Tag Archives: апи

Developer Week 2024 wrap-up

Post Syndicated from Phillip Jones original https://blog.cloudflare.com/developer-week-2024-wrap-up

Developer Week 2024 has officially come to a close. Each day last week, we shipped new products and functionality geared towards giving developers the components they need to build full-stack applications on Cloudflare.

Even though Developer Week is now over, we are continuing to innovate with the over two million developers who build on our platform. Building a platform is only as exciting as seeing what developers build on it. Before we dive into a recap of the announcements, to send off the week, we wanted to share how a couple of companies are using Cloudflare to power their applications:

We have been using Workers for image delivery using R2 and have been able to maintain stable operations for a year after implementation. The speed of deployment and the flexibility of detailed configurations have greatly reduced the time and effort required for traditional server management. In particular, we have seen a noticeable cost savings and are deeply appreciative of the support we have received from Cloudflare Workers.
FAN Communications

Milkshake helps creators, influencers, and business owners create engaging web pages directly from their phone, to simply and creatively promote their projects and passions. Cloudflare has helped us migrate data quickly and affordably with R2. We use Workers as a routing layer between our users’ websites and their images and assets, and to build a personalized analytics offering affordably. Cloudflare’s innovations have consistently allowed us to run infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of other developer platforms and we have been eagerly awaiting updates to D1 and Queues to sustainably scale Milkshake as the product continues to grow.

In case you missed anything, here’s a quick recap of the announcements and in-depth technical explorations that went out last week:

Summary of announcements


Announcement Summary
Making state easy with D1 GA, Hyperdrive, Queues and Workers Analytics Engine updates A core part of any full-stack application is storing and persisting data! We kicked off the week with announcements that help developers build stateful applications on top of Cloudflare, including making D1, Cloudflare’s SQL database and Hyperdrive, our database accelerating service, generally available.
Building D1: a Global Database D1, Cloudflare’s SQL database, is now generally available. With new support for 10GB databases, data export, and enhanced query debugging, we empower developers to build production-ready applications with D1 to meet all their relational SQL needs. To support Workers in global applications, we’re sharing a sneak peek of our design and API for D1 global read replication to demonstrate how developers scale their workloads with D1.
Why Workers environment variables contain live objects Bindings don’t just reduce boilerplate. They are a core design feature of the Workers platform which simultaneously improve developer experience and application security in several ways. Usually these two goals are in opposition to each other, but bindings elegantly solve for both at the same time.


Announcement Summary
Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities We made a series of AI-related announcements, including Workers AI, Cloudflare’s inference platform becoming GA, support for fine-tuned models with LoRAs, one-click deploys from HuggingFace, Python support for Cloudflare Workers, and more.
Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs Workers AI now supports fine-tuned models using LoRAs. But what is a LoRA and how does it work? In this post, we dive into fine-tuning, LoRAs and even some math to share the details of how it all works under the hood.
Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly We introduced Python support for Cloudflare Workers, now in open beta. We’ve revamped our systems to support Python, from the Workers runtime itself to the way Workers are deployed to Cloudflare’s network. Learn about a Python Worker’s lifecycle, Pyodide, dynamic linking, and memory snapshots in this post.


Announcement Summary
R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier We announced three new features for Cloudflare R2: event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier.
Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows We’re making it easier to build scalable, reliable, data-driven applications on top of our global network, and so we announced a new Event Notifications framework; our take on durable execution, Workflows; and an upcoming streaming ingestion service, Pipelines.
Improving Cloudflare Workers and D1 developer experience with Prisma ORM Together, Cloudflare and Prisma make it easier than ever to deploy globally available apps with a focus on developer experience. To further that goal, Prisma ORM now natively supports Cloudflare Workers and D1 in Preview. With version 5.12.0 of Prisma ORM you can now interact with your data stored in D1 from your Cloudflare Workers with the convenience of the Prisma Client API. Learn more and try it out now.
How Picsart leverages Cloudflare’s Developer Platform to build globally performant services Picsart, one of the world’s largest digital creation platforms, encountered performance challenges in catering to its global audience. Adopting Cloudflare’s global-by-default Developer Platform emerged as the optimal solution, empowering Picsart to enhance performance and scalability substantially.


Announcement Summary
Announcing Pages support for monorepos, wrangler.toml, database integrations and more! We launched four improvements to Pages that bring functionality previously restricted to Workers, with the goal of unifying the development experience between the two. Support for monorepos, wrangler.toml, new additions to Next.js support and database integrations!
New tools for production safety — Gradual Deployments, Stack Traces, Rate Limiting, and API SDKs Production readiness isn’t just about scale and reliability of the services you build with. We announced five updates that put more power in your hands – Gradual Deployments, Source mapped stack traces in Tail Workers, a new Rate Limiting API, brand-new API SDKs, and updates to Durable Objects – each built with mission-critical production services in mind.
What’s new with Cloudflare Media: updates for Calls, Stream, and Images With Cloudflare Calls in open beta, you can build real-time, serverless video and audio applications. Cloudflare Stream lets your viewers instantly clip from ongoing streams. Finally, Cloudflare Images now supports automatic face cropping and has an upload widget that lets you easily integrate into your application.
Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down Cloudflare Calls is a serverless SFU and TURN service running at Cloudflare’s edge. It’s now in open beta and costs $0.05/ real-time GB. It’s 100% anycast WebRTC.


Announcement Summary
Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users Browser Rendering API is now available to all paid Workers customers with improved session management.
Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities We announced that Cloudflare has acquired Baselime, a serverless observability company.
Cloudflare acquires PartyKit to allow developers to build real-time multi-user applications We announced that PartyKit, a trailblazer in enabling developers to craft ambitious real-time, collaborative, multiplayer applications, is now a part of Cloudflare. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to redefine the boundaries of serverless computing, making it more dynamic, interactive, and, importantly, stateful.
Blazing fast development with full-stack frameworks and Cloudflare Full-stack web development with Cloudflare is now faster and easier! You can now use your framework’s development server while accessing D1 databases, R2 object stores, AI models, and more. Iterate locally in milliseconds to build sophisticated web apps that run on Cloudflare. Let’s dev together!
We’ve added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers Cloudflare Workers now features a built-in RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system for use in Worker-to-Worker and Worker-to-Durable Object communication, with absolutely minimal boilerplate. We’ve designed an RPC system so expressive that calling a remote service can feel like using a library.
Community Update: empowering startups building on Cloudflare and creating an inclusive community We closed out Developer Week by sharing updates on our Workers Launchpad program, our latest Developer Challenge, and the work we’re doing to ensure our community spaces – like our Discord and Community forums – are safe and inclusive for all developers.

Continue the conversation

Thank you for being a part of Developer Week! Want to continue the conversation and share what you’re building? Join us on Discord. To get started building on Workers, check out our developer documentation.

Cloudflare’s URL Scanner, new features, and the story of how we built it

Post Syndicated from Sofia Cardita original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-urlscanner

Today, we’re excited to talk about URL Scanner, a tool that helps everyone from security teams to everyday users to detect and safeguard against malicious websites by scanning and analyzing them. URL Scanner has executed almost a million scans since its launch last March on Cloudflare Radar, driving us to continuously innovate and enhance its capabilities. Since that time, we have introduced unlisted scans, detailed malicious verdicts, enriched search functionality, and now, integration with Security Center and an official API, all built upon the robust foundation of Cloudflare Workers, Durable Objects, and the Browser Rendering API.

Integration with the Security Center in the Cloudflare Dashboard

Security Center is the single place in the Cloudflare Dashboard to map your attack surface, identify potential security risks, and mitigate risks with a few clicks. Its users can now access the URL scanner directly from the Investigate Portal, enhancing their cybersecurity workflow. These scans will be unlisted by default, ensuring privacy while facilitating a deep dive into website security. Users will be able to see their historic scans and access the related reports when they need to, and they will benefit from automatic screenshots for multiple screen sizes, enriching the context of each scan.

Customers with Cloudflare dashboard access will enjoy higher API limits and faster response times, crucial for agile security operations. Integration with internal workflows becomes seamless, allowing for sophisticated network and user protection strategies.

Security Center in the Cloudflare Dashboard

Unlocking the potential of the URL Scanner API

The URL Scanner API is a powerful asset for developers, enabling custom scans to detect phishing or malware risks, analyze website technologies, and much more. With new features like custom HTTP headers and multi-device screenshots, developers gain a comprehensive toolkit for thorough website assessment.

Submitting a scan request

Using the API, here’s the simplest way to submit a scan request:

curl --request POST \
	--url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/<accountId>/urlscanner/scan \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
	--data '{
		"url": "https://www.cloudflare.com",

New features include the option to set custom HTTP headers, like User-Agent and Authorization, request multiple target device screenshots, like mobile and desktop, as well as set the visibility level to “unlisted”. This essentially marks the scan as private and was often requested by developers who wanted to keep their investigations confidential. Public scans, on the other hand, can be found by anyone through search and are useful to share results with the wider community. You can find more details in our developer documentation.

Exploring the scan results

Scan results for www.cloudflare.com on Cloudflare Radar

Once a scan concludes, fetch the final report and the full network log. Recently added features include the `verdict` property, indicating the site’s malicious status, and the `securityViolations` section detailing CSP or SRI policy breaches — as a developer, you can also scan your own website and see our recommendations. Expect improvements on verdict accuracy over time, as this is an area we’re focusing on.

Enhanced search functionality

Developers can now search scans by hostname, a specific URL or even any URL the page connected to during the scan. This allows, for example, to search for websites that use a JavaScript library named jquery.min.js (‘?path=jquery.min.js’). Future plans include additional features like searching by IP address, ASN, and malicious website categorisation.

The URL Scanner can be used for a diverse range of applications. These include capturing a website’s evolving state over time (such as tracking changes to the front page of an online newspaper), analyzing technologies employed by a website, preemptively assessing potential risks (as when scrutinizing shortened URLs), and supporting the investigation of persistent cybersecurity threats (such as identifying affected websites hosting a malicious JavaScript file).

How we built the URL Scanner API

In recounting the process of developing the URL Scanner, we aim to showcase the potential and versatility of Cloudflare Workers as a platform. This story is more than a technical journey, but a testament to the capabilities inherent in our platform’s suite of APIs. By dogfooding our own technology, we not only demonstrate confidence in its robustness but also encourage developers to harness the same capabilities for building sophisticated applications. The URL Scanner exemplifies how Cloudflare Workers, Durable Objects, and the Browser Rendering API seamlessly integrate.

High level overview of the Cloudflare URL Scanner technology stack

As seen above, Cloudflare’s runtime infrastructure is the foundation the system runs on. Cloudflare Workers serves the public API, Durable Objects handles orchestration, R2 acts as the primary storage solution, and Queues efficiently handles batch operations, all at the edge. However, what truly enables the URL Scanner’s capabilities is the Browser Rendering API. It’s what initially allowed us to release in such a short time frame, since we didn’t have to build and manage an entire fleet of Chrome browsers from scratch. We simply request a browser, and then using the well known Puppeteer library, instruct it to fetch the webpage and process it in the way we want. This API is at the heart of the entire system.

Scanning a website

The entire process of scanning a website, can be split into 4 phases:

  1. Queue a scan
  2. Browse to the website and compile initial report
  3. Post-process: compile additional information and build final report
  4. Store final report, ready for serving and searching

In short, we create a Durable Object, the Scanner, unique to each scan, which is responsible for orchestrating the scan from start to finish. Since we want to respond immediately to the user, we save the scan to the Durable Object’s transactional Key-Value storage, and schedule an alarm so we can perform the scan asynchronously a second later.  We then respond to the user, informing them that the scan request was accepted.

When the Scanner’s alarm triggers, we enter the second phase:

There are 3 components at work in this phase, the Scanner, the Browser Pool and the Browser Controller, all Durable Objects.

In the initial release, for each new scan we would launch a brand-new browser. However, This operation would take time and was inefficient, so after review, we decided to reuse browsers across multiple scans. This is why we introduced both the Browser Pool and the Browser Controller components. The Browser Pool keeps track of what browsers we have open, when they last pinged the browser pool (so it knows they’re alive), and whether they’re free to accept a new scan. The Browser Controller is responsible for keeping the browser instance alive, once it’s launched, and orchestrating (ahem, puppeteering) the entire browsing session. Here’s a simplified version of our Browser Controller code:

export class BrowserController implements DurableObject {
	private async handleNewScan(url: string) {
		if (!this.browser) {
			// Launch browser: 1st request to durable object
			this.browser = await puppeteer.launch(this.env.BROWSER)
			await this.state.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + 5 * 1000)
		// Open new page and navigate to url
		const page = await this.browser.newPage()
		await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2', timeout: 5000, })

		// Capture DOM
		const dom = await page.content()

		// Clean up
		await page.close()

		return {
			dom: dom,

	async alarm() {
		if (!this.browser) {
		await this.browser.version() // stop websocket connection to Chrome from going idle
		// ping browser pool, let it know we're alive
		// Keep durable object alive
		await this.state.storage.setAlarm(Date.now() + 5 * 1000)

Launching a browser (Step 6) and maintaining a connection to it is abstracted away from us thanks to the Browser Rendering API. This API is responsible for all the infrastructure required to maintain a fleet of Chrome browsers, and led to a much quicker development and release of the URL Scanner. It also allowed us to use a well-known library, Puppeteer, to communicate with Google Chrome via the DevTools protocol.

The initial report is made up of the network log of all requests, captured in HAR (HTTP Archive) format. HAR files, essentially JSON files, provide a detailed record of all interactions between a web browser and a website. As an established standard in the industry, HAR files can be easily shared and analyzed using specialized tools. In addition to this network log, we augment our dataset with an array of other metadata, including base64-encoded screenshots which provide a snapshot of the website at the moment of the scan.

Having this data, we transition to phase 3, where the Scanner Durable Object initiates a series of interactions with a few other Cloudflare APIs in order to collect additional information, like running a phishing scanner over the web page’s Document Object Model (DOM), fetching DNS records, and extracting information about categories and Radar rank associated with the main hostname.

This process ensures that the final report is enriched with insights coming from different sources, making the URL Scanner more efficient in assessing websites. Once all the necessary information is collected, we compile the final report and store it as a JSON file within R2, Cloudflare’s object storage solution. To empower users with efficient scan searches, we use Postgres.

While the initial approach involved sending each completed scan promptly to the core API for immediate storage in Postgres, we realized that, as the rate of scans grew, a more efficient strategy would be to batch those operations, and for that, we use Worker Queues:

This allows us to better manage the write load on Postgres. We wanted scans available as soon as possible to those who requested them, but it’s ok if they’re only available in search results at a slightly later point in time (seconds to minutes, depending on load).

In short, Durable Objects together with the Browser Rendering API power the entire scanning process. Once that’s finished, the Cloudflare Worker serving the API will simply fetch it from R2 by ID. All together, Workers, Durable Objects, and R2 scale seamlessly and will allow us to grow as demand evolves.

Last but not least

While we’ve extensively covered the URL scanning workflow, we’ve yet to delve into the construction of the API worker itself. Developed with Typescript, it uses itty-router-openapi, a Javascript router with Open API 3 schema generation and validation, originally built for Radar, but that’s been improving ever since with contributions from the community. Here’s a quick example of how to set up an endpoint, with input validation built in:

import { DateOnly, OpenAPIRoute, Path, Str, OpenAPIRouter } from '@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi'

import { z } from 'zod'
import { OpenAPIRoute, OpenAPIRouter, Uuid } from '@cloudflare/itty-router-openapi'

export class ScanMetadataCreate extends OpenAPIRoute {
  static schema = {
    tags: ['Scans'],
    summary: 'Create Scan metadata',
    requestBody: {
      scan_id: Uuid,
      url: z.string().url(),
      destination_ip: z.string().ip(),
      timestamp: z.string().datetime(),
      console_logs: [z.string()],

  async handle(
    request: Request,
    env: any,
    context: any,
    data: any,
  ) {
    // Retrieve validated scan
    const newScanMetadata = data.body

    // Insert the scan

    // Return scan as json
    return newScanMetadata

const router = OpenAPIRouter()
router.post('/scan/metadata/', ScanMetadataCreate)

// 404 for everything else
router.all('*', () => new Response('Not Found.', { status: 404 }))

export default {
  fetch: router.handle,

In the example above, the ScanMetadataCreate endpoint will make sure to validate the incoming POST data to match the defined schema before calling the ‘async handle(request,env,context,data)’ function. This way you can be sure that if your code is called, the data argument will always be validated and formatted.

You can learn more about the project on its GitHub page.

Future plans and new features

Looking ahead, we’re committed to further elevating the URL Scanner’s capabilities. Key upcoming features include geographic scans, where users can customize the location that the scan is done from, providing critical insights into regional security threats and content compliance; expanded scan details, including more comprehensive headers and security details; and continuous performance improvements and optimisations, so we can deliver faster scan results.

The evolution of the URL Scanner is a reflection of our commitment to Internet safety and innovation. Whether you’re a developer, a security professional, or simply invested in the safety of the digital landscape, the URL Scanner API offers a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance your efforts. Explore the new features today, and join us in shaping a safer Internet for everyone.

Remember, while Security Center’s new capabilities offer advanced tools for URL Scanning for Cloudflare’s existing customers, the URL Scanner remains accessible for basic scans to the public on Cloudflare Radar, ensuring our technology benefits a broad audience.

If you’re considering a new career direction, check out our open positions. We’re looking for individuals who want to help make the Internet better; learn more about our mission here.

Икони вместо работещи институции

Post Syndicated from Светла Енчева original https://www.toest.bg/ikoni-vmesto-raboteshti-institutsii/

Икони вместо работещи институции

Ако ви предстои да пътувате по автомагистрала, какви мерки за сигурност ще предприемете и на какво ще разчитате, за да пристигнете живи и здрави там, накъдето сте се запътили? Ако шофирате вие, много важно е да сте бодри и с трезв ум, който не е под въздействието на алкохол или други субстанции. Гумите ви трябва да са подходящи за сезона, да карате с указаната скорост и изобщо – да спазвате правилата. Надявате се и другите да ги спазват, както и пътят и маркировката му да са в изправност. Ако минавате през тунел, разчитате той да е построен и поддържан по начин, гарантиращ вашата сигурност. И си мислите, че трябва да има институции, които да се грижат за всички аспекти, свързани с безопасността ви. Институциите обаче може да имат особена визия по въпроса.

Една институционална визия за сигурността на тунелите

Държавната институция, отговаряща за строежа на пътища, тунели и мостове, е Агенция „Пътна инфраструктура“ (АПИ) към Министерството на регионалното развитие и благоустройството. За сигурността на тунелите тя се осланя на… икони. В прессъобщението на АПИ по повод пускането в експлоатация на тунел „Железница“, част от автомагистрала „Струма“, пише (оригиналният правопис е запазен):

При строителството му са вградени и четири икони на Св. „Иван Рилски“, каквито са традициите в тунелното строителство. […] В момента светите изображения не са видими, тъй като са покрити при изграждането на вторичната облицовка на съоръжението. Поверието при вграждането на иконите е, че те пазят работниците при строителството на обекта, а след това и всички пътуващи.

Иконите в тунел „Железница“ впрочем не са нови – чудодейните им свойства вече са популяризирани лично от Бойко Борисов. През 2020 г. част от строежа се срутва и затрупва трима работници, но те оцеляват. Според председателя на ГЕРБ и тогавашен премиер именно иконите на св. Иван Рилски са ги спасили, припомня „Капитал“. От изданието добавят, че пастир, загинал до тунела скоро след това, не е имал същия късмет.

Традициите в тунелното строителство, споменати в прессъобщението, впрочем изглеждат по-хуманни от тези при изграждането на мостове – според преданията в тях се вграждат сенки на невести – с летални последствия за въпросните млади жени. Засега няма яснота дали АПИ разчита на тази древна традиция при изграждането на мостови съоръжения.

Икони и дупки, светци и врачки

Самият св. Иван Рилски впрочем се смята за закрилник не на пътуващите, какъвто е св. Христофор, а на българския народ. А по магистралата, чиято цел е да свързва България и Гърция, пътуват не само българи.

Вграждането на икони в тунели, официално споменато от държавна агенция, може да се разглежда в контекста на все по-малко светската държава, за чието конституционно разделение от религията вече почти никой не се сеща. Но има и нещо друго: подобни актове не са канонична част от православната религия, а проява на суеверие.  По-точно – на една специфична сплав от (квази)религия, суеверие, традиционализъм и патриотизъм.

Тази сплав датира още от времето на социализма. Въпреки че тогавашният режим официално е атеистичен и изповядва „научния комунизъм“, в който уж няма място за суеверия, той си има комай официална врачка – Ванга. Способностите ѝ са обект на проучване от Държавния научноизследователски институт по сугестология с благословията лично на диктатора Тодор Живков. СССР също има официална врачка – Джуна.

В началото на 90-те години на ХХ в. с модерните тогава екстрасенси и с Ванга (къде без нея) се забърква Генералният щаб на Българската армия. Става въпрос за известната дупка в село Царичина, в която от Щаба търсят или съкровището на цар Самуил, или първото разумно същество, живяло на Земята, или извънземни. Екстрасенсите, по чийто съвет е изкопана тя, се консултират с Ванга, за да се уверят, че са на прав път. След като от Генералния щаб не намират нищо, дупката е зарита и бетонирана.

Магическо мислене и модерни институции

През 1940 г. Иван Хаджийски публикува студията си „Възстановяване душевността на първобитния български човек“, която по-късно включва в книгата си „Оптимистична теория за нашия народ“. В началото ѝ той уточнява, че под „първобитни“ или „древни“ българи разбира населението по българските земи преди Възраждането. Ако го кажем със съвременни думи, Хаджийски има предвид предмодерните българи, които живеят изцяло в света на традициите, без наука и образование, индустриални технологии или медии.

Единственият метод на познание на тези предмодерни хора е простото наблюдение, а това, което виждат, те уподобяват на човека – придават му човешки качества. Затова се опитват да въздействат на природните стихии с уподобяване, молби, плашене, убеждаване и магии. Примерно, искат да вземат по-голяма част от питката, за да дойде при тях плодородието, карат се на дървото, че не ражда плод, и се заканват да го отсекат, молят се на облаците да пуснат дъжд и плашат болестите.

Вграждането на сенки на невести в мостове е по същество предмодерен вид жертвоприношение – опит да се умилостиви съдбата, като се пожертва „най-скъпото“. Вграждането на икони в мостове пък прилича на някаква смесица между това жертвоприношение и чудотворната изцелителна сила, която се придава на някои икони.

Починалият две десетилетия преди издаването на „Възстановяване душевността на първобитния български човек“ германски социолог Макс Вебер смята, че модерният тип рационалност се отличава от традиционния по „разомагьосването на света“. „Разомагьосаният“ свят е този, в който суеверията и магиите нямат място, а всичко може да бъде пресметнато и да се обясни научно. Всъщност модерният човек знае много по-малко за света си от традиционния човек, защото в света на модерния има много повече неща, отбелязва Вебер. Той може да не знае как точно се движи влакът, но знае, че не е магия, и ако реши, може да схване механизма на локомотива.

Повече от век след смъртта на Макс Вебер пътната агенция на страна членка на Европейския съюз твърди, че иконите могат да пазят строители и пътуващи.

Предложение за реформа на българските институции

Остава само седмица до планираната ротация на правителството „Денков–Габриел“, а една от големите ябълки на раздора е как ще се избират новите ръководства на т.нар. регулатори. Това са държавните институции, които трябва да решават дали правилата във всевъзможни сфери се нарушават. Например дали пътищата, тунелите и мостовете са построени качествено, дали потребителите са защитени от неправомерно повишаване на сметките за телефон, дали ядем здравословна храна, какъв въздух дишаме, дали телевизиите и радиостанциите спазват елементарни стандарти и т.н., и т.н.

Вместо ГЕРБ, подкрепян от ДПС, да се кара с ПП–ДБ кой да овладее регулаторите, с риска да се стигне до предсрочни избори, може тези институции направо да се отменят. А на тяхно място да се сложат икони, които да пазят населението.

Така св. Иван Рилски ще пази пътуващите през тунели, а св. Христофор – пътуващите извън тунелите. Св. Екатерина ще закриля родилките от лекарски грешки, а светиите Лука и Пантелеймон ще помагат на лекарите да не допускат такива. Св. Трифон ще подкрепя лозарския и винарския бизнес, а като покровител на кожарите св. Илия ще бетонира бизнеса с норки на „Градус“. За качеството на образованието ще се грижат светите братя Кирил и Методий, а св. Тодор ще закриля конната езда и ще подобрява нечовешките условия в домовете за психичноболни. За повишените телефонни сметки ще можем да се оплачем на иконата на св. Димитър. И т.н.

По-сложно е положението с правосъдната реформа. За да разчитаме на независимо и некорумпирано правосъдие, май само с икони няма да се мине. За преборването на тайните мрежи на влияние, част от които бяха Петьо Еврото и Мартин Нотариуса, си трябват по-сериозни средства. Например вграждане на сенки на невести. Или за по-сигурно – най-добре би било да се вградят самите невести.

Търсят се родолюбиви български мъже, готови да жертват най-милото си (своите невести, да не помислите друго) в името на едно работещо, справедливо и европейско правосъдие.

What’s Up, Home? – Monitor your ad blocker with Zabbix

Post Syndicated from Janne Pikkarainen original https://blog.zabbix.com/whats-up-home-monitor-your-ad-blocker-with-zabbix/26912/

Can you monitor your ad blocker with Zabbix? Of course, you can!

API defines it all

My home Asus router is running on Asuswrt-Merlin firmware, and with that, I have AdGuard Home ad blocker.

As AdGuard Home has an API, monitoring it with Zabbix is trivial.

Communicate with the API

Communicating with AdGuard Home API is easy: pass it Authorisation: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX header, where XXXXXXXXXX is just a Base64 hash of your AdGuard username and password. You can generate that Base64 snippet with for example

echo -n "myuser:mypassword" | base64

Next, in Zabbix, create a new HTTP Agent type item, and point it to your AdGuard Home instance.

Create some items

You’ll get the info back as JSON, so next you can create some dependent items and start monitoring. I only added

  • Total number of DNS requests
  • Blocked # of DNS requests
  • Redirects to safe search
  • Parental advisory stuff
  • Average request processing time

For the dependent items, you’ll then just do some JSONPath processing.

Add triggers

Next, I added a few triggers to alert me if AdGuard starts to run slower than usual.

Add service

Finally, I added AdGuard as a new business service, so I’ll get an SLA for it.

And that’s it! From now on I’ll know more about how well my home router ad-blocker is working. (Well, it also has a Skynet firewall which probably filters stuff before AdGuard Home, but that’s another story….)

This post was originally published on the author’s page.

The post What’s Up, Home? – Monitor your ad blocker with Zabbix appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

A Look at Our Development Process of the Cloud Resource Enrichment API

Post Syndicated from Rapid7 original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/09/07/a-look-at-our-development-process-of-the-cloud-resource-enrichment-api/

A Look at Our Development Process of the Cloud Resource Enrichment API

In today’s ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, detecting and responding to cyber threats is paramount for organizations in cloud environments. At the same time, investigating cyber threat alerts can be arduous due to the time-consuming and complex process of data collection. To tackle this pain point, Rapid7 developed a new Cloud Resource Enrichment API that streamlines data retrieval from various cloud resources. The API empowers security analysts to swiftly respond to cyber threats and improve incident response time.

Identifying the Need for a Unified API

Protecting cloud resources from cyber attacks is a growing challenge. Security analysts must grapple with gathering relevant data spread across multiple systems and APIs, leading to incident response inefficiencies. Presented with this challenge, we recognized a pressing need for a unified API that collects all relevant data types related to a cloud resource during a cyber threat action. This API streamlines data access, enabling analysts to piece together a comprehensive view of incidents rapidly, enhancing cybersecurity operations.

Defining the Vision and Scope

Our development team worked closely with security analysts to tailor the API’s functionalities to meet real-world needs. Defining the API’s scope involved meticulous prioritization of features, striking the right balance between usability and data abundance. By involving analysts from the outset, we laid a solid foundation for the API’s success.

The Development Journey

Adopting agile methodologies, our team iteratively developed the API, adapting and fine-tuning as we progressed. The iterative development process played a vital role in ensuring the API’s success. By breaking down the project into smaller, manageable tasks, we could focus on specific features, implement them efficiently, and gather feedback from early prototypes. With a comprehensive design phase, we defined the API’s architecture and capabilities based on insights from security analysts. Regular meetings and feedback gathering facilitated continuous improvements, streamlining the data retrieval process.

The API utilizes RESTful API design principles for data integration and communication between cloud systems. It collects the following types of data:

  • Harvested cloud resource properties (image, IP, network interfaces, region, cloud organization and account, security groups, and much, much more)
  • Permissions data (permissions on the resource, permissions of the resource)
  • Security insights (risks, misconfigurations, vulnerabilities)
  • Security alerts (“threat finding”)
  • First level cloud related resources
  • Application context (tagging made by the client in the cloud environment)

Each data type required collaboration with a different team which is responsible for collecting and processing the data. This resulted in a feature that involved developers from 6 different teams! Regular meetings and continuous communication with the development team and the product manager, allowed us to incorporate suggestions and make iterative improvements to the API’s design and functionality.


The development journey of our Cloud Resource Enrichment API has been both challenging and rewarding. With a user-centric approach, we have crafted a powerful tool that empowers security teams to respond effectively to cyber threats. As we continue to enhance the API, we remain committed to fortifying organizations’ cyber defenses and elevating incident response capabilities. Together, we can better equip security analysts to face the ever-changing cyber war with confidence.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original http://blog.cloudflare.com/application-security-report-q2-2023/

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Cloudflare has a unique vantage point on the Internet. From this position, we are able to see, explore, and identify trends that would otherwise go unnoticed. In this report we are doing just that and sharing our insights into Internet-wide application security trends.

This report is the third edition of our Application Security Report. The first one was published in March 2022, with the second published earlier this year in March, and this is the first to be published on a  quarterly basis.

Since the last report, our network is bigger and faster: we are now processing an average of 46 million HTTP requests/second and 63 million at peak. We consistently handle approximately 25 million DNS queries per second. That's around 2.1 trillion DNS queries per day, and 65 trillion queries a month. This is the sum of authoritative and resolver requests served by our infrastructure. Summing up both HTTP and DNS requests, we get to see a lot of malicious traffic. Focusing on HTTP requests only, in Q2 2023 Cloudflare blocked an average of 112 billion cyber threats each day, and this is the data that powers this report.

But as usual, before we dive in, we need to define our terms.


Throughout this report, we will refer to the following terms:

  • Mitigated traffic: any eyeball HTTP* request that had a “terminating” action applied to it by the Cloudflare platform. These include the following actions: BLOCK, CHALLENGE, JS_CHALLENGE and MANAGED_CHALLENGE. This does not include requests that had the following actions applied: LOG, SKIP, ALLOW. In contrast to last year, we now exclude requests that had CONNECTION_CLOSE and FORCE_CONNECTION_CLOSE actions applied by our DDoS mitigation system, as these technically only slow down connection initiation. They also accounted for a relatively small percentage of requests. Additionally, we improved our calculation regarding the CHALLENGE type actions to ensure that only unsolved challenges are counted as mitigated. A detailed description of actions can be found in our developer documentation.
  • Bot traffic/automated traffic: any HTTP* request identified by Cloudflare’s Bot Management system as being generated by a bot. This includes requests with a bot score between 1 and 29 inclusive. This has not changed from last year’s report.
  • API traffic: any HTTP* request with a response content type of XML or JSON. Where the response content type is not available, such as for mitigated requests, the equivalent Accept content type (specified by the user agent) is used instead. In this latter case, API traffic won’t be fully accounted for, but it still provides a good representation for the purposes of gaining insights.

Unless otherwise stated, the time frame evaluated in this post is the 3 month period from April 2023 through June 2023 inclusive.

Finally, please note that the data is calculated based only on traffic observed across the Cloudflare network and does not necessarily represent overall HTTP traffic patterns across the Internet.

* When referring to HTTP traffic we mean both HTTP and HTTPS.

  Global traffic insights

Mitigated daily traffic stable at 6%, spikes reach 8%

Although daily mitigated HTTP requests decreased by 2 percentage points to 6% on average from 2021 to 2022, days with larger than usual malicious activity can be clearly seen across the network. One clear example is shown in the graph below: towards the end of May 2023, a spike reaching nearly 8% can be seen. This is attributable to large DDoS events and other activity that does not follow standard daily or weekly cycles and is a constant reminder that large malicious events can still have a visible impact at a global level, even at Cloudflare scale.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

75% of mitigated HTTP requests were outright BLOCKed. This is a 6 percentage point decrease compared to the previous report. The majority of other requests are mitigated with the various CHALLENGE type actions, with managed challenges leading with ~20% of this subset.

Shields up: customer configured rules now biggest contributor to mitigated traffic

In our previous report, our automated DDoS mitigation system accounted for, on average, more than 50% of mitigated traffic. Over the past two quarters, due to both increased WAF adoption, but most likely organizations better configuring and locking down their applications from unwanted traffic, we’ve seen a new trend emerge, with WAF mitigated traffic surpassing DDoS mitigation. Most of the increase has been driven by WAF Custom Rule BLOCKs rather than our WAF Managed Rules, indicating that these mitigations are generated by customer configured rules for business logic or related purposes. This can be clearly seen in the chart below.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Note that our WAF Managed Rules mitigations (yellow line) are negligible compared to overall WAF mitigated traffic also indicating that customers are adopting positive security models by allowing known good traffic as opposed to blocking only known bad traffic. Having said that, WAF Managed Rules mitigations reached as much as 1.5 billion/day during the quarter.

Our DDoS mitigation is, of course, volumetric and the amount of traffic matching our DDoS layer 7 rules should not be underestimated, especially given that we are observing a number of novel attacks and botnets being spun up across the web. You can read a deep dive on DDoS attack trends in our Q2 DDoS threat report.

Aggregating the source of mitigated traffic, the WAF now accounts for approximately 57% of all mitigations. Tabular format below with other sources for reference.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023


Percentage %



DDoS Mitigation


IP Reputation


Access Rules




Application owners are increasingly relying on geo location blocks

Given the increase in mitigated traffic from customer defined WAF rules, we thought it would be interesting to dive one level deeper and better understand what customers are blocking and how they are doing it. We can do this by reviewing rule field usage across our WAF Custom Rules to identify common themes. Of course, the data needs to be interpreted correctly, as not all customers have access to all fields as that varies by contract and plan level, but we can still make some inferences based on field “categories”. By reviewing all ~7M WAF Custom Rules deployed across the network and focusing on main groupings only, we get the following field usage distribution:


Used in percentage % of rules

Geolocation fields




IP address


Other HTTP fields (excluding URI)


Bot Management fields


IP reputation score


Notably, 40% of all deployed WAF Custom Rules use geolocation-related fields to make decisions on how to treat traffic. This is a common technique used to implement business logic or to exclude geographies from which no traffic is expected and helps reduce attack surface areas. While these are coarse controls which are unlikely to stop a sophisticated attacker, they are still efficient at reducing the attack surface.

Another notable observation is the usage of Bot Management related fields in 11% of WAF Custom Rules. This number has been steadily increasing over time as more customers adopt machine learning-based classification strategies to protect their applications.

Old CVEs are still exploited en masse

Contributing ~32% of WAF Managed Rules mitigated traffic overall, HTTP Anomaly is still the most common attack category blocked by the WAF Managed Rules. SQLi moved up to second position, surpassing Directory Traversal with 12.7% and 9.9% respectively.

If we look at the start of April 2023, we notice the DoS category far exceeding the HTTP Anomaly category. Rules in the DoS category are WAF layer 7 HTTP signatures that are sufficiently specific to match (and block) single requests without looking at cross request behavior and that can be attributed to either specific botnets or payloads that cause denial of service (DoS). Normally, as is the case here, these requests are not part of “distributed” attacks, hence the lack of the first “D” for “distributed” in the category name.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Tabular format for reference (top 10 categories):


Percentage %

HTTP Anomaly




Directory Traversal


File Inclusion






Software Specific


Broken Authentication


Common Injection




Zooming in, and filtering on the DoS category only, we find that most of the mitigated traffic is attributable to one rule: 100031 / ce02fd… (old WAF and new WAF rule ID respectively). This rule, with a description of “Microsoft IIS – DoS, Anomaly:Header:Range – CVE:CVE-2015-1635” pertains to a CVE dating back to 2015 that affected a number of Microsoft Windows components resulting in remote code execution*. This is a good reminder that old CVEs, even those dating back more than 8 years, are still actively exploited to compromise machines that may be unpatched and still running vulnerable software.

* Due to rule categorisation, some CVE specific rules are still assigned to a broader category such as DoS in this example. Rules are assigned to a CVE category only when the attack payload does not clearly overlap with another more generic category.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Another interesting observation is the increase in Broken Authentication rule matches starting in June. This increase is also attributable to a single rule deployed across all our customers, including our FREE users: “WordPress – Broken Access Control, File Inclusion”. This rule is blocking attempts to access wp-config.php – the WordPress default configuration file which is normally found in the web server document root directory, but of course should never be accessed directly via HTTP.

On a similar note, CISA/CSA recently published a report highlighting the 2022 Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities. We took this opportunity to explore how each CVE mentioned in CISA’s report was reflected in Cloudflare’s own data. The CISA/CSA discuss 12 vulnerabilities that malicious cyber actors routinely exploited in 2022. However, based on our analysis, two CVEs mentioned in the CISA report are responsible for the vast majority of attack traffic we have seen in the wild: Log4J and Atlassian Confluence Code Injection. Our data clearly suggests a major difference in exploit volume between the top two and the rest of the list. The following chart compares the attack volume (in logarithmic scale) of the top 6 vulnerabilities of the CISA list according to our logs.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Bot traffic insights

Cloudflare’s Bot Management continues to see significant investment as the addition of JavaScript Verified URLs for greater protection against browser-based bots, Detection IDs are now available in Custom Rules for additional configurability, and an improved UI for easier onboarding. For self-serve customers, we’ve added the ability to “Skip” Super Bot Fight Mode rules and support for WordPress Loopback requests, to better integrate with our customers’ applications and give them the protection they need.

Our confidence in the Bot Management classification output remains very high. If we plot the bot scores across the analyzed time frame, we find a very clear distribution, with most requests either being classified as definitely bot (score below 30) or definitely human (score greater than 80), with most requests actually scoring less than 2 or greater than 95. This equates, over the same time period, to 33% of traffic being classified as automated (generated by a bot). Over longer time periods we do see the overall bot traffic percentage stable at 29%, and this reflects the data shown on Cloudflare Radar.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

On average, more than 10% of non-verified bot traffic is mitigated

Compared to the last report, non-verified bot HTTP traffic mitigation is currently on a downward trend (down 6 percentage points). However, the Bot Management field usage within WAF Custom Rules is non negligible, standing at 11%. This means that there are more than 700k WAF Custom Rules deployed on Cloudflare that are relying on bot signals to perform some action. The most common field used is cf.client.bot, an alias to cf.bot_management.verified_bot which is powered by our list of verified bots and allows customers to make a distinction between “good” bots and potentially “malicious”  non-verified ones.

Enterprise customers have access to the more powerful cf.bot_management.score which provides direct access to the score computed on each request, the same score used to generate the bot score distribution graph in the prior section.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

The above data is also validated by looking at what Cloudflare service is mitigating unverified bot traffic. Although our DDoS mitigation system is automatically blocking HTTP traffic across all customers, this only accounts for 13% of non-verified bot mitigations. On the other hand, WAF, and mostly customer defined rules, account for 77% of such mitigations, much higher than mitigations across all traffic (57%) discussed at the start of the report. Note that Bot Management is specifically called out but refers to our “default” one-click rules, which are counted separately from the bot fields used in WAF Custom Rules.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Tabular format for reference:


Percentage %



DDoS Mitigation


IP reputation


Access Rules




API traffic insights

The growth of overall API traffic observed by Cloudflare is not slowing down. Compared to last quarter, we are now seeing 58% of total dynamic traffic be classified as API related. This is a 3 percentage point increase as compared to Q1.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Our investment in API Gateway is also following a similar growth trend. Over the last quarter we have released several new API security features.

First, we’ve made API Discovery easier to use with a new inbox view. API Discovery inventories your APIs to prevent shadow IT and zombie APIs, and now customers can easily filter to show only new endpoints found by API Discovery. Saving endpoints from API Discovery places them into our Endpoint Management system.

Next, we’ve added a brand new API security feature offered only at Cloudflare: the ability to control API access by client behavior. We call it Sequence Mitigation. Customers can now create positive or negative security models based on the order of API paths accessed by clients. You can now ensure that your application’s users are the only ones accessing your API instead of brute-force attempts that ignore normal application functionality. For example, in a banking application you can now enforce that access to the funds transfer endpoint can only be accessed after a user has also accessed the account balance check endpoint.

We’re excited to continue releasing API security and API management features for the remainder of 2023 and beyond.

65% of global API traffic is generated by browsers

The percentage of API traffic generated by browsers has remained very stable over the past quarter. With this statistic, we are referring to HTTP requests that are not serving HTML based content that will be directly rendered by the browser without some preprocessing, such as those more commonly known as AJAX calls which would normally serve JSON based responses.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

HTTP Anomalies are the most common attack vector on API endpoints

Just like last quarter, HTTP Anomalies remain the most common mitigated attack vector on API traffic. SQLi injection attacks, however, are non negligible, contributing approximately 11% towards the total mitigated traffic, closely followed by XSS attacks, at around 9%.

Application Security Report: Q2 2023

Tabular format for reference (top 5):


Percentage %

HTTP Anomaly






Software Specific


Command Injection


Looking forward

As we move our application security report to a quarterly cadence, we plan to deepen some of the insights and to provide additional data from some of our newer products such as Page Shield, allowing us to look beyond HTTP traffic, and explore the state of third party dependencies online.

Stay tuned and keep an eye on Cloudflare Radar for more frequent application security reports and insights.

OWASP TOP 10 API Security Risks: 2023!

Post Syndicated from Ray Cochrane original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/06/08/owasp-top-10-api-security-risks-2023/

OWASP TOP 10 API Security Risks: 2023!

The OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks 2023 has arrived! OWASP’s API Top 10 is always a highly anticipated release and can be a key component of API security preparedness for the year. As we discussed in API Security Best Practices for a Changing Attack Surface, API usage continues to skyrocket. As a result, API security coverage must be more advanced than ever.

What are the OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks?

The OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks is a list of the highest priority API based threats in 2023. Let’s dig a little deeper into each item on the OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks list to outline the type of threats you may encounter and appropriate responses to curtail each threat.

1. Broken object level authorization

Object level authorization is a control method that restricts access to objects to minimize system exposures. All API endpoints that handle objects should perform authorization checks utilizing user group policies.

We recommend using this authorization mechanism in every function that receives client input to access objects from a data store. As an additional means for hardening, it is recommended to use cryptographically secure random GUID values for object reference IDs.

2. Broken authentication

Authentication relates to all endpoints and data flows that handle the identity of users or entities accessing an API. This includes credentials, keys, tokens, and even password reset functionality. Broken authentication can lead to many issues such as credential stuffing, brute force attacks, weak unsigned keys, and expired tokens.

Authentication covers a wide range of functionality and requires strict scrutiny and strong practices. Detailed threat modeling should be performed against all authentication functionality to understand data flows, entities, and risks involved in an API. Multi-factor authentication should be enforced where possible to mitigate the risk of compromised credentials.

To prevent brute force and other automated password attacks, rate-limitation should be implemented with a reasonable threshold. Weak and expired credentials should not be accepted, this includes JWTs, passwords, and keys. Integrity checks should be performed against all tokens as well, ensuring signature algorithms and values are valid to prevent tampering attacks.

3. Broken object property level authorization

Related to object level authorization, object property level authorization is another control method to restrict access to specific properties or fields of an object. This category combines aspects of 2019 OWASP API Security’s “excessive data exposure” and “mass assignment”. If an API endpoint is exposing sensitive object properties that should not be read or modified by an unauthorized user it is considered vulnerable.

The overall mitigation strategy for this is to validate user permissions in all API endpoints that handle object properties. Access to properties and fields should be kept to a bare minimum at an as-needed basis scoped to the functionality of a given endpoint.

4. Unrestricted resource consumption

API resource consumption pertains to CPU, memory, storage, network, and service provider usage for an API. Denial of service attacks result from overconsumption of these resources leading to downtime and racked up service charges.

Setting minimum and maximum limits relative to business functional needs is the overall strategy to mitigating resource consumption risks. API endpoints should limit the rate and maximum number of calls at a per-client basis. For API infrastructure, using containers and serverless code with defined resource limits will mitigate the risk of server resource consumption.

Coding practices that limit resource consumption need to be in place, as well. Limit the number of records returned in API responses with careful use of paging, as appropriate. File uploads should also have size limits enforced to prevent overuse of storage. Additionally, regular expressions and other data-processing means must be carefully evaluated for performance in order to avoid high CPU and memory consumption.

5. Broken function level authorization

Lack of authorization checks in controllers or functions behind API endpoints are covered under broken function level authorization. This vulnerability class allows attackers to access unauthorized functionality; whether they are changing an HTTP method from a `GET` to a `PUT` to modify data that is not expected to be modified, or changing a URL string from `user` to `admin`. Proper authorization checks can be difficult due to controller complexities and the numbers of user groups and roles.

Comprehensive threat modeling against an API architecture and design is paramount in preventing these vulnerabilities. Ensure that API functionality is carefully structured and corresponding controllers are performing authentication checks. For example, all functionality under an `/api/v1/admin` endpoint should be handled by an admin controller class that performs strict authentication checks. When in doubt, access should be denied by default and grants should be given on a as needed basis.

6. Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows

Automated threats are becoming increasingly more difficult to combat and must be addressed on a case-by-case basis. An API is vulnerable if sensitive functionality is exposed in such a way that harm could occur if excessive automated use occurs. There may not be a specific implementation bug, but rather an exposure of business flow that can be abused in an automated fashion.

Threat modeling exercises are important as an overall mitigation strategy. Business functionality and all dataflows must be carefully considered, and the excessive automated use threat scenario must be discussed. From an implementation perspective, device fingerprinting, human detection, irregular API flow and sequencing pattern detection, and IP blocking can be implemented on a case-by-case basis.

7. Server side request forgery

Server side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities happen when a client provides a URL or other remote resource as data to an API. The result is a crafted outbound request to that URL on behalf of the API. These are common in redirect URL parameters, webhooks, file fetching functionality, and URL previews.

SSRF can be leveraged by attackers in many ways. Modern usage of cloud providers and containers exposes instance metadata URLs and internal management consoles that can be targeted to leak credentials and abuse privileged functionality. Internal network calls such as backend service-to-service requests, even when protected by service meshes and mTLS, can be exploited for unexpected results. Internal repositories, build tools, and other internal resources can all be targeted with SSRF attacks.

We recommend validating and sanitizing all client provided data to mitigate SSRF vulnerabilities. Strict allow-listing must be enforced when implementing resource-fetching functionality. Allow lists should be granular, restricting all but specified services, URLs, schemes, ports, and media types. If possible, isolate this functionality within a controlled network environment with careful monitoring to prevent probing of internal resources.

8. Security misconfiguration

Misconfigurations in any part of the API stack can result in weakened security. This can be the result of incomplete or inconsistent patching, enabling unnecessary features, or improperly configuring permissions. Attackers will enumerate the entire surface area of an API to discover these misconfigurations, which could be exploited to leak data, abuse extra functionality, or find additional vulnerabilities in out of date components.

Having a robust, fast, and repeatable hardening process is paramount to mitigating the risk of misconfiguration issues. Security updates must be regularly applied and tracked with a patch management process. Configurations across the entire API stack should be regularly reviewed. Asset Management and Vulnerability Management solutions should be considered to automate this hardening process.

9. Improper inventory management

Complex services with multiple interconnected APIs present a difficult inventory management problem and introduces more exposure to risk. Having multiple versions of APIs across various environments further increases the challenge. Improper inventory management can lead to running unpatched systems and exposing data to attackers. With modern microservices making it easier than ever to deploy many applications, it is important to have strong inventory management practices.

Documentation for all assets including hosts, applications, environments, and users should be carefully collected and managed in an asset management solution. All third-party integrations need to be vetted and documented, as well, to have visibility into any risk exposure. API documentation should be standardized and available to those authorized to use the API. Careful controls over access to and changes of environments, plus what’s shared externally vs. internally, and data protection measures must be in place to ensure that production data does not fall into other environments.

10. Unsafe consumption of APIs

Data consumed from other APIs must be handled with caution to prevent unexpected behavior. Third-party APIs could be compromised and leveraged to attack other API services. Attacks such as SQL injection, XML External Entity injection, deserialization attacks, and more, should be considered when handling data from other APIs.

Careful development practices must be in place to ensure all data is validated and properly sanitized. Evaluate third-party integrations and service providers’ security posture. Ensure all API communications occur over a secure channel such as TLS. Mutual authentication should also be enforced when connections between services are established.

What’s next?

The OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks template is now ready and available for use within InsightAppSec, mapping each of Rapid7’s API attack modules to their corresponding OWASP categories for ease of reference and enhanced API threat coverage.

Make sure to utilize the new template to ensure best in class coverage against API security threats today! And of course, as is always the case, ensure you are following Rapid7’s best practices for securing your APIs.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

Post Syndicated from Celso Martinho original http://blog.cloudflare.com/browser-rendering-open-beta/

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

The Workers Browser Rendering API allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products.

Since the private beta announcement, based on the feedback we've been receiving and our own roadmap, the team has been working on the developer experience and improving the platform architecture for the best possible performance and reliability. Today we enter the open beta and will start onboarding the customers on the wait list.

Developer experience

Starting today, Wrangler, our command-line tool for configuring, building, and deploying applications with Cloudflare developer products, has support for the Browser Rendering API bindings.

You can install Wrangler Beta using npm:

npm install wrangler --save-dev

Bindings allow your Workers to interact with resources on the Cloudflare developer platform. In this case, they will provide your Worker script with an authenticated endpoint to interact with a dedicated Chromium browser instance.

This is all you need in your wrangler.toml once this service is enabled for your account:

browser = { binding = "MYBROWSER", type = "browser" }

Now you can deploy any Worker script that requires Browser Rendering capabilities. You can spawn Chromium instances and interact with them programmatically in any way you typically do manually behind your browser.

Under the hood, the Browser Rendering API gives you access to a WebSocket endpoint that speaks the DevTools Protocol. DevTools is what allows us to instrument a Chromium instance running in our global network, and it's the same protocol that Chrome uses on your computer when you inspect a page.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

With enough dedication, you can, in fact, implement your own DevTools client and talk the protocol directly. But that'd be crazy; almost no one does that.



Puppeteer is one of the most popular libraries that abstract the lower-level DevTools protocol from developers and provides a high-level API that you can use to easily instrument Chrome/Chromium and automate browsing sessions. It's widely used for things like creating screenshots, crawling pages, and testing web applications.

Puppeteer typically connects to a local Chrome or Chromium browser using the DevTools port.

We forked a version of Puppeteer and patched it to connect to the Workers Browser Rendering API instead. The changes are minimal; after connecting the developers can then use the full Puppeteer API as they would on a standard setup.

Our version is open sourced here, and the npm can be installed from npmjs as @cloudflare/puppeteer. Using it from a Worker is as easy as:

import puppeteer from "@cloudflare/puppeteer";

And then all it takes to launch a browser from your script is:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch(env.MYBROWSER);

In the long term, we will update Puppeteer to keep matching the version of our Chromium instances infrastructure running in our network.

Developer documentation

Following the tradition with other Developer products, we created a dedicated section for the Browser Rendering APIs in our Developer's Documentation site.

You can access this page to learn more about how the service works, Wrangler support, APIs, and limits, and find examples of starter templates for common applications.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

An example application: taking screenshots

Taking screenshots from web pages is one of the typical cases for browser automation.

Let's create a Worker that uses the Browser Rendering API to do just that. This is a perfect example of how to set up everything and get an application running in minutes, it will give you a good overview of the steps involved and the basics of the Puppeteer API, and then you can move from here to other more sophisticated use-cases.

Step one, start a project, install Wrangler and Cloudflare’s fork of Puppeteer:

npm init -f
npm install wrangler -save-dev
npm install @cloudflare/puppeteer -save-dev

Step two, let’s create the simplest possible wrangler.toml configuration file with the Browser Rendering API binding:

name = "browser-worker"
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-03-14"
node_compat = true
workers_dev = true

browser = { binding = "MYBROWSER", type = "browser" }

Step three, create src/index.ts with your Worker code:

import puppeteer from "@cloudflare/puppeteer";

export default {
    async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
        const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url);
        let url = searchParams.get("url");
        let img: Buffer;
        if (url) {
            const browser = await puppeteer.launch(env.MYBROWSER);
            const page = await browser.newPage();
            await page.goto(url);
            img = (await page.screenshot()) as Buffer;
            await browser.close();
            return new Response(img, {
                headers: {
                    "content-type": "image/jpeg",
        } else {
            return new Response(
                "Please add the ?url=https://example.com/ parameter"

That's it, no more steps. This Worker instantiates a browser using Puppeteer, opens a new page, navigates to whatever you put in the "url" parameter, takes a screenshot of the page, closes the browser, and responds with the JPEG image of the screenshot. It can't get any easier to get started with the Browser Rendering API.

Run npx wrangler dev –remote to test it and npx wrangler publish when you’re done.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

You can explore the entire Puppeteer API and implement other functionality and logic from here. And, because it's Workers, you can add other developer products to your code. You might need a relational database, or a KV store to cache your screenshots, or an R2 bucket to archive your crawled pages and assets, or maybe use a Durable Object to keep your browser instance alive and share it with multiple requests, or queues to handle your jobs asynchronous, we have all of this and more.

You can also find this and other examples of how to use Browser Rendering in the Developer Documentation.

How do we use Browser Rendering

Dogfooding our products is one of the best ways to test and improve them, and in some cases, our internal needs dictate or influence our roadmap. Workers Browser Rendering is a good example of that; it was born out of our necessities before we realized it could be a product. We've been using it extensively for things like taking screenshots of pages for social sharing or dashboards, testing web software in CI, or gathering page load performance metrics of our applications.

But there's one product we've been using to stress test and push the limits of the Browser Rendering API and drive the engineering sprints that brought us to open the beta to our customers today: The Cloudflare Radar URL Scanner.

Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta

The URL Scanner scans any URL and compiles a full report containing technical, performance, privacy, and security details about that page. It's processing thousands of scans per day currently. It was built on top of Workers and uses a combination of the Browser Rendering APIs with Puppeteer to create enriched HAR archives and page screenshots, Durable Objects to reuse browser instances, Queues to handle customers' load and execute jobs asynchronously, and R2 to store the final reports.

This tool will soon have its own "how we built it" blog. Still, we wanted to let you know about it now because it is a good example of how you can build sophisticated applications using Browser Rendering APIs at scale starting today.

Future plans

The team will keep improving the Browser Rendering API, but a few things are worth mentioning today.

First, we are looking into upstreaming the changes in our Puppeteer fork to the main project so that using the official library with the Cloudflare Workers Browser Rendering API becomes as easy as a configuration option.

Second, one of the reasons why we decided to expose the DevTools protocol bare naked in the Worker binding is so that it can support other browser instrumentalization libraries in the future. Playwright is a good example of another popular library that developers want to use.

And last, we are also keeping an eye on and testing WebDriver BiDi, a "new standard browser automation protocol that bridges the gap between the WebDriver Classic and CDP (DevTools) protocols." Click here to know more about the status of WebDriver BiDi.

Final words

The Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta today. We will gradually be enabling the customers in the wait list in batches and sending them emails. We look forward to seeing what you will be building with it and want to hear from you.

As usual, you can talk to us on our Developers Discord or the Community forum; the team will be listening.

The state of application security in 2023

Post Syndicated from Michael Tremante original https://blog.cloudflare.com/application-security-2023/

The state of application security in 2023

The state of application security in 2023

One year ago we published our first Application Security Report. For Security Week 2023, we are providing updated insights and trends around mitigated traffic, bot and API traffic, and account takeover attacks.

Cloudflare has grown significantly over the last year. In February 2023, Netcraft noted that Cloudflare had become the most commonly used web server vendor within the top million sites at the start of 2023, and continues to grow, reaching a 21.71% market share, up from 19.4% in February 2022.

This continued growth now equates to Cloudflare handling over 45 million HTTP requests/second on average (up from 32 million last year), with more than 61 million HTTP requests/second at peak. DNS queries handled by the network are also growing and stand at approximately 24.6 million queries/second. All of this traffic flow gives us an unprecedented view into Internet trends.

Before we dive in, we need to define our terms.


Throughout this report, we will refer to the following terms:

  • Mitigated traffic: any eyeball HTTP* request that had a “terminating” action applied to it by the Cloudflare platform. These include the following actions: BLOCK, CHALLENGE, JS_CHALLENGE and MANAGED_CHALLENGE. This does not include requests that had the following actions applied: LOG, SKIP, ALLOW. In contrast to last year, we now exclude requests that had CONNECTION_CLOSE and FORCE_CONNECTION_CLOSE actions applied by our DDoS mitigation system, as these technically only slow down connection initiation. They also accounted for a relatively small percentage of requests. Additionally, we improved our calculation regarding the CHALLENGE type actions to ensure that only unsolved challenges are counted as mitigated. A detailed description of actions can be found in our developer documentation.
  • Bot traffic/automated traffic: any HTTP* request identified by Cloudflare’s Bot Management system as being generated by a bot. This includes requests with a bot score between 1 and 29 inclusive. This has not changed from last year’s report.
  • API traffic: any HTTP* request with a response content type of XML or JSON. Where the response content type is not available, such as for mitigated requests, the equivalent Accept content type (specified by the user agent) is used instead. In this latter case, API traffic won’t be fully accounted for, but it still provides a good representation for the purposes of gaining insights.

Unless otherwise stated, the time frame evaluated in this post is the 12 month period from March 2022 through February 2023 inclusive.

Finally, please note that the data is calculated based only on traffic observed across the Cloudflare network and does not necessarily represent overall HTTP traffic patterns across the Internet.

*When referring to HTTP traffic we mean both HTTP and HTTPS.

Global traffic insights

6% of daily HTTP requests are mitigated on average

In looking at all HTTP requests proxied by the Cloudflare network, we find that the share of requests that are mitigated has dropped to 6%, down two percentage points compared to last year. Looking at 2023 to date, we see that mitigated request share has fallen even further, to between 4-5%. Large spikes visible in the chart below, such as those seen in June and October, often correlate with large DDoS attacks mitigated by Cloudflare. It is interesting to note that although the percentage of mitigated traffic has decreased over time, the total mitigated request volume has been relatively stable as shown in the second chart below, indicating an increase in overall clean traffic globally rather than an absolute decrease in malicious traffic.

The state of application security in 2023
The state of application security in 2023

81% of mitigated HTTP requests were outright BLOCKed, with mitigations for the remaining set split across the various CHALLENGE type actions.

DDoS mitigation accounts for more than 50% of all mitigated traffic

Cloudflare provides various security features that customers can configure to keep their applications safe. Unsurprisingly, DDoS mitigation is still the largest contributor to mitigated layer 7 (application layer) HTTP requests. Just last month (February 2023), we reported the largest known mitigated DDoS attack by HTTP requests/second volume (This particular attack is not visible in the graphs above because they are aggregated at a daily level, and the attack only lasted for ~5 minutes).

Compared to last year, however, mitigation by the Cloudflare WAF has grown significantly, and now accounts for nearly 41% of mitigated requests. This can be partially attributed to advances in our WAF technology that enables it to detect and block a larger range of attacks.

The state of application security in 2023

Tabular format for reference:

Source Percentage %
DDoS Mitigation 52%
WAF 41%
IP reputation 4%
Access Rules 2%
Other 1%

Please note that in the table above, in contrast to last year, we are now grouping our products to match our marketing materials and the groupings used in the 2022 Radar Year in Review. This mostly affects our WAF product that comprises the combination of WAF Custom Rules, WAF Rate Limiting Rules, and WAF Managed Rules. In last year’s report, these three features accounted for an aggregate 31% of mitigations.

To understand the growth in WAF mitigated requests over time, we can look one level deeper where it becomes clear that Cloudflare customers are increasingly relying on WAF Custom Rules (historically referred to as Firewall Rules) to mitigate malicious traffic or implement business logic blocks. Observe how the orange line (firewallrules) in the chart below shows a gradual increase over time while the blue line (l7ddos) clearly trends lower.

The state of application security in 2023

HTTP Anomaly is the most frequent layer 7 attack vector mitigated by the WAF

Contributing 30% of WAF Managed Rules mitigated traffic overall in March 2023, HTTP Anomaly’s share has decreased by nearly 25 percentage points as compared to the same time last year. Examples of HTTP anomalies include malformed method names, null byte characters in headers, non-standard ports or content length of zero with a POST request. This can be attributed to botnets matching HTTP anomaly signatures slowly changing their traffic patterns.

The state of application security in 2023

Removing the HTTP anomaly line from the graph, we can see that in early 2023, the attack vector distribution looks a lot more balanced.

The state of application security in 2023

Tabular format for reference (top 10 categories):

Source Percentage % (last 12 months)
HTTP Anomaly 30%
Directory Traversal 16%
SQLi 14%
File Inclusion 12%
Software Specific 10%
XSS 9%
Broken Authentication 3%
Command Injection 3%
Common Attack 1%
CVE 1%

Of particular note is the orange line spike seen towards the end of February 2023 (CVE category). The spike relates to a sudden increase of two of our WAF Managed Rules:

  • Drupal – Anomaly:Header:X-Forwarded-For (id: d6f6d394cb01400284cfb7971e7aed1e)
  • Drupal – Anomaly:Header:X-Forwarded-Host (id: d9aeff22f1024655937e5b033a61fbc5)

These two rules are also tagged against CVE-2018-14774, indicating that even relatively old and known vulnerabilities are still often targeted in an effort to exploit potentially unpatched software.

Bot traffic insights

Cloudflare’s Bot Management solution has seen significant investment over the last twelve months. New features such as configurable heuristics, hardened JavaScript detections, automatic machine learning model updates, and Turnstile, Cloudflare’s free CAPTCHA replacement, make our classification of human vs. bot traffic improve daily.

Our confidence in the classification output is very high. If we plot the bot scores across the traffic from the last week of February 2023, we find a very clear distribution, with most requests either being classified as definitely bot (less than 30) or definitely human (greater than 80) with most requests actually scoring less than 2 or greater than 95.

The state of application security in 2023

30% of HTTP traffic is automated

Over the last week of February 2023, 30% of Cloudflare HTTP traffic was classified as automated, equivalent to about 13 million HTTP requests/second on the Cloudflare network. This is 8 percentage points less than at the same time last year.

Looking at bot traffic only, we find that only 8% is generated by verified bots, comprising 2% of total traffic. Cloudflare maintains a list of known good (verified) bots to allow customers to easily distinguish between well-behaved bot providers like Google and Facebook and potentially lesser known or unwanted bots. There are currently 171 bots in the list.

The state of application security in 2023

16% of non-verified bot HTTP traffic is mitigated

Non-verified bot traffic often includes vulnerability scanners that are constantly looking for exploits on the web, and as a result, nearly one-sixth of this traffic is mitigated because some customers prefer to restrict the insights such tools can potentially gain.

Although verified bots like googlebot and bingbot are generally seen as beneficial and most customers want to allow them, we also see a small percentage (1.5%) of verified bot traffic being mitigated. This is because some site administrators don’t want portions of their site to be crawled, and customers often rely on WAF Custom Rules to enforce this business logic.

The most common action used by customers is to BLOCK these requests (13%), although we do have some customers configuring CHALLENGE actions (3%) to ensure any human false positives can still complete the request if necessary.

On a similar note, it is also interesting that nearly 80% of all mitigated traffic is classified as a bot, as illustrated in the figure below. Some may note that 20% of mitigated traffic being classified as human is still extremely high, but most mitigations of human traffic are generated by WAF Custom Rules, and are frequently due to customers implementing country-level or other related legal blocks on their applications. This is common, for example, in the context of US-based companies blocking access to European users for GDPR compliance reasons.

The state of application security in 2023

API traffic insights

Just like our Bot Management solution, we are also investing heavily in tools to protect API endpoints. This is because a lot of HTTP traffic is API related. In fact, if you count only HTTP requests that reach the origin and are not cacheable, up to 55% of traffic is API related, as per the definition stated earlier. This is the same methodology used in last year’s report, and the 55% figure remains unchanged year-over-year.

If we look at cached HTTP requests only (those with a cache status of HIT, UPDATING, REVALIDATED and EXPIRED) we find that, maybe surprisingly, nearly 7% is API related. Modern API endpoint implementations and proxy systems, including our own API Gateway/caching feature set, in fact, allow for very flexible cache logic allowing both caching on custom keys as well as quick cache revalidation (as often as every second) allowing developers to reduce load on back end endpoints.

Including cacheable assets and other requests in the total count, such as redirects, the number goes down, but is still 25% of traffic. In the graph below we provide both perspectives on API traffic:

  • Yellow line: % of API traffic against all HTTP requests. This will include redirects, cached assets and all other HTTP requests in the total count;
  • Blue line: % of API traffic against dynamic traffic returning HTTP 200 OK response code only;
The state of application security in 2023

65% of global API traffic is generated by browsers

A growing number of web applications nowadays are built “API first”. This means that the initial HTML page load only provides the skeleton layout, and most dynamic components and data are loaded via separate API calls (for example, via AJAX). This is the case for Cloudflare’s own dashboard. This growing implementation paradigm is visible when analyzing the bot scores for API traffic. We can see in the figure below that a large amount of API traffic is generated by user-driven browsers classified as “human” by our system, with nearly two-thirds of it clustered at the high end of the “human” range.

The state of application security in 2023

Calculating mitigated API traffic is challenging, as we don’t forward the request to origin servers, and therefore cannot rely on the response content type. Applying the same calculation that was used last year, a little more than 2% of API traffic is mitigated, down from 10.2% last year.

HTTP Anomaly surpasses SQLi as most common attack vector on API endpoints

Compared to last year, HTTP anomalies now surpass SQLi as the most popular attack vector attempted against API endpoints (note the blue line being higher at the start of the graph just when last year’s report was published). Attack vectors on API traffic are not consistent throughout the year and show more variation as compared to global HTTP traffic. For example, note the spike in file inclusion attack attempts in early 2023.

The state of application security in 2023

Exploring account takeover attacks

Since March 2021, Cloudflare has provided a leaked credential check feature as part of its WAF. This allows customers to be notified (via an HTTP request header) whenever an authentication request is detected with a username/password pair that is known to be leaked. This tends to be an extremely effective signal at detecting botnets performing account takeover brute force attacks.

Customers also use this signal, on valid username/password pair login attempts, to issue two factor authentication, password reset, or in some cases, increased logging in the event the user is not the legitimate owner of the credentials.

Brute force account takeover attacks are increasing

If we look at the trend of matched requests over the past 12 months, an increase is noticeable starting in the latter half of 2022, indicating growing fraudulent activity against login endpoints. During large brute force attacks we have observed matches against HTTP requests with leaked credentials at a rate higher than 12k per minute.

The state of application security in 2023

Our leaked credential check feature has rules matching authentication requests for the following systems:

  • Drupal
  • Ghost
  • Joomla
  • Magento
  • Plone
  • WordPress
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Generic rules matching common authentication endpoint formats

This allows us to compare activity from malicious actors, normally in the form of botnets, attempting to “break into” potentially compromised accounts.

Microsoft Exchange is attacked more than WordPress

Mostly due to its popularity, you might expect WordPress to be the application most at risk and/or observing most brute force account takeover traffic. However, looking at rule matches from the supported systems listed above, we find that after our generic signatures, the Microsoft Exchange signature is the most frequent match.

Most applications experiencing brute force attacks tend to be high value assets, and Exchange accounts being the most likely targeted according to our data reflects this trend.

If we look at leaked credential match traffic by source country, the United States leads by a fair margin. Potentially notable is the absence of China in top contenders given network size. The only exception is Ukraine leading during the first half of 2022 towards the start of the war — the yellow line seen in the figure below.

The state of application security in 2023

Looking forward

Given the amount of web traffic carried by Cloudflare, we observe a broad spectrum of attacks. From HTTP anomalies, SQL injection attacks, and cross-site scripting (XSS) to account takeover attempts and malicious bots, the threat landscape is constantly changing. As such, it is critical that any business operating online is investing in visibility, detection, and mitigation technologies so that they can ensure their applications, and more importantly, their end user’s data, remains safe.

We hope that you found the findings in this report interesting, and at the very least, gave you an appreciation on the state of application security on the Internet. There are a lot of bad actors online, and there is no indication that Internet security is getting easier.

We are already planning an update to this report including additional data and insights across our product portfolio. Keep an eye on Cloudflare Radar for more frequent application security reports and insights.

Keeping the Cloudflare API ‘all green’ using Python-based testing

Post Syndicated from Elie Mitrani original https://blog.cloudflare.com/keeping-cloudflare-api-all-green-using-python-based-testing/

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

At Cloudflare, we reuse existing core systems to power multiple products and testing of these core systems is essential. In particular, we require being able to have a wide and thorough visibility of our live APIs’ behaviors. We want to be able to detect regressions, prevent incidents and maintain healthy APIs. That is why we built Scout.

Scout is an automated system periodically running Python tests verifying the end to end behavior of our APIs. Scout allows us to evaluate APIs in production-like environments and thus ensures we can green light a production deployment while also monitoring the behavior of APIs in production.

Why Scout?

Before Scout, we were using an automated test system leveraging the Robot Framework. This older system was limiting our testing capabilities. In fact, we could not easily match json responses against keys we were looking for. We would abandon covering different behaviors of our APIs as it was impossible to decide on which resources a given test suite would run. Two different test suites would create false negatives as they were running on the same account.

Regarding schema validation, only API responses were validated against a json schema and tests would not fail if the response did not match the schema. Moreover, It was impossible to validate API requests.

Test suites were run in a queue, making the delay to a new feature assessment dependent on the number of test suites to run. The queue would as well potentially make newer test suites run the following day. Hence we often ended up with a mismatch between tests and APIs versions. Test steps could not be run in parallel either.

We could not split test suites between different environments. If a new API feature was being developed it was impossible to write a test without first needing the actual feature to be released to production.

We built Scout to overcome all these difficulties. We wanted the developer experience to be easy and we wanted Scout to be fast and reliable while spotting any live API issue.

A Scout test example

Scout is built in Python and leverages the functionalities of Pytest. Before diving into the exact capabilities of Scout and its architecture, let’s have a quick look at how to use it!

Following is an example of a Scout test on the Rulesets API (the docs are available here):

from scout import requires, validate, Account, Zone

@validate(schema="rulesets", ignorePaths=["accounts/[^/]+/rules/lists"])
        entitlements={"rulesets.max_rules_per_ruleset": 2),
        entitlements={"rulesets.firewall_custom_phase_allowed": True},
        account_entitlements={"rulesets.max_rules_per_ruleset": 2 }))
class TestZone:
    def test_create_custom_ruleset(self, cfapi):
        response = cfapi.zone.request(
            "name": "My zone ruleset",
            "description": "My ruleset description",
            "phase": "http_request_firewall_custom",
            "kind": "zone",
            "rules": [
                    "description": "My rule",
                    "action": "block",
                    "expression": "http.host eq \"fake.net\""
            "name": "My zone ruleset",
            "version": "1",
            "source": "firewall_custom",
            "phase": "http_request_firewall_custom",
            "kind": "zone",
            "rules": [
                    "description": "My rule",
                    "action": "block",
                    "expression": "http.host eq \"fake.net\"",
                    "enabled": true,

A Scout test is a succession of roundtrips of requests and responses against a given API. We use the functionalities of Pytest fixtures and marks to be able to target specific resources while validating the request and responses.  Pytest marks in Scout allow to provide an extra set of information to test suites. Pytest fixtures are contexts with information and methods which can be used across tests to enhance their capabilities. Hence the conjunction of marks with fixtures allow Scout to build the whole harness required to run a test suite against APIs.

Being able to exactly describe the resources against which a given test will run provides us confidence the live API behaves as expected under various conditions.

The cfapi fixture provides the capability to target different resources such as a Cloudflare account or a zone. In the test above, we use a Pytest mark @requires to describe the characteristics of the resources we want, e.g. we need here an account with a flag allowing us to have 2 rules for a ruleset. This will allow the test to only be run against accounts with such entitlements.

The @validate mark provides the capability to validate requests and responses to a given OpenAPI schema (here the rulesets OpenAPI schema). Any validation failure will be reported and flagged as a test failure.

Regarding the actual requests and responses, their payloads are described as f-strings, in particular the response f-string can be written as a “semi-json”:

            "name": "My zone ruleset",
            "version": "1",
            "source": "firewall_custom",
            "phase": "phase_http_request_firewall_custom",
            "kind": "zone",
            "rules": [
                    "description": "My rule",
                    "action": "block",
                    "expression": "http.host eq \"fake.net\"",
                    "enabled": true,

Among many test assertions possible, Scout can assert the validity of a partial json response and it will log the information. We added the handling of ellipsis as an indication for Scout not to care about any further fields at a given json nesting level. Hence, we are able to do partial matching on JSON API responses, thus focusing only on what matters the most in each test.

Once a test suite run is complete, the results are pushed by the service and stored using Cloudflare Workers KV. They are displayed via a Cloudflare Worker.

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

Scout is run in separate environments such as production-like and production environments. It is part of our deployment process to verify Scout is green in our production-like environment prior to deploying to production where Scout is also used for monitoring purposes.

How we built it

The core of Scout is written in Python and it is a combination of three components interacting together:

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing
  • The Scout plugin: a Pytest plugin to write tests easily
  • The Scout service: a scheduler service to run the test suites periodically
  • The Scout Worker: a collector and presenter of test reports

The Scout plugin

This is the core component of the Scout system. It allows us to write self explanatory tests while ensuring a high level of compliance against OpenAPI schemas and verifying the APIs’ behaviors.

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

The Scout plugin architecture can be split into three components: setup, resource allocator, and runners. Setup is a conjunction of multiple sub components in charge of setting up the plugin.

The Registry contains all the information regarding a pool of accounts and zones we use for testing. As an example, entitlements are flags gating customers for using products features, the Registry provides the capability to describe entitlements per account and zone so that Scout can run a test against a specific setup.

As explained earlier, Scout can validate requests and responses against OpenAPI schemas. This is the responsibility of validators. A validator is built per OpenAPI schema and can be selected via the @validate mark we saw above.

@validate(schema="rulesets", ignorePaths=["accounts/[^/]+/rules/lists"])

As soon as a validator is selected, all the interaction of a given test with an API will be validated. If there is a validation failure, it will be marked as a test failure.

Last element of the setup, the config reader. It is the sub component in charge of providing all the URLs and authentication elements required for the Scout plugin to communicate with APIs.

Next in the chain, the resources allocator. This component is in charge of consuming the configuration and objects of the setup to build multiple runners. This is a factory which will make available the runners in the cfapi fixture.

response = cfapi.zone.request(method, path, payload)

When such a line of code is processed, it is the actual method request of the zone runner allocated for the test which is executed. Actually, the resources allocator is able to provide specialized runners (account, zone or default) which grant the possibility of targeting specific API endpoints for a given account or zone.

Runners are in charge of handling the execution of requests, managing the test expectations and using the validators for request/response schema validation.

Any failure on expectation or validation and any exceptions are recorded in the stash. The stash is shared across all runners. As such, when a test setup, run or cleanup is processed, the timeline of execution and potential retries are logged in the stash. The stash contents are later used for building the test suite reports.

Scout is able to run multiple test steps in parallel. Actually, each resource couple (Account Runner, Zone Runner) is associated with a Pytest-xdist worker which runs test steps independently. There can be as many workers as there are resource couples. An extra “default” runner is provided for reaching our different APIs and/or URLs with or without authentication.

Testing a test system was not the easiest part. We have been required to build a fake API and assert the Scout plugin would behave as it should in different situations. We reached and maintained a test coverage confidence which was considered good (close to 90%) for using the Scout plugin permanently.

The Scout service

The Scout service is meant to schedule test suites periodically. It is a configurable scheduler providing a reporting harness for the test suites as well as multiple metrics. It was a design decision to build a scheduler instead of using cron jobs.

We wanted to be aware of any scheduling issue as well as run issues. For this we used Prometheus metrics. The problem is that the Prometheus default configuration is to scrape metrics advertised by services. This scraping happens periodically and we were concerned about the eventuality of missing metrics if a cron job was to finish prior to the next Prometheus metrics scraping. As such we decided a small scheduler was better suited for overall observability of the test runs. Among the metrics the Scout service provides are network failures, general test failures, reporting failures, tests lagging and more.

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

The Scout service runs threads on configured periods. Each thread is a test suite run as a separate Pytest with Scout plugin process followed by a reporting execution consuming the results and publishing them to the relevant parties.

The reporting component provided to each thread publishes the report to Workers KV and notifies us on chat in case there is a failure. Reporting takes also care of publishing the information relevant for building API testing coverage. In fact it is mandatory for us to have coverage of all the API endpoints and their possible methods so that we can achieve a wide and thorough visibility of our live APIs.

As a fallback, if there are any thread failure, test failure or reporting failure we are alerted based on the Prometheus metrics being updated across the service execution. The logs of the Scout service as well as the logs of each Pytest-Scout plugin execution provide the last resort information if no metrics are available and reporting is failing.

The service can be deployed with a minimal YAML configuration and be set up for different environments. We can for example decide to run different test suites based on the environment, publish or not to Cloudflare Workers, set different periods and retry mechanisms and so on.

We keep the tests as part of our code base alongside the configuration of the Scout service, and that’s about it, the Scout service is a separate entity.

The Scout Worker

It is a Cloudflare worker in charge of fetching the most recent Worker KVs and displaying them in an eye pleasing manner. The Scout service publishes a test report as JSON, thus the Scout worker parses the report and displays its content based on the status of the test suite run.

For example, we present below an authentication failure during a test which resulted in such a display in the worker:

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

What does Scout let us do

Through leveraging the capabilities of Pytest and Cloudflare Workers, we have been able to build a configurable, robust and reliable system which allows us to easily write self explanatory tests for our APIs.

We can validate requests and responses against OpenAPI schemas and test behaviors over specific resources while getting alerted through multiple means if something goes wrong.

For specific use cases, we can write a test verifying the API behaves as it should, the configuration to be pushed at the edge is valid and a given zone will react as it should to security threats. Thus going beyond an end-to-end API test.

Scout quickly became our permanent live tester and monitor of APIs. We wrote tests for all endpoints to maintain a wide coverage of all our APIs. Scout has since been used for verifying an API version prior to its deployment to production. In fact, after a deployment in a production-like environment we can know in a couple of minutes if a new feature is good to go to production and assess if it is behaving correctly.

We hope you enjoyed this deep dive description into one of our systems!

How to write a webhook for Zabbix

Post Syndicated from Andrey Biba original https://blog.zabbix.com/how-to-write-a-webhook-for-zabbix/25298/

As you know, a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, I would like to share the process of creating a webhook from scratch. In this article, we will walk through the creation process step by step – starting with studying the target service with which Zabbix will integrate and finishing with tests for sending events from Zabbix. Although it may seem complicated, writing your own integrations is not so difficult.


First, we need to decide what we want to see as a result of the webhook. In most cases, the services to which we will send events are divided into 2 types:

  • Messengers to which you can send messages. For example, Telegram, Slack, Discord, etc.
  • Service Desks where you can open, close, and update tickets. For example, Jira, Redmine, ServiceNow, etc.

In both cases, the principle of creating a webhook will not differ – the difference is only in the complexity of one type from the other.

In this article, I will describe the process of creating a webhook for messengers – and specifically for Line messenger.

After we have decided on the type, we need to find out whether this service supports the possibility of API requests and, if it does, what is required for this. Usually, all the services you want to integrate Zabbix with have somewhat detailed documentation about the API methods they support. By the way, Zabbix also has its own API, which is documented in detail.

After we are done studying the Line documentation, we find out that messages are sent using the POST method to the https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push endpoint, using the Line bot token in the request header for authorization and passing a specially formatted JSON in the request body with the content of the message. Confused? No problem. Let’s take a closer look.

HTTP requests

The operation of the API is based on HTTP requests, which are executed with parameters provided by the developers of this API.

Several types of HTTP requests are used more often than others:

  • GET – is perhaps the most common one that all of us encounter on a daily basis. This request only involves getting data. For example, the browser used a GET request from the web server to fetch the article you are currently reading.
  • POST – is a request that sends data to a resource. This is exactly the case when we want to pass something to the service using API requests.
  • PUT – is much less common than the previous 2, but no less important. This query replaces the values in a resource.

These are not all HTTP request methods, but these three will suffice for a general introduction.

We are done with methods. Let’s move on to the endpoint.

An endpoint is a permanent address of a resource via which we transfer, receive, or change data. In this case, https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push is the endpoint that accepts POST requests to send messages.

So, the method and the endpoint are defined. What’s next?

Generally, any HTTP request consists of:

  1. URL
  2. Method
  3. Headers
  4. Body
HTTP request structure

We have already dealt with the first two, but the headers and the request body remain.

Headers usually contain service information that allows you to process a request correctly. For example, the Content-Type: application/json header implies that our request body should be interpreted as a json object. Also, quite often, authorization information is passed in the headers. As in the case of Line, the Authorization: Bearer {channel access token} header contains the authorization token of the bot on behalf of which messages will be sent.

The request body usually contains the information we want to pass on to the service. In our case, this will be the subject and body of the event in Zabbix.

Checking the service API

The documentation is good, but it is necessary to check that everything we read works exactly how it is documented. It is not uncommon that a service can be developed faster than the documentation can keep up with it. So field testing never hurts. Excluding unexpected behavior will significantly reduce the time spent searching for problems.

I recommend using Postman to work with API requests – a handy tool that saves time. But for this article, we will use cURL due to its prevalence and ease of use.

I will not describe the process of creating the Line Bot API token because this is not directly related to the article. However, for those interested in this process, I will leave a link here.

As we have already found out, the request type will be POST, the access point URL is https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push, and additional headers must be passed: Content-Type: application/json which specifies the type of data to be sent (in our case it is JSON) and Authorization: Bearer {token value}. And the messages themselves are in JSON format. For example, I used 2 messages – “Hello, world1” and “Hello, world2”. As a result, I got the following query:

After executing the request, we got the expected result of 2 messages that came to the messenger, which were in the request body.

Excellent! So half of the work has already been done: there is a ready-made request that works in manual mode and successfully sends messages to Line. The only thing left is to put the necessary information in the right places and automate the process using JS and Zabbix.

Integration with Zabbix

After successfully completing the tests, go to Zabbix, create a new notification method in the Administration section, select the webhook type, and name it Line.

For webhook integrations with external services, Zabbix uses the built-in JavaScript engine on Duktape. Parameters are passed to the script, which is used to build the logic of the webhook. As a result of the script, tags can be returned that will be assigned to the event. This is usually necessary in case of integration with service desks in order to be able to update the status of tickets.

Let’s take a closer look at the webhook setup interface.

The Media type section contains the general settings for the new media type:

  • Name – Name of the media type.
  • Type – The type of media type. There are 4 types: email, SMS, webhook, and script.
  • Parameters – This is a list of variables passed to the code. All necessary data can be passed through parameters: event id, event type, trigger severity, event source, etc. You can specify macros and text values in parameters. The parameters are passed as a JSON string, accessible through the built-in variable value.
  • Script – JS script describing the logic of the webhook.
  • Timeout – The time after which the script will be terminated.
  • Process tags   – If this option is enabled, the webhook will support generating tags for events sent using this hook.
  • Include event menu entry – This option makes the Menu Entry Name and Menu Entry URL fields available for use.
  • Menu entry name – The text displayed in the event dropdown menu for the Menu entry URL submitted using this hook.
  • Menu entry URL – A link to an external resource in the event menu.
  • Description – A text field that contains a description of the notification method.
  • Enabled – an Option that allows enabling or disabling the media type.

The Message templates section contains templates that are used by webhook to send alerts. Each template contains:

  • Message type – The event type to which the message will apply. For example, Problem – when the trigger fires and Problem recovery – when the problem is resolved.
  • Subject  – The headline of the message.
  • Message – A message template that contains useful information about the event. For example, event time, date, event name, host name, etc.

The Options section contains additional options:

  • Concurrent sessions – The number of concurrent sessions to send an alert.
  • Attempts – The number of retries in case of send failure.
  • Attempt interval  – The frequency of attempts to send an alert.

When writing your own webhook, you can take an existing one as a basis – Zabbix has more than thirty ready-made webhook solutions of varying complexity. All basic functions are usually repeated from hook to hook with little or no change at all, as are the parameters passed to them.

Let’s set the following parameters:

It is convenient to set parameter values with macros. A macro is a variable in Zabbix that contains a specific value. Macros allow you to optimize and automate your work. They can be used in various places, such as triggers, filters, alerts, and so on.

A little more about each macro separately in order to understand why each of them is needed:

  • {ALERT.SUBJECT} – The subject of the event message. This value is taken from the Subject field of the corresponding Message template type.
  • {ALERT.MESSAGE} – The event message body. This value is taken from the Message field of the corresponding Message template type.
  • {EVENT.ID} – The event id in Zabbix. Could be used for generating a link to an event
  • {EVENT.NSEVERITY} – The numerical definition of the event’s severity from 0-5. We will use this to change the message in case of different severity.
  • {EVENT.SOURCE} – The event source. Needed to handle events correctly. In most cases, we are interested in triggers; this corresponds to source value 0.
  • {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} – Returns 1 if it is an update event. For example, in case of acknowledge operations or a change in severity.
  • {EVENT.VALUE} – The event state. 0 for recovery and 1 for the problem.
  • {ALERT.SENDTO} – The field from the media type assigned to the user. It returns the ID of the user or group in the Line, where it will be necessary to send a message
  • {TRIGGER.DESCRIPTION} – A macro that will be expanded if the event source is a trigger. Returns the description of the trigger
  • {TRIGGER.ID} – The trigger ID. Required to generate a link to an event in Zabbix

Webhooks can use other macros if needed. A list of all macros can be viewed on the documentation page. Be careful – not all macros can be used in webhooks.

Writing the script

Before writing the script, let’s define the main points that the webhook will need to be able to perform:

  • the script should describe the logic for sending messages
  • handle possible errors
  • logging for debugging

I will not describe the entire code in order not to repeat the same type of blocks and concentrate only on important aspects.

To send messages, let’s write a function that will accept messages and params variables. We got the following function:

function sendMessage(messages, params) {
    // Declaring variables
    var response,
        request = new HttpRequest();

    // Adding the required headers to the request
    request.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
    request.addHeader('Authorization: Bearer ' + params.bot_token);

    // Forming the request that will send the message
    response = request.post('https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push', JSON.stringify({
        "to": params.send_to,
        "messages": messages

    // If the response is different from 200 (OK), return an error with the content of the response
    if (request.getStatus() !== 200) {
        throw "API request failed: " + response;

Of course, this is not a reference function, and depending on the requirements for the request may differ. There may be other required headers and a different request body. In some cases, it may be necessary to add an additional step to obtain authorization data through another API request.

In this case, the request to send a message returns an empty {} object, so it makes no sense to return it from the function. But for example, when sending a message to Telegram, an object with data about this message is returned. If you pass this data to tags, you can write logic that will change the already sent message – for example, in case of closing or updating the problem.

Now let’s describe a function that will accept webhook parameters and validate their values. In the example, we will not describe all the conditions because they are of the same type:

function validateParams(params) {
    // Checking that the bot_token parameter is a string and not empty
    if (typeof params.bot_token !== 'string' || params.bot_token.trim() === '') {
        throw 'Field "bot_token" cannot be empty';

    // Checking that the event_source parameter is only a number from 0-3
    if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {
        throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: "' + params.event_source + '".nMust be 0-3.';

    // If an event of type "Discovery" or "Autoregistration" set event_value 1, 
    // which means "Problem", and we will process these events same as problems
    if (params.event_source === '1' || params.event_source === '2') {
        params.event_value = '1';


    // Checking that trigger_id is a number and not equal to zero
    if (isNaN(params.trigger_id) && params.event_source === '0') {
        throw 'field "trigger_id" is not a number';

As you can see from the code, in most cases these are simple checks that allow you to avoid errors associated with the input data. Validation is necessary because there is no guarantee that the expected value will be in the parameter.

The main block of code is placed inside the try…catch block in order to correctly handle errors:

try {
    // Declaring the params variable and writing the webhook parameters to it
    var params = JSON.parse(value);

    // Calling the validation function and passing parameters to it for verification

    // If the event is a trigger and it is in the problem status, compose the message body
    if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_value === '1') {
        var line_message = [
                "type": "text",
                "text": params.alert_subject + 'nn' +
                    params.alert_message + 'n' + params.trigger_description


    // Sending a composed message
    sendMessage(line_message, params);

    // Returning OK so that the webhook understands that the script has completed with OK status
    return 'OK';
catch (err) {
    // Adding a log function so in case of problems you can see the error in the Zabbix server console
    Zabbix.log(4, '[ Line Webhook ] Line notification failed : ' + err);

    // In case of an error, return it from the webhook
    throw 'Line notification failed : ' + err;

Here we assign parameter values to the params variable, then validate them using the validateParams() function, describe the main conditions for generating a message, and send this message to the messenger. At the same time, the try…catch block allows you to catch all errors, log them to Zabbix and return them in a readable form to the user in the web interface.

For writing webhooks in Zabbix, there is a guideline dedicated to this topic. Please read this information because it will help you write better code and avoid common mistakes.


After we’ve finished with the webhook script, it’s time to test how our code works. To do this, Zabbix provides a function to send test messages. Go to the AdministrationMedia types, find Line, and click on the Test button opposite it. In the window that appears, fill in all the fields with the necessary data and press the Test button. Check the messenger and see that the message came with the data we specified in the test.

Ready-made Line integration can be found in the Zabbix git repository and in all recent Zabbix instance builds.


Of course, everything in the article looks like I did it on the first attempt and did not encounter a single error or problem. Naturally, this is not the case in practice. Work with each new product includes Research & Development. How can you catch errors and, most importantly, understand the problem?

Well, as I wrote earlier – read the documentation and test all requests before writing code. At this stage, it is easiest to catch all the problems. The response to the HTTP request will explicitly describe the error. For example, if you make a mistake in the request body and send an object with incorrect values, the service will return the body with an error description and the response status 400 (Bad request).

There are several options for debugging in case of errors that may occur when writing a webhook script:

  • Focus on the errors displayed when the notification method is executed. For example, if you mistyped or set the wrong name of the function and variable.
  • Include logging in the code for displaying service information. For example, while you are in the script development stage, the result of the function can be logged using the Zabbix.log() function. Zabbix supports 6 debug levels (0-5), which can be set in this function. Usually, webhooks use level 4, which contains information for debugging.
  • Use the zabbix_js utility. You can transfer a file with a script and parameters to it. You can read more about it here.


I hope this article has helped you better understand how webhooks work in Zabbix and highlighted the basic steps for creating, diagnosing, and preparing to write your integration. The Zabbix community is constantly adding custom templates and media types. I expect that after reading this article, more people will be interested in creating their own webhooks and sharing them with the community. We appreciate any contribution to the development and expansion of the base of integration solutions.


Q: I don’t know JS, but I know other languages. Is native support of other languages planned in Zabbix, such as Python?

A: For now, there are no such plans.

Q: Are there any restrictions with writing a JS script for a webhook?

A: Yes, there are. The built-in Duktape engine is used to execute the code, and it does not have all the functionality that is available in the latest JS releases. Therefore, I recommend that you read the documentation of this engine and the built-in objects to learn more about the available methods.

Partnering with civil society to track Internet shutdowns with Radar Alerts and API

Post Syndicated from Jocelyn Woolbright original https://blog.cloudflare.com/partnering-with-civil-society-to-track-shutdowns/

Partnering with civil society to track Internet shutdowns with Radar Alerts and API

This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español.

Partnering with civil society to track Internet shutdowns with Radar Alerts and API

Internet shutdowns have long been a tool in government toolboxes when it comes to silencing opposition and cutting off access from the outside world. The KeepItOn campaign by Access Now, a group that defends the digital rights of global Internet users, documented at least 182 Internet shutdowns in 34 countries in 2021. Many of these shutdowns occurred during public protests, elections, and wars as an extreme form of censorship in places like Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ukraine, India, and Iran.

There are a range of ways governments block or slow communications, including throttling, IP blocking, DNS interference, mobile data shutoffs, and deep packet inspection, all with similar goals: exerting control over information.

Although Internet shutdowns are largely public, it is difficult to document and track the ways in which governments implement them. The shutdowns not only impact people’s ability to participate in civil and political life and the economy but also have grave consequences for trust in democratic institutions.

We have reported on these shutdowns in the past, and for Cloudflare Impact Week, we want to tell you more about how we work with civil society organizations to provide tools to track and document the scope of these disruptions. We want to support their critical work and provide the tools they need so they can demand accountability and condemn the use of shutdowns to silence dissent.

Radar Internet shutdown alerts for civil society

We launched Radar in 2020 to shine light on the Internet’s patterns, insights, threats, and trends based on aggregated data from our network. Once we launched Radar, we found that many civil society organizations and those who work in democracy-building use Radar to track trends in countries to better understand the rise and fall of Internet usage.

Internally, we had an alert system for potential Internet disruptions that we use as an early warning regarding shifts in network patterns and incidents. When we engaged with these organizations that use Radar to track Internet trends, we learned more about how our internal tool to identify traffic distributions could be useful for organizations that work with human rights defenders on the ground that are impacted by these shutdowns.

To determine the best way to provide a tool to alert organizations when Cloudflare has seen these disruptions, we spoke with organizations such as Access Now, Internews, The Carter Center, National Democratic Institute, Internet Society, and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. After our conversations, we launched Radar Internet shutdown alerts in 2021 to provide alerts on when Cloudflare has detected significant drops in traffic with the hope that the information is used to document, track, and hold institutions accountable for these human rights violations.

Since 2021, we have been providing these alerts to civil society partners to track these shutdowns. As we have collected feedback to improve the alerts, we have seen many partners looking for more ways to integrate Radar and the alerts into their existing tracking mechanisms. With this, we announced Radar 2.0 with API access for free so academics, data sleuths, civil society, human rights organizations, and other web enthusiasts can analyze, visualize, and investigate Internet usage across the globe, based on data from our global network. In addition, we launched Cloudflare Radar Outage Center to archive Internet outages and make it easier for civil society organizations, journalists/news media, and impacted parties to track past shutdowns.

Highlighting the work of our civil society partners to track Internet shutdowns

We believe our job at Cloudflare is to build tools that improve privacy and security for a range of players on the Internet. With this, we want to highlight the work of our civil society partners. These organizations are pushing back against targeted shutdowns that inflict lasting damage to democracies around the world. Here are their stories.

Access Now

Partnering with civil society to track Internet shutdowns with Radar Alerts and API

Access Now’s #KeepItOn coalition was launched in 2016 to help unite and organize the efforts of activists and organizations across the world to end Internet shutdowns. It now represents more than 280 organizations from 105 countries across the globe. The goal of STOP Project (Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project) is ultimately to document and report shutdowns accurately, which requires diligent verification. Access Now regularly uses multiple sources to identify and understand the shutdown, the choice and combination of which depends on where and how the shutdown occurred.

The tracker uses both quantitative and qualitative data to record the number of Internet shutdowns in the world in a given year and to characterize the nature of the shutdowns, including their magnitude, scope, and causes.

Zach Rosson, #KeepItOn Data Analyst, Access Now, details, “Sometimes, we confirm an Internet shutdown through means such as technical measurement, while at other times we rely upon contextual information, such as news reports or personal accounts. We also work hard to document how a particular shutdown was ordered and how it impacted society, including why and how it happened.

On how Access Now’s #KeepItOn coalition uses Cloudflare Radar, Rosson says, We use Radar Internet shutdown alerts in both email and tweet form, as a trusted source to help verify a shutdown occurrence. These alerts and their underlying measurements are used as primary sources in our dataset when compiling shutdowns for our annual report, so they are used in an archival sense as well. Cloudflare Radar is sometimes the first place that we hear about a shutdown, which is quite useful in a rapid response context, since we can quickly mobilize to verify the shutdown and have strong evidence when advocating against it.

The recorded instances of shutdowns include events reported through local or international news sources that are included in the dataset, from local actors through Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline or the #KeepItOn Coalition email list, or directly from telecommunication and Internet companies.

Rosson notes, When it comes to Radar 2.0 and API, we plan to use these resources to speed up our response, verification, and publication of shutdown data as compiled from different sources. Thus, the Cloudflare Radar Outage Center (CROC) and related API endpoint will be very useful for us to access timely information on shutdowns, either through visual inspection of the CROC in the short term or through using the API to pull data into a centralized database in the long term.

Internet Society: ISOC

Partnering with civil society to track Internet shutdowns with Radar Alerts and API

On the Internet Society Pulse platform, Susannah Gray, Director, Communications, Internet Society, explains that they strive to curate meaningful information around a government-mandated Internet shutdown by using data from multiple trusted sources, and making it available to everyone, everywhere in an easy-to-understand manner. ISOC does this by monitoring Internet traffic using various tools, including Radar. When they see something that might indicate that an Internet shutdown is in progress, they check if the shutdown meets their  criteria. For a shutdown to appear on the Pulse Shutdowns Tracker it needs to meet all the following requirements. It must:

  • Be artificially induced, as evident from reputable sources, including government statements and orders.
  • Remove Internet access.
  • Affect access to a group of people.

Once ISOC is certain that a shutdown is the result of government action, and isn’t the result of technical errors, routing misconfigurations, or infrastructure failures, they prepare an incident page, collate related measurements from their trusted data partners, and then publish the information on the Pulse shutdowns tracker.

ISOC uses many resources to track shutdowns. Gray explains, Radar Internet shutdown alerts are incredibly useful for bringing incidents to our attention as they are happening. The easy access to the data provided helps us assess the nature of an outage. If an outage is established as a government-mandated shutdown, we often use screenshots of Radar charts on the Pulse shutdowns tracker incident page to help illustrate how traffic stopped flowing in and out of a country during the shutdown. We provide a link back to the Radar platform so that people interested in getting more in-depth data can find out more.

ISOC’s aim has never been to be the first to report a government-mandated shutdown: instead, their mission is to report accurate and meaningful information about the shutdown and explore its impact on the economy and society.

Gray adds, For Radar 2.0 and the API, we plan to use it as part of the data aggregation tool we are developing. This internal tool will combine several outage alert and monitoring tools and sources into one single system so that we are able to track incidents more efficiently.

Open Observatory of Network Interference: OONI

Partnering with civil society to track Internet shutdowns with Radar Alerts and API

OONI is a nonprofit that measures Internet censorship, including the blocking of websites, instant messaging apps, and circumvention tools. Cloudflare Radar is one of the main public data sources that they use when examining reported Internet connectivity shutdowns. For example, OONI relied on Radar data when reporting on shutdowns in Iran amid ongoing protests. In 2022, the team launched the Measurement Aggregation Toolkit (MAT), which enables the public to track censorship worldwide and create their own charts based on real-time OONI data. OONI also forms partnerships with multiple digital rights organizations that use OONI tools and data to monitor and respond to censorship events in their regions.

Maria Xynou, OONI Research and Partnerships Director, explains Cloudflare Radar is one of the main public data sources that OONI has referred to when examining reported internet connectivity shutdowns. Specifically, OONI refers to Cloudflare Radar to check whether the platform provides signals of a reported internet connectivity shutdown; compare Cloudflare Radar signals with those visible in other, relevant public data sources (such as IODA, and Google traffic data).

Tracking the shutdowns of tomorrow

As we work with more organizations in the human rights space and learn how our global network can be used for good, we are eager to improve and create new tools to protect human rights in the digital age.

If you would like to be added to Radar Internet Shutdown alerts, please contact [email protected] and follow the Cloudflare Radar alert Twitter page and Cloudflare Radar Outage Center (CROC). For access to the Radar API, please visit Cloudflare Radar.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Michael Wolf original https://blog.cloudflare.com/terraforming-cloudflare-at-cloudflare/

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Configuration management is far from a solved problem. As organizations scale beyond a handful of administrators, having a secure, auditable, and self-service way of updating system settings becomes invaluable. Managing a Cloudflare account is no different. With dozens of products and hundreds of API endpoints, keeping track of current configuration and making bulk updates across multiple zones can be a challenge. While the Cloudflare Dashboard is great for analytics and feature exploration, any changes that could potentially impact users really should get a code review before being applied!

This is where Cloudflare’s Terraform provider can come in handy. Built as a layer on top of the cloudflare-go library, the provider allows users to interface with the Cloudflare API using stateful Terraform resource declarations. Not only do we actively support this provider for customers, we make extensive use of it internally! In this post, we hope to provide some best practices we’ve learned about managing complex Cloudflare configurations in Terraform.

Why Terraform

Unsurprisingly, we find Cloudflare’s products to be pretty useful for securing and enhancing the performance of services we deploy internally. We use DNS, WAF, Zero Trust, Email Security, Workers, and all manner of experimental new features throughout the company. This dog-fooding allows us to battle-harden the services we provide to users and feed our desired features back to the product teams all while running the backend of Cloudflare. But, as Cloudflare grew, so did the complexity and importance of our configuration.

When we were a much smaller company, we only had a handful of accounts with designated administrators making changes on behalf of their colleagues. However, over time this handful of accounts grew into hundreds with each managed by separate teams. Independent accounts are useful in that they allow service-owners to make modifications that can’t impact others, but it comes with overhead.

We faced the challenge of ensuring consistent security policies, up-to-date account memberships, and change visibility. While our  accounts were still administered by kind human stewards, we had numerous instances of account members not being removed after they transferred to a different team. While this never became a security incident, it demonstrated the shortcomings of manually provisioning account memberships. In the case of a production service migration, the administrator executing the change would often hop on a video call and ask for others to triple-check an IP address, ruleset, or access policy update. It was an era of looking through the audit logs to see what broke a service.

We wanted to make it easier for developers and users to make the changes they wanted without having to reach out to an administrator. Defining our configuration in code using Terraform has allowed us to keep tabs on the complexity of configuration while improving visibility and change management practices. By dogfooding the Cloudflare Terraform provider, we’ve been able to ensure:

  • Modifications to accounts are peer reviewed by the team that owns an account.
  • Each change is tied to a user, commit, and a ticket explaining the rationale for the change.
  • API Tokens are tied to service accounts rather than individual human users, meaning they survive team changes and offboarding.
  • Account configuration can be audited by anyone at the company for current state, accuracy, and security without needing to add everyone as a member of every account.
  • Large changes, such as enforcing hard keys can be done rapidly– even in a single pull request.
  • Configuration can be easily copied and reused across accounts to promote best practices and speed up development.
  • We can use and iterate on our awesome provider and provide a better experience to other users (shoutout in particular to Jacob!).

Terraform in CI/CD

Terraform has a fairly mature open source ecosystem, built from years of running-in-production experience. Thus, there are a number of ways to make interacting with the system feel as comfortable to developers as git. One of these tools is Atlantis.

Atlantis acts as continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) for Terraform; fitting neatly into version control workflows, and giving visibility into the changes being deployed in each code change. We use Atlantis to display Terraform plans (effectively a diff in configuration) within pull requests and apply the changes after the pull request has been approved. Having all the output from the terraform provider in the comments of a pull request means there’s no need to fiddle with the state locally or worry about where a state lock is coming from. Using Terraform CI/CD like this makes configuration management approachable to developers and non-technical folks alike.

In this example pull request, I’m adding a user to the cloudflare-cool-account (see the code in the next section). Once the PR is opened, Bitbucket posts a webhook to Atlantis, telling it to run a `terraform plan` using this branch. The resulting comment is placed in the pull request. Notice that this pull request can’t be applied or merged yet as it doesn’t have an approval! Once the pull request is approved, I would comment “atlantis apply”, wait for Atlantis to post a comment containing the output of the command, and merge the pull request if that output looks correct.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Our Terraforming Cloudflare architecture consists of a monorepo with one directory (and tfstate) for each internally-owned Cloudflare account. This keeps all of our Cloudflare configuration centralized for easier oversight while remaining neatly organized.

It will be possible in a future (as of this writing) release to manage multiple Cloudflare accounts in the same tfstate, but we’ve found that accounts in our use generally map fairly neatly onto teams. Teams can be configured as CODEOWNERS for a given directory and be tagged on any pull requests to that account. With teams owning separate accounts and each account having a separate tfstate, it’s rare for pull requests to get stuck waiting for a lock on the tfstate. Team-account-sized states remain relatively small, meaning that they also build quickly. Later on, we’ll share some of the other optimizations we’ve made to keep the repo user-friendly.

Each of our terraform states, given that they include secrets (including the API key!), is stored encrypted in an internal datastore. When a pull request is opened, Atlantis reaches out to a piece of middleware (that we may open source once it’s cleaned up a bit) that retrieves and decrypts the state for processing. Once the pull request is applied, the state is encrypted and put away again.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare
How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

We execute a daily Terraform apply across all tfstates to capture any unintended config drift and rotate certificates when they approach expiration. This prevents unrelated changes from popping up in pull request diffs and causing confusion. While we could run more frequent state applies to ensure Terraform remains firmly up to date, once-a-day rectification strikes a balance between code enforcement and avoiding state locks while users are running Terraform plans in pull requests.

One of the problems that we encountered during our transition to Terraform is that folks were in the habit of making updates to configuration in the Dashboard and were still able to edit settings there. Thus, we didn’t always have a single source of truth for our configuration in code. It also meant the change would get mysteriously (to them) reverted the next day! So that’s why I’m excited to share a new Zero Trust Dashboard toggle that we’ve been turning on for our accounts internally: API/Terraform read-only mode.

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare
Easily one of my favorite new features

With this button, we’re able to politely prevent manual changes to your Cloudflare account’s Zero Trust configuration without removing permissions from the set of users who can fix settings manually in a break-glass emergency scenario. Check out how you can enable this setting in your Zero Trust organization.

Slick Snippets and Terraforming Recommendations

As our Terraform repository has matured, we’ve refined how we define Cloudflare resources in code. By finding a sweet spot between code reuse and readability, we’ve been able to minimize operational overhead and generally let users get their work done. Here’s a couple of useful snippets that have been particularly valuable to us.

Account Membership

This allows for defining a fairly straightforward mapping of user emails to account privileges without code duplication or complex modules. We pull the list of human-friendly names of account roles from the API to show user permission assignments at a glance. Note: status is a new argument that allows for accounts to be added without sending an email to the user; perfect for when an organization is using SSO. (Thanks patrobinson for the feature request and mblackman for the PR!)

data "cloudflare_account_roles" "my_account" {
	account_id = var.account_id

locals {
  roles = {
	for role in data.cloudflare_account_roles.my_account.roles :
  	role.name => role

locals {
  users = {
    emerson = {
      roles = [
    lucian = {
      roles = [
        local.roles["Super Administrator - All Privileges"].id
    walruto = {
      roles = [
        local.roles_by_name["Audit Logs Viewer"].id,
        local.roles_by_name["Cloudflare Access"].id,

resource "cloudflare_account_member" "account_member" {
  for_each  	= local.users
  account_id	= var.account_id
  email_address = "${each.key}@cloudflare.com"
  role_ids  	= each.value.roles
  status            = "accepted"

Defining Auto-Refreshing Access Service Tokens

The GitHub issue and provider change that enabled automatic Access service token refreshes actually came from a need inside Cloudflare. Here’s how we ended up implementing it. We begin by defining a set of services that need to connect to our hostnames that are protected by Access. Each of these tokens are created and stored in a secret key value store. Next, we reference those access tokens by ID in the target Access policies. Once this has run, the service owner or the service itself can retrieve the credentials from the data store. (Note: we’re using Vault here, but any storage provider could be used in its place).

locals {
  service_tokens = toset([
    "customer-service",     # TICKET-120
    "full-service",               # TICKET-128
    "quality-of-service"      # TICKET-420 
    "room-service"            # TICKET-927

resource "cloudflare_access_service_token" "token" {
  for_each   = local.service_tokens
  account_id = var.account_id
  name   	= each.key
  min_days_for_renewal = 30

resource "vault_generic_secret" "access_service_token" {
  for_each   = local.service_tokens
  path = "kv/secrets/${each.key}/access_service_token"
  disable_read = true

  data_json = jsonencode({
	client_id        = cloudflare_access_service_token.token["${each.key}"].client_id,
client_secret = cloudflare_access_service_token.token["${each.key}"].client_secret

resource "cloudflare_access_application" "super_cool_hostname" {
  account_id             	            = var.account_id
  name                   	            = "Super Cool Hostname"
  domain                 	            = "supercool.hostname.tld"

resource "cloudflare_access_policy" "super_cool_hostname_service_access" {
  application_id = cloudflare_access_application.super_cool_hostname.id
  zone_id    	= data.cloudflare_zone.hostname_tld.id
  name       	= "TICKET-927 Allow Room Service "
  decision   	= "non_identity"
  precedence 	= 1
  include {
	service_token = [cloudflare_access_service_token.token["room-service"].id]

mTLS (Authenticated Origin Pulls) certificate creation and rotation

To further defense-in-depth objectives, we’ve been rolling out mTLS throughout our internal systems. One of the places where we can take advantage of our Terraform provider is in defining AOP (Authenticated Origin Pulls) certificates to lock down the Cloudflare-edge-to-origin connection. Anyone who has managed certificates of any kind can speak to the headaches they can cause. Having certificate configurations in Terraform takes out the manual work of rotation and expiration.

In this example we’re defining hostname-level AOP as opposed to zone-level AOP. We start by cutting a certificate for each hostname. Once again we’re using Vault for certificate creation, but other backends could be used just as well. This certificate is created with a (not-shown) 30 day expiration, but set to renew automatically. This means once the time-to-expiration is equal to min_seconds_remaining, the resource will be automatically tainted and replaced on the next Terraform run. We like to give this automation plenty of room before expiration to take into account holiday seasons and avoid sending alerts to humans when the alerts hit seven days to expiration. For the rest of this snippet, the certificate is uploaded to Cloudflare and the ID from that upload is then placed in the AOP configuration for the given hostname. The create_before_destroy meta-argument ensures that the replacement certificate is uploaded successfully before we remove the certificate that’s currently in place.

locals {
  hostnames = toset([

resource "vault_pki_secret_backend_cert" "vault_cert" {
  for_each          	      = local.hostnames
  backend           	      = "pki-aop"
  name              	      = "default"
  auto_renew         	      = true
  common_name       	      = "${each.key}.aop.pki.vault.cfdata.org"
  min_seconds_remaining = 864000 // renew when there are 10 days left before expiration

resource "cloudflare_authenticated_origin_pulls_certificate" "aop_cert" {
  for_each  = local.hostnames
  zone_id   = data.cloudflare_zone.hostname_tld.id
  type 	      = "per-hostname"

  certificate = vault_pki_secret_backend_cert.vault_cert["${each.key}"].certificate
  private_key = vault_pki_secret_backend_cert.vault_cert["${each.key}"].private_key

  lifecycle {
	create_before_destroy = true

resource "cloudflare_authenticated_origin_pulls" "aop_config" {
  for_each                           	= local.hostnames
  zone_id    	                        = data.cloudflare_zone.hostname_tld.id
  authenticated_origin_pulls_certificate = cloudflare_authenticated_origin_pulls_certificate.aop_cert["${each.key}"].id
  hostname                           	= "${each.key}"
  enabled                            	= true

Terraform recommendations

The comfortable automation that we’ve achieved thus far did not come without some hair-pulling. Below are a few of the learnings that have allowed us to maintain the repository as a side project run by two engineers (shoutout David).

Store your state somewhere safe

It feels worth repeating that the tfstate contains secrets including any API keys you’re using with providers and the default location of the tfstate is in the current working directory. It’s very easy to accidentally commit this to source control. By defining a backend, the state can be stored with a cloud storage provider, in a secure location on a filesystem, in a database, or even Cloudflare Workers! Wherever the state is stored, make sure it is encrypted.

Choose simplicity, avoid modules

Modules are intended to reduce code repetition for well-defined chunks of systems such as “I want three clusters of whizz-bangs in locations A, C, and F.” If cloud-computing was like Factorio, this would be amazing. However, financial, technical, and physical constraints mean subtle differences in systems develop over time such as “I want fewer whizz-bangs in C and the whizz-bangs in F should get a different network topology.” In Terraform, implementation logic of these requirements is moved to the module code. HCL is absolutely not the place to write decipherable conditionals. While module versioning prevents having to make every change backwards-compatible, keeping module usage up-to-date becomes another chore for repository maintainers.

An understandable code base is a user-friendly codebase. It’s rare that a deeply cryptic error will return from a misconfigured resource definition. Conversely, modules, especially custom ones, can lead users on a head-scratching adventure. This kind of system can’t scale with confused users.

A few well-designed for_each loops (we’re obviously fans) can achieve similar objectives as modules without the complexity. It’s fine to use plain old resources too! Especially when there are more than a handful of varying arguments, it’s more valuable for the configuration to be clear than to be eloquent. For example: an account_member resource makes sense to be in a for_loop, but a page_rule probably doesn’t.

Keep tfstates small

Maintaining quick pull-request-to-plan turnaround keeps Terraform from feeling like a burden on users’ time. Furthermore, if a plan is taking 30 minutes to run, a rollback in the case of an issue would also take 30 minutes! This post describes our single-account-to-tfstate model.

However, after noticing slow-downs coming from the large number of AOP certificate configurations in a big zone, we moved that code to a separate tfstate. We were able to make this change because AOP configuration is fairly self-contained. To ensure there would be no fighting between the states, we kept the API token permissions for each tfstate mutually exclusive of each other. Our Atlantis Terraform plans typically finish under five minutes. If it feels impossible to keep the size of a tfstate down to a reasonable amount of time, it may be worth considering a different tool for that bit of configuration management.

Know when to use a Different tool

Terraform isn’t a panacea. We generally don’t use Terraform to manage DNS records, for example. We use OctoDNS which integrates more neatly into our infrastructure automation. DNS records can quickly add up to long state-rendering times and are often dynamically generated from systems that Terraform doesn’t know about. To avoid conflicts, there should only ever be one system publishing changes to DNS records.

We also haven’t figured out a maintainable way of managing Workers scripts in Terraform. When a .js script in the Terraform directory changes, Terraform isn’t aware of it. This means a change needs to occur somewhere else in a .tf file before the plan diff is generated. It likely isn’t an unsolvable issue, but doesn’t seem particularly worth cramming into Terraform when there are better options for Worker management like Wrangler.

Looking forward

We’re continuing to invest in the Cloudflare Terraforming experience both for our own use and for the benefit of our users. With the provider, we hope to offer a comfortable and scalable method of interacting with Cloudflare products. Hopefully this post has presented some useful suggestions to anyone interested in adopting Cloudflare-configuration-as-code. Don’t hesitate to reach out on the GitHub project for troubleshooting, bug reports, or feature requests. For more in depth documentation on using Terraform to manage your Cloudflare account, read on here. And if you don’t have a Cloudflare account already, click here to get started.

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

Post Syndicated from Garrett Galow original https://blog.cloudflare.com/open-api-transition/

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

Today, we are announcing the general availability of OpenAPI Schemas for the Cloudflare API. These are published via GitHub and will be updated regularly as Cloudflare adds and updates APIs. OpenAPI is the widely adopted standard for defining APIs in a machine-readable format. OpenAPI Schemas allow for the ability to plug our API into a wide breadth of tooling to accelerate development for ourselves and customers. Internally, it will make it easier for us to maintain and update our APIs. Before getting into those benefits, let’s start with the basics.

What is OpenAPI?

Much of the Internet is built upon APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or provides them as services to clients all around the world. This allows computers to talk to each other in a standardized fashion. OpenAPI is a widely adopted standard for how to define APIs. This allows other machines to reliably parse those definitions and use them in interesting ways. Cloudflare’s own API Shield product uses OpenAPI schemas to provide schema validation to ensure only well-formed API requests are sent to your origin.

Cloudflare itself has an API that customers can use to interface with our security and performance products from other places on the Internet. How do we define our own APIs? In the past we used a standard called JSON Hyper-Schema. That had served us well, but as time went on we wanted to adopt more tooling that could both benefit ourselves internally and make our customer’s lives easier. The OpenAPI community has flourished over the past few years providing many capabilities as we will discuss that were unavailable while we used JSON Hyper-Schema. As of today we now use OpenAPI.

You can learn more about OpenAPI itself here. Having an open, well-understood standard for defining our APIs allows for shared tooling and infrastructure to be used that can read these standard definitions. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Uses of Cloudflare’s OpenAPI schemas

Most customers won’t need to use the schemas themselves to see value. The first system leveraging OpenAPI schemas is our new API Docs that were announced today. Because we now have OpenAPI schemas, we leverage the open source tool Stoplight Elements to aid in generating this new doc site. This allowed us to retire our previously custom-built site that was hard to maintain. Additionally, many engineers at Cloudflare are familiar with OpenAPI, so we gain teams can write new schemas more quickly and are less likely to make mistakes by using a standard that teams understand when defining new APIs.

There are ways to leverage the schemas directly, however. The OpenAPI community has a huge number of tools that only require a set of schemas to be able to use. Two such examples are mocking APIs and library generation.

Mocking Cloudflare’s API

Say you have code that calls Cloudflare’s API and you want to be able to easily run unit tests locally or integration tests in your CI/CD pipeline. While you could just call Cloudflare’s API in each run, you may not want to for a few reasons. First, you may want to run tests frequently enough that managing the creation and tear down of resources becomes a pain. Also, in many of these tests you aren’t trying to validate logic in Cloudflare necessarily, but your own system’s behavior. In this case, mocking Cloudflare’s API would be ideal since you can gain confidence that you aren’t violating Cloudflare’s API contract, but without needing to worry about specifics of managing real resources. Additionally, mocking allows you to simulate different scenarios, like being rate limited or receiving 500 errors. This allows you to test your code for typically rare circumstances that can end up having a serious impact.

As an example, Spotlight Prism could be used to mock Cloudflare’s API for testing purposes. With a local copy of Cloudflare’s API Schemas you can run the following command to spin up a local mock server:

$ docker run --init --rm \
  -v /home/user/git/api-schemas/openapi.yaml:/tmp/openapi.yaml \
  -p 4010:4010 stoplight/prism:4 \
  mock -h /tmp/openapi.yaml

Then you can send requests to the mock server in order to validate that your use of Cloudflare’s API doesn’t violate the API contract locally:

$ curl -sX PUT localhost:4010/zones/f00/activation_check \
  -Hx-auth-email:[email protected] -Hx-auth-key:foobarbaz | jq
  "success": true,
  "errors": [],
  "messages": [],
  "result": {
    "id": "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353"

This means faster development and shorter test runs while still catching API contract issues early before they get merged or deployed.

Library generation

Cloudflare has libraries in many programming languages like Terraform and Go, but we don’t support every possible programming language. Fortunately, using a tool like openapi generator, you can feed in Cloudflare’s API schemas and generate a library in a wide range of languages to then use in your code to talk to Cloudflare’s API. For example, you could generate a Java library using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
cd openapi-generator
mvn clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
   -i https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/api-schemas/main/openapi.yaml \
   -g java \
   -o /var/tmp/java_api_client

And then start using that client in your Java code to talk to Cloudflare’s API.

How Cloudflare transitioned to OpenAPI

As mentioned earlier, we previously used JSON Hyper-Schema to define our APIs. We have roughly 600 endpoints that were already defined in the schemas. Here is a snippet of what one endpoint looks like in JSON Hyper-Schema:

      "title": "List Zones",
      "description": "List, search, sort, and filter your zones.",
      "rel": "collection",
      "href": "zones",
      "method": "GET",
      "schema": {
        "$ref": "definitions/zone.json#/definitions/collection_query"
      "targetSchema": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/response_collection"
      "cfOwnership": "www",
      "cfPlanAvailability": {
        "free": true,
        "pro": true,
        "business": true,
        "enterprise": true
      "cfPermissionsRequired": {
        "enum": [

Let’s look at the same endpoint in OpenAPI:

      description: List, search, sort, and filter your zones.
      operationId: zone-list-zones
                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/components-schemas-response_collection'
                - $ref: '#/components/schemas/api-response-common-failure'
          description: List Zones response failure
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/components-schemas-response_collection'
          description: List Zones response
      - api_email: []
        api_key: []
      summary: List Zones
      - Zone
        - '#zone:read'
        business: true
        enterprise: true
        free: true
        pro: true

You can see that the two look fairly similar and for the most part the same information is contained in each including method type, a description, and request and response definitions (although those are linked in $refs). The value of migrating from one to the other isn’t the change in how we define the schemas themselves, but in what we can do with these schemas. Numerous tools can parse the latter, the OpenAPI, while much fewer can parse the former, the JSON Hyper-Schema.

If this one API was all that made up the Cloudflare API, it would be easy to just convert the JSON Hyper-Schema into the OpenAPI Schema by hand and call it a day. Doing this 600 times, however, was going to be a huge undertaking. When considering that teams are constantly adding new endpoints, it would be impossible to keep up. It was also the case that our existing API docs used the existing JSON Hyper-Schema, so that meant that we would need to keep both schemas up to date during any transition period. There had to be a better way.

Auto conversion

Given both JSON Hyper-Schema and OpenAPI are standards, it reasons that it should be possible to take a file in one format and convert to the other, right? Luckily the answer is yes! We built a tool that took all existing JSON Hyper-Schema and output fully compliant OpenAPI schemas. This of course didn’t happen overnight, but because of existing OpenAPI tooling, we could iteratively improve the auto convertor and run OpenAPI validation tooling over the output schemas to see what issues the conversion tool still had.

After many iterations and improvements to the conversion tool, we finally had fully compliant OpenAPI Spec schemas being auto-generated from our existing JSON Hyper-Schema. While we were building this tool, teams kept adding and updating the existing schemas and our Product Content team was also updating text in the schemas to make our API docs easier to use. The benefit of this process is we didn’t have to slow any of that work down since anything that changed in the old schemas was automatically reflected in the new schemas!

Once the tool was ready, the remaining step was to decide when and how we would stop making updates to the JSON Hyper-Schemas and move all teams to the OpenAPI Schemas. The (now old) API docs were the biggest concern, given they only understood JSON Hyper-Schema. Thanks to the help of our Developer Experience and Product Content teams, we were able to launch the new API docs today and can officially cut over to OpenAPI today as well!

What’s next?

Now that we have fully moved over to OpenAPI, more opportunities become available. Internally, we will be investigating what tooling we can adopt in order to help reduce the effort of individual teams and speed up API development. One idea we are exploring is automatically creating openAPI schemas from code notations. Externally, we now have the foundational tools necessary to begin exploring how to auto generate and support more programming language libraries for customers to use. We are also excited to see what you may do with the schemas yourself, so if you do something cool or have ideas, don’t hesitate to share them with us!

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

Post Syndicated from James M Snell original https://blog.cloudflare.com/standards-compliant-workers-api/

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

Earlier this year, we announced our participation in a new W3C Community Group for the advancement of Web-interoperable API standards. Since then, this new WinterCG has been hard at work identifying the common API standards around which all JavaScript runtimes can build. Today I just want to give a peek at some work the WinterCG has been doing; and show off some of the improvements we have been making in the Workers runtime to increase alignment with Web Platform standards around event handling, task cancellation using AbortController, text encoding and decoding, URL parsing and pattern matching, and streams support.

The WinterCG Minimum Common Web Platform API

Right at the start of the WinterCG activity, the group took some time to evaluate and compare the various non-browser JavaScript runtimes such as Node.js, Deno, Bun, and Workers with the purpose of identifying the Web Platform APIs they all had in common. Following a very simple criteria, we looked at the standard APIs that were already implemented and supported by at least two of these runtimes and compiled those into a list that the WinterCG calls the “Minimum Common Web Platform API“. This list will serve as the basis for what the community group defines as the minimum set of Web Platform APIs that should be implemented consistently across runtimes that claim to be “Web-interoperable”.

The current list is straightforward:

AbortController ReadableStreamDefaultController
AbortSignal ReadableStreamDefaultReader
ByteLengthQueuingStrategy SubtleCrypto
CompressionStream TextDecoder
CountQueuingStrategy TextDecoderStream
Crypto TextEncoder
CryptoKey TextEncoderStream
DecompressionStream TransformStream
DOMException TransformStreamDefaultController
Event URL
EventTarget URLPattern
ReadableByteStreamController URLSearchParams
ReadableStream WritableStream
ReadableStreamBYOBReader WritableStreamDefaultController

In addition to these, the WinterCG also expects Web-interoperable runtimes to have implementations of the atob(), btoa(), queueMicrotask(), structuredClone(), setTimeout(), clearTimeout(), setInterval(), clearInterval(), console, and crypto.subtle APIs available on the global scope.

Today, we are happy to say that the Workers runtime has compliant or nearly compliant implementations of every one of these WinterCG Minimum Common Web Platform APIs. Some of these APIs intentionally diverge from the standards either due to backwards compatibility concerns, Workers-specific features, or performance optimizations. Other APIs diverge still because we are still in the process of updating them to align with the specifications.

Improving standards compliance in the Workers runtime

The Workers runtime has, from the beginning, had the mission to align its developer experience with JavaScript and Web Platform standards as much as possible. Over the past year we have worked hard to continue advancing that mission forward both by improving the standards-compliance of existing APIs such as Event, EventTarget, URL, and streams; and the introduction of new Web Platform APIs such as URLPattern, encoding streams, and compression streams.

Event and EventTarget

The Workers runtime has provided an implementation of the Event and EventTarget Web Platform APIs from the very beginning. These were, however, only limited implementations of what the WHATWG DOM specification defines. Specifically, Workers had only implemented the bare minimum of the Event API that it itself needed to operate.

Today, the Event and EventTarget implementations in Workers provide a more complete implementation.

Let’s look at the official definition of Event as defined by the WHATWG DOM standard:

interface Event {
  constructor(DOMString type, optional EventInit eventInitDict = {});
  readonly attribute DOMString type;
  readonly attribute EventTarget? target;
  readonly attribute EventTarget? srcElement; // legacy
  readonly attribute EventTarget? currentTarget;
  sequence<EventTarget> composedPath();
  const unsigned short NONE = 0;
  const unsigned short CAPTURING_PHASE = 1;
  const unsigned short AT_TARGET = 2;
  const unsigned short BUBBLING_PHASE = 3;
  readonly attribute unsigned short eventPhase;
  undefined stopPropagation();
           attribute boolean cancelBubble; // legacy alias of .stopPropagation()
  undefined stopImmediatePropagation();
  readonly attribute boolean bubbles;
  readonly attribute boolean cancelable;
           attribute boolean returnValue;  // legacy
  undefined preventDefault();
  readonly attribute boolean defaultPrevented;
  readonly attribute boolean composed;
  [LegacyUnforgeable] readonly attribute boolean isTrusted;
  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp timeStamp;
  undefined initEvent(DOMString type, optional boolean bubbles = false, optional boolean cancelable = false); // legacy
dictionary EventInit {
  boolean bubbles = false;
  boolean cancelable = false;
  boolean composed = false;

Web Platform API specifications are always written in terms of a definition language called Web IDL. Every attribute defined in the interface is a property that is exposed on the object. Event objects, then, are supposed to have properties like type, target, srcElement, currentTarget, bubbles, cancelable, returnValue, defaultPrevented, composed, isTrusted, and timeStamp. They are also expected to have methods such as composedPath(), stopPropagation(), and stopImmediatePropagation(). Because most of these were not immediately needed by Workers, most were not provided originally.

Today, all standard, non-legacy properties and methods defined by the specification are available for use:

 const event = new Event('foo', {
    bubbles: false,
    cancelable: true,
    composed: true,
  addEventListener('foo', (event) => {
    console.log(event.eventPhase);  // 2 AT_TARGET

While we were at it, we also fixed a long standing bug in the implementation of Event that prevented user code from properly subclassing the Event object to create their own custom event types. This change is protected by a compatibility flag that is now enabled by default for all Workers using a compatibility date on or past 2022-01-31.

  class MyEvent extends Event {
    constructor() {
    get type() { return super.type.toUpperCase() }
  const myEvent = new MyEvent();
  // Previously, this would print "my-event" instead of "MY-EVENT" as expected.

The EventTarget implementation has also been updated to support once handlers (event handlers that are triggered at-most once then automatically unregistered), cancelable handlers (using AbortSignal), and event listener objects, all in line with the standard.

Using a one-time event handler

  addEventListener('foo', (event) => {
    console.log('printed only once');
  }, {
    once: true
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));

Once handlers are key for preventing memory leaks in your applications when you know that a particular event is only ever going to be emitted once, or whenever you only care about handling it once. The stored reference to the function or object that is handling the event is removed immediately upon the first invocation, allowing the memory to be garbage collected.

Using a cancelable event handler

  const ac = new AbortController();
  addEventListener('foo', (event) => {
    console.log('not printed at all');
  }, {
    signal: ac.signal
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));

Using an event listener object

While passing a function to addEventListener() is the most common case, the standard actually allows an event listener to be an object with a handleEvent() method as well.

  const listener = {
    handleEvent(event) {
  addEventListener('foo', listener);
  addEventListener('bar', listener);
  dispatchEvent(new Event('foo'));
  dispatchEvent(new Event('bar'));

AbortController and AbortSignal

As illustrated in the cancelable event example above, we have also introduced an implementation of the AbortController and AbortSignal APIs into Workers. These provide a standard, and interoperable way of signaling cancellation of several kinds of tasks.

The AbortController/AbortSignal pattern is straightforward: An AbortSignal is just a type of EventTarget that will emit a single “abort” event when it is triggered:

  const ac = new AbortController();
  ac.signal.addEventListener('abort', (event) => {
    console.log(event.reason);  // 'just because'
  }, { once: true });
  ac.abort('just because');

The AbortController is used to actually trigger the abort event, optionally with a reason argument that is passed on to the event. The reason is typically an Error object but can be any JavaScript value.

The AbortSignal can only be triggered once, so the “abort” event should only ever be emitted once.

It is also possible to create AbortSignals that timeout after a specified period of time:

const signal = AbortSignal.timeout(10);

Or an AbortSignal that is pre-emptively triggered immediately on creation (these will never actually emit the “abort” event):

const signal = AbortSignal.abort('for reasons');

Currently, within Workers, AbortSignal and AbortController has been integrated with the EventTarget, fetch(), and streams APIs in alignment with the relevant standard specifications for each.

Using AbortSignal to cancel a fetch()

  const ac = new AbortController();
  const res = fetch('https://example.org', {
    signal: ac.signal
  ac.abort(new Error('canceled'))
  try {
    await res;
  } catch (err) {

TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream

The Workers runtime has long provided basic implementations of the TextEncoder and TextDecoder APIs. Initially, these were limited to only supporting encoding and decoding of UTF-8 text. The standard definition of TextDecoder, however, defines a much broader range of text encodings that are now fully supported by the Workers implementation. Per the standard, TextEncoder currently only supports UTF-8.

  const win1251decoder = new TextDecoder("windows-1251");
  const bytes = new Uint8Array([
    207, 240, 232, 226, 229, 242, 44, 32, 236, 232, 240, 33,
  console.log(win1251decoder.decode(bytes)); // Привет, мир!

In addition to supporting the full range of encodings defined by the standard, Workers also now provides implementations of the TextEncoderStream and TextDecoderStream, which provide TransformStream implementations that apply encoding and decoding to streaming data:

  const { writable, readable } = new TextDecoderStream("windows-1251");
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  writer.write(new Uint8Array([
    207, 240, 232, 226, 229, 242, 44, 32, 236, 232, 240, 33,
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  const res = await reader.read();
  console.log(res.value); // Привет, мир!

Using the encoding streams requires the use of the transformstream_enable_standard_constructor compatibility flag.

CompressionStream and DecompressionStream

Streaming compression and decompression is also now supported in the runtime using the standard CompressionStream and DecompressionStream APIs.

const ds = new DecompressionStream('gzip');
const decompressedStream = blob.stream().pipeThrough(ds);

const cs = new CompressionStream('gzip');
const compressedStream = blob.stream().pipeThrough(cs);

These are TransformStream implementations that fully conform to the standard definitions. Use of the compression streams does not require a compatibility flag to enable.

URL and URLPattern

Similar to Event, there has been an implementation of the Web Platform standard URL API available within Workers from nearly the beginning. But also like Event, the implementation was not entirely compatible with the standard.

The incompatibilities were subtle, for instance, in the original implementation, the URL string “https://a//b//c//” would be parsed incorrectly as “https://a/b/c” (note that the extra empty path segments are removed) whereas the standard parsing algorithm would produce “https://a//b//c/” as a result. Such inconsistent results were causing interoperability issues with JavaScript written to run across multiple JavaScript runtimes and needed to be fixed.

A new implementation of the URL parsing algorithm has been provided, and as of October 31, 2022 it has been enabled by default for all newly deployed Workers. Older Workers can begin using the new implementation by updating their compatibility dates to 2022-10-31 or by enabling the url_standard compatibility flag.

Along with the updated URL implementation, Workers now provides an implementation of the standard URLPattern API.

URLPattern provides a regular-expression-like syntax for matching a URL string against a pattern. For instance, consider this example taken from the MDN documentation for URLPattern:

  // Matching a pathname
  let pattern1 = new URLPattern('https://example.com/books/:id')
  // same as
  let pattern2 = new URLPattern(
  // or
  let pattern3 = new URLPattern({
    protocol: 'https',
    hostname: 'example.com',
    pathname: '/books/:id',
  // or
  let pattern4 = new URLPattern({
    pathname: '/books/:id',
    baseURL: 'https://example.com',

ReadableStream, WritableStream, and TransformStream

Last, but absolutely not least, our most significant effort over the past year has been providing new standards compliant implementations of the ReadableStream, WritableStream, and TransformStream APIs.

The Workers runtime has always provided an implementation of these objects but they were never fully conformant to the standard. User code was not capable of creating custom ReadableStream and WritableStream instances, and TransformStreams were limited to simple identity pass-throughs of bytes. The implementations have been updated now to near complete compliance with the standard (near complete because we still have a few edge cases and features we are working on).

The new streams implementation will be enabled by default in all new Workers as of November 30, 2022, or can be enabled earlier using the streams_enable_constructors and transformstream_enable_standard_constructor compatibility flags.

Creating a custom ReadableStream

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const enc = new TextEncoder();

  const rs = new ReadableStream({
    pull(controller) {
      controller.enqueue(enc.encode('hello world'));

  return new Response(rs);

The new implementation supports both “regular” and “bytes” ReadableStream types, supports BYOB readers, and includes performance optimizations for both tee() and pipeThrough().

Creating a custom WritableStream

  const ws = new WritableStream({
    write(chunk) {
      console.log(chunk);  // "hello world"
  const writer = ws.getWriter();
  writer.write("hello world");

WritableStreams are fairly simple objects that can accept any JavaScript value written to them.

Creating a custom TransformStream

  const { readable, writable } = new TransformStream({
    transform(chunk, controller) {
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  writer.write("hello world");
  const res = await reader.read();
  console.log(res.value);  // "HELLO WORLD"

It has always been possible in Workers to call new TransformStream() (with no arguments) to create a limited version of a TransformStream that only accepts bytes and only acts as a pass-through, passing the bytes written to the writer on to the reader without any modification.

That original implementation is now available within Workers using the IdentityTransformStream class.

  const { readable, writable } = new IdentityTransformStream();
  const writer = writable.getWriter();
  const reader = readable.getReader();
  const enc = new TextEncoder();
  const dec = new TextDecoder();
  writer.write(enc.encode("hello world"));
  const res = await reader.read();
  console.log(dec.decode(res.value));  // "hello world"

If your code is using new TransformStream() today as this kind of pass-through, the new implementation will continue to work except for one very important difference: the old, non-standard implementation of new TransformStream() supported BYOB reads on the readable side (i.e. readable.getReader({ mode: 'byob' })). The new implementation (enabled via a compatibility flag and becoming the default on November 30 ) does not support BYOB reads as required by the stream standard.

What’s next

It is clear that we have made a lot of progress in improving the standards compliance of the Workers runtime over the past year, but there is far more to do. Next we will be turning our attention to the implementation of the fetch() and WebSockets APIs, as well as actively seeking closer alignment with other runtimes through collaboration in the Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group.

If you are interested in helping drive the implementation of Web Platform APIs forward, and advancing interoperability between JavaScript runtime environments, the Workers Runtime team at Cloudflare is hiring! Reach out, or see our open positions here.

The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Post Syndicated from Joao Sousa Botto original https://blog.cloudflare.com/radar2/

The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Cloudflare Radar was launched two years ago to give everyone access to the Internet trends, patterns and insights Cloudflare uses to help improve our service and protect our customers.

Until then, these types of insights were only available internally at Cloudflare. However, true to our mission of helping build a better Internet, we felt everyone should be able to look behind the curtain and see the inner workings of the Internet. It’s hard to improve or understand something when you don’t have clear visibility over how it’s working.

On Cloudflare Radar you can find timely graphs and visualizations on Internet traffic, security and attacks, protocol adoption and usage, and outages that might be affecting the Internet. All of these can be narrowed down by timeframe, country, and Autonomous System (AS). You can also find interactive deep dive reports on important subjects such as DDoS and the Meris Botnet. It’s also possible to search for any domain name to see details such as SSL usage and which countries their visitors are coming from.

Since launch, Cloudflare Radar has been used by NGOs to confirm the Internet disruptions their observers see in the field, by journalists looking for Internet trends related to an event in a country of interest or at volume of cyberattacks as retaliation to political sanctions, by analysts looking at the prevalence of new protocols and technologies, and even by brand PR departments using Cloudflare Radar data to analyze the online impact of a major sports event.

Cloudflare Radar has clearly become an important tool for many and, most importantly, we find it has helped shed light on parts of the Internet that deserve more attention and investment.

The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Introducing Cloudflare Radar 2.0

What has made Cloudflare Radar so valuable is that the data and insights it contains are unique and trustworthy. Cloudflare Radar shows aggregate data from across the massive spectrum of Internet traffic we see every day, presenting you with datasets you won’t find elsewhere.

However, there were still gaps. Today, on the second anniversary of Cloudflare Radar, we are launching Cloudflare Radar 2.0 in beta. It will address three common pieces of feedback from users:

  • Ease of finding insights and data. The way information was structured on Cloudflare Radar made finding information daunting for some people. We are redesigning Cloudflare Radar so that it becomes a breeze.
  • Number of insights. We know many users have wanted to see insights about other important parts of the Internet, such as email. We have also completely redesigned the Cloudflare Radar backend so that we can quickly add new insights over the coming months (including insights into email).
  • Sharing insights. The options for sharing Cloudflare Radar insights were limited. We will now provide you the options you want, including downloadable and embeddable graphs, sharing to social media platforms, and an API.

Finding insights and data

On a first visit to the redesigned Cloudflare Radar homepage one will notice:

  • Prominent and intuitive filtering capabilities on the top bar. A global search bar is also coming soon.
  • Content navigation on the sidebar.
  • Content cards showing glanceable and timely information.
The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

The content you find on the homepage are what we call “quick bytes”. Those link you to more in-depth content for that specific topic, which can also be found through the sidebar navigation.

At the top of the page you can search for a country, autonomous system number (ASN), domain, or report to navigate to a home page for that specific content. For example, the domain page for google.com:

The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

The navigation sidebar allows you to find more detailed insights and data related to Traffic, Security & Attacks, Adoption & Usage, and Domains. (We will be adding additional topic areas in the future.) It also gives you quick access to the Cloudflare Radar Outage Center, a tool for tracking Internet disruptions around the world and to which we are dedicating a separate blog post, and to Radar Reports, which are interactive deep dive reports on important subjects such as DDoS and the Meris Botnet.

The home page for Internet insights: Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Within these topic pages (such as the one for Adoption & Usage shown above), you will find the quick bytes for the corresponding topic at the top, and quick bytes for related topics on the right. The quick bytes on the right allow you to quickly glance at and navigate to related sections.

In the middle of the page are the more detailed charts for the topic you’re exploring.

Sharing insights

Cloudflare Radar’s reason to exist is to make Internet insights available to everyone, but historically we haven’t been as flexible as our users would want. People could download a snapshot of the graph, but not much more.

With Cloudflare Radar 2.0 we will be introducing three major new ways of using Radar insights and data:

  • Social share. Cloudflare Radar 2.0 charts have a more modern and clean look and feel, and soon you’ll be able to share them directly on the social media platform of your choice. No more dealing with low quality screenshots.
  • Embeddable charts. The beautiful charts will also be able to be embedded directly into your webpage or blog – it will work just like a widget, always showing up-to-date information.
  • API. If you like the data on Cloudflare Radar but want to manipulate it further for analysis, visualization, or for posting your own charts, you’ll have the Cloudflare Radar API available to you starting today.

For example, the last seven days of HTTP traffic data for Portugal can be obtained from https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/radar/http/timeseries/device_type?dateRange=7d&location=PT

Note: The API is available today. To use the Cloudflare API you need an API token or key (more details here). Embedding charts and sharing directly to social are new features to be released later this year.

Technology changes

Cloudflare Radar 2.0 was built on a new technology stack; we will write a blog post about why and how we did it soon. A lot changed: we now have proper GraphQL data endpoints and a public API, the website runs on top of Cloudflare Pages and Workers, and we’re finally doing server-side rendering using Remix. We adopted SVG whenever possible, built our reusable data visualization components system, and are using Cosmos for visual TDD. These foundational changes will provide a better UX/UI to our users and give us speed when iterating and improving Cloudflare Radar in the future.

We hope you find this update valuable, and recommend you keep an eye on radar.cloudflare.com to see the new insights and topics we’ll be adding regularly. If you have any feedback, please send it to us through the Cloudflare Community.

Backups to the rescue!

Post Syndicated from Nathan Liefting original https://blog.zabbix.com/backups-to-the-rescue/23442/

In this blog post, you will learn how to set up backups for your Zabbix environment. There’s a wide variety of different options when it comes to taking backups of our Zabbix environment, for us, it will just be a matter of choosing the right fit.



Monitoring is an important part of our IT infrastructure and often times when our monitoring isn’t working for a certain period, we feel like we are blind as to what is going on with our different IT components. As such, taking backups of our Zabbix environment is an important part of running a production Zabbix environment, as we do want to be prepared for a possible issue that might corrupt or even lose our data. It’s always a possibility and as such we should be prepared.

For Zabbix, there are a few different methods on how to take backups and it all starts at the database level. Both the Zabbix frontend as well as the Zabbix server write their data into the Zabbix database as we can see in the illustration below:

This means that both our configuration as well as all of our collected values are present in the same Zabbix database and if we take a database backup, we back up (almost) everything we need. So, let’s start there and have a look at how we can make a database backup.

How to

MySQL backups

Let’s start with the most used variant of Zabbix databases: MySQL and it’s forks like MariaDB and Percona. All of them can easily be backed up using built-in functionality like the MySQL Dump command and we can then use other industry standards to get things going. First, we have to understand the tables in our database though. Most of the tables in your Zabbix environment contain configuration data and as such, they are all important to backup. There are a few tables that we need to consider, however, as they can contain Giga or even Terabytes of data. These are the History, Trends and Events tables:

It is possible to omit these tables from your backup and make smaller, more manageable backups. To make the backup we can then start using tools like MySQL Dump:

Once we have taken a backup, we can easily import that back into our environment using the MySQL Import command or simply using the cat command:

Do not forget, taking and importing large backups can take a long time. This completely depends on your MySQL database performance tuning settings as well as the underlying resources like CPU, Memory and Disk I/O. Also, make sure to check out the MySQL documentation:

MySQL Dump:  https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqldump.html / https://mariadb.com/kb/en/making-backups-with-mysqldump/

MySQL Import: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqlimport.html / https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysqlimport/


Alternatively, it’s also possible to create backups using tools like xtrabackup and mariadbbackup.

PostgreSQL backups

We can actually use the same kinds of methods for the PostgreSQL backups. Keep the required tables in mind and fire away with the built-in tools:


Then we can restore it by loading the file into postgres:

What about the configuration files?

Once we have a database backup, everything is backed up, right? Well, almost everything. With just a database backup we are quite safe, but (and this is oftentimes overlooked) there are a lot of configuration files and perhaps even custom scripts we need to take into account! There are three parts to this story – the Zabbix server, the Zabbix frontend, and also the Zabbix additional components. All of them have their own set of configuration files and locations that are used for storing custom scripts.

The Zabbix frontend location and configuration files can be different, depending on the environment, as we have a few choices to make. Are we running Apache or Nginx? On what Linux distribution? All of these have to be considered when making configuration backups. In general, the locations for the configuration would be:


There’s also a symlink to the Zabbix frontend configuration file located in /etc/zabbix/ but we will get to that one in a bit.

Then we have the Zabbix server itself, which keeps its configuration in /etc/zabbix/ and if we’re following best practices any script should be placed in /usr/lib/zabbix. So we need:


Let’s add them to the list and find a method to back up these files. Crontab is a built-in tool that we can use, but there are definitely other (perhaps better) solutions out there. Let’s add the following to cron:

I also added a find command here, which will serve as our roll-over or rotation toll. It will find files older than 180 days and delete them from /mnt/backup/config_files/. Make sure to pick a good (network) folder to store these files as it’s important to keep these safe. Feel free to change the number of days you’d like to store the files for.

What about the additional components like Zabbix proxy, Zabbix Java gateway and Zabbix web service (used for PDF reporting)?. Well, these have configuration files as well. Make sure to run a backup on the devices running these additional components. As for Zabbix proxies – they have the same file locations as Zabbix server:

For Zabbix Java gateway and Zabbix web service, we can omit the /usr/lib/zabbix/ folder.

Don’t forget the import/export files!

In general, database backups are slow to make, but also slow to import back unless we do not include the history/trends in the backup. But even then, restoring an entire database simply because someone made an error on a single template is a hassle. Zabbix ships with the built-in frontend export functionality, allowing us to export (and then import) entire parts of the configuration instantly! We can use these for a number of different parts of the configuration:

  • Hosts
  • Templates
  • Media types
  • Maps
  • images
  • Host groups (API ONLY)
  • Template groups (API ONLY)

All of these are available through the Zabbix API allowing us to choose whether we do a manual configuration backup from the frontend, as well as providing us with automation options using that API. You could even manage and update your Zabbix configuration from GIT entirely if you write the right scripts for this.

Frontend backups

To run an export from the frontend simply go to one of the supported sections like Configuration | Templates and select the export data format. When selecting multiple entities, keep in mind that they will all be exported to a single file.

We can then make our edits and import files from the frontend as well:

For Templates this will even result in a nice diff pop-up window, detailing all the changes, deletes and additions to the templates:


API backups

For the API things get a little more complicated as we need to select a mode of execution. Of course, it’s possible to do a curl command from the CLI or even use something like Postman:

Request body

The response will then look something like this:

But this feature really starts to shine once we combine it with our own automation scripts. Use it wisely!

High availability

So, what about high availability? Isn’t that some form of a backup?

Well yes and no. High availability is not an “IT backup” in the form of making sure we can recover something that is broken. But it is a backup in the way that if a Zabbix server instance fails, another one takes over for it. HA is somewhat out of scope for this blog post, but it’s still worth mentioning. There are several solutions to set up Zabbix as a full high availability cluster. For MySQL we can use a Primary/Primary setup, for the frontend we can use load balancing techniques like HAProxy and for the Zabbix server, we can use the built-in high availability method. Combine all of these together and you’ll definitely be able to serve your every (production ready!) need.


To conclude, there are many options to start taking backups of our Zabbix environment. It all starts at the database and these backups are definitely vital to keep things safe in case of disaster. When making the backups, do not forget about the configuration files and custom scripts as well as the frontend backup option. Combining all of these solutions will safeguard our environment, but if that isn’t enough – do not forget about industry standards like snapshots. Even further safeguarding our environment on multiple levels.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions or need help configuring anything on your Zabbix setup feel free to contact me and the team at Opensource ICT Solutions. We build a ton of cool integrations like this and much more!

Nathan Liefting


A close up of a logo Description automatically generated

The post Backups to the rescue! appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Post Syndicated from Jin-Hee Lee original https://blog.cloudflare.com/api-management-metrics/

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

The Internet is an endless flow of conversations between computers. These conversations, the  constant exchange of information from one computer to another, are what allow us to interact with the Internet as we know it. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the vital channels that carry these conversations, and their usage is quickly growing: in fact, more than half of the traffic handled by Cloudflare is for APIs, and this is increasing twice as fast as traditional web traffic.

In March, we announced that we’re expanding our API Shield into a full API Gateway to make it easy for our customers to protect and manage those conversations. We already offer several features that allow you to secure your endpoints, but there’s more to endpoints than their security. It can be difficult to keep track of many endpoints over time and understand how they’re performing. Customers deserve to see what’s going on with their API-driven domains and have the ability to manage their endpoints.

Today, we’re excited to announce that the ability to save, update, and monitor the performance of all your API endpoints is now generally available to API Shield customers. This includes key performance metrics like latency, error rate, and response size that give you insights into the overall health of your API endpoints.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

A Refresher on APIs

The bar for what we expect an application to do for us has risen tremendously over the past few years. When we open a browser, app, or IoT device, we expect to be able to connect to data instantly, compare dozens of flights within seconds, choose a menu item from a food delivery app, or see the weather for ten locations at once.

How are applications able to provide this kind of dynamic engagement for their users? They rely on APIs, which provide access to data and services—either from the application developer or from another company. APIs are fundamental in how computers (or services) talk to each other and exchange information.

You can think of an API as a waiter: say a customer orders a delicious bowl of Mac n Cheese. The waiter accepts this order from the customer, communicates the request to the chef in a format the chef can understand, and then delivers the Mac n Cheese back to the customer (assuming the chef has the ingredients in stock). The waiter is the crucial channel of communication, which is exactly what the API does.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Managing API Endpoints

The first step in managing APIs is to get a complete list of all the endpoints exposed to the internet. API Discovery automatically does this for any traffic flowing through Cloudflare. Undiscovered APIs can’t be monitored by security teams (since they don’t know about them) and they’re thus less likely to have proper security policies and best practices applied. However, customers have told us they also want the ability to manually add and manage APIs that are not yet deployed, or they want to ignore certain endpoints (for example those in the process of deprecation). Now, API Shield customers can choose to save endpoints found by Discovery or manually add endpoints to API Shield.

But security vulnerabilities aren’t the only risk or area of concern with APIs – they can be painfully slow or connections can be unsuccessful. We heard questions from our customers such as: what are my most popular endpoints? Is this endpoint significantly slower than it was yesterday? Are any endpoints returning errors that may indicate a problem with the application?

That’s why we built Performance Metrics into API Shield, which allows our customers to quickly answer these questions themselves with real-time data.

Prioritizing Performance

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Once you’ve discovered, saved, or removed endpoints, you want to know what’s going well and what’s not. To end-users, a huge part of what defines the experience as “going well” is good performance. Poor performance can lead to a frustrating experience: when you’re shopping online and press a button to check out, you don’t want to wait around for minutes for the page to load. And you certainly never want to see a dreaded error symbol telling you that you can’t get what you came for.

Exposing performance metrics of API endpoints puts concrete numerical data into your developers’ hands to tell you how things are going. When things are going poorly, these dashboard metrics will point out exactly which aspect of performance is causing concern: maybe you expected to see a spike in requests, but find out that request count is normal and latency is just higher than usual.

Empowering our customers to make data-driven decisions to better manage their APIs ends up being a win for our customers and our customers’ customers, who expect to seamlessly engage with the domain’s APIs and get exactly what they came for.

Management and Performance Metrics in the Dashboard

So, what’s available today? Log onto your Cloudflare dashboard, go to the domain-level Security tab, and open up the API Shield page. Here, you’ll see the Endpoint Management tab, which shows you all the API endpoints that you’ve saved, alongside placeholders for metrics that will soon be gathered.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Here you can easily delete endpoints you no longer want to track, or click manually add additional endpoints. You can also export schemas for each host to share internally or externally.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Once you’ve saved the endpoints that you want to keep tabs on, Cloudflare will start collecting data on its performance and make it available to you as soon as possible.

In Endpoint Management, you can see a few summary metrics in the collapsed view of each endpoint, including recommended rate limits, average latency, and error rate. It can be difficult to tell whether things are going well or not just from seeing a value alone, so we added sparklines that show relative performance, comparing an endpoint’s current metrics with its usual or previous data.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

If you want to view further details about a given endpoint, you can expand it for additional metrics such as response size and errors separated by 4xx and 5xx. The expanded view also allows you to view all metrics at a single timestamp by hovering over the charts.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

For each saved endpoint, customers can see the following metrics:

  • Request count: total number of requests to the endpoint over time.
  • Rate limiting recommendation per 10 minutes, which is guided by the request count.
  • Latency: average origin response time, in milliseconds (ms). How long does it take from the moment a visitor makes a request to the moment the visitor gets a response back from the origin?
  • Error rate vs. overall traffic: grouped by 4xx, 5xx, and their sum.
  • Response size: average size of the response (in bytes) returned to the request.

You can toggle between viewing these metrics on a 24-hour period or a 7-day period, depending on the scale on which you’d like to view your data. And in the expanded view, we provide a percentage difference between the averages of the current vs. the previous period. For example, say I’m viewing my metrics on a 24-hour timeline. My average latency yesterday was 10 ms, and my average latency today is 30 ms, so the dashboard shows a 200% increase. We also use anomaly detection to bring attention to endpoints that have concerning performance changes.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Additional improvements to Discovery and Schema Validation

As part of making endpoint management GA, we’re also adding two additional enhancements to API Shield.

First, API Discovery now accepts cookies — in addition to authorization headers — to discover endpoints and suggest rate limiting thresholds. Previously, you could only identify an API session with HTTP headers, which didn’t allow customers to protect endpoints that use cookies as session identifiers. Now these endpoints can be protected as well. Simply go to the API Shield tab in the dashboard, choose edit session identifiers, and either change the type, or click Add additional identifier.

API Endpoint Management and Metrics are now GA

Second, we added the ability to validate the body of requests via Schema Validation for all customers. Schema Validation allows you to provide an OpenAPI schema (a template for your API traffic) and have Cloudflare block non-conformant requests as they arrive at our edge. Previously, you provided specific headers, cookies, and other features to validate. Now that we can validate the body of requests, you can use Schema Validation to confirm every element of a request matches what is expected. If a request contains strange information in the payload, we’ll notice. Note: customers who have already uploaded schemas will need to re-upload to take advantage of body validation.

Take a look at our developer documentation for more details on both of these features.

Get started

Endpoint Management, performance metrics, schema exporting, discovery via cookies, and schema body validation are all available now for all API Shield customers. To use them, log into the Cloudflare dashboard, click on Security in the navigation bar, and choose API Shield. Once API Shield is enabled, you’ll be able to start discovering endpoints immediately. You can also use all features through our API.

If you aren’t yet protecting a website with Cloudflare, it only takes a few minutes to sign up.

Handy Tips #37: Collecting metrics from HTTP endpoints with HTTP agent items

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/handy-tips-37-collecting-metrics-from-http-endpoints-with-http-agent-items/23160/

Collect metrics from HTTP endpoints such as web application APIs by defining HTTP agent items.

Collecting metrics from web services and applications is a complex affair usually done by scripting around CLIs and APIs. Organizations require an efficient way to monitor such and endpoints and react to collected data.

Collect and react to data from web services and applications with Zabbix HTTP agent items:

  • Collect metrics agentlessly using HTTP/HTTPS protocols
  • Collect metrics in bulk to reduce the number of outgoing requests

  • Zabbix preprocessing can be utilized to extract the required metrics from the response
  • Select from multiple HTTP authentication types

Check out the video to learn how to define HTTP items and collect metrics from HTTP endpoints.

Define HTTP items and collect metrics from HTTP endpoints:

  1. Navigate to ConfigurationHosts and find your host
  2. Open the Items section and press the Create item button
  3. Select TypeHTTP agent
  4. Provide the item key, name and URL
  5. For now, set the Type of information to Text
  6. Optionally, provide the request body and required status codes
  7. Press the Test button and then press Get value and test
  8. Save the resulting value to help you define the preprocessing steps
  9. Navigate to the Preprocessing tab
  10. Define a JSONPath preprocessing step to extract a value from the previous test result
  11. Navigate to the Item section
  12. Change the Type of information to Numeric (float)
  13. Perform the item test one more time
  14. Press Add to add the item

Tips and best practices
  • HTTP item check is executed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy
  • Zabbix will follow redirects if the Follow redirects option is checked
  • HTTP items have their own Timeout parameter defined in the item configuration
  • Receiving a status code not listed in the Required status codes field will result in the item becoming unsupported

Learn how to automate your Zabbix configuration workflows and integrate Zabbix with external systems by signing up for the Automation and Integration with Zabbix API course. During the course, students will learn how to use the Zabbix API by implementing different use cases under the guidance of a Zabbix certified trainer.

The post Handy Tips #37: Collecting metrics from HTTP endpoints with HTTP agent items appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

API Security: Best Practices for a Changing Attack Surface

Post Syndicated from Ray Cochrane original https://blog.rapid7.com/2022/06/27/api-security-best-practices-for-a-changing-attack-surface/

API Security: Best Practices for a Changing Attack Surface

API usage is skyrocketing. According to the latest State of the API Report, API requests increased by 56% last year to a total of 855 million, and Google says the growth isn’t expected to slow any time soon.

APIs – short for application programming interfaces – are a critical component of how applications are built. They control the type of requests that occur between programs, how requests are made, and the format of those requests.

The huge increase in usage stems from the important role APIs – and web applications more broadly – play in digital transformation. APIs have helped facilitate the transition from monolithic applications to microservices. They’ve enabled businesses to provide user-oriented API-based services for B2B use cases, including automation and integration. And they’re integral to modern web applications, which are no longer just HTML with links but rich user interfaces, built as single-page apps with REST API backends. Nearly every modern application utilizes – or is – an API.

Today, it’s almost impossible to do anything online without interacting with an API. That’s why cyberattacks are increasingly targeting APIs, and they’ve become a large part of the application attack surface.

Why securing APIs is important

APIs are a lucrative target that can allow hackers to gain access to an otherwise secure system and exploit vulnerabilities. Not only do APIs often suffer from the same vulnerabilities as web applications – like broken access controls, injections, security misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities inherited from other dependent code libraries – but they are also more susceptible to resource consumption and rate limiting issues due to the automated nature of their users.

Due to a lack of knowledge in the market, it’s also common that legacy issues from early APIs are carried forward. For example, not all APIs will be fronted by an API gateway, with older APIs sitting in the background with little or no protection simply due to a lack of awareness of them. Many unused APIs will also not have been decommissioned, as newer APIs are produced and replace them as a product evolves, due to a lack of standard process and bad practice. This can leave legacy APIs vulnerable to attacks.

How to secure an API

The first step in securing your APIs is to audit your environment and/or applications to take an inventory of what APIs you have and which ones you’re actually utilizing. Then, you must understand the purpose of each individual API to allow you to validate that it is working as expected. You must also understand the expected behavior of the API to allow identification of threats more readily by being able to capture abnormal activity. Once you have a firm understanding of what the API’s functionality is and what expected behavior is, you can then both manage and test your API more effectively and efficiently.

API management is a key element for API security. APIs not only require the same controls as web apps but also additional controls specific to the API’s unique function. Documentation and version control of APIs is of vital importance, as one product can have multiple APIs – even hundreds or thousands.

Poor management can lead to issues with legacy and defunct APIs, as you will often find that only a small portion of APIs pass through an API gateway. Meanwhile, older APIs – which haven’t been decommissioned, or which teams simply aren’t aware of – can sit in the background with no protection. The probability of known vulnerabilities with older APIs is also significantly higher, which amplifies the risk profile.

The same legacy issues can also lead to coverage gaps, and calls that are outside of an API gateway could leave a blind spot when it comes to intra-API calls. Publishing and clearly defining your API will simplify users’ understanding of the API, allowing them to connect in the most appropriate and effective way. Ensuring your API is appropriately monitored is a key management technique. Continuously undertaking performance checks will allow you to understand if the API is under stress from being overloaded. It can also provide an indication of traffic volumes to monitor usage, potentially gauge malicious activity (via audit logs), and judge whether you need to scale up your operation. Lastly, having a response plan in place for attacks is a vital control in API security, allowing for a rapid but controlled response to potential threats.

There have been many recent examples of API-based attacks, such as those experienced by WordPress – and even on the dating scene with Bumble’s recent vulnerability issues. Some simple but effective steps you can take to secure your API and reduce the risk of such exposures include:

  • Authentication: Do you have a control in place to understand who’s calling your API?
  • Authorization: Should the person calling be able to access this data?
  • Encryption: Have you encrypted your network traffic?
  • Traffic management: Have you set rate limits or thresholds to keep a customer from pulling too much data or running scripts to tie up an API?
  • Audit logging: Effective logging ensures you can understand what normal traffic looks like and allows you to identify abnormal activity.

How to test your API

API testing is still evolving to keep up with the increase in volume and complexity. While manual API security testing can be done with traditional testing tools, and fully automated API security testing is partially supported by most major DAST solutions, there are many open-source tools written for guided API security testing. API testing used in conjunction with proper API management will increase API security.

API testing is most effective when you have a full risk profile of your business – i.e. you are fully aware of all of your APIs (including legacy or defunct APIs) to ensure you have no blindspots that could be exposed or manipulated. Taking time to identify vulnerabilities in API frameworks, your network, configuration, and policy all enhance your API security.

Anticipating threats by understanding expected behavior and having adequate testing in place will allow for proactive coverage and enhanced protection and threat identification.

Finally, you must continuously test your endpoint to ensure protection is maintained at all times and optimum security is in place. The ability to identify and block security risks before they occur is vital in the fight to provide the best protection against threats to your API.

Additional reading:


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