who, given our state at the time, wouldn’t have been able to do so without impacting Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) for all others. Rather, we were looking at an order of magnitude increase in the number of alert queries just over the next 6 months!

Since querying Atlas was the bottleneck, our first instinct was to scale it up to meet the increased alert query demand; however, we soon realized that would increase Atlas cost prohibitively. Atlas is an in-memory time-series database that ingests multiple billions of time-series per day and retains the last two weeks of data. It is already one of the largest services at Netflix both in size and cost. While Atlas is architected around compute & storage separation, and we could theoretically just scale the query layer to meet the increased query demand, every query, regardless of its type, has a data component that needs to be pushed down to the storage layer. To serve the increasing number of push down queries, the in-memory storage layer would need to scale up as well, and it became clear that this would push the already expensive storage costs far higher. Moreover, common database optimizations like caching recently queried data don’t really work for alerting queries because, generally speaking, the last received datapoint is required for correctness. Take for example, this alert query that checks if errors as a % of total RPS exceeds a threshold of 50% for 4 out of the last 5 minutes:


Say if the datapoint received for the last time interval leads to a positive evaluation for this query, relying on stale/cached data would either increase MTTD or result in the perception of a false negative, at least until the missing data is fetched and evaluated. It became clear to us that we needed to solve the scalability problem with a fundamentally different approach. Hence, we started down the path of alert evaluation via real-time streaming metrics.

High Level Architecture

The idea, at a high level, was to avoid the need to query the Atlas database almost entirely and transition most alert queries to streaming evaluation.

Alert queries are submitted either via our Alerting UI or by API clients, which are then saved to a custom config database that supports streaming config updates (full snapshot + update notifications). The Alerting Service receives these config updates and hashes every new or updated alert query for evaluation to one of its nodes by leveraging Edda Slots. The node responsible for evaluating a query, starts by breaking it down into a set of “data expressions” and with them subscribes to an upstream “broker” service. Data expressions define what data needs to be sourced in order to evaluate a query. For the example query listed above, the data expressions are name,errors,:eq,:sum and name,rps,:eq,:sum. The broker service acts as a subscription manager that maps a data expression to a set of subscriptions. In addition, it also maintains a Query Index of all active data expressions which is consulted to discern if an incoming datapoint is of interest to an active subscriber. The internals here are outside the scope of this blog post.

Next, the Alerting service (via the atlas-eval library) maps the received data points for a data expression to the alert query that needs them. For alert queries that resolve to more than one data expression, we align the incoming data points for each one of those data expressions on the same time boundary before emitting the accumulated values to the final eval step. For the example above, the final eval step would be responsible for computing the ratio and maintaining the rolling-count, which is keeping track of the number of intervals in which the ratio crossed the threshold as shown below:

The atlas-eval library supports streaming evaluation for most if not all Query, Data, Math and Stateful operators supported by Atlas today. Certain operators such as offset, integral, des are not supported on the streaming path.

OK, Results?

First and foremost, we have successfully alleviated our initial scalability problem with the polling based architecture. Today, we run 20X the number of queries we used to run a few years ago, with ease and at a fraction of what it would have cost to scale up the Atlas storage layer to serve the same volume. Multiple platform teams at Netflix programmatically generate and maintain alerts on behalf of their users without having to worry about impacting other users of the system. We are able to maintain strong SLAs around Mean Time To Detect (MTTD) regardless of the number of alerts being evaluated by the system.

Additionally, streaming evaluation allowed us to relax restrictions around high cardinality that our users were previously running into — alert queries that were rejected by Atlas Backend before due to cardinality constraints are now getting checked correctly on the streaming path. In addition, we are able to use Atlas Streaming to monitor and alert on some very high cardinality use-cases, such as metrics derived from free-form log data.

Finally, we switched Telltale, our holistic application health monitoring system, from polling a metrics cache to using realtime Atlas Streaming. The fundamental idea behind Telltale is to detect anomalies on SLI metrics (for example, latency, error rates, etc). When such anomalies are detected, Telltale is able to compute correlations with similar metrics emitted from either upstream or downstream services. In addition, it also computes correlations between SLI metrics and custom metrics like the log derived metrics mentioned above. This has proven to be valuable towards reducing Mean Time to Recover (MTTR). For example, we are able to now correlate increased error rates with increased rate of specific exceptions occurring in logs and even point to an exemplar stacktrace, as shown below:

Our logs pipeline fingerprints every log message and attaches a (very high cardinality) fingerprint tag to a log events counter that is then emitted to Atlas Streaming. Telltale consumes this metric in a streaming fashion to identify fingerprints that correlate with anomalies seen in SLI metrics. Once an anomaly is found, we query the logs backend with the fingerprint hash to obtain the exemplar stacktrace. What’s more is we are now able to identify correlated anomalies (and exceptions) occurring in services that may be N hops away from the affected service. A system like Telltale becomes more effective as more services are onboarded (and for that matter the full service graph), because otherwise it becomes difficult to root cause the problem, especially in a microservices-based architecture. A few years ago, as noted in this blog, only about a hundred services were using Telltale; thanks to Atlas Streaming we have now managed to onboard thousands of other services at Netflix.

Finally, we realized that once you remove limits on the number of monitored queries, and start supporting much higher metric dimensionality/cardinality without impacting the cost/performance profile of the system, it opens doors to many exciting new possibilities. For example, to make alerts more actionable, we may now be able to compute correlations between SLI anomalies and custom metrics with high cardinality dimensions, for example an alert on elevated HTTP error rates may be able to point to impacted customer cohorts, by linking to precisely correlated exemplars. This would help developers with reproducibility.

Transitioning to the streaming path has been a long journey for us. One of the challenges was difficulty in debugging scenarios where the streaming path didn’t agree with what is returned by querying the Atlas database. This is especially true when either the data is not available in Atlas or the query is not supported because of (say) cardinality constraints. This is one of the reasons it has taken us years to get here. That said, early signs indicate that the streaming paradigm may help with tackling a cardinal problem in observability — effective correlation between the metrics & events verticals (logs, and potentially traces in the future), and we are excited to explore the opportunities that this presents for Observability in general.

Improved Alerting with Atlas Streaming Eval was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Bringing AV1 Streaming to Netflix Members’ TVs

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/bringing-av1-streaming-to-netflix-members-tvs-b7fc88e42320

by Liwei Guo, Ashwin Kumar Gopi Valliammal, Raymond Tam, Chris Pham, Agata Opalach, Weibo Ni

AV1 is the first high-efficiency video codec format with a royalty-free license from Alliance of Open Media (AOMedia), made possible by wide-ranging industry commitment of expertise and resources. Netflix is proud to be a founding member of AOMedia and a key contributor to the development of AV1. The specification of AV1 was published in 2018. Since then, we have been working hard to bring AV1 streaming to Netflix members.

In February 2020, Netflix started streaming AV1 to the Android mobile app. The Android launch leveraged the open-source software decoder dav1d built by the VideoLAN, VLC, and FFmpeg communities and sponsored by AOMedia. We were very pleased to see that AV1 streaming improved members’ viewing experience, particularly under challenging network conditions.

While software decoders enable AV1 playback for more powerful devices, a majority of Netflix members enjoy their favorite shows on TVs. AV1 playback on TV platforms relies on hardware solutions, which generally take longer to be deployed.

Throughout 2020 the industry made impressive progress on AV1 hardware solutions. Semiconductor companies announced decoder SoCs for a range of consumer electronics applications. TV manufacturers released TVs ready for AV1 streaming. Netflix has also partnered with YouTube to develop an open-source solution for an AV1 decoder on game consoles that utilizes the additional power of GPUs. It is amazing to witness the rapid growth of the ecosystem in such a short time.

Today we are excited to announce that Netflix has started streaming AV1 to TVs. With this advanced encoding format, we are confident that Netflix can deliver an even more amazing experience to our members. In this techblog, we share some details about our efforts for this launch as well as the benefits we foresee for our members.

Enabling Netflix AV1 Streaming on TVs

Launching a new streaming format on TV platforms is not an easy job. In this section, we list a number of challenges we faced for this launch and share how they have been solved. As you will see, our “highly aligned, loosely coupled” culture played a key role in the success of this cross-functional project. The high alignment guides all teams to work towards the same goals, while the loose coupling keeps each team agile and fast paced.

Challenge 1: What is the best AV1 encoding recipe for Netflix streaming?

AV1 targets a wide range of applications with numerous encoding tools defined in the specification. This leads to unlimited possibilities of encoding recipes and we needed to find the one that works best for Netflix streaming.

Netflix serves movies and TV shows. Production teams spend tremendous effort creating this art, and it is critical that we faithfully preserve the original creative intent when streaming to our members. To achieve this goal, the Encoding Technologies team made the following design decisions about AV1 encoding recipes:

  • We always encode at the highest available source resolution and frame rate. For example, for titles where the source is 4K and high frame rate (HFR) such as “Formula 1: Drive to Survive”, we produce AV1 streams in 4K and HFR. This allows us to present the content exactly as creatively envisioned on devices and plans which support such high resolution and frame-rate playback.
  • All AV1 streams are encoded with 10 bit-depth even if AV1 Main Profile allows both 8 and 10 bit-depth. Almost all movies and TV shows are delivered to Netflix at 10 or higher bit-depth. Using 10-bit encoding can better preserve the creative intent and reduce the chances of artifacts (e.g., banding).
  • Dynamic optimization is used to adapt the recipe at the shot level and intelligently allocate bits. Streams on the Netflix service can easily be watched millions of times, and thus the optimization on the encoding side goes a long way in improving member experience. With dynamic optimization, we allocate more bits to more complex shots to meet Netflix’s high bar of visual quality, while encoding simple shots at the same high quality but with much fewer bits.

Challenge 2: How do we guarantee smooth AV1 playback on TVs?

We have a stream analyzer embedded in our encoding pipeline which ensures that all deployed Netflix AV1 streams are spec-compliant. TVs with an AV1 decoder also need to have decoding capabilities that meet the spec requirement to guarantee smooth playback of AV1 streams.

To evaluate decoder capabilities on these devices, the Encoding Technologies team crafted a set of special certification streams. These streams use the same production encoding recipes so they are representative of production streams, but have the addition of extreme cases to stress test the decoder. For example, some streams have a peak bitrate close to the upper limit allowed by the spec. The Client and UI Engineering team built a certification test with these streams to analyze both the device logs as well as the pictures rendered on the screen. Any issues observed in the test are flagged on a report, and if a gap in the decoding capability was identified, we worked with vendors to bring the decoder up to specification.

Challenge 3: How do we roll out AV1 encoding at Netflix scale?

Video encoding is essentially a search problem — the encoder searches the parameter space allowed by all encoding tools and finds the one that yields the best result. With a larger encoding tool set than previous codecs, it was no surprise that AV1 encoding takes more CPU hours. At the scale that Netflix operates, it is imperative that we use our computational resources efficiently; maximizing the impact of the CPU usage is a key part of AV1 encoding, as is the case with every other codec format.

The Encoding Technologies team took a first stab at this problem by fine-tuning the encoding recipe. To do so, the team evaluated different tools provided by the encoder, with the goal of optimizing the tradeoff between compression efficiency and computational efficiency. With multiple iterations, the team arrived at a recipe that significantly speeds up the encoding with negligible compression efficiency changes.

Besides speeding up the encoder, the total CPU hours could also be reduced if we can use compute resources more efficiently. The Performance Engineering team specializes in optimizing resource utilization at Netflix. Encoding Technologies teamed up with Performance Engineering to analyze the CPU usage pattern of AV1 encoding and based on our findings, Performance Engineering recommended an improved CPU scheduling strategy. This strategy improves encoding throughput by right-sizing jobs based on instance types.

Even with the above improvements, encoding the entire catalog still takes time. One aspect of the Netflix catalog is that not all titles are equally popular. Some titles (e.g., La Casa de Papel) have more viewing than others, and thus AV1 streams of these titles can reach more members. To maximize the impact of AV1 encoding while minimizing associated costs, the Data Science and Engineering team devised a catalog rollout strategy for AV1 that took into consideration title popularity and a number of other factors.

Challenge 4: How do we continuously monitor AV1 streaming?

With this launch, AV1 streaming reaches tens of millions of Netflix members. Having a suite of tools that can provide summarized metrics for these streaming sessions is critical to the success of Netflix AV1 streaming.

The Data Science and Engineering team built a number of dashboards for AV1 streaming, covering a wide range of metrics from streaming quality of experience (“QoE”) to device performance. These dashboards allow us to monitor and analyze trends over time as members stream AV1. Additionally, the Data Science and Engineering team built a dedicated AV1 alerting system which detects early signs of issues in key metrics and automatically sends alerts to teams for further investigation. Given AV1 streaming is at a relatively early stage, these tools help us be extra careful to avoid any negative member experience.

Quality of Experience Improvements

We compared AV1 to other codecs over thousands of Netflix titles, and saw significant compression efficiency improvements from AV1. While the result of this offline analysis was very exciting, what really matters to us is our members’ streaming experience.

To evaluate how the improved compression efficiency from AV1 impacts the quality of experience (QoE) of member streaming, A/B testing was conducted before the launch. Netflix encodes content into multiple formats and selects the best format for a given streaming session by considering factors such as device capabilities and content selection. Therefore, multiple A/B tests were created to compare AV1 with each of the applicable codec formats. In each of these tests, members with eligible TVs were randomly allocated to one of two cells, “control” and “treatment”. Those allocated to the “treatment” cell received AV1 streams while those allocated to the “control” cell received streams of the same codec format as before.

In all of these A/B tests, we observed improvements across many metrics for members in the “treatment” cell, in-line with our expectations:

Higher VMAF scores across the full spectrum of streaming sessions

  • VMAF is a video quality metric developed and open-sourced by Netflix, and is highly correlated to visual quality. Being more efficient, AV1 delivers videos with improved visual quality at the same bitrate, and thus higher VMAF scores.
  • The improvement is particularly significant among sessions that experience serious network congestion and the lowest visual quality. For these sessions, AV1 streaming improves quality by up to 10 VMAF without impacting the rebuffer rate.

More streaming at the highest resolution

  • With higher compression efficiency, the bandwidth needed for streaming is reduced and thus it is easier for playback to reach the highest resolution for that session.
  • For 4K eligible sessions, on average, the duration of 4K videos being streamed increased by about 5%.

Fewer noticeable drops in quality during playback

  • We want our members to have brilliant playback experiences, and our players are designed to adapt to the changing network conditions. When the current condition cannot sustain the current video quality, our players can switch to a lower bitrate stream to reduce the chance of a playback interruption. Given AV1 consumes less bandwidth for any given quality level, our players are able to sustain the video quality for a longer period of time and do not need to switch to a lower bitrate stream as much as before.
  • On some TVs, noticeable drops in quality were reduced by as much as 38%.

Reduced start play delay

  • On some TVs, with the reduced bitrate, the player can reach the target buffer level sooner to start the playback.
  • On average, we observed a 2% reduction in play delay with AV1 streaming.

Next Steps

Our initial launch includes a number of AV1 capable TVs as well as TVs connected with PS4 Pro. We are working with external partners to enable more and more devices for AV1 streaming. Another exciting direction we are exploring is AV1 with HDR. Again, the teams at Netflix are committed to delivering the best picture quality possible to our members. Stay tuned!


This is a collective effort with contributions from many of our colleagues at Netflix. We would like to thank

  • Andrey Norkin and Cyril Concolato for providing their insights about AV1 specifications.
  • Kyle Swanson for the work on reducing AV1 encoding complexity.
  • Anush Moorthy and Aditya Mavlankar for fruitful discussions about encoding recipes.
  • Frederic Turmel and his team for managing AV1 certification tests and building tools to automate device verification.
  • Susie Xia for helping improve resource utilization of AV1 encoding.
  • Client teams for integrating AV1 playback support and optimizing the experience.
  • The Partner Engineering team for coordinating with device vendors and investigating playback issues.
  • The Media Cloud Engineering team for accommodating the computing resources for the AV1 rollout.
  • The Media Content Playback team for providing tools for AV1 rollout management.
  • The Data Science and Engineering team for A/B test analysis, and for providing data to help us continuously monitor AV1.

If you are passionate about video technologies and interested in what we are doing at Netflix, come and chat with us! The Encoding Technologies team currently has a number of openings, and we can’t wait to have more stunning engineers joining us.

Senior Software Engineer, Encoding Technologies

Senior Software Engineer, Video & Image Encoding

Senior Software Engineer, Media Systems

Bringing AV1 Streaming to Netflix Members’ TVs was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Packaging award-winning shows with award-winning technology

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/packaging-award-winning-shows-with-award-winning-technology-c1010594ba39

By Cyril Concolato


In previous blog posts, our colleagues at Netflix have explained how 4K video streams are optimized, how even legacy video streams are improved and more recently how new audio codecs can provide better aural experiences to our members. In all these cases, prior to being delivered through our content delivery network Open Connect, our award-winning TV shows, movies and documentaries like The Crown need to be packaged to enable crucial features for our members. In this post, we explain these features and how we rely on award-winning standard formats and open source software to enable them.

The Crown

Key Packaging Features

In typical streaming pipelines, packaging is the step that happens just after encoding, as depicted in the figure below. The output of an encoder is a sequence of bytes, called an elementary stream, which can only be parsed with some understanding of the elementary stream syntax. For example, detecting frame boundaries in an AV1 video stream requires being able to parse so-called Open Bitstream Units (OBU) and identifying Temporal Delimiters OBU. However, high level operations performed on client devices, such as seeking, do not need to be aware of the elementary syntax and benefit from a codec-agnostic format. The packaging step aims at producing such a codec-agnostic sequence of bytes, called packaged format, or container format, which can be manipulated, to some extent, without a deep knowledge of the coding format.

Figure 1 — Simplified architecture of a streaming preparation pipeline

A key feature that our members rightfully deserve when playing audio, video, and timed text is synchronization. At Netflix, we strive to provide an experience where you never see the lips of the Queen of England move before you hear her corresponding dialog in The Crown. Synchronization is achieved by fundamental elements of signaling such as clocks or time lines, time stamps, and time scales that are provided in packaged content.

Our members don’t simply watch our series from beginning to end. They seek into Bridgerton when they resume watching. They rewind and replay their favorite chess move in The Queen’s Gambit. They skip introductions and recaps when they frantically binge-watch Lupin. They make playback decisions when they watch interactive titles such as You vs. Wild. Due to the nature of the audio or video compression techniques, a player cannot necessarily start decoding the stream exactly where our members want. Under the hood, players have to locate points in the stream where decoding can start, decode as quickly as they can, until the user seek point is reached before starting playback. This is another basic feature of packaging: signaling frame types and particularly Random Access Points.

When our members’ kids watch Carmen Sandiego in the back seats of their parents’ car or more generally when the network throughput varies, adaptive streaming technologies are applied to provide the best viewing experience under the network conditions. Adaptive streaming technologies require that streams of various qualities be encoded to common constraints but they also rely on another key feature of packaging to offer seamless quality switching, called indexing. Indexing lets the player fetch only the corresponding segments of the new stream.

Many other elements of signaling are provided in our packaged content to enable the viewing to start as quickly as possible and in the best possible conditions. Decryption modules need to be initialized with the appropriate scheme and initialization vector. Hardware video decoders need to know in advance the resolution and bit depth of the video streams to allocate their decoding buffers. Rendering pipelines need to know ahead of time the speaker configuration of audio streams or whether the video streams are HDR or SDR. Being able to signal all these elements is also a key feature of modern packaging formats.

The role of standards and open source software

Our 200+ million members watch Netflix on a wide variety of devices, from smartphones, to laptops, to TVs and many more, developed by a large number of partners. Reducing the friction when on-boarding a new device and making sure that our content will be playable on old devices for a long time is very important. That is where standards play a key role. The ISO Base Media File Format (ISOBMFF) is the key packaging standard in the entertainment industry as recently recognized with a Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS).

ISOBMFF provides all the key packaging features mentioned above, and as history proves, it is also versatile and extensible, in its capabilities of adding new signaling features and in its support of codec. Streams encoded with well-established codecs such as AVC and AAC can be carried in ISOBMFF files, but the specification is also regularly extended to support the latest codecs. The Media Systems team at Netflix actively contributes to the development, the maintenance, and the adoption of ISOBMFF. As an example, Netflix led the specification for the carriage of AOM’s AV1 video streams in ISOBMFF.

With 20+ years of existence, ISOBMFF accumulated a lot of technical tools for various use cases. Figure 2 illustrates the complexity of ISOBMFF today through the concept of ‘brands’, a concept similar to profiles in audio or video standards. Initially, limited and well-nested, the standard is now very broad and evolving in various directions.

Figure 2 — Illustrating the complexity of the 6th edition of ISOBMFF. Each rectangle represents a ‘brand’ (indicated by a four character code in bold), and its required set of tools (indicated by a ‘+’ line). Brands are nested. All the tools of inner brands are required by outer brands.

For the Netflix streaming service, we rely on a subset of these tools as identified by the Common Media Application Format (CMAF) standard, and the content protection tools defined in the Common Encryption (CENC) standard.

Multimedia standards like ISOBMFF, CMAF and CENC go hand in hand with open source software implementations. Open source software can demonstrate the features of the standard, enabling the industry to understand its benefits and broadening its adoption. Open source software can also help improve the quality of a standard by highlighting possible ambiguities through a neutral, reference implementation. The Media Systems team at Netflix maintains such a reference open source implementation, called Photon, for the SMPTE IMF standard. For ISOBMFF, Netflix uses MP4Box, the reference open source implementation from the GPAC team.

In this packaging ecosystem of standards and open source software, our work within the Media Systems team includes identifying the tools within the existing standards to address new streaming use cases. When such tools don’t exist, we define new standards or expand existing ones, including ISOBMFF and CMAF, and support open source software to match these standards. For example, when our video encoding colleagues design dynamically optimized encoding schemes producing streaming segments with variable durations, we modify our workflow to ensure that segments across video streams with different bit rates remain time aligned. Similarly, when our audio encoding colleagues introduce xHE-AAC, which obsoletes the old assumption that every audio frame is decodable, we guarantee that audio/video segments remain aligned too. Finally, when we want to help the industry converge to a common encryption scheme for new video codecs such as AV1, we coordinate the discussions to select the scheme, in this case pattern-based subsample encryption (a.k.a ‘cbcs’), and lead the way by providing reference bitstreams. And of course, our work includes handling the many types of devices in the field that don’t have proper support of the standards.


We hope that this post gave you a better understanding of a part of the work of the Media Systems team at Netflix, and hopefully next time you watch one of our award-winning shows, you will recognize the part played by ISOBMFF, a key, award-winning technology. If you want to explore another facet of the team’s work, have a look at the other award-winning technology, TTML, that we use for our Japanese subtitles.

We’re hiring!

If this work sounds exciting to you and you’d like to help the Media Systems team deliver an even better experience, Netflix is searching for an experienced Engineering Manager for the team. Please contact Anne Aaron for more info.

Packaging award-winning shows with award-winning technology was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Optimizing the Aural Experience on Android Devices with xHE-AAC

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/optimizing-the-aural-experience-on-android-devices-with-xhe-aac-c27714292a33

By Phill Williams and Vijay Gondi


At Netflix, we are passionate about delivering great audio to our members. We began streaming 5.1 channel surround sound in 2010, Dolby Atmos in 2017, and adaptive bitrate audio in 2019. Continuing in this tradition, we are proud to announce that Netflix now streams Extended HE-AAC with MPEG-D DRC (xHE-AAC) to compatible Android Mobile devices (Android 9 and newer). With its capability to improve intelligibility in noisy environments, adapt to variable cellular connections, and scale to studio-quality, xHE-AAC will be a sonic delight to members who stream on these devices.

xHE-AAC Features


One way that xHE-AAC brings value to Netflix members is through its mandatory MPEG-D DRC metadata. We use APIs described in the MediaFormat class to control the experience in decoders. In this section we will first describe loudness and dynamic range, and then explain how MPEG-D DRC in xHE-AAC works and how we use it.

Dialogue Levels and Dynamic Range

In order to understand the utility of loudness management & dynamic range control, we first must understand the phenomena that we are controlling. As an example, let’s start with the waveform of a program, shown below in Figure 1.

Example program waveform
Figure 1. Example program waveform

To measure a program’s dynamic range, we break the waveform into short segments, such as half-second intervals, and compute the RMS level of each segment in dBFS. The summary of those measurements can be plotted on a single vertical line, as shown below in Figure 2. The ambient sound of a campfire may be up to 60 dB softer than the exploding car in an action scene. The dynamic range of a program is the difference between its quietest and the loudest sounds. So in our example, we would say that the program has a dynamic range of 60 dB. We will revisit this example in the section that discusses dynamic range control.

Figure 2. Dynamic range of a program with some examples
Figure 2. Dynamic range of a program with some examples

Loudness is the subjective perception of sound pressure. Although it is most directly correlated with sound pressure level, it is also affected by the duration and spectral makeup of the sound. Research has shown that, in cinematic and television content, the dialogue level is the most important element to viewers’ perception of a program’s loudness. Since it is the critical component of program loudness, dialogue level is indicated with a bold black line in Figure 2.

Not every program has the same dialogue level or the same dynamic range. Figure 3 shows a variety of dialogue levels and dynamic ranges for different programs.

Figure 3. Typical dynamic range and dialogue levels of a variety of content. Black lines indicate average dialogue level; red
Figure 3. Typical dynamic range and dialogue levels of a variety of content. Black lines indicate average dialogue level; red and yellow are used for louder/softer sounds.

The action film contains dialogue at -27 dBFS, leaving headroom for loud effects like explosions. On the other hand, the live concert has a relatively small dynamic range, with dialogue near the top of the mix. Other shows have varying dialogue levels and varying dynamic ranges. Each show is mixed based on a unique set of conditions.

Now, imagine you were watching these shows, one after the other. If you switched from the action show to the live concert, you would likely be diving for the volume control to turn it down! Then, when the drama comes on, you might not be able to understand the dialogue until you turn the volume back up. If you were to switch partway through shows, the effect might even be more pronounced. This is what loudness management aims to solve.

Loudness Management

The goal of loudness management is to play all titles at a consistent volume, relative to each other. When it is working effectively, once you set your volume to a comfortable level, you never have to change it, even as you switch from a movie to a documentary, to a live concert. Netflix specifically aims to play all dialogue at the same level. This is consistent with the North American television broadcasting standard ATSC A/85 and AES71 recommendations for online video distribution.

The loudness metrics of all Netflix content are measured before encoding. Since our goal is to play all dialogue at the same level, we use anchor-based (dialogue) measurement, as recommended in A/85. The measured dialog level is delivered in MPEG-D DRC metadata in the xHE-AAC bitstream, using the anchorLoudness metadata set. In the example from Figure 3, the action show would have an anchorLoudness of -27 dBFS; the documentary, -20 dBFS.

On Android, Netflix uses KEY_AAC_DRC_TARGET_REFERENCE_LEVEL to set the output level. The decoder applies a gain equal to the difference between the output level and the anchorLoudness metadata, to normalize all content such that dialogue is always output at the same level. In Figure 4, the output level is set to -27 dBFS. Content with higher anchor loudness is attenuated accordingly.

Figure 4. Content from Figure 3, normalized to achieve consistent dialogue levels
Figure 4. Content from Figure 3, normalized to achieve consistent dialogue levels

Now, in our imaginary playback scenario, you no longer reach for the volume control when switching from the action program to the live concert — or when switching to any other program.

Each device can set a target output level based on its capabilities and the member’s environment. For example, on a mobile device with small speakers, it is often desirable to use a higher output level, such as -16 dBFS, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Content from Figure 3, normalized to a higher output level, with peak limiting applied as needed (dark red)
Figure 5. Content from Figure 3, normalized to a higher output level, with peak limiting applied as needed (dark red)

Some programs — notably, the action and the thriller — were amplified to achieve the desired output level. In so doing, the loudest content in these programs would be clipped, introducing undesirable harmonic distortion into the sound — so the decoder must apply peak limiting to prevent spurious output. This is not ideal, but it may be a desirable tradeoff to achieve a sufficient output level on some devices. Fortunately, xHE-AAC provides an option to improve peak protection, as described in the Peak Audio Sample Metadata section below.

By using metadata and decode-side gain to normalize loudness, Netflix leverages xHE-AAC to minimize the total number of gain stages in the end-to-end system, maximizing audio quality. Devices retain the ability to customize output level based on unique listening conditions. We also retain the option to defeat loudness normalization completely, for a ‘pure’ mode, when listening conditions are optimal, as in a home theater setting.

Dynamic Range Control

Dynamic range control (DRC) has a wide variety of creative and practical uses in audio production. When playing back content, the goal of dynamic range control is to optimize the dynamic range of a program to provide the best listening experience on any device, in any environment. Netflix leverages the uniDRC() payload metadata, contained in xHE-AAC MPEG-D DRC, to carefully and thoughtfully apply a sophisticated DRC when we know it will be beneficial to our members, based on their device and their environment.

Figure 2 (repeated). Dynamic range of a program with some examples
Figure 2 (repeated). Dynamic range of a program with some examples

Figure 2 is repeated above. It has a total dynamic range of 60 dB. In a high-end listening environment, like over-ear headphones, home theater, or cinema, members can be fully immersed into both the subtlety of a quiet scene and a bombastic action scene. But many playback scenarios exist where reproduction of such a large dynamic range is undesirable or even impossible (e.g. low-fidelity earbuds, or mobile device speakers, or playback in the presence of loud background noise). If the dynamic range of a member’s device and environment is less than the dynamic range of the content, then they will not hear all of the details in the soundtrack. Or they might frequently adjust the volume during the show, turning up the soft sections, and then turning it back down when things get loud. In extreme cases, they may have difficulty understanding the dialogue, even with the volume turned all the way up. In all of these situations, DRC can be used to reduce the dynamic range of the content to a more suitable range, shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. The program from Figure 5, after dynamic range compression (gradient).
Figure 6. The program from Figure 5, after dynamic range compression (gradient). Note that DRC affects loudest and softest parts, but not dialogue.

To reduce dynamic range in a sonically pleasing way requires a sophisticated algorithm, ideally with significant lookahead. Specifically, a good DRC algorithm will not affect dialogue levels, and only apply a gentle adjustment when sounds are too loud or too soft for the listening conditions. As such, it is common to compute DRC parameters at encode-time, when processing power and lookahead is ample. The decoder then simply applies gains that have been specified in metadata. This is exactly how MPEG-D DRC works in xHE-AAC.

Since listening conditions cannot be predicted at encode time, MPEG-D DRC contains multiple DRC profiles that cover a range of situations — for example, Limited Playback Range (for playback over small speakers), Clipping Protection (only for clipping protection as described below), or Noisy Environment (for … noisy environments). On Android decoders, DRC profiles are selected using KEY_AAC_DRC_EFFECT_TYPE.

MPEG-D DRC has an alternate way for decoders to control how much DRC is applied, and that is to scale DRC gains. On Android decoders, this is done using KEY_AAC_DRC_ATTENUATION_FACTOR and KEY_AAC_DRC_BOOST_FACTOR.

Peak Audio Sample Metadata

In MPEG-D DRC, samplePeakLevel signals the maximum level of a program. Another way to think of it is the maximum headroom of the program. For example, in Figure 3, the thriller’s samplePeakLevel is -6 dBFS.

When the combination of a program’s anchorLoudness and a decoder’s target output level results in amplification, as in the action and thriller programs in Figure 3, samplePeakLevel allows DRC gains to be used for peak limiting instead of the decoder’s built-in peak limiter. Again, since DRC is calculated in the encoder using a sophisticated algorithm, this results in higher fidelity audio than running a peak limiter, with limited lookahead, in the decoder. As shown in Figure 7, samplePeakLevel allows the decoder to replace its peak limiter with DRC for the loudest peaks.

Figure 7. Content from Figure 3, normalized to a higher output level, using DRC to prevent clipping as needed.
Figure 7. Content from Figure 3, normalized to a higher output level, using DRC to prevent clipping as needed.

Putting it Together

Working together, loudness management and DRC can provide an optimal listening experience even in a compromised environment. Figure 8 illustrates a case in which the member is in a noisy environment. The background noise is so loud that softer details — everything below -40 dBFS — are completely inaudible, even when using an elevated target output level of -16 dBFS.

Figure 8. Content from Figure 7, in the presence of background noise
Figure 8. Content from Figure 7, in the presence of background noise

This example is not the worst-case. As previously mentioned, in some scenarios, members using small mobile device speakers are unable to hear even the dialogue due to the background noise!

This is where DRC metadata shows its full value. By engaging DRC, the softest details of programs are boosted enough to be heard even in the presence of the background noise, as illustrated in Figure 9. Since loudness management has already been used to normalize dialogue to -16 dBFS, DRC has no effect on the dialogue. This provides the best possible experience for suboptimal listening situations.

Figure 9. Content from Figure 8, with DRC applied to boost previously-inaudible details.
Figure 9. Content from Figure 8, with DRC applied to boost previously-inaudible details.

Seamless Switching and Adaptive Bit Rate

For years, adaptive video bitrate switching has been a core functionality for Netflix media playback. Audio bitrates were fixed, partly due to codec limitations. In 2019, we began delivering high-quality, adaptive bitrate audio to TVs. Now, thanks to xHE-AAC’s native support for seamless bitrate switching, we can bring adaptive bitrate audio to Android mobile devices. Using an approach similar to that described in our High Quality Audio Article, our xHE-AAC streams deliver studio-quality audio when network conditions allow, and minimize rebuffers when the network is congested.

Deployment, Testing and Observations

At Netflix we always perform a comprehensive AB test before any major product change, and a new streaming audio codec is no exception. Content was encoded using the xHE-AAC encoder provided by Fraunhofer IIS, packaged using MP4Box, and A/B tested against our existing streaming audio codec, HE-AAC, on Android mobile devices running Android 9 and newer. Default values were used for KEY_AAC_DRC_TARGET_REFERENCE_LEVEL and KEY_AAC_DRC_EFFECT_TYPE in the xHE-AAC decoder.

Members engage with audio using the device’s built-in speakers, wired headphones/earbuds, or Bluetooth connected devices. We refer to these as the audio sinks. At a high level, xHE-AAC with default loudness and DRC settings showed improved consumer engagement on Android mobile.

In particular, our test focused on audio-related metrics and member usage patterns. Let’s look at three of them: Time-weighted device volume level, volume change interactions, and audio sink changes.

Volume Level

Figure 10. Time-weighted volume level distribution for built-in speakers. (Cell 2: xHE-AAC)
Figure 10. Time-weighted volume level distribution for built-in speakers. (Cell 2: xHE-AAC)

Figure 10 illustrates the volume level for the built-in speaker audio sink. The y-axis shows the volume level reported by Android — which is mapped from 0 (mute) to 1,000,000 (max level). The x-axis shows the percentile that had volume set at or below a particular level. One way to read the graph would be to say that for Cell 2, about 30% of members had the volume set below 0.5M; for Cell 1, it was about 15%. Overall, time-weighted volume levels of xHE-AAC are lower; this is expected as the content itself is 11dB louder. We also note that fewer members have the volume at the maximum level. We believe that if a member has volume at maximum level, they may still not be satisfied with the output level. So we see this as a sign that fewer members are dissatisfied with the overall volume level.

Volume Changes

Figure 11. Total volume change interactions (Cell 2: xHE-AAC)
Figure 11. Difference in total volume change interactions (Cell 2: xHE-AAC)

When a show has a high dynamic range, a member may ‘ride the volume’ to turn down the loud segments and turn up the soft segments. Figure 11 shows that volume change interactions are noticeably down for xHE-AAC. This indicates that DRC is doing a good job of managing the volume changes within shows. These differences are far more pronounced for titles with a high dynamic range.

Audio Sink Changes

On mobile devices, most Netflix members use built-in speakers. When members switch to headphones, it can be a sign that the built-in output level is not satisfactory, and they hope for a better experience. For example, perhaps the dialogue level is not audible. In our test, we found that members switched away from built-in speakers 7% less often when listening to xHE-AAC. When the content was high dynamic range, they switched 16% less.


The lessons we have learned while deploying xHE-AAC to Android Mobile devices are not unique — we expect them to apply to other platforms that support the new codec. Netflix always strives to give the best member experience, in every listening environment. So the next time you experience The Crown, get ready to be immersed and not have to reach out to the volume control or grab your earbuds.

Optimizing the Aural Experience on Android Devices with xHE-AAC was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Life of a Netflix Partner Engineer — The case of extra 40 ms

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/life-of-a-netflix-partner-engineer-the-case-of-extra-40-ms-b4c2dd278513

Life of a Netflix Partner Engineer — The case of the extra 40 ms

By: John Blair, Netflix Partner Engineering

The Netflix application runs on hundreds of smart TVs, streaming sticks and pay TV set top boxes. The role of a Partner Engineer at Netflix is to help device manufacturers launch the Netflix application on their devices. In this article we talk about one particularly difficult issue that blocked the launch of a device in Europe.

The mystery begins

Towards the end of 2017, I was on a conference call to discuss an issue with the Netflix application on a new set top box. The box was a new Android TV device with 4k playback, based on Android Open Source Project (AOSP) version 5.0, aka “Lollipop”. I had been at Netflix for a few years, and had shipped multiple devices, but this was my first Android TV device.

All four players involved in the device were on the call: there was the large European pay TV company (the operator) launching the device, the contractor integrating the set-top-box firmware (the integrator), the system-on-a-chip provider (the chip vendor), and myself (Netflix).

The integrator and Netflix had already completed the rigorous Netflix certification process, but during the TV operator’s internal trial an executive at the company reported a serious issue: Netflix playback on his device was “stuttering.”, i.e. video would play for a very short time, then pause, then start again, then pause. It didn’t happen all the time, but would reliably start to happen within a few days of powering on the box. They supplied a video and it looked terrible.

The device integrator had found a way to reproduce the problem: repeatedly start Netflix, start playback, then return to the device UI. They supplied a script to automate the process. Sometimes it took as long as five minutes, but the script would always reliably reproduce the bug.

Meanwhile, a field engineer for the chip vendor had diagnosed the root cause: Netflix’s Android TV application, called Ninja, was not delivering audio data quickly enough. The stuttering was caused by buffer starvation in the device audio pipeline. Playback stopped when the decoder waited for Ninja to deliver more of the audio stream, then resumed once more data arrived. The integrator, the chip vendor and the operator all thought the issue was identified and their message to me was clear: Netflix, you have a bug in your application, and you need to fix it. I could hear the stress in the voices from the operator. Their device was late and running over budget and they expected results from me.

The investigation

I was skeptical. The same Ninja application runs on millions of Android TV devices, including smart TVs and other set top boxes. If there was a bug in Ninja, why is it only happening on this device?

I started by reproducing the issue myself using the script provided by the integrator. I contacted my counterpart at the chip vendor, asked if he’d seen anything like this before (he hadn’t). Next I started reading the Ninja source code. I wanted to find the precise code that delivers the audio data. I recognized a lot, but I started to lose the plot in the playback code and I needed help.

I walked upstairs and found the engineer who wrote the audio and video pipeline in Ninja, and he gave me a guided tour of the code. I spent some quality time with the source code myself to understand its working parts, adding my own logging to confirm my understanding. The Netflix application is complex, but at its simplest it streams data from a Netflix server, buffers several seconds worth of video and audio data on the device, then delivers video and audio frames one-at-a-time to the device’s playback hardware.

A diagram showing content downloaded to a device into a streaming buffer, then copied into the device decode buffer.
Figure 1: Device Playback Pipeline (simplified)

Let’s take a moment to talk about the audio/video pipeline in the Netflix application. Everything up until the “decoder buffer” is the same on every set top box and smart TV, but moving the A/V data into the device’s decoder buffer is a device-specific routine running in its own thread. This routine’s job is to keep the decoder buffer full by calling a Netflix provided API which provides the next frame of audio or video data. In Ninja, this job is performed by an Android Thread. There is a simple state machine and some logic to handle different play states, but under normal playback the thread copies one frame of data into the Android playback API, then tells the thread scheduler to wait 15 ms and invoke the handler again. When you create an Android thread, you can request that the thread be run repeatedly, as if in a loop, but it is the Android Thread scheduler that calls the handler, not your own application.

To play a 60fps video, the highest frame rate available in the Netflix catalog, the device must render a new frame every 16.66 ms, so checking for a new sample every 15ms is just fast enough to stay ahead of any video stream Netflix can provide. Because the integrator had identified the audio stream as the problem, I zeroed in on the specific thread handler that was delivering audio samples to the Android audio service.

I wanted to answer this question: where is the extra time? I assumed some function invoked by the handler would be the culprit, so I sprinkled log messages throughout the handler, assuming the guilty code would be apparent. What was soon apparent was that there was nothing in the handler that was misbehaving, and the handler was running in a few milliseconds even when playback was stuttering.

Aha, Insight

In the end, I focused on three numbers: the rate of data transfer, the time when the handler was invoked and the time when the handler passed control back to Android. I wrote a script to parse the log output, and made the graph below which gave me the answer.

A graph showing time spent in the thread handler and audio data throughput.
Figure 2: Visualizing Audio Throughput and Thread Handler Timing

The orange line is the rate that data moved from the streaming buffer into the Android audio system, in bytes/millisecond. You can see three distinct behaviors in this chart:

  1. The two, tall spiky parts where the data rate reaches 500 bytes/ms. This phase is buffering, before playback starts. The handler is copying data as fast as it can.
  2. The region in the middle is normal playback. Audio data is moved at about 45 bytes/ms.
  3. The stuttering region is on the right, when audio data is moving at closer to 10 bytes/ms. This is not fast enough to maintain playback.

The unavoidable conclusion: the orange line confirms what the chip vendor’s engineer reported: Ninja is not delivering audio data quickly enough.

To understand why, let’s see what story the yellow and grey lines tell.

The yellow line shows the time spent in the handler routine itself, calculated from timestamps recorded at the top and the bottom of the handler. In both normal and stutter playback regions, the time spent in the handler was the same: about 2 ms. The spikes show instances when the runtime was slower due to time spent on other tasks on the device.

The real root cause

The grey line, the time between calls invoking the handler, tells a different story. In the normal playback case you can see the handler is invoked about every 15 ms. In the stutter case, on the right, the handler is invoked approximately every 55 ms. There are an extra 40 ms between invocations, and there’s no way that can keep up with playback. But why?

I reported my discovery to the integrator and the chip vendor (look, it’s the Android Thread scheduler!), but they continued to push back on the Netflix behavior. Why don’t you just copy more data each time the handler is called? This was a fair criticism, but changing this behavior involved deeper changes than I was prepared to make, and I continued my search for the root cause. I dove into the Android source code, and learned that Android Threads are a userspace construct, and the thread scheduler uses the epoll() system call for timing. I knew epoll() performance isn’t guaranteed, so I suspected something was affecting epoll() in a systematic way.

At this point I was saved by another engineer at the chip supplier, who discovered a bug that had already been fixed in the next version of Android, named Marshmallow. The Android thread scheduler changes the behavior of threads depending whether or not an application is running in the foreground or the background. Threads in the background are assigned an extra 40 ms (40000000 ns) of wait time.

A bug deep in the plumbing of Android itself meant this extra timer value was retained when the thread moved to the foreground. Usually the audio handler thread was created while the application was in the foreground, but sometimes the thread was created a little sooner, while Ninja was still in the background. When this happened, playback would stutter.

Lessons learned

This wasn’t the last bug we fixed on this platform, but it was the hardest to track down. It was outside of the Netflix application, in a part of the system that was outside of the playback pipeline, and all of the initial data pointed to a bug in the Netflix application itself.

This story really exemplifies an aspect of my job I love: I can’t predict all of the issues that our partners will throw at me, and I know that to fix them I have to understand multiple systems, work with great colleagues, and constantly push myself to learn more. What I do has a direct impact on real people and their enjoyment of a great product. I know when people enjoy Netflix in their living room, I’m an essential part of the team that made it happen.

Life of a Netflix Partner Engineer — The case of extra 40 ms was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

AMF0/3 encoding/decoding in Node.JS

Post Syndicated from Anonymous original http://deliantech.blogspot.com/2014/06/amf03-encodingdecoding-in-nodejs.html

I am writing my own RTMP restreamer (RTMP is Adobe’s dying streaming protocol widely used with Flash) in Node.JS.
Although, there are quite of few RTMP modules, no one is complete, nor operates with Node.JS buffers, nor support fully ether AMF0 or AMF3 encoding and decoding.
So I had to write one on my own.
The first module is the AMF0/AMF3 utils that allow me to encode or decode AMF data. AMF is a binary encoding used in Adobe’s protocols, very similar to BER (used in ITU’s protocols) but supporting complex objects. In general the goal of AMF is to encode ActiveScript objects into binary. As ActiveScript is a language belonging to the JavaScript’s familly, basically the ActiveScript’s objects are javascript objects (with the exception of some simplified arrays).
My module is named node-amfutils and is now available in the public NPM repository as well as here https://github.com/delian/node-amfutils
It is not fully completed nor very well tested as I have very limited environment to do the tests. However, it works for me and provides the best AMF0 and AMF3 support currently available for Node.JS – 
  • It can encode/decode all the objects defined in both AMF0 and AMF3 (the other AMF modules in the npm repository supports partial AMF0 or partial AMF3)
  • It uses Node.JS buffers (it is not necessary to do string to buffer to string conversion, as you have to do with the other modules)

It is easy to use this module. You just have to do something like this:

var amfUtils = require('node-amfutils');
var buffer = amfUtils.amf0Encode([{ a: "xxx"},b: null]);